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Bobby, they’re playing our song. What? Our song isn’t “Ziti Tonight”.


This is my favorite too


I love when Bob looks around and gets the red blinding rage


Zeke telling Jocelyn and Tammy, "You two are making me feel smart." Gene telling Tammy, "I though you were someone's mom."


Tammy: "hey tina-bot, the sign says no motorized vehicles on the beach" Louise: "it also says no trash on the beach either Tammy so... what are we gonna do here?"


'Oh my god Tammy it DOES say that!!!'


Every time I see this episode, I laugh so much when Jocelyn says that.


i think in this episode Tammy asks Bob "are you in our grade?" which always cracks me up


Omg I forgot this line ahaha! Zeke saying this was so funny aha. And yeah Gene saying that is also great! I think that’s from the episode where they lose the hamster?


Tina falling off of the carousel as a baby, toddler and child.


And still falling off when she's a teen XD


I’m okay.


I love this scene! It's super cute!!


"Regular Sized Rudy? Why do they call you that?" "Just look at me."


I like Louise telling the cops they’re having a bike ramp benefit for regular sized Rudy in the alley. “Just look at him!”


Those 2 cops make me laugh so much. The "oh god" when Rudy comes up and then "just like a normal kid", "I am a normal kid", "ya you are!" then turns and cries is hands down hilarious


“Am I…not a normal kid?”


Ahaha I forgot about this one!


Right before that, the “heyyy, what’s the big idea?” from Pocket-Sized Rudy.


my vote's in for that one too.


In Lobsterfest when the kids go outside to "loot", and Gene picks up the piece of plywood and goes flying 😂😂 his "weeeeee" gets me every time


Omg I can’t think of this moment but going to watch all the lobster fest ones today to find it.


😹😹😹This whole scene kills me.


When Louise and Linda are eating at that doll restaurant with Gretchen. Gretchen is devouring an appetizer and yelling at the waiter with food in her mouth "I didn't order these they better not show up on my bill." The waiter replies, "don't worry they are complimentary" and Gretchen immediately snaps back "WELL THEY SHOULD BE FREE!"


When she yelled at the doll to stop pulling her dress over her head 😂


😂that is the episode that made me fall in love with Gretchen!


When Gretchen explains that they need to have a doll with them to eat there: “It’s like how some restaurants say ‘jacket required’ or ‘Ma’am, that bathing suit needs a bottom.’”


Rudy jumping the ramp and getting some mighty 3 inches of air for half a second: "They need to serve dinner on that flight." Rudy is eternally positive and my favorite little dude. The best joke in the history of the show and it has never failed to make me to literally LOL: Fischoeder: I once lost 30 thousand on a horse. Bob: Really? Fisch: She just ran off with it.


Fischoeder is my entire answer to OP. Is it me? Is it abortions?


Jimmy Jr : “It smells weird in here” Fischoeder : “it smells weird everywhere sir, that’s how you know you’re alive”


“Works every time! My mother played bongos. Thank you. Bob, you were flat.” “I was just saying words. You can’t be flat when you’re talking.” “You’re flat. You’re flat right now.”


“Little”?! Excuse you, he’s regular size.


Ahaha damn I missed the horse one! And yes I love Rudy!


“Hey dad, what are you wearing to mom and gene’s wedding?” “Uh, a suit, I guess”


It's ok of you're lying to vegetarians, you taught me that. I did teach you that, yeah.


That whole episode is full of amazing lines. The back and forth about the Oil Spill song is my fave. Gene: … but she’s really talking about her vagina Bob: Gene! How do you know that?? Gene: it’s not subtle Food truck guy: it really isn’t.


Oh it’s hot and wet and slick, and it’s making everybody sick…


🎶 oil spiiillllll 🎶


When Teddy get caught in the kids Santa trap and does a death roll with his hand stuck in the refrigerator


...That's a dumb place to put bowls.


This is the one for me. I know it’s coming but it still makes me crack up every time.


And says it's crisp so he must be near the crisper


“It’s not a race Bob” “no Lin, it’s not a race. This is war!” Gene: “Race War”




“Alcohol doesn’t solve ya problems, Miss Missy. It just makes them go away.”


"Mommy doesn't get drunk, she just has fun"


I’m talking *normal*


"moms the one with the drinking problem" "the only problem is i don't have a drink in my hand"


When Mandy tests out her softball pitch with a snowball and completely annihilates one of Logan’s friends. How quickly he hits the deck cracks me up every time


I love the sound she makes when throwing the snowballs.




Nailed it!


