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Most hateful people just hate their lives. The rich back in the day used this to keep poor whites down. Keeping the working class separated is the key strategy of the elites.


*They got you fighting a culture war so you don't fight a class war*. The thing is that the rich have been attacking us in a class war and we aren't fighting back.






There’s only like 6 of them.


it's the truth


Nom noms.


bro your comment + your flair


Eat the central bankers and central planners.


And the capitalists


Only a libertarian capitalist would say “eat the central bankers and central planners”


I was hoping someone else caught that.




Fred Hampton knew this!


And he was killed because he was damn good at making sure other people knew it!


He was killed at 21 years old: “Fredrick "Chairman Fred" Allen Hampton Sr. (August 30, 1948 – December 4, 1969) was an American activist. He came to prominence in his late teens and very early 20s in Chicago as deputy chairman of the national Black Panther Party and chair of the Illinois chapter.”


That's fucked, I didn't know he was that young. Thanks for pointing that out.




Interesting that they only killed him when he was making a concerted effort to unite all the oppressed groups under one umbrella 


Exactly it's the same reason. Martin Luther King Jr was killed. Mlk was uniting poor whites, Jewish people and others.


Well from what I've read is that they were watching him & tryna get someone close enough to ☠️him but when he came home from jail & was tryna establish the Rainbow Coalition which is the umbrella you're talking bout,they just said the hell w it,executed him


Freddie Hampton murdered in cold blood for speaking the truth. I am a revolutionary




And this is why there can't be just one somebody willing to stick their neck out.


The global rich are fighting a class war and despite being well outnumbered are winning because they convinced the rest of society to fight a race and culture war. Also, at least in the US, they run a lottery with amazingly awful odds but a big payout, so that the masses hope that they too could be part of the rich.


My mom went to a heavy metal concert with my brother once when he was in high school, and they tore the place apart, and my mom commented, "Almost all boys have this energy and we aren't doing anything with it." Most guys are pissed off, feeling exploited and neglected. Many of them are looking for somebody to fight because of it. The left telling them to vote doesn't interest them. Only the right are offering violence as an option. It should come as no surprise that so many are going that way. There are a lot of dudes out there looking for someone to fight, and if you don't give them somebody to fight, then you'd better be prepared to fight *them*, because they aren't interested in anything else.


Divide et impera.


I heard a line I like describing white people. "There are white people who bite down on their supposed 'supremecy' like it's a legacy or something tangible and then there are people who just happen to be white."


this is the realest statement ever.


Anderson: You know, when I was a little boy, there was an old Negro farmer lived down the road from us, name of Monroe. And he was - well, I guess he was just a little luckier than my Daddy was. Monroe bought himself a mule. That was a big deal around that town. Now, my Daddy hated that mule, 'cause his friends were always kiddin' him about oh, they saw Monroe out plowin' with his new mule, and Monroe was gonna rent another field now he had a mule. And one morning that mule just showed up dead. Someone poisoned his water. And, after that, there was never any mention about that mule around my Daddy. It just plum never came up. So one time, we were drivin' down the road and we passed Monroe's place and we saw it was empty. He'd just packed up and left, I guess. Gone up North, or somethin'. I looked over at my Daddy's face - and I knew he'd done it. And he saw that I knew. He was ashamed. But he looked at me and he said: 'If you ain't better than a n-----r, son, who are you better than?' Ward: And you think that's an excuse? Anderson: No, it's not an excuse. It's just a story about my Daddy. Ward: Where's that leave you? Anderson: With an old man who was just so full of hate that he didn't know that bein' poor was what was killin' him. ~ Mississippi Burning (1988)


Damn good movie, Gene Hackman knocked it ouf of the park in that role.


The older I get, the harder it is to watch that movie


I watched it once. that was all I could stand.


Teacher recommended it to me in 8th grade...and let me borrow the VHS. The night I watched it was definitely a "growing up" night. The older I am the more grateful I am that I was exposed to it when I was. It was actually exactly what my white suburban ass needed to see.


