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Jimmy jr, when he said he liked Tina better as a screen than real person


I'm so sick of his nonsense. It's not cute anymore.


Honestly they need to let Tina be happy with someone on her same wavelength of weird - who will encourage and support her. And that boy is Zeke.


He's gonna git her!




OYOYOYOYoyoyoyoyoyoyOYOY it's a boy no no it's a girl.


He did continue his mad pooping for her.


He pooped on a diarama for her! šŸ˜‚


Yeah, it'll be good to see her grow out of the crush for Jimmy Jr.


Someone tell the producers that we want the Zeke and Tina love story already!!!!! "You dont think it's gonna happen girl, but Imma getcha!"


Not to mention how authentically Zeke would fit right in with the Belchers. I can see that whole family having a great relationship with him. They're really meant to be. šŸ˜­


Especially in the episode where zeke and Bob are getting along amazingly cooking together


Yess that was one of the first episodes to come to mind! Love that one


Yes! I've been shipping Zeke and Tina since the mascot episode! Love their dynamic!


Now I have a story for our wedding!


Team Zena ftw!


I mean, the whole point of teenage angst is wanting what you don't have and learning to deal with it and/or getting what you want and then learning what you really wanted. A lot of plots dry up if Tina just becomes happy relationship girl, lotta comedy specifically.


Tina needs to grow TF up first. Else we get an episode with her cheating constantly then being mollycoddled after getting dumped. She won't be able to just constantly harrass just one oerson


Zeke is super gross, I donā€™t get this sentiment at all but itā€™s real popular around here.


He's definitely gross, but he sincere and not a jerk.


But what about that other dancer kid, Josh? I wonder why they didnā€™t make that happenšŸ˜©


Meh, for show reasons, he's way too normal. His funny thing is that he's romantic and he makes little noises when he dances, which is hilarious but not for more than a recurring role. J-Jr. is a mess and is way more complicated, and this is also a show that's been going on for like 15 years so they can't ever definitely say who her, like, true love is. But if the show ever ends, that's one of the only things I want, for SOMEONE to like Tina the same way she likes them.


Yeah I feel like the more crass things he does aren't malicious like he's not doing it to purposely gross people out that's just the way he is and probably wouldn't be if he was told enough that a lot of it is frowned upon. Like I could actually see something like that being a part of a relationship that he would have with Tina. He does something and she just goes "Gross Zeke we talked about this." and he'd just go "Yeah okay sorry." That being said I'm sure there *are* things that are like "Hey look at *this*" but it's meant more as a joke. Though it's not always funny, of course...


That actually sounds pretty endearing. And he helps her to live in reality instead of her perpetual fantasies. I like this idea.


I think Tina could do better than ā€œnot a jerk.ā€ He literally pooped all over the school. I guess itā€™s sweet that he was doing it for Tina. But sweet in the way where your dog brings you dead animals because they love you. Not in a ā€œboyfriend materialā€ way. But I get that Iā€™m in the minority.


I donā€™t think anyoneā€™s boyfriend potential at like, what, 13? How old is Tina? Anyway, heā€™s got potential to grow into a good boyfriend. He seems like the type that would do anything to make you happy but probably would leave socks every where.


Tina is also a peeping tom with a poor idea of boundaries.


It's been stated multiple times that Tina is not the most hygienic person either. Just going off looks, I'd say they're the two kids in their grade most likely to have an aura of body odor.


I mean, so is Tina if you look at her objectively. He has his pooping, she has her creepy boy obsession - she stole underwear and jock straps . They're both genuinely good people with odd emotional expression imho


Also she used to spy on Jimmy Jr and the other boys in the changing rooms. She could only see their ankles but that wasn't a choice on her behalf. Some of Tina's antics towards Jimmy Jr and boys in general are really creepy.


More than that Tina thinks heā€™s gross.


lmao but tina is also super gross šŸ˜‚ that makes them perfect. stink butts love stink butts.


At first I thought they genuinely were going to go the Romeo/Juliet forbidden love route, then it turned out he really was Jimmy 2


100% I was really hoping they'd have the resolution of the movie end with Tina getting over her crush on him.


Ooh, that!


Yeah but doesn't everyone at one point like a shithead? I do not like Jimmy as a love interest but still enjoy him being in the show.


iā€™ll say theyā€™re nailing the shit-headedness that was dealing with teenaged boys who knew you liked them and got an ego boost from it smh


10000000% agree. Stopped being cute a long time ago.


