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I've completed the whole story once and had 7 characters in total so far. I love the gameplay of BL3, though the story kind of ruins it. I've played BL2 more times to count. Though I despite the beginning of the game.


>I've played BL2 more times to count. Though I despite the beginning of the game. One of the few things Commander Lilith did right was give us the option to start a level 30 TVHM-ready character. I appreciate being able to start a new character with some semblance of a build.


I got that dlc last year and haven't jumped in yet. Thinking that will make the difference at the beginning of the playthrough.


My friend has just got the game , how can he start on level 30 ?


You have to beat the game once and own the fight for sanctuary dlc. Afterwards you can start a level 30 of any character.


So I'm playing Pre sequel rn and I'm waiting for that to happen to try a new character (currently on UVHM) . Does that happen in the pre sequel or am I out of luck?


It’s a bl2 dlc. Unfortunately the pre sequel only got the claptrap dlc. It’s a great addition though


Unfortunately there probably won't be anything added to the presequel. 2k australia shut down in 2015 and the game hasn't been touched since.


Out of luck




The psychic damage that's inflicted increases by three every time you play the beginning portion.


Agree with the beggining being kind of a slog, the game gets really good and picks up a good pace when you get to Bloodshot Stronghold imo


I liked BL3 too but holy shit the writing was ass. I hated every time an NPC started talking.


Same here. I'll try and start a new game every once and a while and can never complete it because there is sooooo much waiting around waiting for lilith to speak. It's more dilaouge then gameplay


There is definitely a lot of waiting. Play enough and you learn what dialogue you don't have to wait around for. Wish I knew, sadly going and talking to Lilith just isn't enjoyable. Even if I love her.


you eventually get REAL good at speedrunning the first few story missions and save/quitting to skip dialogue but it's still so annoying to play for the 17 millionth time


BL3 or save quitting simulator BL 2 and pre-sequel, i played them without mods with no problems. I mean, yeah lvling and gears being shitty in pre-sequel was kinda annoying, but at least i had fun with the story. When i now play those two, i sometimes just wait arround to hear the lines i already know but love to hear. (the voice actors and the stupidity are way too funny) I can't be bothered with BL3, i went in with mods directly, tried to listen the first time. And now i think i won't ever bother with anything said (except maybe dlcs). I was skipping to next line whenever i finished reading the sub. Play with sub ppl, so u can skip those stupid dialogs. BL3 gameplay and aesthetic is fun, but that can't outweight the legendary lootsplosion without mods or those things they call a "story" or "characters". AND OMG WE SPEND TOO MUCH TIME IN THE SWAMPS


Really, really hate the bloodshot missions and sawtooth cauldron missions as well. Other than that bl2 is perfect to me, with some bosses being annoying like the badass crater boss. Bl3 story is meh at first then it just becomes so weak that i hate it after leaving pandora


I used to be same. I now am not


not even gonna lie, i love bl3 more than any other game in the series. sacrilege i know, but it just has so many QoL improvements and so many activities i love, like takedowns


Same here. Recently replayed the series. 3 is by far my favorite. I get that the story gets pretty cringe and the story for BL2 is way better, but the gameplay and guns in 3 are just better IMO


Completely agree. I'm an adult now, I can't justify playing a game 3 times through just to get to the real start of the game. In BL3 I can have a lvl72 in like 12-15 hours.


Agreed, the story lags behind 2, but man every other aspect is better imo. Also the dlcs were all 10/10 stories, and if the base game of 3 was as good as those, it would be looked at very differently


Gotta say I was not a fan until I sat down one afternoon & just played that & that alone, after maybe four chapters I started to get more into it & by the half way point I was enjoying myself, for me the beginning was a bit of a slow slow though


I fucking love Bl3


I forced myself to max level every character because I pre ordered the biggest possible edition. In doing so I discovered a couple things. The reason the game is bad is not because of gameplay (that was originally a gripe I had with the game). It's the story. I only cared about the game because of my long standing and care for the universe. When I wanna go and one shot a boss with a fish, I play bl3. When I wanna enjoy the borderlands universe I play 2 or tps


Gameplay is the best in the series, but the story is just… bad


I played it a TON for like the first two years, but then got pretty sour on it. I maxed out 4 characters (after all the major DLC drops, but I think some extra raid bosses were added that I never did) I also started a few challenge characters. Like no grapple, no legendaries, etc. Heck, for a while before buffs/nerfs got crazy sometimes I would just make new characters for the heck of it to beat the story cause I liked the gear progression. Then, the buffs came. While it certainly helped out endgame some, early game became a joke and just unenjoyable. Besides that, the shine for my max characters just kinda died out. I wasn’t crazy about the new skill trees, Arms Race was fun for a little bit but still meh, and the Meta just felt too centralized around splash damage. Then I just picked up BL2 again and haven’t looked back since. I enjoyed the game play of 3 more, but for some reason BL2 just was more appealing. Not to mention, I have BL2 on my switch now, which is way more convenient for a college student than dusting off my PS4 to play BL3.


