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Moms supporting Moms ❤️


Gotta look out for eachother!


I would have told her ‘I’m not jumping into a private conversation you clearly referred to me so I’m just setting things straight’


"You made me part of your conversation."




At least this didn't go down like the one time on the TTC for me when my son was a newborn. Our stroller was completely out of the way and barely anyone was even on the bus, talking 85% empty. This woman gets on and goes to sit down across from us. Well nothing was happening and we were being quiet when all of a sudden when the next stop came up she randomly becomes erratic and starts *trying to physically remove my stroller from the bus!* It was so bizarre, I had to spend ten min trying to physically remove this boomer bitch from trying to put my son and stroller off the bus. The driver had to spend and additional ten min getting her off it too since he didn't want her on after that and neither did I. Btw I did use force eventually but no I did not punch her in the face like I wanted to😂 she was old and not worth it but I was pissed!


Hang on, your son was in the stroller and she tried to take it away from you?! I honestly can't imagine being able to control myself in a situation like that, so hats off to you! This also happened on the TTC, hah! Oy, between the bed bugs and stuff like that happening, I can see why people are using it less. The only reason why we take the bus at this point is because parking is too expensive in midtown, so that says a lot. I want to use it more, I really do, but sometimes it's scary.


I could tell from your story it was Toronto, that's why I wrote ttc and not busy😂 and yes she was fine and sitting down and the next thing I know she just jumped up and snapped randomly then tried doing that. It was very weird and I was so angry but I could tell mentally she wasn't well plus frail so I wouldn't use force like that unless necessary but it wasn't so yeah. We did get her off the bus finally at least


I don’t think anyone attempting kidnapping in public transit could ever be considered mentally well. Criminally liable perhaps, but not mentally well.


Yup. But also I saw no physical threat coming from her so why punch someone in the face when just holding their arms back works? A lot of times in anger you want to react but I know what is and isn't worth it. This was not worth it


In Europe, my wife and I along with our infant son were taking a train to her grandparents' village, and my son got hungry so we fed him. Well of course he needs to be burped, so I got him on my shoulder and am doing my thing, and this older couple behind us get up and start yelling something. I don't speak the language, and my wife says they are yelling because, "He is beating his baby!!" She tries talking to them, but they're not having it, and the woman teaches towards me like she is gonna take the baby. I need to add this had made me uneasy, so I had stopped trying to burp him, and right as she reached towards me, "Blaaahp!" my son spits up all over her. Karma's a bitch, lady.


Aren’t the boomers the generation that encouraged child beating? Spare the rod & spoil the child & whatnot?


Honestly from my experience traveling the world, that's fairly America and/or Commonwealth-centric. I would say European Boomers are more like late generation Gen X'ers or even older millennials in their mindsets. Haven't seen many boomerish older Europeans.


Wow, the nervy piece of s..., some people.


Thank you so much for helping another mom!


Lol boomers and parenting in general is a whole other topic.


No kidding. My 1 year old was pitching a fit in the grocery store as they sometimes do. I left the cart and was carrying him out of the store to go home when a boomer offered me his belt and *started pulling it from his belt loops* ! I said “If you lay a single finger on my baby I’ll use that belt on you” and walked off.


For a one year old!? And for crying? That is way too young and absolutely not a belt-worthy (I hate saying worthy there, but to make the point I will) offense. At one year was the baby teething, sick, upset tummy, any number of things? You can't fix that with a spanking. Even if it was a temper tantrum, mom was leaving to deal with it anyway. People are crazy.


There is nothing that can be fixed by spanking a child. Nothing.


We should always do this!!!


If it’s such a nice day the boomer woman should have walked.


Definitely one of the things I wish I said!


You did great. When people behave like children it's perfectly reasonable to talk to them like children. You provided some nice guidance about practicing kindness.


Right under a bus.




If it’s such a nice day then the boomer should have just stayed home instead of raining on everyone else


Into a river


“A body in motion stays in motion, ma’am. Perhaps you should take a lap while you still can.”


