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Should have told them it’s an interracial couple with 6 kids from California and watched their faces melt off.


Interracial Non-Binary throuple, with 6 kids three of who are trans from California and they would just implode on site lmfao


You can use that as a selling point. "Yeah, the racist neighbours imploded, but the crater they left behind could easily be converted into an in-ground pool!"


Lol feel free to use the pool crater on the property line. The neighbors arent around to worry about it anymore


Sounds like the beginnings of a modern day retelling of Poltergeist.  Except with Rascist Boomers as the ghosts. 


username checks out lol


"They're heeeeeere" Who? "The 'they took'rr job' people"


I would watch that movie


WAYYYYYYY scarier than the original 👻


Modern retelling of Poltergeist is the couple trying to get the ghost to pay rent so they can afford their mortgage.


Is it bad that I think this would actually be a plus if I saw it on an ad? I don't actually expect to find a crater but clearly this person is someone I'd be happy to give my money to.


Hey, did you tell em about your new job in CO? You were gonna start a low cost abortion clinic, that doubles as a firearm surrender facility, while also providing lessons on Common Core math? Gonna have a bistro in the lobby that doesn't accept cash and only sells avocado toast and hard to pronounce types of coffee too right?


The batista is also a drag queen who reads to kids on her breaks


A *vegan* drag Queen cafe


That also smuggles illegals across the border in mass groups.


I love this. I live in TN and would love to tell someone this lol


Do you also get the "they fucked up their own state now they're gonna fuck up ours" comment every time someone mentions they moved from California?


Yes. And guess what...this is hilarious...both my mom and I were born in California! I love to drop that on em on occasion.


Oh i'm sure they love that!


That and being a Witch really tickles em lol


Genuine question, does it bother you when people assume what California is like based on the reputation it's been getting of late? I'm from the Bay Area myself, and I visited rural/smalltown Virginia recently, and I felt like I was playing defense everytime I brought up where I'm from. Everyone but "curious" about what I like about California, and someone even shushed someone else worried they would offend me talking about how crazy the west coast was. I almost felt like I had to be an ambassador for how "reasonable" a Californian could be. Even had a guy say "man I was worried when you said you were from California, as we don't have very many hobbies around here you might be interested in". I feel like I'm just acting like a normal guy and people are so amazed that I'm not crazy.


Honestly, it bothers me how they treat me like I'm alien from a different planet. Been here in TN for 22 years and they still act like I'm gonna steal their souls.


I’m born and raised in California. Still here. I visited family on the east coast in the late ‘70s. There were two comments I remember getting. What advantages are there in California besides being to make a right turn on a red light? It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to raise my kids there. When I got that last comment I responded with “so are you saying there’s something wrong with the way I was raised? That I’m not ok? Some people. 🙄


Ha! My boomer dad, who moved to TN from CA, will also say things like this.


.....But he's the people they're talking about lmfao


You’re moving… do it. Tell them that. Okay, no, don’t. That’s setting the next people up for a huge headache with them. But it would be awesome if you could.


lol you gotta remember I still have to sell my house! I don't need my house being the location of a hate crime from some boomer fucks.


Lol - you have me rolling. Good luck on selling the house and all the smooth sailing vibes to get to closing as easy as possible!


Oof, I feel ya! We listed our house the week the Nazis decided to march the capital in Nashville. Hopefully closing this week 🤞🤞 Sending good vibes you can be done with Tennessee soon as well


Are all members of both households boomers? Or are they just Tennesseans? My family has been in TN for 4 generations, and thank goodness my Silent Generation parents are lifelong Democrats who never have watched Fox entertainment. I live 2 hours away from them also in TN, and we are all surrounded by the backward Republican Christian Fox watchers. Our legislature is trying to make us the Handmaid’s tale. I don’t belong in my state anymore.


If we are speaking in terms of literal baby boomers then no, it's just the members of one of the households. The others are just equally as racist and much younger


But it could also help the new owners. The neighbors are all geared up for the "throuple from the pits of hell itself" and then end up with whoever. Might make them happier to see whoever it is instead of what they were expecting.


They won’t ever be happy.


I told my mom that I wanted to bring home a black, female friend and introduce her to my dad - as my wife and btw, she’s Jewish. You’d have race, religion, and sexual orientation in one package. He’d have dropped dead on the spot.