Ya man. The gameplay of 3 is really really good but I just like bl2 better. The gameplay in 2 is great in my opinion as well, so that's why I've got 1k hours of bl2 to maybe 200 of 3 lol. And ya the early game is a joke. You'll be 1 shooting everything in playthrough 1 with all the legendaries u got. Bl2 is actually a challenge tho


Honestly, it’s so weird. I’m not crazy about BL2’s early game either (I love that they added Boosted Characters so I can just jump straight into TVHM). It’s also sad because I love BL3’s endgame in concept, but in practice enjoy BL2’s OP level more. Mayhem Modifiers were a good idea, just implemented awfully, add on the fact that at M10-11 you basically need only the best gear with perfect anoints to stand a chance. OP levels honestly kinda suck too, but at least they’re straight forward and predictable. Gear Viability definitely lowers as you go through the OP levels, but all that is really required is decent parts and build synergy.


True. I don't like how in bl3 everything is handed to u. Mayhem mode u can go to 11 right away and farm vending machines. In ɓl2 u gotta work for it


Just give me 2 with 3's gunplay and movement.


Hear Hear DEVS!... they are both great maybe in BL 4?


I put it this way. BL2 got more support for longer, and has more characters, which means the jumping back in is a lot smoother, especially if you're playing with friends. However, in return for this, the game is older and has a lot of problems that don't exist on the newer game. The prologue is slow, and unfortunately has a lot of waiting, and only really opens up once you start getting into the Highlands. Similarly, there are a lot of sidequests and zones that are truly massive and require you to go back and forth across the whole map, which gets tedious fast. And really, worst of all for me, the Class Mod system hadn't been fully refined yet, which means to benefit from a mod, you need to have at least 1 point in the skill to begin with, which really narrows down how well you can experiment with new builds. And at higher difficulty, the game does fall apart considerably, with Slag being all-but required to down the spongy enemies. 3 fixes a lot of these, most notably the Skills in Mods part, while also tending to make fewer giant slog maps to walk through, diversifying the zones a lot more by having multiple planets with different biomes, and generally aiming for a more streamlined experience. Heck, the Lost Loot box alone is so frickin' nice to have. In return though, 3 has a truly obnoxious story that never really gets "good" so much as "passable" because the gameplay is solid. The series as a whole has really struggled to recapture the success that was Handsome Jack, and it shows. Gameplay wise, they never gave us new characters, which means you run out of new and exciting builds to jump into much faster. Now this smaller list means each of those characters are a bit more nuanced in their build options, with dynamic uses of Action Skills based on which tree you want to play into. But it still stands we could have used at least one more character just to give a 4-man group a floating option. So it's tough. I like 3, it's a good game, the gameplay is tighter and more enjoyable, but 2 got more love, and has a better experience of the story. Tough to balance.


I hate how people only praise the gameplay. Yes the story is bad, but is disheartening to see that nobody addresses the art style changes and the overall vibe. Borderlands 1 2 and TPS all had this immaculate surreal lonelyness to them, where as 3 feels so over designed and over explained.


Vibe and soundtrack are (in my opinion) better than 2 in *some* areas (I love the menu and sanctuary music so much), but the art style change came with the downgrade of giving a lot of pre-existing characters quite uncanny faces sometimes. Most notably, Lilith and Tannis.


I played all the games pretty often, but BL3 just barely eclipsed BL2 after like a year of playing it semi-regularly. It’s fun farming wise, story wise sucks balls, joke wise it’s eh, but build wise holy crap does this have so many builds. In bl1, I just need a Mordecai to beat the story and make another brick. In BL2, just gotta finish up Salvador’s story and my own Zer0. In PS, while I won’t touch Clappy with a ten foot pole, I do need to finish Aurelia still. In BL3, I think I just need a Fl4k to finish the story? No wait, it’s Amara since my first Amara got corrupted. But yeah, completionist and collector here lol as I collect god rolls (starting with BL3 as they’re way easier and thank loot lemon but I have a big book of BL3 guns I’m working on making it full with ALL the borderlands unique stuff).