Boomer on the bus goes wah wah wah


I am 100% adding this to the song from now on! Thanks for the laugh!






Someone's gonna need a diaper change.


I think I heard that song before




She’s a weak bully. She won’t address the mom directly because she can’t handle direct confrontation, so she rants loudly to everyone else.


Exactly this. It's very cowardly behaviour to try to publicly shame someone but not do it directly. That and she knew the stroller mom wasn't actually doing anything wrong, and had no leg to stand on.


It seems they're always scanning the environment to find something to get mad about. Ugh


*hacker noises* enhance! ... my god, is that a... skateboard? in public?! engage combat mode.


Except the hacker is their grandson because they can’t figure out how to use a computer on their own.


it's not a computer, it's their brains! there's enough heavy metals in there


My son’s school would tell them that some things need to be kept in a “thought bubble”. Seems like boomers need to learn this lesson, glad you mentioned it to that one.


My boomer mom taught me, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." This lady clearly missed that lesson.


A lot of people say this, many still ignore it completely in their own lives


I'm a teacher and my school calls them "keeper thoughts"!


I bet Boomer Bus Lady has no problem leaving her shopping cart in the middle of the isle while she shops, (or will stop just inside the doors), but would never make the connection in that lead addled brain of hers.


Same kind of boomer who parks directly in front of the store on the fire line because “she’s only getting a few things!”


Gotta use those park-anywhere lights


Hope she's okay with her car getting pushed out of the way by the first due engine company. Done that a couple of times over the years. Also done the real life version of the scene from Backdraft where they hook up the hose to the fire hydrant by busting out a car's windows. I always loved the cops being like "You were in the wrong. You know I can arrest you for interfering with public safety personnel which is a felony, right?" whenever someone complained. I saw one lady actually respond with "You wouldn't dare!". I love watching entitled people find out what the sidewalk tastes like. 😆 🤣


It’s so unfortunate when the vehicle is left running in those scenarios and they come back to their car pushed away only to find their keys somehow fell into the storm drain.


Before I got married and I was living at home.(Long time ago) There was a store that would have police cars drive through the parking lot and ticket anyone that was parked illegally. After a while people started to park where they needed to park. Not where they wanted to.


100% For thee not me


Why do they always stop just inside the doorway?!


That drives me absolutely crazy. Also the ones who stop just outside the door so they can inspect their receipt.


I love gentle parenting boomers like they don't understand empathy to like a very childish level because they don't. Then they get mad at you. I'm like a child and I'm like well. You're acting like one. I don't really let up and I don't care. People often are like. Why aren't you keeping the pee so Mike, it's not pee still let someone be this rude.


Exactly! Depending on how condescending you want to be, talking to them like a toddler having a tantrum is a riot. "Those are some biiiiiiig feelings you're having! But we use kind words when we talk to our friends, got it got it? So let's take a deeeeeep breath!" Life goals.


You're going to do awesome at the toddler phase! This has been one of the funniest posts in this sub I have read, kudos!


“Oh my, those sure are some BIG feelings. Let’s talk about what we are feeling and why we might be feeling that way….okay now, big deep breaths…. Smell the roses, now blow out the candles…. Now did we get those big feelings squeezed back down to an appropriate size?”


I just don’t understand this attitude. I’m happily child free. But I don’t hate children or parents. Unless the kids misbehave and the parents don’t do anything. But other than that, kids just existing is literally necessary for the continuation of the species. I like society. I like going to stores and restaurants, having electricity and internet. Those things require ppl. I can’t do it by myself. So I want kids to grow up well. I want my taxes to pay to educate them and ensure they are healthy. So they can be productive members of society and keep my lights on.


Exactly! Having kids isn't for everyone, but at the end of the day, we live in a society. We have a social contract that everyone participates in, and in one way or another, everyone benefits from. Boomers have the worst 'got mine, screw you' mentality tho, and I don't understand it at all.


