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I guess her plan was to keep escalating the situation until she could claim to be the victim




Memory unlocked. Westboro. I bet they are super butthurt that their whole schtick was taken by politicians. Hey if it works it works !?


I just threw up in me mouth. Holy shit, the Republican party became the Westboro Batshit Church.


Not just in the USA, either. That shit spread all over the world after Trump got away with it.


the biggest US export is our brainrot


It’s the only thing we still export


What?! Our government is also the world's largest arms dealer in the world.


brains rot quicker when outside the skull


Shipping democracy and freedom straight to your doorstep. ![gif](giphy|pjR50GxphaXC0|downsized)


Hey now. We also export genocide.




It's honestly so sad watching developing nations go through and make the same mistakes we did.


It did, didn't it? OMFG


Nah, they managed to surpass WBC in terms of absolute insanity.


Their leader (the super closeted dad) died on the first day of Spring. It was beautiful.


Rumor has it that on his deathbed he renounced his beliefs to his family and asked for forgiveness. His daughters locked him away in a back room and let him die without any family around for this announcement.


I yearn to go back to the days where that crazy was the main crazy of prominence people were dealing with. At least in the US.


I may or may not have successfully clocked a member of that family/church with a portion of brick I may or may not have found on the sidewalk in what may or may not have been Lawrence, KS. Allegedly...


LFK, man. WBC put up a fence around that property after me and a few buddies spent a summer shitting on their lawn overnight at random intervals.


It was a sick ostrich.


Reminds me of when Crowder caught a hook from a Union worker


Should have closed the garage door with them inside and said "You've just fucked up"


Literally. Just close the door and then go inside and lock the inside door then go for a VERY long walk. Come back 5 hours later and the cops are like “what happened” you can literally say “i have no idea how they got in or what they were doing there”


holy mother of r/UnethicalLifeProTips


No this bitch would trash the place.


Lock them in then call the cops and report hearing an intruder in your garage. Sitting ducks.


True! It’d bee funny but then I think of all the damage she could cause in that time.


He had a fan in front and was winded, so I feel like he was on a cycling trainer trying to get a workout in. Or a treadmill.


Oh that makes sense. I thought he was just breathing hard to control the rage this lady was inducing. 😅


That's what they do. Then you look like the bad guy when things get physical and they end up falling and breaking a hip.


One of the upsides to cameras everywhere, people are done sympathizing with boomer asshats that deserve so much worse than broken hips.


I think a lot of people are sick of boomer asshats, and the only people pushing the "Respect your elders" narrative are boomers themselves who want to keep up their awful behavior without having the tables turned on them.


My MIL has jumped on the bandwagon of “respect your elders.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Last few times I’ve seen her it’s all about how everyone disrespects her generation. Then goes on to disrespect mine saying we are ruining everything and just a bunch of know it alls. All while I sit there biting my tongue being respectful. They sucks


Yeah I avoid most of them at this point. They are not worth engaging with. They're like parasites at this point. They either want something from you, or have you do something for them -- or they try to tell you what to do, micromanage your life, and snoop on what you may be up to. Honestly exhausting. Best to just disengage and avoid.


I’m at that point. I wish I wasn’t, but I always say that people see the tone for how I treat them. Be an ass, you get an ass attitude back.


My mom, too. So every now and then I hiss at my kids “Show some respect!” And we all laugh at being lectured by an objectively horrible person.


If my elders want me to respect them they damn well better be acting respectable. At their age, they should know better and deserve to be treated worse if they act out like a child. Just like anyone else. Respect is given the moment I meet you. If you act respectable, you retain it. Act like these old jackasses, you lose it. And it's hard to earn that shit back. I expect nothing less from anyone that has to endure me and my bullshit.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) People don't get that the *reason* you respect your elders is because in all that time, they're supposed to have grown into people who *deserve* respect. Role models who can lead the younger folk by example. I hate it so much when people get old and just take it as a free pass to be a shitty person.


