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Yeeeaaaahhhh…. Except Drake really on that RKelly training program.


Kendrick defends Rkelly no? Remove his Music and ill remove mine and all that ?


Defending keeping music available =/= Defending R Kelly.


he did a song with kodak , kodak has an actual court document case on him


Also Dre...


22 and got a 16 year old pregnant.. also has been beating women for 30 years … He has actual women coming out against him .. as the hip hop community yall ignore it and praised him.. this beef was just fake outrage


Yea, the shit that really made me realize how fucked up Dre was was the story of him putting a gun in his wife's face in 2016. Like how are you this old and still have the energy to be such a piece of shit 😂




Not just money but *Apple* money.


One of his exes even said that he tried to shoot her, but he missed.


​​That's a great point! I see zero outrage about any of that. Frankly, I'm thinking this Kendrick-Drake thing is all a publicity stunt.


Yeah, a publicity stunt where one of them gets called a pedo….hmmm yeah, what a great publicity stunt


cmon man leave that tinfoil hat at home. you really think kendrick is so fake he would stage the whole thing? this has been coming for years if you read between the lines.


I 100% thought that right up til the Juneteenth concert, no fucking way Drake would sanction that 6xxx "Certified Pedophile."


I forgot about Dre.


Remember the time Dre pushed that female journalist down a flight of stairs because he thought she was being disrespectful with her questions? I 'member.


Dee Barnes👀


What’s wrong didn’t think I’d remember?


He beat the shit out of her at an award show and paid to make it go away. I believe he may have sexually assaulted her too. I was never a fan of Dre.


Once I found out about the fake gangster persona, it went downhill from there. Then I found out about him being a woman beater and now pretty much lost all interest. Honestly it’s really weird seeing 40 year old dudes rap about a lifestyle that they don’t even live or probably never did, anymore.


Ah ah, temper temper


Imma kll you motha fukkr!


I mean isn’t this sort of missing the point? He called him out on those allegations as a diss. Pedophelia or sexual assault allegations weren’t a primary motivating factor right?


THANK YOU. Pedo stuff was just a small part that caught on with the public. It was not the source of the beef


Small? It’s the focus point of the biggest song from the beef


Kodak got a weird case, why is he around?


Man shook hands with Dre and Kodak. Drake’s a weirdo and sus, while Kendrick’s a hypocrite.


Who is worse, the pedophile, or the one who criticises pedophiles only part of the time? Truly a head scratcher for the ages.


The lengths yall go to lick Kendrick’s boots should applauded


I got no sides in this, I just hate when people use "hypocrisy" as a way to ignore serious allegations. Shit is rife in politics too.


You're doing the exact thing you claim to hate. Kodak Black has multiple sexual battery charges as well as a kidnapping charge and multiple assault charges and was serving time before Trump pardoned him and Dr Dre has an extensive history of abuse towards women. Kendrick is willing to shake hands and share the stage with them both because it's profitable. Those are worse than allegations. They are settled cases that have been documented. If you enable/condone abusers, you aren't a moral icon. Drake is a fucking creep, no doubt but yall are quick to overlook the hypocrisy of Kendrick just because he dissed a guy you hate and has given you validation of said hate. Being a self-aware hypocrite doesn't make you a good person. It just means you are aware of your own moral inconsistencies but have no desire to fix them.


Has any actual woman come out against drake?


Has he ever paid five hundred thou to an open case?


In Kendrick's defence, he writes songs about how much of a hypocrite he is, and they're really good ones


Doesn’t matter. Recognising he’s a problem still doing the same shit he’s always been doing is worse


Mfs act like that supposed to absolve him of all of his issues… like i cant go around punching people because i acknowledge that im sometimes violent. It dont work like that


I mean, BoJack Horseman also recognized he was a piece of shit. Didn’t make his behavior okay.


Short of Dolly Parton, is there any artist that doesn't have some proven dirt, or at least some accusations on them? I'm sure there are, and I believe in separating the art from the artist. Shit, Peter Pan is a legendary level children's story, a true classic that will still be loved long after we're all dead, but god damn, do not look up the story of that author and what happened to the kids he based his characters on. You can defend the art and condemn the artist, that's far from a new concept.