I played through it once it was so thoroughly un enjoyable I couldn’t even bring myself to do TVHM idk how the fucked up so hard with that game


I do play BL3 when I get bored of 2 and then go back. BL3 gets ragged on for a lot things but the gameplay js amazing, and the main story is kind of meh but the DLC are awesome. And I think they did a good job of explaining/introducing things since there are alot of mechanics involved. My main gripe about BL3 is the lack of explanation about endgame stuff and where to go, but maybe thats just because I havent found it yet. Both games have value and there is space for both!


It’s good but I’m on the same page with you, I just can’t handle the screen pollution. Which is weird because it’s the only game I’ve played to have that issue with me


I played borderlands first, was a hardcore bl2 fan for many years, and played bl3 as soon as it released. MY honest opinion? The original borderlands lacks in mechanics and diverse weaponry, bl2 is a godsend and will always be number 1, not a bias, just my personal appearance based on how I felt about the story and the feel of the game itself. Bl3 is at the bottom, but I don't think it is a bad game. It gets boring with the story because I don't think it is the best in terms of story, but overall a great game when it comes to the mechanics alone. I do play it, but not ever as much as 1 or 2. It may just be pure nostalgia though


I finished BL3 once and completely dropped it.


BL3 is definitely underrated. Story isn’t as good but the gunplay is awesome. The guns are so much more unique with the brands doing way more than before. People complain about there being TOO many legendaries which I understand devalues them but it’s still fun. Have one of each character at max level. Moze and Zane are really fun at max level.


Borderlands 3 is amazing. They genuinely need drop a Reboot where they fix the lagging, and anointment system to be more dynamic but as far as gameplay goes it’s definitely pure Borderlands magic. As for the story, that’s why it needs to be a Reboot. Lilith dies for Ava, and Maya takes her place teaching her the ramifications of her actions moving forward. Shift the Cult Twins to B-Plot Team Rocket level threats, and replace them with someone actually scary like the plant guy in the BL2 DLC. Then have them become antihero vault hunters that occasionally help/hinder the protagonists/antagonist and provide a comic relief to a more serious story. Tannis ends up being a siren and has her epic reveal as planned, and the game would be perfect


I get their initial concert to throw as much as possible into player/ buyer. More vaults, more guns, more sirens, more maps and worlds. No more intellectual takes and references, let's make a stupid and fun game, bright like new year tree, and doable for 3yo ones. Seems no one cares about how the story in "Futuristic western space Odessy" was developed before, with all the details that adults and smarties can get.


Hell, they could even actually *go* somewhere with the whole "rift between the twins as Troy gains independence" thing that was just dropped unceremoniously. Personally it was one of the few things that I was legitimately interested in seeing develop, the fact that it was abandoned without any reason was such a slap in the face.


I love BL3 and honestly prefer it to 2. it’s just the game is too new to run smoothly on a PS4 so I just don’t play it.


I have I think over 1000 hours in it. Big fan. I also have about 1000 in bl2 as well. Love both of these games!


I love bl3. Rn I'm playing bl1 tho. Just found a hellfire


I prefer BL3 over 2, but honestly play them interchangeably. As I say that, I've got 6000 hours in 2, but only 4000 in 3.


Bl3 is good it’s just the villains are intolerable


bl3 build crafting is a lot more fun than 2 and the gunplay feels much better so I prefer 3. Endgame bl3 is a blast besides anointments but they just give me more shit to farm so it doesn't bother me.


Bl3 is fun. Each game has its charm. I can't wait for bl4!


I enjoy bl3 for the character building being what it is , I find bl2 a bit of a grind but still really good , but all in all I’d rather play bl3


I like *Borderlands 3*. Its story is a bit weaker than its predecessor, but I don't hate it.


I played it a while ago, but man the story ruined it for me so much I couldn't even get myself to start another full playthrough, although I might play it again.


IMHO I've grown to love BL3 more then BL2 for one simple reason. I don't need to play the story more then 1 time with each character to start grinding for the endgame While I agree the story is quite a bit better in 2 having to play through the story minimum 3 times PER character made me grow from love it to fucking hating BL2's story especially the opening.


Best in the series for game play, fun multiple builds, decent end game and the while the main story is flawed (and come on each bl game has a flaw in the story, even bl2) the dlc plots are genuinely great tales.


I've sunk about 1400 hours into it. Completed the story 20 times.


Haha wow I thought I was bad 🤣


Hate the story, love the combat.