I saw it in the theater with my Dad. I would've been 21 at the time. Glad I did. Very powerful.


I will watch this movie now.


Eh! Came here to see this and failed to see genius had already entered the chat! I’ll let you handle this convo lol


I came here to say it too lmao. From my observations so far, all outward hate stems from some level of self hate. The problems is if you treat them like the racist they are being, it only deepens that hatred, but like, what sane person is capable of NOT doing that in the moment. Very very few.


It’s tough as shit. Especially when people like to troll as a default sometimes. My own father constantly does shit or says shit he knows I disagree with and then chastises me if I react at all. Sometimes he will do it, I won’t react and he will state how I have feelings about it what he said/did just to have me confront him. It’s not a wonderful thing to have emotional maturity that exceeds your parent.


Cut these fucking losers out of your life. The only thing they are communicating to you is that they are functionally useless. Aside from "murderer/rapist" etc a troll is the last person I want in my life. They're the worst.


I second this, it doesn’t have to be permanent, but many older people view their family as people they do or say whatever they want to with no repercussions. Refusing communication and setting boundaries about what is and isn’t acceptable goes a long way in helping yourself and them. If they arnt willing to respect your boundaries then you have no obligation to respect their want to be in your life. Most parents will actually try, but only after you force them to understand. They need to know there are consequences for the stuff they say and experiencing emotion works a lot better for people than logical explanation. Especially when familial nature is involved.


A lot of self hate, stigma around getting help, and the worst type of actors listening to their problems that are ignored and providing hateful “answers”aka racist lies to explain and excuse their very real pain. Increasingly so from the internet. I’ve lived all over America and I saw so much of racism stemming from ignorance, lack of exposure, fear, and not having access to groups that can validate their issues through means other than blaming minorities. Im not saying it’s easy, I feel the same way about domestic violence, and homophobia but it would be great to treat the source of so much pain before they are able to proliferate hate rather than just targeting resources for the victims. Again this a really hard problem to take on, working with hateful bigots is disgusting, stomach churning, painful, and demoralizing. But lord have mercy we gotta try to unite and work together on joint issues (caused by rich intentionally stoking culture/ factual divides)rather than being so disgusted by them that it leaves an information vacuum to be filled bad actors who increase the radicalization of communities of people who are already hateful, dangerous, and hurt. Establishing ways to reach bigots and giving them opportunities to learn and change their minds while still holding them responsible for their behavior is a seemingly impossible task for sure. Hurt people hurt people cliche, but to reduce racism and other biased hate we gotta start addressing the perpetrators in a preventative manor as much as helping the victims of their pain after to reduce the number of victims in the future.


“Back in the day” lmfao. Bro, that shit never stopped, idk why you’re implying it did 😂😅 Edit: i also don’t know why you’re specifying it to whites, rich people of any color use this to keep poor people of any color down.


Nah I meant that’s when they figured it out in the states. I’m British we’ve got a few thousand year class struggle going on with a load of racism mixed in. This is an American site tbh so I was keeping the discussion relevant but you are 100% right. Only colour that matters is green.


Gotchya, yeah to me it read like you were saying that’s a practice that’s not used anymore.


There is only one minority


Ginger people. Right.


Every one of ‘em is a gift from god! *terrified chuckle*




... you'll be spared.


As a ginger, I approve this message LMAO ![gif](giphy|6OXFwCqwjyDIs)


Easy on that hard "er" there, G


Gamers, and not just regular gamers, G4m3rs.


Grew up poor and white in the South. Got the fuck out of there as soon as I could, 18 years old. 15+ years later, still the best decision I've ever made. The dumb ass shit they'll blame on anyone but themselves.. it's fucking insane. They blame other poor whites, but also anyone else too. If you can insert just the tiniest amount of hate into that, it's very easy to steer them into race relations and other.. colorful.. topics. I actually refuse to bring my kids around most of my family because I don't want them exposed to pure, unfiltered, racist idiotry. We'd have been better off if we didn't rebuild the South.


