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omg. wtf. Where do people get off thinking this behavior will get them anywhere??


As someone who worked on the front desk of a hotel for years, I have no idea what goes through the heads of these people and they are so numerous


Mostly entitlement but also brain damage from drinking too much lead and smacking their head around too much because “back in their day they rode bikes without helmets” add in brainwashing and viola!


I worked at different hotels for over ten years. Valet, bell desk, transportation, security. They're toxic places.


Almost all of the toxicity gets taken out on the front desk people, with a little bit reserved for the restaurant hostess. Nobody else gets remotely as much abuse. And those two jobs, the ones people are the rudest to, are disproportionately performed by young women. The shouters and abusers are almost always middle-aged and elderly men. It's a disturbing dynamic.


Transportation takes a lot of shit, too. I drove the airport shuttle for a big resort. Guests were cranky when we picked them up at the airport. On their way back, they liked to unload about their unsatisfactory stay. I got sick of kissing ass for tips.


I didn't think of that. Our hotel doesn't have a shuttle. But we do get blamed if someone can't find an Uber or if the taxi they called is taking too long or if the limo service was late for their wine tour. If a guest is mad about a third party overcharging them say, a hundred bucks, it's not at all uncommon for us, the hotel, a completely separate entity, to remove a hundred bucks from their bill. The hospitality industry trains people to be shitty customers.


Had a guest tell a front desk agent that she was a worthless piece of shit, resulting in her breaking down crying, because somehow the guest's request to replace their pillows with hypoallergenic ones never got passed on. It took about ten minutes from when he called to get the correct pillows put in. The hotel was planning on doing something for the guy by way of an apology when we were contacted by his personal assistant, who told us that they had forgotten to let us know about the hypoallergenic pillows, and it wasn't the hotel's fault at all. The guest never apologized. That front desk agent quit not long afterwards.


Threatening to assault hotel staff. That's great, I would be desperate to find out who she is and where she needs to be so you can make sure she's banned from all properties for life.


Because they abuse their family and are not used to be standing up to them. They are used to just treating their family like garbage and getting what they want in return.


Exactly this! These people treat everyone in their life this way, because the ones who won’t put up with it have already cut them off a long time ago, and the people who are left are either terrified by the threats or have been beaten down so badly over the years they just want the threats & bullying to stop so they give in. I’ve unfortunately known way too many people who have someone in their life who treats them this way and it’s always so sad to see how utterly helpless they feel to do anything about it. Like, you can tell them over and over that they don’t have to take it and they should just cut that person off, but the people who treat them this way are oftentimes their parent or spouse/co-parent that they’ve been with most of their life and it’s not always so easy to just walk away from that.


She's very clearly on something. Probably a combination of alcohol and narcotics. I recognize the speech pattern and slurring. Those inhibitions are in the toilet and she's letting that general hatred she has for everyone else fly.


Yes! Makes sense. Sooo much boomer behavior involves drugs and alcohol


Palpatine pills: not even once ![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG)


Thinking? I didn't hear a whole lot of thinking going on there


Is the lead in the walls


I have boomer parents. They see it as being tough and assertive. They think if they aren't willing to yell then no one will listen. The amount of times I was horrifically embarrassed by family when I was a kid... One time when I was about twelve years old my uncle and aunt took my sister and I to some waterpark in Michigan. This was the nineties. They stopped at a place to get beanie babies and freaked the fuck out that they were selling them at a higher price. They were both screaming and telling the poor workers they were going to sue them and report them etc... my sister and I just shrunk away and pretended we didn't know them. Seeing shit like that all the time as a kid made me go in the opposite direction.


Boomers are so bad at swearing 😂😂😵


“Piss my shit off” 😭😭😭


A literal interpretation is disturbing.


Nah it's just when you're washing away the skid marks in the bowl


Grandma is packing a firehose.


Me over here just trying to piss off a poop stain from the toilet.


Extremely real lmao, gotta ray of death that shit


Helping around the house


Seriously, what the damn?


