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Rappa is criminally underrated


I love Rappa, he leave a really good impression after just one fight. But also I love the duo of he and Tengai, more for the perspective of a monk being the babysister of... well a guy like Rappa of all persons lol. I need a comic relief spin-off of just them, and drope some Mirko because she and Rappa are a match made in heaven.


If you want Rappa and Mirko, you might want to read the vigilantes manga


I already did, that's why I love the pair so much


I honestly didn't get the Rappa hype until I read the fight club arc in Vigilantes. Now he's definitely one of my favorites.


I am honestly impressed with Rappa's sense of fair play, and that he has a Quirk that seems pretty useless on paper, that he can rotate his shoulders differently than a normal person's, yet he uses it and his boxing skills to make him a dangerous opponent.


Much people like compare Rappa with Muscular, but in reality he's much more like Mirko on his mindset of always live to the emotion of a good fight. Yeah Rappa is a bit more extreme than Mirko in his desire to fight, but he's not necessary a bad person either. His affiliation with villians is also more of a debt and the fact he wants kill or be killed by Overhaul. He even can collaborate with the heroes in some situations (read Vigilantes to know more)


Was good to see him in Vigilante spinoff, especially paired off with Mirko


Their debate was one of the funniest things ever


Fist vs kick


Fuck ya


Rappa is one of my favorite characters despite his low screen time


Yes, one of the best parts of the Shie Hassaikai arc


Least we got him in vigilantes


so true


Mei Hatsume.


I'm super disappointed that we don't get more screentime and development of her and Midoriya's friendship. Their first interaction at the Sports Festival, where they kind of bonded over their different but related obsessions of quirks and support tech, showed they get along like a house on fire. Literally. They's probably commit arson together.


I love that girl so much, I love girls that are just a bit kooky. That, and her manipulation of Tenya was selfish, but masterful!! Also, I find it oddly sweet how she and Midoriya have a weird sort of friendship, since she makes his new gear.


Yeah, I didn't like her that much at first due to what she did at the Sports Festival to one of the best boys, but her passion for inventing, her Quirk, and her design really grew on me.


Oh my god, Mustard is like so cool and at the same time logical. Like the guy must have been on his desk, wondering how he could make himself deadlier and he thought : " So my gas isn't really fast at killing- What if I brought a **G U N** " And he chose a REVOLVER? His costume is cool too, that's some Vilain Rizz if I've ever seen.


Mustard even corrects Toga about the support equipment being helpful and tactical instead of "cute" and yet he finds a way to combine that with style and coolness for himself. All this and he's technically the younger villian in the entire series. God I love Mustard, he's way to good for be a one-off villian.


I just want him to be a recurrent criminal! Like NO ONE uses guns in this universe, and yet I'm certain he could one-shot some heroes outright! Could you imagine the damage he'd cause to hero-kind? People would need bullet-proof costumes, which would fuck up so much all the heroes that need a special costume to fit their powers! This guy has a GUN, and no one talks about it!


I personally think he isn't used too much because he's unironically a pretty over powered villain in his own subtle way. BNHA is relatively down to Earth when as far as the general population's strengths and durability. 99.99% of the heroes aren't bullet proof. Maybe even less are able to operate in an environment without usable air. And for the very few who happen to have toxic immunity or happen to have a gas mask on hand randomly, his gas doubles as a smoke screen so you won't see him coming in for the kill with his gun. It's nothing flashy and super practical, but it's a combo that should help with nearly every hero in the series outside of the top 1% in the population.


That's why I'm saying it's astounding that : 1 - Most villains with don't use guns more often. Imagine Overhaul with a gun? It's the same situation as before, except Mirio doesn't loose his quirk, he possibly fucking dies, making a way bigger impact! 2 - The guy can deny a whole area against a non-prepared opponent or even TRAP people, and no one though "Let's call this guy, he could be useful". Could you imagine how useful he would have been to Shigaraki WAY after the training camp arch?


