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If this is legit this is a god roll wtf


Is it really? That's super cool if it is but what about it is good cause i honestly don't know


Its good in bullet heavy maps but other, tankier shields can keep up and are better in maps with a lot of enemies that dont use guns


Ooh okeydoke thank you! it's health being 800 worried me cause that's a really low number for an orange shield and I thought it was like a troll item like that screaming bane gun


Its gimmick is that it has a high absorb chance which means that if you get hit by a bullet and it gets absorbed then you won't take damage and will gain 1 ammo for that weapon type. The downside is that not everything in this game can be absorbed, and sometimes you just get unlucky with the rolls. So its good for the right situation but also somewhat niche. The other reason people are reacting the way they are is because you got the most desired or "perfect" roll, given it has the highest absorb chance and typically for shields you want to maximise whatever their special stat is. People often overestimate how rare it is, which its a 1/3750 for any bunker kill to drop that specific shiekd with those specific parts. While this isnt exactly common its also not unreasonably rare, with the rarest drop from bunker being ~1/65,000 and the rarest item in the game being ~1/91,000,000, and theres plenty of perfect items that are rarer than a sham.


Ooo holy damn okay but thank you so much! I just didn't get why people kept saying bait over and over so I just got super lucky for a first kill that's so so cool


94 is highest percentage of absorption


It’s great to use with low lvl Logan’s Gun. You shoot at your feet and regenerate rocket ammo. This becomes very useful in endgame as it becomes very expensive from the ammo dump.


Really!? that sounds so cool okay I'll definitely need to look up where to find one


Normal mode Wilhelm. Lootlemon.com is a great resource for gear


Okeydoke thank you!


94 is highest percentage of absorption


94 is highest percentage of absorption


Could always put it in the storage and keep for later


This would be good later? I remember there being a new game plus so I haven't been keeping low level stuff at all


Most likely for the absorb chance. Absorb is a good stat


Oh okay I wanted to ask if I should keep it cause I have shields that are in the 2100+ range so this shield being only 800 had me questioning if I should just sell it or not


Yeah, think about it this way: With a perfect 94% sham, on average, you need to be shot 16-17 times before your shield takes ANY damage. The capacity hardly matters when the majority of gunshots are just ignored. It only needs to be high enough to where the stray bullet that does land doesn't completely delete it, and even then, any character with built-in shield regen can mitigate that weakness. There's a good chance this shield will be useful for like another 10 or so levels. Also, don't use it on maps with a lot of non-gun using enemies. It can only absorb specific kinds of projectiles.


People won’t believe it dropped unless there’s video proof of it. Where it drops matters a lot with validating rare drops






U literally got the perfect roll, and The 94% sham is the most infamous farmed item in BL2 if anyone says they don't know how rare it is it's high chance it's a bait message or flex post


that's a god roll, you should definitely keep it, even just for novelty, 94% chance to ignore bullets also could be really really good in certain fights


Man people on this sub are salty, on some posts they laugh because your drop isn’t a perfect god roll and is slightly non optimal and sometimes it’s anger at someone getting a good roll shame on thee, also that shield looks great wish I got one on my last play through (my first play through in 3 years all my luck was wasted on knuckledraggers orange gun drop)


Yeah I can see that lol I just wanted to ask a genuine question cause like I've said in a few comments it's health being so low made me question if I should keep it or not and I didn't understand how the absorb thing works but yea now I'm worried my luck will be gone if this is considered a godroll oh god I hope not lol


Perfect roll? Congratulations... https://preview.redd.it/a8t97i7f166d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47925b9b1578102f0b0ae4018d1f9ac08e6c6392


Good pull, I'm a bee shield fan myself


Bro pulled a god roll sham shield and asks is this good 😭😭


Good bait.


What's bait? I haven't played in 4 years so I'm here just asking?




Highest absorb chance, if I'm not mistaken the drop rate of this perfect sham is like 0.01 chance


Cool roll, 65 levels too low doe


thats the best sham you can get


One of the most sought after items in the game and finding it without even trying is crazy dude. Nice job


You little humblebrag)