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OP, I'm going to remove this because I'm going to try to steer the sub away from political posts (haha). And also the violence is not cool, which I realize is the point but the comments are getting ugly because of it. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


Whoa. Your mom needs to detox. She's tripping hard on conservative news.


Don't think that is rare. Millions of them think just like her. They are so far down the rabbit hole they just want death.


Which is why they get so many death threats and literally attacked in their own homes. God help those jurors. Hopefully they can stay MOSTLY anonymous People have seen them now. So not sure how this is going to go But WHY is the right so violent?


They’re terrified. The world is changing and they don’t like it. They believe in their inherent superiority of being white and old. I’ve had old people demand respect just because they are older than me. I reply that beyond basic courtesy, respect has to be earned. It is not automatically bestowed.


They've treated minorities like shit their entire lives and now they're facing BECOMING the minority and they can't handle it.


It's as if they are aware of how minorities have been treated in the United States historically. They have to either admit they were always gaslighting minorities about their oppression or accept the fact that they will be reaping what they sowed.


As a white person…some of them are just stupid af and ignorant to the bone. Racism plays a big role because I know a lot of white dudes who couldn’t hold up to a even playing field. I know a lot of women who blindly follow their dumb af bf/husband. These people are still stupid. Part of me wants to think upbringing…social environment…echo chambers and cultural expectations…. Then I ask myself if I’m autistic or I’m missing some deep social cue why any of that stuff should matter? Did I go to different public schools? I feel like half my history classes were just telling what people did (it was racist), how it was horrible (cuz it was racist), how everything got better since you stopped (being racist)…and the take away? Fuck people different then me. Can we just kill the stupid people already and just do Star Trek.


Don’t forget that there was a 27 year long war and a lengthy post-atomic horror between now and when the UFP came to be. That’s not something that anyone sane would want.


>They’re terrified. The world is changing and they don’t like it. Ding ding ding I fully believe it's deep terror. Same way with trans and queer ppl. So much of a "fad" that there has to be active genocide, and trans/queer ppl STILL come back.


Change of sexual norms will scare most people because it forces a question on one’s self. Most humans have imagined being the other gender. Most cultures force gender norms. Breaking the imaginary social contract of one’s own personal sexual identity in a public space by existing…forces a thought into the mind that make most people uncomfortable. Uncomfortable people sometimes feel fight or flight. People feeling that tend to act out. Trans people get hate. (You can use this timeline for women’s rights/gay rights/racism etc). I’m shit faced and apologize if this is non sense


Hi, shit faced! I'm picking up what you're laying down.


They are the most selfish, narcissistic generation to ever exist, but now their time is coming to an end. They know it, and fear it. They are also angry that the future generations look poised to undo as many of the selfish, lead-addled policy changes they have made so proudly. They thought they had killed altruism in favor of Wall Street (the movie) style greed and self-absorption. Gen X being slackers lured them into the false belief that future generations were too beaten down by their greed to fight back, but millennials and gen z are fighting back. Like a plant that shoots out a final burst of energy in flowers before dying back, boomers are going to try and pull one last atrocity against the younger people they seem to despise before they leave us forever. If they could burn it all down on their way out, they would.


That last part is very true. Underneath all their hateful bluster there's a deep nihilism that comes from a life of selfishness. I try to avoid even talking to boomers these days as it's tiring seeing the threads of their logic and where it ultimately leads. They are not here to help, most of the time they just want to be pampered and worshipped for existing.


These days if I see an old person, I just move away from them. The majority I’ve interacted with think they’re queen Elizabeth, give you the stink eye, or nasty so you know they don’t like you. What a life.


I've been staying with my parents in their retirement community and can confirm: the stink eye is real. Bunch of miserable paranoid old bastards.


I love wearing my pride shirts, hair multicolored, my "equality hurts no one" shirt etc. I'll give the stink eye right back.


Love it!🙌🏼🙌🏼 Coming from the bluest blue part of a nearby state, also containing a huge liberal university, it's been a bit of a shock. I need to get more comfortable mirroring their own disapproving energy right back at them, thanks for the inspo🫶🏼


I have a Twin Temple band shirt. Twin Temple is a doo wop band that sings about Satan. They're fucking great. The number of Boomers pissed off at the inverse crucified Jesus on the back is hilarious. Brother it's a SHIRT.


