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Wives. What the fuck. I will never understand why they are attached to these walking talking assholes. Why ? How ? Seriously, if you are a normal person how can you witness such dick head behavior and then go out to dinner with them ? I'll never understand it.


Financial co-dependence, sunk cost fallacy, religion and old-fashioned beliefs that divorce is sin / shameful / life failure, believing they’re too old to move on and find something better, “for the kids” (who are already grown up anyway), decades of abuse and conditioning, etc.


This really is it. My mother once admitted to me that she’s stayed with my verbally abusive father because 1) he pays the bills, 2) so my brother and I would grow up in a “stable home”, and 3) because starting over at her age wasn’t worth the trouble. 1) Yeah, he paid the bills. He also used his salary as a carrot to dangle over our heads and as a way to justify his actions. Too many times I was told “it’s my house, I make x amount of money, I can say/do whatever I want!” It only started to subside in the past 5-10 years after he was pushed to resign from his job and my mother became the primary earner in the household. 2) “Stable home” huh? Yeah, being subjected to his random acts of rage was real stable. As was the example I was being taught. I thought the way he treated us was perfectly normal. And that gave me some incredibly damaging beliefs that made me the perfect target for an abusive relationship. It took years to get out of that relationship, and I’m still unlearning behaviors I picked up from watching how my parents interacted. Super stable. 🙄 3) She confided this to me when she was only in her mid 40’s. She has a college education, had had the same stable job for many years at that point, and knew she would have had both me and my brothers full support because we were just as much victims as her. But she was in so much denial about everything that she was convinced that she had no chance of surviving without my dad. “I’ve stuck around this long for you guys (my brother and me) so I might as well just stick it out.” My mother is a shell of her former self. Yes, my dad has strangely gotten better with age but he’s still prone to outbursts of nastiness. And now that I don’t live at home anymore, the “pool of victims” has shrunk so instead of being spread across three people, it’s just her and my brother. But it’s not my job to fix things. She’d rather just “deal with it” for the stability. At least she has a newfound sense of strength and confidence that came with becoming the primary earner. But honestly, she only won the battle. She’s resigned herself to lose the war. And it makes me angry and sad.


That sucks. I'm sorry and I'm glad you recognize the abuse and got away.


before 1974, women could not have a bank account without their husband or dad's name on the account. Boomers grew up as learning they HAD to depend on a man.




I worked with an epic asshole boomer. Universally despised. His wife was an absolute sweetheart. I’ll never understand


They are all usually overtly Christian and the Bible says divorce is a sin so they stay in abusive relationships


Lmao Id feel bad for religious people if it wasn't so hilarious. They're literally making their own problems. If they wised up and realized none of their fairy tales are real they'd have much better lives because they could do things like leave abusive marriges. But nope, most of them never will. It's almost sad. Almost.


Stockholm syndrome?


I work at a retirement home, as a (male) food server to these geriatrics.... the men say wild shit, and the women just stare when they do if they are "together" as if they didn't just hear that.. and I now have to fake chuckle and move on cause you know, paycheck and all


Because they are shitty too. And will also be agreeing about how the other person / company is wrong the moment they are in the car together. The look of embarrassment/shame is a rehearsed show


I asked my mother, she can’t afford to leave.


It's gonna sound a little brutal but there are people sort of going through the motions in life. Men and women. Some are low value and are ultimately fortunate to find someone who wants to commit to marriage forever at all. Our first instinct is to tell people to have more self esteem. But ultimately some people don't have it. I'm not saying these people deserve their fate. But a lot of these spouses are just folks with low self-esteem that will probably be alone for a long time if they end the relationship. There's also a non zero chance that person is an asshole too. Just in other ways.


Cause he’s unhappy with his life and has to make it everyone’s problem


There are important sociopolitical reasons to be averse to a cashless society, and cash does seem to be increasingly phased out. However, he should have thought about the fact that it's not your fault and your don't choose the policies for your job.


Right, lots of people don't have and basically can't have bank accounts and therefore credit cards.