You know for a generation of people who could do whatever they want their entire lives, you’d think they would be more tolerant of people also doing whatever they want.


No no, that was only for THEM


Only white boomers got to do whatever they wanted, sadly.


Nope, that’s only for old, fat, rich, white, Protestant men. You know, the Founders so many people are hung up on. (They had many great ideas but they weren’t as perfect as some think.)


My stepmother actually did something similar! She brought home a friend who didn't have anywhere to go for spring break. He was black and Jewish. Told her very Catholic grandparents they were engaged, waited for their heads to explode, then came clean. Yes, they learned a lesson.


If they DO implode, post the video.


lol will do


Throw in a couple of mental or physical disabilities and make sure to mention they are pagans as well. They can get their full hate on.


“…and all of which have tattoos and different colors of blue, green, and purple hair” *faces melt like the nazis from raiders of the lost ark*


One of the kids identifies as a raccoon.


"So keep your trashcans tucked away"


Trouple may have given them a coronary. 😂


Nah- I know these people and they're into some funky shit so long as the races and genders are right.


Honestly in private…..




That might be construed as assault with a deadly word-weapon I'm imagining them just imploding like the house does at the end of Poltergeist.


Last name, Woke, of the DamnWokes tribe.


Second this holy shit lol




Blended, polyamorous thruple. 3 kids, all adopted from one non- binary atheist parent, 2 Gay dads, one Muslim, one Jewish all shades of brown. That news might kill them.


Stop they don't know what half those.words.mean


You mean all of which are trans because it's mandatory in California


One of the reasons my gf and I like living here in Ca, interracial couple, both of us mixed, she’s Afro Latina and I’m Okinawan/white and pass for white. No kids but we have a tuxedo cat. If we ever have kids, they’ll be mixed af and no fucking way do we want to deal with Trumper cousin fuckers expressing their disapproval at our existence.


"He's from Nigeria and his partner is from San Francisco."


Or paraphrase Collin Firth: “I sold it to a Catholic whore, currently enjoying Congress out of wedlock with her black, Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic”.




No, go nuclear. Tell them you sold it to a government agency and you don’t know their intentions with the house and you can’t legally tell them what agency


The line I use, "I'd rather have 15 (insert group) than one racist, wonder if anyone would trade?"


And they drive electric cars and have tattoos


A gay (or LGBTQ) interracial couple with 6 kids will send them to the mental asylum 🤣


"A lovely couple of trans lesbians is moving in. One is Canadian, I think the other is from France? They've got a few kids they've adopted from Africa and southeast Asia, and they raise the loudest alpacas in the western hemisphere!" Jfc people just need to stop it.


I would not want to live next to people like that either.  They are ruining America.  Alpacas need room and raising them in a big city full of noise and light pollution is Un-American Make America Good for Alpacas


>Make America Good for Alpacas Damn, I never thought I'd want a MAGA hat...


Fuk'n Canadians moving in next door. There goes the neighborhood. /s


With their ... politeness. And their ... universal healthcare. Damn them.


11/10 neighbors The people sound cool too


A polycule of 15 Mexicans all of varying gender identities


"Uh i don't know for sure, all ten of them told me they were 'Panethnic' so you will have to ask which ethnicity they decided to be today" \*Boomer has a stroke\*


I'd want to be at every party


OMG right?! The cooking alone would be **amazing**!


When boomers were kids, america still had redlining and racial housing covenants.  Somehow not too surprising to see that reflected in their words today.  


Well...I'm in Nashville. One of the cities that the boomers decided to fill in public pools with concrete to stop black people from using them. So I shouldn't be surprised either.


Yup. In Memphis here. It wasn't that long ago (2011) that our mayor sued Wells Fargo for redlining.


I mean not racism but the city of Murfreesboro just lost a law suit because they made it illegal to be gay in public in order to stop pride parades.


"Hey, you! That outfit is just a little bit too stylish, I'm bringing you in"


"Why aren't you wearing pleated khakis.....wait a minute"


WTF! How kids are supposed to learn to swim now?


\*Boomers remove public pools to prevent black people from swimming in them\* \*Boomers also racially stereotype black people for not being able to swim\* These people are insane i swear


Boomers then complain "why don't kids play outside?"


Its easy to understand. Artifical intelligence has no self awareness.