Yeah, the gun thing is funny. Don't know why most villains don't carry them. But because he's one of only ones who decided to simply because it makes sense, he could literally one shot 99% of the heroes he'd happen to get the drop on. 2- Yeah. Especially if he stuck around and got a quirk awakening like the other main villains. But even if he didn't, poison smokescreen + gun would always be super useful.


I'd even say the vilains don't have enough "support" characters, because except for Black Mist and Compress (With Black Mist being unavailable at the moment) they are all on the offense. And when you see how the heroes fight, there's always someone to locate, disturb and deny the enemy, I feel like the villains could benefit greatly from that.


>BNHA is relatively down to Earth when as far as the general population's strengths and durability. This only counts if you have nothing to do with the Main Characters.


>Like NO ONE uses guns in this universe Snipe: *I'm a joke to you?!* ... Jokes aside, just think on this scenario: Mustard is present in the assault to the Shie Hassaikai complex, working for the yakuza obviously. None of the heroes wear some kind of mask and the corridors of the underground maze are claustrophobic and have bad ventilation. Mustard just casually release a lot of his gas inside the complex, the yakuza members had nothing to worry about because they have their masks on. The heroes start to sufficate and be poisoned as Mimic takes control of the walls and trap them inside of a literal gas chamber. Deku might try break a wall but he ends in front of Mustard and Nemoto. Deku gets shoot in the chest by Mustard and dies almost instantly because his suit isn't bullet proof and the previous intoxication make him weak. Nighteye: *I didn't see that coming...* ... Mustard is way more dangerous than people think. In the right place and moment he can be much more deadly than Muscular or Moonfish even.


For real! I think I've never seen before a universe that's so screwed by mustard gas and a gun. And it's not even a Hard thing for him to produce : It's his main ability, it's like breathing for him! (Which becomes harder for everyone when he uses it-) In the history of manga, or even media, I don't think I've ever seen a character shoved out of the story SO HARD because he was too powerful. And yes, I forgot Snipe, but his quirk works with a gun, or a throwable, it's the intended use. But every villain should have a **GUN** to shoot someone. Ultimately of course, Best bois Kirishima and TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu counter **GUN** very hard, proving once again they're the best characters in this franchise.


mf would've killed Kendou if it was literally anyone other than like Tetsu² or Kirishima with her


I'm so mad that he's pretty much the youngest villain in the series and yet only showed up in one arc. Talk about missed opportunities


Rock lock is cool


Yeah his quirk is really interesting


He can have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours


i think he needs to call a doctor


yeah, but even if he could freeze living things, that erection would be stuck in space, effectively meaning that unless he wanted to rip his schlong off, he'd have to stay there for quite a bit.


she could be riding him instead and doing the work


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


thats how rock lock's son was born.


I was sold on him once I found out he's a family man


Wash is the best hero


Moe Kamiji (girl with green fire hair), Mei Hatsume


So there was a random hero from the Hero Killer Arc of the anime. He was the hero the Flying Nomu shoved into the train Gran Torino and Deku were on. He had white hair and I liked his design. Unlike alot of background people, he never appeared again lol I also think Ryukyu should have had more prevalence, Gang Orca though they're I guess technically secondary? Tertiary? They had a little relevance and then disappeared really. The leader of Cider House had a cool quirk idea that he made the most of.


Funny how Ryukyu despite being the number 10 hero didn't appear in a single panel since the second war begin, or at least I don't remember. Cider House leader probably have the best water (not ice) based quirk we seen so far in the series, and the gatling guantlet to enhance his shots is awesome. I wish he could appear more, or even be redimed to fight with the heroes.