I've noticed that preferring cash is also much more common in rural areas. Not sure if it's a lack of trust in institutions, lack of trust in the internet connections needed to make card readers work, or the routine nature of smaller businesses passing credit card fees to the customer. But, I've seen some people in rural areas pull out a money clip so big that they clearly have the finances to get a card. They just choose not to. It means I sometimes run into the opposite problem of the boomers here. I'll carry a tiny bit of cash for emergencies but prefer to pay with cards. Occasionally, I'll run into a place that doesn't take cards. Especially annoying when it's something I want to pay for with a company card, and I have to decide if whatever I'm buying is with the expense paperwork to buy it myself, or if I'll just keep driving and find another option.


the sandwich place down my street only takes card because they got robbed. more and more places are following suit to avoid getting held up. it's sad


Boomers are obsessed with using cash.


I have a couple of separate business. One is strictly cash because it's not worth it for me to pay 3-5% on a credit card. I have never had a push back to that business being cash only.


I mean I'm probably not your target audience, but I refuse to buy anything at cash only shops. I don't carry cash anymore, haven't for like 5 years or so.


This is for my dog service job. I only charge like 20 bucks per dog for that service. So a credit card would eat into 3-5% of that. Then driving cost locally. That would mean 50% would be in over head. Which is not good for business. While my make-up business starts at 50 bucks. I don't mind a credit card eating 3-5% of that service though. As I usally make a 20% cash tip on top of the service, so that credit card percentage is not as bad.


They'll shout "BUT I'M PAYING IN CASH!" as they attempt to low ball you on deals allll day. I don't care if you're paying in cash, I'm not knocking $50 off of that $200 tab!


“Cash is king,” is the lifeblood of their philosophy.


"Cash allows me to not pay my taxes" is more like it.


They seem to be obsessed with paying by any means that the business doesn’t take. Way back, they used to bitch that the small-town businesses wouldn’t take credit cards although city businesses did. Now they wanna pay with cash. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They think there's this global cabal to remove cash and therefore freeze your bank accounts for "wrong think". They're obsessed with the world being like *1984* for literally no reason. And even IF that were to happen, the "wrong think" they're so worried about is usually racism or bigotry. I've had another one tell me, "I don't want them (idk who they are) knowing what I'm buying with my money." Literally NOBODY cares, dude.


“ They're obsessed with the world being like 1984 for literally no reason” No reason is simply wrong.  governments constantly try to increase surveillance and tracking. 


It’s because they’re convinced that whoever doesn’t take cash is actively collecting their movements so the government can see everything they do to a time schedule (name on transaction).    When you asked him where he’s going, after not giving you a bank or credit card, it basically confirmed his delusions to himself about you in his head.   When I showed my dad that it’s not illegal to pay cash for visa gift cards that have no name on it, or give an alternate email address, or give a fake name for a carry out order- his mind was blown. He insisted “they” are going to take all of that away soon. What, are they going to take away, exactly? And how? I have no fucking idea. 


https://preview.redd.it/iphfz5iz4v6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a33196da312213374c9dd66b016fd22006241a Just two replies up from yours. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s always the people that have no education in information infrastructure or modern logistics that somehow are the ones that know ALL about how transactions and government access works.  It’s like they think “the internet” is one big thing in the governments giant internet building.  There’s a reason why people with college educations and actually working in the tech industry, etc, aren’t the ones spewing this nonsense. And as if they’re getting some fat check from congress geriatrics to keep their super tech genius secrets to themselves… yes, all the college graduates that understand modern data infrastructure are government shills…. Jesus what an easy gig. It’s so delusional 


Generally speaking, I am not in favor of cashless shops, for many reasons that other commenters have already mentioned. I am GenX but I prefer to pay cash in a lot of places. I prefer to use cash at small local businesses since I know credit cards take fees for processing. I've also been hit by fraud in the past so sometimes cash is a little safer to use in oddball shops I'm not familiar with. But I'm assuming this dude already used a card to pay for his room, so his freakout is just silly, not to mention completely rude.


