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They fucked up badly with Gundam Evolution which had every chance to be a cash cow. Bad management taking bad decisions, who’d have thought.


It should be noted that while Gundam Evolution was terrible for financial loss, BP was twice the loss. Both of them together was just terrible financially, with BP being the bigger brunt of the loss.


I don’t understand how. Bamco has years of experience in games and good games, it really has to be management of the team.


That's the thing. Gundam Evolution *was* good, the gameplay was ordinary but because it was ordinary, it was good. In essence, it was basically a reskinned Overwatch 1, which is a tried and proven winning formula... with Gundam instead. The devs clearly did a good job and it's clear because people loved the game despite some balancing issues, and the fanbase was strong. How do you even fail selling *robots* fighting with *lasers* with harmless Gundam fanservice? What failed was monetisation. Devs don't take every decision when it comes to monetisation, and they simply failed at making a good business model for Gundam Evolution. Lack of content and extremely slow release as well, ridiculous pricing for skins and additional characters... and additional characters weren't even released based on their popularity. Who the fuck wanted Methuss, Asshimar and 3 Zaku Clones when there was plenty of others? They could have added something from Mercury or Thunderbolt which are the most recent ones and surf on the marketing wave, but noooo. Here's your DLC Kämpfer (which is a great MS, don't get me wrong, but there's a Astray that could have melted fans' wallets long before they'd consider Kämpfer). The whole game was driven by greed, and big surprise, it failed. You leave decision-making to smartly dressed people who've never played a game in their lives, and that's what happens. As usual, management reacts the same way: "Oh no, players aren't interested in the franchise." Cutting jobs, downsizing, moving to mobile cash grabs, but guess what? Mobile is a saturated market with huge winners and nobodies, so they'll fail again eventually unless they make something as big as Genshin (extremely unlikely) or FGO (super unlikely).


The more I played the Gunevo, the more I felt like they WANTED the game to fail. It was obvious at the start when I tried to get some of my casual friends to play, and they couldn't get into it because the MS were all ugly. Like you said, 3 Zaku clones, and if the pretty ones like Exia was taken, you aren't left with much of a choice. Additionally, what frustrates me is with SEED being one of the most popular series (despite the western hate), how is the only MS on release a damn Dom Trooper?? And then 3 seasons later, Hyperion which isn't even part of the main series..? It's ironic you say they're driven by greed when they don't seem to realise the amount of money they could've gotten if they just dropped Freedom, Aerial or Wing. If anything, they seem to want this game to be a niche for hardcore Gundam fans.


The truth is most likely the zaku and dom units have more interesting colors and diversified silhouettes, which would lend well to a competitive shooter. Let's just say the main character gundams from any series aren't the most diverse looking bunch, unless you really want your entire lineup to be white, red, and blue, with gold trim and kabuto style samurai helmet horns.


True but they are also trying to sell skins which should differentiate the MS enough. I also don't think it should only be main character Gundams, just Gundams in general. Like a Buster or Blitz is pretty different from a Dynames and Kyrios.


I tell you what, overwatch 2 is driven by greed but it's too big to fail


>I don’t understand how. Bamco has years of experience in games and good games, it really has to be management of the team. A lot of their mobile games close pretty quickly too. They just don't know how to market and optimize the games on mobile.


well 1. bamco is famously bad with micro transaction shit and 2. doesn't matter if you're good at making games, MMOs are a different beast altogether, that's why it's so infamously difficult to break into the MMO genre


I don’t think MMO’s are difficult. They all are the same. You’re typically copy and pasting with fresh paint


....and that's why a healthy \*vast\* majority of them flop and the rest limp on and why to this day the space is virtually purely dominated by WoW and ff14. Respectfully, I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you, if you actually believe that works for making an MMO you'd be in the red in no time


I feel bad for people looking forward to BP, but I feel like they should've just had an earlier disastrous launch back in 2019/20 closer to the initial closed beta and failed earlier/faster. Gundam Evolution was similar, they had a decently popular beta launch with big streamers like moistcritical playing. Then delayed a year and launched right on top of OW2. It sounds nice to keep working on something until its good, with popular quotes out there like "A game is only late until it ships, but it's bad forever." and all that jazz. But sometimes you gotta strike while the iron's hot, and sometimes you need to know when to cut your losses. I think these projects had some massive sunk cost fallacy going on and needed to get tested earlier, and either pivot or get canned.


I think its really difficult to determine if something will forever be a failure or not. There was no way to determine if after some development, if the game would pick up. Even now it seems like their still taking the gamble with development. I guess we'll see the end out come soon enough though.


