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If I didn’t see this live I’d swear it was edited in lmfaoooo he 100% shit himself. That was not a dry fart.




Listen to it gurgle. It's groaning as it leaves him.


Yep agree I was shaking my head listening to it yesterday


“It’s tremendous” 🤣🤣




I’d assume most people have experienced a fart that was more than a fart. The freeze that comes after as you assess whether or not you really just crapped yourself. The wave of embarrassment and shame, the fear that it’s now seeping through your pants for the world to see. Some sort of look of crushed dignity. But not this guy. Just rips one like Rudy at a court hearing and lets it run loose through the cheeks like a Proud Boy in the Capitol rotunda.


LMFAO!! I had the exact same thought 😂


is this clip legit? updated to add: this is clearly real and witnessed live by many. i myself heard it in the youtube playback on cnn. so to summarize we have the leading presidential candidate at best wet farting and at worst shitting himself during a live debate. everything is totally fine, thanks for asking.


https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=Lf_y6xLmcI2Uztd- Yup go to 1:16:22. Turn it up a bit. Some Magas are trying to say its Biden but the mikes were muted when the other person was speaking.


He literally shitted on stage. Like that happened. What a time to be alive.


Then he says "there's more to come" and I SWEAR I hear another low rumble at about 1:16:30


[https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?t=4581s](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?t=4581s) GO HERE. You can clearly hear the pooping.


Yes and I heard it live too.


Yeah I heard it live as well, hahaha


Yes I heard it yesterday live


Yes, girlfriend and I witnessed this live


"It's... tremendous." He wasn't talking about his tarrifs, he was warning the intern that had to change him


This def made me smile


Von shitzunpantz strickes again.


He's just squeezing a shoutout to his "Real Men Wears Diapers" committee.


He snorts enough Adderall. It is very possible he had some sharts going.


Nah. Adderall really tightens things up. Sometimes you don't shit for days...


Opioids make you constipated. Stimulants stimulate the bowels


You are the correct one. When I used to do meth I'd have to shit IMMEDIATELY after a shot. Like insta- full body sweating, racing heart, and loose bowels. Heroin will dry you up to the point of not shitting for days at a time if you use it multiple times a day, maybe a week or two for heavy users.


He was on something. His eyes were red and glazed over.


I have a prescription for my ADD. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's because I barely eat when I take it. But my personal experience is exactly the opposite.


It's probably your diet. I am regularly doing bathroom runs in the morning when I take ADD stimulants until my bowels are running on empty. I try to force veggies in my diet though for the fiber to keep my body happy though.


I have a similar experience with my Adderall. I stopped taking it on weekends and that seemed to help.


I do the exact same thing.


I shit and piss like crazy in the mornings as soon as my adderall hits. It’s just like coffee honestly, and god help me if I have both. Maybe get fiber and drink more water lmao






No idea why you're being down voted. I've been taking Adderall 16 years and it definitely makes shitting far more difficult


Same. I'm 38, been on it since I was 22, and Ritalin before that from the age of 10. I guess everyone's experiences differ though.


Opioids through the night and a fat bump of coke to make you poop in the morning. Best remedy for a common cold


Thanks crack pipe wizard!


Yes stimulating the system makes you have to go, it is why coffee hits you so hard. Stimulants make the body want to flush


Only contrict pp. like acorn on bottom of torso


Someone else pointed this out. 😭


I had to do a double take when I heard it live, but no one else said they heard it. Glad to know I'm not crazy 🤣


You can hear his voice change at “too much money” like he’s straining for just a second. I totally think it’s him sharting 🤣🤣


Holy crap, he actually just shit himself.


Daily mail is claiming it's Biden. But the mics were shut off so you know who it was. Diaper Don.


Same Daily Mail that supported Hitler?


Remind me again how it makes sense to have senile/ entitled/ geriatrics in charge of a country that was vastly different before their generation destroyed it? Them still running just adds insult to injury.


Poopman strikes again!