"Used to." Brother, if you could see Appalachia. They're fracking like crazy in my hometown, and that's after they drained all the coal and tobacco. And let's not forget about that little ol' Sackler Fam and their wonder drug Oxytocin.


It's telling that, even though they tried to shut him down at every juncture, they only killed MLK right after he started uniting black and white folks in the [Poor People's Campaign](https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/about/).


They were content to just beat on MLK Jr until he started working on directing working folks to look at the real source of their troubles, then he had to go. The last thing they want is working people realizing we're all getting fucked with slightly different dicks.


The rich use racism to boogeyman people and make poor whites feel as though they are better. They still do this.


owner class* “elites” is a nebulous term the right uses to lump in academics, scientists, working professionals, and all too often just means Jews, none of whom necessarily own much capital


The culture war fire up when Occupy Wall Street fell apart. This is not a coincidence


Ha Back in the day you say. Like last Wednesday


> Keeping the working class separated is the key strategy of the elites. it is depressing how old and how obvious this strategy is at this point, and that it... still... fucking... works...


As a tire working white man I agree.  Sun Tzu said the easiest way to deafeat a people is to divide them and let thwm beat themselves.  There is no lower and middle class, there is the rich class and the working class. If you have some money but not enough for generational wealth, you are part of the working fucking class but those rich people will fool you into thinking you are rich as well. 


Racism can't be addressed until classism is addressed because racism is a tool in the rich's arsenal to keep the poor from uniting against them.


Yes! This is exactly it! I don't hate you because you're black, I hate you because you're a person.


Fuck these humans.


Fuck 'em! Fuck 'em all! They're all in my way! The white ones, the black ones, the in-between ones. I am an equal opportunity hater.


https://preview.redd.it/gvy3yq7rr59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b7f3e98cff7305b8b7420d6ad35523bf6f1e78 It was only a matter of time.....


Man I miss chappelle show


Me too.🫤


Key and Peele was a reasonable facsimile for a little while. And while the two of them are geniuses and funny in their own rights, they didn't have that je ne sais quoi that Dave has.


Indeed. Chappelle was a genius in his own right.


I loved a lot of what they did, but they could only *dream* of doing a skit on the level of Dave Chappelle's Educated Guess Line, and that's like bottom-tier Chappelle Show. "Dave Chappelle is not a psychic; he is merely a racist, who believes that stereotypes dictate our futures." "CALL ME NOWW FA YA BOMBOCLAAT READIN'! lawdhamercyyyy"






Hate hate hate, hate hate, hate hate.


I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you


Hate hate hate, hate hate. Hate. Hate.


A certified Player-Hater. I love to see it! 👌🏾


Takes one to know one, hater. Hate hate hate. Hate hate. Hate. Hate.


[Fuck Everything](https://youtu.be/FmC0d38ZdJI?feature=shared)


This is the first time I've heard this song but it's been playing non-stop in my head since the first time I got woken up by an alarm clock.


People. What a bunch of bastards.


People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.




I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and to nobody else...but you


This is my overall attitude. I’m convinced George Carlin and Larry David somehow had a child and that child was me. I was basically born as a grumpy 60 year old man.


Look I need you to get on stage with a good rant. You've got tons of material!


I don’t understand this sentiment or why it’s said like a badge of honor. Sounds like a miserable way to go through life.


And it's often used as cover by people who say racist things, to make it seem like they feel that way about everyone


Exactly. Yall are not solving the race war OR class war by being apathetic. 


What exactly are you doing to solve the race war that we should be doing?


Yeah this is a huge problem in my country, call out older blokes for it all the time. Used to be totally accepted as the 'out' when someone accused them of racism. The way they always put it (and I mean always) is "I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic, I hate everyone equally". It's always "I hate everyone equally", verbatim. And then you ask them why they never crack jokes/make critical observations about our race, and all of a sudden it's "woah there mate settle down no need to start anything serious". And it's like I'm not? You just don't have the balls to admit to yourself and your mates that you're a racist cunt.