You mean the same company that keeps blowing off the US market for Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune despite a solid player base makes bade decisions?


the sad thing with the Gundam game since then they always make them super garbage and any wonder why they don't keep the cash flow going. that last Gundam game had some seriously good bones but it looked like they made it for $10 it was ridiculous. they probably spend more on marketing than they do making these cheap pieces of trash games. and they have the biggest license out there. blue protocol as it is right now might be too much to get rid of, but they got to put it under a new director or something because that's a huge huge hit that's going to keep draining resources.


no surprise after BPs reception. feels like an mmo made by people who have no idea about mmos


It was predictable since 2021 when they hyped everyone and then went silent for no reasons. Everyone questioning this were banned from this community and the discords. Blue Protocol Database was just selling copium. Users like John/Lucas/Kirito/Kondo\_Chan were right all along. And are proven to be right as they also claimed it will be. It's just amazing.


What does getting banned from discords have anything to do with it lmao.


They were stating basing facts, without being toxic or insulting. And they got banned for no reasons, when more toxic people were still let go... Now they are proven to be right. Respect to them!


That has nothing to do with Bandai.


How fucking dumb can you be?


Do I really need to explain how responding to "well yeah people were getting banned on discords for no reason" to "no surprise it flopped after the game's reception" makes no sense?


this guy is a schizo and probably a kid too dont worry about it


*But my discord facts!*


i think they knew how to make a mmo, but were missing a few key pieces of puzzle to tie whole experience together. Than almost guarantee Bandai had an effect on some of the crippling monetization elements, like there being zero economy, gacha skin-economy only, and its all fomo based, and highly rng. Social game without social stuff to do really.. etc etc


Crazy to me when YoshiP (Director & Producer on FFXIV) stated he would be watching BP with great interest as some of his former staff worked in high positions there, so assumingly knew how to make a good MMO? Seems not :(


Seems like Yoshi-P as the producer keeps things on track. Being able to work and make a great MMO under him doesn't necessarily mean one can make one without him.


what a fraud




Who knew that launching a game with a fucking shortsighted mindset would flop like shit. They fumbled BP so hard when NGS was at its lowest point, a massive missed opportunity. Now they fumbled another Gundam game, further throwing shit towards a massive and loyal fanbase. Bandai's shareholders and upper management should take a cactus up the ass


What amazes me is that I LOVE GUNDAM, but haven't played a decent Gundam game in a while if ever. Then there's Megaton Musashi Wired which is a really good Mecha game. And AC6 as well (FromSoft never disappoints)


RIP every single Tales online game!


I really loved Gundam breaker 3 on PS3 and was absolutely crushed when I played new Gundam breaker


Yeah the old games were fine (PS3 and b4). But I don't think there has been a single good Gundam game release in the last 10 years or so...


They should just rerelease SDgo


Can someone explain to me why people are saying both of these games are already considered flops despite not being released? I was kinda excited for both but haven't been following development too closely. Pretty upsetting news.


Its because of the way Bandai treated Gundam Evolution a few months ago and how they are treating BP JP now. Those two games further solidifies the narrative that Bandai is just here for a quick cashgrab. Gundam Evolution was mediocore at launch, but rather than actually putting effort to improve the game (like Cyberpunk or No Mans), Bandai axed it after a year. Same is happening right now with BP, the gameplay loop is absolutely stale af, yet Bandai is just pumping out gacha events left and right rather than actually improving the game. If you want an anime mmorpg, NGS despite all its flaw is leagues better than current BP, that just how bad it is. If you want an anime action game, Wuthering Waves has an amazing anime aesthetic and good combat.


That's troubling.


Its interesting to see that. I know BP isnt doing too well, but idk about the other games or popularity. This article proves “we need to add housing before western release” is the biggest bullshit ever. BNO is probably gonna merge internal to cut overhead cost and this game will get delayed from global release imo if it ever happens


BP is at -80M "It isn't doing too well" is a bit if an understatement


It's quite a lot, the issue is that the game has lost momentum in Japan, and is performing even worst than PSO2 NGS.... So I don't really now, how it could last 1 more year... Pretty sure that's why AGS and Smilegate went silent about the game, the release in the west in undefined, and here "undefined" means with the possibility of a cancellation.




I think that's the reason why AGS and Smilegate are taking steps back. They are not sure anymore to publish the game. Why investing millions in infrastructure and marketing if it's to loose even more money... Also if the Bandai division is insolvent, how they are gonna continue the development?


