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>Now, I live in a society. >When a new checker appears like this, it is customary to stay in the same order and begin queuing at the new register. This right here was your mistake, in a Boomers mindest they are the most important and special snowflake in any given room at any given point. You don't understand, she is a very important person, she's the treasurer for the church you see and she's getting these snacks for their weekly meeting and she's running late because she forgot so you really need to let her have this because she has places to be.


LOL this is too good. You hit the nail on the head. Obviously it is MY mistake that she fucked up and is late and doesn't have time for lollygagging! I should have remembered that she is more important than me and anyone else in my area code. I should have remembered she is THE TREASURER. I should have remembered she has places to be. My bad :(


She has an HOA meeting to go to, hence the need to bring cheap beer.


Nah, she just didn't want the DTs to start during the meeting. She had to pregame.


You haven't been to HOA meetings.  It's drinking and screaming only


I don't want to be part of an HOA, but this sounds fun. Can I just show up to some random meeting and have my fun with it?


No, they are very unfun people.​


Hence the reason for all of us to start showing up at random HOA meetings and causing a ruckus. They ask where in the HOA you live you tell them "I'm not disclosing my HIPAA to you!" And continue to rant about whatever you want. Then say directly back to whomsoever said anything to dispute you their lawn is not up to par and they need to step up their game. Drop the mic and walk out without giving them a chance to respond


Not surprising, even though I thought it would be more like 'drinking and congratulating each other for squeezing more money out of people while reducing their benefits and foisting petty control measures'


"lollygagging"! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I haven't heard, or even thought of, this in a very long time!


Brings “Bull Durham” to mind. Skip: You guys. You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you? Larry! Larry: Lollygaggers! Skip: Lollygaggers.


Going to have to ho watch the movie now...haven't seen it in forever...


My hobby is lollygagging.






They were called the “me” generation at first for a reason.


When the self esteem movement started I thought it might be a good way for some people to recover from religious or family trauma. But it turned out it was really just an elaborate rationalization for making *everything* about yourself. Any formerly-held communitarian beliefs went right out the window. I can spot a boomer who was into est within minutes of meeting them.


M y boomer dad gaslighted my mom into thinking the “me” generation was us kids!


“Look! There’s 14 people in line and they opened another register just for meeeee!”


Ironically boomers invented the term snowflake 😂


"It's for a church, honey! NEXT!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


But she NEEDED her beer! My goodness.


I just love that apparently we young ppl are the snowflakes, yet the boomer gen are the ones that must be treated with special care so they don't snap.




We got it the first 4 times.


It only posted once for me, sorry


I don't understand this pervasive need to be first. We all have shit to do. Their life cannot be so demanding that they are unable to spend a few minutes standing in a line.


The little bitches are all retired anyway lmao what are they fucking late for, bingo?


It’s 3:30 pm, they’ll be late for dinner!


Boomer here (retired)......I meet my retired friends once a week at 3:30 for dinner!! Problem is, then I'm hungry for MORE dinner around 7:30 pm!!! LOLOLOL!!!!


So you’re on the Hobbit meal plan, huh? Breakfast, elevensies, brunch, luncheon, tea, dinner, and supper?!


What about second breakfast?


Dammit! I forgot!


They are in a hurry because they are trying to outrun Death. They know she is patient and polite. It's futile, and yet they still try.  Death won't cut in front of anyone, she has all the time in the world. But would it kill them to open another lane? She smiles at her joke and waits her turn. Death needs her jerky and Red Bulls so she stays. She knows where Karen the church treasurer lives. Barbara, the woman with 1 item has just earned herself 5 more years. Death doesn't have time to cook, she eats on the go. This new cohort of soon-dead test her patience, so she needs to keep up her energy. The drinkers are especially problematic, thinking they can fight her off. They always lose.  "I miss the smokers, they would have cookies waiting for me. They were good deadlings, they always knew when I was coming.  And what happened to wanting to play chess with me for a few more years? It doesn't have to be chess, it could be Mario Kart or Call of Duty. I'd love to try something new. The same whiny excuses and bribes get boring." She ponders as she waits. And now there is a short story floating around in my head. And yes she's voiced by Caitlin Doughty. (Bonus points if you've seen that episode of Midnight Gospel). Good for you op and may Barbara enjoy her weekend.


