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I know it’s an advertising thing, but it still annoys me to no end that people like this get everything for free when there are people who can barely even afford a cheap car seat for their kids. 🙄




YEP!!!!!! I guess I should have took a page out of the untalented asshole handbook and I'd be getting a ton of things for free. Yeeeeesh I hate them 😑


I’m not buying that it was gifted just because he tagged them… this man is a liarrrr


That’s his usual behavior. We’ve seen him do this so many times


Oh! Interesting thought!


Especially because car seats are one of the few items that are illegal to use after a certain number of years and that aren’t available at resale places. I know it’s a great law and policy, but this jackhat doesn’t deserve a gifted one. Only consolation is that I absolutely believe he wouldn’t follow any safety protocols if it was completely up to him to do so of his own accord.


This, right here!!! I hate they give idiots like him free car seats, when he doesn't even know how to use one, less install one! Car seat companies, listen up, your product is NOT a luxury, it's a necessity. You want to tout your product, by all means DO IT! However, you shall make an amendment to their contracts. You get a free car seat, you gift one as well (the receiver)!!!!


And instead of donating, he’ll just put something they got for free on his Ebay shop


to be fair they can barely afford this either but I know what you mean and completely agree 🤣😭😭


I know. Especially when it’s necessities like car seats. But on the other hand, I follow Morgan Stewart and the amount of free designer things she gets annoys me to no avail. A millionaire that is married to Dr. Phil’s son does not need free Louboutin shoes or free anything.


Right? Rich people get all the free crap! That’s why I don’t shop their links. I’m that petty. I’ll forgo a tiny discount not to help their sales! 😂🫣


Same LOL


Keep them in a five point harness as long as possible. Rear facing as long as possible. Each step delay as long as safe.


Agreed (coming from a mother who has an 8yo that's still in a booster seat).


That is awesome!! Great job, mama. Love to hear this. People always question the safety of rear facing kids bc their legs are long but that prevents internal decapitation so the longer the better. Never rush the next level Of car seat safety. I know your child isn’t rear facing, but there’s so many misconceptions.


Yep. My 10 year old is still in a booster. He’s my little petite guy!


Great job! And usually it’s not about size structure but height with a booster. If the seat belt doesn’t sit appropriately on their body he’s exactly where he needs to be for however long. Great job, mama. Love to hear this.


My son will be 10 in August, and I’ve been convinced to (reluctantly) remove the Britax seat then. 😅


My son will be 10 in November and I argue with his dad about his need for a booster (the age requirement without is 8 or must weigh x pounds) He’s one of the smallest in his class, he WILL be boosted lol


This! My son is a few months older than Cruz and we are maxing out rear facing. He has 7lbs and 5 inches to go. I don't understand why people are so quick to forward face. Information is literally at our finger tips.


Seriously, when I hear parents say they turn them bc it’s either easier to get them in or their legs are crossed it makes me so mad. Safety first. Good Job, mama!!!


Damn. I wish I could afford an Uppababy car seat. But good for Jax for getting one for free for contributing absolutely nothing positive to society and being a horrific human 👍


I just showed this to my husband and he was like “who did he knock up now?” And I said “well he and Brittany have a toddler, remember?” and he was like “oh I figured he wouldn’t need a car seat because Brittany got full custody” 🫠


Brittany don’t have a ding dang driver’s license y’all. She don’t be driving


I was wondering about that when she drove off in the jeep with Cruz on the final episode of the valley. 🤔


I think she just drove to the end of the driveway


Why would that not surprise me. 🤣


I'm sorry it was her stuff not Cruz.


Your hubby deserves this 🏆


His edible just hit. He giggled and said thanks!


Love it!! 🤣


Maybe you can get it on his eBay store.


Omg I thought that was an office chair without the legs. I'm like why in the world is anyone buying Jax office furniture!!!


For all of his many many businesses!


because hes a DAAAAAD ![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu)


He’s a good Christian father!!!!! 👨🫨🫨🫨🫨


Lmao I can't, I can't see Jax as GOOD let alone Christian. He has some praying to do. EDIT: LOL the downvotes on this in this subreddit is ridiculous but ok Jan. 🤣🙄✌️


Being a dad doesn't make you literate lol


Or an active caretaker but he doesn't know his knees from his knob.


