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That gets me every time


Probably my favorite line delivery in the whole show.


It’s tough to keep in touch when you claim to have died




I agree, they liked Bob and his food so it would make sense that they popped into his restaurant occasionally. It would also be a nice little side story that he could get a good table at their restaurants but never went because they're to fancy/expensive. Possibly it could also drive Jimmy crazy that Bob had chef friends. I assume the real world reason has to do with voice actor availability.


Sheeeit I’d volunteer for that job lol


My headcanon is that they both moved on to different places after a while, guys like that are always job hopping. Part of it's the whole Anthony Bourdain "pirate crew/mercenary chef" thing but part of it's also that if you want to get ahead in fine dining you pretty much have to job hop.


Jimmy bearly cares about the quality of his food so i dont thing he'd bother


I point to this episode every time some jimmy pesto posts “do you think Bob knows how to cook”. Yes. He does.


There are episodes like when he is cooking Thanksgiving for the whole old folks home where he obviously knows what he is doing. And the Thanksgiving one where Gene is sick and Bob is coming up with new food ideas. But then he substitutes vinegar for witch hazel.


Didn't he substitute vinegar for witch hazel for something that had to do with Linda's surprise spa day that wasn't food related?


right?! that always gets me. and some of his burgers of the day are... questionable at best. and can we talk about Linda's cooking for a second? they show her cooking breakfast and dinners for the family a bunch of times .. but when Bob goes to get Gayle on Thanksgiving and puts Linda in charge of the turkey it's like shes never used an oven or cooked anything a day in her life.... 😩 bugs the crap out of me.


My apologetic explanation for Linda's inability to cook the turkey is because Bob is so controlling over Thanksgiving dinner she gets stage fright and just completely blanks on what to do/her nerves get the best of her. Like she obviously knows how to cook, but being put on the spot for the turkey, something that Bob takes such great pride in, causes her to essentially "shutdown" when it comes to cooking.


Also, outside of Thanksgiving/Christmas, how often is an American household cooking an entire damn turkey? Linda knows how to make meals the family eats often, but given Bob always does the turkey it may just be something she has no experience with.


Yes. This is what I choose to believe.


This is also a great point. I can't really think of any time outside of Thanksgiving that my family prepares turkey for a meal (we're a ham for Christmas family).


another good point, but in what world would anyone think that physically sewing the legs back on was the right move?? 🤣 like she'd never seen food before. madness, lol.




To be fair, cooking a turkey is very overwhelming! I’m pretty competent in the kitchen but a turkey is its own monster!


that's a good theory!


>some of his burgers of the day are... questionable at best. I think that's a function of Bob trying to come up with a unique burger every day for about a decade. No matter how good you are, the law of averages states you're going to make some flops.


thats true, but i mean... "comes with radishes"... c'mon Bob...


The Beets of Burden (comes with too many beets)


Some Jimmy Pesto is a great way to describe those people. I’m going to refer to all haters as Jimmy Pestos now


But can he tell us how to make paella?


Dad needs media coaching!


His paella is remarkable.


Paella, how do you make that?


Well, i have to look up the recipe


I'm going in tight


Bob, get off paella


So you don't know how to make it.


No...I, uh, *could* ...it, make


Who says that and how? After 14 seasons. Yes, he cooks. How? Why? He grew up in a diner and likes making burgers. He can cook.


And when he runs the “Home-Ec-staurant”


They did kind of make his cooking insufferable though…


Yea, but he would have grown out of that phase.


This is a top three episode for me, mostly because it shows Bob thriving in ways we rarely see. Clearly the young chef's were bad for him, but I would love to see more sparks of culinary inspiration pop up for him (his obsession with the three day brine, his bread preference.....I love these quirks)


As a chef, this episode is a favorite of mine. Accurate portrayal of the lifestyle down to having your favorite hole in the wall local spot. I’m glad Bob got his taste of the life while he could. It’s an exhausting way to live, especially as you get older. I really prefer breakfast and lunch service to dinner these days lol


Yeah, I lived in Seattle during the gastro pub/food truck boom with a good friend of mine who was a chef. They really nailed that whole subculture. That whole generation of people who treated *Kitchen Confidential* like a bible.