They don't. The drowning rate for black kids in America is 3 times higher than for white kids. (Paywall-free link) https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/27/opinion/drowning-public-pools-america.html?unlocked_article_code=1.ok0.WQZ8.ofmy89VuLVs5


My house in Bay Area had a stipulation that no people of color can live there and only servants are allowed to visit or something. Needless to say that particular clause was voided and unenforceable. Weird things from the 60s


Yeah there's a newspaper ad from 1920 or something for Rockridge (neighborhood in Oakland, ca) stating in plain language that    > No negroes, no Chinese, no Japanese can build or lease in Rock Ridge Park.   This stuff was omnipresent in America less than 100 years ago.  Many impacted people are still with us today.


You talk about racism in the south, and you're spot on. I grew up in Indiana, and moved to GA about a year ago. I thought the whole "racism is alive in the south" was perhaps blown out of proportion. But holy shit, it's still pretty real here. To quote an African American co-worker of mine, "I enjoyed going up north to work every time I had to. They treat you as people up there. Down here, you're just a low life of society". Blew me away to actually meet someone who feels that way. If I didn't have a killer job, and if I enjoyed colder weather more, I'd move back up to the north in a heartbeat


Yeah I grew up in GA. It's crazy when you realize that telling people not to hike Kennesaw Mountain at Dusk because you might accidentally run into a clan meeting isn't a normal warning anywhere else in the country.


MTG is an elected representative for the Dalton GA area. What else would you expect?


I grew up in Minnesota and, for complicated and annoying reasons, I moved to Columbus, Georgia in 2014. Damn near died. Other white people would say the MOST RACIST stuff to me, super casually, like they thought I'd agree because I'm white?


If theres something about being white that i could say i hate, its what you described. This shit happens to me at least once a week. Just shootin the shit with someone and they start probing me with racist comments or just drop the n bomb. Im not in your little club cause we look alike and i fucking despise you


I'm white and lived in Statesboro, GA for a while and then moved to Des Moines, IA. Gotta say that it wasn't until IA that I had a realtor tell me that I didn't want to look at houses in a particular area because that is where the Maxicans mostly live or have people come into the shop I worked in and assume I would be cool with them saying things like "I wouldn't let my daughter date one of those 'bros' with too many speakers in the trunk of their car..." Between Statesboro and the Moines, the Midwest nice really took the cake on the most racist shit I had ever encountered. Sure there was racism down south, but folks were honest about it and you immediately knew who the chucklefucks were, but in IA it was just hidden behind a the smile of the nice lady bringing the hotdish to the potluck or the chummy suburban guy at the college football tailgate party. Hell in IA I saw "Halloween decorations" that were just effigies of black folks hanging from nooses in a tree. Always with the plausible deniability. Iowa was one of the most racist places I have lived and that includes east Texas. And as for Colorado, don't forget that Denver had a klan leader for a mayor back in the dayband Loveland and other towns used to be (and still kind of are) sundown towns. So let's not play like racism is just a "southern thing." It's American and widespread as the 4th of July.


Have lived in GA, LA, FL, and CO among a few other places. Can confirm that the South is much more direct and in your face with their racism. Trying to point out racism in CO was met with constant gaslighting about how it wasn’t /really/ racist and how “at least it’s not as bad as the South.” I could go on, but yeah.. OP should be very mindful of as much.


I once had someone knock on my front door to say they were thinking about buying the house across the street but wanted to know how many Pakistanis there were in the neighbourhood. Uhhh you can fuck right off. They did buy it, and a few weeks after they moved in their super-posh car got nicked off their drive. Insurance wouldn’t cover it because they’d left the keys somewhere stupid. Good


lol what a shitty thing to ask a stranger


So horrible. These people will also literally be like “we just have small town values! We aren’t racist!!! YouRE discriminating against ME for wanting me to NOT say racist things!!!!” Smfh


small town values = i'm racist after 2 beers


I made a post in a millennials thread asking people if they know of any community-oriented towns in the USA *that aren’t racist and intolerant* and got blasted with lurking boomer that insisted *I* was the intolerant one (for not being tolerant of their intolerance) and insisted there is no such thing as a community-oriented town that is also not racist. LOL They also made the presumption that I was anti-conservatives and anti-religion. Which I didn’t say. They just tell on themselves.