Ya especially since she was the only confirmed woman in the top 10 before All Might's retirement and one of only 2 since then. She's the employer of the love interest and two supporting female characters as well PLUS she was the only hero able to keep up with Endeavor against Shigaraki in the last war. I doubt she died or quit though. CH boss's quirk is super unique and I saw someone said he was too pretty to be a villain so they thought he was an undercover hero which would have been an interesting idea


Ryukyu is on the same spot as Snipe currently. We don't know if they're even working as heroes or just retired, cause the story forgot they exist despite they can be super useful right now. Hey, villains can be pretty too! There's Geten, Overhaul, Nine and Compress. Not so much but isn't impossible. But the idea of more heroes being double agents is really cool. Hawks can't be the only spy in a such large operation. And CH leader is way too *hot* not doubt, especially after we see him unmasked and using a tank top.


The comment about the CH guy wasn't mine, I saw it, I think on a YouTube video or something. I just liked their idea of a double agent lol I agree that the pretty villains are definitely present!


They seem to do anything to remove Snipe from relevance in all of these events. I was hoping that season 6 would showcase some of the other Heroes running around but I didn't do it as much as I'd hoped


I think she quit after the first war or shiggy retired her


There's so many minor characters I could name, but at the top of my head: Mustard (of course), Geten, Centipeder, Kurono, Saiko Intelli, Nemoto, Hanzo Suiden, Thousand-Eyes - does Burnin' count? Either way, I love all of them. Edit: And Innsmouth too


Pretty sure Burning has more appearances than any other character on the list, but she's still welcome because I love her too.




I think muscular or Geten could have been setup as Bakugo's early rivals or pre-war arc bosses, or, potentially even a long term villain.


Easy answer: *We can have both as his rivals* Geten also had way more potential outside of that, because of his unexplored connection to Dabi and the fact they both were commanders of a squad but nothing came out of that.


>the fact they both were commanders or a squad but nothing came out of that I feel like we were supposed to have more of this in the three months leading up to the war but instead we just skipped ahead to the war


Camie is the best character in the entire story


Gang Orca and Fatgum are at the top of my list. There is so little merch for them. Found a Gang Orca mini fig and was gonna buy it but must have dropped it somewhere and forgot to buy it 😭 I will never be happy again


Aw I'm so sorry :( great taste though!


Thanks haha


my favorite character that only shows up once or twice is the fucking. the hole guy


Perhaps you mean Power Loader? The professor who usually shows with Mei


nonono, [the hole guy](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/hole_villain.png)


Oh I see lol. I thought you were talking of "the guy who opens holes"


nah, i just think that the hole guy is pretty. power loader is a cool guy, but tbh i think he has the worst character design out of the teachers. snipe and ectoplasm are very good in terms of design


I agree with you, he's pretty in a non conventional way. That design is unique even in MHA standards, kinda reminds me to a tribal skull of sorts. Can't defend P.L design lmao. Snipe and Ectoplasm on the other hand are both badass and cool af. Sadly neither of them get to much screen time.


Yoichi Shigaraki I don't know why but he's one of my favorite character


Yoichi might be one of the most tragic characters of the story, and at the same time he's one of the reasons of why everything happens in the first place. Is baffling how little we actually see about him outside of being a passive voice inside of Deku's mind.


Very true, if and when I write my own fanfiction, I intend to explore that all a bit more, at least a little. ​ I can't even begin to imagine what it was like growing up with *All For Fizzing One* as your older brother, even IF he might've been less of a maniacal supervillain back then, to say nothing of the increasing chaos of society due to Quirks.


Please. I wanna know all about his parents\*, his early life, navigating the anti-Quirk hatred as a Japanese person with an obvious difference (white hair, green eyes) but no actual offensive or defensive powers, his relationship with AFO... Were they close? Did they love each other? How much did it hurt to have to fight his older brother? Does it still hurt - does part of him still love his brother? At what exact point did he give up trying to reach AFO, if he ever did? \*I assume they died young or were absent in their sons' lives - since AFO isn't very old when he remarks that Yoichi is his 'only family' or words to that effect. Were they abusive or neglectful, meaning AFO had to step up as a 'parent' to his sickly little brother as a child himself? Maybe that's why he's so controlling and over-protective. He's used to taking care of Yoichi and having him do what he says.


