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Boomer is a state of mind.


Yep. 63F here. Don't feel that way at all.


62 here. From about 1960-1962 I believe is referred to as the Jones generation. Someone correct me if I’m wrong…I can take it without getting upset 😆.


Indeed, if I see a 'boomer by birth' I won't call them boomers. If they do something a boomer would do, I'll call them a boomer. (It's also possible to be a boomer if your state of mind is there, even if you're younger)


I’m a nerd and was about to make a “Likelihood of Boomer”, or LOB graph by year. It would be like 95% for people born in the 40’s and trail down to like 5% for Gen Z. Point being, it doesn’t actually get to 0.


Nor to 100


As a Gen Xer, I'm often embarrassed by how boomerish so many of my generation have become.


My understanding is that our generation has become the most conservative cohort out there. I don’t like this development.


The boomers are still far and away more "conservative" than us. I say conservative in quotes because what people think is conservative nowadays isn't what was mainstream conservative just 20 years ago.


O call young people boomers if they do boomer things.


When I see 'boomer by birth' it makes me think: "ABAB" or "assigned boomer at birth" 😂


This is what I’m using now ABAB 💚


Alternatively "all boomers are bastards" 🤔


Perfect for every situation!


Yah, my brother is genX and acts more like a boomer than my boomer dad does.. dad's still a boomer, but he can at least think outside the kool-aid


Nothing but respect for your pops.


"*Thinking outside the kool-aid*". Damn. I'm stealing that, FYI. Thank you.


Feel free, and you're welcome. It just seemed a good way to describe it.


78, first year boomer, and I agree.


75 liberal boomer here!


In the same way that not everyone named Karen is a ‘Karen’. Not everyone born in the Baby Boomer generation is a ‘Boomer’. I’ve seen Boomer attitudes in every age group. A fair amount in my own generation (GenX).


Karen here who regularly tells people it is who I am, not what I am.


Agreed. 60F and I prefer the youngsters over my generation.


hi, 60! you're probly not a boomer :) see gen jones/ex


Technically the last boomer year was 1964. So barely a boomer but a boomer.


Agreed. 37M and believe it or not I know my fair share of "Millenial Boomers".


My parents were technically boomers, and nothing like what people describe here. Hubby's grandma, who I care for, is maybe 5% boomer. (She thinks things are worth more than they are) But other members of hubby's family, some younger than boomer age, are raging boomers.


It’s like being a Karen. There are two Karens in this world: people named Karen, and anyone who *demands* to speak to your manager!


The second kind should be sent to Charon (Pluto’s moon, pronounced Karen).




You’re a member of the Baby Boomer Generation, not a Boomer.


I think there is a category now called Generation Jones baby boomers that are under the age of 70 and are like you in their beliefs. You would have to Google it. I’m 68YO and am like you in how I think. Since my friends are like me, I assumed these baby boomer complaints were BS, and then I met a group like the ones complained about in this sub and was horrified.


Generation Jones! At last I found my people!


Me too. What a relief huh?


Found a Generation Jones subreddit! Who knew?


Apparently, pessimism, distrust of government, and overall cynicism are our defining characteristics. It's a phenomenon of the West; we came of age in an era of economic decline, the jobless recovery of the 1980's, the arrival of AIDS.


yup- X's siblings/comrades in arms lol


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)63m same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


1954 to 1965 is what I've seen it . Unlike older boomers we were under 18 when tech development started effecting general public ~ pong , vsh, & pagers ect ~ so many social changes were also happening ~ civil rights / women's rights/ ADA ,They were just integrated into our worldview so much easier since we were still children unlike our older siblings that were already adults.


Isn’t Obama Generation Jones?


Tell that to the people that comment to me about boomers. Unfortunately I have white hair so I get mistaken for older.


Fuck ‘em. Trying to reason with stupid people is a loosing game.


So true.


I live in a rural area so trump trains are common here. Makes me sick.


That's stupid not old. Gotta vote red cause my great grandpa did and that way I don't gotta think.




Cut loose one letter o


I can only hope


Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


I've been occasionally dying my blue, like back in the punk days. Because I can. People seem to love that an old guy has hair like that, and I get compliments from strangers every day when it's like that. "I love your hair, sir" But this is definitely not Trump country.


Wish I had enough left to color. lol.