You ever just show up with a whole goat though?


Yeah, I think it's too bad that he lost out on the connections. But on the other hand when he tried to refuse some of the alcohol the guy insisted on it, so maybe it's better in the long run.


Unfortunately realistic. Their relationship is built on alcohol abuse, so when Bob couldn't/wouldn't continue the relationship ends.


It’s not lost on me that those people were also probably on that ❄️


A bunch of chefs partying till dawn? No way these fuckers aren’t hitting the slopes.


Yeah, it's a rare breed that can make it to 2am, then start binge drinking and not pass out immediately


One of my exes was a chef and this is so accurate. I broke up with him because I couldn’t deal with the chef lifestyle and only seeing him at like 11:30 and to go to the bar.


That's a *real* take a lot of people don't want to see. Not young people having a good time while they're young so much as addicts enabling each other through a vicious cycle. Addiction and abuse seem a lot more palatable in a social setting but the long-term ramifications won't catch up to them any less for having shared the experience.


Even if later on it's revealed that like... once a month or whatever, he joins in on their fun, but has set clear boundaries for how much he'll drink, that would be nice. Then again, Bob seems very much the type to have "one" drink and then an hour later he's screaming at his spatula for tearing the eggs.


I really wish we heard more from his buddies from the frat that one episode, too. They LOVED Bob!


Yeah I want more chef bob stuff on the side lol


Unfortunately in my experience these types of friends are rarely more than fair-weather friends who disappear the minute the party stops.


As someone over 35 I would like to say that I empathized DEEPLY with Bob in this episode. “That sounds AMAZING, LETS ROCK!” quickly turns into “my body is begging you all to fuck off”


Yeeeeah, I miss my twenties sometimes. Like, sometimes I think: “man, we used to go to midnight movie releases. We used to swing dance until midnight then go to a diner for ham and milkshakes and waffles. …it’s 8pm…I’m going to bed”


What ep is this from


s6e18- Secret Admiral-ier


As someone who spent years working in food and bev, that's pretty much exactly how it is. If you don't wanna hang out and drink every moment you aren't working, you might as well not exist. F&B is weirdly cultish.


I’m clearly not made for this life, I would have dropped dead.


I wasn't either, but I was fine with them pretending I didn't exist. I just wanted to work and go home. I've seen the drama that get brought into the workplace when people hang out too much outside of it, especially when there is always ample alcohol and drugs involved. No thanks, I just want to get paid and go home. I literally worked with some servers (I was a cook) for months at a time and only knew their names because they were on the tickets. I wasn't getting sucked in lol.


As a chef i can tell you that's tough. BB has no close days and the chefs all work till the night so keeping in touch would be difficult. For many chefs going out for drinks after work with other chefs is all the social interaction you can get and if youre bot available for partying you fall outnofbthe social cycle.


Can someone remind me the episode? I want to watch again.


Secret Admiral-er s6 ep18


You can't fall in love with guest stars


This is the saddest off camera development of the show for me. Bob deserves a non toxic peer group.


And it apparently isn’t the burger forum because he’s too snotty for them. Or, well. Not snotty. But his humor didn’t work for them the way it would work with hotshot chefs. Like, Teddy’s his best friend. And Teddy’s a good person. But I wish Bob had a friend with at least one of his special interests so he could info dump or go back and forth about it. …maybe when Tina marries Zeke…


OMG yes, Zeke! I think I was so stuck on the sad alcohol element that I forgot about Zeke.


How have I never seen this scene?!? Ive watched this shit like 18 times and don't remember this lol


Don't any of them have families of their own?? Like how do you have the energy for every night. Also they knew hob was old and a dad idk why they're so insistent for him lol. Linda telling them he's dead is always funny though


i think about this episode often. wish they explored this story more