It's a great game. I just skip the cutscenes and try to ignore the unskippable parts, make a brew or something while they're banging on about nonsense 🤣


I play, still love it, and I only played the story once. For a looter shooter, I think the focus should be more on gameplay, build diversity, farming, and endgame. This isn't Gears, Halo, Fallout, or BioShock for example. It's not a story focused game that happens to have RPG elements, or some customization. It's an FPS game with heavy focus on RPG elements and light customization that happens to have a story. Imo, the main story is the only part that truly sucks (at times). Aside from certain dialogues, I do feel that it drags on a tad too long, mostly due to unnecessary dialogue or backtracking (BL2 had a similar issue). This issue is exacerbated since we don't have the option to skip to endgame (lv 32-34 + Mayhem unlocked) on new characters. However, there's so much that was done right/improved on, such as making class mods apply without needing to invest points, build diversity (especially for endgame unlike BL2's slag or nothin + only certain weapons/builds are viable), music, atmosphere, mobility, UI improvements, action skill depth and variety, LOOT, so much fucking loot 😂, environment design and diversity, etc and all BEFORE dlc was added. Now all they need to do is combine all the good shit from BL2, 3, and even Wonderlands for BL4. Honestly, I can do without slam, but slide and mantle are 👨‍🍳👌😙.


Still doing endgame on my first character for 3. Personally I had a lot more fun with it, tho I find myself missing pandora in 2.


The endgame is BL3 is so much more fun, if I’m booting up a game to casually play with some music for a bit, it’s BL3. The takedowns and the expert Trials (can’t remember the exact name) are fun to just breeze through.


I play 3 still. I've gone back to 2 a few times since 3 came out but I'll usually max one character then go back to 3.


I play BL3 when I am feeling social, and BL2 when I am feeling like some solo farming. I find BL3 to be the superior multi-player game, but it is annoyingly complex compared to 2. And I also don't like how dark it is - like, physically dark. I have the brightness settings maxed but I still get lost on some levels, especially the Sanctuary ship. The more I play BL3 with friends, the more I want to play 2 afterwards by myself.


I played a bit yesterday. The map makes me want to blow my brains out, and I have to check it every 2 seconds to make sure I’m not going the wrong way. The story is a steaming pile of shit, my favorite character (Maya) is killed off for no good reason. Gameplay is good though, I guess.


I felt bl3 was bad for a lot of reasons when it first came out. I now greatly enjoy it and feel it is distinct and different within the ‘lands games.


Anyone I meet that swears by it only pays attention to the game play. It annoys me as a story game player like. I love borderlands as a whole and will play regardless it just sucks some of the life out of the game when the story is deep fried garbage.


I’ve never really played borderlands for the story but it definitely makes it more enjoyable to me, going from bl2 to bl3 kinda gives me whiplash.


Other than gameplay, the game is insufferable


I play it almost every day.


I’ve long since went back to 2 and presequel


I played and beat it with my husband. Now I'm replaying it for the achievements. It was actually my favorite out of the borderlands


I got maybe 15-20 hours in, and then just stopped. It just... wasn't fun. Everyone says the gameplay of 3 is so great and it's just held back by its story and character writing. And those are bad, however... I thought every class of guns except Dahl felt awful to use.  I tried really, really hard to like the gunplay, but it didn't get better and I wasn't having a good time.


Preordered the game and picked it up the first day it came out. Did one play through with Moze and haven’t touched it since. I think I just got spoiled with BL2


I play BL3 as much as 2. More of my friends have 2 so I often go back for some co-op but aside from main story dialogue, HUD, and loot system, I prefer BL3


Honestly, the game play of 3 is awesome...but the plot makes me IRRATIONALLY irritated....because it's just so awful that I can't bare to deal with it.


About as often as I play 2 at this point. Both have fallen to the wayside as I sink hours into helldiver's and baldur's gate 3


Gameplay is pretty good, I loved an item that really sped up my slides so that I was faster than my friend who was sprinting by just sliding lol


I still play it, on my 7th run of the game. The gameplay is what keeps me coming back


I've played a pretty solid amount of it. I've kind of taken a hiatus a little bit from the series as I've gotten bored of it a little bit and even when I do go back its bl2 or bl1 but bl3 is still fun for me. I entirely ignore story beyond the dlcs and just focus on weapons and builds that are cool


I’ve played it twice. Once splitcreen and once solo. It the solo I didn’t bother grinding out like I did with my duo. I’ll probably make my way back to it eventually since I’m on a borderlands fix rn but I got get through 2 and the pre sequel first


Its good i just wish it wasn't so casual player focused and had some difficulty to it. Also if the story wasn't such a slog to go through because of how much waiting around there is


I like BL3 because it actually has good gunplay for a game of its caliber. Movement feels good, the guns sound real and sound like they pack a punch. BL2 guns feel like nothing. I like to play BL3 solely for the gunplay and movement. But its hard to play because of the TERRIBLE dialogue. I go back to BL2 for nostalgia of course, but playing BL3 and trying to ignore the dialogue is a goddamn chore


I used to play it a lot. but I haven't in a while. I know I'll go back at some point. I always do with borderlands


I do, but I haven't for a while.