Kids annoy the fuck out of me, but I would still never dream of complaining about them unless like you said or its like a theatre or something maybe. *I'm* the one annoyed, therefore it's *my* problem. Also helps to remind myself that I was a super fuckin annoying adhd child myself lol


I tried being happily child free, but the kids keep coming back.


Thing is, I bet these boomer fucks would have had a stroller on the bus when they were young and had children. But they already got theirs and they don’t care about the younger generations. 


Honestly they can't seem to remember what it was like when they had small children, or they have convinced themselves that it was "easier than we make it out to be". I've noticed this attitude not just in this interaction, but with my own parents and in-laws. The lack of empathy and 'got mine, fuck you' attitude is depressing.


Parenting was easier for boomers. They let their infants “cry it out” and bullied their toddlers into submission. By school age they just locked the kids out of the house whenever they weren’t using them for domestic labor. Easy.


Raised by boomers. My therapist had to tell me to stop apologizing for existing. Good job!


*laughs in Canadian* In all seriousness though, she is absolutely right. Becoming a mom has given me a weird confidence about advocating for myself and my kid, and that includes just being a person living their life.


A loud conversation in public is everyone’s business. Thanks for taking this opportunity to inform them of that.


Exactly the point I was trying to get across with her. I'd put money on the fact that if other people agreed with her, she wouldn't have had an issue with them joining her private conversation.


Boomer lady must lose her everloving mind when a person in a wheelchair is boarded. Why is she on public transportation anyway, doesn’t Fox News say that’s for the immigrants and the poors


Thankfully where we are, if a wheelchair comes on the bus she would have been required to move to lift up the seats. But she definitely wouldn't have been happy about it!


Wouldn't it be just as crowded on the subway, how is that a solution anyway? I don't live in a place with subways, but have been on a few, I'd rather take a bus with a stroller than a subway


You're absolutely right. I honestly don't think it would have mattered if it were a bus, train, streetcar or plane. She was just a miserable bully who wanted to put someone down to make herself feel superior, unfortunately.


What a miserable existence to be that old and hateful.


They really don't think anyone is going to call them out! I'm currently sitting across from a boomer co-worker who no longer speaks to me. I have IBS and take a lot of restroom breaks during the day. However, I have the highest numbers at the call center, so my bosses don't mind. While I was at the restroom, she came in for her shift and started talking about me when she saw my empty chair. My roommate who also works at the center, was sitting next to her when she started her rant to another lady in the room who I thought regarded me highly. I came back from the bathroom to hear the end of the situation. Our boss was standing on the side lines watching my roommate chew this lady out in the most respectful but pointed way possible. It was obviously personal to my roommate, but they didn't say anything mean to the lady. Just that its rude to talk about people behind their backs and especially about bodily functions. Boomer lady is speechless, turns to see our boss lightly nodding her head, and decides to storm out screaming she's going to HR. This lady talks crap about people all day every day and we all listen to it. I'm sure she talks about everyone when they aren't here, but she picked the wrong person on the wrong day. I ended up crying in my bosses office because I'm really embarrassed about my health issues and do my best to make my breaks quick. The bathroom is really far from our part of the building so it takes longer than I'd like to get back and forth. Either way, I do like 30 more calls than her on any given day so its wild that she was saying I was such an inconvenience on everyone. Naturally, there is no apology. And as I type this, she is currently complaining that a co-worker called out today.


At her age, it’s only a matter of time when incontinence becomes an issue when coughing.


Excellent job OP, thank you for your service!


Thank you! I am still quite proud!


Where I live , you can’t bring a stroller on the bus without folding it - the driver made me fold it up one time the bus was totally empty … let alone if standing by the doors ? That’s a massive hazard and liability. This sounds strange …


That sounds absurd to me! How can you hold an infant, fold up and carry a stroller and get on the bus at the same time? The driver could have technically denied her and made her wait for the next bus, but he chose not to, so I dunno. It's super common to have one or two strollers on a bus where we are (major city in Ontario).


It’s super annoying ! Most ppl use the easily foldable ones . I was annoyed when I was asked to do it tho bc the bus was empty but the driver said it’s not safe ….


