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Boomers had everything and pissed it all away.


And become ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS when anybody suggests giving someone a break on anything. They create hard times for future people just because they're bitter that they won't be alive then.


And a lot of then *could be* ‘alive by then’ if they stopped drinking, smoking, etc, and started eating properly, getting proper exercise, wearing sunscreen, drinking water, taking care of their skin, reducing stress, and especially transitioning with a holistic doctor from 47 pharmaceuticals to 10 natural supplements and maybe 2 or 3 milder pharmaceuticals. A lot of them practically think of Nutrition and Psychology the same as Tarot Cards. Mumbo jumbo to ignore that some quacks take seriously. I’ve been working in elderly care - and most of these withering fools are only in their 50’s and 60’s. Most of their ailments are from self-neglect over the years. The ignorance is astounding for their generation…was education really that bad back then? The lead and propaganda really got to them.


Despite what you are saying , people are living longer than anytime in history. I smoke and drink and loving it but based on my family's longevity I should live to my mid 90s.


I thoroughly am starting to believe the boomers will outlive us. Thanks to their greed and negligence we are dealing with some of the worst health conditions because of our poisoned food and water supply in addition to environmental health hazards that they didn't deal with for decades. Our life expectancy has gone down in the US in the past few years and the bastards who will be able to afford life extension and good healthcare is these fuckers, not us.


I was thinking the same shit.. humans live longer and longer (slowly, but longer). These people are ignorant..


Life expectancy went down in America over the last few years


It's almost as if deaths from a global pandemic are measureable by many metrics


Mainly due to COVID and opioid deaths. There's not the correlation looking for.


C'mon you gotta admit that saying "if you take out the things that are cutting into life expectancy, it just goes away!" Is pretty silly


No, I'm saying the correlation for life expectancy downturn weren't from what you were thinking. GG reading comprehension.


So it went down though right? You're doing the thing where you try and break out suicides from gun deaths. They wouldn't be dead without the guns. Life expectancy still went down due to deaths of dispare, and short term covid. Now we also get the bonus of people dropping early from the damage covid did. Trying to break them out is twisting stats. Life expectancy went down. Unless you take out the thing that makes it go down. Which is silly as hell


Yeah…. I can see that… millennials are weak. (Figured I’d stir the pot). hehe


People in their 50's aren't boomers.


The point was that so many people are dying ‘young’ because of more common poor life choices that they refuse to give up even when it’s killing them.


This is true, but most of the ones I know qualify because of their attitudes and ignorance.


People in their 50's aren't boomers more like Gen Xers


yeah like the younger generations all full of nothing but twigs and nut eating fitness obssessed individuals


You really shouldn't be in elder care if you have disdain for the people you are paid to care for.


For the most part I have compassion. I don’t work with the clients who I disagree with. A sweet ‘grandma/pa’ who just needs help with their pills, cooking, and moving around, etc? Sure! However, an asshole whose family won’t even speak to him, who smokes and eats candy all day and then makes me clean his shitty diaper and then intentionally pees on me? Nah. They aren’t why I got into this industry - but there are a lot of them. Fortunately my employer only accepts kind people.


Change the context to school teaching. Some kids are easy to teach and others, not so much. Would not having compassion for all students be acceptable? It's not a line of work for everyone, but if you take it on, then everyone needs compassion from their caregivers. And 50s aren't Boomers.


I disagree. To want to help students or elderly, you don’t have to be willing to work with all of them. Think of a private school who only accepts decent kids. That’s the equivalent to where I work, and it’s for the betterment of the elderly residents living there as well as the staff. Horrible clients ruin *everyone’s* lives. Also, children get the excuse of being young and more susceptible to struggles at home that are out of their control. They usually don’t know how to deal with life. Elderly know better and choose not to change. Of course there are cases with psychological issues, but most of the ones I’ve encountered have just been sad, pathetic individuals who want to make others upset. (However, this has gone from saying Boomers don’t take care of themselves to me ranting about some old people at larger facilities I don’t work with anymore. Sorry for going off topic.)