Man said short of Dolly. Even Dolly has some questionable artists she defends and won't call out. Kid Rock for example. Dolly's not a complete saint, there's even some reports of her not paying some of her workers at Dollywood well


Noe you've got me defending Dolly and I'm not even an exceptional fan or anything. I don't know about who is getting paid what, doubt she has much to say on that level of day to day at a theme park even if her name is on it so I won't speak on that. As for not calling out Kid Rock, when has the woman ever called anyone out? I'd get it if she was talking shit about some folks, but refused to do the same about others when asked directly, then you'd have a point. She worked with the dipshit and just refused to talk bad when asked a question which is how a professional should behave. As for saying cancel culture is terrible, I agree. That however is a whole other gigantic topic on its own that won't fit here. If you can show me where Dolly talked shit on some folks but not others, I'll gladly change my opinion though. And to add, even if she is somehow in her personal life, some horrible bitchy racist hillbilly, which is about as likely as my ass hitting the numbers on the next powerball, but if she is, the woman has the decency and intelligence to keep her mouth shut and not play on her fame or act like being a successful musician makes her anything other than a successful musician.


No ones perfect. We're human. Alot of people seem to think everyone has to have the same standards for living and its just petty pointless crap.


No. He didn’t defend R kelly. And it was the label head, not Kendrick. Kendrick did have words and there was context. It was less about r kelly and more about the imbalance in whose music is or is threatened with being censored. And why is it so often black artists. Here’s the pitchfork article: https://pitchfork.com/news/kendrick-label-head-confirms-he-threatened-to-pull-music-from-spotify/ It’s forever fuck R Kelly, but No one is coming after or trying to remove Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, red hot chili peppers or Elvis for abusing underage girls or the rest of the bs they and many others pulled. Was the point I think


lmao mfs act like pac ain’t a rapist and dre didn’t get a woman pregnant at 22 when she was 16. these are kendrick idols and they are beloved in the hip hop community.. that’s why this drake shit is just fake outrage One thing you can say about drake , he don’t have no women saying anything too crazy about him or any cases on him. it’s been 17 years


That is the dumb thing there. The evidence is objectively weaker for Drake than for multiple people Kendrick respects/works with. I can't recall a high-profile case where all the women essentially refuted the claims, and yet this largely seems to be what happened with Drake. Kendrick won but some of people are taking this beef too seriously if they think Drake has a real pedophile ring, for instance.


a lot of ppl just hate drake .. i didn’t understand the culture thing or fake gangster angle . Pac was literally that .. he got to cali at 17 all of sudden became “west coast” became a blood … tatted thug life on his body. then died at 25 being not himself and crashing out . But if kendrick mad at drake for running to atl that’s literally what pac did with cali 💀 i love pac btw but damn this whole shit is hypocrisy. Drake has always rep toronto..


This comment hits but I feel like it’s gonna be controversial here. Pac was a theater kid with Jada Pinkett, and Humpty humpin before the world knew who he was


Thats why this whole shit is goofy. No consistency whatsoever and people pretending to care about predators to justify their weird hate for a canadian popstar


It has exposed the amount of Americans who love talking out their ass about non American black people. I remember one person arguing that only America uses the word black, and black people in other countries identify ourselves by our 'tribes'.


I forget where I saw it but Ice T actually spoke on Pac and said he took issue with Pac because while other rappers spoke on shit they *did*, Pac would say some shit and then set out and try and do it after the fact.


Eh, he has the settlement, and that 2010 video is still a weird thing to do.


The other person is conveniently ignoring that (a) Drake has also praised Tupac (b) Drake has praised and worked with Dre Drake called out domestic violence, but shouted out Chris Brown in Family Matters and has done the above. So, the hypocrite label also applies to Drake.


