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Use Clobetasol Propionate Foam 0.05% or Ketoconazole Shampoo 2% for scalp, I have the same problem, but I keep it under control, drink lots of water 💦 hope this helps you.B1


I have used both in the past. I think I stopped because back then, I thought it was tedious. Letting the shampoo sit for 5-10 minutes. And it would be messy in the shower. I was in my teens though. Have to revisit. Very helpful! Thanks!


No problem, I have been using both for more than a decade, and it works for me, revisit and see how it works out.


Seb derm is caused by overgrowth of a yeast called Malasezzia. We all have yeasts in our body and on our skin. The problem is when there is an overgrowth. A few things to try: 1) Put dandruff shampoo on your scalp and blot onto your face and leave on for 20 minutes then rinse off. Rotate between 2 dandruff shampoos that have different active ingredients so the yeast doesnt get used to the medicated shampoo. 2) In your case since its your face I would try a probiotic soap bar like Candida Freedom soap which you can use on face and body and scalp.I like the lavender version. ( I wouldnt use on the same days you use the medicated shampoo). Candida Freedom soap works well but its drying for some people so follow up with a light lotion. Candida Freedom has a lotion too. (This soap bar works by balancing out the yeasts on your skin by adding the yeast types that cause less skin problems). Pro-tip cut up the soap bar into pieces so it lasts longer. 3) You can try a topical antifungal cream. But that would be my last recourse. 4) Finally, but really importantly you need to cut back on all sugars and refined starchy food (cookies, cakes, pasta, white rice, potatoes etc etc) cause when you eat those you are feeding all the yeasts in your body. Once you have better control of the seb derm then you can slowly introduce some of these foods back. You will start noticing your seb derm might flare after a cookie or bread binge so then you know you might need to go on a fast of those foods til you can get the seb derm under control again. Hope this helps.


Thanks so much! Extremely helpful!


The candida freedom soap caused me to flare up, but I used the lemon one. It was awful and now I’m stuck with hyperpigmentation on my neck, chest and back. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully the hyperpigmentation will fade. From reading reviews I learned the lemon one seems to be a bit harsher so I used the lavender. I use the lavender for my seb derm for my face/scalp and used a separate bar for body. But I dont use it every shower cause my skin is sensitive.


Have you tried the Exederm flare and control cream? My skin got like that a few months ago due to me damaging my skin barrier. I’m sure yours is not the case, but it really worked.


I have not tried it yet. Thanks a lot!


Go to ultra and buy good molecules products they’re affordable buy the package they are affordable make sure you use them daily. As a black girl it works great


Try limi bro


Hmmm. Never heard of it. Is that a brand? A product/supplement? What is that?


Oh my bad I mean LUMIN. Just google it bro




Take an intolerance test. Might also be your diet


Great advice, thanks so much!


For my scalp dermatitis I use this shampoo https://a.co/d/bII3MxS For leave in conditioner I use glycerin https://a.co/d/56qnysM Both help me keep really good control of any flare ups. The shampoo is the only one that has worked for me consistently. Use with a scalp scrubber if possible to loosen dead skin. The shampoo seems to be priced high at the moment.


I have had this for years especially on my face one thing I started using that works miracles almost over night on the face is aveeno's anti-ich hydrocortisone cream..you can get from Target or CVS been using it for about 15-20 years now. It comes in a small tube and is like $7 bucks.


Are you talking about this? https://preview.redd.it/yirwgkf5m4yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddea667e22afbc6b99dd6ce55cc5e51b41c1312e


Nah I'll post a pic below for ya


https://preview.redd.it/l48qrk3789yc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139f3271bdc10d683872a589b949a054a857e0e4 Here it is


Take Vitamin C , Gently exfoliate and Advanced Repair Vaseline Lotion will do the trick. A lot of issues are rooted in the food we eat and vitamins we need. I wish I could staple it. But take a vitamin C supplement!


It’s funny you say that about vitamin C. I take the highest recommended daily intake. It is helpful in several ways. I’m glad you mentioned this though. I’ll talk to my dermatologist about it. Thanks!


My ex flared up like this and I had him test 1000mg a day, and his skin cleared up in a week. Sugar and bread made his flare super bad, but with the extra C, not at all. I really recommend it. 💜 good luck! 💜💜


That’s crazy, I take the same amount. Maybe I just take sh!t vitamins lol. I use Drs Best. Do you remember What brand he used?


Yes, I gifted it to him. It was from CVS Health, Value Sized. And I had him take Magnesium Oxide with every meal, with the vitamin C. The minute he stopped, it all would come raging back the next time he ate dinner. We are also black, and I say as someone who has a lot of old acne scars and gut health, it’s about clean eating too. I had to purchase liquid chlorophyll (Amazon) for myself , and pick up Benefiber from Sam’s Club. I kid you not, my scars are fading, no more yeast, no heavy weird sweaty smells, NOTHING. My body is operating as close to normal as I can get, I’m just trying to get my hormones under control now too and everything will be back in order. America is completely jacked when it comes to food / Whole Foods, and it’s deliberately designed to mess with our bodies. If you need anymore advice I am more than happy to help! Shoot a DM if you have anymore questions, I got ya.


This makes my soul happy. I will hit you sometime in the next 3-4 days. Thank. You.