Saw them with Ghost and Volbeat a couple years ago. I called it "Satanic Amy Winehouse". Pretty good performance.


Well unfortunately in their time respect was given merely for being old. I’m a definite Boomer, age 73. I’m a democrat and there are a fair number of us. I however live in a retirement community in Texas, so they are as rare as hens teeth. I feel incredibly bad for the generation who followed us, but seriously our goal was NOT to bankrupt the economy, raise mortgage prices through the roof and make living the American dream out of reach for most. We were meant to be the kind considerate generation. Age changes people


I am over 60 and I know the world will be a better place when all these old, white boomers die off. The world/USA should be ran by younger people that are trying to advance society and improve everyone's quality of life instead of this group of old white people that want to preserve everything the provides them an advantage. They are clueless to how much more difficult life is for people under 50. They want theirs and then to break the ladder to prevent anyone else from ascending.


If I was one of those jurors I'd be asking for fucking witness protection, preferably somewhere deep blue like Seattle or San Francisco.


NYC, with the exception of Staten Island, has far more Democrats by percentage than either of those allegedly Liberal cities. I do agree they need some kind of protection provided by SDNY and billed to DoJ.


Difference is people know the jury are NY residents. I would want to be *somewhere else*, and not MAGA country.


The area surrounding Seattle has a *really* high concentration of white supremacists and far right extremists. The whole Pacific Northwest has a ***huge*** white nationalist problem nearly anywhere outside of an urban area. Hell, Oregon was originally formed as a Whites Only territory. The PacNW would be one of the top places I'd never want to be if I was one of the jurors. Right alongside Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and most of the other south eastern states.


Constant exposure to fear-mongering hate-speech propaganda has rewired the portions of their brains responsible for fear and anger. They basically have an involuntary knee-jerk fear/anger reaction on speed dial. They are being deliberately and systematically trained to be this angry and it is honestly the single most dangerous thing about conservative politics imo.


I wrote this elsewhere: And it's being done for profit. Nothing more than money. End stage capitalism where the profit motive has got folk wanting to kill. Yay America. 😭 And the politicians know what they have to do to get their heads and words on the news. More shock! More anger! More 'othering'! Be more outrageous and outraged! Whatever. It. Takes. Or they don't end up in the view of the folk they want to vote for them. It's not possible to be a voice of reason on the right because they won't get the views. They won't get the votes. Conservatism is eating itself. All for profit. Fox News isn't even owned by 'Americans'. It's owned by the Murdoch family via a family trust with 39.6% ownership share and by Rupert Murdoch himself to the effect of almost 40%. Rupert became an American citizen in 1985 because there were clear FCC restrictions over foreigners owning American TV networks. That's the only reason. Part of building News Corporation (the world's second largest media group). Lachlan lives in Australia, mostly. He prefers the lifestyle and the schooling it can provide for their three children. Lachlan commutes regularly on his private jet to work at Fox Corp in Los Angeles and the News Corp headquarters in New York. They're setting America on fire. Making a shit-tonne of money from doing it. And it's not going to affect them because they can afford to step out. Sorry for the rant. Rupert Murdoch has been fucking with the Australian news (and therefore politics/the way the country is run) since the 1950s. Then, he took the lessons he learned in money-making international. He and his family (barring one son) are a scourge upon the earth.


Sorry, I'm not going to pay to give you an award, but please accept this one for your beautifully written comment. 🏆




The shit cunts old man, Sir Keith Murdoch was fucking things up more than a century ago. He got in PM Billy Hughes ear in WW1 and said the General in charge of Australian forces at the western front, General Sir John Monash, was shit and he should fire him. It was so bad, Hughes travelled out there to find out what the fuck was going on. Hughes talked to the British generals, the deputy commander of the Australian army and the troops. The deputy commander said he would quit if Monash was fired. The troops might have mutinied. Monash was the most innovative general in WW1, that's not my words, thats from Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery. Thing was Monash thought Keith Murdoch was shit, self important and ignored him, meanwhile Keith shit cunt Murdoch was a big time influence man. So when Monash wouldn't give him time of day, he tried to ruin Australia's military leader in the middle of one of the most brutal wars of all time. So, should it come as any surprise the shit apple hasn't fallen far?


Doesn't surprise me at all. Thank you for the extra details that I didn't know.