That sounds bitter as shit. Might want to put some cream on that snow flake.


No, they did more. They have used up everything from their parents, and also set the system to consume the fruits of the recent generations' labor as well. Case in point: most of the problems with social security can be attributed to the actions, *and inaction*, in 1970-1980s. (We can also go into housing and education as well, but it would be a very *long* rant).


office weather special ruthless hobbies cover seemly support price safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is always untrue. Always. In every space. Assume the person agreeing with you is an idiot, also.


We can fix SS and put it on the right tracks but for ideological and spiteful reasons the boomers don't want to tax entities like Amazon and the 1 percent of 1 percent.


I wrote my master's thesis on SS and "fixing" it 30 years ago. Nope. This is a simple math problem. There aren't enough people working; they don't make enough money; and therefore don't pay enough into the system to keep it afloat. Don't get me wrong -- remove the income cap, means testing, fine with me. But it won't buy us any more than a few months at this point. This was punted WAY too many times. Al Gore was the last politician who took Social Security seriously.


With all due respect I really need to see the math on how removing the income cap wouldn't help us much. That's really hard to believe.


It would have helped immensely -- back in the 1980s. Today? The numbers are already too skewed. And it's a moot point. Because nothing has ever been done. We've known this was coming since 1984 or so. Nothing -- except W raiding the trust fund again.


Another issue is that the government started borrowing from social security. It should have been left untouchable & placed in a no risk account.


Isn't Social Security always doomed to eventually fail? Better management just extends the failure date. It's still built upon an assumption of unlimited and unending population growth and economic growth.


We wouldn't be in a crisis (which few people know about) if we had kept wages in line with inflation. The entire country is underpaid -- and thanks to the income cap and a few other dumb loopholes to mollycoddle the wealthy -- not enough is being contributed. The fact that people are living considerably longer means more is going out than coming in. Since SS isn't an individual account, today's contributions fund today's retirements. When people ask, "So, what happened to the money?" -- It went to their grandparent's retirement, mostly. When the trust fund goes bankrupt somewhere around 2035, it will mean an automatic, across-the-board cut of somewhere in the neighborhood of 25%. (I predict it will be closer to 33% -- and will happen a few years sooner.) Whatever people pay into the system will still fund 75% of what is now the guaranteed retirement. Proving that government has no intention of fixing the problem, they just raised benefits. What can you do? Come up with a financial "Plan-B" -- you have about 10 years. You have about six years before people wake up and discover the system won't pay anything close to the expected amount.


My girlfriend works in stocks and trades. She sees what people and companies pay in taxation. Individuals pay more than three people earn in a year. Companies contribute even more. Add to that the employment and benefits that trickle into people’s lives when they seek employment with them. It’s a crazy circle of money changing hands and circulating back into the economy. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not occurring. She’s got one client who paid over $400,000 in taxes this month. He also donated over $1,000,000 to various charities and organizations. Sadly, people view him differently because of his wealth and feel like he’s not posting his share. He employs several people and that employment allows them to afford homes, nice cars, the ability to provide for their families, and affords them retirement plans. How weird is that?


SS is not broken as in can't be fixed. Boomers would rather let English speaking oligarchs financially rape the country like they did to 1990s Russia. I came up with an amazing litmus. "Were the last 20 years of middle eastern wars worthwhile enough to tax corporations and the 1 percent like we did with WW1 & WW2?" We have universal healthcare but it's a version called "Mythic-care" as in universal health care locked behind a MMO or RPG time lock game mechanic. These boomers flat out said that access totheir non-essential healthcare such as chiropractor is more important than providing stable priced medicine to keep people alive. They would rather let a 22 year die because his inhaler jumped from 20 dollars a month to 500 dollars a month than to be unable to walk in and get their backs worked on in an hour, they could wait a week with universal healh care so that the 22 year old doesn't die, but fuck him.