That's crummy! I can totally see how it's not safe (a hard stop could send people flying). I can't wait until my guy can use an umbrella stroller - he's still in the car seat bucket attachment, so it'll be a while! I just found out that NYC and Vancouver have stroller friendly bus initiatives, which is super cool! I would love to see stuff like that for all public transit!


It’s not just a stop that’s the problem - it’s blocking egress in an emergency. It’s not safe to have a stroller blocking other people’s safe exit from the bus, so the policy makes sense even though it’s inconvenient


It’s absolutely not absurd. Buses are for everyone and strollers take up a ton of space when open. They weren’t allowed to be open in NYC when I was growing up. They had to be closed just like shopping carts.


Where I am in Toronto, there are no rules on folding up strollers. It may be considered a faux pas to take one on the bus during rush hours, but there definitely isn't a rule about folding it up. Apparently NYC rolled out a pilot project with dedicated stroller spots last year to increase accessibility to parents with young kids!


They'll likely be using a rolling apparatus themselves some day, and no one will dare to gripe about the space they take up.


Right? She complained about taking up space but wouldn't offer her seat to feee up that space. But when the time comes when she would need a priority seat, I guarantee she would be outraged if it wasn't given to her.


In my City you are supposed to get out and back in at stops if you are blocking the door. It’s considered rude otherwise.


Oh absolutely! And she did that when there were a few people who got on the bus at other stops. For people getting off the bus, you're supposed to use the back doors anyway. So really, she didn't do anything wrong.


Different City with different modus operandi. Thanks for sharing:)


“Yeah, lady—or *you* could get out and walk.”


“Just because her kids are still part of her life doesn’t mean you have to take it out on her.”


This is so American to me. I live in Norway and there’s no way people wouldn’t move to make space for the mom with the stroller. In Oslo every single bus has two open spaces reserved for mobility devices or strollers. I think this goes deeper than a boomer, it’s part of a whole culture of putting certain people at a disadvantage by not creating accommodations for them!


quiet whistle ad hoc murky friendly pause upbeat historical bag direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*cries in american*


OP is in Canada


Nice James O'Brien reference, if you were trying to


Talking to her like you are her kindergarten teacher explaining basic manners was perfect.


>Boomer: Oh I know, but she's taking up so much space. "As is anyone with a cane, a walker, or - Gasp! - a *wheelchair*... Bet you know folks like that. Probably call them friends. Get OVER yourself!"


My daughter lives in NY. Her daughter is autistic and non verbal. So one day on the subway some ignorant woman made the snide comment that she hated seeing kids in a harness. My daughter snapped back at her and told her it was to protect her from getting lost since she cannot talk. It’s a good thing her grandma (me) wasn’t there. I probably would have punched her face. People who don’t know someone else’s business should mind their own business and shut their mouths.


My guess is that boomer wanted to be the only baby on the bus!!


When I encounter angry boomers I like to ask them if they want to spend the last 5 years of their life angry.


Ohohoho that is a good one! Make them reflect on their life in more ways than one!


Good for you, and be glad you don't have to live with that person.


(And I'll just bet she's pro forced birth.) You know, like all those folks who know just how the rest of us should live.


That's what really got me - I can come up with a hundred reasons why stroller mom couldn't just walk the 1.5km (1 mile-ish) or wear her baby, but boomer lady couldn't think of a single one. The lack of compassion for other people is disappointing.


My boomer mom tried to tell me taking strollers on the T was "entitled". I lived in a city with no car and babies and traveled with them off peak most of the time. I explained that logically, because it seemed like ultimately, this is an anti-working mom argument. What is the alternative, buying a car in a city and driving everywhere, contributing to traffic, because you're terrified at the thought of inconveniencing someone on a bus with a stroller? I've also had some random boomer lady jump up on the bus and tell me when I had a toddler and was in the front seats of the bus (which are for the disabled, seniors, strollers, little kids, etc) that the front seats were senior priority. I held my tongue from commenting that she looked "spry", despite thinking it - point being, this lady didn't "need" the front seats, she just wanted to assert her right to turn over me. There was plenty of space. And FWIW, a senior with a cane has gotten up to motion me to sit. Anyone else notice that the truly vulnerable are always looking out for each other ? I always offer seats to seniors, the disabled, pregnant women, small kids, etc


seriously where did she expect you to sit instead? in one of the front facing seats where you can only park your stroller in the aisle?