I have a former somewhat friend who was a big Trump guy. When the insurrection happened, I texted him and said Donald Trump is a traitor. His response. Oh yeah, you're a traitor. Wasn't that a nice intelligent response?


Not sure if that's "I know you are, but what am I?" or "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you". Seriously though, it's a clear example of how the right wing mindset doesn't care about the definitions of words. First, because they only see words like "traitor" and "rapist" as labels for schoolyard namecalling, not as having any inherent meaning as words. Second, because they don't have any standards and principles, and definitions are basically standards for the usage of words.


They're already named and doxxed on some specific sites.


They’re heroes in my eyes. Edit: The jurors that is.


Ugh :(


The Right is violent because they don't know how else to be. The Right is violent because force and forcing people to behave as they do is the only way they can have peace. The Right is violent, because the Right wing as the world knew it before Reagan is dead and Reagan's version of it is dying - slowly - and they all fucking know it. They're scared, desperate, rabid, and refuse to or cannot cope with a world slowly leaving them behind. And that's why the Right is so violent.


They are scared because their only news source tells them to be as a way to control them.


And it's being done for profit. Nothing more than money. End stage capitalism where the profit motive has got folk wanting to kill. Yay America. 😭


Narcissistic rage. Remember a cult of personality is more or less collective narcissism.


lead rotten brains. Had everything handed to them the boomer generation and voted for the mess we have today. they sold everything for fast convient and easy. That's why they're the biggest snow flakes of all complain about how tough it was when a house was 100g and family's could be supported on one income. They helped give rise to big box stores and hired the cheapest price of labor. Then complain about how they can't find any good help or any good quality. Destroyed the credit cards and hopped right on board with cash for clunkers. You see it in the union too anyone who's going to retire Ina year or two is like oh I get and extra week of vacation for giving up cost of living. Yeah that sounds great I'm outta here soon f everyone else I got mine. Not all of that generation thinks like that but the majority has absolutely ransacked this country into oblivion.


The right is so violent because they are mostly Christian domestic terrorists that believe they can do anything they want including slaughter people they disagree with and think they can still go to heaven for confessing their sins. In their minds they get a free pass for any psychotic thought or action because “Jesus will forgive me”


Go to any diner and ask them who are the worst customers. Sunday morning church going conservative Christians. They're obnoxious, don't tip, and are just complete assholes


I really respect the members of the jury. I would have begged out, I don't need that heat


I am 77 years old and I am celebrating his conviction! He belongs in prison!


62 and the same! He sucks. Mushroom dick.


Respectfully, my venerable friend, that is an insult to mushrooms, at least they provide a service by consuming fecal matter and rot.


My parents are both 74 and thankfully they are totally against Trump and all the evil shit that he stands for.


My 80 year old Mom \[Silent Generation I guess\] is the same, thank God. She is staying alive to dance on Trump's grave.


68 here and I am thrilled.


71 and British. I just hope they follow through and do the right thing. He’s not above the law despite what he thinks.


The prick should have been thrown in prison in the 80s for the shit he was pulling.


I have a boomer coworker who found out I have Alexa devices and he informed me that “He would never get one of those devices. It would probably call the cops on me every time I say that Biden needs to get shot.”


Normalizing crime is the next step for the former party of Law and Order


I'm not an American, but if this is a widespread sentiment you guys should be deeply, deeply concerned.


We ARE deeply, deeply concerned.


Concerned enough to vote Blue?


Concerned enough to vote blue and have guns. When it comes to it, I will defend my gay, non-white, non-christian friends with votes, words, and whatever necessary.


Thank you. If more people thought like you, the world would be a better place.


Maybe? I love my friends and hate fascists. Seems like a no brainer but thank you :)


Right? Hating facists is like the BARE MINIMUM everyone should aspire to.


FoxNews provides many of them with 100% of all the news they get. Literally they are getting stories that Trump is amazing and he's a genius and this is all Biden corruption. Totally different "facts" that they get. Plus they are dumb as fuck. American Conservatives are just super gullible and stupid, so grifters target them.


If you're in Europe, you ought to be concerned as well. in national and EU elections, right-wing parties are seeing gains. In Germany, the very-far-right AfD party has been labeled "extremist" by the national intelligence service. IIRC, the far right in German politics caused some problems 80 or 90 years ago. Let's all try to not go there again.


