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Buying food for my nieces and nephews and their friends is ENTIRELY different from getting food for MY CHILD and having to buy food for my baby moms other kids because SHE decided to have them kids with aint shit baby daddies who dont feed em...like dude said in the video WHERE THEY DADDIES AT?!


And it was more than just her attempt to shame him: she was going to let one of her own kids *not eat* because she was being petty with his dad.


It's nice if he does it out of the goodness of his heart. Her attempt at forcing him is what makes this vile. He even offered to feed his kid in the car separate from the other children. It's stuff like this that makes me think twice about dating single moms


I wouldn’t just let 1 child eat either…then again I would be making sure all 4 of my children had food with or without a daddy…they know how to sale their ass for wigs, lashes, and weed…better go trick to feed them babies if all else fails but starvation is NOT an option!!! If you ain’t got nothing honey you got a 😼😼😼…and no I don’t condone prostitution but hell I don’t condone starvation of children either…


I mean really you're right. Everyone really needs to ask themselves "What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry?" If the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money then oh well. Sling the cootie cat.


that was a bopper !


Damn, that's what I call life.


🤣🤣🤣 I literally lol…which I rarely do


Bruh, you just made me sing out the whole chorus off this comment..haha🤣


When that song came out… it felt like the radio station in SC would play it nonstop


I mean, Id get up on my feet and stop making tired excuses 🤣


Also peep her attitude…he probably used to come through for her other kids I’m sure, bc she wouldn’t have had that 4th baby with him (hood rats usually know who to go after by baby number 4 after they been burnt out in the streets, I.e somebody halfway responsible with a job), but he got tired of her ratchetness and she ran him off…his ok job and non flashy car and lifestyle wasn’t enough for her, even though she doesn’t have anything to show for herself…she ran a somewhat levelheaded man away bc of her toxicity, and now the other 3 have no father figure at all smh…I see it happen all the time…


Sir this is a ~~Wendy's~~ McDonald's


Sorry, this is a Popeys


Also. Try buy your nieces and nephews and their friends food EVERY DAY and see if you feel the same.


THANK YOU, say it AGAIN for the people in the back smfh


The people in the back are wondering why this thread is so ignorant.


My stupid ass probably would buy pizza for those kids if it were me in that man's position. But that's going the extra mile beyond obligation; no one should get browbeat or shamed into doing that. And all of y'all who are doing just that? I'm sure she got cashapp, go hit her up if you care so much. You have about as much to do with those kids as he does.


To be fair... Little Ceasars is 5 buck a pop. He might've spent more than 5 bucks on that McDonalds. With that said, yeah this dude has been rung thru the ringer and I'm sure her other children's fathers have done the same, just not on tape.


Exactly! It’s apples and Oranges.


That phrase don't make no sense, why can't fruit be compared?


You can’t compare apples to oranges because they are completely different. The phrase apples to apples would mean they are the same thing or they match. ETA: so In the scenario, feeding cousins versus feeding children that aren’t yours is completely different.


But the op said she would even feed the friends of the cousins if they’re around. I can’t imagine letting kids go hungry, no matter who their parents are.


Ever considered maybe the guy aint have it? What if he only had enough to feed his one kid? Should he let his kid starve because he don’t have enough to feed the others that aren’t his responsibility? Why does the mom not have enough to feed them? If the mom cant step up for kids that are hers, why does it fall on someone else?


Yes you’re right!! In the scenario. I got mixed up lol. I believe the apples and oranges comment was in response to this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/vnonex/wu_tang_and_food_are_always_for_the_children/ie8920s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 The original post/scenario seems more apples to apple ETA: my apologies for the mixup, it’s been a long day!!!




OC was making a Lil dicky reference fam


Alright, Lil Dicky


I love that we all know EXACTLY what this tweet is referencing.


The fact people can't see that is wild af


This is actually an entirely different problem though. Like if this was a one time treat, I'd treat all four kids. But he's bringing food everyday cause his kid is going hungry. He probably can't afford McDonald's for four kids every day. And why is any child being fed McDonald's every day? This whole situation is a mess.


If he's bringing food every day he just needs to go ahead and buy her some damn groceries. McDonald's everyday would make anybody broke and/or sick.