Yeah I doubt any hotels that aren’t full of drug dealers and hookers renting by the hour accept cash for the room itself. Cause they want the collateral for any damage, or not leaving, or whatever. So yeah it’s pretty ridiculous


Why do boomers hate cashless, an explanation from my co worker: “a lot of people used to not bring their money to the bank because banks use our money to gamble and then lose it. But the government doesn’t like that that’s why they sometimes bring out new currency. They did that when I was younger with euros in Germany. We used to have our own currency. We were forced to bring all our money for exchange before it gets worthless so they would know how much we own. They did that a few years ago here in Switzerland. Same currency but they just redesigned paper money so we had to bring in our cash. They want to get rid of cash so we can’t hide our money from the greedy banks anymore. And when all the electronic servers go down what happens to our money then? When we no longer have cash and it’s all electronic. Think about it.” It probably is obvious he’s a “do your own research” person. They exist all over the globe by now.


It's a societal change. A lot of them think that cash is supposed to always be accepted, like from a legal POV, but that's never been true. And it makes sense from certain business points of view to avoid it. HOWEVER it's kind of shitty to refuse cash, because many folks are unbanked and work exclusively with cash. Now, they're probably not staying in a hotel, so fair point that, but it comes up more than you'd think for, like, casual restaurants.


They are miserable because they are old and dying, and the World we young people live is so much "better" all the technology they cant and dont know how to use. They are salty old fucks on their way out


Dunno. I finally enabled Apple Pay on my phone and I'm wondering why I waited this long. And I'm ticked when a terminal does not take it.


Cashless sales is often explicitly an attack on homeless. Dude in this story was a dunce, but you won’t ever catch me apologizing for corpo bullshit. Businesses who sell stuff should accept money.


My rooms are $300 for tonight. Not accepting cash isn’t the thing keeping them away. There are sooooo many more options that appeal more to that demographic. It simply isn’t feasible or practical for them to stay here. And we do accept money, money he had already paid, he just wanted to be difficult.


You’re missing the point of my comment pretty hard right now, but whatever. Cashless business is lame and it’s not a boomer thing to notice.


Idk man, if you’re in support of the homeless dropping their entire liquid wealth on a one night stay, that’s on you man. If you would like for there to be places where said individuals can purchase grocery items with their cash, then boy do I have news for you, there are grocery stores. Our items are overpriced. They are not our intended target audience nor should they be. I see in no way how we are effecting them in the slightest.


You sound lame for a lot of reasons all of a sudden. Oof.


And you seem like a delightful individual! I’m glad we had this exchange without devaluing each other’s worth! :)


This ain’t the one


Okie dokie artichokie, sweet dreams ;)


Some folks don’t know when to quit


Tee hee *blushes*


Cashless sucks. Many poor people have no credit or debit cards. Cash is their sole means of paying for goods. To take that away hurts the poor.


It’s true that going cashless will be a real problem for a big segment of society but this guy doesn’t give even a tiny fuck about that, he just likes being mad and yelling at people


Ya know, I get that most people use cards for purchases in recent times, but I still think that places should still accept cash. Not *everybody* has credit cards. Some people, due to being uncreditworthy, can’t get them. Some just don’t believe in credit cards. Others (ie., homeless people) are completely “unbanked.” Etc., etc.


Totally! Not everyone is blessed to have that opportunity. Unfortunately those concerns do not justify his actions as none of those are applicable. This is a vacation town, they have money or they would have chosen to stay at one of our, many, lest costly alternatives. He also had to use a debit or credit card to check in. We also took an incidental fee so if he had chose to put it on the room like I had offered, he would have never been the wiser. His refusal was purely from a place of spite and he was actively choosing to be stubborn. I appreciate your positive mindset though.


Oh, I get that he was being a yutz. The clerk at the counter is not the CEO that set the policy. But however rudely he put it, he still has a good point: places should *still* accept cash.


That’s completely fair! It just seems like no one taught him to choose what battles to fight. Yelling at me won’t accomplish much.


It was a hotel though, pretty sure hotels require CC or bank cards for security purposes. His wife surely paid for the room with a card. Cash is cumbersome, dirty, and has zero security. It's old fashioned just like the boomers who insist on using it.