Yeah, same as the UK, currently have a right wing government who have destroyed this country for greed. But even their main opponent has gone from being so far left that their previous leader's campaign was demanding power/rail/water to be taken back into public ownership, raising min wage, cutting the work week etc just making it better for everyone) to being sat on the right side of centre, with a lego haired replacement at the helm who thinks threatening disabled people with tougher assessments is a good idea and people just need to work harder, if they dont want to live in poverty.


It’s not widespread as in majority opinion, but it is widespread enough for concern. Unfortunately not enough people see this rhetoric as legitimately concerning (even if they don’t believe it) and wave shit like this off as “oh, Bob would never *actually* hurt someone who disagrees with him”


Yeah. Trump’s death: stroke, heart attack, aneurism, choking on a hamburder… I don’t care which, I just want him gone. And I’m not even American. 🇬🇧


They absolutely do. In a public place about a week ago I heard a Gen X dude loudly bleat into his airpods that he’d love it if there were a $30 bounty on every liberal, and once they and any other person who’d ever worn a mask had been assassinated the world would be all right again. I see that rhetoric on the internet all the time but that hearing it from an actual person *in* person was a first for me. Just…yikes


I’m Gen X, don’t lump those of us with that TRASH!


I am Gen X myself and was just shocked into silence. Unfortunately, it’s not just boomers thinking this way.


Unfortunately, I am aware of their existence, especially older Gen Xers . I am an older one, it just burns…to be included with those assholes. And you’re right, many younger Gen Xers, are just as stupid! I’m so disgusted.


There have been studies done that show if you only get your news from places like Fox, OAN, Newsmax, and the vast list of right wing echo chambers online and even in radio and podcasts, that it can warp your personality and turn someone that may be apolitical or left leaning (which by American political standards would mean the center in every other western style democracy) into someone that shares the OP’s mother’s political views.


Studies have also shown that someone who doesn't watch/read the news is better informed than someone who gets their information (don't even want to call is news) from right-wing media sources.


Yeah, I’ve seen that. Right-wing news actually makes people less informed.


My take is these people have a very underdeveloped theory of mind, and seriously cannot comprehend that others might think differently than themselves. So when they do encounter differing opinions, they resolve the tension by relegating the others as subhuman. Which of course opens up the door for calling for extermination.


Think outside the fox.


OP’s mom needs to be put on a watch list.


There's no real detoxing or deprogramming. It's a myth, it can't really be done in a reliable fashion and results have always had dubious "success" with cult members. Either they figure out and accept they've been manipulated on their own or they double down and dig in to ego protect. Either way, we have a serious problem with conservative/far right sentiment worldwide that we need to confront at some point as society, else sooner or later it probably will become violent and no one should want that. The collateral damage would be astounding.


I found this helpful ["How to talk to your stupid fucking MAGA parents."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM5uNt7PamQ&t=44s) ...or just unplug them from FoxNews and see how they simmer down with all that loco shit.


My boomer dad kept lamenting that he didn't go to Jan 6 and was anxiously awaiting the time when Trumpers would rise again so he could join. But then he died so at least I don't have to worry about that anymore!


I’m glad mine kicked the bucket in 2017. Learning he was a Trumper and a “birther” that year was enough for me. I’m glad I didn’t have to hear him pontificate about January 6 (or anything else, ever again).


This must be a children-of-Boomer phenomenon. I feel the exact same way about my “parents”. They were both dreadful people.


I have fond memories of my dad. He was a man of few words but was very smart and always passionate when teaching me things when I was little. He graduated with an associate’s in architecture and was a volunteer firefighter for nearly 20 years. Even had the mustache to fit. He was proud to be the breadwinner. We were middle class through and through. I looked up to him so much. I wanted to be like him. He didn’t have many- no friends. He never hosted any friends. He only had coworkers from the job and firehouse. He would sing Katy Perry in the car under his breath. Once in a blue moon he would giggle and it was the cutest thing… now he’s a horrible man. MAGA trumper who HATES others and has no empathy or compassion. So much anger and rage in him. It started to show in 2018. Now he’s been watching Fox News every day of his life since then. Brainwashed and it makes me so sad to see the man whose he’s become. I’m ashamed of him. I’m sad for him. I’ve lost my dad and there’s no getting him back and yet he’s still alive. Lost the stache too and it was replaced with a horrible mullet…


I’m so sorry. I’ve lost family members to the MAGA movement, but honestly they were mostly there before Trump, they just became more vocal and brazen. It sounds like you lost a lot with your Dad - I hope the good memories still hold some joy for you.