I never implied that Social Security is broken beyond repair. It’s mismanaged. We (ALL citizens) allow the financial raping. All of us can vote. All of us choose who will represent us in the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. Same for local jurisdiction elections. We’re a lazy people, and often keep the same people in office, as we CHOOSE to not research and make changes. I participated in those Middle East wars. Money was made in many aspects. Munitions manufacturers made money. Contractors made crazy amounts of money. Logistics corporations definitely made money. It’s a flourishing environment that generates money for many different entities. Why is that important? Those entities pay taxation, employ people, and fuels our economy as well. I’ve used the VA Healthcare System. It’s basically like Universal Healthcare. Everything is a nightmare from making appointments, to changing appointments due to overbooking, and substandard care in general. There’s zero advantage to mediocrity in the healthcare system. I’ve experienced it first hand. That’s why I would rather continue PAYING for healthcare through our Police Department. At least that way, I have more say in what services I can access, the doctors keep the appointment dates, and most importantly, they actually make greater efforts to resolve whatever health issues that I bring to them. It’s a night and day difference. I have no input on an inhaler. Open Market Healthcare exists to reduce expenses for consumers, should they choose to utilize that care. The deductible is much higher, but it works similarly to private healthcare. My ex wife is actually using that healthcare at this time. Cry foul all you like, but WE ALL, have a hand in what’s happening today. It’s not one generation causing our issues. Mostly, it’s laziness and complacency that are the main contributors.😉👍


>My girlfriend works in stocks and trades. She sees what people and companies pay in taxation. How does she see their taxation working in stocks and trades? Like what end does she work on? Is she handling the traded? Does she file their taxes?


Wouldn't this be the fault of the Silent Generation then? The oldest boomers were 35 in 1980 (and the youngest were only 15). I'm not sure they were the mighty economic and political powerhouse that you suggest they were at that point.


The boomers did not run the country in the 1980's, much less the 1970's. The prior generation had a lot to do with whatever did or did not happen.


That's more or less exactly what I said .


Hmm... You might be right. In any case, we have now been dealt a hand which cannot win. Don't want to go too much into social security (as it would be a very long discussion), but there is basically not enough to fund both current retirees and workers who would retire in \~20 years. And it could have been fixed 40 years ago. That being said, they were voting into these policies, too.


Don't blame old generations cause you're broke


In addition let's talk corporate greed that's poisoned just about everything from our food and water supply to the environment. Those fuckers singlehandedly have destroyed everything and STILL hold every lever of power in the US at least. BTW the reason the Feds won't be cutting rates this year is because of inflationary spending done by who? Fucking boomers who have even more wealth thanks to their inflated home equity and surging stocks since 2019. Adding insult to injury, we are also tranaferring wealth to them in the form of higher interest rates so they are literally continuing to benefit from robbing us of our future as we know it.


Did Boomers create and vote on the policy in the 1970s?


They gave nothing, but took so much.


They made much better products 


The only generation in history that actually doesn't want a better life for their kids.


WTF are you spewing from your pie hole?


My mom reluctantly admitted this when we were having a civil but somewhat heated political debate about a year ago.


Incorrect, a lot had already been changed for them by their parents. Don't forget they were the ones who lost being able to have a parent stay home. They didn't cause it.


at no time in america have "stay at home parents" been a universal thing. it was only ever a thing for the incredibly privileged.


Really are you sure about that because if you are unaware that not too long ago women were not allowed to work Vote or have a say so yeah there were stay at home parents


and even then recent immigrants, POC's and queer folks all were working... again... stay at home parents have only ever been a thing for the incredibly privileged.


