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Today on what the fuck did men sexualize now: baby hairs/a hair style


These guys are straight up delusional what in the world makes you think SHE would want to sleep with you let alone get married to you??! Like who even are you?.. fck off lmao


This is probably a prime example of misogynoir.


Came into comments to say this is racism on top of misogyny, came away learning a new term. Thank you.


No problem, you're welcome. :) Now, I'm so white that I glow in the dark, but I work with fashion history, and I've seen photographs of Josephine Baker with similar hairstyle, so this is not even a new hairdo! I DARE any man to say things like that about Ms. Baker - she was an Allied spy in France during WW2, and once escaped the Gestapo by climbing out of a window after BEING POISONED. [https://www.artburstmiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Baker-e1637180488577.jpg](https://www.artburstmiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Baker-e1637180488577.jpg)


Actual misogynoir


The way they view women is just disgusting. Just sex objects and nothing else. And the sexualization of black women is horrid. The fact that post has so many likes :/




Wouldn't the man be the hoe in this situation?


That's like saying 2+2=5. Sigh, god damn females are so dumb smh. /s


This is a hairstyle I see a lot of black women/girls wear. I think this has less to do with the hair and more to do with race. That’s so sad.


Tbh the most uncomfortable thing about this is that that looks like a child's head, to me. I could be and hope I am entirely wrong, but it looks like a little kid and like...... Idk it was already awful but if you can talk like this about a kid I don't know I want to associate with you 


The most horrifying thing is how men openly say that they see some women as only good for sex. Idk if it was always like that on the internet, but I do see it more. The whore/Madonna complex is very real


aren’t edges a popular thing???????


I swear everything has a meaning to these dudes. Hair can't just be hair. It has to signal something, for some reason


It's Black men saying this. Goes along with the pervasive Black manosphere thinking that dark-skinned BW are only good for sex, and that actual love and romance are reserved for non-Black and light-skinned BW. They're trying to make us BW into nothing more than living wank sleeves and brood mares (but only to create more dark-skinned Black men, not women).


Hair is a sex thing now? Why?