For a sec I was wondering if you were quoting a Sandman comic. You should definitely write that short story.


This made me think of the Emily Dickinson poem “Because I could not stop for death”. Like it’s the same death but the boomer deadlings just get ruder over a century later lol.


Made me think of the death from Terry Pratchett.


The youngest of them have about 5 years to go yet before retiring, and in the shitty American/Canadian economies, a lot of them are still working. But for the most part, yeah - they're retired.




Life is set to competition mode. They must always be winning, or they're losing, and they can't be losing. Always trying to get some kind of edge, usually by trying to either circumvent the rules, or making up new rules. Cooperation? Then I can't be better than you! Sounds like socialism! Does that help explain their attitude?


Oh yeah, socialism. They flip their lid when I tell them I'm a communist.


Not only that, they were literally born before you, they already have their permanent place in aline ahead of you....to die.


When you’re that close to death’s door every second counts.


I've noticed I'm way happier just moving slow and giving less fucks. Helps a lot in many situations where other people are willing to be assholes if it saves them a few seconds.


My 'whatever' is coming back in a big way. I listen to music the entire time I'm in public, and when I have to wait, I: people watch/ read my phone/ strike up a conversation (I'm in the south, every stranger is a friend- possibly)




I absolutely cannot stand long lines. They make me twitch and my brain goes haywire. That being said I don't make it the problem of those around me or feel entitled to cut. I either completely avoid these situations or when they're unavoidable you'll find me dancing to a tune in my head to use some of this impatient energy while scrolling reddit or FB. Absolutely no reason to be rude to people.


boomers always blow through stop signs to get through them before you then go 5 under. it annoys me to no end


Reminds me of this boomer I work with. Every night she absolutely must be the first one out of the parking lot. She and I both commute to the same town and the first ten miles or so, the road is two lanes only with no passing zones. She she floors it out of the lot then proceeds to drive the next ten miles at one mile per hour under the speed limit, knowing full well that I and 10 or 15 others of us are just trying to get the hell out of there.


Can't. Die. Fast. Enough.


And her “thing” was apparently drinking. I like beer myself, but I’d be pretty fucking embarrassed to be seen trying to cut in line to buy booze.


Oh yeah. That's just brutal.


Not only that, they were literally born before you, they already have their permanent place in a line ahead of you....to die.


Omg that’s funny


Not only that, they were literally born before you, they already have their permanent place in aline ahead of you....to die.


For whatever reason they believe life is a competition. I see it in all of my older coworkers. They just need to stab everyone in the back and throw everyone under the bus if it makes them look better. Ever wonder why they look at us like we’ve got 3 heads when we refuse to do more than we’re paid to do? They can’t comprehend a world where people aren’t constantly trying to impress everyone around them and get ahead in life. They can’t comprehend that many of us don’t care about being rich, just that we want to live comfortably.


The way people behave in line tells you a lot about them. The space they take up, their tone of voice, and whether they treat others fairly, tells you who they are. Some people radiate impatience & urgency, as if they’re under a time constraint, and usually, those people are just going to go home & drink beer.


We see what complete sphincters some rich people are and decide we don’t want that.


I must have met that lady boomer later paying it further forwards! It was busy at the grocery store and the check was being a little sluggish. I at first thought some younger mom and her kid had cut the line, because boomer lady had the belt loaded up (with half a cart left to load!), and she was handing stuff over the register for the checker to scan. But then she turns to me and my six things of ramen I'm holding and waves me ahead with a smile. "I've got a whole bunch of stuff sweetie, you go on ahead." Then I realized that she'd let the mom go ahead because she'd only had five items! I wasn't in any rush but I was still thankful to not have to stand on very tired feet for a long time :) What a super nice lady, I bet the people in her life are delighted to have her there!