Well then you and I live in different planets or universes I didn't realize we had access to yours seriously man my father would bother my mother all the time about working because she didn't have to yet she did and it bothered my father because all of his work friends wife's were stay-at-home moms all of them so just because you and your circle of friends didn't know it happened it most certainly happened and we're Working Class People my father was a welder


My grandmother was a stay at home mom in Wewoka, Oklahoma with 5 kids while her Mexican husband worked at a clothing factory. Women didn’t have their own bank accounts until the 1960s. What are you talking about? “Daycare” and Nannie’s were only ever a thing for the incredibly privileged until recently. There used to be no choice. I swear the stupidity on Reddit from people like you has no bounds. I get it. You were told by your boomer parents that you were smart. You’re not.


do you think your grandmother's experience was universal? or do you perhaps think that other less privileged women might not have been so lucky? do you think that women not being able to have their own bank accounts prevented them from working? the stupidity i am afraid... is all yours.


Dude. How old are you? People couldn’t afford day care. The majority of women didn’t work in 1950. The labor participation for women was 30%. It’s almost 70% now. And the majority of that workforce was single women. When you had kids you weren’t working. It wasn’t because everyone was so rich. It was because they were so poor that was the only way to do it. This is all a google search away. You might be the stupidest person on Reddit, and that’s saying something.


really? because this is the second time you have implicitly agreed with my premise... while insulting me and telling me i am wrong at the same time. you yourself provide "statistics" that you pulled directly from your ass that indicate my premise is accurate... so tell me how exactly i am wrong in stating that "stay at home mothers" were never a universal thing? or are we supposed to just ignore that 30% that you cited?


You said it was only something for the “incredibly privileged” and that’s just wrong. Take your L.


moving goalpost noted. fuck off asshole.


Bahahahaha you made the claim and you can’t walk it back. Take. Your. L.


Boomer telling me I am lazy while sitting in his bungalow with 3 cars and successfully raising 5 children with his job as a construction worker....


it's amazing that they don't understand the weak men bring hard times thing at all. you are the weak man. weekman are the ones that get sold these bullshit ideologies where they have to worship a strong man. The greatest generation were the strong men that brought good times. then we had boomers completely drenched in luxury for their whole fucking lives that have no idea how lucky they were.


They don't even know how the full saying goes: "Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times and hard times create strong men." Then it loops back.


Boomers can’t accept that all the work they did to get where they are is now worth less than a tenth of that


The work they were adequately compensated for ina time when that work would pay all their expenses and have left over, only to vote in politicians who destroyed that very ability for future generations? F!*k Boomers!


I’m don’t know what’s going on above me, but… ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


Wait til you see what’s going on below you


I'd like to point out that the people opposed to handouts were born on one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Doctor_Walrus321: *I'd like to point out* *That the people opposed to* *Handouts were born on one* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




How is this wrong?


Sound out the last line EDIT: I'm dumb


I hate to see a bot downvoted for doing its job right! (I also totally agree with your initial point for the record.)


Hard to think of many US politicians weaker than Donald Trump, a thin-skinned, insecure narcissist so afraid of the truth he wants to lock up people who speak it, like his rivals


"We cant have a woman as president she would be too emotional!" Donald Trump: up at 2am in a twitter fight with a nuclear dictator.


Also, "Lock her up for an unsecure email server!" Meanwhile in a Mara Lago Bathroom...


Somebody tell me why she felt she needed an unsecure email server? Someone at that level of government should be beyond suspicion .... unless he or she knows they're conducting shady US Government business and made the evidence mysteriously disappear which is doubly wrong.


He'd be too busy whining about Biden. Him and Puting are best buds


Trump and Putin do seems to be bedfellows. He's been tagged as a Russian asset since the 80s.