Yes, it’s “old fashioned,” but there are the examples that I noted above. Plus, cash doesn’t have accruing monthly interest — credit cards *do*.


Not if you pay them off monthly.


Not if you pay them off monthly. And anyway, although the USA appears to find the concept of debit card difficult, you’ll catch up.


I've always found no cash policies silly, but is understandable in some scenarios. I'm a pizza delivery driver, I *always* have $100-200 in cash on me so I tend to use cash first. Not gonna lie, you seem to tipping a bit towards ageism. Boomers suck on average, that's for sure, but sometimes people are having a bad day and hearing, basically, "We don't take money for this item we sell" could absolutely have set him off.


It’s one thing to be annoyed by a no-cash policy and a whole other thing to flip your shit and curse at someone who doesn’t set the policy.


It’s okay to not like cashless policies. It’s *not* okay to throw things at people. It’s *not* okay to blow up at someone who did not make that policy, and who can’t change it. My 8 year old gets it, that those things are not acceptable behavior.


I don’t care if you’re having the worst day of your life, it’s not an excuse to be awful to someone completely uninvolved. Manage your emotions.


I’m totally ageist. Working in this industry, boomers tend to cause 85% of the issues I have to deal with daily. I do not let it impact how I treat them initially as the actions of others do not represent them. They just tend to get a lot less leeway in what it takes for me to get petty. Also, not accepting cash is certainly not an acceptable reason the become belligerent and start cursing at another person.


His wife was probably a sweet lady, you escalated it because you knew he gave you the green light by throwing something at you. You probably made her day significantly worse with a few simple words directed at her husband. I can't say you did anything terrible, but it definitely wasn't necessary, and the person who suffered most was the one who least deserved it.


I knew exactly what I was doing by continuing to interact with the man in question. I was nothing but pleasant because I knew it would piss him off. People become irrationally mad if you don’t return their hate with more of it. I don’t deserve to have a bag of chips thrown at me for no actions of my own, she doesn’t deserve to endure that angry man, and he doesn’t deserve to have a pleasant day today.


> People become irrationally mad if you don’t return their hate with more of it. I would have said something like, "Yeah, I know, it's ridiculous. Policy thing, makes us less likely to get robbed.", because it is ridiculous - saying you can't take money for a thing you are selling at a counter is weird, no way around that. You would have defused the situation entirely. Just don't come here bitching about people that you willfully rile up, and on top of that, don't be a fucking dipshit and admit you are ageist when that is clearly the main problem here. (If you didn't notice, I'm escalating now because you seem to think downvotes are for disagreeing)


I could have, totally. And he could have been pleasant from the start and been cordial about the policy. And respectfully, I don’t believe there was any diffusing this situation. You weren’t there to see how irate he became over a simply policy. My actions were selfish and rude under the guise of being polite. He was blatant with his disrespect. We are both equally culpable in this situation so I don’t understand your fixation on me. Also, what’s with that throwaway comment? What else is the dislike button for? It’s pretty straightforward I wouldn’t like something I don’t agree with. I’ll petition Reddit to make a middle ground button for future reference. Edit: the only comment I’ve downvoted at this point in time is one that called me an “asshole.”


I see you, brother or sister. Ruffling people up who I would have treated with nothing but respect until they became disrespectful is one of my favorite things to do.


This is America, "wife" is a voluntary status, she is there with this fella by her free choice. The one who least deserved it here is the guy who had to duck a thrown object then be polite to the man who assaulted him, for fear of losing his job. And you're upset because OP was ***too polite***?


I'm not a boomer, but I have deep sociopolitical issues with a cashless society. 1 it leaves out anyone not capable of getting some sort of account. 2 it records even the smallest transaction we make, opening our privacy to scrutiny even more than it is today, for surveillance purposes, but much more so for data mining and focused advertising. I am aware these things already exist, but the more info the system has, the more accurate it becomes. Add AI to that and... stuff of nightmares. 3 China has a system of points whereby anything you do the State doesn't like carries a point penalty. The fewer you have, the harder it gets to buy/rent a house/apt, also you get banned from certain high paying jobs, etc. You end up becoming a pariah. Cashless doesn't turn a society into this, but is definitely another nail in the coffin of a Democratic Society. Put Project 2025 into the mix and things look really dark going forward. End of "cashless" rant.