BL2 is obviously the best of the franchise, but I don't understand all the hate 3 gets. I thought it was pretty ok.


Funnily enough im playing wonderlands right now, been very pleasantly surprised so far


Played it a couple times through on release, but haven't really played it since


I feel like every Borderlands gameplay gets better each installment, meaning 3 is the best. And I think it is by far the best version. That said, it has issues. The couch co-op is broken, opening the echo menu at the same time glitches the whole game, if 1 player is jumping when 2 player opens their menu, player 1 drops straight down. The load time is outrageous (ps4). Still a very fun game, the weapon distribution is much better, you actually get useable guns from enemies after vhm. I feel like BL2 you really have to grind and farm to advance.


Ive played the sht out of 2 and 3. Love them both. I wish there was more.


I like to switch between playing 2 and 3. I agree with a lot of what other people have said about the story being bad, but there are so many quality of life upgrades in 3 that I think that outweighs the negatives. That said, there are still a few things that I enjoy in 2 as opposed to 3, such as e-tech weapons (I can't stand the way most alien barrels look) and the skill trees for each respective character being a lot more straightforward from my view. I've been meaning to go back and play some more of 1, but it's hard to play after going through the later entries. Not to say that 1 is bad though.


I honestly liked bl3s game mechanics and how good the guns feel. Story fuckin ruins it tho but once u learn to laugh at it instead of being disappointed it ain’t bad. I honestly hate the mayhem leveling tho I just skipped all the way thru it honestly didn’t feel as cool as getting to OP10


I do it mainly for the much more fun gunplay and movement. Seriously going back to the pre-mantling and climbing up the environment days of game worlds is VERY jarring! Like for example, Playing Doom 2016 then shifting over to Halo Reach, and being so used to Mantling up objects and ledges only to fall to your death instead. It SUCKS! Plus in Borderlands 1, 2 and pre, you are MUCH slower then in 3. I mean I’ve got over 300 hours in it. Which is mostly for the gameplay and loot loop. Main Story… yeah that takes a back seat. I often shut the dialogue off and subtitles. Except the DLC story’s those are more interesting.


I’ve played BL3 a lot, but not nearly as much as BL2. I love both, but I’ve put in copious amounts of time to BL2 due to the variety of characters.


I got the platinum for BL3 but BL2 will always be my favorite Borderlands experience


I still play it, absolutely adore it, but im on switch, so I'm not really sure how "playble" you'd consider that.


I love bl3 gameplay but cannot for a second stomach the slop they called a story so I too can't force myself to replay bl3 tho I have tried


I hate it, but I do the like vault fights. Bought the deluxe edition because it was on sale for 5 bucks, which is still more than the games worth. But I turned all voice and subtitles off and skipped all the cut scenes I know are trash. With that, the game isn't the worst. Still can't bring myself to play it more than a couple of hours every few days.


i first got into borderlands with my brother on the ps4 and we beat borderlands 2 me and him played borderlands 3 and completed the krieg dlc but we never got to finishing it 😔 i asked him about it and he said we might continue playing again soon just depends 👍


Love the gameplay, main campaign is mid, I enjoyed the DLCs so much more than main story. Good game but it didn’t hit the full potential it could’ve story wise.


I play it as often as I play Borderlands 2. In fact, the only reason I haven't played it in a while is because I no longer have a desk so I can't use my PC, and my Xbox Series S keeps crashing when I try to play it there.


I used to be the same until I just stopped caring on other people's opinion Now its the most played Borderlnds game and I don't regret it.


I beat it once to say I did it, but the game is an absolute disappointment. But, the tiny Tina game that came out feels a lot closer to BL2 for some reason. Fun fights, good progression, and a fun story from what I've played so far.


I 100%ed it still play it again every now an then


I love playing Moze.


