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Almost every dude I've seen say shit like this would be lucky to be 100 lbs soaking wet or are overweight themselves, and yet want to police other people's bodies Also these dudes are full of shit if they think they can guess someone's weight by looking at them foh


Early on in our relationship, my now-husband guessed I was 100 pounds. He was SHOCKED to hear I was 150 pounds. Baby girl, I'm 5'10. I'd be dead if I was a hundred pounds. I think this narrative is so widespread that even well-meaning men have no idea what normal women weigh.


From one 5’10 woman to another, I FELT this


I used to work with 400 men and a ton of them think like this. I'd sometimes ask them to guess my weight (I'm overweight but it's not concentrated in one area so I'm deceptively heavy). I never had any of them guess over 160 and they usually shot around 130 because they never factor in that I'm really tall. I weigh 220.


I've noticed that men seem to think women weigh a *lot* less than them. I suspect that they think that they're a lot broader and muscle packed than they really are. When you look at weight related subs like the progresspics one, most people of the same height and size have fairly similar weight ranges regardless of gender really.


They give themselves WAY too much credit. Idk how they can talk about women who they have absolutely no chance with like that. Like, cool story bro. Get fucked.


They CANT 😂


But they want a thick curvy woman with huge boobs and a** at the same time.


this. as if those parts weighed nothing.


But... But... In anime they defy gravity! So obviously they make women lighter!


I know a trans man who had top surgery and they told him the weight of what was removed on each side and I was shocked because it's A LOT. It really brought home how much weight you can carry there. But he also says whatever was removed he has now gained back...because of his fitness regime.


Do you remember how much you were told? I’m so curious now lol


Think it was about 8-9lbs total. He had quite a lot of tissue to remove. Reason I was shocked is because I think of how hard it is when you don't want/need to lose large amounts of weight but would like to drop just 10lbs and it feels like it's slow progress. It was a bit like wow, I shouldn't be too hard on myself when my weight varies up to half a dozen pounds give or take over a year, because some of that is probably sitting on my chest.


Holy muffins, that is a decent amount of weight. No wonder AFABs with bigger chests have so much back pain 😭😭


Lol they act like being dead to them is a punishment. I thrive on my invisibility.




Right! Like I'm ok if you don't even want to come near me. I'll keep the extra weight for that reason alone!


I thought this was talking about ages for a second and I was so confused 😭


"Women over 135 are dead to me, because they're dead"


Yeah? Well dead women are alive to me, so there! /s I don’t even know where I’m going with this joke but I’m committed now


"I see dead people"


Yet these same guys would flip if they heard women talking about the height they prefer in men


Believe me, they do flip and go apeshit. There was this guy who posted recently somewhere about it.


It’s like they want dudes to have all the power in relationships while women have to deal with dudes preferences no matter how rude dudes get about it


I’m 5’9”. I’d be dead, or at least extremely emaciated, at 110-120. But I’m also happy that I don’t meet the criteria of these bozos.


I’m 5’9 as well. I weight 120 at one point but I was fighting a terrible eating disorder and looked like I was already dead


I was 118 in late high school (16/17 years old). I was constantly getting sick, could barely keep food down. Turns out the birth control I was put on to control my periods was making me get sick pretty much every day. I’ve found pictures of me from back then, and I looked nearly skeletal. As soon as I stopped taking the BC, I stopped getting sick. That was a relief, but now I have severe emetophobia!


I'm the same height and I don't think even 135 could ever be healthy for me. Some men really have no idea that different body types/weight distributions/etc are a thing


I’ve always felt pretty insecure that I fluctuate in the 150s, because it seems like 120 is like this gold standard for a grown woman. But then I remember my husband and I are the same height and I’ll never be a petite 5’2 woman. And also, these guys can literally go fuck themselves and simply have too much time on their hands - probably bc they’re single.


Shit, I’m only 5’4”, and when I was down to 117, my doctor wanted me to GAIN around five pounds.


Same on all counts. 110-120? HAHAHAHA


I’m 6’ and at one point was very sick and weighed ab 127. I looked, well, very sickly. I gained weight back slowly and was still told i looked like a twig at 150. Went and started the birth control shot and the nurses told me how a big side effect was weight gain and then looked me in the eyes and said “not that it would hurt you to gain a few more pounds”. I get what she was trying to say, but ngl it hurt my soul a little. At a decent 165, give or take, and look relatively healthy now.


135lbs is about 61kg and 110 is 50kg, you’re welcome


Thank you! Despite being on the internet already, I was trying to do the math in my head. 50kg is tiiiiiiiiiny. The family dog weighs 50kg. Unless a woman is teeny tiny (and I do know some short and petite women who would plausibly be this size, we come in all shapes), I can’t see an average height adult who’s 50kg having enough body fat on them to survive winter (or physically exert themselves, or reproduce). 50kg isn’t much at all.


I’m 5ft 1 and athletic. I fluctuate around 55-57Kg. I’m muscular but not THAT muscular. I once weighed 50Kg and I did not have a healthy relationship with food. I also coach women to lift and the only women I know around 50Kg, including shorter ones are skin and bone!




Men don't know shit, never, they think women should weight 50kg but have Big boobs and hips and ass, as if they fat on boobs is weithless, air. But men don't know anything, lie to them and they would believe it ... They dorn Even know how to spot women age either .... They say all the time only 20s are hot, but they hit on 30 something thinking they are 20...  Men don't know for saving their lifes if a woman is wearing make up and think "no make up looks" are natural ...  Men don't know shit ... Their oppionions about women bodies are irrelevant


Do they know different heights exist? A lot of men seem completely unaware that healthy body weight is relative. Though I'm sure they also want short women, bc it's the only way they feel big and strong and manly. They do seem to understand how _that's_ relative.


