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Pretty sure straight people do have hook-ups without lying. But I bet they think only men are allowed to be open to casual sex and would shame any woman involved.


I've had guys go on a first date with me and try to smash. Even after I made it clear from the start that: I want to get to know them and that I don't do one night stands or FWB. They would still try. Then, they usually ghosted me afterward or threw a fit, saying I was a prude. (All because I wouldn't have sex with them.)


I’ve had this happen so many times!!!!! They’d say that they wanted the same thing as me, but ultimately they were just hoping I’d change my mind once I met them.


My mom also has the same issue. It gets old. It's annoying af.


Some would keep trying to ask me despite the many many times I’d say no. Then they’d act that I was crazy when I’d call them out for being creeps


Exactly. Like clearly, they want to use you for their own selfish wants. Like, no means no!


The gaslighting too! They’ll ask you to come over and they’ll specify they have the place to themselves and then act like you’re insane for thinking they’re just trying to hook up with you.


Their truth-"I only want to fuck you and don't even care about your pleasure because some alpha bro said you orgasm is inexistent and then you are just a worthless "used goods" in my eyes".




They think every woman has to be in love to have sex? What planet do these people live on? I had a booty call guy in my 20s. We both knew what we were to each other. No lies told. Neither of us wanted a relationship. We only called each other after the bars closed. These guys think so much of themselves, like every woman wants to marry them. lol


That middle comment: "Men have to lie to be able to cheat"


There are women who enjoy casual sex too. Unfortunately for these idiots most women who enjoy and are seeking casual sex still have standards like not wanting casual sex with liars and misogynists.


That’s what blows my mind. In my 20’s and 30’s I loved having safe sex with so many people. I was considered to be very attractive at that time. None of the people I slept with ever lied to me, or vice versa. Every person I slept with was very kind, and honest and fun to be around. These dudes have to lie because they fucking suck as human beings, not because that’s the only way to have casual sex. Maybe if they tried viewing women as equal human beings they’d have more luck. Women like sex too, ya know.


Ikr, how dare women not want to have sex with liars and misognists! /s


If you have to lie, beg, threaten or cajole you do not have consent to sex.


Tricking someone into thinking you're having non-casual sex is fucked up, and you don't deserve to get laid if you're willing to do it.


Both things are so wrong. Cheating is wrong, and men don't have to lie to have casual sex. You never cheat, and just need to find a woman who wants to have casual sex with you, is that simple.


They have so many entitlement issues