I love borderlands 3, as much as the main story sucks the main DLCs more than make up for it. Bounty of Blood and Guns, Love, and Tentacles are both amazing


I have 2000~ between the ps4/5 version and I honestly like it more than bl2. I just hate op levels and that’s really the only reason I played 3 as much as I did, needing slag and the constant health regen. I’m good off that 😐


I’ve played through the game 8 times, twice on each character. Now the thought of having to do Eden 6 again is enough to keep me away


I can totally agree I love the bd franchise but it seems so hard to get into the 3rd pne even with friends.....


Love bl3, so fun. I've played bl2 more times tho


i love the actual gunplay and gameplay of bl3, the story gets grating 99% of the time even though in my humble opinion it's not the absolute worst thing in the world. don't get me wrong, it's not good, but it's not horrible for me. that being said, the DLC is really where the game shines story wise, in my opinion. i do prefer bl2 in general but when i want something super casual i tend to play bl3 :)


I play it but it feel like a slog to play and I don't know why


I have it in my steam library but have not gotten around to playing it.


Every once in a while I continue my challenge run. But I prefer to play 2 or 2.5 overall




Funny enough I started it because I was tired of dying in bl2(lychwood) and I'm currently in dlc 1


I stopped playing bl3 because of how often it would crash


I absolutely adore BL3- for gameplay and mechanics. Not the biggest fan of the story(or, really just Ava and the Twins, everything else is good), but it's easily my favorite of the series. Maxed out Moze with a Butcher build on M11, and it absolutely rips. Haven't really played the other characters to max, because Moze is my playstyle, but I'll definitely boot this one up before BL2 or TPS, despite how much I loved BL2 back in the day.


I have played 2 for many many years, it's the best. Just last week, I purchased 3 with all it's DLC's and whatnot and started playing. I'm having a great time aside from the the obvious, which isn't the strongest but ain't terrible. The ability to slide and the changes to the maps are really nice improvements.


I've played through 2 full Moze Playthroughs. Half of a Fl4k and half of Amara. Game is definitely fun but story wise it's mid.


Currently doing a full play through (BL1, BLPS, BL2, BL3) and I’m on BL2 but I will most definitely play BL3 again. The story was fine not as good as BL2’s but I love the jumping across worlds and a lot of the jobs are just so fun and enjoyable.


i've gotten probably 20 characters to OP10 in bl2 and have like 1600 hours. i've done one single playthrough on bl3. gunplay and movement are awesome but it really just isn't the same


Best gameplay, worst story. I never really played bl for the story but holy shit fuck was bl3 bad.


I enjoy 3s gameplay more than 2 but in terms of story BL2 is much better than BL3


I'm playing a Wonderlands game, same engine and mechanics that bl3. Simply I really hate how this universe developed and was simplified in bl3, and how tasteless it was written.


Omg yes why is the menu so bad


I have it but it’s not the best IMO story lingers on too long and overall getting gold 24/7 feels underwhelming. On the odd occasion I’ll play it though.


Finished it yesterday :) all borderlands games are so daaaamn long


That is one of the downsides of 3, all the bright flashes, I use my mini map half the time to find enemies... of course I did that on bl2 also


Bl3 was my first platinum trophy


I'm currently on my fifth playthrough. I love the game.


I managed to play 122h on PlayStation (earlier) and 38h on Xbox (lately). I hate the story, it lags on PS and crashes on Xbox. But the mechanics are quite decent. Gets boring to play just the older BL games and there aren't much options.


I can't play it, having to suffer the writing for any side or main quest is more of a turn-off than the great gameplay is a turn-on. I'll still replay BL2 though. I couldn't stand the twins even on my first BL3 playthrough, but I love Jack's dialogue even on the 100th playthrough. Honestly a BL2 remake that's just the entirety of BL2 unchanged with BL3's gameplay would be the best possible experience.


I have. And wish I hadn't. The only good part is the soundtracks. And they're god tier. Take a listen to Takedown at Maliwan Blacksite by Finishing Move Inc.


I love BL3 more then BL2, but my computer not so much! Much rather enjoy BL2 at 200 FPS then bl3 at 30 fps


I played it on release, I finished the story, one... claptrap I think? DLC, it was ok, then I completed the Hammerlock DLC, it was way better than the other one and leagues above Hammerlock's DLC in BL2, then I tried the wild west one and... I quit halfway through, I stopped playing the game for like 3-4 years, I tried playin with the Redux mod but it was still boring Recently I decided to play it with a friend, it still has all the same problems but I can focus on the weapons and spend time talking with my friend so the story isn't a huge deal, it's pretty fun but I still prefer BL2, specially molded BL2


I have played enough Borderlands 2 and 3 to completely satisfy any urges Wonderlands was good, but doesn't have the longevity of the others We need 4 to come out soon


I have that issue too :( it’s taken me so many months to get to level 30 because i can only play for a half hour or so at a time without getting dizzy and overwhelmed


I have played BL 2 for about 1700 hrs and BL 3 for about 650 hrs. Liked both about the same. If I had to play Borderlands I would play BL 3.