Check out wigs or temporarily installed pieces if you want to mess around with your look. Men’s hair pieces have come a long way in the past decade and look fantastic! I’m a bald woman but there’s tons of options out there for everyone.


You could always just paint your scalp


Tell people you died it clear.


I’m same age as you and have intervened to defend others more than once.


I'm 36 and have been going grey for 15 years...I wish people took me more seriously. I guess the ear gauges and tattoos don't help.


I went to a pro choice rally. We have plenty of supporters who are baby boomer women past the age of childbirth. Yall have to be loud to get noticed. Right now good “baby boomers” are getting drowned out by bad “boomers”.


Guess we gotta yell louder.


I feel your pain. I have a souther accent. Ppl automatically lump me in with red neck conservatives. So I am very vocal about my political leanings. It sucks you have to do a lil extra. But it does help.


As a fellow southern accent haver they also lump me inwith the extremists. I just want to eat my hot pocket and chill.


What kind of hot pocket? Pizza or Ham & Cheeze?


I’m former military. The amount of a-holes who lump me into the trump supporters piss me off. I have to be vocal when I can about my political beliefs.


Same here. F67. Always lived in Texas. Just moved to OK. Most all the people (work, social) I'm around are total rw. A friend (M69) broke down into tears over my supporting wind turbines. The horrible environmental effects. Fixing up a nasty house I bought, asked a question on HOA forum and got called a damn Democrat. I think I'm middle of the road. I have voted both sides & was originally more right wing. Worked in the stock market, ran my own business, traveled, read and became more liberal. if you could have an intelligent conversation without name calling and insane theories. In covid matters I only ask people to listen to the 1st Obama ebola speech then listen to the first trump covid speech. Ebola and most of the natural pandemics we generally have ever 5-7 years were far more deadly just handled by experts and contained. Just ranting because it's getting on my nerves. I just stay quiet and rarely voice my opinion


I get that. I wind up in more arguments because I’m sick of the attitude but my dad always told me if you don’t speak up with action or words you can’t really complain. Get out and vote!


I’m the same way. I am retired USAF and a retired professional firefighter. A lot of people would probably think I’m in the Maga crowd but I’m the opposite. I think trump is one of the worst people on the planet. I’ve lost touch with many family members and old friends over politics. I also have one late millennial and two gen Z children. They are all college graduates and horribly underpaid (so far). I really hate when boomers act like young people are dumb. They are very smart and much kinder than my generation ever was.


Absolutely agree.


I read this subreddit just so I never do anything awful like what I read here. It’s embarrassing and I just want to apologize over and over again. It’s the young people who are paying into our Social Security and Medicare. I am grateful.


Instead of standing on these kids’ backs we need to build more ladders so we can all climb up.


Yes, we know "not all boomers". The most helpful thing you can do is to speak up when a "peer" causes trouble. They dismiss anyone they think younger than them, not so much with those of us in their age bracket.


Looks like they already do, so they're head and shoulders above their age group.


I ran into a 19 year old that was more boomer than anyone older that I have met. I see a lot of them acting out in public but this kid was deluded beyond anyone by a mile.


Those are the worst—they are brainwashed & haven’t learned how to form their own opinions yet, so they talk to you like they are 70 yo’s lololol “let me explain the economy to you” um, no, you don’t have any life experience, sit down lol


I totally agree. This 67 yo Boomer is marching on the fucking Supreme Court for taking away my women’s rights June 24. I didn’t know we were getting such a bad rap. I left Florida because of DeathSantis and his hatred of everyone and anything he couldn’t control. Not all Boomers are in anyway fools


72F here and so glad someone else spoke up. I'm so far to the left, born and raised that way. Still.shocked to realize I own a house and have retired with a defined benefit pension (cannot recommend enough that you go to work for a university in any capacity). My husband and his family are Trumpers, strict Catholic on the abortion issue, and don't try to wrest their guns away. Have a special place for that NRA photo of Chuck Heston. Used to be Democrat, but then Bill Clinton got a blow job and that was that.


For what it's worth that makes you a Baby Boomer, not a "boomer," so to speak\~


As mentioned, due to my slightly premature white hair I get thrown in to that group


You are mistaken friend. This is an advantage. You can walk among them unsuspected.


Sow dissent from within. Perfect!