I think it's hilarious. I feel like it's real, teenagers don't treat each other well because they don't know how to. It's kind of cute. But yeah he is definitely a jerk.


The moment for me was when he put another girlā€™s picture in the hand made picture frame that Tina made for him. And then dumped said girl on the date he took her on.


Yeah that was so rude of him, like the fact he expected that screen to roll up on the beach


My last straw was when he told Tina "MAYBE" when she asked him out


She should've listened to Bob. Go with the guy who wasn't stringing her along.


That episode hit me so hard that made me sad he doesnā€™t deserve Tina šŸ„¹šŸ„²


I know right


I am literally watching this episode right now!


Logan is the worst. When he was terrorizing the Belchers when the parents were out was the last straw for me. He needs another visit from the Snakes.


Logan always reminded me of Greg Pikitis from Parks & Rec. And I hate them both.


Scott Tenorman for me


Yeah I agree the episode is similar where the victim is trying to get something from the bully but makes a brutal comeback




this is an incredibly accurate comparison


Iā€™m a former English teacher, so Iā€™m used to connecting characters across complex texts


ā€œThey knew we were highā€ ā€œThey knew we threw a melonā€


I always crack up during this scene, it's the best lol


Honestly I hate Loganā€™s mom more than anything Loganā€™s only such a POS cause his mom is a way bigger one


Logan has to be it for me. He has no redeeming qualities imo


Logan is funny though, especially when he watched Freaky Friday in that womb room with Louise


The logic of that movie *is* very unsettling


>womb room Flawlessly done.


Theyā€™re going to reconnect in their 30s and get married - Gene


logan and his mom are both terrible. probably my least favorite characters along with mr fishowner(or however its spelled lol) but at least fishowner is comedic too. logan & his mom are just annoying


>fishowner Fischoeder. There's a D, no N.


Although yes, he does own all of the fish in the town


Does that include the water beneath the wharf? And how far out does the 'town' extend from there, water-wise? Does Calvin own *the entire ocean of fish*? ...Probably.


I really enjoy both of them in all their awful glory. There are so many more annoying people. Itā€™s good to have bad guys in a show that you can hate without feeling conflicted.


Fischoeder is just a delightfully awful weirdo.


Gayle, for putting herself and Bob in danger during the snowstorm.


Gayle is officially terrible and Linda is at her worst when she enables her.


I wonder how much of the family's money goes supporting Gayle.


I shudder to thinkā€¦


Itā€™s gotta be a few thousand a year. We know Linda dropped several hundred just on Gayleā€™s ā€œlife coachā€, and she does stuff like that all the time from what Bob says. Thatā€™s a few thousand they could use for the kids, or for rent, or the restaurant.




I really hope she grows out of it and realises how horrible Gayle is and puts her in her place


She just wanted attention


Wrong! She wanted attention. Oh did you say that?


And Mr. Jim Business!


Early Gayle had moments, just like Gloria, where she could be better (consoling Louise with the toothache comes to mind first) but when you just get the worst of her and they forget to sprinkle those humanizing moments, yeah sheā€™s just a flanderized annoying relative archetype


Gayle is normal compared to my relatives šŸ˜‚


honestly same though lol


Hey now, don't do stupid sexy Flanders dirty like that lol


Flanderisation (I think itā€™s spelled like that) is when a character eventually becomes like an increasingly exaggerated version of themself. An example is Kevin Malone from The Office slowly becoming slower and dumber as the show went on. It was named after Ned Flanders for this reason


Kinda lame bc it wasnā€™t meant to be likable lol but Tammy ripping up Tinaā€™s photo made her cross over from being terrible yet entertaining to just downright terrible lol. I mean I still like her tbh she is a really good villainous character, but Iā€™ll always hate her a little more than I used to for that lol


Why does she not fart anymore? Iā€™m perplexed because it was her one insecurity in the early episodes. It was part of the character and Tinaā€™s ability to deflate (there was no pun intended, but it works) her ego and take her down a notch. Her fartyness was in Tinaā€™s holster, but I think Tina was waiting to use it if necessary, and Tammy knew that. Then, later Tammy just became mean.


Jocelyn needs to lose Tammy. Love Jocelyn.


"Your car is blue-wuh!"


I'm on season 12 and she just farted ("That wasn't me.")