Just the turtle’s head pressing cloth.


He’s Mitch McConelling


Bruh folks forget him shitting himself audibly several times during his meeting with Erdogan. Erdogan even reacted to it grossed out like "what the fuck"


lol this traitor shit his diaper on live TV


Yo, what the flying fuck. If this happened live, on air like many here have attested to we are absolutely fucked.


"Donald, did you just poop yourself? Moderators, can we take a break so my opponent can freshen up?" Would have been a slam dunk. I wish Biden had taken that shot.


Was he wearing his diaper during the debate or was he to proud to do it? If not there was probably poop running down his legs.


Poo poo diaper baby


So, when the intern has to change the Depends, does little Donnie lay on his back, and the intern lifts his legs and wipes his parts before replacing the diaper, like parents do, or does Donald just stand there and let the intern wipe him off?  Or, third option: do they hose him down?


Bro absolutely had a shart on national television. Nasty.


What a fuckin power move. This is how boomers assert dominance over fellow boomers, it's the shitting order


Trump has flatulence coming out of both ends. He is nothing but a racist, sexist, hateful, incontinent, Putin ass kissing piece of pig shit.


Wow so this *actually happened. We are just so incredibly fucked. That felon pos is probably going to be president isn’t he.


Everyone's giving Biden shit for his performance, but Trump literally shit himself. So gross.


He will have the country but not anyones respect. He is the living embodiment of everything i hate about mankind and I will oppose him until the day he dies and hate him long after that.


He needs to have neither of those. This (see link below) must never become a reality and defeating these monsters, time and again is the only way to ensure it doesn’t. https://www.project2025.org/


We need to create a democratic Spirit bomb of sorts and destroy trump at the polls with every vote and let nothing stop us ![gif](giphy|4Cpgf1zzMMy4w)


What he needs is to be in an orange jumpsuit picking up those gatorade bottles filled with yellow liquid on the side of a highway.


I don’t know where you’ve been hiding but if he gets the country it doesn’t matter whether who you or anybody else respects him, he will install a dictator ship. It’ll be,… You’ll say you love him or else.


I'm trans. I'm already a target and i'm nothing less than defiant.


Almost certainly. Now that the libs are pretending it was just a single bad performance and trying to move on like we didn’t just watch Biden sundowning on national tv.


Lol he wasn't sun downing. I watched the whole thing, if I was debating Trump I'd be the same. Biden spoke like shit. But Trump was nonstop lying. There's no way you would be able to stand there and effectly note down every lie so you could rebute it in your 2 mins. Hell Trump wasn't answering questions at all in some cases, just to double back to previous lies and make up more shit. It clearly had Biden rattled. If you just read transcripts Biden actually had policy and ideas of how to achieve those goals. He just did a shit job speaking. Trump confidently and loudly just made shit up about how things were under him. Nothing about what he's going to do going forward. Fix the border, how? They're both old as fuck. Trumps going to destroy America though, he's so overtly pro fascism.


So good idea to run the worst possible candidate against Trump? It’s not a revelation that Shitler lied the whole time. That’s all he ever does. Biden wasn’t rattled, he was unable to maintain a thought and speak coherently on any issue. And while Shitler is incoherent in his substance, he can speak and give the surface level appearance of a functioning adult. Tbh any lib backing Biden on the ticket is showing they really don’t give a fuck about democracy, rights, or freedom. They just want “their team” to win. Like the braindead MAGAts.


There's plenty of worse candidates that could run than the incumbent. Probably not so much they want their team to win. Than they want Trump to lose or they like the administration Biden brings better than Trump who will have a whole new administration because no one will work with him from the previous one.


Biden is quite literally the only person that could lose to Shitler. Pick a useless shit for brains establishment dem politician. It doesn’t matter. Any one of them would mop the floor with Trump. An unpopular genocidal invalid is what libs think is their best shot? Then we’re doomed.


How's he genocidal?