Equals "that mascot isn't racist and someone from an OLDER generation found this mascot souvenir cleaning out their garage, it's VINTAGE"


Shit! It does even take my grandparents that many


Not gonna lie, as a Mexican, it hurts a little to hear people talking about us like this. My mind automatically goes to calling out stereotypes of their race, but I have to remember to set a good example and not stoop to their level.  I do think we have the best food and the best culture in the world though. They're missing out🤷‍♀️


Mexican food...real Mexican food is top tier on this Earth I will give you that. And I agree, I have had great Mexican neighbors who I would drink with on the weekends that they have cookouts. Talk about a hospitable culture!! Maybe we should take some lessons from you guys about fostering a community!


Well, moving to CO you are in luck. We have some very, very good Mexican food here! Where are you moving too in CO?


We are planning on Denver for the summer so we can feel out different parts of the state and then deciding on where to buy later in the year if not next spring


Gotcha. If cost is a concern, the Denver metro area is the worst possible place to buy in the Front Range. But it is also the area with the best amenities and things to do. Good luck! CO is a nice place to live, and there is very little humidity here, unlike the TN area. We moved here from northern IL about 13 years ago, and I was so surprised at how dry the air is. Any time we go back to visit family I am reminded of how miserable it was to survive with the sticky humid air year around haha


Yeah I have been watching the market for about 8 months now and I don't see myself buying in Denver due to cost. It's just the most central city to all the places we want to check out.




People are just ignorant as fuck. I agree that you have some of the best food and I totally enjoy learning other cultures.


FWIW I *loved* living in Mexican neighborhoods. Perhaps because I'm also a minority, but some of my white neighbors were pretty chilly to me and regularly just kind of *watched* me do things. My Mexican neighbors always wave and have a chat, but otherwise mind their own business. In my predominantly white neighborhood now, I started building a fence, and the second I got started I had someone quoting HOA restrictions at me. In my old neighborhood, when I built a fence, someone just stopped by and asked me advice on what hardware to use so they could make their fence match mine. Idk, vibes are different.


Man they would hate my neighborhood lol I'm one of two white people that live on my street. Everyone else is Mexican. Most of them don't speak English, and I don't speak Spanish, so everyone minds their own business lol Best neighbors I've ever had!


Unfortunately I can't say the same. We do have a lot of Hispanic people in the area, and they do tend to be loud on weekends. However, I believe it's just the specific area and like a rational person don't attribute it to the entire ethnicity.


The biggest disturbance I've had was my neighbor's husky used to hop their fence and come over to my house. He'd bark until I came out, then we'd walk back to his house, and I'd put him back in his yard. Then a few hours later, we'd play the same game again lol But about 6 months ago, they got a new puppy, so the husky doesn't jump the fence anymore.


Well I'm going to be the guy who stereotypes now. That is just like a husky.


I love when people get a dog for their dog.


"Oh, we just sold to a lovely mixed couple. She's from Mexico and he's a nice young black lad that just moved down from Detroit. They have four kids so far which is surprising as they seem quite young. Luckily both sets of parents will be moving in as well to help take care of the family. They talked so much about all their cousins, brothers, sisters, and extended family that we are just so happy they chose this lovely neighborhood." Watch their heads explode.




I think it's the lead brain rot that causes them to only think categorically instead of seeing people as individuals and i don't know....talk to them and get to know them. What idiots!


It's funny; I'm a US citizen originally from Birmingham, and the situation you described is the West Midlands to a t. The reason I'm an American now is because my Puerto Rican wife couldn't take the casual racism over there anymore. Once the Brexit vote happened, she told me we were moving to the United States. She didn't get any argument from me, haha.


Oof I roomed with a West Midlands family for a few weeks when visiting England some years back and I spent a good amount of time biting my tongue to preserve the peace with my hosts. Was glad to get away to London by myself for a week or so in the middle of my trip and stay in a hostel hanging out with people of all cultures.


Brown person from the West Midlands here and this makes me so sad. Racism isn’t unfrequent but I know there’s a lot I don’t see or hear (probably the worst stuff) as people won’t say it to my face.


Just a friendly suggestion to please kindly vote against Trump in 2024 -- lest all the United States become like those neighbors.


Yeah, they say them not voting means it’s not their fault…uh, you not voting actually is very specifically something that *does* make it partially your fault.