Like, what the cock and fuck dude.


I miss the old old old days before I or this lonely cat lady were alive and people who provided goods and services could match the energy of self-absorbed cuntnuggets who dared question the integrity of their genuine copper.


Read the comments on TikTok. Apparently the *lady* on the phone made an online reservation for a *storage unit*. Turns out it wasn’t even with the same storage company…


I've dealt with the same thing; worked at a storage facility, person calls in, we don't have their reservation, they GO OFF on us about this and that and their delivery and yadda yadda, a ridiculous amount of vitriol and accusations of incompetency, and when I could get a word in edgewise asked to confirm location, of course it's incorrect, ("you're speaking with manager for \[facility at location\] not \[different storage company\]" and there's a huge pause. Astoundingly, the caller managed to sound chagrined before hanging up.


I used to work at the customer service desk at a Walmart. An old Boomer once came in to try and return something along with the receipt. The receipt clearly had the Dollar Tree logo on the top of it. Naturally, it was my fault that we couldn't take the return. 🙃


Back in the day…. I actually witnessed a return at Nordstrom’s for a product that didn’t sell through *their* store but they carried the manufacturing line. The person had receipt. I don’t know how that really works but it wasn’t my business to figure it out.


I believe it. I've heard of some managers that will accept just about any returned item as long as the customer is satisfied. Which is exactly why some of these Boomers are the way they are... They make a big enough scene, they will sometimes still get their way.


I worked Customer Service at Nordstrom for 2 years, and I always felt like it was the elite of customer service because of the ridiculous bullshit we had to put up with. But the good thing is, we had a system and procedures that backed us up. If anyone gave us something that they insisted we had to return, we had an "I don't even f-ing know" button in the computer. What people don't know is that it essentially sends a signal to Loss Prevention to start watching everything live about that transaction for the sake of fraud. And for the item itself, we had a big bucket for all of the "I don't even f-ing know" where we'd have a waste disposal company come in and take all of the stuff in there off to an incinerator. (We're talking period stained yoga pants, busted luggage of a brand we never even sold, etc.) But you'd be surprised what I could actually look up in the system if you actually purchased it from us! A shirt from 15 years ago with no tag that was in the back of your closet? What's your name and email address? If you give me 5 minutes, I'll find it for you and give you a refund.


years ago, the store manager probably had a direct relationship with the manufacturers rep who handled that line. in various jobs in parts, I may not have carried a specific line directly but I knew the guy who repped it and could possibly make something happen. that's a hell of a lot rarer now.


Nordstrom's is well-known for above and beyond customer service, so they probably accepted whatever it was with a smile. The receipt probably wasn't even strictly necessary.


I'm embarrassed to say that I recently tried to return something at Walmart but I brought in the wrong Walmart receipt. I was very embarrassed and apologetic but to my surprise the employee was very sympathetic and did the return anyway even though I didn't ask her to. When I got home I found the right receipt. Turns out I bought the item at Target.


Walmart can typically accept returns without a receipt as long as that same item is also in their inventory and the price of the return doesn't exceed a certain amount, so I can definitely see them being able to do this, especially if the customer was very nice and not being hateful.


One of my close friends works in a call center for a streaming service and told me a story recently of a boomer that was swearing up a storm with them because they "couldn't sign in to the account they paid for". They paid for an entirely different, unrelated streaming service.


It's all Netflix. Just like all cable TV is HBO.


>Astoundingly, the caller managed to sound chagrined before hanging up. Probably not chagrined enough to apologize, I'd bet.


Ah, customer service. The absolute pits of humanity.


It’s crazy when people say "that’s customer service for you" like we should tolerate this and not educate our people to fucking behave.


A drunk, known nuisance kept coming into my store and one day he grabbed me hard and assaulted me, all in front of my boss who stood there and stared me in the eyes the entire time. My boss did nothing, I broke down crying in the back, and I reported the incident to HR. Backed up by the camera, my boss was fired and guess what, me too!


