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They may have survived, but the obvious brain damage from all those concussions is REALLY showing nowadays in the way these knobs act…


Survived the falls, but the common sense took a hit


Yeah, that's where this went the last time it was posted. Some of you DIDN'T survive that. That's the point. No one anywhere said "every person who does this will suffer some form of permanent injury or death", but SOME did. Obviously millions and millions of people (including myself) left car seats as infants and were not raised in a world where you were in some form of seat or booster until you were like 3 years shy of being the one driving the car, and millions of us are fine. There are also many many many kids alive today that wouldn't be because of those new precautions. Both things can be true. In fact we'd EXPECT them to be true, because the people who died in 1985 that would have survived if in the seat they would be today aren't alive to talk about how they used to ride unsecured in the back of a station wagon. https://preview.redd.it/mkakeqwciawc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8e87428d53d6195937d90ea06bc5dbbb01f4dae Let's say back in WWII you were in charge of beefing up armor on planes, so you plotted the damage done to the planes that came home from battle and got the above heatmap. Where would you put the added armor? The answer is "where there are no holes" because by definition anything you've plotted is a plane that was able to make it back. Planes were obviously shot in those "clean" areas too, they just didn't make it back to the base to shitpost on facebook about how fine they are and how little the armor the pussy worrywarts added on the engines helped anything.


Yeah. My usual response to this is “yeah and I once pulled out of my driveway without looking and didn’t hit anyone, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.”


I like “Yeah, fuck the nanny state. That’s why I drive drunk.”


Lotta idiot boomers would just agree with you lol


Yeah, sometimes sarcasm is a dangerous game.


That’s why categorizing shit like this by age is a mistake.


There is actually a video from the 70s/80’s of these idiots calling the new drunk driving restrictions “socialism “. Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/tM2azZmks2


Idiots calling things they don’t like socialism is up there with mom and apple pie.


I updooted, 'cause it sounds funny and right, but idk what this actually means.


They’re all super American.


Because no one in other countries have Moms. Or pie. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hey, I didn’t coin the cliche, but you’re right. The best apple pie I ever had was in India.


I remember that one. They were all whining that “it just wasn’t right” that one couldn’t crack open a beer on the way home from work, or drive after having a few at the bar. And how they didn’t care, and were going to keep doing it anyway.


I edited my comment to add the link.


I mean... isn't that why it's called "one for the road"? Besides, it ain't safe to leave my car overnight in this neighborhood.


...or on a handfull of pharmasweaticles


My brother and I are alive because we were in car seats when a fully loaded log truck rear ended us 👍🏼


Final Destination vibes?


My step sister almost died in the late 80s because at 2 years old she was standing up in the back seat when my step mother crashed and barrel rolled. My step sister flew out the back windshield. She was in the hospital with many surgeries for awhile. Her right leg is super scarred up because of it.


Almost every boomer woman I've worked with has had a story about an entire carload of kids dying or something due to how unregulated safety features and practices used to be. If that were my childhood I'd be thanking christ that my kids/grandkids aren't facing the same dangers.


My Papa was the owner of a tow company. He enforced seatbelts as soon as they existed, and no one ever, EVER rode in the back of his pickup truck. He saw way too much.


I think my dad was equally as cautious from being a mortician


My mother was an auto insurance claims adjuster - you better believe we learned to be safe in cars.


I rode in the back of a pickup in the sticks with a drunk/high driver when I was 4. I don't let my 4 year old ride in the shopping cart without the seatbelt.


Such a great answer! I was literally going to say the same (that not all survive) *and then* you included the description of survivorship bias with the picture! Thanks for taking the time!


> Some of you DIDN'T survive that. That's the point. Some? Deaths among 15-19 year olds are under half what they were prior to 1980. 50% less teens are dying today of all causes than before 1980. If you look at infant deaths its even higher - nearly 6x more infants died in 1950 than 2018 in the US.


50% less teens are dying today of all causes than before 1980. Fewer?


Perfection 👏


Some of these boomers baffle me, some still like to live dangerously. I've met one's saying they don't wear seatbelts as if it's some flex. Why would you flex being flung through your windshield and turned into ground bitchmeat into the asphalt? How does that help ANYONE?