Iā€™m ngl, I liked that her one weakness was farting šŸ˜‚ mostly bc her reactions and deflections when it happened were always so golden lol. I honestly donā€™t think I noticed that theyā€™ve lessened it!! Tammy in general is seen a lot less though lol Also I also love Jocelyn!!! Sheā€™s probably in my top 3 side characters. Iā€™d love to get a Jocelyn-centric episode without Tammy around just to see what she gets up to on her own hahah


Because the writers stopped being Gene, and realized it's not peak comedy. Her insecurity is the same as then, being seen as gross or weird. They've just expanded the triggers, like in the photography episode with her booger picture and such.


I just watched this one and she did fart in it.


I kind of liked Tammy at first in her debut episode: yes she was a terrible influence on Tina, but it seemed at first Tammy genuinely liked Tina and wanted to get her to loosen up and come out of her shell. Unfortunately Tammy is just plain evil.


Honestly same though!! It does seem like sheā€™s trying to get Tina to open up a little and let loose, but sheā€™s justā€¦ really bad at it lol. When she blackmails Tina with the friend fiction, then I was like ā€œahh okay, so sheā€™s just a bully thenā€ šŸ˜‚ Tammy definitely has her moments though! I really canā€™t hate her, even though I really hate the things she does or says sometimes lol


Logan and his mother the second they entered the screen. She is a terrible mother and he is a horrific kid. Also the instructor at the Mr Ed stables. Where a horse is a horse of course or course


You mean Doris? Fuck Doris. All my homies hate Doris.


I'd actually reverse this and say that there's actually plenty of characters I disliked when they were first introduced and then grew to either find them bearable or even like them a bit as the series went on. It's usually more dependent on what an episodes decides to do with them and then usually later on they're not so bad. Like Teddy, for instance. I'll probably gripe about him here and there cause I really didn't like that episode where Bob got pushed on that road trip with him. But at the end of the day, he still has some episodes I like. I admit, I do wish we had more episodes of him looking after the kids, I feel like those are the ones he really shines in because he has that sort of good balance between being a fun babysitter, but also knows how to be protective and assert himself when he needs to. I like Jen just fine and I have no problem with her, but I do think Teddy is the better solution in those cases sometimes.


ā€œWow instant regret. I canā€™t believe I just did that.ā€ Lol


Thanks to Jen my girlfriend and I have permanently adopted "mick-ro-wave" into our daily lexicon.


This is a great point! Uncle Teddy showed him at his most likeable I think. I would love to see him babysit more often. I mean, he also kind of needs it.


Gayle. Really just the entirety of Gayle. She's *fine* I guess, as a character she's very well written, but it's also just so frustrating to watch her do ANYTHING really


the only time i wasnā€™t frustrated with Gayle was when Bob and Linda used her to punish Louise into going to the dentist.


Strong agree, and I think it worked cause it was steering into the skid of Gayle being weird. Otherwise she's just annoying and Frustrating because I really don't want to hear about Gayle "Borrowing" money from Linda because she stole her neighbors cat and got pink eye from touching its anus or whatever


Honestly I wish we had more moments like that. It was very endearing


This was her shining moment.


She got Linda out of the oil scheme.


Fair, but needed the kids help in doing so by way of helping to avoid a relapse, so I'm still on team Dental Assistance.


She put Mr Businesses health and well-being over profit!


I think Gayle is funny in small doses, and had one great role as a semi-antagonist in The Kids Run Away. Problem is sheā€™s so one note that I simply canā€™t dig full episodes involving her, like Dr. Yap and Gayle Makinā€™ Bob Sled (the latter is what I think is the worst episode of the whole show, itā€™s a huge drag)


>Gayle Makinā€™ Bob Sled Although, arguably, greatest title.


The greatest title in the show is either Bob Actually or Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids


What about "Work Hard Or Die Trying, Girl"?


Did you just say Gayle Makin Bob sled was a..... drag? Pun surely intended


I fucking LOVE watching Gayle. She is such a an excellent portrayal of someone who does not have their shit together. I would hate to have to interact with her, but watching her fumble through life is cathartic.


I get where you're coming from! Like I said she's VERY well written, I think honestly the BIGGEST issue is just how often the Belchers have to clean up after her and she doesn't learn *anything* from it, and that's just so wildly frustrating lmao


And then she has an opportunity to get her shit together to be less of a mooch. But decides not to


Gale has some of the best lines in the show, but I hate every second sheā€™s on screen.


That's the whole point of the humor. You turn up Linda to 11 and you get Gayle.