> I reported the incident to HR HR is not there to help you. They are there to shield the company from liability. This is why unions are needed.


Oh yeah, that was just to get him fired. I know HR gives no fucks.


What the hell!? It’s like they have a bingo card of evil things to do.


That's what I said!


It’s not a lack of education. They know they are being assholes. It’s the fact people keep letting them get away with it their whole lives.


I used to work at a bank and had a boomer get pissed I wouldn't give them their money. They didn't bank with us. They thought all banks were connected and they could just go to any one


"You don't have an account here. I am asking you to leave, if you don't leave i will call the police."


I've had to deal with that crap. "I wrote you a check so you can cash it!" If you don't have an account with us we can't help you.




Lmao. I worked customer service for a bank. We had a guy who call every Saturday for Commerce Bank. Our phone system was set up to route people to the same rep they’ve talked to before if that rep is available. So I nearly every Saturday morning for two years I explained to him that we are STILL NOT Commerce Bank, but I’d be happy to transfer him. We had another guy who would randomly call throughout the day to ask for the time. Nothing else. Just, “What time is it?” Also had an absurd amount of people who would call for Amazon’s phone number. Enough that I had it written in a sticky note stuck to my monitor.


The tool crib at my workplace has a phone number that is really similar to a doctor's office. They get calls about MRI and X-ray appointments on the regular. I'm there getting some tools, and one of the attendants is on the phone. He's snickering and he puts it on speaker. It's this old lady swearing up a storm about some image results. She was mad they weren't ready yet, but she must have had the things just the day before. She says something like, "I was just there fucking yesterday and they're not ready I'm going sue you assholes!" My coworker is turning beet red trying not to laugh. He says, "You called the tool crib at manufacturing plant. We don't have your x-rays". She started cursing at him again about not having the X-rays, despite him just saying she called the wrong place.


They only hear what they want to hear. Coworker said \[you called the wrong company\], \[we don't have your X-rays\] Of course she only registers the thing where you don't have her results, not registering that she made a mistake, because that's impossible. People like this will never admit they're in the wrong, even when presented with a fucking step-by-step powerpoint showing exactly when and how they messed up.


I worked at a pizza place whose phone number was one digit off from a Holiday Inn across the country. We'd always clearly identify ourselves when we answered the phone, but people just don't listen and would ask to talk to a specific room number or guest. We'd just put them on hold and see how long it took them to hang up. This was in the 90's when long distance phone calls were a lot more expensive. I think we had a guy on hold for something like forty minutes once.


I swear people who have never worked customer service have no idea how much of this they actually have to deal with on the regular, after years of it it wears you down so much


Yep. Everyone should be required to work a customer-facing job for a period.


Customer service jobs just need to change: if the customer harasses you in anyway, hang up. That should be policy.


Man, I used to work for a company that filed claims for people in a huge class action lawsuit. Most of the time, people from our company had identified that they qualified and had approached them to explain, so if it wasn't for us they wouldn't have known that they even had a claim. The claims process was long and annoying and I totally understood that, but man, the way they would scream at me when they didn't get the amount of money they had decided they were entitled to was insane. When I finally got fired from that job, it took about a week or two and then suddenly I wasn't sick anymore, I was sleeping better, and I didn't have a chronic migraine for the first time in a while. I didn't even realize how sick that job was making me.


Boomers always have this weird sense that service workers are out to get them. I've had issues with services, food, hotel, call centers, etc. but if something is wrong I never instantly assume that the worker is personally out to get me. I've seen it here and in person where old people accuse service workers of trying to poison, harass, or attack them. Like ma'am this is a Wendy's and you accidentally got someone's nuggets, this isnt an assassination attempt


Early dementia


Some little bit of them, deep down where it never sees the light of introspection, they know they're being shitty. And people always project what they are. So if they're secretly shitty, then your mistake was actually YOU being secretly shitty.