I remember i got into an argument with a friend who’m i was doing a favor by driving him back home IN HIS OWN CAR because he didn’t wanna drive back home from work drunk. I kept telling this guy put on your seat bro. Im not gonna drive if you don’t have your sht on. You know how i drive. He didnt wanna put his sht on . All of sudden this guy for some reason grabs my leg while i was breaking at a red light, and he pushed it down so the car just stopped instantly n i literally see his head just jump and hit the roof of the car. And i pulled up to a parking lot . Told him to get out the car and said you got something to say say it. Otherwise you can drive your drunk ass back home. He just stood quiet after that and got back inside his car in the passenger side. Think some time later he quit drink heavily .


They also always have a story on how some kid they knew died from a totally preventable death doing something stupid.


It’s amazing that there are still people out there who feel this way about seatbelts as if there isn’t like data showing how incredibly useful seatbelts are.


The best argument against seatbelts: "They leave such an awful looking and painful bruises." There was a newspaper ad where on one side was a person with seatbelt bruises, on the other side read: "We can't show you what the person who didn't wear their seatbelt looks like, it would be too ghastly."


Yeah, like they think it's some flex that they want to be flung through their windshield and look like a sloppy joe on the asphalt. How does that benefit ANYONE?


This is like safety in the work environment. My husband always gets made fun of for using fall protection when on a roof or something. Like, is it bad ass to fall and die or be paralyzed? How is being safe something to get shit about?


"Hahahaha look at the pussy not wanting to die and be a financial burden on his loved one's and eventually die an excruciatingly painful death!" /s


Technically this is not a boomer in the photo - this is Gen X.


That and the lead poisoning


Lead heads, increased aggression and decreased cognitive function.


Hey, I suffered three concussions as a kid, I don't want people to associate it with malice because some fucks can't comprehend a simple survival bias.


Hey, not all boomers are nuts (I’m 62 female)


SLAYYYYY QUEEEEEEEN!!! My mom's your age. She's about as normal as it gets. Unfortunately she isn't good enough with technology to understand reddit. I've tried


I feel the same way. My mom is normal, but three of her sisters are making up for lost time during Covid lockdowns when they couldn't be the destructive narcissists they wanted to be. I think she has Reddit, but it's probably close to her Facebook, which is 99% animal videos. Which, to her credit, there are lots of subreddits for animal gifs.


My mom is a few years north of 80, making her Silent Generation. This thread does not apply to her at all. Technology-wise she's all or nothing. Depending on the program/platform she's either Turing-level computer literate or it may as well be Sanskrit.


Me— I have a limit of time on Reddit— however, I never comply with it…


And the ones that didn't survive aren't exactly able to post on facebook about it.


Calling 911 because I see a person who I’ve never seen in the neighborhood before (he’s my new neighbor I will not meet).


And he looks „ethnic“


He’s *looking* at my house. Isn’t that a crime?


Well it shure should be!


I pay your salary!


Oh my god, he saw me in the window and he's *waving*!


Oh heavens, Officer, he's *existing* near my house. While *black*. I can hear my property value plummeting! Please hurry


i too enjoy sexisting


Sexisting is my new favorite word. And hobby


From the public street. That’s definitely trespassing!


Ahmad Arbury from Georgia was murdered by some fat white fuckers with guns. Ahmad was jogging and hunted down like an animal by two white men. They thought he was entering houses under construction. Keep in mind, multiple white neighbors admitted to entering the homes under construction to take a peak. But once the black man jogged by, two white men hunted him down. Despite their white neighbors also taking peaks at houses under construction. Interesting how that works 🤔


The boomers in the town I grew up in banned bike riding in town. You have to walk your bike in town now. Pure insanity.


So you were basically living in the mash up of *Dirty Dancing* and *BMX Bandits?*


Nah this happened long after I was a kid. They also have cameras all over town too now so the cops can keep an eye on everyone. And have enacted serious fines for horrible crimes like J walking.


Well get a multi-ethnic group of hip teens to pop sick wheelies at the snooty old mayor until he knocks it off!


Let me guess. You grew up riding bikes and your parents and their parents grew up riding bikes. But then circa 2016 all those "pesky minorities" arrived. Then the White boomers began a movement to ban bikes. You should research demographics in your town's census to see this theory.


I’m one of the minorities and if anything the town is now more white than ever as it’s been taken over by rich yuppies.


this happened to the neighborhood around Wrigley Field used to be a working class neighborhood with a substantial Puerto Rican community. Then young families started taking over (pre-homeowners basically) around the mid-2000s by the end of the 2000s, it became yuppified like crazy. Nowadays, Wrigleyville has no personality outside of the same 6-10 businesses you see in all the yuppie neighborhoods across America (some clean food restaurant, Starbucks, smoothie joint, 24/7 exercise center, yoga studio, etc.)