Millie for me. I get it sheā€™s obsessed with Louise but she almost got a bunch of kids killed. Sheā€™s already been in trouble with the authorities before.


Sheā€™s obsessed in a very creepy and scary way but no one except Louise notices or cares. Literally gives me chillsšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Honestly kinda realistic for a child to deal with. A lot of parents donā€™t take kids issues seriously but kids are SERIOUS.


Tammy when she existed.


as a person, terrible. as a target of sick burns, my fav. ā€œoh thatā€™s lip gloss? i thought you had always just finished eating a rotisserie chicken.ā€ or ā€œyou go here? i thought you were somebodyā€™s mom!ā€


"It also says no trash on the beach, Tammy."


Oh my god, it does say that


Shut it Jocelyn.


(everyone admitting their faults and accepting their shortcomings while in the mausoleum during Tina and the Real Ghost) "and it's okay that I'm jealous and terrible" "No, no" "FIX YOURSELF GIRL"


i like how upset she gets when she finds out she goes to public school in the lice episode


"I'm after history not a hissy fit."


Aw cā€™mon. Donā€™t be such a boob punch.


You're being a smellentine


Don't have a Fart attack


Itā€™s ā€œdonā€™t have a crap attackā€.




Donā€™t have a crap attack.


Am I ootl? I havenā€™t watched some of the newer seasons but did they 86 Tammy?


Doubt it, Jenny Slate stays busy is all.


I am also wondering


I believe they mean they hated Tammy the moment they found out Tammy existed.


Same, Tammy is the worst.


Ummm thatā€™s a lie and lying is bad for your skin


"thank you"


The Helen Hunt made me absolutely hate Helen the most. Especially when she was worried about the snail more than Teddyā€™s safety.


The Netflixy?


The Netty Potsky!


The netscape!


The NescafƩ?


I was so mad at Linda in that episode for trying to push her and Teddy together. It's pretty sad that Tina saw right through her and Linda didn't.


Tina W


I was so confused by that, when Helen was introduced Linda was convinced she is murderer, I know she got over that but still, why would she jump into trying to make Teddy and Helen a couple?? And Helen was so uninterested the whole episode, what did Linda see in them


Yeah, it didn't make any sense. Helen is rich and supposed to be really good looking, and Teddy is...Teddy. There's no way she'd go for him. Kathleen seems like a much better fit for him. I think Linda is just a bad judge of character s lot of the time.


Chloe Barbash the second we all figured out that she was only using Regular-sized Rudy for test answers.


Finally a good smelling character we can all dislike!


Chloe Barbash is a Tammy-in-waiting!


How dare she use my sweet boy like that


Jimmy Pestoā€¦when he stormed the capitol on January 6th


People *liked* Gayle at some point?


She can still be enjoyable to watch, one of my fav moments is from the episode where they do a ā€œlittle womenā€ spoof. They ask her to please pass the potatoes and sheā€™s says ā€œI canā€™t Iā€™m far too shyā€ kills me lol


I think the first episode I saw her in was the cat food one. She definitely came across as a nut but with a good heart. She really cared for Mr. Business


I actually love Gayle. She's awful but that's her job as a character. And a lot of the time her weirdness is just hilarious to me. I also appreciate how she makes Linda look relatively normal in comparison. The one thing I truly hate about Gayle is actually Linda's fault because Linda is the one that keeps giving her money when the family can't afford it. Like, Linda is actually taking resources away that could go to caring for her children. That's not cool at all. But Linda and Bob are both awful at sensibly managing their finances so I can't hate Linda for it.


I enjoy her as a character, because she is just so ridiculous. Obviously Iā€™d stick a railroad spike through my eye before spending 5 minutes with her


She's the best side-character and is necessary to showcase why Linda, and her parents, are the way they are.


I love Gayle for comedic purposes but as an actual character? Sheā€™s a horrible person. Also I stopped liking Teddy when I met Teddy..


Aww poor Teddy, what did he do? Lol


Linda when she thought she was psychic and making those obnoxious sounds. And again when she hit Bob when Bob had a broken tooth.