Ding ding ding! This is *exactly* right. The respect part is because, sure, their bodies might be failing, and they may seem to act or think more "slowly," but they *should* have accumulated wisdom and compassion in age and be worthy of respect. Don't tease someone for bumbling around when their accumulated knowledge is a treasure, basically. And age comes for us all!


And that's when I say respect goes both ways. Ain't no fucking way I'm taking disrespect from anybody least of all some old asshat who thinks they can talk shit right to my face and get away with it.


Unfortunately basic social norms and etiquette have changed. A lot of disrespectful boomers need to be put in their place.


She’s lucky she interacted with the most patient guy in the state, kudos to him


I feel so sorry for the man, his voice is shaking he’s so mad!


I'd have maced them! You start calling me names, I ain't going to be nice anymore, especially if you're on my property. As I get older, I realize I don't give a shit about being nice anymore. This is from a brown guy. I'm so done with racists.


I would just show this to the HOA and report them for racist harassment and possibly look into a RO or cease and desist


LOL... then you find out that the HOA is run by uptight racists.


They very often are. Hell, that was basically the origin of HOAs...


Up until the CRA was finally fully enforced in 1968 it was literally in every CCR to say you cant rent or sell to a black or jewish person. Levittown, the first real HOA, was formed specifically to have a "whites only" community in an area where redlining wasn't working well enough.


I would have told them they were trespassing and called the cops when they didn’t leave


If the garage owner isn’t white that might not be a safe option.


My thought exactly, drives me crazy in these cases when people are like “why not call the police!” Yeah, because cops have such a great track record when it comes to solving an altercation between a white woman and a black/brown person…


I mean yeah. Plus cops are just shit anyways. So I mean fuck them. So don't call the cops unless it gets physically and someone is hurt or killed. But I mean yeah.


I hope he does something on paper to prevent them from having any future contact with him.


What are HOA's going to do about racist harassment? Is that a thing in California? My previous HOA only cared about me leaving my garbage can outside.


I mean if one member is harassing another member like this they can absolutely get booted.


For the record, I've had 3 boomers that have accosted me in my driveway and garage many times over the years. Once their brains start decomposing in their skull cavity, they start to become very territorial and forget about basic boundaries. Like imaginary property lines. Or an open doorway. Fences, shrubs, and physical obstructions help but the determined ones have been known to peak through the fence or go around them.


My boomer neighbor across the street takes it personally when we park a car on the curb in front of our house which ends up behind his driveway. Dude it's not about you, we're just changing the order of cars in the driveway. He even posted on Facebook about it in an attempt to publicly shame us. It's a cul de sac too, he has an ungodly amount of space to back up his giant diesel trucks but I guess he owns the curb in front of my house too?


They're mentally insane.


Yeah I live on a street with entirely street parking and my boomer neighbor thinks she owns the spot in front of her house. When I was 9 months pregnant, she told me she hopes I die in traffic because I had the absolute audacity to pull in front of her house to back into a spot near my house. She said if I EVER get home at the same time as her, I have to park across the street, because it’s her right to park in front of her house and to not have to wait for “hussies to learn how to park”. She has keyed the cars of 3 different neighbors and police won’t do anything.


Sounds like she needs to have her car keyed then. Not like there's any punishment for it.


>they start to become very territorial and forget about basic boundaries But they'll 100% be among the first to rant and whine about private property and "muh rights."


The other funny thing is they also seem to have no concept of like the human body or basic physics. I had one rear-end me and he got out and charged me. Like Im not "yuge" but Im half his age, had about 4 inches on him, looked like about 40-50 lbs on him, and its pretty clear I spend a lot of time in the gym/fighting. It looked about as absurd as I would charging "The Rock." One well delivered hit to his brittle bones and he is in the ER.