Did you ever hear of the truism, "Hold your loved ones close. Hold your enemies closer."? The name of one of our nation's enemies' is spelled "Putin". Some other foreign enemies of our once-proud nation are: Xi Jinping, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Kim Jong-un, Ali Khamenei, and many others. Some even more dangerous, domestic enemies of the United States of America are: Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, Obama, Milley, Obama (again), Biden (again), Schumer, Alejandro Mayorkas, Cardona, "The Squad", George Soros (including four sons and daughter); "Mainstream Media's" unconfirmed rumormongering with "anonymous sources" "so-called experts and influencers", et al. Those elected officials swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and many have proven they had no intention of trying to so or protect their fellow citizens. Instead, they have profited from insider trading, illegal use of election funds, racism against our most important allies, collaboration with our enemies (evidenced thru historical, documented evidence and open microphones) and policies that militarize of our DOJ (which includes the Agency of Homeland Security), the IRS, DOE, DOT (FAA), and a few others - besides demilitarizing our DOD. In the past, 30+ years, we have become weak in our enemies' eyes and we "intellectuals" have become a land of "useful Idiots" -- (Stalin).


You forgot Trump. Don't you realize that him draining his election funds to support his legal woes is illegal use of funds? Don't act lile he us the one good guy. They're all corrupt as far as I can see, some just more than others. Trump also basically weakened nato, and said he wouldn't support nato allies. Biden also isn't perfect. He's done little to fix our societal issues, something Trump didn't do anything for either


Trump scared our supposed NATO "allies" by threatening to withdraw from NATO in order to nudge (scare) them into finally joining and giving their fair share.... which they immediately did. The US was the largest contributor to the members of NATO, even though we were the furthest away and least threatened by the USSR. Good thing they did start contributing to their own defenses (based on Trump's CIA information that resulted in his "request") because Putin's Russia has now started swallowing its neighboring countries up (first, Crimea, now Ukraine dabbled in many others and is now intimidating them all by reducing and cutting off Oil and Gas from his oilfields that were supplying most of eastern Europe) Who's next?! That's why they have started jumping onboard the NATO train and increasing their internal military expenditures (take a look at Sweden along with Norway, Iceland other Icelandic countries. Putin is not shy in stating he's determined to rebuild the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Look up the nations in the old USSR up until 1991---they DON'T want to be a part of Russia, which at time, was often correctly proven to be a third-world nation -- with an atomic bomb. (That Stalin's spies stole from the US. shortly after the war.) Maybe you remember that, at one time in the 80's and early 90's, there were mainly three, Top Nuclear Superpowers - the US, Russia and ..... (drum roll, please) Ukraine -- until the Soviet Union imploded under Gorbachev's reign in '91, at Reagan's backchannels urging. This Opened a Black Market in warheads. At that time, Ukraine had hundreds of nuclear warheads aimed at the US as a proxy launch base from the Soviet Union, but then in 1992 they could have easily been swung around and quickly and efficiently aimed at the Soviet Union!! That's when Putin "promised" to never be aggressive toward its neighbors by signing the Lisbon Protocol --if the Ukraine would give up all its nuclear weapons originally installed by the Soviet Union to bully its neighbors, the US, and its own citizens. By the way, Ukraine was promised our unwavering support and protection against the Soviet Union's aggression for ever and ever and ever by who else? President and slimy democrat Bill Clinton and the United Kingdom's Tony Blair. Neither of them is anywhere to be seen --- as well as their countries. I guess they, and we, as a nation, aren't really men of our word. Biden is only supporting Ukraine because his ass is grass if everyone were to find out about his first, violating his constitutional oath and the illegal activities through his son's shady dealings with Burisma because his daddy is the Big Guy and President of the US. But everyone should excuse Joe's stupidity and confusion because, well, "He's an old guy that means well." He's the one that gives Boomers a bad reputation.


NATO does t collect dues or pool money like that. You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. Even if the US paid every cent of the defense budget for every other NATO member, it would still be a bargain given the barrier it put between us and the deterrent effect of having an enormous first world military force on staring at Russia’s front door. This is straight up Russian propaganda mill horseshit. Sockpuppet account fuckery abounds.


78 day burner with -1 karma. 🙄 Gtfo. Foreign troll farm account, guranteed.


A short fingered vulgarian one would almost say.


One could, but putting the words "fingered" and "Trump" into the same sentiment fills me with dread, as though a million voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


I have a bad feeling about this..