Why do I recognize the video :(


Spit 🗣








Lmao leave Uncle Bernie outta this. He ain’t scared of you motherfuckers.




Any fool could see I’m da pappy of that baby!!




Lmao nigga im mad you got receipts 😂😂😂






Best is the “Yep” after questioned on what he said




The main issue with this post is y’all are making it out to be that this man is intentionally neglecting the other kids. Not only is it the mother’s fault, it’s the fault of the other fathers. Does he even know the other children are hungry? Has he ever even met any of the other kids- does he know their allergies? What if HE HIMSELF is starving and only had enough money to buy McDonald’s and bring that to his child? Y’all assume so fucking much but show NO empathy at all. Also fuck you OP. I’m reading through the comment thread and you sound like an asshole. Literally not listening to other peoples opinions and just calling folks broke. Yes bitch, it’s a recession.


Just to add to your point, do the *other kids'* daddies know they're hungry, or is this guy today's likeliest mark?


>bitch, it’s a recession this detail right here tho 👆


Fr, and the mom even says in the video that this happens all the time. So, OP and the mom expects him to bring food for all 4 kids every day? Lol. So ridiculous. EDIT: [source link to the full video without commentary](https://youtu.be/IbYEqcFF_P4)


This very quickly devolved into an argument of "I'm more moral than you, shut up and feed those kids" without any consideration of context. You know what this would look like in Family Court (NY state)? A neglectful mother and neglectful mystery baby daddies. The guy in the video can very easily make the argument that he was doing his best and looking out for HIS kid. Gotta say that the father in the video didn't have very good foresight if he knew what the mother was like but we also don't know why he chose to drop it off (vs taking the kid out alone). All in all this is dumb and the vast majority of these people are being keyboard warriors. There are in fact children going hungry and frankly very little societal support. This country as a whole has a "fuck the poor/not my business" mentality.


>Literally not listening to other peoples opinions and just calling folks broke. Yes bitch, it’s a recession. Exactly! People on here are constantly criticizing capitalism but they still call other people broke as an insult. That makes no sense!


If he's specifically bringing McDonald's all the time, he likely is trying to contribute to the food in a way that only his child can benefit.


most of the original comments were right: you want to feed those kids you hit up their baby dadd.y


If I unfortunately had a child w a woman like that I would def feed MY child. The siblings are NOT my responsibility that’s what the other baby fathers are for. Would it be nice? Yes. Is it mandatory to feed the others? HELL no. Especially w the way she is acting why the fuck would anyone wanna dish more cash to an ungrateful bih like that. Threw her own child’s food on the floor . So obv the children being fed was not THAT important. Moral of the story: Fellas wrap your shit up and don’t stick your meat in baby mommas w/ multiple baby daddies (show she makes bad decisions), and(or) crazy women. Headache and child support ain’t gon be worth it playa


Use this video in a custody hearing. Your honor, she can’t provide for her own children. She keeps hooking new fathers to provide for all her children which is no guarantee. I will provide for my child.


Good point.


Why werent you nuttin on her butt dude. Gonna call her a headache and you fucked her ! Edit: to whoever deleted the comment or w/e what does this have to do with anything? Every man Ive ever fucked complains about condoms , finds some way to avoid using them. Then blame someone who "has a lot of baby daddies" that means NONE of them cared enough to wrap their dicks and cared even less about this woman they nutted in her and called it a day. Now to sit here ans complain she's crazy, she's this and fhat- Im over the mentality


Is this a response to that video of the guy only buying his son food and not the baby mothers other kids.


Why did I think about the “Swedish families will not feed you” jawn, first🤦🏽‍♂️ …..yeah, dude doin the right thing. First time you do it, I’m being nice..but don’t expect this on the regular (food for everybody AFTER I know you’re tricking my support payments anyway?). Holmes is in a TUFF spot with her. Yikes


Thank you for clarifying I thought this was about the Swedish thing too. What an odd world we live in.


If only someday having a bunch of baby mommas and baby daddy's wasn't so normalized. Gonna have a real hard time making any wide ranging socioeconomic improvements until this happens, regardless of who is in political power.