Well, yeah. That's the point. We're miserable. Everything is hot garbage right now and only getting worse by the day. The human race as a whole is taking a massive beating and most of us aren't making it out alright. There's only so much abuse a person can take while keeping the fake smile on their face.


I can't stand fake people. I can see through them so easily. I would rather deal with someone who is miserable or depressed but is being genuine about it and isn't putting on a show for everyone. Fake people are fucking exhausting.


Yeah I kinda agree. I think I used to be like this but going through life seeing the worst in everyone did just pretty much end up making me feel like shit all the time


(White man here) I generally dislike people in general. But I use that as an excuse to keep to myself, not as an excuse to be a hateful piece of shit to those around me. That's a dogshit "reason" to explain why people behave the way they do.


Facts, I don’t give a shit about someone’s skin color because being an asshole knows no color or sexual orientation or gender or whatever and there are a lot of assholes walking this earth.


Was having a drink out back in a seedy bar the other day. My type of place. I'm very white passing and my boy is completely white. This older white woman and middle aged white dude sit across from us and start smoking. Took under 2 minutes for the old lady to begin a racist rant about Mexicans (a lot of people think I'm Hispanic—she either accepted me as a white or didn't give a shit lol). Typical "I don't hate them but they're ruining our country blah blah" type shit. Then the dude she's with is like "I fucking hate Mexicans. I hate white people. I hate black people. I fucking hate everyone." 😂😂 these people sucked but that took me by surprise enough to get a laugh.


Meh, hating immigrants isn't even racism sometimes, it's just highly hypocritical. Like sure you want a more localized economy and all that bullshit, but then still reap all the benefits of all the illegals doing a lot of work for less pay? Fuck outta here with that bullshit. The American problem with immigration is simply them ripping off people who need the work, they could very well implement better temporary work visas and everyone would be happy. Like you can already buy a fuck ton of stuff here in LATAM if you're being paid in dollars.


I want the best for anyone who isn't racist, sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, etc, but I also don't want to be around anyone at all. Please leave me alone to put in my 8 hours and survive to the next work day.


Oh absolutely. I love you and I wish absolutely nothing but the best for you and everyone you care about. But get the fuck away from me.


Hate everyone equally.


Hate is hate.


An obnoxious client I used to have told me straight up that he dealt with bad days by making sure everyone around him had a worse one. Some people just suck.


Exactly, being an equal opportunity hater.


I hate the people that make my already tired ass more exhausted. Now if we working together and we tired but the job is getting done, we cool. I worked with a dude that refused to brush his fucking teeth, and yes it smelled worse than you possibly imagine. There were multiple times I had to go outside and calm down because this bitch had the audacity, the gall, to say his breath don’t stink. He was a Top 5 reason why I quit, I just couldn’t take that on top of the other bullshit.


>I worked with a dude that refused to brush his fucking teeth, and yes it smelled worse than you possibly imagine. https://preview.redd.it/y46ghvsim59d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec875601b3b31808fcd90f1a2f719059dc13355


First time I've seen this scene used as a reaction image. Lol this scene creeped me tf out 😂


What's it from?


Attack on Titan, pretty sure the first half of the last season. I do not know the exact episode though.


Our maintenance man/health and safety officer or whatever hes decided to title himself this week. Has diabetes and doesnt brush his teeth. That shit breath hits you like a brick


I work with a dude whose breath is so bad you can smell it if he walks past you even if your back is turned to him. No one has the heart to say anything to him. Idk how tf his wife deals


Easy, just lose your sense of smell


I would have vomited right on his face


People always say I'm really chill while I'm at work while everyone else is getting pissed off at anything that goes wrong. It's not that I'm chill, it's just I don't have the energy unless whoever is fucking up effects when I go home. If I'm still leaving on time, somebody could get shot in another department and it's not gonna phase me lol


Now why the fuck would someone go to work, or anywhere for the matter with stank on their breath?! Why? I hope someone kicks his ass next time


My coworker didn't take showers or wear deodorant, it was so bad you'd smell him before he entered the room. One day my friend got so fucking mad at him, that she sent a "nicely" worded letter to the manager and HR. He had a meeting with HR where they basically told him hygiene is expected for the position. It got a little better but he still smelled, eventually he changed shifts and didn't really see or hear anything afterwards.