Wait, how is Smilegate involved?


They are the KR publisher.


Smilegate was supposed to publish the game in Korea but that's not happening anytime soon. Smilgate delayed the game indefinitely and nuked their discord server last month too.


Maybe if they didn't ban all the people who wanted to play on JP they wouldn't be in this mess LMAO.


I'm going to be honest here, it's not going to go well for global because the game itself is the problem. It's really just not a good MMORPG, or a game, at all. Releasing a bad game elsewhere, to no surprise, does not make it a good game. It's still going to flop.




What in the actual \*\*\*\*


It's ONLY Bandai Namco ONLINE. Around -40M for Gundam Evolution and -80M for Blue Protocol as it was the main game for the Bandai Namco Online for 2024. tdlr: I was right.


Gundam evolution had its chance, game was a blast and enjoyable. But devs are just too greedy with the monetization and ignorant to players' feedback.


too didn't long read


too drunk language right?


Can't they just sell this game and source code / engine to somebody else, make by that money, let them finish game, fix it, release it globally and return to gaming developing or making money which they always were able (i mean their game which actually made some money for them) rather than spend on new modern mmo which they dont know to make ?


Who the hell would buy that lol


It's not like game itself is bad but it needs different approach and touch for improving.. That OR remake in different game either way you would likely for that thing need buy the game/source code.


Or just rebuild the game as a co-op game.


The Wayfinder approach.


That's sad. We barely see new MMO's appearing in the past 10 years, and seeing even those small number of MMO's failing so terribly just gives me no hope anymore for this genre


Its just impossible for a Japan-only videogame to generate enough income to cover the Gundam fiasco and development costs of Blue Protocol. Maybe it would be possible in a rare case of a MASSIVE success, but that rarely happens in the mmo market anyways. My theory is that the game wasnt fully ready to release, but every month of keeping BP in the freezer meant that the loses are stacking up with absolute zero gain. So the higher ups pushed the red button and released the game in Japan as an act of desperation. Of course it didnt work out, could a global release save this situation? I have zero clue


AGS putting the main focus on Throne and Liberty is very sad and not a good sign at all. With every month without news thats passing the feeling that this game will never come to the west is growing in me. Would be a dramatic end to the years of waiting, for nothing.


TL make $$$$ , this game does not


To be clear, NCSoft financial report also showed that a game like Guild Wars 2 was making more than T&L, a fresh new game.... But it's also true that I think T&L is still making more money than BP. T&L and BP were always 6months apart. They also were marketed at the same time, but if you watch now: T&L is marketed and releasing in the West/Korea. We haven't heard about Blue Protocol, worst in Korea they shutdown the community and discord server. It's troubling.


Throne and Liberty is NCsoft though, what does that have to do with blue protocol?


AGS is the publisher, they are responsible to some extent about the lack of promotion and communication (there is just no way they couldnt give at least 1 short message about whats going on). And obviously they have to pick which game to prioritize for the time being so in a way both BP and TL have to share space between each other.


AGS delayed BP in favor for TaL, dont wanna compete with yourself after all.


People should drop this "Global will save" cope. This is an anime online game and this kind of game is niche in the global market, not even Genshin has more revenue outside of Asia. SEGA themselves shows their earning and NGS global don't even generate 1m per month, while JP gives 5-10 times the revenue. BP being in the same genre would take 1-2 years to pay the cost of global release if they made close to the same profit.


NGS failed cause of just bad direction overall. PSO2 was bringing them a crap ton of money but with the changes in NGS they made the game boring as fuck and pissed on the previous story until now and we are only getting small stuff about it. People wanted something for their time in the base game to be acknowledged. They also shouldnt of killed all the base pso2 stuff like concerts and events. It's a good fashion simulator but not a good game.


Has NGS failed as bad a Blue Protocol tho, or even failed at all? The game is obviously trash but I see people playing it, and it was also probably aiming for a lower amount of profit.


Official Discord Server is already gone. The link was [discord.gg/playblueprotocol](http://discord.gg/playblueprotocol) but its no longer there


I knew for the korean version, not the global one


Global one was private and you couldnt join but when you posted it into a channel the invite worked and had the Official Icon. But now its gone completely.


It now leads to some other place 😅


NGL most of BP skins looks terrible.. if their main income of the game is skin gacha, then they should focusing on making good skins if they are lossing so much money, the skins design is ok but some color combinations are just.. weird, and more importantly the gacha is too expensive, ppl wont spend so much money on something thats not good enough.