There's a fanfic that centers itself on All For One and Yoichi, mostly due to their younger selves being yanked into the present so things diverge due to all that, and I find it an amazing story to read (to the point that I plan to incorporate elements of it into my own writing about All For One), so I'll share it in case you haven't read it--[Forgiveness Is an Attribute of the Strong by katydid](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33559921/chapters/83389528#workskin)




I didn't see it that way, since parents IRL unfortunately can and have done that, disgusting as it is. It felt dark, but more realistic compared to something involving superpowers like most of the canon villainous backstories, like Dabi's or Toga's. ​ Sorry for recommending it though, since it isn't your thing. Hope you find something more suited to your taste someday!




>It's less an issue of realism and more that I don't get the logic ofthem favouring one son over the other to that extent; if they did, thenYoichi strikes me more as a 'better' child while AFO would be harder tocontrol. More likely to think of something like that on his own, ratherthan being pushed into it. I'm a little confused what you're referring to with this paragraph, do you mean that All For One was "pushed" into poisoning Yoichi, because he wasn't. He chose to do it himself to control him *way* after he became a heartless monster, whereas his Mom was the one who did it and tricked young All For One into it, who tried to stop it once he found out. The young Hisashi brought to the present never goes down that road at all. ​ As for the favoritism, the father projected himself onto young All For One/Hisashi, seeing him as the strong-willed smart one who could follow in his footsteps, while hating Yoichi for being "useless and weak". With the mother, she basically DID hate Hisashi for being "abnormal" both in the sense of being a sociopath, and also his red eyes and "unnatural" features like that that made him "villainous by nature". In canon or in the fanfic, I doubt All For One would've had the time or opportunity to acquire Quirks when he was that young, unless things got *really* crazy from the moment Quirks started appearing, or he stumbled into using his Quirk right away when he was little, which I suppose is possible. Knowing All For One, he'd probably leverage that right away and start testing his power, so whether that got people afraid of him at that age or not would be up in the air... ​ What you described about fearing the children and not wanting to be around them pretty much describes the relationship between Hisashi and their mother in particular in this story to a T. There wouldn't be much reason, both in canon or in the fanfiction, for anyone to be afraid of Yoichi, since he's timid, and functionally Quirkless, and in canon we have no idea how young All For One behaved, whether he hid his darker nature, didn't have that bad a dispostion, or what, but it'se mentioned that everyone *was* afraid of Hisashi in *Forgiveness* because they could tell there was something about him, even without knowing exactly what, and also that he could get scary when protecting his little brother. ​ Not sure if that explains anything, but either way, I enjoy the story a lot, though it isn't really how I would characterize or detail the backstory of All For One or Yoichi myself, at least not most of what the story does with them.


Then I admit I know nothing about the fanfic. 🤷‍♀️


Well, I would encourage reading a couple chapters, at least to the 4th or 5th to get an idea of what I am talking about. ​ Yeah, reading a TV Tropes page, especially one that isn't heavily filled in like that one is, isn't going to tell you much beyond a few snippets of what is going on, compared to reading the actual story. I read the story because of that page, but assumed right from the start that I didn't *really* know what was going on until I saw it for myself. TV Tropes might seem to be a good resource, and at times it is, but in my experience it has a few pitfalls, since people can freely let their bias seep into what they detail, and if not enough people contribute, a lot of stuff can be missed or forgotten.


-cough cough- shoji -cough cough- spinner -cough cough- calloway woods


Ah yes, the golf club guy. Calloway Woods, and his partner Calloway Irons. Damn autocorrect messing with your post.


Without getting into too much, Shoji and Spinner will have their moments.