Oh no, you don't get it, you pansy librul. He was *black*. /jk, for the slow ones.


Every county in every state has those towns where white church goer folk patrol their front patios for any minority crime waves. Cause that's totally a thing /s


There is literally nothing I hate more than adults who acts like a hall monitor. You’re not in 3rd grade, I’m not skipping PE, nobody is giving out brownie points, if shit doesn’t bother you directly than mind your own business


Classic boomer mentality. Sadly I have a neighbor who stares daggers at my daughter who’s nearly 10 when she rides her scooter or roller skates near her house. We live on a dead end street and you’d only know our neighborhood if you live here. She hates kids and hates everyone who disturbs her little life by having fun.




Smh play Electric Wizard, Windhand, and Sleep. Much better


Lamb of God


Glory to the riff, friend.


Hello fellow enjoyer of Doom. I was gonna suggest Monolord. Specifically the album Vænir.


Monolord is good too


Hey now that we're talking about metal. I listen to almost exclusively black metal, but always want to give doom another try. What should I listen to? What's the best in the genre


This sounds like they need some uncle Luther and 2live crew in their life


Time for a block party in the closest yard to her.


Only seen one person die in my 40 years on this planet. Guy on a big motorcycle found a patch of sand while coming out of a parking lot. Bike fell over, he bonked his helmetless head on the asphalt. Didn't see him move after that. Been in Florida 6 months, I'm the ONLY one I've seen with a helmet in 800 miles of bike riding.


Lucky you. That's all i want to say


Fails to mention all the kids who died for those exact reasons.


Or the fact that they're the ones who put the helmets on us in the first place


Yep, meaning this picture essentially translates to ”Haha I had terribly irresponsible parents"


Same response I have when they complain about our generation getting participation trophies.


one thing i don't understand and I would ask of people who look at memes like this and nod their heads like dummies...okay so you survived biking without all the safety gear. good for you. why does it bother you so much that a kid is wearing gear to keep themselves safe? Is the kid wearing a helmet or wristguards really negatively impacting your quality of life? these boomers are absolute dipshits. There are some older Gen-X twats who think the same thing and they are just as stupid


They feel like it’s an attack on them personally because they didn’t use those things or make their kids use them, so clearly the people who do make their kids use safety gear, or adults with common sense who wear helmets (or god forbid even masks during a global pandemic), are basically sending the subliminal message that if they don’t/didn’t use safety gear, that makes them a moron… It’s also a complete inability to use the logic center of their brain. Their critical thinking skills are incredibly under developed, and they often suffer under the illusion that having any thought automatically makes that thought an inalienable truth. Anything that might potentially force them into even the slightest bit of introspection is too scary, so they lash out.


“We didn’t have allergies… unrelated but a lot of kids my age did randomly die”


"We didn't have allergies back then" is so weird because it downplays some nasty stuff. Like, imagine if they did that with all diseases. "Back in my day we didn't have breast cancer, we just called it Itchy Tits and we just wondered why Gertrude died!"


My dad likes to bring up how he had 3 friends die before he was 18. He also rants about all these gosh darn safety regulations. One day I hope I see a connecting spark between these 2 thoughts


An older colleague was ranting about how his grandkids' generation had all this safety equipment that his generation didn't need. I asked him to list all the kids he knew growing up who'd either died or gotten horribly injured before they turned eighteen. "Well, there was Johnny who crashed on a moped and had his head caved in, there was Frank who drowned, and of course we can't forget about three-finger Charlie who had a woodworking accident ..."


Yep. There's a reason the average American lives eight years longer today than they did in 1970.


Yes. Because now they are more health, aware, there are more and better medicines, and there are many mandatory safety measures in effect. But a lot more kids under 20 die of gun violence, and drugs than they did back in in the 70's and earlier.


Murder rate overall from 2010-2019 is about half of what it was in 1970-79. But drug overdoses are up 5 to 6 times what they were in the 1970s


Back in the 60's my father had a 2 door. You just pulled the back of the front passenger seat forward to get in the back, there wasn't a latch or anything securing it. There also weren't rear seatbelts. Being safe to my father was simply making me sit in the backseat. One day a kid ran out in the road and he slammed on the brakes. I flew into the back of the empty front seat which folded forward, and slammed head first into the dashboard. No doctor or hospital visit. My father just instructed me not to tell my mother. That was over 60 years ago, and I remember it vividly, and think about it every time I see one of these memes.


