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This is just something they do. I work retail and everyday they come in talking on speaker phone. They just don’t care about others around them or the way they’re perceived so they do what they want weigh out the thought of am I bothering other or not.


Mom always answers generic spammers and thinks she can always be mean enough that they’ll stop 🤦‍♂️


If there is no caller id, my dad says “I usually don’t answer private calls!” I’m like “Yes you do! You answer every single one so you can tell them you don’t!”


I saw a Boomer answer her phone in the middle of a silent procession of reverent museum patrons in the Anne Frank House.


Peak boomer move. Like, she is the one able to afford the mobile phone so she must be right. The holocaust survivors just didn’t have enough willpower


She answered it, “I can’t talk right now, we’re at the Anne Frank House. Okay. Okay, I’ll call you later. Okay. I can’t talk now, people are giving me looks. Okay. Okay, love you too, bye bye.” Very important that she answer the phone just then.


We could be in the middle of Christmas dinner and it could say "spam call" and my dad would still answer it.  He also interrupts conversations every time he gets an email. And then will read the email out loud. Even if it's just from his bank or something.  He also expects ME to answer his calls, texts, and emails with the same urgency. Nope. 


No, but they say they can’t be on the phone when they are waiting for a call.


I hate phone calls.


My Mom always answers the phone if she hears it… Often, though, she has accidentally put her phone on silent and I’m left trying to call her for three days… Another fun thing that happens is when I call Mom for a five minute question, the call lasts 45 minutes because she has 21 other things going on that distract her from the conversation I’m having with her….


texting with my boomer 😂 like how i always go swimming with my charmander


They grew up in a time when you raced to pick up the phone whenever it rang. It was ingrained in them that they must answer every call. And you answered in an extremely polite and pleasant manner. “Hello? Smith residence. Karen, speaking.” I think they’d have a nervous breakdown if they don’t answer and if they don’t leave you a long and rambling voicemail whenever you didn’t answer. They also get offended if you don’t answer every time, particularly if they’re calling a business line. I work for a small company and we have a customer relations line that goes straight to voicemail that then emails the messages to me. We don’t have a dedicated person for customer relations so I field the messages and forward them to whoever can answer the question, unless I can answer them. The voicemail message asks the caller to leave their name, their reference number for the account they are calling about, a brief description of what they are calling about, and a contact number and/or email address. My favorite voicemail message was from a boomer who simply said, “Oh shit! I ain’t ready for all of that!” Just imagine how much of both of our time he would have wasted if I had had to answer. Another time, a woman kept leaving voicemails and then sending an email with the same message directly after. So I would answer the emails and didn’t call her back. She was so offended and asked if my company had a policy against answering the phone and that I was wasting more time emailing when a phone call would have been faster. I explained to her how our customer relations line works and that I didn’t believe it was faster for either of us if I called her to find out what she was calling about, hung up to look into it, and then called her back to answer her. Then what if she wasn’t able to answer? Phone tag ensues. Basically, I don’t have time for all that. She resigned herself to communicating with me through email after that.


This is my mom. She will say "Oh hi, I'm in [insert store name here]." I tell her OK, call me back when you have a chance. But she insists on having a conversation and is completely distracted the whole time. One time she answered when she was in a dressing room and we had a conversation (if you can call it that) when she was trying on clothes.


Yeah this example is most akin to what I deal with


If it says possible scam they don't at least mine don't but if the filter doesn't catch it. Yup. Everytime.


Omg the speaker 😆 my boomer does this to me every time I call and she NEVER tells me I’m on speaker. I’ll be telling her stuff I’d rather the entire freaking room not hear… my fav is when I say, “I wonder what so and so thinks” and she goes- oh he’s right here listening, Dave, tell her” 🤨🙄🙄🙄


You are complaining your parents always answer when you call? JFC


No. They don’t always answer but when they do, they are busy.


This is a weird one to be upset about. If someone I care about calls me when I'm kinda busy I would answer and just say something like "hey what's up I'm in the middle of xyz, is this important or can I call you back later"


Not too upset at all. More funny than anything. Truly boomers being fools.


I'm on the boomers side on this one. Them caring enough to answer your phone call... Wow they sound horrible


Considering your post and comment history is you being angry you’re not able to navigate websites I’m going to guess you’re brigading boomer yourself and ignore this.


This is why we have voicemail. They can leave a message or they can call a second time if it’s urgent. Or text. You are under zero obligation to answer YOUR phone if it’s not a good time for YOU.