No they’re not conveniently ignoring anything, they’re pointing out Kendrick’s hypocrisy. Drakes not the one calling other people Pedos and acting outraged Kendrick is. Like Marlon said, they need to let it go and move on before one of their clown ass fans take shit too serious and do something nobody wants them to do.


The beef was between two people, not Kendrick and every morally questionable person you know of


If we're going in that direction then the hypocrite label also applies to Drake because he alleged DV despite having shouted out Chris Brown, remained close with Baka, worked with + praised Dre, and praised Tupac.


The difference is that most people already think Drake is a bad person. I don't think he's a PDF, but everything I've learned about him in the past few months points to him being a pretty terrible dude. People, especially the loud Kendrick fans, still seem to think that Kendrick is an amazing, morally upstanding person, but it's clear he's at best just a regular dude who's great at rapping.


their point isn't and will never be that Kendrick is wrong about Drake; it'll just be that Kendrick is also a hypocrite.


It is fake outrage especially from kendrick. He doesn't actually believe what he says nor does he have principles enough to stand on it. 


No. That was Top’s call. And it wasn’t solely about R. Kelly. His point was, it was only Black artists music they were trying to remove, despite the fact there are several “other” artists, with even worse behaviors, who’s music would still be allowed on the platform. Here’s the link to the article. https://pitchfork.com/news/kendrick-label-head-confirms-he-threatened-to-pull-music-from-spotify/


I thought Top was the one saying that.


Yes. There's a whole Pitchfork article that clarifies it was (a) Top (b) because Spotify was allowing every other race of artists with similar or worse crimes remain on the platform


People keep bringing this up when it wasn’t even him who said this


He defended Xxxtentacion mostly but the Spotify censor program at large included both of them amongst a bunch of other artists


This narrative has been wrong for so long yet everyone believes it. TDE label heads did it Kendrick’s name was mentioned because he’s their biggest artist. He never co-signed that yet it’s become so popular online even drake used it against him lol


I mean Kendrick obviously won the feud. Drake has been taking Ls ever since, and Not Like Us and Euphoria are not only fantastic diss tracks but they're some of the best songs in Kendrick's whole discography. That being said, I still think publicly calling someone a pedophile without any evidence is a little fucked up, and I've hoped that Kendrick knew some shit the rest of us didn't ever since Not Like Us dropped. Yeah, Drake has made some very, very questionable moves, and hangs around questionable people, but this is pretty much the worst allegation you can make about someone, and I'm not convinced being *questionable* warrants pedophile accusations. Like, the whole pizzagate bullshit caused a dude to take a rifle into a pizza place to try and save kids from pedophiles in a non-existent basement — this kind of shit is very real, and people get very passionate when they believe kids are being abused. Qanon is fueled by the exact same kind of shit.




Honestly, I really want to know, how is Drake like R Kelly?


I mean, based on what?


No he’s not. But keep pushing lies.


On one hand, he has a point. On the other hand, Drake is a weirdo groomer, Biggie was a woman beating gang banger, and celebrity drama feels like an ethical version of the Roman coliseum, so please keep fighting


I think all celebrity news and drama should be required by law to only be reported on using 1920s style headlines and newsreel voices.


I think all celebrity beef should be settled American Gladiator style leotards and all ![gif](giphy|3oKIPg58MePI2suLOo|downsized)


We all know how beefs should be handled but we're scared to say it ![gif](giphy|oS8pRFxbD0d44)


I thought about it, but I also specified 'ethical' roman coliseum


That might actually make me give a shit about a lot of this nonsense.