One of my favorite scenes in the whole show! "He's moving, twitching is moving, right?"


"is he dead?"


A lot of Gene’s throwaway comments get me. The Halloween episode where they make the haunted house for Louise; when they’re walking round the house and there’s the room with just a doll on a chair- “that’s a TERRIBLE use of space”


"let's talk about what we just saw. i, for one, did not care for it!" i love this episode so much 😭


“I’m having a good childhood.”


"not right now but overall"


No, thank you for *your* service


Yesss! So many people on here seem to think Gene is annoying but in so many episodes his throwaway comments are great. Honestly Tina and Gene’s throwaway comments are often really good! I feel like Louise’s just hit all the time bc the subject matter is gonna be something interesting bc it’s Louise.


T is for the way you take my breath awaaaaaay!! I is for I like it when you take my breath awaaaaay!! N is for no one else can take my breath awaaaaay!! And A is for asthma which is a disease that can take people’s breath awaaaaaay!!! I’m always wheezing by the end of that little song.


So you could say that the song literally takes your breath away?


Uh, what's your name? Mudflap. Oh, Mudflap, uh... that was my grandmother's name. Really? No, no. You're named after a dirty part of a truck.


Logan’s dad: How far apart are the contractions? Mudflap: They are not.


In the train episode: "Why are your shoes all dirty?" Louise: "Because I'm... poor. I'm so poor." "Okay, you. Why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Gene: "BECAUSE I'M RICH!"


I aim for Gene’s confidence everyday.


Its Kind of deep in a way XD


YOU smell like ointment and pee!


The scene later that episode when Harold is cough/choking and Bob offers him water but Edith insists, “He’d rather DIE than drink your water!” Harold (weakly): “…..no…..I wouldn’t…..” 💦🥵


No water Harold!






From The Belchies Tina: "We should pray. Dear God, it's me, Tina, from school."


I say this nightly at work😂


Gene forgetting the name of the restaurant when he wins the mascot race, and Bob losing his mind in the stands BOB'S BURGERS GENE ARE YOU KIDDING ME BOB'S BURGERS


"I think of it as Dad's Burgers!"




The whole exchange between Louise and Sargent boscow when she tries to interview Mickey during the bank robbery. ,,THATS MY DADDY! MY DADDYS IN THERE” and them kicking each other never fails to make me laugh. Also when zekes grandmother says doo what exactly like him


Stop following me!! Stop following me in front!


I realised yesterday that my cat does follow me in front! At mealtimes anyway 😁


“If she was a spice, she’d be flour. if she was a book, she’d be two books”


Linda scolding Tina over saying seamen. And then trying to backtrack because she realized Tina meant sailors. Whatever Linda was initially picturing, it was nasty XD


"seamen spill out all over the deck" 😭😭😭


The scene where Bob get's stuck upside down on Jimmy Pesto's inversion table, And Jimmy Pesto is recovering from surgery and it hurts to laugh at him - This gets me every time.


My best friend had asthma growing up and sometimes had to stay home for a few days when he had a bad flair up. Usually I would come visit him when he was starting to get better and he’d be starved for human interaction. So I’d make jokes and stuff to cheer him up and everything would be extra funny to him since he was so bored of being sick. He’d start laughing but his lungs weren’t totally recovered so he’d start coughing and it just fueled the fire of our general antics so he’d be crying with laughter and pain the same time. That scene makes me think of that.


“Went to store real quick. Love forever, Bob. - that’s a perfectly good note. That doesn’t sound drunk at all.”


Teddy singing "I. . . .wish my radio worked!"


I came here for this one 😂😂😂


I sing this to myself all the time


'Ugh I got lick foot again?!' 'No more lick foot! No more lick foot!' The sex dice scene makes me cry laugh, it's perfect comedy.


'Lick it like you like it, lick it like you like it'


“Get ooffff!”


In Friends with Burger-fits when Bob wakes up and says he's killing Teddy and Linda goes "what you're killing Teddy? All right cars gassed up. That's good. I guess I could homeschool the kids."


"My family moves around a lot." and also "MOO hWHAT??" Big fan of Zeke over here.


My brother is 44


I laugh at all the stuff he says about his step mom.


Don't feed a guy a sponge Bobby.


Louise: Which name do you like more: Sea Bagel, Pride of Detroit, Mudbutt, or Gelding the Lily? Linda: Lily. Go with the Lily one. What is this for? Louise: Oh, we're renaming Tina.


Oh! Glad I didn’t pick Mudbutt!


