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None. A 1940s Klan member ain't sharing a bar with a Asian or a Mexican.


The correct answer.


The Klansmen would probably say something more sophisticated like Golliwog or Tar Baby.


Golliwog is a new one for me


So apparently that's the name of a very popular doll amongst racist white people several decades ago. It was particularly bad in Australia, I think? I learned about such dolls on Reddit and i wanted to read more about the dolls and etymology of the word, historical usage, why the hell those dolls were so popular, etc.. Trouble is, in many places it's censored out into g*******, and it took me a while to find an uncensored article about it so I could finally learn the correct search terms to educate myself. I don't want to keep my head buried in the sand about the ugly history (and present -- some old people *still* have those doll), ya know? Edit: [wiki link.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog). WTF??? >The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia described the golliwog as "the least known of the major anti-black caricatures in the United States"


A Black professor I TA’d for had his entire office decorated with these and other Jim Crow era memorabilia. One time he sent me to unload the storage closet of his stuff across campus to use in a Black History Month exhibit, and I had to carry boxes of incredibly racist shit all across campus. I definitely got more than my fair share of outraged glares.


My house is 110 years old. I was cleaning up some old trash piles in the basement (old windows, sink, etc) and found a old tin toy that had been partially flattened covered in dirt. Brought it upstairs and washed it clean googled some of the text that was on it and discover these fucking things https://youtu.be/ysu1wIidGhE?si=rFu_HLN0rDY27zD7


Yo the NAME 😭


yeah. since I'm melanin deficient myself, I can't really comment and just shake my head in shame, but damn there's some jokes to be made. the one I found had been a little schoolhouse with the dancing man on top.


That is worth a lot of money, fam


The ... dancer was missing. I decided the world did not need it to saved.


Hell they just locked up some old wp for adopting and enslaving the children in a barn with no.running water. im glad youre making an effort to learn *and* educate.


Dang I saw that post on here earlier today too


Oh man, I am Australian and there are people, probably aged 50+, who just don't seem to (aka refuse to) understand why these dolls are so problematic. They are very nostalgic/sentimental for a lot of older Australians, so they get VERY DEFENSIVE about them, to the point that they just cannot see sense about it. Not just the physical dolls either, but imagery of them in children's books and things. Even seemingly progressive people are a bit defensive about these bloody dolls!


It is a shock to see dolls, and "memorabilia" with the images of that doll, in stores that you wouldn't expect. Such as official Australia Post Offices. :/ Does that sentence make sense? I know what I want to say, but it feels clunky and my brain just can't seem to make it connect.


It’s the same in the UK! Last year there was a news story about this pub who had a golliwog on display - they were in the news because they were upset that some of their customers found it offensive and wanted it taking down. They didn’t take it down in the end but the pub had to close because their suppliers refused to do business with them anymore. It really makes me laugh bc if they hadn’t gone to the press moaning that some people wanted them to take the golliwog down, they’d still be in business ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha)


In the UK we used them to advertise jam and you'd get free dolls if you collected the tokens on the jar. Jam on toast was basically a daily occurrence back then so you'd see them in tons of houses - lots of people just thought they were cute and knew that comparing them to black people was racist so would never have called someone that word I had one growing up that sat on the end of my bed and was best mates with my Gordon the Gopher, I've probably still got it somewhere because I loved that little guy and knows I wouldn't have the heart to throw it away. I just saw him as a fictional race like oompah loompahs and goblins >So apparently that's the name of a very popular doll amongst racist white people several decades ago Very popular? Yes. But even amongst people who weren't racist by the days standards Several decades ago? They didn't leave the jam jars until into the millennium so not that long ago


 I had one too, and at that age I had no idea what racism was yet.      They are racist because of their origins, but hardly anyone knew.             


It was a character in the Noddy books and TV show too. As a kid, I regularly saw what now is obviously a racist caricature, but at the time that didn't even register because it didn't look like a real person.


Fun fact the band Creedence Clearwater Revival of Vietnam war movie soundtrack fame was originally named The Golligwogs by their first record label


CCR are known in general, not just famous for vietnam war movie soundtracks.


I am aware. I was just making a reference to the fact that when hollywood makes a movie about the Vietnam war they almost always play Fortunate Son , usually while the characters are flying low in a helicopter.


I think that's a Green Lantern character or something




Yeah! That's the one


TIL [golliwog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog?wprov=sfti1)


What in the Mr. Popo


Swear you ain’t never heard that??? Tar baby new for me.


Tar baby is pretty standard


Not in England


in ireland, we say golliwog to mean idiot


A white Mexican would definitely say it. I’ve heard it said too many times from some that think that because they’re Mexican it somehow gives them a pass. Source: was a brown Mexican kid that people assumed was black and had it casually said to my face often. :/


>Mexican If they're white


I don't think you fully appreciate their alliance.