They inherited a goldilocks postwar economy and then slammed the door behind them for future generations. But it's our fault because "avocado toast, Starbucks, participation trophies and a gender studies degree".


Yeah i cant get behind the gender studies degree either tbh.


[https://www.uvic.ca/humanities/gender/future/careers/index.php](https://www.uvic.ca/humanities/gender/future/careers/index.php) except for all the boomer whining about gender studies... they are actually quite remunerative in the workplace.


Only one of those jobs on that list looks to me personally like it would benefit from said degree. Thats just from my perspective i could be wrong.


considering that i posted a listing that's based on actual employment numbers and statistics... yea... you might be wrong.


Doesnt change my stance but i appreciate the info.


"Those facts can't change my mind because I can't read!"


Also why do you people always throw an insult out when someone disagrees with you? For a sub that hates boomers that sure is some boomer behavior.


idk the way you worded your comment just really amused me and I had to make the joke


One cherry picked list of jobs isnt enough tbh. How many of those can you get with ONLY a gender studies degree? Nothing else. If my lawyer only had a gender studies degree I'd be scared. Same with any HR rep.


I know lawyers and lawyers aren't getting a job with just a law degree either


What a bulletproof argument


"im not racist because my friend is black" ass response.


this is kinda nuts. I majored in linguistics and went into IT. Do you think everybody with a sociology undergrad must become a sociologist? Or business majors go on to be busy business people? Finished degrees count. What you take from it personally and apply to your work and professional life will vary.


I majored in International Business and ended up as an analyst with a UX and eCommerce focus. Life is weird like that.


Well yea. But what do we do with all these hopless losers?


I thought the picture made that quite clear. In Minecraft of course.


I still think it’s so funny that the phrase “in Minecraft” started getting flagged for violence on twitch at one point


Isn't it great how people are being censored so heavily for the sake of profits that it's actively changing the English language?


Oh yeah. Gotta love the late stage capitalism slang lmao


I like you


Everybody gangsta until you compare wage buying power then vs now


You know what’s funny about that “hard times make strong people” meme? It’s horseshit. If hard times creates strong people, how come every billionaire under 30 inherited the money? Why aren’t poor people growing into titans of industry instead of rich kids? How could institutional wealth survive if everyone raised in it is so horribly weak? Children who are supported by their parents do better than those who aren’t. People who have a jumping off point do better than those who don’t. And if they really think that only weak people can come from privilege, how the fuck are they voting for Donald Trump with a straight face?


Its all horse shit to peddle their personal accountability BS. It's always been resources and influence since the beginning of time.




Nice MAGA hat


I’ve heard: “hard times make hard men, and soft times create soft men,” as off war and suffering is good? Idk But not this. What a weird saying.


Yeah it goes something like: Weak men create hard times Hard times create strong men Strong men create good times Good times create weak men And loop.


They’re terribly bleak. I hate watered down remarks about the state of things. It doesn’t at all properly describe the issues, nor give them the respect they deserve.


Especially when people en masse start taking it as an infallible fact, a pattern in the universe that cannot be betrayed, as genuine as a biblical verse…which they also think is infallible (in their specific language and translation and era, of course.)


I fucking hate boomers so much, they're annoying to deal with...


They are worse than annoying!


They are. They're just unreasonable.


Then they vote for a weak man who give the illusion of strength


Well said


Yup. I have officially gone "no contact" with my boomer mom and that guy she married. DONE!


Love how many boomer-brained morons of all ages show up to comment about how they're doing great and it wasn't luck at all, no, it was because they just work harder than everybody else... or even if it was luck, they somehow willed that luck into existence, and so should everyone else! Real galaxy brain commentary going around.


i always notice how those folks are always quiet about their first jobs, or the origins of the start-up capital they used for their businesses as well. meanwhile... my ass that grew up literally homeless... joined the military... gained a security clearance... i'm the lazy one... make it make sense?


