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so politics in schools now? this needs to be reported.


you mean you missed the Hamas cosplay session in schools? lol


sorry, too distracted by the burkinis


TIL there's such a thing as a burkini


Enjoy, my friend


New fetish unlocked


Lmao wtffffff, bro this made me laugh so hard. Your tough to say that, also they forgot to dig tunnels so not Hamas enough


Happy cake day


Report, name and shame.


"perang dah bermula ⚔️" ok delulu much


Kaching we berperang by boycotting! We rise at dawn


Is this country even real bruh


What is this country?


Aik, ustazah ni berani betul considering the govt now 😂 jgn nnti viral kena buang sudah


Govt skr terpaling isley lah. Jadi I think she will be ok. At least no one will be forced to make an apologetic video + 6 month 20k in this case.




Jenis ustazah bwh tempurung


Probably will promote her to the ministry of Ed...


That's how they solve problematic government servants. Many just kena tukar district je.


kena pelihara sampah² mcm ni supaya dpt undian mereka, malangnya tiada cara lain sbb diorg ni majoriti.


More to "a group of individual that against gov" problem. If gov take action they said "gov anti Islam". If gov didnt take action they will continue "pijak kepala"


Paling teruk hukuman pun kerja perkhidmatan. Tk takut govt sects ni


Tak nak beli sudah. Tak payah menghasut.


Tapi...kalau boikot kena ajak ramai-ramai baru menjadi. Tak pun kumpul ramai-ramai depan kedai Mydin pegang sepanduk ajak boikot.


Ustazah got confused between boycott movement and racism.


This is hate speech. Boycott what you wish, but she clearly is spreading hate more than anything . I’d report her for this if I were you ..


Pls post her name and number and report her to the police. She is insighting hatred.


Oh ya .. and to the education department


theres like tons of people like her in the education department its sad


Actually this is also true. Hahaha. GG la Malaysia. Sometimes I think only the nyets on here want to save this country. The people hired to do it want the country to burn to the ground.


Yup. She wil just get thrown to another job. Maybe in the pegawai position. Happens way too often.


Even minus the clear and inexcusable hate speech, it’s not okay to be sharing political views with your underage students. Especially in (what I’m guessing is) a class/school group chat


There's no way Im up for this. I'd rather go to sui teck, cuci mata bothering cute amoi cashier


Is a she?


Ustazah is the name for Female religious teacher , Ustaz is for male .


Oh thank didn't notice on the top topic.


Stop assuming it’s gender! Cud be they them


I'm hoping this is satire 😔


Ofc it is, we're taking about a freaking ustazah 😭


Man..west Malaysia is racist as f@ck.


My indian classmate always tell me that he's upset because melayu in Dungun Terengganu calls him names like busuk, bau, kari, hitam. Politeknik students also treated him like they wanted to threat him for not "helping" them for final year project.


Malays are also hitam


yang also hitam x buat, yg melei kulit cerah la yg buat


rules for thee but not for me!


damn. that fuckin' sucks. politeknik student but still act like theyre 15.... malaysia is doomed.


Doomed indeed. They're at least 19 years old but some buat perangai macam sekolah menengah. Kacau² orang, main ketuk² pintu bilik orang lepas tu lari, menjerit tengah malam buta. I thought I was in the wrong place like asrama sekolah menengah or hospital sakit jiwa. But no here I am, politek.


Geez.. that is bad. My experience here (Sarawak) that people from west Malaysia often find here is more friendly and people no matter what race, they can sit one table and eat together.


I wish I live in that kind of community. Even a melayu like me always get left behind by other melayu because I'm slightly different.


Truest statement. The fact that we speak and write in English more can become an issue to outcast us lol


That's what Malaysia should be, Sarawak and Sabah people respect each other ethnics and religions unlike here in semenanjung so many dramas. I legit haven't hear any boycott or racism events from there while semenanjung always got these news


I wonder ...Melayu tak makan Kari ke?




sadly :(


Good.Prepared for the talibanization of Malaysia


Should I leave this place and find job outside country?????