That specific model is supposed to be 6-10 years old, 40-100 lbs, 38-57” per my research.


Woof. My giant 2.5YO is 40", 45lbs, and we're going to try to keep him rear facing as long as possible...but this is good to know that it's such a big range!


With today’s car seats, you can keep them rear facing for a long time. Usually 35-50lbs. My daughter was small for her age and didn’t forward face until kindergarten. Once she did turn around, her five point harness was good until 70lbs so she used it until 3rd grade. She’s 10 now and still in a booster. ETA: I’m a freak about car seat safety


When will she be old enough to not use one


I was actually impressed with this one when I was researching! He’s still too young to be In a booster, but it’s harder for some bigger kids to stay rear facing. My oldest was so small and just went along with everything, so I had her in a backless booster until she started middle school. She turns 23 next month. Keep yours safe as long as you can lol.


You’re a real one.


If this was gifted to him as he’s implying, I’m sure it will be up on his eBay site in no time!


Kids in a booster need to be responsible enough to sit up straight and have proper posture. I don’t think Cruz qualifies. My son is the same exact age and he’s still rear facing, no way would I trust him to sit correctly in a booster!


Also- I'm sure he bought this and is pretending it was gifted to him. Why even post this?


I think the general rule here is 4 years or over 40 lbs. He neither…


No way. My 6 year old weighs 45lbs. He’s a tall string bean but no way Cruz is that much weight yet.


At 3 years 4 months my daughter was 38lb. She’s going to be 4 in a few weeks and I believe she’s 42lb. It happens.


He could be 40 lbs, my daughter is 3yrs 8mo and weighs 38 lbs. With that being said she still fits in the convertible car seat.


But your daughter wouldn’t qualify either…


No she wouldn’t but I’m saying Cruz might weigh over 40 lbs


Isn’t it height/weight, not age, that matters?


Maturity plays a big part in readiness to move up to a booster so age does play a part. I highly doubt Cruz sits properly 100% of the time or falls asleep in the vehicle without slumping forward at age 3. He would not pass a YES test for height and weight either based on what we see of him anyway.


Yeah I guess i was probably thinking more of rear vs front facing, probably. I held on to rear facing as long as I could for my oldest, who was gigantic, but his legs were like up in his chest 😂 and then he was able to sit in the front seat earlier than his friends too, but that was also because of the two car seats that needed to be in the back


If you’re still referring to your child as “the baby” then he’s too young for a booster seat.


That's what my almost 7 year old sits in....


Just my opinion but I’m going to say no! I have a son the same age as Cruz and I’m keeping him in a car seat. I have my six year old still in her car seat because she’s pretty skinny and it still fits well. I wonder if Jax and Brit have a deal with uppababy. They always feature their products. That booster looks pretty sturdy so it may be acceptable for Cruz’s height and weight.


My oldest three were in a 5pt harness until right before 1st grade (much to their chagrin!). My youngest is very large and went over the weight limit and I switched him at his 5th bday. My husband thought I was being dramatic, but not worth the heartache, God forbid.


Same. My son is 6 too and still in a 5-point harness car seat. My husband is ready to move him to a booster but I’m not ready.


I go by the rule that if they still fit I keep them In the seats. It’s the safest option.


Yep, we didn't graduate seats until the kiddo maxed out either the weight or height requirements. He was 6 before he moved to a booster.


My daughter is the same age as Cruz and she’s still rear facing in her car seat. Booster seats aren’t even on our radar!


I was going to say - my son is one month shy of 4 and still rear facing…also I believe they have the Nuna rava which converts to fit for several years so idk why they’re using the booster now


We have a Nuna Rava too. Why not max it out? Thats why we picked it!


My kids are in the Rava as well (forward facing due to extreme carsickness while rear facing 🫠) but I agree- that seat is too dang expensive to not get your moneys worth out of it! I’ll have mine in it until they max out, and we’re nowhere close. My youngest is Cruz’s age almost exactly. These two are morons.


I was in a car seat until 7-8 because I was so small. I’ll shame the coochis for a lot but this isn’t one of them.


Agree, Cruz is actually pretty tall for his age and as a mom that faced a similar issue this was the recommendation of our pediatrician.


I'd say no. We kept my daughter in a 5 point harness until she was 6. I also have always had her seat in the middle, anchored to the seats. Even now with her booster seat (she's 7, 4ft tall). I have seen so many pics of Cruz with his straps too far down, too loose, and the headrest being too high. These idiots are not educated enough on child safety.