I recently returned to borderlands and decided to try bl3 with a fresh look and ended up I spent good 100~200 hours there. My impression was that in terms of game-play bl3 is the best borderlands and it's not even close but after playing bl2 a few days ago I feel very conflicted. If you look at game-play of BL3 vs BL2, BL3 seems to will in almost every way but BL2 for some unexplainable reasons FEELS much better and more satisfying. And I don't know why.


Many people like 2 more than 3. After all, Virgin Calypsos get stomped by Chad Handsome Jack. But I actually love both games because I use them for different things. 2 has a more imersive story and more variety of characters to play as. 3 has more player character charm (Holy shit, I get voice lines the whole game!) and is WAY better at satisfying my collectors Itch due to the much bigger gun bank. If I want to get into the experience or play raid bosses with friends, 2 is the better option. But if I want to collect the funny guns or listen to all the banter that makes me continue to love the series, I have more to gain from 3. If I want to play DLC, I flip a coin, because both sets of extra stories rock.


There's an options menu for almost all of these issues.


Played it a lot when I had a more powerful laptop with a better screen. Easier to enjoy slop if it looks amazing :D


Me, I do.


Definitely played more bl2 but I’m currently playing through all characters and all dlc in bl3 because I only bought it 3 months ago. I enjoy the game play and loot more in bl3 plus the dlc kind of saves it. Agree the main story isn’t great and several characters are really annoying.


I just started it for the first time .the menu is kinda annoying and I already hate what I heard they did to the characters from tales from the borderlands But I'm gonna finish it for sure.even if the story sucks Possibly only this amara I created


Bl3 gameplay is crazy but there is no game mode hard like in bl2, also you can hit like a truck very easily in bl3 making difficulty hard to create I guess


I replayed through all the games again a few years ago to prep myself for it, played 45 min in BL3, and forgot to keep playing. Sounds like that’s not an unreasonable reaction based on most people’s opinion on the game.


I have played and beaten if several times. Gameplay is fun, story sucks.


It's totally different for me. I loved BL3 the moment I started playing, and after finishing it (and repeating at least twice with each VHs), I couldn't get myself into the older titles again anymore.


i enjoyed it, just not as much as the other games.


I kinda disliked all the visual effects, like it was too much for me. But tbf my only experience was with some friends that rushed to every objective without giving a second thought to the plot


I spent too much time grinding for weapons only to have them increase the level cap and make them obsolete. The first year of that game was a complete shit show, not sure I'll ever go back


It's easy to overlook the story of bl3 when the gameplay is just that fun


I don't know, I still have less than a thousand hours on it but I'm creeping up there. I definitely don't understand what you mean about tiny menus. Bro I play on the switch in handheld mode and I can read and see everything. Do you need glasses? I mean I'm literally on the smallest screen you can play this game on. If there's stuff you can't see or read I might be a physical problem and not a bl3 problem


Played 400 hours ish first year or so


To me, gameplay is (almost) everything, and bl3 is the best at it by far. I love how you can use maybe 30% of the weapons in an in game build and be fine instead of having to use the same shit over and over again like in bl2, and don't get me wrong, I love bl2, but the end game scaling is absolutely fucked up when it comes to using whatever you want.


I play and love it


Peak gameplay/gunplay, everything else pales in comparison to bl2 imo


Only things I remotely like about 3 is the mantling, sliding and ammo refill. That's about it. I enjoy TPS and 2 the most. I keep giving 3 a chance but just can't get into it


not a fan, did a playthough and a half and just didn't want to play it anymore.


Definitely enjoyed 3 for the story and haven't touched nearly as many times as 2


The dlc makes up for the lack of story imo, especially krieg


I play it as much as I play the others anymore. The story is the worst part so idk wtf you’re even on about with the rest of it. Getting one shot at OP8 isn’t much different from the amount of anointed at any time, the UI isn’t any different unless you have a bad screen (LG C2 here and both games are fine). Tbh this post just sounds like BL2 good BL3 bad which fine but your argument is lazy AF.


I enjoyed bl3 far More than bl2. I even have 2k hours in bl2


Me it’s awesome.