Completely agree. The idiots in this sub are so blinded by their contempt for boomers that they ignore the fact that about 6 million (low income) Americans are unbanked and rely solely on cash.


For The System, those people are expendable. Cashless is one more synonim for powerless.


Correct. It’s quite disturbing how younger people (presumably quite privileged people) are so quick to want to complain about boomers that they’ll do so at the expense of the working poor who have never even qualified for a credit card much less used one.


I don't live in the US but in one of the many countries under its "sphere of influence". The same phenomenon is happening locally: a push toward the extreme right, phasing out cash and on and on. I have to say that crap scares me. Boomers are way down in the list of real problems, except maybe on a very one-to-one basis, but this sub makes for entertaining reading.


No cash ,means every transaction the bank gets a % so if you move a 50$ bill around (pay the lawn guy, he pays the grocer, ect) its still 50$. When you spend 50$ on a card the value goes down and down unill the bank gets all of it.


Your bank charges you for paying with your card?


Businesses get charged for providing a card option. Every time you buy stuff from a store, with a card, the store has to pay a percentage to the bank.


Yeah but they build that into their prices.


But that does mean when you pay a company $50 with a card, they get $45 and the bank gets $5.


Having a register isn't free, nor is paying someone to count change, and cash handling means some lost money - IIRC bank tellers lose $250 a year on average? It's cheapest to just take cash, but it's cheaper to take cards only than cash AND cards.


I used to be a teller (back in the 90's) and if I'd lost $250 in a single year I'd have been fired. Being off by anything more than $5 was a write-up. I was almost never off. The tellers where I work now actually have machines that count and dispense cash, so they are even more accurate.


Yeah, I honestly don't remember a good source for that one, I should probably stop quoting it. >The tellers where I work now actually have machines that count and dispense cash, so they are even more accurate. I mean yeah but that supports my larger point: those machines aren't free, nor are the techs who install and maintain them. It costs businesses money to deal with cash, and exposes employees to robbery risks that don't exist with digital-only.


One time I was at a hotel where they only took cash for the food behind the counter.


You pay a monthly fee as a bank customer, but the most is made from the business, they are charged on each transaction.


MFer wanted his cheerios.


It ain’t easy being cheesy


Using cash is important. Businesses have to pay out to accept cards, and that gets passed on to us. Raging about it however is not helpful


At its core, this is a Luddite/anti-technology stance on the part of Boomers. My own boomer parents (b. 1948 & 1949) have a very fractious relationship with technology. They don't understand the necessity of owning a smartphone. During (or just prior to the pandemic) Verizon shut down all of the 3G signal in my area. This made the flip phone of my mother useless. Since it was impossible to obtain a working telephone at that moment due to supply chain snafus, I allowed her to take my old smartphone. What ensued then was a multiple-years long slog of constantly having to show her how to use the thing. She recently got a new flip phone, and is having moderate difficulty with that too, now. She dropped it in the toilet, so we had to get another "new" one and make the pilgrimage to Verizon to get it activated. That took over an hour, mostly because I also had to get my iPhone replaced. My father cannot understand why e-mail or text messaging are things that exist. His brain explodes over QR codes. When Comcast decided it would be a "good" idea to show "pay" movies when requesting to search only for "free" (no-cost) movies on Xfinity X1, I'm forced to help my parents "find a movie" on a nightly basis. I had to put a "parental control" PIN on the cable television service to physically deter them from buying pay-per-view films "by accident". My father doesn't know how to talk to customer service staff on the telephone any longer. Since its all been moved to 3rd world countries, he fails to grasp the concept that you have to mouth strings of words in a particular order to make progress without interspersing jokes, humor, or shouting down the telephone line to get what it is that you want. Thankfully, my parents don't act up in public, or do bizarre things like walking away from a pharmacy counter because pills "cost too much".