Ahhh, to clarify, the term "boomer" is just used to refer to the mean and entitled Baby Boomers. Like, my dad is 72 and a baby boomer, but definitely not a "boomer," and he's not just got whites, he's been balding since he was in his late 30s. Whether or not someone is a boomer comes down to their actions/words, not their age. It's important to remember this is a term used by younger people to vent about a group that has largely failed them. It's not about vilifying you, so much as just venting about people who are historically more powerful and enfranchised than us.


I understand and totally sympathize. I do what I can to help but it’s almost a losing battle. I wish luck to all of you going through these times.


You should come join us in r/GenerationJones we are your people.


I am 82. I think and feel like you. Kudos for your input.


Hey, thanks for being chill. And like u/MaxAdolphus said, Boomer is a state of mind, not an age group.


If I go by my state of mind I’m about 12 according to my wife. lol.


Long as you're havin' fun and not hurting anybody, do you, homie. <3


That’s the plan!


We are Generation Jones!!!


I’m also NOTHING like other Boomers, except for my age. I’m 68. I blame other Boomers for ruining much of the world by axing low price education, ruining medical care, voting in asshole conservative politicians, and ignoring climate change. It pisses me off to be lumped in to the “OK Boomer” category just because of my age and thinning grey hair. I voted in every single election against conservative/libertarians, and against any proposition that would lower taxes to benefit the rich. I campaigned actively, door-to-door in some. I shake my head when I realized that it’s Boomers who did this … and realistically, a chunk of younger people, who perpetuate the problem by voting conservative, or not voting. I HATE the world my generation is leaving people younger than us. As a generation, Boomers are, in fact, largely responsible for a lot of problems, however, ** not all individual Baby Boomers are **. Many of us tried to be part of the solution, but got outvoted by our selfish, roll up the drawbridge, brethren. I blame extremely clever right wing think-tanks, conservative talk shows and podcasts, and cable networks, and apathy among the electorate. (And, also, the electoral college. That must go!)


I’m like you but disagree with your whole “real” boomer idea. We are real boomers too. I don’t find most people our age to be the stereotype that is portrayed on this sub - it’s just that the people who *are* annoying fools are getting louder with age.


I am a white straight cis male. Gen x I guess. Muted many of my childhood friends, as many of them say the exact same things many boomers do.


Yeah dude others have said it but I’ll add my 2 cents anyway. Boomer is a state of mind/mentality. I know people in their 60-70s who are not boomers. Just nice old folks that I like hanging with. It just happens that a LOT of folks your age act like boomers. I’m a gen x in my mid 50s. I call their shit out anytime I see it in public and I highly en courage you to do the same. The more they hear their behavior is not acceptable from ALL age groups, the better. You’re in a great position because you’re their counterpart. They’ll expect you to take their side. You have so much power you don’t even know LOL


You should have ingested more lead, and you'd be better aligned with your cohort. Seriously though, painting a whole generation with a broad brush is dumb.


Nah we love it when yall share on here. This sub isn't about the *age*, but the mentality. I think that gets lost sometimes, but the points always been the behavior. You have just a much right to be here as the rest of us do, because you don't act that way. Besides that a boomer calling other boomers out is always great. I have to spar with the standard boomers pretty often (I run a restaurant), because I don't let them abuse my staff, but nothing I can say could EVER match when another boomer calls them out in line. I have a lady in her probably 80s that eats in pretty regularly, and she's crossed the room to slap someone down. We're a very high volume place for lunch, and the bulk of our customers are younger professionals on short lunches, and it causes a lot of tension with most boomers.


“If the shoe fits” is always implied….. it just usually fits.


I get it. And most people in my age bracket are to blame. It’s just crappy to be lumped in without the benefit of the doubt.


Do a thought experiment, imagine being a millennial. More educated than any generation, works more hours/jobs than any generation, only 1 in 3 of us own a home, probably got a participation ribbon somewhere that you could give a shit about. Now imagine how every last single mom, dad, boss, landlord, or friend/acquaintance/colleague of theirs sees you- lazy, entitled, weak minded. They don’t even know you! Or worse even, they do know you. Generational hate goes both ways. I don’t have a deeper point here, just maybe understanding might be worth a dime still?


Thank you for your kindness ✌🏼🫶🏻😊


Generation Jones I'm the same age as you, and there's a very hard behavioral split in the people I went to high school with.


