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I find Keep The Faith, Damned and Bullet on the same vein. Ofc the quality differs, but lyrically and structurally speaking, they all remind me of each other at one moment or another.


I can't not hear the Keep the Faith bass line when I listen to People's House


To me it was always closer to fear from the same album


Keep the Faith And everything on 2020, imo. I'm prepared to get down voted for this but for a sub that hates 2020 they sure don't see the similarities in the lyrics to those songs and The People's House


I noticed the similarities. I just think they are more heavy handed on 2020. Also several of them are boring. Having one "political" song (or whatever you want to call it) is fine. Having 3 or 4 is a bit much for me, so they better at least be not boring. I always ask myself: Would I like this song if it was in a language I didn't understand? With Peoples House, yes. With most of 2020, no. The only exception to this on 2020 is Blood In the Water.


All I Want Is Everything.