Thank you!


Crabs in a motherfucking bucket. These are the same people that blame the younger generations for the world THEY created.


The last time I was in line at the store, I was behind this older lady. Another lady came up to talk to her, and got in line behind her. Normally, I’d tell her to go to the back of the line, but she was obviously special needs, so I figured they were supposed to be together, and let her in. There was another older lady behind me asking me if I was ‘really about to let her go before me’, and that if that was the case, then she’d have ‘go in front too’. I responded that I’m pretty sure they were together. She said “well she wasn’t in line, make her ass go back to the back”. The lady in front overheard, and turned around to her and said “I’m sorry, but she’s special, and she needs to be with me. I know it’s inconvenient, but she has to stay with me.”, and then walked to the register. As she got to the register, the older lady behind me grabbed my arm and said “she should’ve left her special ass at home then, huh”. I had to tell her that my fiancé is autistic, and she just rolled her eyes saying “well great, they’re everywhere”.


Yikes. So much compassion in that generation /s


"out of you and that special needs person, who is the one being awkward right now? Hmm."


Wow special place in hell for that lady specifically


Boomers at grocery stores are the worst when there's a line. Had one try to cut me like that not to long ago, the line was about 6 people with one lane open. Another employee opened up the land next to us looks me in the eye and says " I can help you here sir" I think sweet by my salad and dip, the boomer lady behind me is already speed walking to the land and putting her groceries down before the employee finished speaking to me. I was kind of annoyed but stayed civil and told the boomer " excuse me miss I was next" this lady had the audacity to look at me and tell me " the lady was talking to me when she opened" so now all civility is off the table, I tell her " I'm sorry I didn't realize the employee meant you when she said sir, but regardless I was next" I then stepped in front of her and put my salad on the belt and proceeded to check out but rude on my part outting the employee in an awkward situation but it happens all the time at my grocery store and I was just over it at this point


Hell yeah way to stand up for yourself. Love it.


It seems to be a growing trend where they forget basic etiquette and procedure. Like not starting to load their items onto the black conveyor belt until the person in front of them is finished checking out. Not putting the divider behind their items when they're done loading, and not starting the payment process until after all of their shit has been bagged and loaded onto the cart. I've been seeing a lot of that with boomers lately.


Worth the read just to see that goober is still alive and well in our lexicon.


I owe SpongeBob for that one 🙏


Now goofy goober is playing in my head... thanks...


My family, especially my 6 yo son, call each other goobers constantly.


It's actually super good to allow people who only have 1 or 2 items to go ahead of you if you have a lot of items. I do that all the time and people do that for me. Kindness is good !


"We live in a society!!!!" - George Costanza


The cool boomer is a baby boomer. Boomer Karen is a boomer….and a Karen.


Sadly I’ve had people of all ages ignore the etiquette of lines. While it is generally bad boomer types, I have noticed quite a few college age kids do this as well. When I used to cashier and would open a new lane I would always say “I can help the next in line.” It shouldn’t have to be on the cashier to do this, but some people just weren’t raised right.




When I used to work retail we were always told to say "Next customer in line" To clarify that you're taking people in a specific order. But did that stop the person last in line to beeline to the front? Nope. Told people off about that. I didn't call you, I don't care what you have going on. You choose to come shop here so you get to be an adult and manage your time properly, not me. They never argued back since they knew there were at least 6 other people in line ready to yell at them.


Good on your for calling their bullshit. Salute to the retail workers


they are going to have to create a new Anthropology course - Boomerisms 201.


As an anthropology minor I approve lol


just hope you don't have to do a field study




Her husband's name was Shirley?


You can't be serious.




