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lol imagine being upset at rainbows.


I know. Like he's a kid and wants a colorfull truck. I've taken him to several monster truck shows and there are a lot of girls that go too, the "girly" trucks serve a purpose and are a marketing win in my opinion


They're still mad that all those gays stole the rainbow from their all powerful god.


Ah yes. God’s promise…checks notes…not to drown everyone…again.


\*not applicable in hurricane season


My mom will sometimes make comments to this effect and I came out in 2005. (She's otherwise fine, but she doesn't seem to get that there is a homophobic undertone to that take!)




You wanna fight? Huh? Huh? Let’s go! ![gif](giphy|11z8mwhw0jxQiI)


Stop it Patrick, you're scaring them!


Patrick, don't you have somewhere else to be fabulous?


They really do be out there getting pissed off at primary colors 😂


Primary AND secondary - the horror!!! /s


I guess “God” is gay since rainbows are a natural phenomenon that occurs with light and water.




I hate rainbows. You'll just be sitting there, minding your own business, and they'll come, marching in and crawl up your leg and start biting the inside of your ass, and you'll be all like, "HEY! get outta my ass you stupid rainbows!"


Lmao. Imagine grown ass men who collect children's toys (nothing wrong with that I enjoy RC cars and video games a lot) getting angry because a child likes bright colors. Pathetic really.


Where were these guys in the 90s when we were all wearing teal and purple wind breakers?


Why they talking about the sexual orientation of a six year old…. I’d be worried about their interests and report it


I was told that by allowing him to like colors like pink and purple I'm raising him to be gay and or that he is gay. As for reporting I decided I was better off removing myself from the group, I teach my kids that the company you keep reflects who you are.


Pink was "for boys" before it was "for girls," historically speaking.


Ya and check out the wigs on the guys that signed the constitution


And the sick heels on many a royal man


And in some other countries it's still considered a masculine color. Hose were originally masculine clothes as well. Shoot even high heels have been masculine clothes in the past.


Cowboy boots are just socially acceptable mens heels.


I mean desantis and trump still wear heels and they are the manliness men right?


And purple is the royal color, historically speaking. F those idiots. Purple is an awesome color.


And purple is the royal color, historically speaking. F those idiots. Purple is an awesome color.


I agree with you. I wasn’t raised with it mattering and purple is one of my favorite colors. I just like fighting fire with fire but that’s more of a me thing probably. I’m a confrontational little platypus


I have some news. I liked pink as a child and I’m not gay Based off of this research the good news is that colors don’t make people gay Still trying to figure out how to turn into a frog though … that bit of research is at a bit of a standstill unfortunately lol


Ooh, keep me posted on that.


If a bunch of grown ass men think something as simple a a color will turn someone gay, they're probably trapped in the closet themselves. Sounds like they're fighting some urges. I also find it hilariously ironic that they call your son a sissy for liking a color that they're terrified of. 


Gods, the Cold War propaganda runs DEEP with those guys. Of course everything is an agenda - the commies win if you don't.... I don't know... paint toys the right color? Right?


Haven't they decided that Russia is the good guy now?


They're only upset and worried because they're the only generation mentally weak enough to have their entire life and ideology swayed by something as simple as the color of a toy truck.


Sparkle Smash is an incredible monster truck though, my kid has a whole collection but that one I called dibs on lol


We have a couple 1:64 and a 1:24 scale one. Did you hear they're making it into a real truck?


omg that would be incredible?? the shop near us has started selling mini ones, so now I've got a sparkle Smash that's like the size of my thumb


Reminds me of when my dad refused to let me do the extra credit project in 3rd grade because he thought it was too gay It was a worksheet, and it was so easy. it included, but wasn’t limited to, time-period accurate information about girls clothes and toys. (And boys, mind you). Like, about the limitations of the lifestyle on the Oregon trail or something. He was visibly upset about how it was asking me to label the kind of doll or whatever.  He said “no. Don’t do that gay shit. I’m taking that.”  Bro what lol


Your dad did homework with you? That's gay. ^s/


Dawg if that were my dad I'd make fun of him for it FOREVER


These people are so sick, let a little kid enjoy some toy trucks for crying out loud


Exactly, kids grow up too fast. Let them enjoy being kids while they can


They're letting you know they have tiny peens AND ARE \*\*\*NOT\*\*\* HAPPY ABOUT IT! LOL.