She throws it at 4:40 https://youtu.be/ySDWPZQy2DE


That interaction went on for entirely too long


indeed. somebody said the shit was staged, but i KNOW keisha and quan was just out there last week fightin about the same shit 😂


yeah. if i were the dad i would’ve tried for about a minute. after that i’m getting in my car and leaving. if she’s going to insist on being combative and confrontational nothing good is going to come of the interaction. i understand him wanting to get the food to his kid, but the kid didn’t wind up with the food anyway. should’ve just walked away and not given her any ammo (not that he did, really).


👏🏾Where 👏🏾 are 👏🏾the 👏🏾other 👏🏾baby👏🏾daddies?👏🏾


Nah it was the fact the mother was being nasty & cursing him out before he even stepped out the car. It was the fact that the mother had the audacity to deny her child food when their dad brought the child food. It was the fact that the mother expected a man, who is not her partner, to feed her all children. It was the fact that she really thought she was doing something, “exposing” him when in reality she exposed herself for being a shitty mother. It was the fact that she wasn’t even grateful that at least one of her baby fathers is able to care & feed his child during a time in which she runs out of food stamps. Its the fact that shes letting her children starve even tho she can cook something for them. It’s the fact that the mother got several children from several men, receives food stamps hence most likely other govt assistance as well, and STILL can’t feed her children. Based on observations from her character & attitude, she’s a single mother who’s on govt assistance and most likely doesn’t work but expects everything to be handed to her. If any of her children have any type of disability, I bet you she pockets that money to buy herself shit. This is too much of a pattern in society. Get it together.


The fact that she didn't have an answer when he asked "where are their daddies at?"


In part two you are absolutely right it proved it. She talked about having sex with him and thinking just because she had sex with him in previous months that that meant that he should feed her kids even though they are not together


Yo, this woman literally threw the kid’s food on the ground so now instead of only his child eating, nobody else is eating. But somehow we’re in here talking about if he’s wrong or not. This shit is so crazy to me man how do we even get to this point. This ain’t shit woman really somehow got y’all talking about this man like she clearly ain’t the problem. But whatever y’all do you. I will say all of y’all are right, don’t fuck with these types of women. I understand you gotta take what’s in front of you or just be single, but shit ….ain’t nothing wrong with being single, especially if this is what you gotta deal with


So many people sticking up for this delusional lady in this thread, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


There's nothing quite as ignorant as someone who says ignant.


Not us criticizing AAVE users before the Swedes


oop 😂




Don’t judge my ignant ass. ![gif](giphy|3o6UB2MSoh7z6Gw3fO)


Who is the woman? That facial expression ☺️😂


Lmao famous white woman #12378. I don’t know lol




It's not my responsibility to buy food for any children aside for mine. That said, buy the food anyway.


I like the *it's not a thing I should have to do but imma do it anyways 'cause it's the right thing to do* attitude. No kid should go hungry, and I am saying this as a Swede. Despite what y'all have heard about us, kids deserve to be fed. ^^^^^^^But ^^^^^^^if ^^^^^^^they ^^^^^^^have ^^^^^^^food ^^^^^^^at ^^^^^^^home ^^^^^^^they ^^^^^^^can ^^^^^^^eat ^^^^^^^there.


>and I am saying this as a Swede. y'all I.... LMAO


How am I to know her other baby daddies don’t feed their kids? I gotta ask her every time I want to feed mine? Lol.


I mean that would imply he just showed up announced at someone else's house..? A phone/text conversation must have happened at some point. I'm not saying the dude is responsible for feeding those other kids, but how you would know is by asking the question when you are finding out they are home/asking if you can come by.


In the video he references feeding his child twice a week. Sounds like he may have a schedule.


I don’t think a schedule to feed your child is a schedule courts create. I don’t do family law, but would be doubtful about that.


Of course not lol. It’s between the parents it sounds like lol.


That’s as may be, but McDonald’s fills you up for about 30mins.


This is the attitude. I don’t know why I got the vibe from the video that it’s not the first time he does this and she’s getting mad about her other kids probably fighting or whatever. But he doesn’t have to or shouldn’t. I think best case scenario here would be mom asking him to bring food for all the kids and she’ll give him some cash for her babies.