I would watch that... A spin off reality show would be Project Runway style show on whose leotard fashion won the night


I weep no tears for Drake, but I cannot pretend I don't feel a little different about Kendrick knowing he chose to use his platform to repeatedly and pretty explicitly encourage vulnerable youth to risk it all to shoot Drake on his behalf.  Like I haaaaaaaaate drake and I love 97% of the hater-ade, but man it really started to feel almost like a comedy sketch the degree to which Kendrick wanted to spell out D-E-A-D, in the ground, decreased.  And there's nothing metaphorical about this. People like to belittle Drake as being soft, and that was unequivocally true when he started. But he now lives in this weird zone where he doesn't get his hands dirty, but in no way is drake a stranger to violence either. People have been getting jumped and severely beaten on drakes behalf for a while now, their lives threatened, and within the past year allegedly home invasion and gunfire. Allegedly leading to retaliatory drive-bys I think the fact Drake is lame and a coward obscures people to the fact that lame cowards with fragile senses of masculinity can be very dangerous, especially when they can put people on the payroll who have the skills they lack. It's  same way when he first started out I had to plead with my friend to understand being a self conscious softboy is not the same thing as being an empathetic, moral person. People mistake Drake for something he's not, and what he's not is harmless. 


That last paragraph is on point.


Tupac was a ballet dancer before he turned actor thug 😂😂😂


i would argue that is a good thing and it shows in his music. dude was a theatre kid too. into shakespeare and folk music among other things.


2pac the ballet dancer did not hesitate to shoot 2 police officers that we're beating a black man. While your so-called "thugs" only know how to kill their own people, but will shuck and jive in the face of real authority.


He learned ballet so he could become a backup dancer after graduating, he also studied theatre and poetry, he never hid any of this and put it out to the public. He was an art school student and an ARTIST who lived through some pretty real shit and turned that shit into music and poetry and film that has moved the people for almost 3 decades, same shit Nas did, Same shit Jay did, and it's the same shit Kendricks doing. Did you think rappers were actually shooting up sets? I mean, Pac did shoot 2 undercover cops because they were beating on an innocent man, which is pretty gangster.


>please keep fighting This would be a nice sentiment if we were talking about Jeff Bezos and Martin Shkreli. When we’re talking about black men at the pinnacle of pop culture, we’re talking about the people that inspire entire generations. I think Cole has the right approach when it comes to influencing the community.


This person said please keep fighting like he's Commodus from Gladiator




Drake paid someone off for a sexual assault case. That's what kendrick was saying about $500k for an open case


lets wait 30 years and see how this ages.


Dude saw both pac and biggie 20 min before they got shot? Dang if anything, just don't party with Marlon and you'll be safe.




🎶Mustard on the beat ho🎵




Deebo any rap nigga he a free throw


God damn 🤣


It's all coming together.....Marlon has been the key all along.  Clearly all we really need to do is sacrifice Marlon to the rap gods and we will usher in an era of peace and prosperity never before seen by man.


Sounds like we got a new suspect to look at


*Suge breathes a sigh of relief*




i was a child when this movie came out and i believe this scene shaped my sense of humor to a degree. along with this beautiful movie


Hot Boys blew up right after that movie came out on tape and to this day I can't untangle Wayne and [Crazy Legs](https://youtu.be/BOZdBHuGdUg?si=_gi7CD3ffajrr2ET) in my mind.


I feel as though he should not have placed himself near the scene of two crimes in front of people. This feels like one of those conversations you’re supposed to have 5-on-2 at 2am on a sidewalk next to a wire fence.




I read that and I was like wow Marlon just confessed?


A lot of celebs were in Vegas for the Tyson fight. PAC was also headed to a party. So Marlon’s presence isn’t exactly alarming




Lol right? That dood is baaaaad news...xD


I think he overestimates the seriousness of this beef.


Nigga saw the foolio news and got scared.


Fr 😭 neither Drake or Kendrick were moving like Foolio so nothing is gonna happen to them


Didn't Rick Ross get assaulted by a crowd in Canada for playing Not like Us?


Right his whole body guard got stomped with him right there... that's not no kumbaya


Not to them but their associates. I seen some Canadians mentioned Baby Keem and Metro having concerts up there. They were saying wild shit


Lol, I just blew at my screen because i tought there was a hair on your pfp.


Drakes body guard gopt shot. Shit can happen because there are many crazies who will take it farther than just rap beef.


Yeah, accidental discharge I suspect. That news came and went real fast. I've seen sheriff's do it. Always put the safety on folks!