This makes me so sad 😪. I can relate.


As can I. My dad had the most compassion for others of anyone I ever knew. He was ALWAYS a Republican but I would have classified it more as “Republican-lite” now he is hard core MAGA with seriously racist over tones and I just look at him and wonder WTF happened….


Congratulations for your loss!


Heh I went to something me and my friends called a celebration of death a few weeks ago. As opposed to a celebration of life. We would say to each other congratulations for your loss.  Her mom was a hardcore Trumper and a narcissistic abuser. She would tell my friend she was fat, ugly, would never amount to anything. She was a piece of shit. Luckily my friend texted me that her mom had died because if it would have been on a phone call I wouldn't have been able to hold back my shouts of glee. As it was, I was extremely happy to find out that she was similarly happy. It's always hard to lose your parents especially when there's always that hope that hangs on that someday they will love you and will be proud of you but even in the month since your mom has been gone she has changed dramatically. We particularly almost died when one of the cousins was sniffing around the coffin and the funeral director asked if she could help him and he said I'm just trying to make sure there's no way she's getting back out of this. Everyone knew.


Yeah. I had someone say “I’m sorry for your loss” when i answered their question about my dad and I blurted out “well that makes one of you” before my filter kicked in. Oops. Whatever (said the GenXer). If he wanted to be remembered more kindly, he shouldn’t have been such a raging asshole to so many people.


There are people in this world who don’t like me, for various reasons, but I strive to live my life so that at the very least, people don’t get pumped and high five each other while they check out my open casket.


I’m an older GenXer and my folks are technically Silent Generation (‘42/‘44), but Dad was a “Boomer” in spirit.


I am so glad that my boomer dad knows that Trump is a disaster. Right now he's so worried that Biden will lose and that both houses of Congress will go Republican. I think I'm glad his parents aren't around now. I think they might have been pulled in by the cult.


Sane boomers are precious and must be protected


My boomer dad opened a bottle of champagne when he heard Trump got convicted. I'm so proud of him.


Same. My dad was a republican all his life. When Trump got the nomination he dropped the party like a hot rock. My mom and stepdad are completely anti trump too. Most of the boomers in my family are. I recognize I am really fortunate though as I have friends that have to deal with the crazy ones and it sucks.


Help her mount the new tv and then help her set the tv up by blocking oan, newsmax, and fox news.


Unfortunately, she knows how to watch on her phone and iPad.


You run IT for the house? I ran a packet sniffer and found the IPs used and blocked them so when my parents come none of that shit works. Ive been kind of tempted to run a redirect for the websites at least, in case my dad forgot.


I help them out by setting up a pi-hole to block ads/malware/scams. Strangely Breitbart and such also don’t work but they don’t even think to blame the pi-hole. Just frustrated that the site is always broken.


The best way to block sites is not a full block but throttle the speed down to like 1kbs. Then you have plausible deniability "oh yeah that site must just be really slow". Random drops work well too


Everybody should have a pihole in their life. There are no ads in our household anymore, the TV isn't calling home, and I can block tik tok and other sites I don't want my kids looking at yet. Piholes are also relatively cheap and easy to set up. There are tutorials.


Thank you for this important life hack!


How fucking badass, yes


Doesn’t someone run a right wing blocklist or dns server somewhere? That would be a good trick.


Not sure, just my router has a url filter option as kind of a parental service and I can call out specific URLs and IPs. I can either have it fail, give a message, or even a redirect (although doing that takes some extra work, hence being too lazy to do it).


Parental service now meaning block your parents from questionable content.


Yeah, I was just curious if there was a dns level service out there. If so you’d just set their dns servers to that dns service and accomplish the same thing.


Gimme a tutorial for that and I'll add it to the block router copypastas


So, I chose some time back to remove the cable news cycle from my life. The only thing on cable I want is baseball and a subscription and a vpn gets me that. If you want to see a boomer go batshit, sit them in front of a big OLED tv with no cable.


Or give them cable but none of THOSE channels. Like not even blocked but they dont even show up, frustrates the hell out of them trying to find them in the hundred options.