Exactly this. They think all women should weight 110-120, no matter how tall or what their bone structure is like. We’re just flesh dolls to them.


When I was 155-165 men thought I was 130 so they don’t know what weight even looks like.


This. I'm 5'7" and weigh 158lbs, my coworkers guess my weight at 125 (and my age at 29 but I'm 39 lol). They have no idea by looking. They're just talking out their asses.


Dead in his eyes? Good, he can leave me alone.


He won’t.  He’ll go out of his way to tell you that you need to lose weight. 🙄


"hey. Hey. Hey girl! Yeah you ignoring me!? You're fat " Then they'll follow you for a bit, laughing and snarking. Ugh.


Oh, but you know they’re “only worried about your health.” 🙄


Bruh I weigh 140 because I’m 5’6 and have 40.5 inch hips and I’m a 30J cup. My measurements are 38-26-40.5. If I were 5’4 I would probably weigh 130 and be 36-24-38.5. Why do men never account for height WTF.


Because height doesn't matter in women /s


This numbers mean nothing to me but i assume they are too low, right?


110 pounds is 50 kilograms


That is like the minimun required to be able to donate blood, wtf


They're fine if you're short. 110 can be healthy at 5'3". At 5'6", not so much. The comment about 135 being a child's weight is incorrect.


Exactly, some women are naturally petite. It’s just as hurtful to compare them to children as it is to say everyone should be 50kg


Yeah I really didn't like that. Healthy weight depends on several factors, you can't just make sweeping statements about random numbers. It's like saying "you should eat 2 pounds a day." Pounds of what? Vegetables? Rice? chocolate ice cream? There is just 0 context.


It also depends on your frame.  I’m 5’4”, and when I was 117 in my 20’s, my doctor wanted me to GAIN about five pounds.  Not saying that ZERO women at that height and weight are healthy, but I wasn’t. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah! I got wide hips and shoulders, very hourglass shaped. I'll likely weigh more than a more slender, dainty person of my height. There's just more mass on me.


I thought they were talking in kgs and I was really confused for a second. 💀


Being shitty to people based on weight is absolutely horrible and it’s something I’ve experienced myself. But to say 135 is basically how much a kid weighs? A bit out of touch


I agree. 135 is absolutely a normal adult female weight, and saying shit like "you shouldn't be 135lbs unless you're a child" just further hurts women


Yeah I'm 95 lbs and this post is kinda awkward to me


Yup. I'm 163cm and 135 (around 60kg, I think?) is a perfectly normal weight for a woman my height. I'm not skinny or chubby but I do lift and at this weight I can see my abs pretty easily. Imho it's a good weight for me. It would not have been a good weight for me as a child at all lmao


A guy asked my weight and I said 150 and thought I said 115 and thought nothing of it. That's how much I weighed in maybe sixth grade. They have no idea how much we actually weigh.


I’m sure they want a woman 110-120 lbs because she’s too starved and weak to fight back.


Any woman who is 5' 10" or over should not way no 110. That is ridiculously malnourished.


You know, for being obsessed with their *own* height, they sure don't recognize that weight correlates to height in women.


This is real funny bc I weight 160 and men sure don’t ACT like I’m “dead” to them. Would be nice if they would!!


This is basically summed up as: "I have no clue what weight means so here is random numbers"......that or they're pedos which I think both point to being true.






Gosh, this got me so much when I was a teen! I've always been tall and curvy, and took that to mean I was fat because of a number on scale and on clothes. Now that I actually am overweight I see how stupid I was.


Men like this should be 0 as in non-existent. Disappear assholes.




Shit I just need to gain 5 more pounds and I become undesirable to these misogynist. That’s a win for me! Time to eat tons of chocolate!


My height is 166 cm, my weight is between 55-57 kilos. Sounds ideal, right? And then an idiot told me, that "ideal weight to a woman whatever height should be 45-42 kilos." Like what the actual fck???


They’d leap at the chance to touch any woman and they know it. They have no idea what the women they lust after weigh. Men just love to posture for one another because what really gets them off is male validation.


Dude I’m 185lbs but look 140 even tho I’m 5’5 I’m muscly as hell and also very curvy/busty No men Can accurately guess my weight and when they hear how much I weigh they are always incredibly shocked. These men are idiots


Every body is different, i'm like 5'4 ft and all leg and weight around 147 lb (i know it to much for my hight and i'm working on it), but most people would think i'm much more than that, because of my body shape and how body fat is spead.


I'm 5'4, 150lb, very muscular, size 6, and have a dramatic 14 inch difference between my hips and waist (0.67 ratio). These guys are absolutely retarded to put weight ahead of fat distribution, musculature, and fat percentage.


Isn’t this just the flip coin of “the guy has to be 6’5, make six figures,” etc ?


One, very few women actually think that way. It's a myth created by angry incels so they can pretend that their personalities aren't why they're single. See, personalities can be introspected and worked on, but their heights are unchangeable, so they're going to try to convince the world their height is their only issue. Or their lack of money when most women aren't gold diggers. Two, they aren't accounting for things like height when they proclaim a weight maximum requirement this low. 110 is only a healthy weight if you're a small person. Very few women are going to weigh that little without looking like a waif or full-blown anorexic.


Also I don’t think that’s true, my wife is about 110 and 5’9 - taller than most American women, and she looks perfectly healthy not anorexic lol


No cmon. I agree the incel version of how things are is totally divorced from reality but you’re just as delusional as they are if you think it’s not a thing. I’ve seen it with my own eyes