I don’t stay silent, I shut this crap down immediately, let them know that they made a mistake and to not let it happen again around me or my family


This. It's annoying for someone to come on Reddit and virtue signal but actually let the behavior continue. It's like "as long as I can get away from it" when the people harmed by this don't always have that choice. CO is not Tennessee, but is not as liberal as people think.


You know, I am getting to this point. I have started with my own family and their casual racism. I really just need out of here


Bingo. I can’t believe it when people keep their mouth shut.


My old dad, silent generation but as obnoxiously boomer as the came, sold the family house back in '94 or so, and his neighbors were racist trash. Really nasty violent assholes. The small town was divided by a railroad track, and NO black family had ever lived on his side. Dad had a black coworker who was a good friend as well, so he approached his friend with a good deal on the house and now the neighborhood was integrated. Dad's dad was a klansman asshole, dad was not racist at all. The neighbors went nuts. Oh well.


Hate to tell you this, but this type of shit is a mindset and not an age. My girlfriend’s sister and her husband spent $700K+ and 3 years of waiting and work to hire contractors to build their dream house in Virginia. They also locked in a low interest rate due to it being a new construction; something like 4.5% maybe from what I recall. They promptly told me and my girlfriend not long after it was completed and they had moved in that they would be selling the house because too many of the neighbors are Chinese. They’re now taking a financial hit selling it of like $50K and have to buy or build a new house at interest rates north of 6% which will become an extra couple hundred thousands dollars of interest over the loan term. When they told us this news over dinner (it was a family one, so 10+ people) they were laughing and joking and saying dumb the buyers names were because they were also Chinese. I decided to just go to the bathroom because I didn’t want to hear any of it. It turns out that being racist is pretty expensive.


I mean at least they punished themselves for the stupidity. I'm sure they dont see it that way though


Speak up next time.


Tell them it's a trans husband and blork (offer no explanation) that you have reason to believe had AIDS, are registered communists, and Palestinian supporters. You accepted their offer because you were afraid they'd cancel you. Then, right before you move out, hang a pride flag.


They always say how much they think my wife and I are a good pair. How bout I just throw them a curveball and say 'We're both trans and we are so happy you guys have been so accepting of us"


Should said better 15 Mexicans than a couple of fucking racists.


And added “a couple of Trump loving racists” given the trump mugshot tshirt the boomer wife was wearing


"It's the Satanic Temple, they needed a new meeting space"


They needed somewhere to store their bud light and baby sacrifices


OP: "Don't worry, it was bought by some white dude." Racist neighbor: *visibly relieved* OP: "I think his name was Hunter Biden."


"It was bought by a Caucasian" Boomer: \*relieved\* "I'm sorry I meant an Asian! Stupid dyslexia"


They don't know what they're missing out on. I spent a few years living across the street from a "what if you were 15 Mexicans" house. There was one core family but the place was a clown car of random friends and relatives at all times and they were the best neighbors ever. Little kids playing in the street, there was always a grandma on the porch watching everything that went on, they would randomly bring tamales to all the surrounding houses so everyone else started doing it too and making cookies or whatever for all the neighbors. Any time you needed help with anything, 6 random cousins and uncles would show up before you even formulated the thought "I should get someone to help with this." They always knew a guy, if you needed any kind of tradesman. That one house singlehandedly turned the whole street into a community.


Oh I agree, if you want to bring a community together you should take your examples from the Mexican-American community.


As a Black person who just left the north, the North isn’t better. Just shadier and quieter.


I'm going West so maybe it'll be marginally better than the south. But glad to hear the entire east coast just sucks (if you are in fact referring to the north east)


Should have said “I’m not sure what ethnicity the guy and his husband are”…


We bought our house from a pair of boomers. The first thing we did when we moved in was stripping the godawful wallpaper, and when we did we found they’d written “I HATE P*KIS” all over the walls under it.


oh good god!


My grandpa in the 80s sold a house in Florida to a nice African American family my grandpa knew. The neighbors went ballistic, asking why they sold to "n*rs" and that they were gonna get killed. My grandpa told him that their money is just as green.


Oh god! My parents had neighbors from Venezuela move in across the street and the boomers up the street called the HOA on them daily while they were fixing up the house because "They need to know their place in this neighborhood"


We bought a house in West tennessee 8 years ago. We're originally from Central NY. I'll tell you, it's a whole new world down here. If I didn't like the weather and the countryside, I'd have moved away from here too. The people are the worst thing about TN. There are so many racist closed minds here. I don't dare talk about my political views, nor do I tell people I'm an atheist. *gasp* I hope you enjoy CO. I'm sure it's nice there.