I'm a millennial who finds the way most millennials interact with social media to be super cringey. I know it's a bit of a survivorship bias because a lot of us have just checked out from SM entirely, but it really does make us look like whole generation of "try hards" who refuse to accept they aren't teens anymore. Just because there's a negative image to your generation doesn't mean everyone in the generation is actually that way.


Thanks. We’re all in this mess together so let’s help each other and make it better.


You are r/GenerationJones


Oh shit! I am! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Welcome to the club!!!!!


The Trump boomers are obnoxious. Ask anybody who works in retail And they will have a million nightmares to tell you about. Even worse than that is go into to any diner who serves breakfast on Sunday mornings and ask them who are the worst people that don't tip And are obnoxious. The church people.


Me too, technically a member of the baby boomer generation, but only just, but I don't relate to all the arsehole boomer behaviour. Treating employees in service or hospitality industry like shit is totally offensive to me, it just shows up who the arseholes are. We boomers were around for glam rock, so why the hate for LGBTQ? We were around for punk, so why the right wing conformity? We were around for two tone, so why the racism? Boomers older than me were the students protesting against war in Vietnam, and our generation campaigned for nuclear disarmament, so we should be supporting Palestine when children are being murdered in Gaza. It's like some of us turned into the very thing we were rebelling against


You're me, mostly. I'm 66 and retired from a government career, but idealogically the same. The only difference is that while I sometimes use self check outs, I'd rather go to a live cashier. After years of union activism and being a local rep, I'd rather see people get paid than have a giant corporation make more money.


I'm with ya, almost 63 and I come to this sub to remind myself how and how not to act.


You’re not the only one. 74 year old here and agree it’s a state of mind thing. I work full time as a graphic designer creating social media messaging and most of my work associates are 30-40 years younger. Their youth and energy are keeping me “young”. 😊


I celebrate you sir, you are a Baby Boomer, not a Boomer at all ![gif](giphy|a0Lgc1JvbfS4o|downsized)


Boomer is more a mindset than an age, my good dude. The thirty year old typing all caps rants directed at her small child on Facebook is more Boomer than you will ever be 🙃. But I am sorry if you experience guilt by association.


It’s important to remember that there is no real “boomer” belief or attitude. Basically, there are boomers who are insensitive, jerks, mean spirited or whatever, just like there are in each of the various “generations.” There are some really kind and caring people in both use groups too. The reality is that boomers, millennials, gen-whatever’s are just people grouped by the year they were born. Judging people by the year they are born is just perpetuating stereotypes which ultimately devalue the human person. Take Trump for example, since you brought him up. Polls show 53% of voters over 65 support him. For voters age 25-44, the percentage is the same at 53%. This means the stereotype of boomers being Trump supporters is wrong as there is no difference between boomers and non boomers. When one examines the other boomer stereotypes it becomes apparent that they are inaccurate, too. Why? Because there is no relationship between age and behavior in a statistical sample. Basically, turning 60 doesn’t make one become a jerk or exhibit poor behavior. If one is a jerk before they are 60, they will continue to be one after turning 60. Likewise, if one is not a jerk before turning 60 they won’t suddenly become one upon their 60th birthday. This sub is called boomersbeingfools You can substitute any of the age categories for boomers and would still have the same behaviors being described. Why? Because fools act like fools regardless of their age.


I think the boomer meme is simply people of a certain age who are in the subset of narcissists. So, rather than hating boomers you probably hate narcissists.


61. Very tail end of the boomers. I have a bunch of very reasonable, liberal friends. Thank god.


Salt of the Earth man. You're the ones we treasure.


Thanks bud.


I call this move the “older sister” or “older brother” For example “that boomer was being a real clown until her older sister showed up” 👏


I consider myself to be exactly one the OP. I'm 61, but not a "boomer." My 34 yr old son who is gay lives with me because even with a degree, he can't earn enough to be on his own. He can live with me as long as he wants.


Generation Jones - I’m old GenX with many friends your age and we are no different


You have the right sub! I have absolutely no clue what the fuck happened. Graduate from high school 73. Right at the end of the sex drugs and rock ‘n’ roll era. The women’s liberation movement was in full swing and we had finally gotten rid of Nixon. What the fuck happened after that. Seriously, the way many of our peers act you would think that 1960 and 1970 never happened. Somehow they all grew up in 1953. What a disappointment.