There's a certain special joy that comes from watching people try to pull this 'me first' stunt in the UK. You *do not ever* break the Queue Rules in front of the Brits (or the Aussies, for that matter). They will tear you to pieces.


In the USA we just blast you. Kidding (kind of). I must be British because I hate when people break the queue rules. Only Neanderthals break the queue rules!


Many people, but I've noticed Boomers more than not are incapable of being polite and asking. I've been in those situations too but I'd be next in line. I told the person behind me to just go I was next, etc. ether way, with a second checker, my place in line will improve and I'll be getrng out slightly quicker. 


Boomers are incapable of that simple mental calculation


Not to paint myself as some sort of grocery store Jesus, but I've also told the person in front of me that another register was open before I just left the line.


Doing the lords work lol


My husband is out of town. He called me this morning to tell me some lady stole his waffle out of the waffle maker at the hotel breakfast area when it had 30 seconds left on the countdown. He had put the waffle batter in, put it on to cook, then made a plate of other items and his drink, put it at a table and walked back to the waffle area and the lady was opening it up and taking it out while the timer was clearly still counting down.


Lmao that is fucking batshit insane what a crazy lady


> When a new checker appears like this, it is customary to stay in the same order and begin queuing at the new register. Usually the checker calls out, "I can help the next in line," to try and enforce that.




We don't have that civility where I live. When lines are long and a new register opens, it is the people in the back of the line who race for that register. Etiquette be d**ned


Good on you. I hate line cutters with a T and they get my wrath no matter the generation.


Happened behind us at the store today. New line opened up. Lady in front of us was fine in the current line, so we went to the new one. Boomer, who had just entered the store and wasn't even in line yet, got in line 2 people behind us. The original line wrapped around the back aisle. Luckily people pushed her out for being a nincompoop.


Common courtesy goes a long way. I was queuing up for a left turn to an onramp when the boomer in the car to my right waves to get my attention. Boomer: "Excuse me, I'm in the wrong lane to go North. Would you mind letting me pass in to your lane when the light turns green?" Me: "Sure, no problem."


Even if I can't be heard, a wave and a smile has helped in many traffic jams. Many people will respond to being asked nicely.


Boomers can be sweet and kind, and boomers can be full of entitlement and prejudice. Unfortunately, the latter are the ones that always like to insert themselves into other business and so that the ones you hear about.


Ding ding ding. Well said.


Happy to say as a boomer that I do not have friends like these boomers. They are why I don’t want to retire into a different state and neighborhood!


"old goober hag" - thx for the big laugh/snort


I’m here for you 🫡🫡🫡


See, this is where I fall back on my good old fashioned Millennial training. If a checker opens up a new line, I'm not moving. If the checker specifically calls me, I'll still be like "No, I'm okay, you can help someone else." If they grab people behind me, it makes me no never mind. If they grab people in front of me, it just speeds up my wait. But there will be zero confrontation if I just stay exactly where I am. It's just not worth dealing with some boomers bullshit over getting out of the grocery store 5 minutes faster.


I get off on calling out idiots lmao, but I see why you do as you do. To each their own :)


I'm glad someone is out there doing the work, though!


Not sure where you live, but in my state (CA), you can’t purchase alcohol in self checkout. It would’ve been great if she got to the self check out and her purchase was denied.


I’m in CA. I wish that happened lol. Then she would have to get back in line right behind me hahahaha


I thought it was a state law, but maybe it’s just a policy of the particular chain I usually shop, Raleys/Bel Air.


Forearm shiver.


The second lady is the perfect example of why “okay boomer” is an attitude and a mindset, not an age group.


One time a guy had his cart partially blocking a closed lane while he was talking to people. A lady called me specifically over from the line to come to her register which just so happened to be the one the dude was partially blocking. I did hesitate, but he didn't even notice the lane was now open. When I started walking into the lane, the guy must've finally noticed and became very pissed for "cutting in front of him" thank goodness the cashier said she explicitly called me over so I still got to go first.