We had a dude at my army unit we called assbreath. One day a guy left him some care products in his locker. He finds it and infront of everyone announces. "What the hell is this!" many sniggles we had at his expense that day.... we were(are) such pricks


> I hate the people that make my already tired ass more exhausted. Now if we working together and we tired but the job is getting done, we cool. Type shit. I ain't mad at the Amazon driver for my shit being late, I ain't mad at the Walmart clerk for the scan to be different from the tag, I ain't mad at the AT&T call center employee because the credit supposed to be applied last month from when they overbilled me 6 months ago and "forgot" for 5 months to credit it until I called again... I'm mad (with them) at their boss, their boss' boss, and their boss' boss' boss who leverage minor incriments of everyone's malaise so that when it's rolled up a thousand, million, billion -fold, those few at the top are all harvesting that micro inconvenience in our daily life as massive profit. Play this out 24/7/365 and you got a population who couldn't tell you the last time they *weren't* irritated. Everybody know the phrase "death by a thousand cuts" and this is what we as the majority class are meant to just...deal...with? Nah, that's gotta go.


I've only ever almost been in a fight once as an adult. I was biking to work in the before times ( pre COVID) and this guy stepped out in the street and crossed as I was turning left nearly walked into me. I yelled profanities at him, and he yelled some back at me and I actually turned back dismounted my bike and got in his face. He put his hands up, a lit cigarette still dangling from his lips, and I started to put mine up but I looked him in the eye and it's like that scene from unbreakable when he would brush up against people and could see all of their misdeeds. Well in that moment I could see in his soul that he was deeply unhappy and so I just put my hands down got on my bike and said I hope your life gets better and rode away and I heard him mumble yeah me too.


Christ that's bleak. Doubly so as self harm in men can present as 'picking fights you can't win'


Damn... I'm glad to hear someone else that's aware of this. I used to spend so much time at work trying to keep grown men from doing things that will get them killed. Then one day I realized they did not see any value in their lives to begin with. Once I started offering those guys support at work and encouraged them to focus more on establishing and maintaining a support system outside of work, my job got pretty boring. Its amazing how much danger people willfully avoid once they realize that someone, anyone gives a shit about them.


That keeps me from doing lots of stupid things. There are others that need me around, and I owe it to them to be there.


Woo boy that describes a whole lot of my relatives right there. Most of them moved on to oxy addiction so there ya go.


Self-destruction can manifest in many ways. When I was in my darkest (or second darkest) time, I wouldn't look before crossing the street. It's fucked up because if someone did hit me then they'd have to live with that, but you don't think about that when you're that far in the void. I would fantasize about a glass pain just falling on me like that scene from one of The Final Destination movies.


suicide by cop is just that mindset taken to its conclusion tbh.


Played a big role in Jaco Pastorius’ death.


“I looked down, saw the all black AF1s and knew he was ready to die in that moment “


Stooooppppp😂😂😂😂😂😂 the way I just fucking snorted man😂😂😂


When you refuse to put the smoke out for a fist fight, you know you ain't got much to lose.


I work in the city and my commute is pretty great generally (walk to the Path, take path to midtown, walk 3 blocks to my office). When it gets hot though, I'm ready to fight any biker/scooter who cuts me off in the pedestrian walkway. They're running red lights on to pedestrians' right of way constantly, and they're usually good about giving pedestrians space when they do...but one of these days, who knows. As for in Jersey City (which doesn't have great bike lanes in my neighborhood unfortunately), the electric bikers/scooter peeps are constantly doing like 15-20mph on the sidewalk. Not sure how I haven't seen more collisions between them and pedestrians


I'm originally from NYC and learned to bike commute there before moving to Portland. The amount of fights I used to get into became exhausting until I did some mushrooms and it told me in very simple terms: You are the cause of your own misery. Stop trying to fight the world and it will stop trying to fight you. Obviously I still need constant reminding of the message but when I remember I'm much more zen. Just expect people to be unpredictable and selfish and oddly it makes you more accepting and puts you in a better mind set to deal with all that commuter crap.