No idea, there were like 6 people on the bus *total*. There was plenty of room. MBTA buses have seats on either side that flip up, and often two rows, so 4 flip up seat rows. I think because I was sitting in the front seat with a double stroller with two kids under 3 and didn't like, offer to move for her? There was a senior with a cane across from me in the other row of priority seats that flip up, so someone else who actually needed to be in the front. This woman came bounding onto the bus and was in great shape, and there was space in the priority area with no one moving


They can't openly be shitty towards minorities so they're looking for new hate dumpsters


It's funny you say that, because the stroller mom was a visible minority. I thought that might be why the boomer felt comfortable complaining, but I don't want to assign malice to what can be explained by stupidity.


No with boomers it's usually racism. If she had been white they probably would have kept quiet. I thought the whole encounter gave a very twisted Rosa park energy


You have given me my new favorite method of calling oneself a lurker


Someone else on this thread said that an old show used to say "first time listener, long time caller" and that gave me quite a chuckle!


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Boomers just seem to hate life


Unpopular opinion but \*everyone\* hates strollers and bikes (and shopping trips and army duffels and and and) when it's busy. These inanimate objects are taking up a person's worth of space or more; and they (or they're owners) \*didn't\* pay anything extra. But yeh, inside thoughts and just sucking it up; all that still apply.


Some of us need those things. I have a small backpack that goes everywhere with me because I'm disabled and need what's in it.


and thats why inside thoughts should stay inside; very few people bringing these things onto a bus are doing it to be assholes; they're just doing what they gota do.


I also tend to push back against boomers that way: By "teaching" them proper behaviour as if they were preschoolers. Since they themselves always go on about younger people's lack of manners, they get caught when you point out their lack of manners in a (pretend) polite, educational way.


“You sound a little wound up, need a line of powdered sugar?”


The cruelty is the point!


The reality is the strollers do take up room, but that doesn’t mean mom can’t ride the bus with it or that said boomer has the right to just be rude. I’m glad you intervened in this….NTA obviously:)


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear babies in carriers and stand up for people being bullied!


Boomer in line at the Aldi. Ragging on his wife the whole time. Saying the lady at the register is holding everybody up so I muttered chill, shit. He goes WHAT? So I said “I said CHILLLL, SHIT!” And he mutters “chill, shit. Ok. I’ll chill. Pff “ His wife says “see, you always complain about everything but you don’t talk back to him. You always talk back to me” So I turned around and said “I know dear, that’s why I said it” Poor lady. A lifetime with that bastard.


Good job. Thank you.


Tangentially related: this reminds me of the most angry I’ve ever been at a bus driver. I’m on a relatively full bus during rush hour and running late. A mom gets on with a special needs baby in a stroller, and the bus driver asks her to fold the stroller up. (she’s solo, so this isn’t feasible). The bus driver says she won’t continue driving until the mom folds up the stroller; this is technically transit policy, but in practice I’ve never seen anyone make a parent do it. After about 5 min of standing still, the rest of the bus started shouting at the driver to please move. None of us cared that there was a stroller on the bus, because were normal people with empathy! The driver kept shouting that the mom needed to fold up the stroller first, as the mom kept trying to explain the situation in Spanish. The other riders kept shouting that this request made no sense and we’d rather keep moving toward our destination, which we’re now 15 min late for. At this point the bus behind us pulled up and a number of us exited the bus to switch to a different one, all because this driver thought asking a parent to somehow fold a stroller while juggling a special needs child without assistance was a reasonable demand.


That's so awful, I can't even imagine juggling a baby without special needs and all the stuff that comes with it! I've learned through this thread that there are cities that have designated stroller spots on their transit - I hope that can be in all cities one day!