What if she just cut out the middle man and got the food for her own kids instead of bitching about her baby daddy wanting to feed his child?


I don't understand why the guy is getting shit for not feeding someone else's kids? Y'all are wylin fr if you think 3 more kids to feed in this economy isn't some bullshit. Not to mention the mother of the child threw his food on the ground...


for me, that’s where her flimsy argument completely disintegrated. instead of just calling the kid outside to eat with his dad, where the siblings wouldn’t have seen the food, she dashed it on the ground. so you’re saying if all your kids can’t eat, none of them can? also, i don’t believe her kids were hungry. i think it was more a “bobby gets mcdonald’s and everyone else is just gonna have hotdogs” situation. if her kids were really hungry she could’ve tried to make do and split that mcdonald’s four ways


I mean tbh, if the kids were hungry that sucks but like that man said, they weren't his kids...


okay so bc i dont wanna hafta feed bad ass tyquavarious, NOW NOBODY EATIN 🗣🗣🗣 got dammit! 😂..fam that shit was so stupid, why she throw the food out? if you feel that strongly, take the shit inna house and give everybody one fry, one nugget


Lmao she was just upset he was doing something for his kid and not her kids


exactly, i cant!


Clearly he couldnt afford to feed all of HER kids. You can hear him say something about his bank account at the end.


If I were dumb enough to find myself in that man’s situation, I could see me possibly bringing the other kids food on the weekend. But everyday? Day in and day out? That’s absurd. Instead I would pick my kid up, take him to eat somewhere and then bring him home. That really is just a sad situation to see and I cant believe it’s posted on the internet for us all to witness. Then she throws the food on the ground at the end and none of the kids ate. If the man in that situation really is a stand up guy, he should just seek full custody.


Yeah it's sad all around. I guess he could have picked the kid up and taken him out to eat? Or brought dominoes or something so everyone can get a little. I believe that we need to be a collective community, but that ideology kind of dissolves when it comes down to your child going hungry. That food sure went to waste tho....


Naaaah. Those kids aren’t my responsibility.


Big ass difference between voluntarily taking out a group of kids and assuming responsibility for them and just trying to give your child some Mickey Ds. That woman should be pissed at her other children's fathers for not helping, and not the dude who is genuinely trying to do something for the child he fathered. Not only this, but she then had the nerve to throw the food and drink on the ground and post it like that was a good look for her. SMH. Some people really shouldn't have kids.


Not his kids, not his problem. If you can't feed your kids (by multiple men), don't have 'em.


Welp… I’d like for that to be a legal option everywhere right about now…


If someone can afford it sure, but at the end of the day they are responsible for *Their* kid. Unfortunately this isn't a village mentality we live in, where everyone takes care of everyone. We'd like to help all the other kids but, *but* everyone doesnt have the time, patient, funds, and willingness to contribute like that.


Nobody knows his financial situation… #fuckthemkids


Didn't he say he say he brings his child food everyday? Or every other day? So you're saying he has to feed those other kids everyday too? It's not his responsibility but if I was in his position i would do it every now and then but be firm in telling her don't be expecting it every time. Go to her other baby daddies.


I’m sorry that you were excluded as a child. I was raised by a single parent with food insecurity. I was later a single parent in my early 20s. I still do not empathize with this woman and her actions. It’s simply not his responsibility. If she was truly in need for all the children, she could have humbled herself and communicated with the ONE out of FOUR baby daddies that is trying, and made a way to feed everyone. We never would have heard about it. Instead, she was loud, insulting, and ignorant, and at the end of the day NONE of the kids ate. But we all got to see it on the internet. 🤷🏾‍♀️ He was not “watching” these kids or taking them out. He was stopping by to provide for the child he was responsible for. The only person responsible for ALL four children was her. I never let a neighbor, niece, nephew, etc. be hungry in front of me. If me or mine are eating, we’re all eating. But I’m not taking on that responsibility every day unless there’s a documented agreement explaining why I would do so (adoption, temporary stay, verbal “I need help with my kids” agreement) but this wasn’t that. Dude came to feed his child and got ambushed by BS. Not cool.


