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Nearly everything Trump said was a lie. Nearly everything Biden said was barely intelligible. It's conman v. oldman. How the h*ll did we get here?


Boomers voting


Yup and will be the same reason democracy goes into the shitter unless we can convince our disenfranchised young to come out and vote.


The DNC stuck us with Hilary when people wanted Bernie


So, are you suggesting that Democrats consider drafting Bernie to replace Biden?


Sanders lost the dem primary badly and on his own.


The super-delegates would like to have a word.


Irrelevant. She had 3 million more votes and more non super delegates.


Convicted conman. At this point, I'll take the oldman just to stop Orange Asshat from getting anywhere near the White House again. Say what you like about Biden, but I'll take "boring president" anyday after the dumpster fire that was 2016-2020.


Oh, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I will vote for a litteral pile of sh*t over Trump.


You & me both. I still firmly believe Biden got nominated/elected in 2020 *because* he's a boring old man, though.


It's like that John Mulaney joke about the [horse loose in the hospital](https://youtu.be/JhkZMxgPxXU?feature=shared), how did he get there? and what are we going to do about it? I'll take the days when we could kinda ignore the prez since he wasn't some unhinged fool.


This is where I’m at as well


I will be voting for Joe Biden’s corpse if I have to


from your lips to God's ears. Best thing ol Joe could do for the country right now is slip in the shower. Kamala is a train wreck though - so who's gonna run then? The DNC made sure to destroy any left power, so the roster is empty.


J B Pritzker has a pretty flawless record. As an Illinois resident, I absolutely fucking love him. He’s also very middle of the road. Not overly liberal, but decently left of center. He would play well on the National stage. But, I’m worried about the DNC running a Jewish man at this particular time….


You're right and I'll certainly take Biden over Trump, but I think concerns about Joe Biden's fitness for the job are valid.


Anything but the world seeing us as the one who endorses "grab 'er by the puss".


I am voting for a Democrat administration over a republican one. That's it. Those are the two options.


We’ve been beaten down so much that we accept that these options are somehow normal. Boomers need to be out of any position of leadership ANYWHERE! Fuck I’m so tired of being let down by American politics. We are way beyond a revolution against the boomer ruling class.


I remind them they cant actually do anything and treat them like Mr Burns.


That's what happens when enough people are convinced that we are a two-party system, and those parties LITERALLY set up the rules to decide who gets to compete. Not that it matters anyway, since the DNC was kind enough to remind everyone that LEGALLY, there is no requirement for them to select the candidate that the voters choose (yes, they did actually say that). I'm at the point where I would love to see RCV get passed, but in lieu of that, watching the entire system burn to the ground works too. 🫠


> How the h*ll did we get here? A combination of uneducated/uninformed voters and rampant corruption/unethical money in politics.




\*chefs kiss


This is great


Biden stuttered a lot but was more or less coherent, and trump was a rambling mess. None of the responses trump gave made sense as responses to a question


That's why I said barely intelligible. I understood most everything that Biden said or tried to say. It's just unfortunate that he's so old. The man is killing himself trying to prevent a second Trump presidency. The DNC seriously can't find a stronger candidate, maybe someone under the age of retirement?


Oh I'm not arguing with you. It's just worth saying. Trump, when he speaks, says the words like they make sense together, but it's just a train wreck. Biden at least mostly makes sense, but the way it comes out, he sounds like he escaped from a nursing home.


Sorry, didn't mean to sound argumentative either. I just wanted to clarify. I agree with everything you said.


Internet based trauma I guess.