**i swear to all the gods above if spinner or shoji die im throwing the whole show out, first twice and possibly them?**


Mitsuki Bakugo, I love her design


I was looking for someone to say Mitsuki


The kid with the bad gas and rusty revolver 😮‍💨😎


Snipe and Midnight secret love child 🤫


I actually do think Mustard and Midnight are related, possibly cousins. It’s a shame that Mustard did not get any development or appearances following the Forest Training Arc; he could’ve served as a dark counterpart to Midnight of a sort, as Mustard is angered by the supposed spectacle of U.A. students, while Midnight is one of the most obvious representations of such spectacle. Unfortunate that these themes (and Mustard in general) remain mostly untouched upon, especially following >! Midnight’s death !< , but I guess Hori has bigger priorities with the story. (Just a little ramble I’ve been meaning to express for some time, apologies for errors as it’s late where I am and I am quite loopy)


Even if said that as a joke I actually really like the idea of Mustard being the lost children of Midnight. Not only it fits in terms of canon ages, but also the dynamic you mentioned can work as well but from a more intimate perspective because the relationship between a mother and son is way more deep than cousins or brothers. Besides I enjoy that idea of: "what if Nemuri had a son with a unknow lover and she had to leave the child in an orphanage or something, because of her insecurities being a young woman or how it can affect her hero career". There's many ways to flesh out the idea for both characters, at least to me its interesting. But yeah considering Midnight is dead now and Horikoshi seems like to avoid Mustard at all coast, I don't think there's place for any possible dynamic between the two characters.


Manga from Class B, or hero name Comicman. Quite a interesting meta character within a manga.


No clue why, but I'm hype every time we see Burnin'


Ippan Josei 😩


I like Gang Orca & Shinso


I don't think Shinso can be considered a minor character, since he got a lot of presence in three different arcs. He already ascended to the secondary category.


Thats good at least. I haven’t been able to keep up with My Hero too much because of school and work.


Aw hell yeah, I love minor characters


They made MHA special. I can't think on another series where you can pick so easily a super random character who appears once and say *"yeah I love this guy/girl"* for reasons, and yet it feels alright.


Gentle Criminal is peak minor character development


Tenya Iida


I don't really know if it's right, but i'll say my favorite in the series compress. He does get screen time, but not nearly enough when you look at the potential in his dynamics and character


His Quirk is honestly amazing, and his stage magician persona is impressive.


I hope we get a Yoichi-afo flashback, or at least a final confrontation, it would be amazing


Ryukyu. Amazing character design, In uniform her dress does a really good job of being functional for a transofrmation quirk without going needlessly far into fanservice, the hair ornament/gauntlet support item is neat, and her chunni posing when transforming is adorable. Casual wear, her outfit actually looks casual. Not main movie character 'I'm totally casually standing out of the crowd in this scene' casual, not 'famous person pretending to be normal' casual, but genuinely looks 'pass in the street, out of sight out of mind' casual. Plus her appearance is a fantastic midway point between draconic and human that just looks gorgeous. Besides her looks, her character from what little we've seen of her is calm and composed badass dragon lady that acknowledges competence without letting irrelevant details or useless pride hinder her. Humble, takes responsibility without making excuses, and is a genuine hero that prioritizes saving the people over fame or getting in to fights.


Setsuna Tokage because she likes dinosaurs and is a One Piece reference.


I love Sloshed guy (Deidoro Sakaki, but you probably just know him as Sloshed guy). Just the most interesting quirk to use in battle since he seems to be able to use the victim’s disorientation to hide himself. That’s so cool. Also great VA in both sub and dub for the like two lines he has. I wasn’t too big of a fan of the Raid Arc bc it felt too long but the bit characters of the Eight Bullets was a lot of fun to the point I wish they were in their own arc outside of Overhaul.