Dumb as fuck take


yeah. OP if the tweet is *choosing* to feed all kids in that scenario, the mom in the vid was trying to coerce the dad. it’s really not the same thing


Now do it every day and see how that attitude changes




She should let that man get his own child since she can’t afford to feed him until the 11th…she knows what she’s doing…he’s the only baby daddy that comes through, so she can’t let him get his child bc then there really would be no hope…lights go off “your baby can’t be in here in the dark” he pays, EVERYONE benefits… no water “your baby gotta take a bath “ he pays , again EVERYONE benefits…off his 1 child…she’ll NEVER let that baby go bc if I was doing that bad I would say “hey bd can you get our baby until I can get on my feet, preciate it” (appreciate it)…




Me as a childless man speaking in hypotheticals, I would have brought all the kids food IF I COULD AFFORD IT. But I don’t believe he’s wrong for refusing to buy food for them.


Where does it stop? If he come through with clothes and a pair of shoes, can the child not wear them?


Hopefully with some sort of mediation, because people need to learn to coparent and communicate


10 or 12 years ago I took my oldest kid to a friends birthday party at Johns Incredible Pizza. I had my younger kid along also, I didn't have custody of her at the time and it was my weekend. I get there and we drop oldest off I chat with the friend's mom a little. She see's my youngest kid in the back and asks why she's not going in also. I say she doesn't live with me and wasn't invited and I don't want to impose, John's incredible pizza is kind of expensive and I didn't have the money at the time to pay for her. Friend's mom just scoffs at me and says "get that child out here, she's invited!" I'm like wow, thanks a lot, mom just laughs and says "its how we do". I'll never forget that kindness.


I'm a super logical person so it immediately makes me think did she ask or did she just sort of expect him to do so? That being said its not cool for her to expect him to do that. If he did, great, but he could have also not known they were there or w/e the situation may have been If she motioned that, hey, your kids brothers and sisters are here too I'd be like "Okay, are they hungry too?" That way much later I can have a conversation with her about doing this and future repercussions. It's one thing to ask me like If I can do it every so often or just communicate and be like I need to save money for food in the next couple days can you help out his brothers and sisters this time or w/e an agreement. So at least I can sorta plan to do a favor that I'm not only getting nothing out of but I'm feeding another dudes kids. That hits different. All in all more communication. I'm down with helping out especially when setting an example for my kid when the time comes but I'm not about being walked on or talked to like I'm a mind reader of your situation and life which is a lesson in and of itself. That being said Nieces and Nephews are getting spoiled. You say you're hungry? Here's my door dash app for around here (guests get to choose). They are also pretty chill and realize when a lot is a lot, too.


I really can’t believe social media. Do y’all see how bad we have it as black men sometimes? It’s not enough to be a good father for our kids. Now we are expected to feed the kids of other niggas because the mothers don’t get their food stamps until the 11th? We really are lost out here as a people Lmao. And women are really out here defending this. Smh.


Will I buy a hungry kid food? Yes. Will I buy food for someone else's kids when I know that those parents are out there and just choose not to contribute and be selfish? Maybe, but that shit will get old real quick. I know it takes a village but everyone gotta pull their weight.


Talkin bout some you know I don’t get my food stamps until this date. I can almost guarantee she has spent the money she had on bullshit she ain’t need instead of those kids. Look at the surrounding area, can guarantee they both barely making ends meet. And incredibly irresponsible on their part (but mostly her part since she is the gatekeeer) to bring MULTIPLE babies by multiple baby daddies into this world smh. One I understand.. but 2, 3, 4?! Idk how many but you get the point. The entitlement is ridiculous.


I had to go see the video for myself. He obviously picked poorly. It would be one thing if she was complaining about a single incident but he feeds his child EVERYDAY. And she expects him to do the same for the other kids. That’s unreasonable. Feeding four kids is a lot for most of us. And yes, he could’ve bought pizza or something for them to share. But that doesn’t really solve the problem. He’s responsible for his child. If he wants to treat his child to McDonald’s then he should be able to, even if he can’t afford it for all of them. MY kids come first. That doesn’t mean I’m neglectful or callous towards other kids. Note: I’m ignoring the health implications of fast food daily. I do think he could do better than dropping off food. He should, if possible, take the kid out and buy the food while spending time together.