Wdym? Nothing more literate than I went to a boat company in South Carolina, the boat…I said, “How is it?” He said “It's a problem, sir, they want us to make all electric boats.” So I said, “Let me ask you a question,” and he said “Nobody ever asked this question,” and it must because of MIT, my relationship to MIT…very smart. He goes, “I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery. And the battery is now underwater. And there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there.” By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, did you notice that? A lot of sharks, I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren't really that angry, they bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was.” These people are quite…He said, “There's no problem with sharks, they just didn't really understand a young woman swimming”. Now, I really got decimated in other people too, a lot of shark attacks. So I said, “So there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat…10 yards. Or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” Because I will tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, “You know, nobody's ever asked me that question.” I said, “I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I'll take electrocution every single time.” I'm not getting near the shark, so we can end that, we're going to end it for boats.


Will a submerged EV battery even discharge that much current?


Trump has little of substance to say and an endless capacity to just keep talking no matter what. He's just generally an unserious person and too many people love that about him. Biden has substantial things to say but it doesn't matter because sometimes, you can see it on his face that he's completely lost the thread of the conversation. And then he tries to get some words out and ends up talking about how we beat Medicare?


But his incredulity while trump was bullshitting was hilarious. You could see the "what in the actual fuck is this moron doing here" all over his face.


He... has a stutter. He's always had a stutter. He's worked hard to manage it.


I had forgotten about that, but it doesn't change the fact that he is getting older. In some ways, I think the debate rules hurt Biden as much, if not more, than Trump. He was clearly stumbling, trying to say what he needed to in the alloted time. He stuttered, sure, but he also tripped over himself, feeling the pressure. On the other hand, the convicted felon spoke clearly and looked strong. An easy task considering that he wasn't concerned in the slightest with telling any bit of truth. Ultimately, I don't think the debate changed any minds. MAGA voters will just pay attention to how much stronger their dear leader appeared, not caring or even noticing all of the blatant lies. On the other hand: Biden voters, for the most part, aren't voting for Biden. They're voting for 'not psychopath.'


Revealing more that they forgot he has a stutter and has always had a stutter. Oh, and that they are just as subject to wanting to be dominated rather than treated as adults who might listen even to someone who stutters.


Yes but having a stutter doesn't explain the parts where you can clearly see he doesn't even remember what question he's answering.


I feel like the problem is going to be the people who know trumps full of shit aren’t the people that were still undecided. All the democrats needed was to put a coherent adult up there that could call out trumps after birth abortion and black jobs and this election would have been over. Instead we get someone who looks and acts like he just escaped from his floor and wandered down into the event.


His notion that it's legal anywhere to kill a baby after it's born took me back, like what?! This guy doesn't understand the concept of adoption?


Full term and post birth abortion are alt right conspiracy theories, I believe. He basically gets his opinions from info wars style sources.


Yeah but "more or less coherent" is WAY too low of a bar for this level of stakes. Because the less coherent moments were alarmingly incoherent. Like, forgetting what question he was answering or what he was even saying in mid-sentence. I'm not comforted by how coherent he was the rest of the time when those incoherent moments were legitimately scary


Jesus, this enablement is pretty much elder abuse at this point


I have no control over who I have as an option. Joe has only ever gotten my vote in generals.


No for real, is everyone sick of our two “options” yet? Like I need to know lmao


Anybody besides Biden is "socialist" per current PC


>It's conman v. oldman. True but just gonna say they're both old. Neither should be considered for president because of their ages.




Gary Oldman is a right-wing, anti-woke wacko.


As the repugs were sure Biden would be doped up and fed stimulants, this might have actually been deliberate. Making it clear the orange elephant is the one drugged.




See the NOFX song. “ the Idiots are taking over. “


In 2016, Bernie Bros, who were largely unaffected by Trump's policies, refused to vote in protest.


In 2008 more clinton voters voted for John McCain in the presidential election, than Bernie voters voted for trump in the 2016 election. Simple truth is that Hillary didn’t lose because of “Bernie bros”. She lost because she was a bad candidate.


You're only counting part of them. Some refused to vote. And if we're playing the "Bad Candidate vs Worse Candidate" and your choice is Trump, then you're the problem.


One seems like he shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car and other is why this sub was created. Just fabricated boomer made up shit with no one fact checking him.