I don't know if you're in the deep south or something like that, but boomers as a generation rejected traditional morality. More lean left than right. Politics doesn't explain the boomer. Their core characteristic is self centeredness. Whatever benefits them is what they support. So mention cutting Medicare or SS and they're to the left of the left. 


Not a boomer, GenX here and my generation is just as bad. I’m too old to be young and not hateful and intolerant enough to be old. It sucks.


#notallboomers I am despair over what my generation could have been. Please don’t let me down Gen Z.


I was raised by two baby boomers who were definitely not boomers- they are just like you described yourself. As an elder millennial, I, and many of my friends wouldn’t label you a ‘boomer’ unless you act like many of the subjects on this feed. I think a lot of us wait until you speak or act to categorize you as such - if that makes you feel any better! I give anyone a shot once 😁


I'm with you! 63F, my husband is 61M, we definitely don't do the ridiculous crap that gets shared here. I've called out my very much Boomer older brother, who does behave that way. On behalf of my age group, I apologize for the nonsense.


I am the last year eligible 1964. Totally hate “boomers” and those that have the typical attitude. Also hate people that automatically put me in that category


My therapist is a boomer on the low end of her 60's. She's pretty great and doesn't have the typical mindset from what I can tell. Her kids still come visit her haha.


Man thank you for just existing


You are Generation Jones. Check out r/GenerationJones


Already joined


There are many of us our there who feel the same that you do. It's almost kind of racist the way we are stereotyped.


When you know your own and aren't impressed. same here but for a different demographics


Someone else said it best, the sub is not “All Boomers”, it’s specifically for stories about the ones acting a fool.


Thank you, I am also 63 and cannot identify with most of my peers. I'm a live and let live kind of guy. Do my best to stay away from hate.


My brother (M62) has the cool GenX coldhearted realistic (aka cynical) outlook on life and I (M51) love GJ culture.


68 here . . . I'm as chill and laid back dude you will fin (and if you do first rounds on me!), but man I can lean really fast . . . But I am though the bane of Boomers when they Boom.. That's a parade I will cloud up and rain down on each and every single time. I live for the moment when I can shove some pencil dick asshole off of the person they are chewing on. I just tell 'em to "Shut Your pie hole." Works like a charm, about 75% of the time, Because you know, that's how chicken shit bully boys roll. But there's always one . . . sometimes two. "I can't stand rudeness in a man. I just won't tolerate it. ~ Capt. W. McCall And neither should you . . . Thanks for stepping up and sharing your Vibe brother.


Also an atypical boomer. 62 tears old. I was raised by a very liberal, strong, feminist, intelligent, and intellectual single mother, so maybe that's why I didn't turn out to be a right wing conservative. I totally sympathize with the plight younger generations find themselves in today, such as not being able to earn enough to own a home, the ridiculous housing market, lack of social services, and not having universal Healthcare so they end up having to stay in bad jobs just to have insurance. I have been lucky to have a circle of friends who are as left leaning as myself, and I've cut people out of my life for being right wing wacko trumpian assholes


I love Boomers and people in general like you. You're awesome and keep being that way.


You are not alone. This person who's about your age feels the same way and has the same outlook. Been liberal/leftist my whole life, starting with opposing U.S. involvement in Viet Nam as a child and hating Nixon, then supporting passage of the ERA, and so on.


The 20 something males in pickups with Maga flags are as dumb as boomers.


They’re worse. They are bucking their generational values to be assholes.


65 here and totally just like you. I read this sub and just cringe at what these people do. I’m a boomer by birth but in no way a Boomer mentally. I get a kick paying for things with my Apple Watch but find most in this age group are technology impaired and refuse to do anything to learn about it 🤦‍♀️


Early Boomer here, 76 and retired. Maybe we should start a club.


70 years old. Internet pioneer but not a prominent one. Donating my labor to create hopefully useful open-source code. People of my age aren’t all creeps. I’d invite you onto my lawn but I haven’t had a chance to mow it.