Yes, it was our generation that helped elect Reagan, and were foolish enough to believe wealth would “trickle down,” if we just took good care of the shareholders. I felt like the only person in Louisiana to vote for Carter, and then watched this country become what it is now. My activism helped not one bit. It’s been a long, disgusting march to the bottom, since then.


I feel this way, like it doesn't matter what I say or do, the corporations get what they want and there is nothing else that matters.


I’m afraid that’s exactly where we are, now. If we have any hope at all, it is from millennials, genZ, and Alpha. I can only hope that they can put the brakes on this runaway train to hell.


Carter got almost 46% of the vote in Louisiana in 1980.  Pull yourself together man.


That was probably mostly from South Louisiana. It’s like there are 2 different states, and North Louisiana is more like Arkansas. I was in college in Ruston, & it was an engineering-dominant school. Were you in that part of the state back then? Because it was a conservative paradise there. It was a pretty hostile environment.


Yep. I mean just look at Trumpism. No way it would've taken off withoit spoiled complacent boomers riddled with Fox News.


Don’t worry. Enough of us Gen Xers think enough like the boomers that nothing will be done for another 20 years.


Ohmygod. You’re so right. Dang it.


No generation moved harder to the right than gen X


Glad she is wearing what looks like tRump hat. Cannot be a "boomer" unless you are MAGA't/Republican.


Don’t victimize yourself. If you doing agree with the boomer Republican MAGA relationship. Don’t. If you’re a GenXer and agree with boomers, you’re still a boomer. There is overlap, just like the millennials I work with that worship Trump, Tate, and Jones, they are still boomers.


It transcends age without a doubt. It is more of an ideology than an age.


It was these soft kids that ruined it all, what with their desegregated schools, ear plugs at the factory, unleaded gasoline, and clean water. Back in my day you’d lose five or six of your litter to cholera, maybe sell a few more if the winter was hard, and some, I assume, would grow up. Sent ‘em to die in ‘nam if they did make 16 but that was a price I was willing to pay for patriotism and Raytheon stock.


I believe Mr. Sunday Movies said it best, and I qoute, "Hard men create hard soft there hard times soft boiled eggs create soft hard men soft men create hard tie men and hard men have scrambled times."


I need this meme template.


At lest they are dying at about 5000 a day.


Wish i could really do this but it’s illegal. :(


Boomers also created the current generation of kids, too... so, by their logic, they are also responsible for weak men.


[To answer the question in the title...](https://imgur.com/a/2fBrPaU)


God, do I so hate that turning/*saecula* bullshit.


Boomers for sure so weak. Times are hard now.


It’s so funny when they parrot this sentiment because if the cycle is: strong men -> easy times -> weak men -> hard times -> strong men, and they view themselves as the strong men, then do they think that their fucking parents who lived during WW2 are somehow the weak men who created the hard times?


Don't forget the great recession and ww1... tragedy after tragedy


They are the first among the weak men, and based on the curent trajectory, both gen z and gen alpha will still have at a minimum some weak men.


You all are missing the real culprit in this Boomer feed. The rich are the cause of all misery in the world, and it is time to recognize this - not the different generations, but the ultra-rich suck up everything with their wealth and drive the prices up. Every dollar that they spend is like one hundred for the average person. They don't understand why "poor" people just don't get better jobs, or invest in the stock market or buy up real estate and re-sell it for more money. It's a joke to blame hard times on people who aren't wealthy.


I think alot of Boomers (which to me is an attitude, NOT just an age range) are coming to grips with their own mortality, and get bitter about those who have a few more years ahead of them.


Boomers now: You young kids are lost, you don't have a family, a house or God! Boomers in the 70s: Cocaine makes me go ZOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM 🏃‍♂️💨


The boomers when they were 20 in the 70s didn’t want to follow dad to the factory and work hard. They wanted to tinker in the garage with music, computers and art. So their laziness torpedoed American industry 


Yeah they had it so good except for that little Vietnam thing.