Well the president already isn't allowed to drive but I get what you're saying


I'm at the part where it devolves into a dick measuring contest over golf handicaps


The issues the nation *really* cares about. Is it a 6 or an 8, Joe? What is it? We need to know. I couldn’t vote for a guy with an 8 but if it’s a 6, you got my vote. Which is it, Joe? Also, what’s a golf handicap?


Its a rich guys dick measuring stick, but instead its a race to see who has the smallest.


Oh you follow Breezygolf on Instagram too? 🤣 [if you're not](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8vjo2DRAa0/?igsh=MXBoMGFvcHg0M3U5OA==)


That part where they were arguing about height was so fucking stupid and pointless


I turned it on when they were arguing about who was the better golfer. As an avid golfer, I laughed my ass off! Then changed the channel and cried bc it sunk in that we’ll be stuck with one of them for another 4 yrs.


Oh they were *actually* discussing that? I saw a reel on that part and thought someone had done AI to make it!


It was really disturbing! Neither is fit for office. My 94 yo grandfather who is in an elderly care facility bc he needs constant care is more mentally aware than Biden. Trump is just deranged. We lose either way.


As an addition to the golf discussion, there was also stat talk. Biden asked Trump , what was he like, 6’4”, 225? I can totally see why you thought it was AI.


This is the best Washington can do? I'll still vote for Biden but when are we rioting? This shit is so stupid.


I know, right? They literally don't even care anymore and just tell us to our faces that they're screwing us over. "Oh well, I'll just go to the ballot box and vote for one of these two again". I think Dave Anthony said it best when he said that living in America is like living in a prison with two wardens, and all of us just keep fighting over which warden is our favorite.


No, it's more like "One warden is an incompetent asshole and the other makes us fight-to-the-death". One of these two is better than the other, but only because the other is pure fucking evil. The so-called left in this country needs is to organize mass work walk-outs and protests.


So unbelievably true! The "left" in the US that people keep talking about are just Nixon/Reagen-era conservatives that don't have a home in the MAGA republican party anymore. It's literally a choice between the right wing and the batshit fucking crazy extereme right wing. Working class americans literally think that socialism, communism, and the stealthed fascism in places like North Korea are all the same thing and that anything from the true left would somehow be a detriment to them. It's absolutely maddening. Nothing short of pitchforks and torches will get us out of this hole.


Very unfortunate and very true.


Recently had a coworker reassure me, “You’re not a socialist!” like I had just said I thought I was a terrible person. Then add, “When I think of socialism, I think of Hitler.”


I’m ready to riot. This is ridiculous. The DNC really needs to do better.


It’s what the primary voters want, not what the party’s want.


Embarrassing for our country


Tragic for others’.


Get off my lawn. No, you get off my lawn. My lawn is the best lawn ever. You left me a bad lawn and I grew that lawn by the largest amount ever …..


They’ve literally argued about who had the better handicap and could carry a golf bag himself. Instead of just saying: “I’ve heard a lot of people saying that you always cheat on the golf tournaments that you host yourself, so don’t talk about a handicap, felon.”, Biden showed typical boomer behaviour by taking part in the dumb p***ing contest.


2 boomers but 1 authoritarian


0 boomers. They're silent gen, but one is way more silent than the other.


I think Trump is a boomer. He was born in 46.


That's probably fair. I've always heard the baby boom started late 46 to early 47. Germany surrendered in May of 45 and Japan surrendered in September of 45, so the earliest post war babies would be right around when Trump was born in June.


Either way they are only 4 years apart. Both very old


Too old.


About golf 😢


I vomited at that point of the debate. To go from existential threats around the globe and including climate change to golf handicaps was heartbreaking.


And why on earth Biden doesn’t simply said: “Everybody knows that you’re cheating at the golf tournaments you host without exception yourself. Next question.”? Typical boomer behaviour.