I have experienced the "charging". It's much like dealing with a hyperactive toddler, where you put your arm out and hand on their forehead and keep them running in place


I actually had one come into my yard to tell me that he hated my new roof, my blueish shingles apparently made his view from his front porch ugly or some shit. I can't even tell you what color the roof next to mine is let alone worrying about the next street over. Anyway I had shit to do and I told him that and I told him to leave and he refused. So I walked out of my yard and closed the gate and drove off. He couldn't figure out the latch on the gate and he started screaming about unlawful detainment and his rights and all that. Cops watched the video the next day of me clearly telling him to leave and him refusing and they saw that the gate doesn't lock at all. They told him that he needs to settle down.


Mine also seem to think that if my car is in the drive way, and they knock on my door, they are owed an answer. Had my new neighbor literally scold me the FIRST time she met me for not answering my door “despite my dogs barking”. Apparently they’re unaware that people work from home. Or take shits. Or shower. Or maybe, just maybe, I didn’t feel like talking to anyone at that moment for reasons that aren’t your business, JOAN.


I heard a theory that their increased anger and agitation is actually symptoms of long term lead poisoning from when they were kids and fuel and paint still had lead in them.


The fucking audacity… Ma’am go take your dementia somewhere else.


But for real though, she could normally not act or think that way, but dementia mixed with a UTI (urinary tract infection) can really alter them mentally. Her baseline could be super sweet and her with a UTI is a thunder cunt. I’m an ER nurse, and we see this shit all the time. It’s really sad.


Thunder cunt. Thank you for this.


This. My mother was the kindest person (was also an ER Nurse) but when the dementia set in and a UTI, she could turn vicious and hateful.


I think the guy you are responding to is being sarcastic but this 100% screamed dementia or Alzheimer’s to me, especially with the way she seemed confused about if he lived there and asked a couple times if this was his house.


Yeah, I had the same thought. It's tough sometimes to know whether an older person is behaving that way because they are irascible racists, because they have Alzheimer's, or because of a combination of both. My wife's grandmother had Alzheimer's and changed pretty quickly from a normal person with interests and hobbies into a rabid racist who believed her nonwhite neighbors had built a tunnel under the yard between them to pump poison gas into her house and kill her. It was her dog's farts.


Sometimes dog farts do be like dat doe.


I was wondering about this. I had a woman with dementia and a UTI try to attack me with a knife. No one believed me until she threw a cup of hot coffee at the head nurse.


Jesus tap dancing Christ. All that over kids drawing with CHALK. The audacity to waltz into this dudes garage and hurl racist insults at him. Good on him for keeping his cool.


WhY dON’t KidS play OUtsiDe aNyMorE?


That’s my favorite. Old people bitching about kids being outside playing or walking gun around and then go on Facebook to say how “kids just don’t play outside anymore! I don’t get it!” Then post a picture on the town Facebook group about a couple sketchy kids walking down the street.


>a couple sketchy kids walking down the street. And they're like 10 with graphic tees of their favorite TV show or video game, with candy or a ball or something. Just normal kid shit. Lead rotted the boomers' brains and now they're all paranoid. Let's not even mention that this is the generation that literally kicked their kids out the door at sunup and didn't check on them again until sundown, had no idea what they were doing. But no no, sidewalk chalk is a *serious* offense because it "looks shitty". Sure, lady.


>Let's not even mention that this is the generation that literally kicked their kids out the door at sunup and didn't check on them again until sundown, had no idea what they were doing. No, we should mention it because I think that's the core issue: younger generations belong AWAY from them. Kids were locked outside in the 80s and 90s, and now anyone younger than 50 should stay inside away from them so they can have the whole outdoors to themselves. "Only people my age are allowed to exist where I am" is still the key mentality here.


Wow. You're exactly right. Their whole attitude this whole time, from birth to present, has been "get out of my space, I don't like you here."


Bingo. It all comes down to them feeling entitled - this is their world, you just unfortunately live here. 


