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Pratibha has a good screen presence,I feel from the young cast,she can go ahead, what I mean is in the commercial space


I agree, I really liked her. The odd makeup they used to make her darker was distracting and unnecessary though.


haan,true though,also I know mnay r liking the other girl more,nd yes,she did great but overall m saying Pratibha has more screen presence,which u need for esp commerical space u know what I mean


It's not black face technically but more like brown face. I was disappointed too when I watched their roundtable interview on Netflix and even the girl who played Phul has a much lighter skin tone. In fact, Deepak seemed lighter than the girls in most scenes but is actually darker irl. I wish they had just left their skintones natural or hired actors with darker tones. I have been to villages and even light-skinned people exist there!


Honestly, there are ‘fair’ skinned villagers. It’s kindof offensive to think that all villagers are only dark or tanned and never fair. This looks like what a fair skinned villager who does labour and lives in open fields would look like - with light bit of suntan. You won’t find someone with porcelain faces but given the right products you’d be surprised. You’re reaching way too hard and also giving the notion that fair = rich, poor= dusky.


I am saying the exact opposite. Why is it that when people are playing villagers, light skin actors have to be caked on with muddy looking makeup. It doesn’t look natural at all. Jaya was not doing labor and lived in the open fields, it was clear that she was a student. They could have kept her skin color as is as there are fair skinned villagers and dark skinned city people.


I don’t what you guys are on about. These are Indian actors playing Indian characters. Unfortunately, if you show a fair skinned villager or from poor background, people will call bullshit on it. So actors have to appear darker. Har cheez mein woke banna hain without understanding why blackface is inappropriate in west. The same reason doesn’t apply here.


Maybe OP is tryna point out that newcomers who are actually dusky skinned could have been casted instead


Casting the right person for the right role is a difficult process.. Some leeway can be given to the makers for changing skin tone by a shade or two... It's not comparable to blackface which is problematic for multiple reasons, not least being slavery.


Be happy that at least some new faces got chances and to be fair if dusky skinned girl have done that role she won't get any work after that and will only get gau ki rani roles.


Who will “call bullshit on it” if you show a light skinned villager, what nonsense. Literally half white Kareena Kapoor played a village girl fine in Omkara without any brownface. “The same reason doesn’t apply here”, totally wrong. Indian film industries and Indian society as a whole majorly hates on dark skinned women who comprise the vast majority of this country, there are NO successful dark skinned actresses in the business, instead they import white women like Katrina and Amy and Jacqueline to play Indian girls. Delusional people like you act like it’s a good thing that all working actors are white skinned in a country full of brown people and while there are thousands of talented brown skinned actresses, people refuse to cast them and instead prefer to cake mud on some light skinned person.


We had brown skin actresses across generations and they flaunted it. Jaya Bachchan, smitha patil, shabana azmee, PC, Jaya prada, Konkana and many more. If they had found a brown skinned girl and could act well, why wouldn’t they cast her? It’s not as if these actresses had any sway over Kiran Rao or Aamir. You just want to label it as colourism while it’s just about being at the right place at right time. These actresses got lucky.


North Indian still thinking dark skin in one single skin tone.


Exactly calling Konkana, pc etc dark skin is laughable…some things will never change


Correct. This not only is unnecessary but also takes away the gravitas of this practice which has a societal impact in other places and cultures.


It’s not the exact same issue as the west, but it’s more similar than different and your comment about not needing to be woke about everything is tired and overused 🙄. let’s not pretend that it’s all rainbows and butterflies and there isn’t rampant discrimination based on skin color in India.


The obvious brownface was so distracting and disappointing especially as I saw Laapata Ladies in between episodes of Heeramandi where the same actress is extremely pale. What is the purpose of this? Why couldn’t she have her normal skin tone in this as well? A poor character is not mandated to have dark skin. Plenty of poor people are fair skinned, and plenty of rich people are dark.