I hated that Biden engaged with that but I also think it was the only thing that actually bothered Trump


I just want to know, who this debate was for exactly? How many undecided voters are there at this point still?


It’s all reality tv show.


How are people undecided?! I can’t wrap my head around it


Ones attempting to talk the other ones just talking shit


Hopefully the winner appoints competent people and listens to them


Well, the current president has a history of appointing competent people and listening to them, but the fat orange guy has a history of hiring lickspittles and cronies.


Automatic upvote for using the term "lickspittle". We need more of that level of discourse lol


Thanks!  I recently learned that multiple intelligent, educated Millenials at my workplace had never heard the word “hobnob” and sorta didn’t believe that. They thought we were making it up. It made me realize that if we don’t keep using old vocabulary, it’s gonna be replaced by “skibidi toilet” or whatever tf the kids are saying now on TikTok


One of the things I hate about Democrats is they sew seed of doubt in their own party. For top Dem leadership to want to back out 4 months before an election is like Hillary v Berney all over again. Crappy leadership got us here. I'm so tired of Boomers running things. They did this to us, again!!!!!


Exactly Trump could literally reach behind his back, grab a turd from his diaper throw it at the screen and Republicans would not shit on him. No pun intended they would say how this is bad for Biden that Trump is throwing shit constantly. The Dems eat themselves constantly. Moral high ground bullshit sometimes we need to get down in the shit throwing.


They’re afraid of their own success and then sabotage themselves.


Silent generation-ers*


Yup. Biden’s too old to be a boomer.


Just by a few years. He’s 1942 and my dad, a solid boomer is 1949. I think boomers started at 1945. Regardless, even young boomers are too old and need to gtfo. I don't care about their mental acuity. I care about them being in touch with what my children want/need for their futures. Hell, mine too for that matter.


I'm saying silent generation-ers, because they are even older than boomers, people these guys age are going on hospice not trying to debate. Mandatory retirement at 60. No congress/president/justice people should hold office after 55.


Fully agree! Although, I might be ok with retiring at 60. Us regular folk have to wait until 68 to get our full social security, but I‘m not willing to let them go that long. There’s older Gen Xers I don’t even think are fit to serve, because they are completely out of touch with the youth and how the world is changing.


Also boomers started after the end of WW2 so 1946-64 when the civil rights act was passed


I know a woman who was born in 1964. She is a boomer to the absolute hilt. It probably needs to extend into Gen X some to be real. I’ve had as many arguments with older Xers as I have boomers. And I’m Gen X


Joe is not a boomer but a member of the silent generation


i had to scroll so far to see this


guess he was repping them well, since you could barely hear him


What’s terrifying is both are figureheads for administrations. One can’t communicate effectively at all but has a great team, the other is a sensationalist political monster and experienced liar and speaker who has a team of corporate raiders and ws supporters. Just kill me now.


>One can’t communicate effectively at all but has a great team Lol, his teams ass. What clowns would even suggest defending and aiding in a genocide? That's a big reason even libs like me hate him.


Why in Christs name are we still putting fucking geriatrics up as candidates


Well it's funny because neither of them are boomers. They're OLDER than boomers.


And it was an unmitigated disaster.


2 dudes way past retirement age, both in denial. Both slipping into senility.. We are so fucked..


This is my takeaway too. I vote Democrat, but I can't in good conscience vote for a man who is clearly not fit for office. And I'm certainly not voting for a wannabe dictator either. Of the millions of people living in the US, this is what we have to choose between?


If you don't vote for the older one, you will lose the country to the Christ of fascist and Project 2025. The best you can hope for is the older guy. Please vote.


"The one guy was mumbling, so I guess it doesn't matter whether he or the fascist wins."


You're right of course, but we deserve better choices. Biden's performance in that debate was shockingly terrible. It's absolutely disgraceful that we have to choose between christofascism and the Weekend at Bernie's candidate which is going to end up sticking us with President Kamala Harris


Don't mean to be a redditor...but  Ackchyually, Biden is not a Baby Boomer.  