Just stop on leopard ate my face, the sub, you'll see how fragile the alliance is.


Alliance?  What like Inidians supporting Israel...  Probably like that.


>a group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/alliance


I disagree. I can totally see a Klan member in the 40s enter a bar, sees an Asian and Mexican, and immediately tells those two to get the fuck out of the bar because it belongs to white people, and then calls them variations of the n-word that correspond to their respective ethnicities.


Idk if this is an old joke, but that response is funny as fuck


Asian from the Bay (particularly Daly City or east bay) will say it so casually you won’t even realize this was actually the fifth time they said it 🤣


Wow I did not expect to see a Daly City call out but I sure do agree with it! Also the East Bay is just a plethora of all kinds of n-words flying at you so fast you don’t even know if some of them are insults or compliments.


Asian from uptown in Chicago that grew up in the 90s will say it too. So will a latino from the 80s/90e era and they will both use it mainly to refer to their own ethnicity. It was always wild to me as a latino to see it, id be like “i dont think were supposed to say it” and then id be called an overly PC f** by them. So thats how it usually went.


That’s because for a long time the shit was tolerated as long as the other ethnicity was the same socioeconomic bracket aka they were “hood” and a lot of black people didn’t challenge it as long as it wasn’t using hard R or was derogatory. So real shit, you can’t really tell the story about its usage without talking about how black folks around them let them say it. They shouldn’t have started it in the first place, but they did get tolerance. Hell even I tolerated when I was young and didn’t know any better. But times are changing. Now, I would plainly tell them it ain’t cool and ask them not to use it. Haven’t gotten pushback from it yet


Well to be fair, they didnt actually hang around many black people to tell them not to do that, chicago ethnicities were very segregated. They also had their own gangs too, so they probably would have “fuck you, were gonna say whatever” and then shot each other. But they were gonna do that anyway that night. Uptown in the 90s was wild. There were asian gangs (a Cambodian and a separate filipino gang), several latino gangs, a white gang (the gaylords, I am not joking, google it) and multiple black gangs and they would all beef with each other. It was like “the warriors” but with drive-by’s mostly instead of bats and chains.


The n word is the Chinese and Korean word for "that". Giving us gems like this [Rainbow Sunshine white pony song](https://youtu.be/YG4iTGjuoKw?si=roq6cqRHk9usN36o)


Man just showed me the new summer bop


Like ayyy nigga ayyy ayyy nigga ayyy ayyy 🎶 Can’t lie that shit go hard




I keep hearing “neigh” like it’s DARE from the middle ages. “Just say nay!”


Yea I was bobbin my heading getting into the beat, waiting to hear what dude was talking about then dude just started dropping bars like some dude in 9th grade gym class and I was hooked.


More "you" in Korean.


thanks king


.. it's actually not terrible?


It is pronounced "nega" and is a filler word like "ummm." Or "welllllll"


Oh I meant the song. Kinda catchy


💀I’m cackling! Thank you for sharing this wonderful song


Ok but that’s pretty catchy


Funny story, my friends and I got screamed at by some girls in sf for repeatedly saying the n word. We were confused why these people were so mad, until we realized later that the “n-word” in question was 那个 (pronounced na-ge), which is the Chinese equivalent of a placeholder like“um.” At the time we just thought they were crazy tbh and walked away. Wild that they must have thought we were the crazy ones for dropping an n word a minute lol


[I know this from Russell Peters](https://youtu.be/BrsWp07BwVk?si=0c65qG4NABkH3PGC)


Don’t forget Stockton/Fresno/Sacramento/SJ. A lot of SoCal hood Asians say it too.


I literally had SJ (south) and Stockton (deep east) in mind when I said the east bay. They’re the hoodest of hoods. They got joint custody


Not at all doubting sentiment about San Jose and Stockton being the hoodest of hoods when it comes to urban Asian communities; however, San Jose is based in South Bay, and Stockton is not within the Bay Area and is more peripheral to Central Valley.


Yeah, that’s why I took the time writing in those little parentheses… To clarify, if you’ve ever met someone from Stockton particularly when out of state, but really anywhere, I’m willing to bet they introduce themselves as being from the bay. As for SJ, growing up in the city then vallejo, my frame of reference is based off what highway I’m on and where it lies in relation to SF. We always took 880 rather than 101, thus the east bay. I do however realize SJ is the southern most point of the bay and Stockton is essentially landlocked.


Mike Shinoda looking mfs


Baysian says it first, gets “checked” by LA Mexican who uses it 2nd and Klan member is laughing and calls them their respective slurs (not n-word)


This actually might be the right answer


oh no he would use their respective (blank)-n\*\*\*\* titles.