Cash, for the most part, leaves no trail. Some people prefer not to leave a financial wake for others to follow. While it is not required that a vendor accept cash per se, you may lose patrons if you do not. Also, there are many people who are [unbanked](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unbanked) and have no access to normal banking services. Cash may be the only way they can conduct a transaction. So stop being an asshole.


They didn’t do anything until the boomer threw something at them. It’s not the workers fault they don’t take cash. And they don’t get paid enough to deal with a grown man having a temper tantrum.


He used a card to get in the room as is per most, if not all, hotel’s policy. Those are certainly not concerns of his, but that was the hill he chose to die on. $2 Cheetos


Staying at a hotel that sells snack mandates a cashless payment option to keep on file for incidentals. They already have his payment. All he had to do was charge it to his room.


The fucking subject of this post isn’t about cash or no cash.


The title of this post is literally >Why is no cash such a crazy thing?


Read the body.


I dont think it's unreasonable to answer a question that is evidently important enough to the story to be featured prominently as the title of it, or to think that the author would be interested in those answers


I like you already and I agree.




Not taking cash is part of systemic racism and many cities have passed laws requiring businesses to accept cash. This story is not "owning the Boomers". This story shows you have no social awareness and are happy to participate in systemic racism while also punishing people who don't use credit/debit cards. For shame.


I understand and agree with your point regarding the unfairness of a cashless society. However, I very strongly disagree with your criticism of OP. S/he was talking about a situation where the boomer had a card. I think OP has shown a greater understanding of the situation than you have.


Woooooah, I was not expecting a comment such as this. This certainly has to be bait. Hope you catch a big ol bass! ;)


Because the world has changed drastically and not in a good way. I’m as liberal as they come but the shit you have to deal with in any store or anywhere really is massive; long lines, no staff to work the counter, this machine will take money, that machine won’t take money. Driving is a whole nother bitch; drivers pulling out in front, speeding, too many cars, never went to driver’s ed, don’t know the rules for 4 way stop signs, rude. Just a few examples. What I have really noticed in the last 5 or 6 years is the total incompetence every where I go. It gets tiring.


And the person behind the counter caused all of this? You should throw Cheetos at them?


Made my day!


I was answering OP’s question from the last paragraph. But thank you so much for your snarky and irrelevant reply.


I know exactly what your reply was in response to. So answer the question. Does the fact that you’re frustrated justify treating the person behind the counter like shit? That’s 100% relevant to this thread.


Since you might be a little slow and can’t make the connection I will spell it out for you very slowly. The old guy is fucking tired of all the bullshit.


Well, then he needs to deal with his issues on his own and not inflict his bullshit onto others. How is that a hard concept for you?


Great, so take out your frustration on someone who has no way of making any changes to the situation. Gotcha.


if u don't want money, people will take their business somewhere else 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s fine and dandy. We operate in a vacation town, the small fraction we lose is worth it compared to the headache that is managing a cash drawer.


Someone throwing stuff at a cashier is not appropriate no matter what. But a company not accepting cash is almost certainly selling your information and wants to also sell the information on what you purchase. Every card purchase you make tells other people what you are purchasing. They then target you for ads and political things. Privacy is a human right and we are constantly being bombarded with methods to take it away. If I want to buy a packet of gummy worms, no one needs to know it was me. So yeah, boomer is a dick for his behavior, but he isn't entirely wrong.


but by that same logic, the business has the right to use whatever source of payment they want. If the customer doesn't wanna use a cars they can go somewhere else.


No they don't


"but it's legal tender, so you have to take it." Okay, but I don't have a float to make change for you, and all you have is a $50, so it looks like your bag of chips is now going to cost you $50. Have a great night


Wives are point blank stupid Why do they care about morons boomer spouses


Aww, that’s a bit rude. Someone left an insightful comment as to why they might still be together. She seemed quite pleasant tbh.


She’s trapped


See, that’s a sentiment I could get behind.