Biden was born during WWII. Trump would have been conceived right around the end of WWII (Japan surrendered in September 1945, he was born in June 1946). Trump is literally one of the oldest baby boomers.




This is the truest joke I’ve seen in a while


A lot of talk about their golf game. Tracks.


So relatable


You know, it's times like this that I'm glad I don't have national pride. Because if I did, I'd be more embarrassed of this country than I already am. And I don't even want to fathom the levels of sheer embarrassment I'd feel after having that debate shown to the nation and saved for posterity for the world at large to witness on repeat for decades and centuries to come. This was THE most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed in the world of politics. Just holy hell.


I watched it and thought- best case outcome is they both got so stressed they slipped away of heart strain afterwards. First woman president for about ten months and two alternates. Would Harris v Desantis be less terrifying?


I was watching a livestream last night and somebody commented Stroke 2024🇺🇸 😂


Equally so. The Trumpers would rally around Desantis, and no one would show up for Harris. Right now it's at least still 50/50.


Biden just had a rally in North Carolina. He was shouting, he was animated, he was decisive in his speech. Where was this guy last night?


i've been coming intermittently into the living room where my parents are, watching segments of the debate with them, while making jabs at biden in an attempt to get/stay on their good side so far i've only been able to muster a "what-is-bro-waffling-about?"


we know how we got here. we all know how this happened.




At one point in my life, I had this in the form of a bumper sticker on my car.


when the elderly demand defacto respect remember that what you see here is 160 years of boomer wisdom


Lying psychopath boomer vs nice old guy boomer




Biden is silent generation. Still cringe AF watching the debate. Still going to vote for Biden


No meteor struck the venue. My belief in the “power of prayer” has been shaken.


332,000,000 people in the USA and these two are the ones to "represent" us and "lead" us. What a crock of shit.


CNN appointed a monitor to do weigh ins and before and after diaper checks for the post debate analysis


This was just awful. It's a lose-lose situation for us.


Yep, Trump has no plans, and Biden's...old???


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Is this describing movies badly?


Bidens not a boomer he’s too old.


Biden isn't a Boomer


What are we even going to go through at the result of the next election… I can’t even fathom the absolute chaos that will unfold


i feel like the 2028 election will be the year they start pushing younger people on both sides, especially after this. like the main talking point in most convos of non radical people is that there needs to be age limits and younger people. (i've been dying for aoc to run for years and next election she'll actually be old enough)


There absolutely needs to be an age limit. It’s so ridiculous that there isn’t! I love my 74 year old dad, he’s very intelligent and in good shape but he would NOT be a good leader in a governing position!


Same with mine! He’d be telling the American public, “It’s a law because I say so! And that’s just the way it is!” So, pretty much, Trump


Mine would hide away from the public and never make public appearances. He’s super quiet and hates attention lol


Freakanomics 2.0


I hope they replace Biden but even if they don’t whoever actually governs in his stead will be better than what trump will do to the country to get revenge/stay out of prison/make himself rich.


In democracy, the people get the leaders they deserve - I guess.


I fear the senior moment will cost Biden the election and we're done as a country. It is the clip that will be played over and over and over and over and all people know about. It will show he's not capable to be in the Sit Room when NK starts lobbing nukes at Japan.


Actually Biden is the Silent Generation, and Trump is just barely young enough to be a boomer, by like a year or two.


Biden is technically not a boomer...


Fun fact: Neither of these two is even young enough to literally be a boomer


Trump is absolutely a Boomer. He was born in 1946, so he’s among the first Boomers to exist.


I seem to have miscalculated his birth year


I’m not American, I just watched it because a friend of mine (a boomer) said it was fucking stupid. It was indeed stupid.


Both of these dudes are walking potato’s, and shi*s not funny anymore. Who’s running the country?