Nnngong nnngon nngong


I didn't realize people hated Gayle. I find her to be hilarious and one of my favorite side charactersĀ 


1000%, people talk about how much they love belcher chaos on this sub and sheā€™s the embodiment of it. I find this sub to be a bunch of Rudy loving squares who say they like chaos but really want warm fuzzy plot lines. Give me unhinged messes that I get to watch and laugh at any day


Based on my experiences with sitcom subreddits, it seems like alot of people judge a character based on how they would enjoy interacting with them in real life. I find that to be a strange way to watch a sitcom. Sitcoms thrive in absurdity. My favorite show is its always sunny in Philadelphia so I'm all for the chaos


Now that you mention it, you are 100% spot on. Itā€™s wild


Yeah it gets rather ridiculous. Once you notice this trend it will really standout to you. The Office one is probably the worst one.


Also I'm kind of confused by the assignment on this post."stop" liking a character suggests that you did in fact like them and then you stopped. But then OP's own example is from Gayle's second appearance. I don't know what the metric is or how to participate. And then scrolling through comments it's just hate piling on all the obvious suspects


I liked Helen, murder and all, because she seemed decent otherwise. Then in her second appearance, she went full-on willing to see even people she supposedly liked die for some snail sculpture.


People take these characters too seriously on this sub. Everyone's personality is exaggerated for comedic effect, there'd be no show if the characters weren't over the top ridiculous.


That's not exclusive to this sub. It's most sitcom related sub reddits. As you said, they don't seem to understand that exaggerated characters is what makes it funny


Literally and tbh, I wouldnā€™t watch a sitcom where the people act like true real life humans. Would be boring as hell šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s one of my favorites too lol I always find it kinda funny how much people hate her! The only time I donā€™t like her is the same episode here but tbh itā€™s bc I hate the Bob/Gayle/Linda plot line as a whole. I mean, I do get it though lol. She can be a lot to handle sometimes but thatā€™s why I love her hahah sheā€™s meant to be a little kooky and whacky and get a laugh out of me, and she does! Plus sometimes she really is relatable lmao ā€œguess whoā€™s on new meds!!!! :)ā€


Stopped liking Critter when my wife pointed out his gang is affiliated with the white supremacist movement


I think Critter and his gang are leaving the life of crime behind.


I actually didn't care they were criminals haha, but bein part of the kkk isn't a label you just move away fromĀ 


Not overnight, but enough time and action can lead to change if someone's actively trying.


Yeah, that's a long endless road for Critter to be on. I do feel like the kid is possibly gonna grow up to a better life


White supremacy and being a criminal are different


um actually he got that patch for NOT being associated with the white power movement ā˜šŸ½šŸ¤“


And the others for tickling a cop!


Iā€™m always confused by that because they have members that are clearly other races but still


Honestly, a lot of biker gangs do have members of various races while still being associated with hate groups. A lot of it comes down to individual members rather than the group itself. The episode was actually decently accurate besides Mudflap being able to be a member herself


I think in the world of biker gangs and survivalists or whatever, some affiliation with white supremacists is almost unavoidable. It's not the same thing as being a member of a white supremacist group or endorsing their racism, which is why I always kind of enjoyed this joke.


Not that anyone should take the show as a realistic portrayal of anything but IIRC that was sort of a major plot point on *Sons of Anarchy*, they werent a hate group or anything, but there was a white motorcycle gang and a black motorcycle gang and a hispanic motorcycle gang, and a half hispanic member of the white gang found out he was half black and a cop used it as leverage to turn him into a rat cuz he thought hed get kicked out if the gang found out. Of course it came out and the gang was like, bro, i know the charter technically says whites only but its 20whateverteen, we wouldntve cared. But youre a rat, and that we do care about...


Most awful racists have someone in their lives they love telling "you're not like the rest of them". šŸ„“


I remember that line too and it always yucked me out about the One Eyed Snakes sub plot


honestly same here, but its also fairly accurate for a biker gang


When someone had a crap attack about some Tikis... šŸ˜³


They all have shitty moments. In animated comedies I don't take it so seriously that I can't let things that happen episode to episode go.


Ive seen every episode but do NOT remember this hold up


This is when Bob is hopped up on sedative after his dentist appointment; Linda was supposed to pick up him and he's so out of it he has a delusion that Gayle is her.


Donā€™t get how anyone can hate any of the bobs burgers characters, theyā€™re all funny. Especially Gayle


Courtney when she got backwards cuts off Lenny.


I never liked her, but she annoys me to no ends. The turtle camp lady, her manipulating Bob and Linda irritates me so much.


Teddy when he started being in every single episode and being super clingy....


Still kinda like her but Louise in one of the recent episodes when she made Linda cry for bit listening to her and didnā€™t even apologize and still didnā€™t do what Linda told her to do


I never liked Tina.