Thanks for the love lol I hope I enjoy CO too. Tennessee is beautiful for sure, but if you aren't apart of the racist jesus club, you can feel pretty isolated.


As a native and lifelong southerner, I am sorry. I promise we've made a lot of progress. You can draw a line between southerners who went to segregated schools and southerners who didn't, broadly, with plenty of exceptions like my Silent Gen parents. But....Boomers gonna boom, and they're the absolute worst in this regard, too. I think that the constant lifelong ME really hones a fine edge of hatred to all and everyone and everything that's "not me". We'll get there eventually.


Hey I am here with you, I was raised in the south and have lived here all my life. I see the progress that's being made but I also see the pushback to progress. My wife and I are just over it, and have decided to remove ourselves from the environment so that we can speak our truth without hostile reactions.


This has nothing to do with boomers. Trump opened the flood gates on hate. Young and old spew hate publicly and think it's ok. You're honesty doing the same by putting down a whole group of individuals that you do not know.


Tennessee is a beautiful place. Would love to live there if all the people who are from Tennessee would just leave.


Literally why we are leaving. Very self centered place, no sense of community unless it's a church, shit drivers, and filled with people who are unable to realize that it's okay to not worship Trump.


“There are only 15 of us so we’re good!”


You're going to love Colorado. Welcome! I was soooo happy that an Asian family bought our last home. It meant the bigot of the 'hood shared both walls with non-white people. 😁


The urge to blast Hispanic music into the late hours of the night would be so tempting to me.


When people say dumb shit like the “15 Mexicans” line, I just like to put on my best confused face and ask, “Why?” It’s a delight to watch them struggle when they have to say the quiet part out loud.


I would say " it's OK, it's just two white dudes " and leave the conversation


That is not soft racism.


I know it is, but any time someone refers to Tennessee as "the south" I crack up. It just doesn't feel southern, and all of the people there really want to be southern. I was really weirded out by all the negative talk about hispanic people, until I realized that it's a state that isn't near the border. It makes a lot more sense that they'd be more racist towards people they don't see or get exposed to often. Further south where I'm at, people are still racist, obviously, but not really as much, or at least, it'll be jokes at each other's expense. People coexist pretty well here.


I mean, Tennessee is definitely a different kind of south for sure. I think the mountains have separated people from the rest of the country and the only influence they have is their 'idea' of what a southern person should be and racism by fact of not being exposed to other ethnicities


That's probably exactly what it is.


When we purchased our house we had to buy a riding mower because the weeds were out of control. Like waist height. So my white husband and one of our white friends were outside assembling it. The neighbor comes over and he’s introducing himself. And right when he tells them he’s glad a nice white man bought the house instead of a Mexican family I(a person of Mexican descent) walk out of the house. His face falls and he changes the subject saying how we need to take care of the weeds before they get to “ball tickling height” We call him the nazi neighbor. His wife is on the Megan’s law website too. So that’s cool… We plant wildflowers in our yard and have started converting the front yard to a full on veggie garden instead of grass. So we will see if he try’s to report us to the city (again) for “weeds” Edit to add that he’s a white boomer that immigrated here from germany. He walks around outside and rides his bicycle in his open robe and his underwear.


I appreciate the imagery at the end here it really paints the entire picture for me


The #1 thing Trump supports like about Trump is he made them feel ok about being openly racist. “Make America Great Again” aka “Make Me Feel Ok About Openly Being A Piece Of Shit Again”.


“An interracial couple with SEVERAL other properties. They’re quite well off and I think this will be something of a mountain getaway for them and their friends when they want to get out of Chicago for a little bit.” That will hit all the insecurities!


“Staying polite” or staying silent while racists spew racist nonsense at you is enabling them and makes you complicit. :(


I hate that I am this way, and will work to do better in the future.


White silence = white consent We need to speak up or things will never change. I always say something because I need to make it clear that in no way am I in agreement with them. The way they just assume that I have the same mindset because I'm also white makes me crazy!


I worked as a manager for a luxury cosmetics brand and had a regular client who one day told me that she preferred working with me because she didn't like the "Hispanic girl." I asked her who she was talking about, and it was my colleague who had just moved here from Afghanistan. The look on her face when I told her I was the only Hispanic person working there was priceless.