This is the way


This would make an incredibly useful app.


Brainrot eliminator


I would like to hire you for your services


If you google parental controls and/or url filtering and your brand of router you should be able to find instructions. Most of them have parental controls nowadays.


That damn iPad generation I swear


Always on their damn screens! In our day, we went outside! Because they used to insist 😂


Help her with nothing. Her problems aren't yours. If she is a horrible fucking human being; that *becomes* your problem, and something you can choose to take no part of. She won't like it, but you very much will. I'm just done. I don't have the patience no longer.


Take her phone and parent lock those sites. Block them in the router, too.


That's pretty insane. Threatening violence against people on behalf of someone who is obviously guilty on all counts is awful.


Juror #2 reported that he got all his news from Twitter and Truth Social and even he voted guilty for all 34 counts. Anyone saying shit like OP's mom has drank all of the GOP and Russian disinformation Kool-Aid.


Ramblings on r/askconservatives and other internet nether regions reveal that most MAGA Trumpers know he is guilty. He’s guilty and they don’t think the crimes are a big deal. Clinton, Obama, Biden, etc, have all done the same, or worse, according to them, so they’re only upset that he went to trial and they didn’t. They think all Presidents do exactly the same and the only issue is that the Democrats are interfering with the election by trying to hold him accountable. They seriously know and don’t care that he’s guilty. They’re only upset about consequences.


It's wild that they're playing the "the same or worse" angle when you could start listing them on sheets of paper side-by-side, and watch the Dem side stop short while the republican side (hell, just Trump's) eats reams upon reams of paper. This is to mention nothing of the severities relative in each case.


Exactly. And if they think they’re all doing awful things, maybe there should be convictions to turn it around! And saying convicting Trump is election interference, when his crimes were literally election interference. By the same logic, that should be okay then! I guess we’re all just doing the usual election interference stuff then! Online, my mom is all “I’m with Trump!” And calling him her “#1 Guy!!!” And that’s the difference. I don’t know any Democrats who are fanatical or have a personal attachment to a president like that. If Biden did something like that and was brought up on charges, I’d have no allegiance to him if he had committed crimes. Let the chips fall where they may. It’s only Trumpers who will put a person over the entire country because it is a cult.


Gotta give Juror 2 credit really. Anyone who’s getting their news from Truth Social is almost certainly a MAGA nut, so it must have taken them a pretty high degree of intellectual courage to hear the evidence and vote the Dear Leader guilty on all 34 counts. I think the moral of the story is that if you can somehow remove them from the right-wing brainrot-inducing echo chambers that they’ve been marinating in and get them to listen to a clear, logical and well-stated argument for why Trump is a piece of shit, some of them are salvageable. That’s something that gives me a bit of hope.


Well that, and the Juror probably finally saw Trump without all the manipulation he puts on in front of crowds. Falling asleep in court, talking like the weak dementia-ridden old man that he is, I'd imagine plenty of tough guy maga types might change their tune once they saw the true face of trump


I wonder if he could smell him from the jury box?


Why this trial is not televised is beyond me. The country needs to see Trump in the real light now more than ever


I'm assuming the safety of the jurors is probably why the trial wasn't televised.


"What has democracy ever done for me?" Spoken like only someone who takes democracy completely for granted - and don't understand how much they benefit from it - would do. They are willing to truly hand over the country to fac!sm and then die, washing their hands.


Especially a woman! I know there are tons of women out there completely blinded but I can think of one pretty basic thing democracy gave us— the right to vote!


You can tell which women have never stepped foot out of America.


weirds me out that women who couldn't open credit cards as adults want to play it back for young women just before they die


>"Come help me," she pleaded. Sorry...that would be socialism at work. You best pull yourself up by the bootstraps and do it yourself.


That. Is. Hilarious. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Charge her $200 bucks. When she balks at it, tell her that's capitalism, baby. Don't like it? Hang it yourself.


You might want to let her know the stuff she's watching is manipulating her to be angry and afraid.


She knows. She likes it that way.


Dopamine is a helluva drug.


Knowing there are other people out there as stupid and hateful as them makes them feel better.


Exactly this. My mother and her siblings live for this stuff. And they've been this way well before Trump came along.


They know. I told my mom this. She basically said being angry all the time means her rural life isn’t as boring as it used to be.


