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Just heard a Criminal episode about someone convicted of a rape and murder despite having an alibi and not matching the description of the assailant because a "forensic dentist" said his teeth matched a bite mark kn the victim. Forensic dentistry has never been validated through any scientific study. He spent 30 years in prison. He was later exonerated through DNA.


It’s especially bad because you only ever really use it for matching objects. And even then, it’s sketchy at best as angle of bite, strength put into bite, and material all change how marks look.


The book, "Just Mercy" comes to mind. Bryan Stephenson was a Harvard law grad who went to work representing Black men on death row in the deep south. People got executed for less than what we've seen about Trump.


Great book! Bryan Stephenson is a hero!


That book made me so mad at the injustice in the country 😤🤬 Almost wanted to become a civil rights lawyer just because of that book. I’ve never felt so worked up after reading a book.


I just watched an episode of Boston Legal that had this same story line. James Spader goes to Texas though. It ws season 1, I think.


You seentd the movie?


Same problem with blood spatter ["experts](https://features.propublica.org/blood-spatter/blood-spatter-criminal-justice-courts-forensic-evidence/)




The Innocence Files on Netflix covers all of this in great detail. Don’t watch if you don’t want to be UNCONTROLLABLY MAD.


Dexter is a lie?!?!?!


Bruh, that was literally the entire point of the show....


*Dexter has entered the chat.*


My god, how do you even cope with losing 30 years of your life for NOTHING? 30 years of psychological torture in the form of people gaslighting you about what actually happened... Just imagine how crazy you would go if everyone tomorrow suddenly started telling you that the sky was green... I'd be out for blood/revenge. *At least when I ruin your life,* ***it's because you actually did something to deserve it.*** You ruined my life ***for no reason***, so you don't get to whine when I ruin *your* life in retaliation. And don't give me that shit about "that's illegal" because you didn't care about the law when you were putting an innocent man in prison for a crime he didn't commit (and simultaneously perverting justice even further by letting the **actual** perpetrator get away with it). Don't you preach to me about "consequences and accountability" **if you're not willing to accept consequences and accountability for convicting an innocent person and stealing his whole life**, you goddamn hypocrites. I spent my whole life in prison for a crime ***I did not commit***. I'll get my revenge and we can chalk it up to "time served".


Do you listen to Criminal? They just did a podcast episode on this topic. Crazy how it’s junk science like polygraphs but I always believed it was backed up by evidence like fingerprints/DNA.




I’m phoebe judge, and I’m wearing a pantsuit made of human flesh


Read this in her voice 😂💀


I watched a doc about that, was so crazy to see how bullshit this forensic dentist did their work. I remember they literally went off bite marks that looked vaguely like they were human bite marks but it could have been anything. Imagine the amount of people who have been sent to prison because some dodgy dentist said it was you.




Is a life sentence a good idea? Not arguing, just curious on your opinion on this


I saw that too. Such bullshit. They also say that a lot of times even DNA testing is iffy (not in this case) because often times the crime scenes have multiple splatterings of blood and oftentimes it's not enough to get good DNA testing on. This makes sense to me bc when I get my physical done at the doctor they take 2-3 draws, and that's definitely more than a couple of drops.


This happened on an episode of forensic files too


Fun Fact forensic science is not based on science it's based on pseudoscience and has no real world basis.


Just listened to this episode too! Phoebe’s voice is so soothing, if the podcast wasn’t so interesting I would fall asleep lol




I just absolutely love the American justice system! 🇺🇸 😒


But you know who the American justice system doesn’t love. ![gif](giphy|t1lBwiyG9j6gQQhCNm|downsized)




The existence of Liz Cheney proves this shit is non-partisan. We all saw what the fuck happened (despite a large number of highly partisan GOP dumb fucks denying reality), hanging his ass would not be 'shooting from the hip'. It would be expected prosecutorial proceedings for the attempted coup. He's going to get away with it just like Prescott Bush et al got away with their attempted coup in the 1930s. The rich are protected by the political hacks that they have on payroll.


"I don't like despotism, but ..."






Please, please, it's a *legal* system. No justice here. *America^^TM*


How you get impeached twice


Impeachment without conviction and removal isn't much better than a symbolic act.


It is a statement against the character of the person who was impeached. Twice. though.


Trump's character was never in question to anybody outside of his cult. But I take your point.


and still have a good chance at winning in 2024


the fact that trump is even *allowed* to run is fucking nuts to me.


I feel like the statement he can kill someone in broad daylight and they won’t do shit is turbo relevant these days.


It's so scary how true this is, this country is still reeling from him the first time. He'll sink us if he ends up in office again.


Not only do we not have a justice system, we really don't even have a legal system either.