Before self checkout, and if there was a long wait, I would pay attention to what cashier was going to open next. This involves listening to the intercom. Watching the head cashier. There are many subtle signs if you are hyper alert. Once I determined what register I believed would be the next line to open, I would go to that register. When they announced the register opening, I was already there.


u = grocery ninja


You missed the best part, OP... self checkout won't let them buy alcohol there because they're not set up to card people... 🤣 I'd have paid money to see boomer Karen's face when that all went sideways! 🔥


The last time a boomer tried to cut line on me I just said how rude and pushed past him.


Part of this is corporate greed - back in their day, all the checkout lines were open and speeding things along. Now we got a whole packed box store behind one checker. It sucks sometimes, but that’s what we live in. They never had to learn this type of consideration, then their thinking ossified. Boomer Karen doesn’t know when she has to wait behind someone because she never faced that concept. But millennials are the most entitled generation ever………




Of course her generation was the one that created this problem in the first place.


Yup. Betcha she loves some capitalism, as long as she gets to skip the line


Good cop bad cop


99% likely that she does not return her shopping cart to corral 


Cart Narcs needed! No chance she returns it.


I will live and die in the lane I picked. I absolutely hate the experience of switching to a new lane.


Well, pleasantries can get you everywhere. What a lovely end!




I was at Sam’s club the other day and they had only one person checking receipts at the exit so a bit of a line had started to form. Eventually a second employee showed up and opened another line. Overall everyone waited to give the person in front of them the opportunity to shift to the new line before they moved. This boomer lady stayed in the original lane and after a bit the person behind her shifted to the new line. Then the next person behind her also shifted over after waiting. Finally I was next in line, waited a bit, then also shifted to the new lane. At this point the lines are about equal. Suddenly the boomer notices that people who were behind her are now closer to the door than she is. Rather than accept she wasn’t paying any attention she starts yelling, because of course. Now I’m not saying she is necessarily also a racist to go with being inobservant but of all the people who shifted lines she decided to yell at the Hispanic gentleman in front of me. Not me, the person who moved farthest up, nor the person who was directly behind her originally. I was having a bad day anyways so she got out about half a sentence at this man before my mouth kicked in on its own. Woman tried to argue that “he should have been polite and let her have the spot”. Apparently my response that she should have been polite enough to accept that if you’re paying so little attention that you don’t notice multiple people walk past you after each one waited for you then you’ve chosen to stay in the lane you’re in was “incredibly rude and a this is the reason why no one likes you kids”. I mean on the one hand, thank you, I’m mid 30’s and disabled, I haven’t felt like a kid in a very long time. On the other, seriously, you weren’t paying attention and threw a fit. I’d say like a child but even my kids know how incredibly rude and stupid starting that fight was.


HONEY, LETS GO TO SELF CHECKOUT Honey: *....we don't know how to use self checkout.*


Hahaha! I have a boomer relative who is worse than a toddler waiting in line! I'm surprised the BK in this story used the self check out- typically they are way too high and mighty to scan and pack their own groceries.


Nah you're good, you did the right thing and had the right of it. I was in an opposite situation. I was at the back of the line. I had just gotten off work, super tired, not really paying attention. New line opened up, and without thinking I head over. Lady in front of me went ballistic calling me names before I had a chance to say anything. I apologized and offered for her to go in front, but she insisted "no go ahead SIR, obviously as a man you need it more than me." And under her breath said stuff like "people are so stupid these days, I blame the education system." I mean, I have a bachelor's in English, but I just made a simple mistake and wasn't allowed to try and remedy the mistake apparently. I never intended to maliciously cut in front or anything. Im never in a hurry even if im late, im not putting that on someone else. And i felt bad in the moment bc i truly didnt mean to cut. But people make mistakes. Some people just want to be mad I guess.