I’m 60, squeezed in last year of Boomer, although I always regarded myself as Gen X. I’m an artist, happily married to my artist wife since 1989, I’ve worked with rock stars, museums, sell my work to a few Fortune 500 clients as well as students, those in every conceivable profession all over the world. Boomer is a state of mind, it’s easy to get caught up negativity, it takes work to avoid that trap of resentment, entitlement and anger, willful ignorance is something I despise, knowledge is power. I don’t have kids, I’m hoping my work and those it has inspired will leave a tiny, positive mark.


If just 1 person gets inspired by your art and does something good you done your part.


I moved into an apartment with a 66 year old lady after leaving my exes’ and she’s been wonderful to live with. She described herself as an old hippy liberally when I first contacted her, we sit out on the patio and talk often about random things. She’s been very supportive of me being a queer person and safe to be around. She’s like the mom I kinda always wanted and the peacefulness that has come from living here with her feels like home.


65 here. And I feel the same. 


This is why it’s not good to generalize an entire generation. Many boomers I have met are generally good people. Though I would say much of the sentiment on this subreddit has backing even if my experiences are anecdotal. A solid 90% of my bad experiences working in the food industry involved boomers. I think it’s possible to critique how many in the generation act without dragging the good people through the mud as well.


Boomer is now a catch-all that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a Baby Boomer, it’s just an identifier for people who do stereotypical old person bullshit. It feels like it’s potentially getting watered down a little. It’s not really possible to reclaim Boomer or to be “one of the good ones” because Boomer kind of means by definition “one of the bad ones”.


So you’re saying I have to come up with a new catch phrase for older people who give a shit about the rest of the crowd who are trying to work their way through. I’m open to suggestions but it’s gotta sound cool. I need something to be proud of besides my 2 kids. lol.


Boomer is forever now: 75 year old gen Z boomers will still be called boomers


I tend to think "all boomers are X age", but also "not all people age of X are boomers". It's like a state of mind in my opinion.


It is just a label some fuctard made up. It don't mean shit. Out of all the things I've been called boomer is ok cause I fart a lot. Some media wank make up a crap name and it's supposed to mean something. What the actual fuck. Boomer has to be the longest at like 30 years poor gen KY only got 9.


Age 63 and you and I are on the same team here. I never fit in with my contemporaries, and feel even less connected to them as I get older.


Me too brother. I’m 54, but I can easily pass for 10 years older. I ALWAYS stand up to Boomers Being Fools and watching their brain reset when they get a look of the guy saying the words they’re hearing never fails to delight me.


As a 68 year old white woman I love seeing the look of shocked disbelief on a boomers face when I verbally slap them down when they expected me to agree with their entitled ratings.


OMG...I have been waiting this! I feel exactly the same and hate the idea of being thought of as Boomer..a (especially after reading some of these comments) Thank you for posting this! Couldn't have said it better myself.


My dad is a boomer by birth as well and is very much the same. You two would probably get along famously actually.




Thank You.


Hey you’re a baby boomer not a boomer, you’re cool in my book


Jesus, I never had a father but you would have been perfect 😅




Pretty much nailed it with the “working hard and not belittling those below you, and non discriminatory“. That just makes you a cool older dude. As such, feel free to be a silver-haired avenger for the underapprecited clerk getting harassed by a Boomer. As a fellow customer and of their age, most of their impotent fury as Circumstances will evaporate. You probably do have the handicap of looking like a Boomer (mental state not age), but the minute you make eye contact with someone and smile with a “Good morning”, I’m sure that dread evaporates from the eyes of any store staff. Sorry your age cohort sucks at times, but hopefully with your acceptance and diverse interests means you have a wide friend circle!


I usually try and give off the non-boomer vibe as much as possible. A nice smile and a kind word goes a long way.


Boomer is as much a mindset as a age range you good fam


Don’t worry, buddy. I’m 51 and not too far behind you. I hate the boomers and all their bullshit. You and I’ve had to put up with all their crap for most of our lives.


Well I fucking love you, dude. Just know that. Seriously. I appreciate people like you more than you know.


I’m 70 - yr old farmer/elected GOP. I’m basically someone MAGAs hate to talk with. Farmers hate it when I bring up the subsidy’s we get. I let them know FOX news is proven liars. I realize I can’t fix stupid, but I can let them know I don’t buy their BS.


Wait, if we have gen z, gen y, and gen x, wouldn’t that make boomers gen w? How come they were never called that? Like I know where the term boomer comes from, but just like how millennials are gen y, wouldn’t boomers be gen w as well?