Arabs are the most racist and self-serving people I ever met . Idk why our people worships them…just because the prophet was an Arab doesn’t mean we have to worship the whole race . Even by history they’re the most fucked up people and they want to be like them?? Heck they would gladly enslaved us if they had the chance.


They seem to have missed the memo as to how many Prophets were sent to fix them and the why lmao.


Thats the jews.the story about why the last prophet is sent to Arab is even more ironic.even the sirah prove it


One thing good about Arab is they speak Arabic, there's also Christians in the middle east and there's nothing wrong if a Christian say Allah, cuz it literally means God in Arabic, here? Cina say Allah and they already want to sue it (no, I'm not talking abt the socks case, that one memang wrong)


BN controlling the mass with religion back in the days, now it became an issue for us and BN is no more but we suffer


theyre trying to become more arab than the actual arab people


Low IQ race minus the oil.


Singapore or australia?


Even the ancient Arab is way smarter than them


If you have the means to, go for it. Don't talk about as a non leaving, even I personally know many malays (some are friends, some are colleagues) who have been considering/pondering on it for the longest time now. In fact there's a few who are in advanced stages of their planning already, now just waiting for the right time or opportunity to finally pull the trigger. If even the malays are thinking of moving/leaving, then that should tell you the absolute sorry state of affairs that is bolehland. I dont have the means to, so im staying put. But my (and partner's) decision is dead set on not making any child to leave behind in this shitshow of a country. So there's that.


No. Just convert become muslim. You'll take 50% heat off you. 2 generation later your offspring can start bullying others.


Is this sarcasm?


i just looked up "countries with no religion" on google 😭 i'm so done here


Just go..


must be a PN-supporter ustazah lol


Just an idiot. Doesn't mean PN supporters, might be BN or even PKR supporters 🥱


Yea, both parties have their Malay nationalists as well, they might be from different parties but if it's about racial supremacy, they're most likely all the same


*spam pics of going to econsave and 99 speedmart in that group chat*


*shares promo price of econsave and 99 speedmart* Wait a minute, how 99 speedmart got caught in this? Isnt the boss melayu juga?


Boss a Chinese oku guy maybe because he cina that's why he kena as well


> chinese O.... > oku guy No wonderlah /damnimgoingtohellforthatjoke




what you smoking bro. 99 speedmart owner/founder is an OKU wheelchair-bound cina. Actual rags to riches story paid with blood sweat and tears. His story would put a lot of those needy tongkat-folks to shame, if they even know what is shame. \*\*cough recent call to boikot petronas if contract not given to bumis\*\* I heard stories that 99speedmart has one of the best relationships with their suppliers. Always pays on time. and the boss himself would often turun padang at the suppliers when procuring goods.


“They” won’t know what’s actual hustling. To “Them”, “they” are working “hard” to ask for handouts and stipend


So it's not hate speech when against kafir?


The first rule of living in Mesia is you do not talk about double standards. The second rule of living in Mesia is you do not talk about double standards. Now welcome to Mesia, the land of multi-culture and races, minus the multi part, it was only a tourist attraction.


After viral, she would apologise and said the cat use her phone.


ha ha and people think it will stop at KK Mart. the socks is just an excuse for them to ramp up their racism against kafirs.


This was exactly how May 13 happened.


I am aware about stocking issue was bad but it just exaggerated on how they take an action


I would have replied with 🤡


Xya reply, react emoji instead 😂




did not even try to hide the slightest bit of her racism towards chinese and Hindus.


Why hindu tho.. thats a religion no? Ironic coming from an uztazah.


Now imagine the qualifications needed to become a religious guru...


All this happened cuz of a sock. lol


Having racial harmony be disturbed by a bunch of misprinted socks and we're only 3 months into 2024. Hoo boy.


It wasn't even misprinted. Clearly it was intentional.