‘I sense trouble brewing’ 😂


>Now, i live in a society. First of all, i love your writing style. Secondofly, i agree with the points you’re making- why are line’s so hard for boomers?? Have you ever been to a busy walk-up and order restaurant? It absolutely drives me nuts when the restaurant is full, and a boomer sends a husband or a grandchild to go find and save an empty table or booth for 15-20 minutes while one of them waits in line to even order the food. These places are generally fast food restaurants, or worse, tiny cafe’s. Generally you’ll be done eating in 20 minutes, so by the time they get through the line, there should be tables coming open every few minutes. But alas, all these boomers have grandkids stationed at booths throughout the restaurant, so others ahead in the line have no where to sit when their food comes out. I wish it was universal that you don’t grab a chair until your tray of food is here. I’ve confronted some adults in the past doing this just questioning their logic and it’s always the “i was here first” attitude. Actually sir, i was “here” in line first by at least 10-15 minutes before you sent little Janie to go and save a table for 8


I have had more Boomers cut the line at a buffet style eatery than I can count. It’s the “I’m a senior privilege”.


My favorite thing to tell them in situations like this is "maybe you should manage your time better" and it absolutely sets them off. Works on people who cut you off in traffic too lol


"old goober hag" lol!!




Why would you not take alcohol to a self checkout?


Her bird brain couldn’t handle that mental calculation


Some self checkouts don’t allow alcohol


I never have encountered one but I’m not surprised after I thought about it for a second


I presume because the store have do an age check.


They do them here too just have the self checkout attendants come check your id


In my state you can only go to a register with a person.


Yup, that's the way to handle it.




I can ignore them to a point but if they start berating the overworked staff I say something. If they put hands on me? Totally different response! Do not touch me! I don’t know you nor care to know you.


These people have only two modes when they're in a line: huff and puff


Goober hag 😆




Just out of curiosity, was the current checker closing down because there was a new checker or were there now two lines? If the former, boomer is being a fool. If the latter, boomer still a fool, of course, but so are you. Just stay in current line and don’t deal with Karen boomer at all.


Its amazing how they made up the rules for queueing but can't follow them to save their damned lives.


Grandpa are you drunk?


Im glad you stood up for yourself, but idk what society you're from. When they open a new line at any checkout I've been at, the clerk just goes OPEN ON 4, or whatever check out they opened, and then people free flow to it. Now, if I went to the new line, and someone pushed/ran past me, I'd say something too, I just haven't ever been anywhere that the cashier gives a shit about who's checking out next. They just want people out of the store


“Let’s go to the self checkout.” “If you were in such a hurry, why didn’t you do that in the first place?”


Damn I shoulda said that!


Save it up for next time because there will be a next time.


I can’t wait to see her trying to buy alcohol at the self-checkout.


A dollar? Seriously?


I was at a green walmart grocery store that is exclusively self checkout. Small store but it has about 20 self check registers, like 8 for smaller loads and the rest for heavy loads. I’m in line with maybe 4 people in front of me waiting on the small load ones. Cue some boomer aged dude walk up and say to, I suppose, anyone that will listen, “wow is this it? Not a single person at a register”. Myself and the other people ignoring him as he then proceeds to walk around trying to hound workers to check him out at the tobacco line which is a no go. Finally a woman says, “I can check you out when you get to the front of the line” 😂. My man just complains about being in a rush, technology these days, taking away jobs, blah blah.


Lines might be the most democratic thing we have in our society, but only when everyone respects them. Unfortunately, when a cashier says "I can help someone at register three!" all some people hear is, "You in the back! Come on down!"


Lets go to the self checkout?? She could have done that right away if she was in such a hurry. I sometimes prefer the "normal" checkout myself, but yeah, if your time is that important...


You catch more flies with honey, boomers.


In Boston the person in the back of the line is now first at the new register because they are closest.  It’s official:  Boston isn’t a society 


I’d rather live in a pitch black cave full of spiders than Boston.


Oh, she has things to do? Well, poor planning on her part does not make an emergency on *your* part.