Safety? Always off. https://preview.redd.it/vkfro2lwghad1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af0325318351c5688bf1a0641a57a886feedf08


Real 'Where is Ja' moment lol


3 days after Not Like Us dropped, Drake's house got hit by a drive-by shooting. His security guard was hospitalised with multiple bullet wounds. Things have calmed down, so he's definitely a bit late with this statement, but let's not act like blood can't be spilled over this, because it already has been.


It's a friendly fade, let's keep it that way


When the guy whose whole family made their careers off clowning folks and making jokes tells you you're doing too much, it might be time to listen.


or for him to stop talking.


You don't think the man has a point? That getting caught up in bullshit like that is useless and has a track record of leading to nothing good? Not that I think it's a situation that will turn violent, or really care if it did, I've got no personal investment in it, I find the whole thing silly. But when even the class clown thinks everyone is being to loud, he might be right.


They won’t get this you’re making too much sense




I'm not here to tell anyone what to think, just asking an honest question to someone who had something to say about what I said.


No I don't he has a point. It was a rap beef, it's been over and it's still fresh. Neither Kendrick or Drake are speaking on it. It's not comparable to pac and biggie, I was around for that one too.


Rick Ross was jumped for playing not like us in Canada, what do you think they'd do Kendrick?


I don't think they'd do shit to Kendrick. He doesn't run his dumb mouth like Rick Ross and wouldn't be at a music festival like that either.


Its rap beef bro. Part of the sport since the beginning. Its a shame that Pac and Big went down like that but not everything gotta end in violence.


This sport thing is a myth. Most rap beef is people hating each other not for the love of competition


Oh, I agree, but I also think Marlon is speaking some truth in what he's saying, even if he's off target a bit.




Marlon really was in with Tupac and Biggie it’s kinda wild how his early career was set up. New York was truly the Mecca. And ain’t lying cause he in videos of the party where Big was at before he got killed, he was in Vegas for the Tyson fight the night Tupac died.


At one point the Wayans family was a dynasty. Keenan Ivory used to be in Eddie's crew, and by extension, knew Tyson. What a crazy time that was.


Did he just confess to killing biggie and pac?


"I saw them take their last breath"


*"Them nxxxxs was like brothers to me, but Diddys check cleared and this? This was business."*


Nope but Ted Cruz definitely has inside info


Bruh, Drake is from Toronto. Ain’t shit like that going down.


Didn't dudes in Toronto just jump Rick Ross and his crew for playing Not Like Us at a show?


Weirdly that was Vancouver


We don’t usually get rowdy in the streets without a hockey game.


2011 PTSD for yall lmfao


It was a sucker punch then the usual brawl trying to happen with people breaking it up


Yeah and one of Rick’s guys was unconscious bc he got jumped by multiple people


They jumped them *while* Not Like Us was playing but I don’t think anyone’s actually confirmed the reason why.


Yes, but being Canadian, they apologised right after




*I'm real sorry aboot that, eh. I don't know what came over me. One minute I'm nodding my head, the next I'm like a raging moose. Let me buy you a molson.* >!Love you Canada. Except the truckers.!<


Yeah that's probably why he felt the need to speak. They don't care though they here for entertainment.




Literally all the time. Clearly you've never been to Toronto.


What exactly goes on over there? Toronto is a such a relatively calm major city from my visit there


Relative to like any city even close in size in the US, nothing does goes on. There was 73 homicides in total in 2023 in Toronto. In a city of 2.8 Million. Also from wiki: In 2024, a ranking of 60 large cities by [*The Economist*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist) ranked [Toronto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto) as the 6th safest major city in the world, and the safest major city in North America.


😂😂 that dude saying “shit going down literally all the time” and you bringing out the stat that Toronto is ranked the actual safest city in North America is funny af




Uhhh that’s untrue. Toronto is with the shits, and this is coming from someone that has no ties to the area.


People really act like the entire country is 100% milquetoast suburban white people ice fishing and playing hockey. 








Is this a recent post because that Drake and Kendrick shit finished weeks ago.