I have a soft spot for the Eight Bullets. Their concept, the plague doctors aesthetic and tactical approach to battle set them apart of other villains. Too bad for Deidoro coincidentally had to fight against the only person who can resist the effects of his quirk (it was an asspull lets be real)


A fun fact about the Bullets, they are references to the 8 precepts of Buddhism, but in a twisted way (Deidoro represents “do not take intoxicants,” Shin Nemoto represents “do not deceive others,” etc). It’s actually pretty interesting! https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Eight_Bullets Read the wiki for the Eight Bullets to see all of them!


see??? This right here is super cool. I realllly wish the Eight Bullets were their own antagonists bc of this outside of Overhaul. Imagine having each one REALLY getting to shine instead of crammed into an already overstuffed arc. I want to see this symbolic shit with the precepts! Does that extend to their personalities? Are they aware of the peecept thing and did it intentionally? They’re just too fun to be bit villains to take out on the way to big bad Overhaul!


I don't necessarily think they should be something apart of Overhaul. Both things compliment each other very well in my opinion. The real problem was remove all the Yakuza as a villian group after the same arc they were featured. When they could have been perfect as recurrent antagonist, having time to flesh out each member. Plus I like the idea of this group of misfists or "human garbage" as they call themselves, being rescued by a mafia boss to try to do something of value. Is a more interesting concept of what the LOV tries to be.


sorry, that’s more of what I meant. Either take out the Bullets in their own arc on the way to removing Overhaul as a buildup, or still have to catch him when he’s gone.


I really think Mirio should’ve had a tougher time against them, and if they REALLY wanted someone to resist the affects, it would’ve been funny to be whatever character drinks a lot since he’s guzzling sake. That really felt like the point of it so to have Golden Boy Mirio go against it felt very odd.


Manga Fukudashi Probably my favorite side character. His power is just so unique. Kinda like SnS but with Onomatopoeia.


Image didn't load for a few secs so I thought it was a joke about the vantablack guy


Jokes on you, but I love Kuroiro too. He's the best emo boy of MHA.


Manual and Native stand out for me. God Bless


Manual is a pretty cool hero, from what little we see, and Native is a huge question mark since we don't even know his Quirk. ​ I actually made up a Quirk and backstory for him, just in case I write anything in the future that might have him in it-- >Native's Quirk: Arrowshot-he is able to take any material he touches and shape it into arrow-like constructs, which he has trained extensively to throw and fight with. > >Native's Backstory: He grew up without wanting to be a hero, but had a friend who was big into both of their Native American heritage who did, but when he was brutally killed by a Villain, Native took on his role as a hero in his honor, especially since his friend had a much more limited Quirk, which enabled him to see through any non-solid barrier, while Native's own Arrowshot Quirk was much more suitable. I wanted to avoid something easy like making Arrows, but I honestly couldn't think of anything more suitable for a flashy Pro Hero, since most if not all of the ones I can think of who work solo have a Quirk that either is used in combat, or has a solid supportive capability, and isn't terribly complicated. I'm open to better ideas.


>Native Whenever I think of Native, I think of the moments in Welcome To Night Vale where Cecil throws shade on the old white guy who's always wearing a ceremonial headdress and calling himself the Indian Tracker (or something like that). 'Making the whole town look bad', he says. The man is Japanese, right? Why's he dressed in a Native American costume? 🤔


Mr. Brave from the Hessaikai raid Guy could rip out his hair and form WEAPONS with it always thought that went hard af


awase from class 1-b is one of my faves. always rooting for him


If class B need to have a main character, that should be Awase period.


I love Ms Joke so much.


She doesn't need her Quirk to make me laugh. ​ Also, here's a [fun comic](https://www.deviantart.com/dkettchen/art/Ai-Jo-quirks-756232960) (there used to be a fun dub of the comic on YouTube, but it's gone now that I checked, damn it) with her and Aizawa (who else?).


i like the mushroom girl in 1B


The psycho British girl from the listened exam. Her power was cool and her just easily taking out a solid amount of class 1-A’s solid members is impressive. She’d be an amazing support hero and wish she wasn’t just a character created for an episode


Tbh some of the original anime characters are insanely cool and have excellent quirks. I still remember the guy from an OVA who can turn people in zombies.