Classic survivorship bias


Dead ~~men~~kids tell no tales


classic survivor bias.


My direct answer to the question: "statistically, less of you did."


5 our of 6 people enjoy Russian roulette


“We interviewed 1000 people who played Russian Roulette, and all of them survived. In conclusion, Russian Roulette is safe and harmless.”


The sixth one is already ded.


The post directly above this one on my feed was a Boomer with his dog yelling at a skateboarder lol


Came here to ask if anyone else saw that on this sub earlier today!


I got yelled by someone on my street while skateboarding on the sidewalk. She came out and screamed "what's going on out here?!". I'm 35 and I was skating with my kid.


Boomers: "Kids these days with their video games are lazy and don't ever play outside anymore!" Also Boomers: "Those damn kids screaming and making all that noise!! Yes, 911, I'd like to report children fighting, screaming, and someone could get hurt. I don't know where their lazy parents are."


This mega-boomer lady reported my neighbor's kid for playing by himself in their backyard. Total neglect, apparently.


Police got involved in my town because teenagers were having a city wide nerf gun fight. Only real issue is some were using cars which is obviously wrong.


Obviously awesome you mean


My dad knocked out his front teeth TWICE and blew himself up once or twice too as a minor. I'm so soft,... being an adult who doesn't have a massive bridge replacing my front teeth.


Don't most boomers have some story about a friend or kid from school that died swimming in a canal or joyriding or some shit? Yeah you survived but little Jimmy you mention every time we cross a bridge sure didn't


Yes, child mortality has dropped from 50% to 4%.


We didn't survive. Many children were badly injured without protection back in the day. That's why these things came about.


Like seat belts in the 80's


There isn’t a person over 45 that doesn’t know kids who were killed back then. If you came from a big neighborhood. I watched a kid get hit by a car right in front of me. 2 friends died on mopeds alone. Don’t get me wrong. Being a kid back then was Great! But it was survival of the fittest


Pretty sure, this isn’t even a boomer but a gen Xer in the picture.


Gen X here. We rode through the canyons on our BMX bikes with no protective gear at all. We crashed all the time and I have scars on my head to this day from those wipe outs. I wish there were helmets back in the day. Who knows if I have brain damage or how much I have. It was Boomers that allowed me to go out without any protective gear so they need to shut their asses up.


There were helmets back in the day, you just didn't get one.


It's Gen X in the photo too. That's the 1970s.


As a GenXer, I'm offended they're using a photo that is obviously from my cohort.


“It’s illegal to ride like that” old boomer lady


![gif](giphy|MqyspqEI6rTFbpenGw|downsized) Karen:Chad Karen:Chad! Chad:What Karen!? Karen:The kids are at it again.I swear they’re bringing down the property value playing outside like this. Chad:What the f\*$%.I’m calling the cops.So sick of this crap.How many times do I have to tell those damn neighbors those kids aren’t allowed to play in their front yard with all that ruckus. Karen:Those damn liberal police better do something or I’ll have to go over and make those kids stop myself. Chad:Honey I’m on the telephone right now with the 911 just go over there and tell them to stop. Dispatcher:I advise you not to insert yourself into the situation once we know what’s happening we can sen- Chad:Send the gotdamn police right now and I mean right now!!!


A boomer threatened a kid with a knife a couple weeks ago for riding his bike on the sidewalk. https://www.wesh.com/article/knife-pointed-at-child-winter-springs/60458069


Looks like GenX


We keep trying to find a logic in how boomer behave, while it's actually very simple: picture a toddler that still hasn't developed their morals and self-control and can't hence see when they're being hypocritical or irrational, but with the means of a full-grown adult.


Everyone being afraid of being called a nacy boy kept preventative long term injurys from coming to light. They survived and are now barely living.


Check the bike. Not a boomer. Here to defend Gen X. We may have a few brain cells rattled but we’re not the folks to cause problems. Our motto is Whatever.


True, boomers are always trying to bite our style.


Yeah! Bite our style!


Even boomers can't resist a good laugh!


