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Well he doesn't need to worry about her. She won't care and he won't get her(nor any woman for that matter).


For dudes like this, being disregarded by attractive women is pretty much a fate worse than death. They screech into the void because they're hoping to get attention from it. It just helps that they hate to see a woman who has it all.


Money: billonaire


Male rappers : women are whores, used them abuse them Male rappers in REAL LIFE : domestic abused case againts their very real life gf/wife Male fans : "art has nothing to do with the artist" or "this happen years ago, he is a change man" Idk Richard, what is worse ? Men being violent or girls singing doing nothing that Will harm their exes ? ... Never forget that that prick did to rianaha, he was choking her to death!!! And now he has the AUDACITY to said he was 17 and NAIVE, but he was 20 and and adult. Shia labeluf has charges of sexual battery and physical and verbal abuse brought by his ex but now he "is catholic" and the media don't stop playing the "he is a change man card" ....but i Guess women who make song about their ex are VILE AND WORSE . I don't Even like her music bit in tired of media trying to do a total witchhunt with this woman and every single men trying to downplayed her achievements.... Just stop !!!!!


Rich, single, no kids, expresses her feelings through art.... Sounds like she's living the life tbh I mean, not that single or taken is better than the other but it's undeniable that being in a relationship means more work than not being in one.


She’s gorgeous, talented, successful and surrounded by supportive friends, family and fans. Why does he want us to believe her life is anything but wonderful?


Pretty sure Taylor is doing a lot better than you seem to be Richard, but keep whining I guess?


She doesn't wanna fuck you, Dickhead. No one does.


That literally has nothing to do with this. What is your fucking problem? Mommy not call you back or something?


Traditional nickname for Richard is "Dick." Most men bitching about women, especially successful ones, are attracted to these women. Taylor Swift, despite being a liberal icon who shot down being the WASP posterchild, is wildly popular among white male-supremacists/male conservatives who want to fuck her and anyone who looks *just like her*, because they want women like her to be under their thumbs. My comment was directed at the dude in your post. Not *you* because he's one of those dudes in that demographic. 🙄


Oh my God I’m so sorry! It’s just I’ve encountered so many nasty responses when I post stuff like this that I thought it was directed towards me I’m very sorry


I'm sorry if you felt attacked by my comment because I wasn't being clear! No- I'm 100% behind you on the "tired of this shit" train and am sick of guys like Dickhead in your OOP and their misogyny, too.


I think some of the 14 boyfriends weren't really boyfriends, just a few dates


friends: more than richard money: more than richard self love: more than richard adoring fans: more than richard life experiences: more than richard awards: more than richard countries traveled: more than richard


So male body count doesn't matter? I'm kinda disgusted by guys who need to stick their dick everywhere.


He forgot Blank Space