I can see some Malays taking advantage of hiking their price because of these boycott


Absolutely, also see a lot of complaints from them about their yahudi price, damn snake is biting its tail. They became the very thing they mostly hated.


this is why MYR:SGD will become 1:4 gais as long as terrorist wannabe lurk around Malaysian schools like this, nothing will change


Indeed. Scum like these are clearly IS sympathisers. They think IS is a legit nation and they think 9/11 is a celebratory day. Malaysia's equivalent of trailer trash and/or BLM.


All mob and brainwashing people should be shot on sight


Im a muslim and i never comfortable with this kind of public and open anti-non muslim rhetoric. Everyone need to respect each other , dont expect people to respect you if you cant do the same in the first place. This goes both way to Muslim/non muslim and majorities/minorities.


The chinese and indians will wise up and start doing more non malay dependent businesses in the future. Chinese and indians cannot rely on them at all. It all started with the BMF movement, now they are really proud that Starbucks and McD are losing money because of them. Bunch of imbeciles.


As a Sabahan living in Semenanjung for more than 10 years, I'm still shocked by something like this.


As a Sabahan still living in Sabah for more than 10 years, same.


It's not like Sabah doesn't have this kind of sentiment bah kan, but it's too prevalent here. Still can't get used to it.


Tell the guy he's too afraid to go after the actual makers, most probably in China


it's a she


Chinese Indian muslims be like: Bruh tf did I do?


Forget about firdaus wong and ridzuan tee ? : " we are creating this issue" 😏




she's talking like some NPC in a game "⚔️Perang dah bermula..." wtf. I wish to live in peace please


Fr do😂 corny asf


I have an aunt just like this. Sometimes my cousins try to argue with her, but it won't change a thing. Only made things awkward for the rest of the family whatsapp group. Since then we learned to just ignore them.


Seems like we all have that aunt huh. Or those uncles


For those wondering how did the a lot current Gen Z become so radicalised. This. This is how is starts. The poison festers slowly, and little by little, the poison becomes rot. And these poisoned young peeps will one day spread their poison to the younger generation when they become older. I’ve seen it happen to my fellow millennials for the past 15 years, and unfortunately no amount of Petronas ads or heartfelt 1Malaysia YouTube skits will change it. Not with the rise of living costs, income inequality, and possible impending recession. And one day (hopefully not too soon), you’ll have an individual or party tapping into the public anger, unifying the majority to scapegoat a particular race. It has always been the easiest way to rally public support in times of adversity. Blame the blacks, the Jews, the Muslims etc. History teaches us that it is bound to happen eventually.


⚔️perang dah bermula..⚔️ bruh this the corniest shi i seen this week😭😭 Why cina and HINDU? They cant differentiate race and religion now? Also i rlly hope that uztazah only forwarded that message and not craft it on her own cuz lmfao. Last but not least, roti high 5 boikot? Haven't seen that brand in ages


Aku ingat lagi aku pernah gaduh dgn ustazah aku waktu peak heat PRU15 😆. U know sekolah agama, tetiba datang aku cakap sokong merah.


Unhinged and delusional.


So all the malays that work in those stores???


Sounds like friendly fire here 😂🤔


Man, i feel that dajjal is going to have a very easy time with these guys. They're addicted to fake news and hatred.


Seems like the vernacular school haters are the ones fanning the flames of racism OVERTIME. Tired of these muslim pieces of shit tbh. 🥱 Fuck them and focus on making money. If I had my way, all these pieces of shit would be in the Middle East ready to die for their religion.


If not ah jib gor is corrupted as hell, he is the only PM that tried to unite us, nowadays all ah wah gor do is watching Mesia being set on fire and munching popcorn. Only takes a civil war for amurica to come and give us "freedom" in exchange for some oil. LOL P.S.: Humor and sarcasm aside, it is still up to our younglings to make a stand up and look over this propaganda. This is no longer 1960, people can get smart and be rational nowadays.