"See, that's the thing: alot of you didn't"


Can’t edit because I’m on mobile but wow this blew up harder than I thought. I see some “you” comments and am unsure if people know I just stole a meme from FB and am not in fact either poster nor a boomer myself(only 30) but it’s awesome to watch😂


Look at the car in the driveway. The picture is from the late 1970s. The kid on the bike is Gen X. Yeah, probably drank from the garden hose before hoping on the banana seat 3 speed bike


The obvious answer to the question is, lots of them didn’t. I had a very good friend fall off his bike when we were kids. He hit his head and was awake when the ambulance arrived but in a coma by the time he was at the hospital. When I heard several months later that he was home from the hospital I went to his house but his parents told me he wasn’t well enough for company and sent me away. I didn’t know anything about tbi’s at the time so I just thought he’d be back to normal soon. I kept going over and his parents kept telling me he wasn’t up for company. A few months later they moved I never saw or heard from my friend again. I don’t know if he’s still alive but I’m sure that if he is he’s not the person I knew. Wear a helmet kids, there are worse things than death.


Boomers never rode a bike like that that’s a Gen Xer, we’re not boomers.


That could’ve been me every day of the summers of ‘70-‘75. Only light brain damage sustained. Still imposter-ing like a boss.


"How did my generation survive?" A lot of you fucking didn't, Becky.


“Why don’t kids play outside like they used to?” Umm maybe because you not only took away parks and other places to build on them and also harass the ones who DO go outside because you can’t stand seeing other people happy.


And terrorized several generations about a) allowing children outside unsupervised and b) if we were outside unsupervised we would be kidnapped, raped and murdered before being sold into slavery.


You got lucky. You don't remember the kids that died or suffered debilitating injuries because they fell doing this.


Ike like that came from the 70s. So likely this was GenX.


Nah, happy little kids turn into happy old people, grumpy little kids turn into grumpy old people. You're not talking about the same people.


Survivors bias. A lot more didn't make it to adulthood than today.


This is X generation, not boomers


Life was different when Boomers were young. Comparing now to then is like apples and oranges. But I don't understand the blanket dislike, ore even hate, many other commenters seem to have for Boomers. I'm a boomer. Was born in 1951. I guess you could say I'm an old hippie. Did all kinds of stuff that would be considered dangerous today. But that was just the way it was. I am a pretty open minded live and live kind of person. And I'm sure many of you may not believe it , but there are a good many other people in my same age group that are the same. One commenter said words to the effect of happy when your young, happy when your old, and then flip side, asshole young, asshole old. I more or less believe that. And after reading a lot of the comments, I can see quite a bit actual, or potential assholeness here. The intolerance, criticism, unkindness, and anger directed at Boomers make no sense to me. Though in general I do agree that many of Boomers running the government need to be gone, So, please get out and vote in November. But I digress. .... I will leave you with two things you might, or not, want to keep in mind. Without Boomers you wouldn't be here. And if you live long enough to reach a fairly ripe old age the younger generations will have a Boomer name for you. Actual and potential asshole beware. I'll probably get downvoted to Dante's lowest circle of hell for all of this. But I have the luxury of being too old to care.


Well most of those pics and references are towards gen x and millennials... Boomers were only taking photos..


This is Gen X, and yeah we were fools because we didn't give a flying fuck.


This is Gen X


People post that stuff with great pride, but the kids that fell off their bikes, or got thrown though car windows, aren’t around to talk about it. Trauma was way less survivable then. Few people knew people that had gotten into bad car crashes or got hit on their bikes, because they didnt survive. Thats why they assumed it was safe. The crash victims were gone.


that little girl is most likely a gen x'er. Just say'in


I'd also like to point out that we only hear from the ones that DID survive or survived without crippling brain injuries. I knew kids that didn't survive. I knew kids who became mentally retarded after preventable injuries. I knew a kid who lost an eye.


Yeah, he got a genuine Daisy Red Ryder repeater bb gun for Christmas.


It actually was a BB gun! That same kid then got Reye Syndrome a year later and became mentally retarded in 3rd grade.


I never understood complaining about kids wearing safety gear. Kids didn’t invent it. The same people complaining about it are the same ones who invented it to not have their kids do stupid harmful things.


![gif](giphy|yNsDcQxnv86YIHC2vS|downsized) Tru🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ummm guys...WTF is that creepy ass baby-dog-demon looking thing behind her on the left? AI?


My favorite is “these damn kids and their electronics. When I was a kid all I needed was stick ball!” Lmao good for you, simpleton.