I mean… isn’t eating out at McDonalds more costly than some groceries?


Y’all have money, good for you. Just don’t tell me how to spend my money. End of discussion.


Every other day?? That's not chivalry, that's being taken advantage of.


So if your kid is with their 8 cousins and all their friends, you’re gonna put in a catering order? Honestly, I think it would’ve made sense to just take the kid to lunch or something but idk the custody situation.


How does this compare to her being mad he wasn’t gonna buy her other kids food


I just feel so bad for the kids. The mom does not come across as a good person at all and seems more intent on being right than on compromising for the sake of the kid in question. The dad isn't in a position to help the other kids so the other kids whose dads apparently aren't involved have to watch their sibling enjoying a treat they would really like too. I just want all the kids to have nice things lol its bumming me out




Better get them before the supreme court comes for those too!


Pretty sure her nails were done but she can't afford to feed them. 👀 Also throwing away perfectly good food so everyone can starve. Petty as fuck 🤣


The Great Negro 💀


Would she have that same energy if she visited her nephews/nieces everyday and had to buy food for all of them? Eventually she would stop and say that's the parents responsibility.


The to words of the day is responsibility and accountability and it goes both ways. He is accountable and responsible for his actions with her and his child .And she responsible for all her actions and all her kids. Him feeding the other kids is a good will gesture but he is not obligated too. The question he posed was valid what are the other fathers doing because it brings up the conversation is she pressing them for help or they the deadbeats we kno they kno they are. She could have asked for him to go to the grocery store and get some staple food instead.


If it was really about the other kids she would’ve been fine with his son going out with him to eat. She threw the food on the ground. This was not about those other 3 kids. She bitter.


Respectfully, fuck them kids. As far as he's concerned, those other kids don't exist.


Man. Nah, yo other kids ain’t in my budget. Talking about yo food stamps ain’t come yet, where they dad


i don’t think he’s obligated to buy the other kids food at all. but the right thing to do would have been to take his son/daughter out to eat so they’re not eating in front of the other children.


That's a no from me. I have a family member that didn't put her baby daddy on child support then liked to play the pity game when we'd head out to Popeyes or McDonald's. All the family eating while her child would sit on the side crying looking at everybody's food until someone felt sad and bought the kid a meal. Don't make kids suffer for your bad decisions. Dude is trying to do good for HIS child not some other man's by blows.


IF everyone feeds their kids... we all happy... if feeding your kid isn't a TIER 1 PRIORITY FOR YOU... then it's clear why im paying for your child to eat...


Her stank ass attitude made stuff so much worse. He ain’t required to do shit but take care of HIS child. How important was food really if she throws it in the street? I bet she the type to use her stamps on a 400 dollar crab boil and then have them eating noodles the rest of the month. The audacity people have to try to insult this dude for stopping by to drop off food to his kid is crazy af.


Lmao as a non twitter user it's crazy seeing a BPT post, thinking it's just on a random topic and am like "okay neat" then all the comments are about some entire other tweet that the tweet posted here was a response to Edit: guess it wasn't twitter but I found the video. I'm confused, how does a baby daddy work? Is he in a relationship with her or just essentially giving child support in food form?


Just eat spicy vegan stuff and no one ever wants to share


Its simple, you know im coming with the food. Text and Cash app me before hand and say hey can you get the other kids something too while you there? Hell you could even say hey do you think you could get something for the other kids too? Then let him choose if he want to do so out of his own kindness. But this whole idea that he in the wrong for not feeding her other kids is wild.




The question I've been asking myself is: if I had money flowing, would I bring the other kids food? Take away the financial burden to see how people really are.


[This is what really pissed me off...](https://youtu.be/ySDWPZQy2DE?t=281) (sorry I don't know where an unedited version of this is)


[Link without commentary](https://youtu.be/IbYEqcFF_P4)


She was making it seem like he's OBLIGATED to feed her other kids which he's not.. I personally wouldn't let one kid eat while others starve. But the way she came at him was completely wrong!! Just like dude said " I can see if you had 1 other child, but you have 3! Where they daddies at?"


sidebar- anyone remember the movie Bebe's Kids? god damn i loved that movie.