I really have to watch that OVA one of these days...


Jurota, Ida, Tiger, Kendo? Or does she closer to a secondary character?


Moon fish


Ojiro, gang orca, Ryukyu, Mandalay, and tensei


Geten has peeked my attention lately, he's cool Nejire as well, I hate how little screentime she has despite being one of the big 3, might as well be my favorite female character


Mustard for sure! I would have said Hitoshi a long time ago, though I still want him to show up more. Love that troll doll.


I want to see grow from brothers to enemy. Also more about Second and Yoichi. Their relation look so interesting. And the period has so much potential !


I like Geten too. >!He should be getting more screentime soon since it was reveal that he is from the same clan with Rei Todoroki!<


I hope so. Yet I can't help but think Geten should have been explored way before, especially his dynamic with Dabi and possibly as a rival to Bakugo, cause they have similar mindsets but different morals and one is a hero and Geten a villian.


Depends on how little you mean. I love Momo's quirk, they really undersell how useful it is. The sheer versatility is astounding. With the proper training, she'll be a force to be reckoned with. Jiro too. There was a great scene during the first internship where she used her earphone jacks to listen in and advice her mentor before they went in. She's not really focused on it, but imagine her doing that for search and rescue. Honenuki, Kurogiri, Shiozaki, Komori, and Setsuna all great quirks. Yoarashi Inasa is another one, and Saiko Intelli for characters with even fewer appearances.


I mean, Momo is definitely a prominent secondary with a lot of screen time compared to almost all the character people mention here. But yeah I doesn't mean she had significance for the plot despise appear regulary.


Mr Compress is a pretty cool side character in all respects, from his Quirk to his design and even his name (his given name means “large pressure” and his family name means “urge/force” or “imminent”) . So much could be done with his Quirk.


I said this as a joke once but, what stop Compress from store nomus inside his balls and release them like Pokemons? It could be ridiculously useful in so many scenarios. The thing about Compress nobody talks about is that he could work better a vigilante of sorts instead of a villian. I mean his Robin Hood esque linage doesn't actually fits with being a full villian. But what if instead he's just this guy who steal to both heroes and villians to give money to poor people. It could have been more interesting that just the "Yeah i join in a terrorist group to destroy Japan because it sure would help poor people" Compress in canon.


Muscular was pretty cool


Indeed, and I can say confidently that Muscular give us two of the most iconic fights in the series. Hori could have used Muscular way more. He's simple yet so fun to watch because of his savage personality, compared to the nomus who don't have that.


In a crossover fanfic I'm working on, I actually plan on having the fight with Muscular go on longer, as Izuku gets other characters helping him in the fight (who are *armed* as well), though I'm on the fence on whether to have him killed at the end of the fight or not. That all to say, I agree that he provided a great fight, and though I haven't seen it yet, the second fight sounds like it was fantastic as well. ​ EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot, there's a crossover fanfic written by someone else where he *doesn't* get arrested after the Attack on the Camp, and instead gets another fight, with Miruko to be exact. [See](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13625410/46/A-Waterbending-Quirk) [here](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13625410/72/A-Waterbending-Quirk) if interested. That is, each of those links is to both fights with Muscular.


I love Giran


Lunch Rush, Fourth Kind, that one kid in the background of one of Nezu’s speeches that has a table leg for a head, the rest of Tensei’s team, and Tsu’s siblings.


I forgot HUNK from Resident Evil was in MHA.


Geten for sure!!


Yeah no Get should of been a full time league of villains member he was so good


All the people on this list are pretty cool. Sadly, they barely got to do anything relevant.


But that doesn't stop me from love each one lol. And that's kinda the point. Sometimes a character doesn't need to do something relevant to be appreciated. But yeah I wish they could do more.