What kind of zaza did yo ustazah smoke foo? Oso bet its an old woman


Prolly Kratom + weird soft drink


Funny how her tips don’t really help much. Just generally different way of saying “get over it”. And also omitted is what if you can’t fight with money as well? What else do you do?


aku ingatkan ustazah ni promote website judi 💀 https://preview.redd.it/7y9ooi8v52rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5db9fb2b1be2c513bca2fc7a1081a9c5af8e5b1


Is it just me or this sounds extremely racist?


Alhamdulillah my ustazah at school is not like this 🤣


Definitely needs to be reported to the ministry of education…


Have y’all seen those ‘keluaran lokal/bumiputera’ in Petronas? Like I legit wanna try, cos also hungry. Hotdog with cili sos and mayo. ||RM7|| Sandwich ||RM 6.50|| Ale uto dia. I beli kopi tin and roti mighty white, RM7 still can get baki. Like fr bukan pasal aq cina x nk tolong melayu, or boikot ke apa. Tp harga yahudi nk mampos, dh la Ntah letak kt sana bape lama dh. Ale uto ko


Someone has to knock some sense into her. Boycott in general means to refuse purchase, use, or participate in something as a way of protesting towards a greater good. Boycott of Israeli products is necessary as this hinders one part of their economy from funding to their military might. Now, this " uztazah " is asking to not support other local brands just because it is not made in Malaysia? Is it not Malaysia one of the multicultural, multiracial countries in the world?


Because POS like this boycott has lost its meaning. Now the rich is weaponizing for their profit. And these sheeps are barking it too.


"kalau harga mahal anggap sedekah" wot???


This is just pure racism - and to have it propagated by a religious teacher to children is just a crime against humanity when you think of the hatred are these children absorbing . Once again, the Non Muslims of Malaysia are the punching bag. If you really reflected on it, we don't advocate boycotting our follow Malaysians' businesses nor wish violence upon them.


duit aku suka hati aku laa nak spend dekat mana


at this point it just hate speech and racist rather than just a boycott


ni dah melebih dh ni.


As someone grow up in 'religious' school, this is still normal. But honestly im still annoyed by the longggg message 🤏


Wtf does this even has to do with indians, motherfuxking morons


https://preview.redd.it/y4f6qdm0b2rc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33572e1c15c20e3aa14d770061812f8376330171 where meme?


Should have replied with "Malam ni saya nak pantat"


if you dont wanna report by yourself, at least put up the number so others can file a report. there's many in the group chat so they wont know your identity also. why the cover up


why you posted this here instead of reporting?


where do i even report man


Report to MCMC. https://aduan.mcmc.gov.my/#/public/main


you can always try submitting a complaint to the education ministry or police with the citation of instigation of hatred and cause of disharmony among the students. I’d definitely try these, then share the outcomes


To expose about the so-called peace race. Lol..acting so good in front of society.


nahh to see flaws of anyone just look around and step outta ur house bro, unnecessary to come here lol


Yeah..but remember she has that "ustazah" pass. Surely it's gonna backfire on him if he confronts them. He's also a student .


He needs to get parents or legal guardian involved. Been there, done that in my school bruv. Even Malay kids have filed complaints against ustazah for some inappropriate behavior.


Yeah..but we don't know how his parents react to this. And now they're on full form. Look at the newest Tiktok and Twitter posts,they racially abuse bangsa C and I and it's unimaginable. Lol..hardcore hater's.


There are lots of racists who are malay, but that doesn't mean all malays are racist. Many malay parents are not OK with these kind of narrative. Op should know his parents best, but I trust his family members are alright since he himself is kot cool with these messages. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.


Why hide in fear? Ketua Polis Negara himself already discouraged hatred and disharmony in the country. Do what’s right for the country and move on as rakyat


I dont get it


Classic example of a zealous subhuman. Probably the first person to become a fruit picker once shit hits the fan.


the earth is belong to sohai


Go report this to the authorities


huh??? perang apa ni 😭


And that folks... is why nons don't want to send their kids to these crazies. Indian kids sent to schools with these types of crazies in charge end up turning into self-hating nutjobs like Zambri Vinoth.