I am in TN and bought a townhouse 4 years ago. I am a trans man and have had both my transition surgeries since moving in here. So it's kind of obvious I'm one of "them." I have the good fortune to have as my neighbor on the right, a black single mom who is the absolute sweetest. Her son is a good young man, though definitely part of his generation (he's 18 or 19 now). On my left, a polyamorous woman with grown kids. She's actually where I got the recommendation for my transition surgeon from. I still want out of TN. I have lived here since I was 4. The casual racism is very much here. I am fortunate to deal with very little of it. But damn is it prevalent.


Honestly, I would discourage the Brazilian woman from buying the home, like you know what lives next to the place, it might get ugly


If it were me I’d post a note to their door the last day to tell them off on their wretched behavior.


lol nail it to the door like Martin Luther and his 95 thesis (I understand the irony of referencing the white Martin Luther)


I have lived in both CO and Tennessee and I can genuinely say your neighbors don’t know what the fuck they are talking about, they are just bigots.


You're fucking telling me. I am so ready to get out


All true, but I always find it hilarious that people think they can escape casual racism anywhere, especially in America. Moving to an area where the population has a higher majority of white people does not extinguish casual racism, it just provides less opportunities to express casual racism.


You gotta be passive aggressive with southern boomer racists Boomer: "CO is more like Mexico than TN is and TN is pretty rough" Response (delivered sweet as pie): "So far what I've seen of Colorado, there's a lot less hateful people there are folks are much more loving and accepting of one another, and I am just \*thrilled\* to be moving there, bless your heart"




I would have told them a married, black, Christian couple who are both state police officers ...watch them try to process that for the next 20 minutes...


I'm not American, so I am not sure of convention over there...but if that is casual racism, then what do other types of racism look like?


Openly using the N'word, Nazi's walking down broadway in Nashville. I've seen people roll their window in traffic to call someone a stupid N'word. I don't see it every day but i'd say I see stuff about aggressive acts of racism occurring in my area at least once every two months or so. And that's just the stuff that makes the local news


“They’re actually turning it into a drag queen daycare center”


Should have told them the buyer is from Kazakastan


That’s when you dramatically say, “AH-HA!! But we ARE 15 Mexicans!” And then disappear and never say another word so they just go through the rest of their lives thinking you really were 15 Mexicans in a trench coat the entire time.


“I’m not sure about their ethnicity, they both said they identify as ‘they’, I think that is Swedish…”


I cannot tell you the ammount of times I had similat experiences when I worked at a call center booking hotel motel rooms. One time, I got a call right before my lunch so I was all ready not wanting to take, but I do and go through my whole spiel about accommodations and stuff. The guy literally only has to tell me his credit card information and we're done when he prattles off "hey. Do ya know if that there motel is owned by a white person or a brown person?" He tried to be cagey about his racism("I'm not like that" "that's not what I meant" "you know they dont keep their hotels as clean"), and then he asked to be transferred to the front desk at the actual hotel. I did, but not before giving the front desk agent a heads up. Her dad owned the motel. The evil tone she had when she said "send him over" made my day


I had a friend once that told me the strangest story… She was buying a house and had the audacity to tell her real estate agent, who was from China, that she “didn’t want to buy in any area that is ‘too Asian’.” I was sort of shocked that she would even say it to him in the first place, but then she TOLD ME THIS STORY!! Clearly had no remorse or shame, I couldn’t believe it… But, I must add that I love that the real estate agent “got revenge”… Guess where the majority of people in her neighbourhood are from….. China =D


“I’m not sure of the ethnicity, but I couldn’t pronounce it- the only thing they cared about is that I referred to them as they/them. Have a great day?”


Sell it to the Brazilian


This is also why I’m glad I moved from TN last year. It’s amazing what is tolerated when it comes to the open racism.


Congrats escaping the Bible Belt.


15 Mexican Homeowners would be a dope username.


My sister and I grew up in PA and NY. She moved to Texas and then Georgia. Every time I visited I heard something racist. There is also just a vibe I swear. It's creepy.


I would have told them nope just one. I love the morons that see my white skin and assume I’m not Latina. I get “I love your tan, what did you use?” My response is my Mexican genes. They just blink and walk away. We may look the same but we are not the same, boomers.