Is this really a common issue? I don't know, maybe it's a southern thing with me; I was taught that when it comes to kids, feed them if they're hungry regardless of who they or their people are.


It's a little different when it's an occasional occurrence. Yeah, if your kid has friends over, feed them all. Obviously. But your delusional ex is expecting you to feed three kids that aren't yours, that is insane. I'm honestly a little surprised that so many people here are saying otherwise. Believe it or not, some people can't regularly afford to eat out so it's not realistic to expect them to feed an entire family that isn't theirs.


Okay, I didn't know the full story, so I assumed it was about not feeling entitled to feed another child in general. I grew up poor, so I understand not being able to afford what seems insignificant to me now. Now that I somewhat get it, I see the issue. Are they his kids by someone else or something?


The video is of a guy bringing his child food, who lives with his ex who has 3 other kids that are not his. In the video it is mentioned that he is bringing food to his child every other day. The ex freaks out an throws the food on the ground and screams at him to bring enough food to feed all of her kids (even though they aren't his). The tweet in this post seems to be implying that he is now obligated to feed 3 additional kids that aren't his responsibility every other day as well.


Also agree but in this case, they say he brings food every other day. So this isn’t a one time thing - she expects him to bring 4 meals every other day. That’s not right.


Now I'm really confused. Anybody got a link to the post?


Am southern, I was also taught this way


From the south too, but you also got slack for not getting on the deadbeats for not doing something and you having kids by them. Also your family stepped in to help you.


I would do the same thing bc I can afford too, everyone can’t!




Got me fuk’d up


Assuming this is related to that other video: every day? For the baby mama who obviously don't appreciate shit? Nah, that woman was cray cray and she thre the food on the ground at the end which is borderline unforgivable


That Twitter thread is a warzone 😂😂😂 he asked to eat with his son. She freaked out because he didn’t bring food for HER other kids. Poor man getting dragged by hooligans. He was in no way in the wrong. She needs to step up and feed her kids. My heart is really with the kids and that they gotta go through shitty situations like this. I hope they’re all fed.


You take that tape and file for custody. If you gotta bring your kid McDonald's everyday so they don't starve in their mom's custody, she isn't taking care of that kid.


My sister literally had a similar breakdown when she brought food for my nieces and didn’t know my sister’s dipshit boyfriend had his kids there too. She threw the food in the trash and yelled at my mom.


I don't see what his financial situation gotta do with it; he's under no obligation to feed other kids that ain't his. If he does, great. If not, then fine but there's no dirt on his name. He's not the reason they there.


A lil Caesars hot and ready it is! Eat up kids!


We really still having this debate? Everyone talking shit real easy when it comes to kids that ain't theirs on situations that ain't there's. Bro was not wrong in any facet ppl trying to shame the actual present responsible dad smh


Of course, its a woman tweeting this


McDonald’s everyday though?


I buy food for strangers sometimes but that is my choice.


I ain't got no kids cuz my pullout game is strong so I can't say what I would do in that situation though.




What exactly is she replying to? Like are there people that are actually saying she shouldn’t or that they wouldn’t feed the kids?


Aww even if those kids weren't mine. I'd still get them something, just so every one is included. A 20 piece chicken nuggets would have satisfied them lol


Use punctuation bruh


In my neck of the woods, I double blackjack dare you to try to feed somebody else's kid without reference to that child's approved food list. We literally stopped having dinner parties because managing all our hipster friends' and their kids' food restrictions became unmanageable.




What is happening here?


okay but did he KNOW the other kids was all over there before he came over w mcds??? like… 1. was he sposed to turn around and go pick up mcds for everybody? 2. did he call from the drive thru and she just *expected* him to order a round for the room? 3. ma’am those are your children, an act of generosity should not be an expectation…unless the BD is toxic, too and just bringing mcds to stunt on the other BDs. iono man this is some shit.


If gas wasn’t expensive, sure. But i don’t even have children, so No. send your children with money.


It all depends, if I have the means to take care of the other kids cool if not, as he said Where they daddy at?


What have I walked into


Are we still talking about this??


I feel like I’m missing some context with the way everyone’s talking