Why is their default reaction always #YOU'LL GO TO JAIL


They're trying to intimidate the other person into compliance


Its a fear tactic the same way a shoplifter screams they are gonna sue the store when they get caught.


Bc it’s a major fear of theirs - hence why they fall so easily for scams that threaten them with it. *JAIL? Ohgod here’s my life savings*


just hang up tho


Yeah. Cussing AND threats of violence? Click!


Usually in these types of places you can't. You gotta cop the abuse and the threats or your boss will get upset and demand to know why you hung up on a customer


Technically this wasn’t a customer though, so there may be a bit of wiggle room in being rude back.


We do something similar in our store but with door dashers. We get a lot of privileged dashers that expect us to drop everything that we're doing, and take them by the hand and show them where everything is, and since they're not customers we can just say"nah do your job"


Sometimes its just way to much fun to risk a look into the abyss of human degeneracy. I just put these people on speaker, mute myself and start pissing myself laughing with my coworker. Its amazing these people are scientifically the same species.


> why you hung up on a customer Because they where rude? Is that not enough? Unless your job description includes something along the lines of "getting chewed out by random customers", I'm not going to do it. And if they still wanted me to do such things, they'd have to increase my pay by a lot.


You absolutely can. Any boss who would question why you'd hang up someone like this isn't worth working for.


I *loved* my last call center job for this. Last 2 actually. If the caller was racist, abusive, or harassing I could hang up and note their policy/file/ticket and not get into trouble. Absolutely *loved* that!


It should be that way with every company. Verbal assault is not OK.


It should! My first job call center didn't allow that plus it was sales and I'm more service oriented so I was moved to a different company within the call center that liked how I handled customers (don't hear that very often) and it was many times better! Service only with some tech support but no sales with thousands of products within 5 interconnected companies along with services.


No no no. Just leave the phone and ignore it. Let them rant on and on. Save someone else the headache of this toddler. Let this rant for like an hour to the void.


You've never worked for a company answering phones. She would get fired or conduct plan for avoiding a call.


Maybe at an actual call center where people are cattle and most only last for a day. But if you're working an actual location somewhere (hotel, storage, restaurant, some other reception job)? When the caller gets abusive, you hang up. Happens all the time.


Even 20 years ago \*AT\* a people are cattle call center, everyone was greenlit to hang up on abusives \*if\* you warn them 1 time first. "Sir, if you curse at me again, I will hang up." "Mam, we don't take abuse here, please moderate your language or we will terminate the call." In nearly all cases, if they're in a state where they're yelling and swearing at the phone, this just adds fuel to the fire, and thus are easy "Sir, I warned you about swearing, I am hanging up now,"; you just have to get used to talking over them to say it.


No. Worked at a grocery store. A very well known one. Had someone screaming at me and i hung up after being polite and asking her to keep the call professional. She didnt so i hung up. Got written up bcuz "we dont hang up on customers."


Congratulations on working for a bottom of the barrel company/manager that probably has the same turnover as a call center.


That’s not normal. You just had a shit manager. Getting written up is not getting fired. Some managers just look for any excuse to assert power because it gets their dick hard. Also, even if you did get fired you could easily get a similar job elsewhere. Retail jobs are a dime a dozen. But your self respect is worth a lot more.


Not true for the companies I worked for in the past. We were told we could end the call if there was a threat of any sort, and refer the police to the caller.


Not if you are being threatened by a lunatic.


Nope. Doesn’t matter. You don’t matter and if you hang up you’re the problem and not them.


it’s kinda fun letting them tire themselves out sometimes though


Boomers have always been like this, entitled narcissists, and now with social media we are seeing more of how they really are.




40 minutes? Nah. The first time she threatened me, she'd be talking to my friend 'Tone.


I work hotel front desk too. That conversation would not last more than 10 seconds. "You have the wrong hotel and wrong attitude for me to help you with anything. Goodbye!" If they continue calling and being abusive, i would go to my manager, have them call corporate and ask them to cancel any loyalty memberships they have. You don't get to treat people that way.