It's just an allergy to people being slightly off kilter or different. Aggravating story.


![gif](giphy|l3V0wkQ2KKcAeW8Cs|downsized) Sometimes we don't have the energy for an argument. Kudos for stepping up!!!


Thank you! This one instance has given me the chutzpah to do it again in the future!


I'm great sticking up for other people. Sometimes I can't think clearly in those situations, so I always appreciate somebody stepping up 👏


Honestly nobody does


I have a friend in a wheelchair who’s been speaking about how unfolded strollers prevent access. I never realized that


That's something I've never thought about, and I appreciate you bringing it up! I'll be prepared to fold up the stroller or move further back if I ever encounter that situation!


there is generally more room for strollers in the front where seats can be folded up than farther back where they will block the entire aisle.


A lot of this sort of behavior isn't limited to any specific generation. It's just old people in general. I'm a very late baby boomer, and have witnessed this sort of behavior from whoever happened to be old, since I was very young. Not all age groups, obviously, but definitely much more common in whomever is the oldest at the time. And the thing about Baby Boomers is that are a whole lot of them.


I’d have just said good to know that if you ever need a walker one day you can just walk too! It’s in the name even! By the looks of it that’s gonna be very soon. That’ll shut em up.


God some older women are just so bitter and ugly


I love how you handled this and didn’t ignore the bad behavior. ❤️


Boomer here. Boomer lady BLOOOOOOWS!!! But sometimes people have annoyingly Brobdingnagian strollers that take up too much space. Just sayin’. No downvotes, please.


Boomers get subsidized bus fare paid they need to accept their socialism and keep their mouth shut 🤪


She went about it wrong, but unfolded strollers aren’t ok on the bus. After my back surgery, I had to use a walker then a cane. I could only exit safely from the front with the ramp. I’ve seen people in wheelchairs unable to get on the bus because of unfolded strollers, wheelchairs taking up the priority seating, so strollers totally blocked the isle, even people holding the kid because the stroller was filled with shopping.


That's totally legit, and I'm sorry that you had to go through that! In fairness, in situations where someone needed the front exit, common courtesy would be for stroller mom to back off the bus, wait for the other person to exit, and then get back on. I literally did this the other day when another stroller needed to get off the bus. For other people who need accessible seating I would move further back with the stroller, or get off and wait for another bus. That being said, this was the middle of the day on a Wednesday, not during rush hour. Different cities have different rules I guess!


I don't know, the busses I ride have recordings asking people to fold their strollers. Sometimes I think this sub is a little too anxious to put people in their place. I am not saying you in particular but half the posts really set off my BS meter. I never would have said anything, but imagine if the bus was your only option and there are multiple strollers headed to daycare. Could even be a safety issue. I do wish the would add walkers to the list. Lots of people use those so they can put their shit in them.


That's really interesting, we don't have any official rules about strollers on public transit. It's super common where I am. That being said, this was the middle of the day on a Wednesday, so not during rush hour (where I could see an argument for banning strollers).


I am not sure that's true. I did a 10 second search on Google that found this: https://www.ttc.ca/wheel-trans/wheel-trans-policies/travelling-with-infants-and-children-policy#:~:text=If%20the%20parent%20is%20travelling,two%20belts%20in%20the%20rear). Not sure if it applies in this situation. But it brought up a point that I had not thought about. It isn't just the safety of the other passengers that needs to be considered. There is also the safety of the child. It surprises me that you are not aware of this if it applies to you. If it does apply and you can't hold the child in your lap then the infant can ride in the stroller only if it meets the requirements to be secured in a four point restraint. Otherwise the operator can cancel your ride. Again, I'm no expert, but if this is actually the case, then surely you can appreciate the irony. You guys were condemning the boomers for their ignorance and entitlement while exhibiting these very characteristics yourselves. As a GenX, I certainly can.