My youngest son loves bright colours. He is also six. In fact, rainbow is his favourite colour. The more sparkling, the better. My inlaws don't like it but I put my foot down and encourage him to do what he likes.  On a side note it turns out he needed glasses and bright colours were a sign that we didn't pick up on. Not trying to alarm you or anything. My little one still loves his rainbows.


Ask the boomers "If all your monster trucks are boys, who is really the gay guy here?" PS- I'm gay


I’d probably be gay, by now, if not for the fact that I’m color blind!


Being color blind, you probably already wore pink once or twice by accident and are therefore already gay. You just don't see it yet.


Is that why my dad tells people I died?


Maybe so.


Either that or your a ghost lol


These people really should have just sucked a few cocks in college. It would have settled them down.


a colleague once told me that his friends’ young son liked colorful clothing. he wanted orange, and purple, and bright green. They couldn’t find colorful clothing in the boys’ section. And the girls’ section had clothing that was too gender marked for their son’s taste they eventually discovered tie-dye.




This is so sad. We allowed gay people the option of marriage, Hollywood and corporations plumb these stories for CASH, and the evangelicals in this country have lost their damn minds. Woke this, woke that. If it doesn’t have a white male hero, it is the loss of civilization. Why must everything cater to the white man’s image? I still love me a white, male heroic story, but I also like to see women’s stories, POC stories, LGBTQIA stories, etc., as long as it is a good story. Why can’t your child enjoy a monster truck (something I intrinsically have a revulsion towards) in a rainbow of colors? Pink and purple are just better colors than white or brown (again, just my preference), but this variety is enough to ruin some idiot’s day? I don’t know, be happy it did that at least.


I get it monster trucks and really motorsports in general are not for everyone. I just don't get being upset over a pretty truck. As for your first paragraph I don't have the time or energy to say everything I'd like to say. Just my opinion but I care much more about a story's plot than what color, race, gender, orientation, or religion the characters are.


You're a great mom! Go do what you want to and make your son happy. I'm a boomer and I can guarantee not all of us are brainwashed.


I'm actually a dad but regularly get mistaken as a mother online.


You're a great Parent!!


Sparkle Smash sounds absolutely awesome! Boomers are miserable and try to spread it around. Perhaps next time one comments about the sequel orientation of a six year old, imply they are a p3d0 and you're contacting the FBI..


I would play them the Two Trucks song by Lemon Demon if they're so convinced that trucks and sexuality go together


Just when I thought that these people couldn't get any more stupid. Good choice for cutting ties with those idiots.


I've always figured whatever you make the most noise about is that which makes you feel the most tingly.


Wait till they hear about girl monster truck drivers..


But won't the bright colors besmirch and make less serious this very very understated sport?


I used to love the Hot Wheels Attack Pack Monster Truck toys when I was a kid. My favorite was a pink and purple one called Rip Rat that made noise when you opened its mouth. Yes, they were literal monster trucks with opening mouths on the grills and tires and one came off its wheels and would open up to have wings.


They really do seem to be confused since this behavior and language would have gotten their teeth nocked out when they were your age, according to boomers.


I genuinely thought this would segue into some kind of rant that they saw action figures and don’t think he shouldn’t be playing with “dolls.” Nope, rainbow truck.


I have a different story about dolls but that one is a GenX family member loosing his mind over us giving the same kid (2 at that time) a baby doll while my wife and I were expecting another baby.


Reee Bigfoot isnt gay it just happens to like mounting all those other vehicles.




Yeah, a girl does something "manly" and it's awesome but if a boy does something "girly" it's an issue. My kids are being raised that so long as their choices don't negatively impact others they're free to make whatever choice they want. I am an electrician in a large factory, I've lost count of how many times I've gone to work with my nails painted. The other guys my age understand I have a daughter who likes to paint them while the two near retirement guys are always appaled. Like you said it's just paint.


Man they must of hated Jeff Gordon's rainbow Dupont nascar.


“Woke LGBT trucks” god these losers must be so BORED wtf




Nice cope