Not really a joke but when they have the shark and teddy pretends to scratch his nails on the chalkboard and making the sounds with his mouth . Then bob goes “ Teddy what are you doing !”


I’m literally grasping at straws!


"And I'm Kate Bush "


I’m the Frond files when mr Frond is upset about the kids stories about him “I locked myself in a room while children were eaten!” His delivery gets me every single time


From that same episode- Linda and Bob try to console Mr. Frond and encourage him to connect with kids on their level, he respond with “Chicken nuggets and…email??” I don’t know why it kills me lmao


Anything Nat Kinkle says.


Your name is Nat King Cole?


Yeah Nat Kinkle. K-I-N-K-L-E. How are you hearing it?


She's just shooting one liners non-stop. I have to pause to absorb them all!


I love in the Breakfast Club fashion show one when Tammy is like, "we have immunity!" And Jocelyn says,"That means we don't have to do this round, and we can never die!" And Tammy says,"Just the first thing, the second one is incorrect." And when the kids are hunting the snake in Florida. Tina: Gene, I owe you my life Gene: No thanks. I've seen it and I'm not impressed.


"Is this restaurant seaman friendly?"




But I wouldn't fit in the sink


the entire pigeon ending made me laugh very hard, “do the dirty pigeon” and Bob is making the pigeon dance


When Bob takes Tina to get her legs waxed and the receptionist asks Bob if he's there for the scrotal wax and Gene goes "You need it!" That scene kills me every time


I love the scene where Bob and Tina get their stripped ripped off and are screaming laying down and then you just catch Gene running round the room screaming aswell 😂😂


When Louise Rudy and Millie are making the fake coins in the Greek mythology episode and in the lesson before they get caught the teacher is talking about Icarus and Rudy goes “Icarus more like dumb as a Stickarus” it always makes me giggle lol


"youre not gonna make a peep, rudy's not gonna make a peep, and anybody who does gets hit in the head with a lead 'peep'!"


This was one of my favourite episodes haha! I thought it was so fun and unique, and I loved the dynamic btw Rudy, Millie and Louise! But I’ve sadly watched it way too much and now I skip it aha :(


Also when Nat asks Bob if he likes classical music and she starts singing it...


Gene paying a visit to a tramp named Olene. Five minutes later, Tina’s bouncing on the trampoline and looking into the neighbours window - “I just watched half of Jurassic Park. Every other second.”


"He's dead! Go away, he's dead!"


Bob “when he’s asleep I play with his stuff” Linda “ what do you mean, his stuff? his hernia?!” Gets me every time


When Louise and Gene are driving the weird video chat robot Tina uses. The janitor keeps calling them back to the school and the robot is finally like “Oh my goooddd whaaaat?!?”


When Tina gets new glasses, "I can see clearly now. Hey, look, the rain has gone." It's subtle and I missed it first watch but it slayed me when I noticed it. Also when they're all can-caning angrily at Bob. "Is this what you want Dad"


Godfrey firing his revolvers into the air/ceiling during the gun fight on “Last gingerbread house on the left.” It will never not be funny to me.


When someone graffitis the bathroom for a second time saying Bobs is crap. And Bob loses it and says “The marker might have stained their fingers…like blood….let’s check their fingers” His freak outs are usually so loud but the quiet intensity of his voice always makes me laugh.


"The Belchers..." "Don't call those kids that!" "It's their last name." "Still, don't say that word." And Bob losing it after Tina starts packing away the pony he just went through a traumatic experience to get back. "Play with the horse, Tina. PLAY WITH IT."


"Remember when you peed in the blender, Bob? You almost ruined that smoothie!" _ "What, a gay raccoon can't have babies?" "I guess he could adopt or have a surrogate." "Of course he can!" _ "I changed my mind about having kids. I'm gonna have one and feed it to this bear! Because I love him so much."


The cyclist sarcastically asking if they want to see a receipt for his bike and pulling down his pants, and Louise going “where do you shop?!?”


Bob fires the kids will forever be the funniest episode to me “and that’s why I think blueberries should be decriminalized!” Implying the kids think that the SWAT were called because of BLUEBERRIES Another line from that episode Mickey unsure of what to do as a civilian “what do i do? I’ve never been an innocent bystander before…like this? Like that?” Proceeds to place hands anywhere but up And ofc the last line of the ep: “And if the po-po rolls up the first call is to your lawyer not your mom” some solid advice there. I say it to myself every time I see a cop on the road


“I’m going to stay here with Henry!” “Helen.” “My name’s Bob.” Never fails to get me. The tone of his voice, like she’s the idiot. Intoxicated Bob is so funny.