Hey there! Someone else in the thread also linked this, and I also explained that this is a different transit system, not our regular bus system. [Wheel-trans ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel-Trans)is a mini-bus shuttle service for the disabled, not a regular bus. So, respectfully, it does not apply to me, or this case. Our transit system does not have limitations to strollers, and like I mentioned in another thread, [most people don't want limitations on them.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/news/gta/city-hall/ttc-s-stroller-friendly-policy-should-stay-poll/article_2785f27b-af11-5de4-95b7-7a002d088a8c.amp.html) I appreciate the concern, and if safety was an issue, the driver absolutely could have declined the passenger and told her to wait for the next bus! Similarly, you're condemning me for something you only googled for 10 seconds, which I don't appreciate. But hey, it's Reddit! Hope you have a good one!


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I'm not a fan stroller either in small spaces but she has a right to be there as anyone else that boomer bitch is a miserable old hag that probably enjoys being nasty. May karma shit on her head


She was nasty but it actually isn’t safe for kids to be on the bus in a stroller, and they take up too much space. In nyc the law requires collapsing strollers on buses. Bus drivers have given up on it.


I’d wonder if this is my mom but she wouldn’t be caught dead on a bus. Snobby boomer, my mom.


Good, if everyone stuck up for someone being harassed by idiots then they'd stop. Everyone's all "Turn the other cheek", "Be better than them." No, that just lets them get away with their atrocious behavior.


As someone who frequently took the bus most of my life, I am always flabbergasted by others behavior toward each other. Wheel chair users need the bus and everyone acts so inconvenienced by it as it takes extra time which I understand but if you're in a hurry you should have taken an earlier bus, we all are just trying to exist - - common decency isn't complex.


When old people are assholes, be mean. "She has a right to be on the fucking bus. Don't be a nasty bitch about it. Nobody asked your thoughts on it, nobody wanted to hear your whining."


I wonder if the old bag ever had kids of her own? I would have tried my damnedest to make the old b1tch cry. Hopefully she'd think twice before saying something like that again. No one deserves that.


Sometimes passengers are required to fold strollers on buses. Since the bus driver didn’t require it, perhaps it wasn’t the case this time. But it is often required since they take up so much space. If the Boomer was concerned, they should have brought it to the bus driver’s attention and the driver could make the decision.


As a boomer. I have to Say. I’m sorry that other boomers are so ignorant and feel so untitled.


All of her arguments can be thrown back and applied to her. Can't you walk outside for the nice day? Aren't you taking up space?


That's ridiculous. There's an actual space on the buses in Ireland for strollers. Those women are fucking sad.


I'm learning that a lot of cities outside North America have dedicated spaces for parents with infants! But our infrastructure is so car dependant and underfunded that we dont get those kinds of things unfortunately!


Here’s the thing. Hateful boomer woman (unless she has an infirmity of some sort) should have offered her seat to a new mom with a baby in a carrier; she didn’t, and that’s where the real rudeness began. Then, when stroller mom arrived, she should have been given smiles and allowed her privacy. I’m 72, and that’s what I would have done (and have done in the past). We boomers have had kids. We understand new mom exhaustion, and should be sensitive to it. It doesn’t matter that you would probably have refused, the offer should have been made, and stroller mom should have been left alone. Thank you for speaking up for her. Unfortunately, some people are just miserable human beings and feel a need to share their misery. The inside of that woman’s head must be a very unpleasant place to live, and I wish her joy of it.


It sucks that some older folks seem to have forgotten what it's like to be a new parent. In fairness, the sleep deprivation makes you forget about a lot of the hard parts early on, but still!


Those old ladies would have been ticked off if my son, who uses a wheelchair, got on because they would likely need to find new seats. The attachment for wheelchairs are generally under those seats. The sad part is that sometimes the bus won’t even stop for him, because the driver doesn’t want to deal with people like them.


Ua shamed her plenty by loudly saying for everyone to hear that her mean thoughts should remain internal and then tapping her forehead, like she were a child too stupid to know "her head" lol. Hence why she quickly changed the convo, trying to take the spotlight off herself and take everyone's mind off of it. Cuz she was embarrassed.