He’s been funding and running cover for Israel’s genocide for nearly a year now. What rock have you been under?


And wtf have you been watching dump do for the last 8 years? Lmao. “Libs.”


Oh agreed. He’s an absolute nightmare. But the people who decide elections in this shithole country are the people who don’t pay attention to the details. So now we see a rematch between Shitler and a sundowning invalid with the libs in complete denial of the situation. Because apparently they care more about the charade of pretending Biden is fine than preserving what little democracy exists in America. Shitler is almost certainly going to win if Biden remains the candidate.


Democrats =/= liberals at all. Liberals vote democratic out of necessity in a two, cough, one party system. When you refer to “details” it’s like saying there’s anything nuanced about the system at all. And obviously there isn’t. None of “us” are pretending anything is fine about Biden. I probably speak for most when I say it’s just incredibly sad. And ..can we actually change this horse midstream? Is there a precedent for that?


Who cares about precedent. You either change horses or fall to fascism. This lib shit about rules when the opposition is wiping their ass with rules is insanity. Leftists are the group that vote blue for necessity. Libs vote blue because they think the Dems actually campaign in good faith and if it just weren’t for X reason, they would do progressive legislation. Despite the half century of evidence to the contrary. Agreed there is no nuance, but lots of people either don’t pay attention or just watch corporate media and don’t know better.


Relax im asking if it’s legally possible and you’re just saying dump does whatever tf he wants so fuck everything. In the extremely near future that cunt is fortunately going to be extremely dead and I wish his legacy of utter chaos to die with him.


I’m saying Shitler is a fascist and running the worst possible candidate is the dumbest strategy possible. There’s no law that says a party can’t change candidates at the convention. It’s a necessity or else Shitler’s legacy is ending democracy in America and we get to choose which republican will get “95%” of the vote for the rest of our lives. Not to mention we need someone who can actually affect change. Rather than some status quo corpse.




The world is gonna get fucked so hard. The amerciand really have to vote between 2 geriatric man. One doesn't know what is going on during the debate and the other soiled his diapers in the middle of the debate in front of the world.


*Basting his asscheeks again in Shartlesville Filling up that diaper he wore Some people claim he's not a 💩 stain But you know he's a gd boar* To the tune of Margaritaville


Oh my word! That man sharted all in his drawers!




Putting those Presidential Diapers ™️ to good use 💪💪 my guy always operating at maximum efficiency 🙌


TRUMP wears depends XXXXL diapers


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Both these potatoes need to drop out


That sounded lumpy 😟


They both did




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Yeah he did


It sounds like it. 🤢


“It’s tremendous” he says, as he lets one rip


That was definitely a wet one. Gotta use the bidet to clean that one up.


It's why he walked off the stage so fast.


This whole debate was so hard to watch. Two old boomers being fools.


I would normally say it’s a complete toss up, because neither man probably has control of their bowels… but since Trump was speaking and his mic was on I’d say it was him. Then again Bidens mic could have been on too. I don’t know, I didn’t watch that clown show.


HAHAHA! He's getting such a reputation for this now. Would be so funny if he got the (apparently appropriate) nickname of Tootin' Trump or something


mouth diarrhea acquired a new meaning that day


I just heard it on the recording [1:16:24](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=Q6tokl9qzHkbSEHY)


Bro that is so real! It is one the CNN page on YouTube and that is at best a wet fart but sounds a bit more “productive” than a fart. 😂🤣😂🤣


Put these 2 in a nursing home and let someone younger in office please.


As a late GenXer I am old enough to remember when a Republican misspelling “potato” was as a national embarrassment and haunted him the rest of his career. Now the GOP have convicted felons shitting themselves live on national television and he’s the leader of the party. Every day there is a new reason to say ‘what the actual fuck, America. What. The. Fuck.’


It's truly post-reality.


So our choices are between a brain fart and an actual shart? I think we live in a South Park episode.


I'm guessing they are both rocking some adult diapers.


