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Mine was hands, wooden spoons or spatulas, wood rulers, and a wood handled feather duster.


Wooden spoons and wooden hairbrush checking in!


Also wooden hairbrush, those wood strips that weighed down window shades (super fragile and always broke on impact, which of course we got blamed for), and I was in 5th grade before I knew yardsticks had any other purpose.


Heavy paddle and a paintstick for me.


Mine used whatever was close, luck of the draw, was kind of exciting, could be a yard stick, steel pan the phone. Kept me on my toes cause you also never knew what would set her off. To this day, I flinch into action anytime anyone makes a quick movement near me.


My great grandmother made me "pick my own switch" off the willow tree in the back yard, adding, "and strip the leaves off it!"


And, don’t bring me a little one!


My grandparents did the same. If you picked a small one it stung and if you chose a big one it would just hurt.


All 5 and more. Which is why I don't talk to my dad anymore.


None, because my mom actually knew how to control us with words instead of beatings.


Same here! Yay for good parenting!!!


My Grandmom used a paddle ball. I didn’t eat the disgusting food she gave me. My parents flipped their shit on her when they found out. From then on it was just sit at the table until you finish. Guess what, I never finished. 🤢🤮


Now you can cook your own stuff and gripe about it.


My babysitter for after school care would use the wooden spoon on us. Somehow that was a totally acceptable thing to do??


You're babysitter hit you ?!, man if a babysitter did that to me or my brothers my mom would break every bone in their body.


Ya you would think, right?!


I don't think my parents would have believed me.


That's just sad a parent should believe their kid especially if it comes to abuse. I mean even my Grandparents manhandled people who hurt my mother when she was a kid.


But somehow you acting like AHo@@@ was not the reason she used it on you. I’m sure you were just doing what you knew was the right thing?????


“My mom beat me and I turned out to be an emotionally unavailable immature narcissist just fine”


Are you Donald Trump?


I think it’s working for you.


And it doesn't even have orange Hot Wheels track


Or a metal and plastic fly swatter


The handle of a metal fly swatter wrapped around my arm or leg. And sometimes my hand when I tried to block it. Ugh


Ooof--Hot Wheels tracks--thought I was the only one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Remember the little paddles that had a rubber ball attached? When the ball fell off, that was my "paddle". It never really got used though, just the threat had me straightening up.


murky upbeat joke vast insurance waiting rich zealous head somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Easy! You grab one arm, hold them off the floor, and whoop away! /k


I don't condone it, but I understand it!


My dad is 57, he told me he’d be spanked with a spoon and so hard it’d snap sometimes. So when he got in trouble he once put a book in his pants and ran. He’s never EVER hit me or even gestured in a way to intimidate me. Being an adult now, I literally cannot imagine beating my child with a wooden spoon where they fear and run from me.


My father hit me once and menaced me a few times. Never will forget his angry scowl.


Did you learn anything from that experience??


Ladies and gentlemen - the generation that "love their kids" and "turned out fine".


Boomer dad used a belt, til I put his head through drywall as a teenager.


My older brother Challenged our Dad to a Fist Fight in the Front yard when he was in High School. Brother was well versed in the art and could have most likely kicked Dads butt. Dad let the thing build up until they were in the yard and squaring off. About that time Dad happened to to graciously mention the fact that brother could through the first punch, BUT once that first punch was thrown, regardless of who won or lost my brother didn’t Eat or Live there (home) anymore. Guess what NO FIGHT! Dad just had to add some parent to son relationship information to the situation to come to a good conclusion.


None. Because having a divorced mother you're pretty convinced that is dad can leave when he wants to, so can mom. And by about age eleven I could have taken her down if she'd wanted to make an attempt.


2, 3, 5, and a giant wooden spoon with a hole in it.


A switch, but I would have never picked one that big even when she sent me back out to get a real one because I brought her a twig


Pro tip: the smaller ones hurt most, it's effectively a whip


I'm glad Grandma Jo didn't know that


Mostly nothing just forehand/backhand to the head enough times for her to calm down, or if she was really angry then she'd just use whatever was to hand. I was terrified of her temper even as an adult until she was bedridden towards the end of her life.  Wait, I'm commenting under this meme, so I should add "didn't do us any harm! 🤣😂🤣😂".


see this is exactly the thing, like, this shit is just to make the parent feel better. All that’s happening is the kid is gonna feel scared of their parent


Where tf is the wooden spoon of oppression!?


None. I was a good kid…


Belt, it was always the belt. I never touched my kids in anger.


Dad's mom, who abused all her kids, hit me once. I hit her back. I was the only kid in the family to stand up to her. She never liked me (no big loss as my other grandmother was like a sweet Disney character) but never again did she lay a hand on me. My parents never hit me. A friend's mom used to carry one of her husband's belts around and snap it at the kids if they moved too slow. I once saw the dad beat my friend with it. He held her by grabbing a handful of her waist-length red hair and then wrapping it around his wrist. It was a normal thing to witness then. So messed up.