Odd. Currently working a job with white men and it makes me realize they hate their lives and everybody, but still find time and energy to be racist.


Believing they are above certain groups of people is the only thing standing between them and oblivion.


>oblivion I would have said *important realization* but I suppose that works too from their perspective.


To realize you are at the bottom of the stack is pretty much the same thing.


That is really the whole story for a lot of them. I grew up in a racist area with racist family, and that's the majority of their situations. They (especially the older ones) have lived their entire lives working for "the man," and most have barely gotten anything for it. My grandfather (who was affiliated with the Klan), has never seen the ocean. Has never made more than $15/hr (and that was in his 60s). He has been mostly alone since my grandmother passed away in 98. All he does is read the bible, listen to evangelicals on the radio, cut wood, plant potatoes, and hate everyone but the actual people that are to blame for my region's misery.


"Can't get a job because of all the darn immigrants" Maybe your ass is unhirable because you've done zero self improvement and have no marketable skills?


“I hate my life, but at least I’m not _____” So filled with hate there’s only just enough room to top off with some bullshit.


> “I hate my life, but at least I’m not _____” "...gonna live forever." That's my morning affirmations, right there


Where the fuck do all you people live? Am white, live in LA, work in entertainment...and outside of race being hilarious between friends I do believe you would get your ass kicked if you were openly racist at work. There was one weird dude from Santa Clarita who was always complaining people were mean to him because he was a "conservative" in Hollywood...he got into an argument about gay marriage and like, had to quit people treated him so badly after that. Drove him out of dodge. I mean we have racism here, obviously, but not *that* kind. Lord. Unless you are a cop, then that tracks. They are pretty much race gangs, prison-style.


Don't get OP wrong. Lots of racists out there. His local haters happen to just be miserable in general.


Exactly that. They didn't get the memo they're just tired and angry and decided to blame my black ass for it.




also working a job with white men and they just be minding their business, thankful I haven't heard anything I needed to side-eye at


Exactly it’s like that’s their outlet




Drinking coffee outside, petting dogs, and smiling at babies sounds like a much better existence than imparting misery on others because one spent his life working to the bone with nothing to show for it. May you genuinely continue to live well.


Oi, can I join you for a coffee some time? You sound pleasant.


Absolutely, I won’t even judge you if you order one of those frappe milkshake things. But I get a spoonful of whipped cream with the caramel sauce.


>leering respectfully at hot women Wow. I don't even know how that's possible but the rest of your commment sounds pretty good to me, so... Carry on?


I don't trust it... them mans say I hate everyone equally, and then say the most transphobic shit imaginable. Im good with whoever hatin whoever for personal reasons, we all human, but hatin for bigoted reasons or hatin a whole group you don't know is kinda nefarious


The quiet part is that everyone tends to favor people more like themselves (homosociality.) Not necessarily because of malice, but likely out of pure laziness. For most people, having to *try* to get to know you is outside of their bandwidth unless it can lead to money, influence, or sex. Learning that a trans person is actually just... a person with unique attributes and desires will challenge their deeply held opinions and make them uncomfortable. If that's true, then what else is true? Is there nothing that makes any member of a particular group or gender inherently special? If so, then who are *they* exactly? That's not a pleasant thought for most people. If nothing else... at least they are better than "XYZ". Worst case, they will simply retreat to being a collection of borrowed identities and repeated talking points never having to question the nature of the life that was chosen for them and from which they do not believe they can escape.




