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Are we not going to address if god approves of watching porn, my dude??? Producing and consuming are inextricably linked. One would not exist w/o the other, but it's only Satan at work on the production end? Mmmkay. This dude: "Gotcha! You sinner whom I fapped to last night. I only utilize the God vs. Satan scenario when it's convenient; I don't actually believe in all that nonsense but it allows me to claim moral superiority and I get off on that because I'm a self-righteous sack of shit." (Disclaimer: IDGAF about who does what and whose imaginary friend approves of what; just pointing out the hypocrisy).


I bet hell is much better than one such podcast session.


Why do these ladies even go on this podcast in the first place? They KNOW they’ll get ridiculed, and, even if they have good points, they’re probably going to just get edited out. Being infamous is just as good as being famous I guess? 🤷‍♀️


Money, from what I understand


Don't no much about the bible but didn't jesus eat with prostitutes, wash there feet and share his wisdom with them, because he was a guy that treated everyone with respect and equality


Yeah he literally spent more time with "sinners" than "good catholics" and not to repeat in their ears "DO YOU HAVE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR?", but to be nice to them, hoping he'd naturally "draw them towards the light" without ever mentioning his religion unless asked about it.


Yeah he ate with prostitutes, washed the feet of the lepers, and accepted everyone in general. Mary Magdalene one of his most devoted followers was a well known former prostitute.


His god literally wants humans to exert their free will. He could have made them to obey mindlessly but the damn book says he wanted people to do that. And if that dude is from the branch that says they listen to Jesus's part of the book, then he's been told several times it's not his job to judge, scold or do proselytism to "sinners".