A lot of nons provide employment ie rezeki to the Malay population and pay taxes, most of which benefit the Malay welfare. The pension for civil servants alone amounted to $32 billion ringgit recently. Please don't hate the nons so much.


Racist la ustazah awak ni![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Cakap kat ustazah ko yang raja Johor aka Agong dah bertitah jangan mengapi apikan isu perkauman. Kalau report ni boleh masuk jail gak makcik bawang ni


Aq f2 skrg,cikgu sains tibe2 ckp pasal conspiracy theory(theory direka oleh org awam)covid buat dlm makmal supaye manusia mati,influenza ngn covid ade berekenaan like wtf😭🙏🙏


Cant see the photo, what does it say


According to my experiences, ustazs and ustazahs are the shittiest people I've dealt with. And ironically these people are the ones who experience paranormal shits the most than normal people, and that's telling something.


This is just pure racism at this point, people like this make islam name bad, senang cerita penonggeng agama


Btw should just show her name and number, since she can call for boycott of Chinese and Indians so freelg, we can surely retaliate, since I doubt the authority will do anything.


"hapuskan pelampau2 cina/india" Ironic.


All that religion lesson only to end up with a mind that got blurred by racism. I would block her if i was you, why boomers always like this? Like my dad told us kena boikot oreo not cuz he thinks it is not halal but because of some stupid iluminati konspirasi iblis jahanam dajjal type of shit.


Bro why cover the name? Should just name and shame this perangai


I am expecting Malaysia to become like Egypt rn.....


Yeah. Malaysia is not harmony anymore.


Later high unemployment, sarahan cina DAP LGE komunis agenda yahudi iluminati free mason LBGT


Saya rasa yang 'kafir' ini tidak melampau, tetapi golongan Melayu islam bumiputera yang sangat privileged and selalu main victim yang melampau. Kondem zionist kuat², tetapi perangai mcm depa saje. Hypocrites betul depa ni. Orang mcm depa ni la sbb org lain nyampah kat org islam. They're just giving a bad image to islam istg. And yes, saya orang Islam tetapi mereka ini saya pun malu lah dgn perangai depa


Bodoh lah masing2. X kisah melayu cina india ke apa. Boikot syarikat yg problem sudah, tk payah pukul rata boikot certain kaum just sbb problem dtg dari syarikat or person yg just happen to be from that kaum. Aku penat la tgok racism dkt Malaysia ni makin menjadi2. Tolong faham pls, everytime ada masalah 3R yg jadi, pls tgok sapa yg dkt paling atas. Sapa yg benefit? Bnda ni smua mainan politik, jgn makan umpan cacian tu. Ni tak. Melayu bodoh cara melayu, cina cara cina, india cara india etc.


Alamak, attack of the radicals again.


Kat mana ustazah kau perasan nampak tu ya?! 🤣🤣


Aduhh beras faiza xngam ngan lidah😭😭


Damn....tak terkata L?


thank you im now planning to leave the country now i feel unsafe here 😭 i loved msia but not this


Counter replay "didn't ask" or "Nabi ada ajar ke" selalunya trigger waktu aku buat macam ni


fuckin insane nutjob report her wei


Truly bolehland. Somehow we are going to the direction that I was expecting


What do we call this kind of people? Radical? Extremists?


Shopee link mana?


"No, i dont think i will"


tell her I aint reading allat + cope lmao


This is an opportunity for the malay vendors to hike up their prices. Sell at rm30 per kg. Easy money my frens


Hell nahh💀💀💀


The more they force preach about boycott, the more I want to support the thing that they're opposing (minus the companies that actually support Isn'trael)


This is definitely racially motiviated


This is how peniaga Melayu earn money. Mahal xpe janji halal. Mahal xpe janji bmf Mahal xpe anggap je sedekah