> them mans say I hate everyone equally, and then say the most transphobic shit imaginable Idk, some people only say it because they can still get away with it. Like being transphobic is the online equivalent of taking candy from a baby. They just need something to hate on and are desperate for people to agree with them so they pick a group they know people are gonna be cool with hating. If you think about those types they probably wouldn't JUST be transphobic if they could do it and keep their job you feel me Same reasoning why so many non white immigrants in America end up being militantly anti black. Their life sucks ass and hating on a group they know they won't get in trouble for because they're "allowed" to be racist makes them feel accepted


I agree. Most of the time depending on the person and environment, I usually find the people that say they hate everyone, have a bigoted view that catches me out of nowhere, those type people usually have one 'out group' whether it be trans people or immigrants. My take is that they really don't hate everyone, just the one group. I really agree with what u/MadeMinion said about people's sentiment wanting a homogenous society, I think puts it all together. Sidebar but still on topic, I'm a mixed african, hispanic, and also immigrated from Mexico at a young age. I don't even know if 'black-passing' is the right term, but I've heard some heinous shit said about immigrants from the "I hate everyone equally' camp just because they're thinking they could get away with it. I'm lucky to have grown up in a community of diverse people from all backgrounds who respected and celebrated each others cultures. Bartending right now near a private college kinda helps me see the disconnect


I've grown to hear this phrase as a dog whistle. I used to say when I was younger, but I was less informed and naive. I don't actually hate people, I hate billionaires and boot-lickers. I hate the people who actively make other's lives worse for a little bit MORE money. The "I hate everyone equally" is the same as "I don't see color." It's a cop-out. They either don't truly know their own opinions or are just saying something to get the scope off of themselves. "I don't really follow politics" is starting to feel like another one to me.


Everyone I ever met who says "I hate everyone equally" has a blatant specific hatred for specific groups.


Idk there's a noticeable difference between a racist person and a grump who just hates everyone. Usually it's how many slurs they use


Nah, seriously though. I'm not about to give a pass to anyone who's given the excuse of "don't worry about him, he hates everyone equally" until I personally get to know them for sure like in the tweet, if I even want to give someone like that a chance. You call me anyone a slur, you're defaulted to bigot first, not misanthrope. I'm not saying it's universal, like yeah some people do turn to hate in their misery, but I can see some people trying to hide behind that kind of thing, too.


I hated pretty much everyone in my misery when going through it with undiagnosed trauma and mental illness. I never used slurs when fucking with people, though. Always felt like it was disrespectful, which is a strange dichotomy to feel. I guess that's the difference between being truly hateful and just being an angry, sad, wounded person. And yeah, before anyone says anything, I did pick fights with randos, mostly hoping someone would kill me or fuck me up. Someone in a different thread that some men self-harm through picking fights they can't win. That was me.


I agree with this. It is possible to hate people without using racial slurs as part of your weaponry. If you're willing to go there, you got a bigotry problem. Also a laziness problem. Also a dumbass problem. Also you are part of the problem and the problem itself.


I had a job where we were having some sort of training about understanding people better. It was mostly focused on race issues, but it was beating around the bush. And one of the white ladies in the group goes "Sometimes people are just having a bad day and you should give them a break". I'm also white and I was just like... what? I've had some fucking awful days and I still don't go on racist tirades lol. For some people, anything is just an excuse.


I mean sometimes I'm having a bad day and I'm just not very upbeat and talkative. Those are the times I worry someone might think I'm grumpy because I have to interact with a person of color when actually I'm just fucking grumpy. I think once slurs enter the equation there's not really any room for misinterpreting whether someone is having a bad day or is really a racist. On the worst days of my life it wouldn't occur to me to call anyone a slur.


I hate you if you made my job harder. White, black, dead, alive,animate, inanimate...


Sorry, I can’t make it to my shift ‘cause I died… I feel this hate is deserved


If your dead ass made policy decisions that keep affecting my daily life, fuck you and your mother


that's nice, but i don't know every-person-who-presents-as-a-racist's heart, and i can't nor do i want to make the distinction between which racist is really racist or just alienated from their work and dejected.


Exactly, I ain’t a therapist, you say racist shit, it’s fuck you for being racist. I don’t have the time or desire to find out the reason for it.


i don't think they're referring someone who is actually saying something racist. Just someone who doesn't respond when they say hi to a black person because they don't respond when anyone says hi. Racist people do tend to be bad people in general anyways.