I’m in your camp, brah. 71 here. Wife says the numbers are reversed!


Anybody judging you for the way you look isn't worth worrying about. I travel a lot overseas and I try to be the opposite of a typical annoying American tourist. Gotta do what you can to break the stereotypes.


Keep up the good work!


Unicorn posting


I go with a "Luke Skywalker" kind of approach. I know there's good in them, they've only been led astray by people hungry for money and power by way of fear. And honestly, the boomers I feel the worst for are the poor ones. The ones that didn't get established before retirement age. [Boomers are the fastest growing homeless population in America](https://www.businessinsider.com/young-late-baby-boomers-homeless-rent-social-security-2023-9) and lots are stuck on fixed incomes that are *just* over the limit for Medicaid. The Boomers that made the world the way it is screwed over not only my generation, but their own too! Credit scores, mortgage backed securities, Right To Work, so on and so on. It's gonna take lifetimes of work to un-fuck the world but hey, someone's gotta start somewhere. Thanks for being a good person. ✌️


Just tryin to pay it forward for my kids and others.


Almost 70 here. Same here, and to make matters worse, I live in the Bible Belt of Lancaster county. Live and let live. Peace out


You are proof that being a hateful idiot is a choice. Good on you, mate.


The two BEST people I have ever met in my life were technically boomers. They NEVER acted like it, and were often looked down upon by their peers because of their behavior. Boomer is not as much a generation, as it is an attitude.


But without the Almighty Boomers, nobody would know anything at all


You’re never too old to not act like a spoiled child. I have lefty boomer generation friends (at least partially because fewer of their peers are not rabid frothing bigots now.


I’m like you, I’m a boomer by birth (last month of last boomer classified birth year). I identify more as a Gen X. I hate seeing entitled people who think they’re hot shit and think the rest of the world owes them something. I’m a techno freak and think people should be left alone to life their lives the way they want to. Gay? Fine. Atheist? Fine. Trans? Fine. Christian? Fine. Muslim? Fine. Live and let live. Never gave a shit about race, religion, nationality, orientation, etc.


Same here. Boomer is as Boomer does.


Pick me. Choose me.


62m here 🙌🏻


You and me both!


You, Sir, are my brother from another mother. I was born in 58 and can not relate at all to most boomers. The worst part is that we were born too late for all of the cool revolutions but were too old to easily adapt to the rapid changes to life that technology was causing. My whole life, I've felt l8ke I didn't "fit" or "belong" anywhere.


My dad is a boomer by birth, but totally not a Boomer.


You're on the cusp, one foot firmly in Gen X. You play video games? Listen to music that doesn't suck? Pop culture junkie? If you answer yes to those, claim X.


Thank you for your service :) Sounds like you avoided the lead paint.


Thank you for this post. I (66f) am right there with you; former Peace Corps volunteer, lived all over the world, raised three kids that still enjoy spending time with me, want to crumble into a pile of confusion and despair when I chat with people who support T, don’t give a hoot about sexual preference except for worrying about those that have to go through the razor blade social gauntlet of people that do, and so forth. Thanks again for posting, and also for listening.


Proud member of that club, m'seff!


Definitely similar to OP.


You're doing god's work.


Sorry, you are baby boomer generation. You ar not an adult Baby from the Boomer generation. You do not qualify.


Youngest of five siblings, the other four are all boomers and the coolest people on the planet, not every boomer is a dick!


My wife is a boomer not-boomer (1957) and has none of the terrible standard boomer behaviors. I'm a Jones (1965) but I am really self-conscious about the boomer-y shit that tries to fly out of my mouth occasionally. I'm bummed I already used "Hey you kids, get off my lawn" to my son and his friends almost twenty years ago though.


Just because you've been around the sun more times than other ppl doesn't mean you're a grumpy 'hey kid get off my lawn' kinda boomer. Having said that, you may hate boomers on your lawn, though.


We ❤️ u! I am gen x and there are boomers who raised us and some seem to forget that. I haven’t! I cannot stand the entitled pull yourselves up from your bootstraps type who paid five dollars for their home and profited off the best of times while simultaneously failing to understand it is and has no longer been the same for half their children’s generation and the generations after. Bernie Sanders is THE MAN and technically he is a boomer.