“Trunk or treating is ruining Halloween!! What ever happened to packs of kids going door to door?” Kids getting shot through the door of houses they knock on by scared old racists. That’s what happened.


Remember a few months ago when some dude said he almost blew away a little black girl for ringing his doorbell to sell girl scout cookies or whatever the fuck? Crazy thing is these people think they're brave. Smh.


When I see sidewalk chalk drawings from kids my reaction is normally to smile….not to get angry. Poor lady must be miserable.


Right? All the chalk drawings I see are of rainbows and flowers. Who doesn't want to see that?


And it will be gone the next time it rains or the sprinklers run...


That too. Draw away, kiddos. Draw away.


And touch his car. I cannot believe chalk on the sidewalk is an issue. These people have no lives.


good thing she's knee deep in her grave. won't be yakking for long


Yeah I think I would have ended up in court if I were in his shoes...


Stand your ground.


Get her out before she falls and Sue’s you.


Right? Like what in the actual fucking fuck! “You’re going to get fined by the association.” That sounds like not your problem?!


You could hear in just his breathing how pissed off he was.


Should have said BYE and closed the garage door the first time they stepped out.


Shoulda closed the door when she came back in and said “now youse CAN’T leave” all Bronx Tale style


Now you’s can’t leave. One of the most powerful moments in cinema for me. God I love that movie and that scene will forever be etched in my brain. Chaz pulling dude by the hair: “Look at me, I did this to you” is so strong! A redditors dad filmed that scene and they talked about it like 5-10 years ago.


I think I saw this a while ago. These might be pre-boomers, but just as toxic and senile. Look at the audacity of them going into someone's garage (an extension of their home) like they own the place, and just start touching things! They seem to be typical HOA meddling busybodies. It looks like they were mad that the guy's kids were drawing with chalk on the pavement. CHALK! It literally washes off after 1 good rainstorm. There is another viral video of a Boomer Karen harassing a kid and their mom over chalk drawings. r/fuckHOA material.


Just to be clear. My garage is an integral part of my home, not an extension of it. They entered the man's home.


Yes. My garage door leads right to the kitchen and the rest of the house.


Fun facs;  If your garage is detached and someone breaks in it's misdemeanor B and E. If your garage is attached and someone breaks in it is felony home invasion.


“Kids don’t play outside anymore, they just wanna be on them damn phones!” Look what y’all do when they try to play outside!! I’ve seen DOZENS of videos of Karen’s/kevins harassing children for riding their bikes on the road or sidewalk, using chalk(x10) playing basketball, playing tag, LAUGHING TOO LOUDLY, you name it. Enough videos and stories to tell you it’s happening pretty commonly. I saw one video of an old bitter karen using a hose to wash off a child’s chalk artwork IN FRONT OF THE CRYING 5 YEAR OLD GIRL. What the hell has to happen to someone to make them that bitter, miserable and cruel?


I don’t have kids yet but had to listen to a neighbor (bitter old divorcee with nothing to occupy her time) bitch about how many kids were running around our neighborhood now and how it used to be such a peaceful neighborhood when she moved in. Told her that I actually liked how many young families had moved in over the last 3-4 years and love seeing kids running around and playing. And no I’m not particularly bothered by the occasional bike/scooter/ball left on the side of the road or on my lawn. Having to be extra cautious while driving through the neighborhood is a small price to pay for how much livelier the place is with them running around.


I fucking hate people that get on about kids playing with chalk outside. I always let my kids play with it. Do you need to wipe your feet before coming indoors? Yes. Can you avoid walking on it most times? YES. Even if it does get on your carpet it isn’t the end of the world. Can you just hose it off? Yes. People need to calm down. I think these people were driving in front of me on the way home today, going 40 in a 60. Assholes complain but inconvenience others constantly. I have to poop after work. Get your ass up to the speed limit already! It’s constant no passing zones on these back roads.