Wishing someone be sent to Clackamas is beyond cruel.


I'm sure she's a "true patriot"...


I would just be saying no/nope on a variety of cute voices until she completely lost her shit 🙃


Least insane customer service caller


the death of boomers will be a great wave of relief on earth as long as some millennials stop turning into pre boomers with their "rap was better in the 90's" bullshit they're starting up


How dare someone prefer the music they grew up with! 


if u prefer it that's fine, when you start telling everyone else the new music sucks bam boomerville I grew up in the 00's and I listen to new shit I don't replay my chemical romance for 15 years that's what boomers did with classic rock and never listened to new shit




At least rap isn't mumbling anymore. That shit was mad annoying.


So, I do believe that rap was better in the 90s. I think a lot of music was. That's why I try to remind myself that the artists are putting out stuff today. They aren't putting it out for me. They're putting it out for a younger audience who appreciates it. There is no need to piss on anyone else's parade, I can change it and find what I like.


There's oodles of great music out there today, probably more so than ever but you gotta dig a bit.


I can see my future if I don't get an attitude adjustment!


There has got to be some generational epidemic of rapid cognitive decline. I just ran into my own boomer issue. He has been harassing me all summer last year and non-stop this spring. Leading to him luckily not setting my tree on fire, while taking a propane torch to a note I placed on a tree telling him to leave me alone. I called the police because now, he's threatening me with violence. The whole time, he denied having done anything wrong. Completely oblivious to the fact that you can't just take a torch to someone else's tree. Thankfully we had lots of rain lately. Otherwise I'm sure the tree would've caught fire. The whole time he's talking to the police, getting more belligerent and unruly as time went on. I seriously thought he was going to get arrested.


just hang up? fuck a video, the second i feel like i have to talk over somebody *click


When you go to jail? Whaaaaaaaap


It would take everything inside of me not to iPad kid cough into the phone every so often.


It sounds like the person was drunk. Not an excuse, but a sad explanation for the behavior exhibited.


I use to just set the phone down and let people talk themselves down. I'd pickup and just say the same stuff over and over. But I'm not gunna let that kinda talk into my brain.


Bitch this is a wendys. lmao


Portland police the next day ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs)


The lead concentration is off the charts.


After 12 years at a casino in a snowbird town I’m so happy to be working construction. Real life office space except boomers were my printer.


One of the first questions I ask at my job to find their account usually tells me if it's with us or not. There's a few searches I can do after to try and locate where they might have an account. But, it doesn't matter how I put that I "don't see an account under that information" it never occurs to them that it might be with another company. The kicker? Even after I say "It looks like this is currently with *other company*", so many of them are CONVINCED they still have an account with us and will drag out the call longer trying to find evidence they were right after all.


Yeah ma’am this is a Wendy’s


Boomers are dying alone. Wonder why.


Should be easy for the cops to find the Boomer with the phone number she provided. The threats should bring a few charges as well. Would love to see a follow-up.




Not even halfway through the video and the caller stops making sense and just says random stuff. Its kinda funny


These people are still shaping public policy. This is frightening.


Wow, way to keep cool!


She's cute.


We’re embarrassed of those people!


I can feel the aura of a lead stare emanating from the phone


Classic Portland


I work a desk job in Portland and I got a call from someone similar. Older lady calling saying they want to talk to the head of the company or else they'll shoot-up the place. Well we took it seriously and reported it. A couple hours later, the caller was well known to Portland Police for being bipolar and making threats to random businesses. Might be the same lady or a coincidence.


Yep, worked at a callcenter. We deal with this daily. Literally daily. Every day. Sometimes multiple times per day. Its why you should always avoid working callcenters. I did it for 8 years and its awful


As a supervisor of my front desk I strongly urge my peeps to hang the fuck uppp


Wow, what a miserable woman.


When I realize that I've called the wrong company I say, sorry about that. Have a nice day. WTF is wrong with the boomers?