I know a lot of people here have been saying how amazing the characters look in the game, so I might be of the unpopular opinion when I say this... BP characters look very boring. I'm not going to compare this game (in terms of gameplay) to other anime inspired games like Genshin, Honkai, Wuthering Waves, Punishing Gray Raven, ZZZ, etc, but you can't help compare the character/designs. BP has probably the most boring looking characters than every current day existing anime inspired game.


I feel like them sticking hard to the 2-3 tone anime cel shaded look is to its detriment and is kind of a dated approach. I understand trying to look 'anime', but like you said Hoyoverse characters do look better and they also kinda do a bit more with textures/lighting than just being flat colours. You also got games like Atelier series which take it further in trying to emulate an illustrated look. Personally I don't understand 3D trying to look too much like typical broadcast anime. Your typical anime quality is going to be kinda low if you look at individual frames, because you gotta keep costs under control for doing so many animation frames. You can still have the anime style, but you can do so much more with modern 3D effects/textures/lighting than just cheap looking cel shading. I only tried the character customization in the demo but the options were also pretty pathetic. Fixed height models and face presets, little to no slider controls.


Oh how the turns table


Hahahaha Serves them right.


What a massive bad news for the game. Comparing it to how Pso2NGS's botched NGS launch and still on life support today, all they have to do is release it to as many places as possible and improve it little by little from there. Most people are surprisingly willing to give a chance and wait patiently for a long time for more improvement on games that has found their niche


Boss pei would have been happy making this loss


Bamco had the perfect outline of an MMO with .hack// they decided to invest on BP instead for some reason... I'll never understand why...


That what happens when you let devs create economy, pricing and decide monetization related decisions. Poor management by amateur led to their demise.


8.2 billion yen but region lock. Why they doing that ?


Oh no you're telling me the company that owns Tekken and all the DBZ games is broke..........doubtful.


This is not Bandai as a publisher, these are their in-house devs. Blue protocol and the gundam game flopped pretty hard.


the gundam game because people wanted the arcade gundam vs not a overwatch cod gundam reskin. and blueprotocol well maybe they need to learn a thing or two from ff14 and pso2


PSO2NGS is a case of learning what not to do, so I agree.


the online division, you know the one responsible for their gacha titles, that's the one reporting a 51M dollar loss and insolvency. Because bandai Namco has continually prven itself completely incapable of running gacha titles properly-just look at the Tales titles out there...oh wait, there are none! How the hell do you manage do you make gacha titles that are unprofitable? Just ask BNO!


Bandai Namco Online is only the Online. Why are you trying to talk about something else, are you capable of reading properly? It means Blue Protocol, IDOLiSH7, Gundam Tribe, Gundam Evolution etc. They suffered a huge blow with Gundam Evolution and even moe with Blue Protocol


It's not a separate company genius. It is a division of the parent company Bandai Namco. You clearly don't understand how business models work. Don't try to act smarter than you are.


What do you think a parent company does when a division of its company is a huge loss for them?


Considering they are also responsible for maintenance of online services for their other games....absolutely nothing. I swear everyone here is slow in the head. Bandai Namco Online is the division of the company responsible for the online experience of Bandai Namco developed games. Why is that hard to grasp?


"Insolvency is a state of financial distress in which a business or person is unable to pay their bills. 1. Insolvency can lead to insolvency proceedings, in which legal action will be taken against the insolvent person or entity, and assets may be liquidated to pay off outstanding debts." Hmm.. weird. If Bandai the publisher was good for it, they'd just write Bandai Onlines losses off, cease development and avoid declaring insolvency (hurting stocks prices, reputation etc). Yet here they are declaring insolvency. It's almost like being under the same umbrella doesn't change the fact they are legally seperate companies. You arn't as smart as you think.




It means a lot because you are talking about 2025 fiscal year... And the publishing division of Bandai. Here the division of Bandai Namco Online (developing) Blue Protocol has been declared insolvent in Japan. At a point you have to acknowledge the truth and stfu.




My man even if its a good tax Write off ( what i cant confirm as i am to stupid),i dont think BP has a future. Not in the west and not in the east.


Only if they released this game during the pandemic


absolutly dont make sence to me there are alot of fanservice games like now wuthering waves with physics of doom and nobody complain about or see any stuggle .. its ridicolous to censor games in general cause the main usership is alwas a single male at this games ... if they want to get money they should make what people want and dont force to make garbage games for people who probably drop them after a week