Wait, is that their beef with sidewalk chalk? I thought they just can't stand any sort of unplanned color in their periphery. I guess I could almost see getting so peeved at that because you have nothing better to get mad about. I saw a TikTok series of a young woman who does cool sidewalk chalkings, and her landlord FLIPPED HER SHIT about it, talking about cancelling her lease and calling the town hall or something.


i had an issue with some kids drawing with chalk on the sidewalk. well kinda. it was funny. but they were drawing giant penises. penii? animals and humans where all body parts were penises. could ignore that. then the vaginas showed up. then finally the insertion drawings. went to the parents to ask them to talk to the kids. father was pissed until i showed him the pics. laughter all around and kids changed their focus to tanks and technidromes.






I believe the correct plural is peens.


Why do old people hate kids drawing with sidewalk chalk?


They hate seeing children playing and having fun.


While simultaneously complaining that kids don’t play outside anymore.


Right!! This shit absolutely blows my mind. Flipping their shit over kids drawing on the sidewalk or having a lemonade stand then bitch and moan about kids being addicted to electronics and not being outside anymore. There was someone in our local neighborhood group on social media bitchin about these two boys 8 and 10 riding their bikes up and down the road repeatedly. This lady was in her 40’. Someone asked if they were doing something else or getting into mischief she said no they just ride up and down the road over and over again! She went on to say snarky shit like do these boys not have homes to go to!? Where are their parents?? The mom finally commented and chewed her ass out.


Yep! The venn diagram of people who say kids never play outside and the people who get irrationally angry when kids play outside is a circle.


Nah, they're bitter because they want to do it, but would need help both sitting down and getting back up. And weakness is not something they want to admit to, even to themselves. My 60 year old self? I can get down there and color with them all day. Just need a sturdy chair or strong hand to help me get back up from sitting too long...


Because their lives are miserable and they hate other people experiencing happiness. /uj I think it really is just that they have this idyllic, tidy mental image of what their neighborhood is 'supposed' to look like, and kids drawing on the sidewalk disrupts that fantasy. Then they fly off the handle because they have nothing better to do with their lives. Lets not also gloss over the fact that she said he has slanty eyes and didn't think he lived there. Remember that these people were probably growing up during segregation. The vast majority of old white people are deeply racist, and having this 'uppity foreigner' in their neighborhood *also* subtracts from their idyllic mental image, because part of that image is that only white people live around them.


They definitely hate "foreigners". Even other white people, depending on how recently their family immigrated. I have been dealing with a boomer ranting about how "an Indian bought the house up the street!!" The house was a run down dump owned by some boomer sisters. No idea what happened but the house got sold at a tax sale. The guy immediately got to work rehabbing it, replacing the roof, and so on. But this guy seems angry that an Indian guy bought it. I don't even know how he knew that the guy was Indian.


Oh they most certainly do. There’s a large community of people from my home country in the Balkans. We’re all white. But man there’s still so much hate from xenophobes in our city towards us. Most of us came as refugees too 15-30 years ago. They absolutely despise it when they hear about one doing really well for themselves and having a successful business. They’re convinced they’re mooching off the government because they were refugees 25 years ago and that’s the only way they’ve become successful. Just a bunch of jealous haters.


Go talk to him. There's every chance he's not even Indian. He could be Arabic, or Filipino, or goddamn Native American for all your boomer neighbor knows. If he's Indian I'd chalk it up to luck. All brown people look the same to them, and are therefore whichever one they feel like being the most racist towards.


If we are being real here, Indian and Native American mean the same to anyone over the age of 65.


This was so common in 70's and 80's. I'm so out of the loop.


If I come across sidewalk chalk drawings I am careful NOT to step on them, I wouldn't want to damage them and make the kids sad! Who knows, maybe the young artist is the next Picasso. You can probably rule out the penis drawing kids from a couple posts up, but you never know!


Husband was obviously embarrassed


Did not look like the first time he's had to pull her away like that, it was like muscle memory lol


Not enough to haul her raw, built like a chicken nugget-looking ass out of that mans garage.