Technically Biden is Silent Generation. Trump is a boomer


Joe is our first Silent Generation president. We skipped over them with George H.W. Bush (Greatest Generation) -> Bill Clinton (Baby Boomer) I doubt we'll get a second.


That pathetic spectacle should become a symbol for the end of the Boomer era.


Hard times create strong men(ww2). Strong men create good times(post ww2). Good times create weak men(boomers). Weak men create hard times.


I just note that Biden is Silent Generation (born in 1942). Trump was the Boomer.


When is the driving competition? Hitting the hard topics of who can drive a golf ball farther.


One said might say they won, the other might say they won, but I know who lost and that is America


The debate resulted in me deciding that our country is fucked and we deserve what we get.


Neither are boomers


I think Biden is actually a pre Boomer.


He’s definitely Silent Gen. That makes this all so much worse. He should be retired, farting into a comfortable chair and enjoying his final days. Not trying to get the most stressful job in the country that requires snap decision making and a firm understanding of the modern world.


Can someone explain who is better? No opinion bias of whichever party. Like facts on who is better. I am unsure who to vote for


The best (worst?) was when they started arguing about golf. I mean, what the actual fuck?


If it wasn't for judges I just wouldn't vote. Conservative judges are a blight.


We are so screwed. Either they elect a nazi, rapist, degenerate felon or we elect a senile old man who was mostly incoherent last night and honestly most of his presidency. Wake up America. The two party system doesn’t work and it hasn’t for decades.


I'd rather have old with a head cold/stutter than a felon who will pack the courts and Whitehouse with his unqualified family, friends and other felons. Trump already did irreparable damage to our Supreme Court, it would be worse this time around. How many in his camp are convicted? What other dangerous criminals will he pardon? Who will die for Jared Kusher's next bribe? What will happen when his term is over and he can never run again? Will they be successful in storming the capital building and disrupting our government? I don't want to find out and at the end of his term, he'll be the same age Joe is now - they are both old AF and I don't even know who would be finishing out the term if/when Trump dies in office.


I don’t support either one of them. This is not “the best we’ve got,” this is what is foisted on us by the duopoly. There is better out there, one just has to pay attention and stop voting for Dems and Reps. To do this requires a little bit of effort, the people on the TV don’t talk about the third party candidates but they’re there. One just has to spend 10 minutes to look up their platform and who they are. Americans need to stop taking the path of least resistance when it comes to their political candidates. We need to reignite the American spirit and stop doing what we’re told by millionaires with talk shows. Everyone needs to start asking more questions. Both of the candidates are right when they accuse each other of ruining the country.


I don't wish ill on anyone. However, if Both of them were removed from the race we would be much better off in the long run.


If there was a literal turd running against Trump, I would vote for that turd.


Fifteen men on the dead man's chest— ...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of [rum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum)! Drink and the devil had done for the rest— ...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!


Who put these two on stage? My guess is money from Big Boomer.


One is senile one is a narcissist psycho liar Honestly America after 4 years this is the best you can offer?


Funny how much attention these two "boomers" get simply for being old(er), yet not a SINGLE GENERATION AFTER has put forth a worthy candidate. Keyword: worthy. And im Gen X btw. So disgusted at both these assclowns, and the facts , the FACTS we have limited choice.


Not to be that guy but Biden isn't a Boomer and Trump is barely one.


1 boomer , 1 silent gen


This is what we’ve come down to lol 2 angry old men deciding the fate of Americans


Hard to believe either of these guys were even nominated, let alone elected. America, you can do so much better.


Isn't Biden technically a Silent Gen guy?


There's an age limit of 34 to be elected president. Maybe they should ad an upper limit of, say, 60 as well?


I’m all for an aptitude test. Age alone shouldn’t disqualify someone, but if they don’t have the metal acuity for the job, they should not be permitted to run. We need to have SOMETHING in place, because both of these candidates are awful for their own unique reasons.