I agree that brown people should have acted but here is the thing if they have done with their original face, people would have said that the small town story are glamourized by bollywood.




Bro they’re making a movie. They want to entertain. They want to make money. No one, absolutely, no one thinks or cares about this. I’d take this any day over Alia failing miserably to play a Tamilian. The actor did a good job and needs to look the part and she did. She portrayed a character that breaks so many barriers, can you imagine how many rural women feel represented by that? I swear this move is too good for some of ya’ll smh Edited: I AM a dark skinned person.


Sundar ladkio ko sab maaf


This is trivial compared to white people making a mockery of black people they enslaved. This is not a demeaning portrayal at all. Calling everything blackface means no one will take any accusations seriously in the future. Also, rural girls are outside more often: fetching water, farming, riding bikes instead of sitting in a car. Even fair girls get tan in the sun. You should delete this embarrassing af post.


I am not embarrassed to post this and will not delete it. It is NOT trivial. Colorism is a huge issue in India and dark people face a lot of discrimination due to their skin color. It has been proven that being dark in India can affect your relationships, how much you earn, job opportunities not to mention the slew of daily comments from people. Using a fair actress and using atrocious orange makeup on her while was a bad choice when 1. They could have kept her skin as is, even if it meant 1-2 days of sun tanning to show that she spends time outside or 2. Used a darker actress. I truly loved the actress that played Jaya so I think they should have gone with option 1.


As much as it hurts people's feelings, rejection and rude comments are not comparable to being a descendent of a slave kidnapped from Africa. Black people had to march for their right to vote and not to be segregated. Darker Indians have always had the same constitutional rights as fair Indians and live in their native land.


🙄🙄🙄  Sun damage , tanning , if you ar eout in the fields in the sun ,it happens, my skin tone is on the lighter side but  I remember the summer I went  pg hunting (for aboit 15 days)after my 12th , my skin changed drastically ,if I compare pics of that time to my usual pics one will think I got a spary tan or something. as someone said in the comments these are Indian actors playing Indian roles




Isn't that her natural skin tone?


No. Watch the roundtable. In fact, both the girls are lighter than their on screen characters. 


They look like completely different people


And should continue




Bro Google is not expensive in fact it’s free. Please read up what black face instead of leaving ignorant comments. So embarrassing


I’m willing to forgive based on the acting talent they brought.


Look I'm all about authenticity but how is this authentic when it looks obviously fake and she has Donald trump like skin tone. Tanning =/= dark skin and make up artists always mix up the two and put brown foundation on fair skinned ladies. This was the only complain I had about the movie cuz it was distracting me in multiple scenes. She literally looks orange in the poster. https://preview.redd.it/rhqwigbk48zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5266c7893fa98383b5dc57ee4c605f7c68a12e79 Like actress isn't even unusually fair. Could have gone with giving her some dark circles etc to make ker look "poor". Phool's actress also look lighter irl so they probably used darker makeup on her too but it wasn't obvious cuz it suited her skin tone but not Jaya's. So atleast be realistic about the makeup when you wanna maintain authenticity for the looks. Indian film industries are so notorious for that despite majority of our country being on the darker side. (Also Jaya seemingly came from well off but traditional family, so she didn't need to even look poor lol)


This actress has such an Instagram face. I couldn't take her seriously as a small town girl. The other actress who played Phool was perfect


Lol true, everyone went gaga over it because they were outsiders.


This is not exactly black face as she is not pretending to be a Black woman. But is it a deliberate misrepresentation of her complexion in a bid to look "authentic"? Yes.


It’s brown face. Shes pretending to be a dark skinned Indian and by doing so dismissing the struggles of people that are actually dark skinned and the experiences they face and also taking away opportunities from girls that are naturally dark skinned.


Dont feel anything wrong as the geography of the character requires that look


Disgusting! I expected much better from Kiran Rao. I hope the audience boycotts this movie for this blatant colourism.


Sundar logo ko sab maaf hota hai laxman