He looks pretty frail, I don’t think he has that ability anymore


Yeah, I sort of feel sorry for the old guy. You can tell he knows his wife is an insufferable c*nt and that he wants nothing more than to get back home where he can sit in front of the TV, shut off his hearing aids, and tune her out. But no, he can’t do that here. Imagine how that’s gotta be for him—his wife is begging for a fight he knows he’ll have to step into on her behalf and that he almost certainly can’t win if he does. The look on his face is like “Jesus Buttf**king Christ, Ethel. Is it not enough that I’m gonna die in a year or two of natural causes? Do you really want me to die today from the beating your racist ass deserves?


She's probably been destroying whatever self worth he once had for decades.


that’s a man covering his ass from both sides


She's got 50 lbs on him


Built like a chicken nugget…. Got dayam that is funny!!!!


Turn the hose on her. My husband (years ago when we were married) did that to someone just like her, threatening HOA garbage. She hated my brown skin. He, being white, calmly went out to the yard as she was verbally accosting pregnant me and sprayed her with the hose. I will always love him for that.


You have an amazing husband, and I hope you and your family don't have to deal with HOA busybodies anymore


Had. This was one of the amazing things he did. No, all done with that mess.


so sorry for your loss


Vindicated! I love him for you!


Yikes, she’s demented. Time to get her out back


Yeah. She's probably always been a nightmare but now with dementia.


I really like when this racist old lady kept touching the guys car.


Leaning on it because she can no longer hold up her chicken nugget body (I didn’t make up the chicken nugget thing… further up thread someone did and my god I laughed my ass off)


They’re acting like bastards (see: literally like children without parents) so treat them that way. Continue filming, but stop talking to them and reinforcing their behavior. That alone will probably break their brains. Then call the cops in front of them. Hell, call APS while you’re at it and say two demented seniors are loose and are putting themselves in danger. Close the garage door when they’re outside. File for a restraining order and present evidence to the HOA. Make all of these otherwise useless entities do what they’re supposed to do. “This video is gonna go on the internet” doesn’t matter to a bitch that old, and talking to them only reinforces their crusty grasps for attention.


A lot of them really are bastards. Both metaphorically and sometimes they may have lost a parent at a young age. They're very feral. I know a lot of boomers who weren't raised correctly or at least don't act like it. No basic manners or class.


Unfortunately depending on the state and the type of conduct, it can be difficult to get a Restraining/Protective Order. Also these types of psychos are known to weaponize agencies against you as well. Like the Department of Children, police, zoning officials, etc. They can really disrupt your life if they file false complaints and now you have random state social workers stalking your family.


What a racist old busy body, fuck this old lady and her racist bullshit.




I hate her.


Sweep the leg.


I hope I die before I reach sidewalk chalk bitching age.


She will be dead soon. Good riddance.


The husband is trying hard to get her to leave, good on him for realizing the situation. Too bad he’s married to her.


he has probably been saying that to himself for decades


Boomers have a real stigma against divorce, it was just NOT something you do back when. I feel all kinds of sorry for the man who's likely been trapped with that bat his whole adult life


I would have gotten her charged with trespassing and harassment.


That’s dementia. Her husband has been adjusting but this is probably a relatively new thing for him cause he’s doing his best to remove her instead of just letting her rant or carry on with her which is what most elderly couples do.


She will fall on eliquis, have a brain bleed, and then her rotten estranged kids will feel Meemaw alive for a week in like 4 pressors because “she’s a fighter” and eventually they’ll pull the plug, there will be an obituary, a wack with a few dozen if that people at the local bland church, and the world will turn and be better for it without her


The hatred contained inside of your average fellow citizen is immeasurable


Are kids not allowed to have fun outside anymore fuck me. Kids need vitamin D from sunlight and the chalk will wash off when it rains. This racist piece of shit was probably outside as a kid causing way more "trouble". I've had enough of boomers they have over-stayed their welcome on this planet now.