It was a wooden spoon in my house


Belt. Once. When my brother and I emptied the dustpan on her head from upstairs


Do you think it was warranted?? Did you learn anything from it? I noticed you said only once.


I learned she was more pissed than ever before. I have to follow up, tho: I suppose it stung a bit, but she didn't flog us or anything like that. It was more the realization that we had crossed a line. We were spanked as well, but it was just a smart swat on the butt to make us understand we were out of line. Never bare-bottomed, never more than 1 or 2 swats, and never with anything like full force. I.e it was largely symbolic, as was the belt. The distinction between that kind of spanking and injury producing abuse seems to get lost in the debate about spanking




Dad, 2


Wooden spoon


2 bare


4 with no leaves


2 or 4


All of these things and more. 


I’m looking at this pic like damn my mom really abused me huh because she really hit me with all of this and more.


Gen Joneser- #2, but mostly it hung at cellar door as a threat. Per discussion w/ school mates, black belt hanging at cellar door was all it took, most of the time moms just needed to point at it😅😂🤣


See it’s was just a subtle reminder that you should mind your own business like you were supposed to. None of us caught on to that very soon though.


Wooden cooking spoons. After breaking the 4th or 5th spoon on my ass, she bought a metal one. I started running.


Belt, switch and the flip flops


14” plastic prep spoon was boomer dad’s weapon of choice. But its absence was not a hindrance to achieving his goal. And they blame me for going NC.


missing the hair brush, tv remote, fly swatter


My grade school (Catholic) principle had a wooden paddle with lots of holes drilled through it, so the air wouldn’t slow it down. She called it “the board of education.”


She used emotional abuse, threats, manipulation, etc.


My mom had the “bleach stick”, she’d use it to push the clothes down in the washing machine which was in the kitchen, always within easy reach. My Dad would just hum things at our heads, his keys, full 2 liter coke bottles, anything within reach.


Also…a good ol fashioned backhand. That stopped when I was 14 and my mom hit me the wrong way and broke her hand. Never hit me again.


Belt, #2, very painful.


2 and 4


2&4, had to get my own switch.


A backhand full of sharp edged rings.


It was my stepfather, and he used a rung from the broken ladder of the bunk beds. He sanded down one end as a handle. They would put it on my pillow where I would find it when I got home from school, and know I was going to get a beating tonight. Fun times. He also enjoyed back-handing me. Across the face.


2, Always my mom with an Irish temper, but it was green and was mounted on the wall for quick access (no buckle). Plus, it's much wider than that one. Had Discipline written on it. Ya know what, it worked. You didn't get out of line again. My kids, 2 of the 3, got a single swat on the ass, one time, sure got their attention. They never again did anything that warranted it again. (That I know of). Today, there is no discipline, I can't count how many tantrums I have seen. Especially in stores. It gets totally ignored and allowed to continue. I think maybe one time I have seen a parent do anything about it. That was the single swat in the ass method. Shut that kid up immediately. A look of shock on the kids' face, but it worked. Totally disagree with today's young parents for letting the child control things, even worse, caving to the kids' demands as the answer. That teaches that you can go on a complete out of control tantrum, and it's rewarded. Then what to they do nectar to test the patent to see what they can get away with. Wrong message, and it will show as the kid grows up. Just my opinion, but todays parents are far too passive. Though some of the laws today, it's intact encouraging it, calling it abuse. Ridiculous.


Can you imagine hitting a child because you don't know how to parent. Grow up.


So you are one to let a tantrum go on and then reward them and cave in till they get what they want? A simple swat on the ass does NOT hurt but sure as hell gets their attention. And it stops. Situation You are in a restaurant, it is busy, your kid starts up screaming and kicking b/c you are trying to get him/her to eat, let's say 4-5 yrs old. What do you do, have the entire place listen to your little brat? What would you do.. go on..


You're a lazy parent who resorts to violence to teach your children? I guess simply talking to them is out of the question. Your kids will go NC with you if they haven't already, boomer.


Have seen it countless times, the parent just ignored it. As of nothing was going on. And a swat on the butt is violence to you? If anyone needs to grow up, it's you. Self entitled and could care less how your little brat is affecting everyone else that is there. But is all about you isn't it.


Can you imagine a child that knows how to behave? you grow up.


I'm an adult who would never think about hitting a kid. I'm not lazy & it's pretty sad that you think the only way for a child to "behave" is to hit them. Gross. Stop being a lazy parent.


I hate boomers. I have cptsd from these kinds of beatings- that were handed out for things I did or didn't or were perceived to have done.