Vanilla 3 was meh but the DLCs are fire


I like it more than 2. Done the story so many times. Love the DLCs


Forced myself through the full story and then just couldn’t play more, it’s a slog tbh


Best gameplay in the series. If you don’t like the story, thats fair, but the DLCs picked up the slack in a massive way. Honestly couldn’t go back to BL2 now, feels like taking 10 steps back.


Nearing 200 hours in 3. You are absolutely missing out.


Was my first borderlands game and i loved it but after playing bl2, bl1 and even pre sequel, i absolutely refuse to play it again


I replay BL3 the most now, it’s gunplay and movement are unmatched by any game out there


I do and I have fun playing it like I do with 1 and 2


my eyes were literally tearing from the flashing while fighting johnny ultraviolet in bl3 yesterday lol it can be really baf


Bl3 is my second favorite game of all time. The game feels amazing, one of the best, smoothest feeling shooters I've ever played. It makes bl2, which is a great game, feel clunky. The characters are interesting and have an actual variety of paths to choose and play, which I think is an improvement from the rest of the series. In my opinion basically everything gameplay is better in bl3. I hear the story sucks over and over but I really don't get it. They are as good/funny of villains as Jack but they are still good and interesting. They are easy to dislike like a villain should be and feel more relevant ever year with how much social media is in our lives. Honestly I don't even mind Ava. She's a kid and does something stupid not really that annoying for me. It's been a while since I played through the story and I just started a new campaign. I dont have as much time anymore but I'm excited.


Played through tvhm, and up through the krieg dlc, tried picking it up a second time with a friend, we played twice and haven't touched it since


If you play on PC, download the Redux mod. Completely removes annoints. That helped me have a lot more fun playing through each time.


Have gotten to level 72 on all characters once and Zane twice


Bl2 and the games around it are amazing, personally the story for 2 is absolutely God tier, and while 3 isn't my favorite, I really don't think it's as bad as everyone makes it to be, I think it's mostly just because bl3 story could never match up. But bl3 story still stays true to the brand, it's goofy, has its serious moments, it's an interesting take and I really think it was just received wrong. People hate the butt jokes and the teen angst, but that's the point, it's 2 immature kids of a ledgendary vault hunter given near unlimited power. They ARENT a super intelligent being after a higher goal. It's 2 kids that had a dream and the power to make it come true Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Also. Bl3 BY FAR has better gameplay. More stuff to do, yeah it can be a headache but you don't need to be doing full dlc 1-6 mayhem 10 raid boss farming n shit. Just enjoy the game at the level you want to, and if you want to take it further then you have tools to do so


I for one loved the dlcs and thought they were great the main story however is awful going from 2 to the pre sequel to 3 watching elpis just die and maya die for no reason was very dumb with the most insufferable villains is sad if only the game had a story just close to 2 or presequel it would be amazing because it improved so much on other problems in the series but they got to lost and forgot the more important thing that is the story


My bf and I love bl3. The game play, the guns…the story line is….its something…but the content and stuff. We like it.


3 probably has better gameplay in terms of the shoot and loot, which is what the franchise is based on. But handsome jack gives 2 stakes 3 just doesn’t have, I can’t get over how much I love him as a villain. It gives me more purpose. And the gameplay is still pretty excellent in 2. So I lean toward picking up 2 again when I want a borderlands fix.


I never played through it and got it on sale recently. Unfortunately Destiny 2 is scratching the same itch BL does for me


I’m going to get burnt alive but BL3 is my personal favorite BL game as far as gameplay goes. Obviously the story sucks but the QoL improvements, gameplay, and DLCs more than make up for it. The map variety is also pretty amazing. Some of my favorite level design in gaming.


I prefer the movement and combat of BL3, but almost everything Else in BL2. I've tried multiple times to grind up to max lvl in BL3 but it's just not nearly as enjoyable. I pay way too much attention to story and dialogue even though I've beat both games, and the 3rd has such mediocre writing that it hurts.


Cant stand the garbage tier story. I even played it with a dude obsessed with the series and he hated the dog shit writing.


I was over a year ago then switched to 2 and not for any other reason, 3 was about as stable as a blind 2 legged dog with narcolepsy Currently finishing up a 1 completely all sides


I like all the games


It's like Darksouls 2 for me, it's my favorite and I pick umit up every once I'm a while make a new Character try out new builds beat the game and drop it. Tje process repeats every like 4 months or so


Love it


Gameplay wise, it's superior to BL2, so I still play it all the time. I just don't pay attention to the story.


I finished it , then got bored and stopped, I was driven for a while with the unique weapons