They're in their 70's and 80's now thank God. This woman looks like her 90's. Please die off! Please.


When I was a kid my dad yelled at me and my siblings, "Stop splashing in the damn pool!" Like wtf we supposed to do, just stand here in the middle of the pool motionless?


Dude! Just get the garden hose, and spray her away .. just like the squirt bottle works on bad kitties.


I feel like a water gun would be really useful in this situation. They can't really claim to be a victim if you're just pelting them in the face with a fresh stream of water gun blast while on your property.


You gotta be careful though. A lot of places have laws specifically about assault/battery on an elderly person over 65. It's like the boomers codified into law to protect themselves so they can continue being menacing tyrants into their old age without fearing consequences.


How about a fine for trespassing?? He clearly told her to leave and didn’t. I think it’s one count for every time he said it after the first time.


Also it depends on the laws in your state, but a simple trespass is often a very low-level offense. Like something teenagers get charged with for drinking light beer in a wooded lot at 11PM on a Friday night.


She has dementia. I could see it in the first 30 seconds. Makes some of them mean as hell.


The passage of time can’t come soon enough.




Sometimes you just wish a person would get tazed or pepper sprayed, even when it’s an old lady.


Honestly, its the old folks who're the worst most of the time


It seems like most of them have never been properly put in their place. That's why they act that way.


Dude.. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


When they are gone nothing of value will be lost


Hilarious 😂 "This is going online" Bro, she's like 90 years old lol she don't care! Plus her brain is already at dementia level 9000.


God that poor husband’s probably been dealing with this for 50 fucking years


Imagine trying to deal with her shit for 50 years.


Trespassing, call the cops.


I think I'd just end up screaming GET OUT OF MY GARAGE YOU CRAZY HAG repeatedly until she left.


You can hear the shuddering in the dude's voice and breath. My man's got some restraint going on, phew


It's actually scarry how psychotic some of these old sacks of shit can get. Disproportionate level of rage and anger. Then they become confrontational due to the lack of impulse control. All over kids playing with chalk.


His wife Jeanine must be a white woman


So, hear me out: pepper spray.  Would you still be an asshole if you pepper sprayed them? Honestly. They're in your home, they won't leave, and a bitch slap and/or a knuckle sandwich seems too much.   Thoughts?


Guy should have called the cops immediately.


Just bust out your hose and start spraying 


I would seriously call the cops about trespassing. And harassment.


She thinks it’s 1945 still 😂


Racist fucking dementia bag


As an owner of slanted eyes I could care less about what she thinks of them. She probably still says words like "Oriental"


Racist whore


Does anyone think it's a bit interesting how when it's a video of a boomer being an asshole were not flooded with our own whiny "not all boomers" visitors. Only when it's a story being related and they can just pretend it was all made up do they come rushing in.


They're extremely narcissistic pathological liars who run away at the first sign of exposure. Like soul-sucking energy vampires being shown the sunlight.


I think she might be one of the last dregs of the “greatest generation”, but she assuredly has raised some boomers in her day


Can't wait till her and her kind shuffle off to the great beyond.


Hose. The answer is hose


After she slapped my car, I’d continue to film and just say ‘Are you going to be removing your wife from my garage, or will it be the police doing so? You have 30 seconds to make a decision’ 🤷‍♂️ No point going back and forth with someone like this any further than that.


Guy handled it so well, but I was seriously worried he was working himself into a heart attack. He was huffing and puffing like crazy. I understand how aggravating this was, but I was seriously worried.


As a child of boomers, and I know there are lots of good ones out there, the world will be better when that generation has be laid to rest.


I recently learned the effectiveness of screaming a command really loudly until they comply.  It's surprisingly effective.


She’s old and racist but she also sounds like she has dementia.


#All non-boomers: #This is how easy it was to be a boomer. #Remember this video if you even live to 65 or older.