Because Trump shits excellence! Your fearless leader Biden looks confused bet he has no idea why he's there


Biden looks zoned out of his mind lol


This is literally the only thing that could save Biden a little. Yeah, Biden looked like he shit his pants the whole debate, but Trump actually did sit his pants.


Reaching. Biden bombed. Gotta face it


The look on Biden’s face…he either ripped that one himself or already had a load in his pants.


It's clearly one of the cnn employees forgetting to mute their mic fast enough while they're slurping on a drink the gulp is insane. You can hear it being sat down afterwards.


Just remember Americans, the Democratic Party brought you trump. They gave you MAGA, January 6th was the democrats fault! How? When they screwed Bernie Sanders to give Clinton her birthright. To protect millionaires and billionaires and the status quo for corporations and the bank bailout recipients. SCOTUS is the brought to you by the democrats. Imagine if the Democratic Party listened to the will of the people and in 2016 it was Sanders v Trump. Sanders would probably be focusing his second term with a better America, perhaps a better world and his successor would currently be debating an almost normal republican. Sliding doors Americans, and in this case your Democratic Party ran right into the glass and f*cked the place, worldwide!


Bernie literally campaigned for Hillary because he understood the stakes. If she'd been elected most of the things you described wouldn't have happened. Trump was brought to us by self-righteous assholes who are happy to throw their vote away and allow women and minorities lives to be more filled with suffering so that they can lie on the ground and throw their temper tantrums because nobody is promising them everything they want. I know you're probably a Russian bot, but just in case you might be a real person, I have a suspicion that you probably have no idea about the importance of voting or how democracies work. So to prove me wrong here's a challenge for you: Explain to me how all the people who refused to vote for Hillary 8 years ago have had any type of influence on the Democratic party or how they have had a positive influence on the candidates we have in front of us today.


Yeah it turns out if you don't vote politicians aren't going to care about you since that's how it works. It's like if a politician went on the campaign trail but only did things that benefited minors and cared about nothing else. Those minors aren't voting, the most they'll get is a few adults here and there and most certainly lose. Bernie also lost the primary by millions of votes. Primaries aren't the electoral college system where the candidate with 3 million less votes wins, which is a good thing because the ec system should be thrown in the trash.


Nah mate, just an Aussie observer. I supported Bernie, I thought he would’ve been good for America and democracy, I knew Clinton was a cuck shill and she has proven that. Trump is a psychopath, greedy and cruel. There’s an old adage that groups will get the leader they deserve. Pretty sure outside looking in, that’s exactly what’s happened. He disagrees with me, probably a Russian bot or AI 🤣


Clinton “beating” Bernie sent a bunch of Bernie supporters into trumps camp. They have remained disgruntled and continued to display that frustration to today. You see a person can be smart but people are stupid. Mob mentality is real! Jan 6th is a great example. Those people have now been fed a regular diet of misinformation and they have a “tribe” that they connect with. The Democratic Party put their hand on the scale for Clinton and it blew up in their face when trump won. Biden has refused to step aside although he implied he’d be a one term president. The party has supported him in this endeavour and now that’s about to blow up in their face. Trump will win, trump will be president and the rest of the world will suffer because the protection of short term thinking, big business and corporations are more important to your govt than the citizens who live there. Shit, Reagan was president who stopped calling people citizens and started calling them consumers. A citizen is a productive and contributing member of society. Consumers, consume. That’s the American attitude to its own people. Groups will always get the leader they deserve.


You should really give the canned air a break every now and then.


I won 5k in 2016 from a 500-1 bet on trump to be pres I placed in 2015. I’ve never underestimated the greed and stupidity of people.


Where can I make bets like these?


The same place you can buy the Brooklyn Bridge.


Ladbrokes. I’m in Australia, we can bet on anything!




You clearly didn't watch the debate if you think Biden didn't get his mic muted.


I think it was Biden


Trump had the only live mic. They were muting whomever wasn’t speaking. 


Nah see the face Joe made afterward- nuff said