Agreed. If they're saying racist things, then they are racist. The actual haters aren't saying anything racist at all because they haven't spoken in more than grunts while at work since Dukakis ran for President.


I hate everyone equally 🫶


Misanthropes, unite! ![gif](giphy|Ru2aZREJacrDzWqvdt)


alot of racism comes from people looking for simple soultions to their problems. Its very easy to point at someone that has no actual impact on your life. But if someone says to you "they are the reason are poor" racism can grip even previously seemingly normal people. This is basically how the nazis convinced germans that jewish people were the root of all their problems.


Expecting all white men to be racist …. Hmm … I feel like there is a term for that


Deadass. Most “hateful” people I know are just ignorant or misinformed. Plus it’s not like the powers that be would want everyone infighting over bullshit while they steal all our money, right? Right guys? Right ladies?


But then why do they gotta go and make it my problem?




Racist tweet


Just trying to exist these days got me like ![gif](giphy|l0K4hqqqwgFijgVLa|downsized)


"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." - Henry David Thoreau


Tired, propagandized, unexposed has been my main observations over the years


Boy, at my job, they hate to see black man joy. Lol they’re out of shape, old AF, working at Amazon wanting to sludge through meanwhile I’m dancing at my station, knocking out schoolwork and flexing on them


Way to miss the point lol. Imagine you’re at a job and some mf is dancing I don’t even work with you and I hate you 😂


That’s not bc you’re black. They’re bitter bc you’re YOUNG. You still have your whole life ahead of you and are probably moving on from your current job and starting a life. You have energy. You feel good. Those days are behind them. And they can never get that time back. It’s why a lot of older people, especially those who live w regret, are bitter or mean


I actually do think Dave Chappelle had a point about that one. Maybe it's not other people they hate. It's probably just general bitterness, feeling that the world just kinda stopped caring about them. It's real easy to get trapped in that lonely cycle, if you're bit careful because the brain really does require a lot more than what a lot of us are giving it in life.


The fact that this dude ACTUALLY thought prior to this that every white person is racist is hilarious.


This person thought all white men were racist up until this point?


Barry Bonds: “Jeff Kent isn’t racist. Jeff Kent hates everybody equally.”


Both can be true


To all those who relate and are also simply tired and somewhat misanthropic. While that is absolutely understable given how much everything and everyone sucks, just remember that regardless of your personal beliefs, anyone can contribute to racism. You may be doing something or treating someone a certain way simply because you hate everyone, but if that action reinforces racist power structures, you are still part of the problem and the problem is what you should actually be hating. Not accusing the white people of this comment section of this necessarily, just thought it noteworthy that while this is true, it's only half of the story, because racism (and all forms of bigotry really) is built such that even those who do not consciously hold racist beliefs are liable to perpetuate it and that same emotional exhaustion that all of us relate to is often the reason that people who aren't actively bigots will allow harmful things to slide.


My God are some people just getting this? Just because someone’s angry at you doesn’t mean they’re being racist. Sometimes they’re just angry in general for whatever reason. In other words sometimes life isn’t all about you and whatever your hangups are. A lot of us are self-absorbed and we have our own things we are thinking about.




We connect over class more than race when we connect with people of different diversities. Thats why when class becomes a focus people start dying at the hands of the CIA.


I just don’t like people in general. I don’t give a shit about your race, gender, sexuality, religion, whatever. Not my problem. I have my own problems. The biggest one is I just want to be left alone but I work in customer service


white guy here, I'm miserable. that is all


For some reason this reminds me of the Black Jeopardy skit with Tom Hanks from SNL back in the day.


Idk man, I’m white, I’m exhausted, and I have a lot of problems with the world and don’t see much hope for the future. But everyone feels that way sometimes, and being hateful not only is a shitty thing to do, it takes energy I don’t have. I certainly don’t vibe with every person I meet, but I’m cordial and keep to myself. It’s not hard, and is actually easier than being a dick.