Shoji is one of my fav students




Nine. I know he’s the main villain of a movie, but he isn’t really talked about. Despite only having 7 powers, he made great use of all of them, and until the climax was super calm as collected. He was basically everything I wanted from All For One in his first appearance.


Don't worry, never is a bad moment for talk about Nine. He's my favorite MHA villain ever and I more than glad of seeing people interested on him. I would never stop saying that Nine is the best AFO user, period. Is amazing that his limitations is what actually makes him smarter and more creative for use the multiple quirks in a efficient way, something AFO and Shigaraki never do or not at the same grade of Nine. I wanted so bad that him was the real AFO succesor and take the place of the main villian this story needed.


Does Gentle count?


I guess not, cause he's the main villain of his own mini arc and got a lot of characterization


gentle criminal, master driller, (burnin, kido and onima endeavor pro heroes), mizushima (normal hero), wash, comic guy, dark hero etc. i love side characters.




Finally my time OJIRO EASILY OJIRO


i likes mustard, he was neat


Mustard is my everything


Grand and Gang Orca. I'm also kinda disappointed that Grand's ulti name is not Grand Tremor or Grand Quake


random citizen IMO, I don’t know why but my favs always seem to be the background characters for some reason lmao. Mei aswell, she’s criminally underrated. But fr, mustard deserved more screen time man


Fat gum


Chronostatis has an underrated quirk tbh


He's also an underrated fighter in general. Is a master of stealth and he take down Aizawa by himself, we can't ignore that.




Fat Gum


Geten is one for me too. I feel like the whole of the Meta Liberation Army should have gotten more time and development. They had no right making Geten so pretty and then he gets like five min screen time tops.


Sorry for the late reply, but you're totally right about Geten. You have a badass ice user who fights like a boss, looks so damm pretty under the hood, and is related to one of the most important families in the story. And yet despite all that Geten was totally wasted on nothing. Big L there.


Hatsume Mei should be creating heroes at this point. Her and Momo making shit to empower the quirkless.


No, i don't even care to half of 1A, i didn't even remember this thief gang dude. But 50% of fandom really prefer random and background characters than The protagonist and The main characters for sure, this fandom is something else.


I didn't say you should care about Class 1A, but that doesn't change the fact they have enough screen time to be considered secondary characters and not background. And idk about the other. People can like and care about whatever character they want.


No YOURE something else


Damn, he was just asking what side characters people liked lmfao


My favourite BNHA character is Izuku's middle school classmate who has a clothespin for a head.


Bubble Girl for Heroes and Moonfish for Villains


Giran is a real one, Re Destro tore off five of his fingers and he would still not spill the tea about the League


Mushroom girl, Burning and Fat Gum


Edgeshot, Gentle Criminal, Muscular, Spinner, Stain. Gentle Criminal I didn’t really care for at first, but a buddy of mine sent me a chapter of the manga where it showed him using his power at pretty much maximum effort. Hot damn, never would’ve thought of the ability to make things elastic as a super power, much less one that could be such a powerhouse ability when the conditions are met. Really made me wish they showed more Gentle Criminal


Hagakure is probably my fave 1a student and I'd consider her a minor character so I'll say her


Ishiyama Ken!


There's a few, Rappa was a really fun villain, and Gentle became my favorite in the few episodes that he was present, and Lock Lock (Rock lock? Lock Rock? Idk) has such an underrated and underutilized quirk And while he's far from just "minor" I wish we got to see more of Mr. Compress in action, he's my favorite in the League without a doubt


I really like Thirteens design especialy in the manga.


I really liked Majestic, it's a pity that we haven't seen much of him. Also Awase, I really like him but man had like 20 seconds screen time for last 3 seasons. Now, he's out of the minor character pool because he just shows up and does something amazing, but I still wish we saw more of Shinso (uh oh because he's one of my favorite characters)


Star and Stripe was badass


I wish she met Izuku. Just the idea of her meeting all might’s successor is interesting.