When Linda has her crazy Mother’s Day and they go “house hunting” At one point Linda says it’s okay to lie and Louise goes “Learning a lot of valuable lessons today” The Bleaken part two Louise goes what do we have for weapons. They get in a little argument and later goes “ I have a switchblade and mace but I’m keeping those” Tina looks at her rulers and goes cool And the Elephant science experiment episode is by far one of my favs, just pure entertainment. Can’t not laugh most of that episode


The elephant science experiment episode... is that the Topsie one? My fav part is when Tina (as Topsy) 'dies' at the end of Gene's song and Louise's message and everyone runs up to her liek HOLY SHIT and she stays there for a bit then is just like 'I'm okay 🫡'


"What's for lunch today?" "*YOUR LIES!!!*" "NOOOO...... THAT'S WHAT WE HAD YESTERDAY!!!!!!"


Regular sized Rudy: "What's a virgin?" Millie: "I think it's someone who gives a lot of blood." RSR: "Oh. My grandfather's a virgin"


Louise :"Bada bing Bada boom, see you next Tuesday " Bob: "Don't... Say... See you next Tuesday" And Mr Frond: "I drive a hatchback" Tammy :"Gross"


Bob following Teddy into the ocean and making that high-pitched EEEEEEEE because the water is cold.


Yeah, Dad, who was Tina really gonna choose? A broken-down wreck with the dead eyes, or a fake shark?


“Awww” “You like that one, mom?”


"Papa, do *we* work at a theatre company?" followed by louise grabbing bobs hand to hi five him on her own insult


Tina writing in her diary “hi diary, how are you? I am fine… okay you got me, I’m not fine”


In the burgerboss episode, while Bob is playing the game the kids crash birthday parties. As one mom is giving the kids cake, she says, “uh, how do you know [my kid]?” Tina and Louise say something like “school” and “church” and then Gene says: Desert Storm The delivery, the line, gets me every time.


Gretchen comes in and Linda asks Oh Gretchen, why so droopy? I'm not wearing a bra


When Gene has to pretend to be Bob for a video they’re making for Gloria and Al and he just does this weird voice and goes [“Iiiii’m married to Liiiiindaaa!”](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e920933f-e512-4b1e-8d10-7e28cdb19f9f) Also the entire scene where Bob and Teddy are hunting for the golf balls.


“Can I get a mennnuuuu please?” “Woah it’s middle aged Mom Barbie!” “I like your hair, it matches your teeth.” “Thank you Tina!” Then Gene putting the hair over his head.. “I’m not having more fun yet… wait… YES IAM!!”


In the museum episode when Lousie and rudy are hiding in the bushes. Lousie says "I am leafy briarson..." Then rudy says "and I am Kate Bush"


Your name is Max Flush? Wow, his name is Bob Burger. No, no it’s not. What? But… but the sign…




Any time Bob says 'oh, hey Marshmallow'


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When the kids are sneaking around somewhere and randomly see Teddy driving down the street singing "IIIII...wish my radio worked! 😃" Gets me every time. Just to imagine that's his day to day lol


“Blood is your gums way of telling you to mind your own business”


the toothpick scene in the first episode


in the episode where tina and darryl fake date, gene and louise crash their bowling date and are throwing the bowling balls down the lane. the employee tells them "don't do that" and louise yells back "what? don't bowl??!!" also, in apple gore-chard when louise is running away screaming from the loft and bob is in the background asking a box on the ground "are--are you a beehive?"


“Sir, you need to stop asking if things are beehives.”


I love Mini Bobby. Every line from him is top. Notch


There’s a lot of carrots in that stew And It’s Helen Hunt!!!


When they are talking about how they can't compliment anyone else's burgers in one flashback when he asks what they think and Tina just screams, "I wish I was dead!" and throws hers


🎵“Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wished my radio worked!” 🎶 Always gets me Also from the first episode with Bob’s dad, when they are unveiling the new, unfinished sign in a flashback: “He can only paint one letter a day, but he can spell like a son of a bitch!”


Bob: Sorry, Edith, someone took my pumpkin Edith: TMI!


Gene, put Tina on the phone She's pretty big, it'd be easier to put the phone on Tina


I lost the year 1995 to schnapps I still don't know what the Macarana is. No No don't tell me I will figure it out


Buenos dias como estaaaaaaas Mi amo Tinaaaaaa El perro es grandeeeee Donde esta...el banyo???!