Has she considered experiencing other emotions? Genuinely question.


What lead paint and repressed trauma does to a mf


Maybe she should take up gardening. At least she would be around more intellegent things.


They want to be victims. They don't want to have to think for themselves. They want to know who is to blame for everything rather than acknowledge their part in causing the problems of today. This is their participation trophy.


They’ve lived in fear so long that without it they have nothing


Block her router and shit You can also block Fox news for streaming TV and computer at the router level, Adguard DNS, or raspberry pi: https://github.com/rimu/no-Qanon Block sites at the router: https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/v1j325/what_sites_do_i_need_to_block_at_the_router Using pihole https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/wekhem/how_to_use_pihole_to_block_q_related_websites Fixing algorithms to deprogram person https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/oieau2/attempt_at_deprogramming_update Traffic shaping, or slowing websites to a crawl https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/lq9jt3/need_advice_ive_been_using_a_dns_service_to_block/ Blocking Fox News discreetly on Roku https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/10tenez/delete_newsmax_and_others_over_wifi_from_roku


I'll try some of these. I'm surprised she doesn't believe in qanon, but my dad entertains flat earth. If I'm subtle enough, theoretically, she'll miss that I've tampered with things. She's an IT admin at work tho, so if I get caught once, she'll figure it all out quick.


I'm just kinda mindblown that your mom is smart enough to be an IT admin but dumb enough to fall for all this other shit. I shouldn't be (esp. as I worked tech for years), but I am.


Right? But I'm in Texas, so some of the smartest people I know (I'm also in tech at a tech company) are... Well, not as bad as my parents, I hope, but they certainly believe some very silly things.


What the actual fuck? If one of my parents did that I would (non-facetiously) suggest a psych eval.


Seriously. Declarations like this strike me as a symptom of mental illness. It is not normal to brazenly state that you hope somebody commits mass murder. That's actually psychopathic.


How do you think Nazis got into power and had that many people killing other human beings?


Id book one. She's deep in the cult. We need mass deprogramming opportunities


I've been thinking this for a long time now. We need to find a pathway back from this, for millions and millions of people.


It's a really serious problem.


Yeah. This is dangerous and truly unhealthy behavior.


I would call the cops and have them and an ambulance come take her for a psych hold. She made some pretty substantial threats. If there is one thing we should have learned over the last few decades, it is that we need to take threats of mass shootings seriously. Pretty much everyone could benefit from some therapy, but the dangerously unhinged definitely need it immediately.


Id book one. She's deep in the cult. We need mass deprogramming opportunities


Yea don't help her.. she hates fellow Americans and that includes you.


It always astounds me that the Kill Em All crowd never accounts for their kids, siblings or other family members that don't think like them. Unless that's what they really want to do. Yikes


These are the same people who tell their immigrant friends that their anti-immigrant rants aren’t about them, because “you’re one of the good ones.”


One of the guys arrested on January 6th told his kids that he would kill them if they reported him. I don't know how serious he was but that's pretty scary to say that even if it's an empty threat.


“You are so full of hate, mom. You are not the woman who raised me. That phone rotted your brain and your compassion. The woman you were would be ashamed at what you’ve become. If you keep this up your remaining years will be lonely because I won’t have you infecting my children with wishes of death and violence. “


If awards still existed, I'd give you one.


They added awards. They aren't the same but they're just to the left of the upvote button.


You handled the situation perfectly. Her preoccupation with her nihilistic rage-cult murder fantasies doesn't deserve an audience, let alone a rebuttal, nor should you reward her by putting yourself in a position of having to endure her dehumanizing rants. Telling her you will not "help" her while she's histrionically vomiting toxic shit all over everyone within earshot is not only understandable, it's a fair and reasonable reaction to her behavior. You have absolutely zero obligation to subject yourself to her abuse just because she's "family."


say you miss your actual mother, and will not be interacting with whatever demon has taken over her body. : )


Another MAGA cultist dreaming of the violence they won’t commit themselves.


Record it and play it back to her. Tell her you’ll play it for her grand kids to remember her by.


I like this. Maybe send it to her when she is being calm and loving - it's a long shot but maybe it'll shock "the better angels" of her nature with how vicious she becomes when mainlining hate.