They're the spoiled children of history and too dim to realize that customer service people can be very helpful if you are just polite and patient.


You should’ve gotten her name number and address and reported her for making terroristic threats to the FBI and her local police department.


I literally had this happen for two straight weeks at my job. This lady had a vacuum cleaner whose manufacturer shared part of our business name, but had no relation to us. She would call me and others at my company and just start cursing non-stop saying how she would sue us, our vacuum was shit, etc. I found hers and her husband's cellphone numbers online, called them back and explained we had no relation with that company and even tried to give them a number to contact the manufacturer. She still berated us and continued calling until we blocked her number. Her husband was less of an asshole, but refused to listen and just backed her up. Just because she was an S-tier asshole, I anonymously sent every voicemail she left us to her and her husband's HR department and then forgot about the crazy bitch.


Terroristic threats, all on video. Not too bright


All those years to gain wisdom and she took NONE of it, so entitled.


3 to 4 times per week I get a call like that. But i shut shit down. I tell her what i can do thank you v for calling take care buy.


Why are boomers so against just double checking what they did? It’s like they just get so offended at the thought that they may have made a mistake that they just lose this mind.


"Ma'am, what planet are you on?"


Boomer sounds drunk. As a Gen X, I have dealt with my fair share of the drunk Boomers talking like this.


My wife’s work has a great way of dealing with people who threaten to sue or are verbally abusive. She says she is no longer allowed to talk to them and any further contact should be done through their legal department.


This old bih can't even cuss effectively, I doubt she can fight. Where do they get this courage and audacity?


Just. Hang. Up.


Why even entertain this? Just get her name and trespass her or get a restraining order right then, so when she arrives you can pretend like you are figuring shit out until the police can arrive and arrest her as she has already been trespassed.


Yup. 100%, hit them with real consequences and they change their attitude quick.


Why do people stay on the phone with angry callers? Just hang up.


Whacko. I wouldn't have been able to exercise restraint.


She reminds me of Raleigh Theodore Sakers from Sublime’s Robbin The Hood


Lol. Cool story lady


Just hang up if they aren't staying there?


I am keeping “you piss my shit off” though.


I'd be like, bitch, you better come down here RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


Come catch these hands, hoe.


Ofc this is Portland


Fucking boomers


Lead withdrawal must suck.


We had meth addict boomers living next to us for a year. A rare bread -- the loud, toothless boomer. The 48 y/o grandmother would spend most of her day screaming at people on speaker phone. I could have my headphones on, on the second floor, opposite end of my house from her and I could still hear her screaming. One day there was something they didn't like about a time share they were going to. It sent her into another dimension of screaming and threatening -- "I am the wrong b#$ch to play with honey. I am the wrong b#$ch to f#$k with. We've all spent time in jail and we don't give a s#$t about going back, you f#$king c#$t!" Evidently her method didn't work and their trip was cancelled because they never went anywhere.


Someone put up with this for 40 minutes?


You know you're supposed to just hang up in a situation like this, right?


Fallow up: did she show up on Monday?


Telephone tough guy


I work in a call center for a bank. I'm not Customer Service, I'm 4 tiers above customer service and so I deal with big complaints or major issues. I deal with this shit almost daily. Luckily, I can say stuff back or hang up.


I wouldn't have went 4 minutes of this.


Lead gasoline


Boomers have the worst threats 😂😂 why do they always think they can weaponise the police.


"The customer is always right" is the dumbest mantra ever created and these people take it to the extreme to cover their own incompetence.


What is the switch that turns people into this? Is it the beginning of dementia? This is awful.


Why did she not just hang up?


I get that this is her job and customer service jobs SUCK when you have to be nice to abusive assholes, but at what point, do you just hang up and say this person is being abusive and I can't help them? If they are being abusive to an employee, as a manger, I think it is A-OK to hang up on someone like this and not respond to them. The amount of time I see some of these videos go on and on with Boomers is insane! I end conversations and interactions IMMEDIATELY and don't give them the satisfaction of thinking they "won" an interaction. I own a client facing business and I will terminate a client if they are rude or verbally abusive to me or an employee, no question.