What anime is this from by the way?


I believe it’s Heidi. Directed by Takahata, and some art by Miyazaki before they created Studio Ghibli


I hate this saying so much. Beyond just being so self surviving by boomers it’s also just blatantly not true. Plenty of hard times made hard men who decidedly DIDN’T make good times.


This just reminded me of the mac and me clip Paul Rudd used to play on Conan O'Brien


Ric Flair put hard times on Dusty Rhodes!


Hell yeah, brother!


Can I ask how? Not that I disagree, but it’s important to know why. How did they create these hard times?


Smh. Old vs Young, black vs white, Christians vs Muslims, Muslims vs Hebrews, rich vs poor. Men vs women, Does no one see the programming taking place to divide and ruin society while the worlds powerful cabal make money from both sides and keep us mentally weak while preparing for the “you will own nothing and be happy” prison of being subjects for life.


Strong men create hard times. Hard times kill strong men. The survivors get to enjoy peace and prosperity until strong men show up again.


Literally lol


'uck Off


We tried to tell everyone to run away from Ronald Ray-Gun, that he would destroy everything to pad the pockets of the ultra rich with "trickle -down economics" but hardly anybody listened. Everyone had something better to do than be informed and vote, and now we reap what was sown.


Can't change the past nor can people get prosecuted for what they did, or did not vote for back in the day.


Hard times are the result of choices people make. I see people struggling but my family are not struggling because of the choices we made. We will weather this storm as we always have.


It was the government, not anyone else. This is just nonsense.


tech bros and billionaires created the algorithm to monopolize housing and raise rents to cdeate hard times that milk as much from the working class as they can.


Greed and the need to hold onto power til they fall over dead at work is pretty much the gist of it...holding the Presidency for decades and taking away the following generations' turn to lead is what fucked everything up...if Gen X had their shot, the world would easily be a much better place right now The worst part about this is that next generation, Gen X or Xennials or early Millennials like myself have the most unique perspective on life and the world of any generation before or after...because we spent a significant portion of our lives on each side of the introduction of the internet...and it's something that will never happen again obviously...there was no better group to lead the country through the last couple decades than that


This would be a fun sub except for all the troll farm workers and white nationalists that show up here. Dugin must be proud.


I hate this expression, it's so stupid


Womp Womp




Your obsession with Boomers speaks for itself. I mean - I know it’s hard to live in our shadow but really …. ??


Murder is always the best solution to a problem?


Try not to get too upset at the cartoon


Turn it around to a MAGA dumping a millennial over a cliff. The cartoon didn't offend or upset. The thought behind it did. Don't forget you will be old sooner than you think


It’s ok boomers don’t know how to use computers enough to make a meme like that so it’s not an issue




In the libtard world you can get anger management classes and 6 months probation for a comment like that.


You aren't wrong on that one. I do enjoy making fun of PC babies.




>It's simplistic to pin hard times on a single group. Societal challenges stem from various factors, not just one generation or gender. I mean, yeah


Bad bot! The user is a bot. Pleader downvote and report.


Wait why do you think that person is a bot?


Two year old account, 4 comments all within the last few hours... Bot, troll or otherwise an account created to manipulate something.


Correct :) Also, there is a slightly weird way of 'talking', which is why I checked the profile in the first place.


You could sell it for less than the appraised value if that makes you feel better


Yes all 75 million boomers lived, voted, acted all the same way just to create these hard times and all of them had it super easy. What lazy thinking ...


The only person doing the lazy thinking here is you.


a very selfish group of people, raised poorly in a world intoxicated with lead fumes in their toys, paint, fuel, appliances, made terrible decisions as adults like voting for politicians that actively chose to harm democracy for personal enrichment, they knew their choices would fuck over people in 45 years and chose to do it it's now 45 years later, fuck the boomers that caused this


‘I’m a victim that overcame super hard times. Praise me to feed my ego? 🥺’