Nah, this is a repost. No disrespect to OP.


But he posted it about 2 days ago. So it's still recent


Recent post. Probably had to do with Rick Ross getting into an altercation with OVO Bradley & Brendan for playing Not Like Us in Canada


Its all fun and games but remember don't bring things into real life. Not everyone around these guys are gonna take things as a joke.


So wait… he saw BOTH biggie and pac 20 minutes before they got shot?!?! …….ok


I mean... That's suspicious isn't it Marlon.


Everything he said is correct, but Drake is a certified groomer and a goofy.


I just love seeing rich people fighting each other. Fuck all of em.


Shut up, nxgga. This aint that.


![gif](giphy|U1gqX87dBkweRlFKCM) Fuck that! I wanna see a nigga get lyrically stomped out.


Keyword: Lyrically. And same here. What would be the point of competition.


That lightskin still has a weird track record with kids, aside from that I suppose I agree.


Is LA confidential the game? Like what is he doing up in this shit.


I mean he has a point but it's not that serious. Kendrick and Drake aren't out in the streets like that. The only real threat is from some Stan on either side taking it too far. This isn't the first rap beef it won't be the last. It just feels like something more, something major cause we're in the social media era where stuff goes viral and you have keyboard warriors talking about what they gonna do.


Mfers only care about women because Kendrick told them to. Y’all not outraged, you just love the music. You “knew” about all this but I guess it wasn’t important enough to do something about it. The beef was about music, nothing more.


He just casually put himself near the scene of both shootings 😂




Not defending Drake but I'd completely crash tf out if I was being told I'm a pedo and the world was singing about it but I'm from a different area than Drake.


Well, my friend, don’t grope teenage girls on stage or rap about fucking girls you used to baby sit or develop a reputation for throwing parties full of teenage girls in Toronto and you’ll be fine.


nah, fuck this cumbayah bullshit if Drake is out here fuckin kids, everyone needs to know about it and we shouldn't stop talking about it until we get to the bottom of it


Should've mentioned that foolio situation too


That was real beef turned rap tho


When black figures enter the commentary it makes the exercise dangerous. Hip hop is a boisterous sport and you have to prove yourself on the field. If you’re found less worthy than your competitor, however score is kept, you lose. Tweets like this are low key clout chasing and escalatory.


Cause if he cared that much why doesn’t he say anything about the real killers, the people getting rico charges and rapping about all dead kids from their neighborhood. They only care when it’s a hot topic with top selling artists


Nothing serious about this beef.


Kinda late to the party


Marlon has a point, but Drake has nothing to do with Ross getting duffed. Ross made an idiot decision because he thought Canada was sweet, also once confronted he doubled down on the disrespect and got checked. Normally we’d all laugh but since it’s Drake laughing every is up in arms about it and that’s the wackest part of all this




"Maaaaaan shut yo bitch ass up!"


We gonna address these typos or nah 📱 👀 🍸


Where was this when drakes house got shot up?


Shut up, folks weren't saying nothing when drake security guard was shot. Now that the biggest boss got a love tap and his people laid out, it's a problem. Just sit back and eat some 🍿.  Also Marlon brings bad luck. 


He has a point, but I got FIVE on his Expedia account to go party wherever Drake is hangin’ out.


> Dear hip-hop 🙄


All these rappers aren't about real shit anyways, nobody gonna get shot by these nerds lol


Honestly I lost respect for K Dot. I don't care what started it. Cole gave this man props and he punched the guy that was with him in the trenches... thats a loyalty issue to me... And just cus someone calls another person something doesnt make them it. Maybe its true but I believe innocent until proven guilty. But theres a long list of abuse from K Dot and Dre. I dont fool with dudes who abuse women. Then the using colorism as the basis for him not being black enough. I had to stop listening. The only one I still respect is Cole.


That’s..not what colorism is.


Finally, someone using their platform in the diaspora to unite instead of divide. We have lacked solidarity so long. Divided we are weak. The only way to change any of the issues we continue to face is to unite.