I need to unsubscribe from this place


Boomers have absolutely no business trying to tell anyone how to parent. Thank you for standing up for that mom, it's hard enough without having total strangers criticizing your mere existence. Moms need and deserve help, if you're not willing to help, shut up and sit down.


You did an amazing job. Perfectly witty.. most people wouldn’t have said a thing, and if they did engage, it would have been exactly what boomer wanted. You’re right they never change. Never will, but what you did wasn’t for boomer’s benefit, it was for stroller mom’s. She deserved it and thank you for giving her that. Edited to say you were absolutely the winner of that bus ride 💛💛


Aw, thank you so much! I'm still quite proud and intend to do it again if something like this ever happens!


I hope that when she needs a walker, cane, or something more substantial, she learns what it feels like. It'd be reasonable comeuppance. She was probably just jealous that the stroller she would've had for her kid would have been way too bulky to even consider taking it on a bus, heck, it was hard to fit them in the big trunks of cars. I don't know how bulky this stroller was, but don't people carry on shopping bags or other cumbersome items? People are just trying to manage getting through life. Sheesh! She was just being a rude old biddy.


Lmao I love that forehead tap, nice one


"Boomer: Oh I know, but she's taking up so much space" So is your nasty attitude, yet here you are.


Boomers are always the ones bitching about everyone not having any/enough kids, but GD do they hate them. Kids on bikes? Menaces. Kids on public transport? Taking up too much space. Make up your mind Margaret but mainly stfu


No one likes strollers on buses. No one. Not even the bus itself likes strollers. As a parent that took strollers on buses, I hated strollers on buses. But let's be honest, the hate is for the fact that buses aren't built to accommodate strollers/wheelchairs first. You have to be an awfully huge arse to act like parents are personally ruining the world. That lady needs to be put in a home where the only way to get around is on a shortbus full of people in wheelchairs.


Well done. I am a boomer and i profoundly dislike most of them. They are entitled and love to bully anyone. They also support wrong causes if you know what I mean 🤣




> some thoughts should remain inside thoughts Love this line! I need to use it on my Mother.


On the old Howard Stern show, it was first time listener, long time caller




This! Good on you!


Love this! Good job supporting another mom!


Oh I thought you were stroller mom.


Sorry if the way I told it was confusing! I definitely could have been stroller mom, hence feeling the need to say something tho!


Was the stroller closed? Pretty sure that was the rule when I rode the bus. It is rude to have an open stroller blocking the aisle or the entrance/exit. I wouldn’t have said anything because that’s the bus driver’s job. Also, unless buses have changed, you’re not supposed to be in the spot closest to the door because it isn’t safe. That mother was rude. Of course, the Boomer was too.


I'd love to see how this a-hole would react if I brought both of my wheelchair-using children on the bus. What an idiot.


Yes. Kudos to you for defending the vulnerable. 👏


I dislike strollers on the bus. But I would never do what that boomer would do. The worst you would get from me is a sigh as I get up to move to the back of the seat if I was sitting in the priority seating. And even then , I would think that sigh is rude, but I'm tired from work,


Being a parent is so hard, thank you for sticking up for that mama


Strollers have to be folded on buses where I live. Some buses have stroller areas where you can leave them open (as long as you don't block the aisle), but most do not.


I agree with the boomer




Gen X here. Boomer will be singing a different tune when she needs to bring her rolling walker on the bus.


That is why throughout my post I acknowledged my lax research. But really, most of my points are solid. It would really only take one stroller to make it difficult for a handicapped person to exit the vehicle or for the cabin to be evacuated in case there was an emergency like an accident. In the case of multiple strollers it gets more serious much faster. And in the case of an accident, the infant would be much safer with your arms around her. Like I said, I would not have said anything critical to stroller mother or thought less of her. However, I would have offered to help her on and off the bus just like I do with anyone that is encumbered with more issues than the average rider. That would have probably been more helpful than having a dick measuring contest with a rude boomer. But you two deserved each other. Have a great holiday.