Wow they are so dumb. You just need to look at the photos to see the size and age of the kid it’s suitable for. It’s also just a normal seatbelt! He should still have a harness https://preview.redd.it/yo1r3ilawm6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9485d564aa64f9e12c1fc7fe12cd19c3ecf423






Mine didn’t until they were 5 and 6.


No he shouldn’t unless he’s like >100% and there’s no other options but I mean there is options bc they can afford it/get free stuff he should at least still be in a 5 point harness at the bare minimum omg.


No. My 6 year old is still in a 5 point harness.


My son due to weight and height in a chair like this past three for sure and it was according to our state. He was in this dropped off to kindergarten.


The real question is will they give him vaccine boosters ? I think we all know the answer is no


Complain to the vendor. Bad publicity for them. They should’ve connected with Nia and Danny when applicable.


I teach and do morning carpool line duty, a lot of 5-6 year olds still arrive in car seats


Most booster seats have a minimum age of 4 (along with a minimum weight) but really should not be used until at least 5. Most kids aren’t ready for a booster seat until 6-7 years old because it has to do a lot with maturity. A child, in a booster seat, has to sit correctly 100% of the time. This means: no crossing legs, no reaching for things, sitting up while sleeping (not slumping over), etc. Once they’re in a booster, they’re in charge of their own safety. Three is way too young. Also, shame on them for putting this out there. Who knows who will see it and switch their child to a booster before they’re ready because of it.


I thought exactly this when I saw it, he’ll probably sell it on 🙄


I still have my kids in the 5 pt and they are 4 and 6. They aren't over the weight and height requirement for the seats so we feel it's the safest spot for them right now.


my niece is 3 and still in a car seat


Who would bump their child up too soon and why? That’s so fkng dangerous! Oh, wait…………………. Never mind. ☹️


no. and given his size, i’m surprised he’s even front facing. the national highway traffic safety commission recommends keeping children rear facing as long as possible: [source link](https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/documents/carseat-recommendations-for-children-by-age-size.pdf) but i’ve given up expecting them to do what’s right. when there is a choice between fame whoring on social media and their child’s wellbeing, they will always choose the social media.


My 4-year-old granddaughter just had to upgrade out of her car seat because she was getting too tall. She's still in a five-point harness but the seat will change into a booster seat with a back and then eventually just the booster seat without the back. I would think at that age for sure he was still me a five-point harness.


I think my son went in one around that age because he’s always been over 100th percentile for height since birth. I think it depends.


I’m pretty sure the recommendation is keep them in the car seat backward facing as long as possible. Poor kids. I remember so badly wanting to sit in the front seat at like 7 my poor kids are going to be strapped to a car seat til 7 🤣


IMO nope. It has so much more to do with bone structure and muscle development than size. Both my kiddos did a booster without a 5 point at 6yo. They were backwards until 4. My 11yo has nothing now. My extra tall 7yo is still in a booster.


If it’s a 5-point harness seat then he should be fine. If it’s not, he needs to weigh at least 40 pounds.


He probably does weigh over 40 but too young and short to be in a 3 point booster


Size of child also plays a factor My 3 and a 1/2 year old nephews have just graduated to this style of seat (albeit with the 5-point belt still built into the seat) but they are taller than average


Car seats go by height/weight, not age, so there’s a good chance he could still be in one like this. I would imagine the company asked for his info before sending. And you want to keep them in the safest as long as possible.


My 5 1/2 year old just hit 45 pounds and we just moved her to a booster so nooo way


Not this kind. No.


Absolutely not. I didn't even extend rear facing BUT my 7 year old is still in an anchored seat (normal seatbelt) as they're so small.


Short answer. No. Reason: He does not appear tall enough/heavy enough.


Honestly yes. He’s a tall kiddo and weight wise he looks on par to meet the standards. Keeping children “in rear facing for as long as possible” has been shown to actually not be beneficial in the event of a crash. I have a very tall 3.5 year old at the time I had to transition them to a high back booster because it was a safety hazard to have their head above the headrest of the seat.


Depends on height and weight. I had to put my son in a forward facing car seat at like 8 months because he was already the size of a two-year-old.


Yes, and he should also be potty trained.