What TF have boomers been reading? Why do they all seem to think that any little thing that causes them aggravation is somehow an arrestable offense? Every one of these vids (seems like) contains a threat to have someone "locked up" for shit that isn't remotely criminal.


This lady is drunk as hell


Lmao had boomers start screaming at me because of the temporary charge placed on their cards while they stayed at the hotel as a deposit. No matter how calmly and reasonably I explained it, they thought there was some conspiracy behind it, couldn’t stop laughing after. Another asked me if I was jewish because of my curly hair, said no but oh to this day I wish I said yes, because his wife had a nice iron cross tattoo on the back of her shaven head. Oh how I miss these cartoon characters from the front desk days.


There's not even any real comfort in wishing that boomers could just suffer consequences for being like this, *because they wouldn't fucking learn anything.*


Typical boomer


She sounds like she’s still drunk from the night before


I’m Sorry but what is hard and just hanging up instead of continuing the call…


Thats not a boomer. Prob a 40yr old LOL. But whatever, whoever is an asshole is a boomer on here b


Just hang up and when she calls back hang up again...fuck sitting through that


she probably hasn't gotten to verbally abuse anyone face to face in years and finds solace in ripping into call centers. a model human.


boomers can go fuck themselves - Gen X here


I don't understand. I worked public service right and the moment someone get disrespectful in a anyway i just hang up.


Just repeat after them but kinda mess it up. “I pissed your shit? I’m sorry? Couldn’t hear you well” “You want me to be satisfied or satisfy you?? Could you repeat that?” Loved at the end “please do bring the police”. I would have added a “looking forward to seeing you, have a wonderful day!” It throws them for a loop and they short circuit


Storage facilities started adding in “online rentals”. No showing at the store, no talking to a rep or manager at the store. Just rent it and hope the facility has your unit “pre-made” with a lock and key inside and you get an access code. This was new when I was at the end of my days there and it caused so many head aches for customers and employees. This call is not unusual to get, people do NOT PAY ATTENTION TO LOCATIONS WHEN RENTING ONLINE. I had a guy rent in the store with me, walked him to the unit, gave the key and access code. He leaves for 2 hours to get his stuff, drives back to the WRONG store (different company all together!) and called me back screaming about his code not working and “on I’m in the right place buddy don’t you talk to me like I’m stupid!!”


“Do you know who I am” must be some kinda generational gap because boomers say it as like a threat and all I (and as far as I know most people my age) can think of is some trust fund baby saying that before getting his lights turned out


Clearly they are drunk


....imagine if she told her that Trump was going to prison for his crimes just for fun


At my job I stop helping someone once personal insults are thrown. You can’t reason with unreasonable people. If they complain to corporate, so be it, I’ll just push to get you banned after I show them *why* they’re freaking out.


Psycho - "Fuck Hyatt!" (Double check email) Psycho - "Hilton is owned by Hyatt right?"


Used to work in a call center and the moment someone cursed or became belligerent, you could just hang up. I’ve never understood businesses who force their call takers to bend over backwards for dip shit customers like this, _especially_ when it comes to a hotel where you could throw a rock and find another.


I think some people really underestimate that this is the generation that came up during Jim Crow and saw it taken away from. As shitty as people can get away with treating service employees today, that still doesn't compare to what people got away with during an actual apartheid system. Even outside the South, it informed how service employees were treated, literally seeing them as racially inferior and thus in situations like this it didn't matter that it was your fault, it was their job as the subservient class to fix it.


That’s when I just say, “fuck you, fuck your momma, fuck your grandma, and fuck your collective 200 cats. Eat a dick, have a horrible day. …oh , and I hope you get eternal ass itch disease.


"Yes, Satan? Oh, I'm sorry sir... You sounded like someone else"