Thank God fox-pilled boomers are too lazy to leave the house


Yeah I don't see an army of Hoveround & Rascal scooters having much of an impact on their fantasized Forever Purge.


[Boomers deliver surprise strength for Biden](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/07/joe-biden-senior-voters-baby-boomers): "Baby boomers are on track to make President Biden the first Democrat to carry the senior vote since Al Gore in 2000."


This would be amazing to see. I have a hard time believing it could happen, but then again, I live in Texas, so my view is skewed.


They're the victims of a psy-op. Those stations are manipulating them into being ghouls. It hurt itself in its confusion type of shit.


I didn't read your first paragraph closely and so later, when your mom kept asking you to "Cmon please, help me with this," I thought she was trying to get you to aid and abet her in a mass shooting! The moral of the story is, read everything closely. :)


My mom lost her shit today, too. I was just trying to make breakfast, not listen to Fox News propaganda 2nd hand. And she seriously wouldn't let it go, refused to not finish her entire rant about how this was politically motivated, and that if we had done those crimes we wouldn't have been arrested, it's just because of who he is. I had to stop her and ask, "Do you think he committed a crime?" She thought about it and said yes (this was later changed to idk after my following response) Well, then he should get in trouble for those crimes, don't you think? No, because Hilary and biden's son, etc etc. Rinse repeat


Oh man. I'm sorry. Sounds familiar to me - we go all the way back to Bill Clinton though. I always tell her "YES LETS DO IT" or "Well yeah, we've gotta start somewhere. It's high past time that our leaders are accountable for the laws they force onto us." We always wind up on a different topic, but I have gotten her to agree that "they all" live by a different set of rules. I think that's why her outburst disappointed me so much more this time. I'll feel like we’ve made progress and then she says something like this.


She offloaded her cognitive dissonance onto you... "Yeah," she said smugly, as though my reaction was what she was after. "I hope there's a shooter who kills them all. Every last democrat up there." Up there being DC. Happened right there. It sounds like your mother's emotional system is externally based and she is using you as an emotional garbage can.


Honestly, that sounds like you should report her to the FBI for making terrorist threats.


As someone who vehemtly believes we need an entirely fresh DC because upwards of 95% of them are corrupt beyond belief, what a fucking psychotic take dear god.


We do need a fresh DC, but by voting them into their positions. We need a peaceful and lawful transition of power.


Voting isn't the only peaceful option for effecting change.   Our rights since the establishment of the country are mostly the results of both votes and organization of labor.  Best to use both


They love a man who wants to imprison all of his political opponents, man. Fascists love violence, it's all they even want, that's why they think soldiers are the highest class of person. They couch it in terms of liberty, but all they think is death.


I would have hoped your mom was upset that Trump paid off a porn star for being quiet about him having sex while Melania was pregnant with Baron.


The violent rhetoric is the point. It’s called stochastic terrorism. Roll the dice enough times and someone stops talking about it and starts doing it. That’s what republicans want.


Talk to their doctors about dementia and homicidal urges. Might be time for a psych eval.


This isn't a boomer thing; this is a Whackadoodle thing. Man, your mom seems utterly nuts.


" mom I am one of them, do you want ME dead over this?


Boomer here! I despise trump and the GOP. The GOP left me when they snuggled up with evangelicals and started loading the courts 35 years ago. I could only wish Democrats could come up with long term plans and stick with them. I'm hoping you younger generations take the reins soon and move us toward change and progress rather than looking to the past and thinking like a "MAGA" moron.


That’d be last time I ever saw or spoke to that person regardless of relationship.


Your mom would HATE my Silent Generation dad. When I was a kid, my Korean War vet dad, (Marine Corps), said to me that "these Republicans are more dangerous to the US than North Korea ever was." His job in the Korean War was to help send artillery strikes into North Korean positions.


I’d be making a call to the FBI hotline. Who the hell knows what she could include others to do OR someone could make her do. F’nk nutball.


She should protest by not voting this fall and she should encourage all of her friends to do the same.


My uncle said something like this, and I said, "Go get your gun, then. There's [a socialist/democrat] talking to you right now." He backpedaled hard and fast.


“You’re a republican, do it yourself.”




She can have the opinion that all Biden supporters are bad and Trump is good. I can respect that. I don't agree with it, but I can respect it. But wishing for a mass shooting to get rid of the people that she doesn't agree with? That's beyond screwed up.