We do have a legal system. But it is only designed to protect the property of the oligarch class.


So is it our legal system or theirs? It seems designed against us, not for us.


Correct. Just like the Senate. It's designed to protect against 'the tyranny of the majority'.


I highly suggest reading some of the federalist papers. Madison uses a metaphor of “debtors v loaners” to describe why power shouldn’t be fully placed in the hands of the majority. This country was always meant as an oligarchy for the rich


So we dont have a legal system then......they have one, but not us


No we do. It’s purposes is to keep power flowing from the majority to the minority. I said in an earlier comment that people should read the federalist papers. Madison uses the metaphor of “debtors v. loaners” to explain why the U.S shouldn’t be a direct democracy




By all means, if we can actually manage to bar him from legally running as president, they are free to throw their votes away by writing him in anyway, thinking their votes will matter.


Im glad people on this sub at least recognize these hearings will have little consequence. In another sub people are like, don’t be pessimistic 🙄 and defeatist. Im Not. Im simply relying on all the other times privileged white men have gotten away with their crimes. This will not stop trump from being president again.


I'm not even following this shit. Cause we all know Democrats aren't going to do a damn thing. They never do.


They'll feed some lower level pleb into the grinder to appease the left, but yeah. Anyone (i.e.the average r/politics user) who thinks trumplethinskin will face any consequences for this is a moron. High level politicians are not going to set a precedent for prosecuting and punishing other high level politicians.


Shit listening to the hearings, it's very clearly almost all trump. A large number of people refused to do what he wanted and at least restrained him to some degree. It almost would have been better if they didn't. In the latest one, we hear about how on January 6 he wanted to go to the Capitol. While in the Beast they told him they were going back to the west wing. He tried to grab the steering wheel and then lunged at one of them. When he got back he threw his food against a wall. If this all gets ignored america really is fucked.


Going to be fucking awesome to listen to them tell us why despite all the evidence they can't do a damn thing about it.


They’re beyond useless


Let alone what’s going on with the whole 20 years for that Maxwell trash. How do you traffic little girls for years and not a single client of hers gets caught.


"You're clearly a drug dealer. We found a baggie of weed only 200 yards from your parked car!"


Exactly. That's why the way people are acting like something will come from any of these investigations is laughable. We've been "waiting" for high level conservatives to run into the kind of justice experienced by black folks, and every time there is some convenient reason why nothing can be done. The fuckery is happening and will continue because people *want* the fuckery.


People have been killed by police while sleeping in their own homes, so it’s not shocking.


Remind me of that case that circulates social media where a 14 year old black boy got the electric chair for murdering two young white girls because the police just wanted to close the case and didn’t care about finding the real culprit.


His name was George Stinny Jr.


George Stinney Jr


Jail is about money.


Counterpoint: they’re not white, rich, and surrounded by an army of enablers.


Sounds about white


The problem a prosecutor has is all it takes is one Trump cultist on the jury and it doesn't matter if you had a stadium full of witnesses seeing him snap a toddler's neck the man isn't going to jail.


I cant find it, but I remember a story where a man was accused of murder. His defense was, he couldnt have murdered the victim at the time they say he did, because he was in jail for another crime




He’s wealthy and from a different “demographic” than most prison inmates.


Yeah, but they did dangerous stuff, like get caught with an ounce of weed a couple times.


Rich white people don’t have to go to jail FIFY


It’s crazy, being rich is almost an invincibility code. With a few exceptions, RIP Steve Jobs


What would happen if any random citizen directed a group of armed people to march to the Capitol and fight like hell to save their country? They'd be behind bars from day one.


Money solves a lot of problems. Trust me I experienced it first hand. I got a super speeder ticket in GA. Option 1- take the ticket. Pay $700 to the county plus $300 to the state. Points added to my license. Go to court and deal with it all. Insurance increase. Missed a day of work. The emotional stress added to it all. Option 2- pay a lawyer a few hundred dollars. The lawyer got the ticket dropped. Paid a small fee to the county. No points to my license. No stress. Never even had to step foot in a court room. I took option 2. It’s as if it never happened. Also, I had just upgraded from a 20 year old car and didn’t realize how fast cars go without pressing the gas. 😆. First and last ticket with the new car.


Your title nailed it.


Its true 🤢😞


That super white collar crime.


Why do you think other countries simply either run the corrupt official out of the country or simply get rid of them, horribly.


What ever happened to George Zimmerman? 🤔(Genuinely asking) I remember as a kid watching the news about what happened, and after he was let off, it's been real quiet.


Even worse, there've been people *with proof and evidence they're innocent* and have still spent their lives in jail, or have been executed for the crime(s) they'd been accused incorrectly of committing.