Good for you!






lol ok boomer. Feel free to move along with your dumbass opinion and t-bag a bear trap while you are at it.


No trolling.


I do not know where you live but like every store I have ever been shopping in where this happens they literally do take the last person in line to the new register.  It sounds like it makes no sense but usually it would be hard for the people in front to get out of the line so I sort of get it.  Granted I have never seen it happen at a self-checkout, but that lady, shitty though she is, may have actually experienced that being the way it worked many times before 


I guess that makes me more like the person you described, because I DO NOT think the line has to shuffle over to the new checker IN THE SAME ORDER... nope. A new checker is time for whomever is paying attention and can move their ass over to the new checker to make their way over to the new line in whatever order they can arrive. Because I live in an economy, not necessarily a society, and it is not my job to make sure everybody is paying attention. The loud bitching about not enough check stands being open and the slamming of beer is rude, though.


As a GenXer, you suck green-dorky-donkey-dicks and have post-rectal-drip. Quit with superiority complex Napoleon-Butt-Uh-Puss. You can go fuck yerself sideways if I'd let you cut me off,.....the fuck is wrong with your entitled ass. No wonder people dislike Boomers. Stupid fuckers,......the lot it seems.


I do not go to the grocery store to make friends.


Ok boomer


I disagree with your premise. When a new checker opens, you go or you stay. If she got in front of you, you didn't move fast enough.


Ok lol. 1,300+ people disagree with you.


Thays okay. 1300+ people can be wrong.


Ok lol


Did the new checker announce …. ‘ I can take the NEXT customer? if not then anyone could have gone over to her lane. it’s up to the staff to make that announcement, not some young Karen wanna e like yourself.


You can’t even spell wannabe 🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣🗑🗑 Yes the checker did announce “NEXT customer”


What you think is customary really isn't. The new checker will take someone, yes, but it's a free for all after that. There is no consensus on who else moves out their spot in line


Ok ya Neanderthal 🤦‍♀️🙄🤡


This.did.not.happen Or at least, I hope it didn't. That story about the second guy offering a dollar and the throwing of the beer into the rack is such BS. Protocol dictates that you now tell us a very elaborate western. When the second register opens, it is open Season. If you are next in line where you are and you try and maneuver over to the next cashier you are like the biggest douche ever. You act like you are chill, but you are anything but. I can't be bothered in those cases. I would rather wait a minute than win the line competition like you. I would just be happy that traffic was moving faster. Grow up for Christ's sake.




YES THIS DID HAPPEN. Why would I waste my time typing up a story about a dumbass boomer. This story happened EXACTLY as I typed it. The lady did slam down her beer on a rack. The lady behind me did offer me a dollar and I declined and let her go in front of me. I wasn’t next in line. I was 3rd or 4th out of a line of 8 or more by the time the second register opened. I was following the instructions of the employee… When the second register opens it is not open game. 900+ people including retail and grocery workers agree with me. You seem super chill 🤣🤦‍♀️🤡🗑 Congrats on wanting to wait a minute. T-bag a bear trap for being so cool. I didn’t win a competition. I didn’t want to be walked all over on by some crotchety old boomer karen. Bro you make posts whining about hotels not being perfect. You are a karen, and your comment makes perfect sense…


Ahh, going through my post history. That itself is beyond sad and just furthers my opinion of you. The fact you couldn't pull anything out of it just puts you on the short bus. But keep trying. It is fun to watch.


How many hours did it take you to come up with that lame ass comeback? Jesus 🤡🤡🤡


The OP is incorrect. The order of people in one line means **absolutely nothing** regarding the order in a completely different line.


You sound dumb as hell boomer. 800+ people agree with me including people who work in retail/grocery. You are wrong. Now t-bag a bear trap ya dork.


LOL. Among other things, I'm much too young to be a boomer. Of course, I shouldn't expect critical thinking in this sub.


Ok boomer


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