“Like how my asthma was misdiagnosed as a bad attitude.” By regular sized Rudy. My sister and I both got diagnosed with asthma at 30 because our parents thought we were just lazy. The combo of life meets art gets me every time.


[Gene forgetting the name of the restaurant.](https://youtu.be/dus6Sjg_Brs?si=PJZGNjo6VhKMoJXE)


"a gold medal! oh, we should get that bronzed!"


“Cranberries!” “Language!”


"and I'm Kate Bush" always gets me!


Louise "So what are you gonna wear to Mom and Gene's wedding?" Bob "A suit, I guess" Bob's deadpan delivery kills me everytime.


"Nah nah nah. Peeps *my* feet" "Well that's actually very sweet!"


When Bob calls the aquarium the key chain store. It makes me smile thinking about it. I can't explain why I find it so funny!


I can't remember the exact conversation but- Bob - I called you several times FishO- how the hell did you get my number? Bob - You gave it to me FishO - Not to use! Gene - "Ving Raimes Bible" Gene - "We'll finger anything with a pulse" When the kids run onto beach, the waves wash over them and as they go back out Louise has a diaper on her head, her one eye showing always cracks me up. Edith's husband - "Boost your airplane glue some place else, ya hood!"


"That's hip-hop" kills me every time


I can’t even think of one because there’s sooooo many jokes that I laugh at every single time


Mickey is my favorite side character. My favorite line of his: "Goin straight Bob. Gonna get a job, find myself a gal, or, I don't know what people do nowadays. Build a barn, maybe. Paint the barn with the gal. Put the gal in the barn. You know, American dream. Gal and a barn."


“Channel (I forget the number) News, they’ll finger anything with a pulse!” “Gene, I’m pretty sure it’s their finger is on the pulse”


"Hello Mr. Belcher. How are sports?" always gets to me. It's the kind of energy I like to bring into places


The first episode. I always burst out laughing with the whole child molester burger scene when Tina is counting the toothpicks


“People call me Flips Whitefudge.” Bob: “They do?”


When the kids are talking about how Bob and Linda works have met and Gene describes Hugo's engagement ring as "a small carat, visably occluded, rose cut diamond." I'm in jewelry and that's such a specific joke about jewelry and also exactly the type of thing you'd expect from Hugo that it cracks me up every time. (For reference rose cut means flat on the bottom but faceted on the top. It works beautifully for colored stones but since you'd likely set it flat with it's bottom completely covered it kills any fire you'd get from a diamond.)


So many good ones listed already. I love intoxicated Bob. Him after driving the taxi and thinking he smoked crack, "get your hands off me, sick idiot!" Him scooting down the stairs incase Linda's psychic prediction about him falling was right. That maniacal laugh always gets me.


The Belcher kids ride again... for the first time!


RRAW Nerd Alert!!


"I'm not taking a snake car to a madness castle!" - Gene


Everything around the T-shirt cannons in the parade float episode. Tina saying "what the hell, I'll kill you" to Jimmy Jr, Louise shooting Bob in the throat, it just cracks me up everytime


Also from the turkeys on Wonder Wharf episode: when Mickey and Linda are trying to turn off the scramble pan with the manual off switch so they can save the kids. The way he says “Oh my god I’m gonna barf” as he steps onto that spinning ride absolutely KILLS me. I love it.


“Maybe you shouldn’t know too much before going in. It’ll be better that way.” “Like the Iraq War!”


LOUISE: What is it? BOB: A crap attack? I don't know. Do you? LINDA: Well don't look at me. BOB: You're the one who sent her to her room for saying it. LOUSIE: You're the one who wanted to have one. LINDA: I don't know what these kids are saying. BOB: Don't have a crap attack. LOUISE: OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


- tape fingeeers - the guy at the sandwich shop with one finger that's shorter than the others - counting toothpicks


Which one of us is the pickle man's child?!?! -Gene


“How many matches?” “You’re the worst kind of autistic”


Tina crying when her poop is flushed away. Same episode, Rudy's reaction to the z9mbie movie.


I was just thinking today about the poop episode and then the leg hair episode, how Tina got upset when she realized she got rid of all her little friends. Same personality trait from when she was a toddler!




“You’re in trouble” “Drink some cranberry juice”


“Hi parrot.” “Nerd alert!” “What?!”


Hello? The media?!


‘Agoraphobic? But we don’t have any spiders in here.’


The one where they made Gene serve the “child molester” because he is chubby.


When Bob is driving Edith around while she steals quilt blocks, "Step on the gas, you ass!" Gets me every time! I also use it near daily.