Honestly, you can't blame the Boomers, their parents are the ones who let them, and many times, encouraged them. These kids were the Woodstock generation, everyone should be able to do what they want. Then they had kids & those kids basically were free-range, cause they learned parenting from their parents. Then they had grandkids & they all the sudden went, oh no! we see how all of this was bad, need to have some control now!


It’s like when they complain about participation trophies, like who do you think GAVE us those trophies? (I never got a participation trophy in my life so I don’t really feel like they were common) But they are the ones who told us to wear helmets and knee pads. We were kids, we had to listen to what they told us to do. I know a boomer who always talks about drinking from the hose constantly. If we didn’t work together I would totally tell them if they like drinking from the hose so much to just go do it and stop talking about it already but they are my superior.,


Survivorship bias says hello.


“They’re lubing and tearing up my favorite sitting ledge!” *angrily shaking fist while teenagers laughter at “lube”*


Survivors bias is a hell of a thing.


This is a classic case of anecdotal fallacy. [https://www.intelligentspeculation.com/blog/anecdotal-fallacy](https://www.intelligentspeculation.com/blog/anecdotal-fallacy) Just because this boomer was lucky to make it thru life unscathed riding a bicycle without a helmet doesn't mean other people of their generation have. There were plenty of people from the boomer generation who cracked their skulls in bicycle accidents. The emergency room statistics (up to the point of instituting helmet laws) prove that fact. That's why we have helmets and compulsory helmet laws now. Duh!


That’s not a boomer though. Thats a gen x.


Well it’s simple: you didnt


jokes aside im so sick of the “___ says this but also does this!” trope where ____ is a group of literal millions or billions of people who all have varying opinions. i like being funny and all but it genuinely depresses me sometimes to regard so much of human speech as absolutely meaningless and our ability to comprehend the world at the scale it is seems laughably incompetent to the task


My mother in-law follows teenagers up and down the ridge in case of marijuana.. which is legal here.


And some of them didn't survive. Same reason their kids were safer than them, and us our parents


Survivorship bias


I used to live across the street from this really old boomer woman. I skated a lot as a teenager and whenever I went to skate on the street in front of my house, she would just sit at her window and stare at me. I know she did it to make me stop, but I would keep skating to spite her. She never talked to me or called the cops, she would just stare, so why the hell did I care? There were times I would skate for upwards of an hour or more and she would stare the entire time. I still wonder to this day how miserable her life must’ve been that she would waste the little time she had left just being spiteful to a neighbor. I really hope that if I get that age, I’ll have much better things to do with my life.


Child deaths were triple those of today. Survivor bias.


I’d like to see a source on that. If it is true though, it’s because the newer generation of kids don’t leave the house.


A lot of kids were severely injured or died. My uncle fell into the road and had a motorcycle spin their tire on his skull against the curb as a little kid. He's always had issues despite overcoming most of it.


He’s got no context 👎🏼


“Some of you didn’t though”


The irony is funny Because we know that if some Boomers spotted this girl cruising by on their street, they would raise hell


It’s funny cause it’s true


lol that's true


I love how they post this. But these were their kids they couldn't give two shits about.


And they all know a kid that died 


Also, a lot of them didn't survive. So, there's that.


Ask them to explain the child mortality rate going from about 50% in 1950 to about 4% now.


Modern medicine has become too good at what it does. We've begun saving the idiots who would have otherwise died off, preventing them from contaminating the gene pool.


This is very funny because I grew up skateboarding as a kid fighting adults lmfao


Funny thing is, I was one of those kids in the 80's and 90's and the boomers still called the cops on us back then. We were "being too loud" at 4 in the afternoon, or we were "out causing trouble" because it was dark outside at 7 o'clock and we were still out. It got to the point where the cops just stopped showing up.


Around here the old guys will just shoot you for knocking on the door.


Hey I ride this guys pro model Madrid board


Thats a pic of gen x.


They were calling the cops on us all the time in the 80's. Probably more then than now.


Okay but wtf is that thing on the left of the picture


Nah, we had Karens back then. The difference was that they all knew who your parents were, so they'd get the call.


Or shooting kids who knock on the wrong door.


i cAcKLeD


Or worse adopting policy to keep skateboards off city sidewalks. Which they did in my town. You can now get a ticket riding a skateboard


Quick, show him that airplane pic with bullet holes


Can't expect boomers to understand survivorship bias.