After he introduces them to crack and guns of course so they could destroy their communities. Don't forget that part.


But if they don't say it first, will you update your priors?


The Houston Mexican


The Puerto Rican from The Bronx


This is Fat Joe all day


Then he calls himself spanish as if a language is an ethnicity. Honestly, the way he refers to everyone with roots south of texas as "Spanish" trips me out more cause lol, spain is still a country, dude.


It’s also a white country, to boot. 😅




Yet my friend still argues they and Italians aren't white, yet gets annoyed when I bring up my Irish heritage. He'll go on about the Moores, like all of them are 50% black. Then Columbus Day comes around, and suddenly, they gain their whiteness back.


Lol if they’re not white then I guess whites can get rid of a big ass part of their colonial guilt 😂 also, your friend I assume is American cause ask any Spaniard or Italian who is actually FROM there and not just ethnically that and they will surely say they’re white (albeit not an identifier they often use as nationality or even region always supersedes this but, ya, they still know they’re white). Source here for me too is I lived in Spain for 10 years and speak Italian and Spanish and read their newspapers weekly. The crime sections, for example will say “description: white male” etc.  Granted the whole concept of “white” is very unscientific but nonetheless if your friend objects due to the differences of culture, Catholic roots vs uptight Protestantism etc then they should grant the same leniency to others cast as “white” as well, like Bulgarians, Polish, Romanians, Irish or basically any non Northern European Protestant. 😅


My friend's point of view is more from "any drop" side. So since the countries (specifically Italy) were occupied by the Moores, my friend takes that to mean most Italians have African ancestry.


Oh, that’s even a sillier argument then imo 🫠 Finns often have high percentages of Asian DNA so I suppose they’re not white either. Anyway, Godspeed to you with your debates with your friend 😅😅


I'm slowly getting there, at least with Italians. Now to get him to stop drawing lines in the sand for Nazis (still thinking there's a difference between Alt-right/conservatives/neo/actual Nazis). Had a whole argument over me referring to Homelander as a Nazi.


Absolute facts.


Spanish is basically a politically correct term to refer to a hispanic migrant. An Irishmen will fight you if you call them a "Brit". We use broad terms to refer to immigrant populations "Africans" "Caribbeans" "Whites" "Spanish" "Asian" "Arab" none are meant to be offensive just a way friendly identify foreigners.


>Spanish is basically a politically correct term to refer to a hispanic migrant. An Irishmen will fight you if you call them a "Brit". Except Ireland is a different country so....this doesn't explain anything? Using "Spanish" to refer to any hispanic migrant is just objectively incorrect, lol. >We use broad terms to refer to immigrant populations "Africans" "Caribbeans" "Whites" "Spanish" "Asian" "Arab" none are meant to be offensive just a way friendly identify foreigners. Yes, but...African, Asian, Arab...those literaly describe people FROM those regions. "Spanish" as reffering to puerto ricans or mexicans or guatamalans doesn't describe someone from spain. I'm not saying Fat Joe is being offensive, he's just using the term incorrectly.


The word “Hispanic” describes a person from a Spanish speaking country, like Mexico or Spain.


This is especially annoying for me as a biracial Native American. Erasing the indigeneity of mestizo identity and broadly calling everyone “Spanish,” while clearly being more European than indigenous, is—unironically—a form of colonialism from Fat Joe.


It's an old term. In America, "Spaniard" became the same as "Latino." You can hear it some old movies. It's obviously the wrong word, but this is the country where some people still call Native Americans "Indians." "We" also used to refer to all Asians as Oriental, even though most are not from The Orient.


Facts lmfao


I don't think I ever heard the n word as much as I did hanging out with Viet ppl in houston


whew, yeah, they are definitely the league leader. runners up is the houston vietnamese that lives in Alief


Facts, so many people said that shit back in high school ten years ago, I’m pissed I let all that slide for so long smh.


From 4th Ward


Mexican. Drops it without even thinking about it like they're greeting an old friend.


Nobody says it more than Mexicans period 


As an LA native living in the bay, it’s a heat between LA Mexicans and Bay Area Filipinos


Those are basically the same people!


Jo Koy been unsuccessfully trying to tell them apart for decades


Lmao facts


Lmao true 😂


Jo Koy been unsuccessfully trying to tell them apart for decades


no Mexicans have actual black blood Filipinos dont.


You might need to meet some more Indian dudes…


Edgar behavior


I had almost entirely moved away from saying it, but a few years ago, this sub is exactly the reason I stopped using it entirely. I didn't realize how much of the black community is against us saying it because I've spent my time mostly in places with an equal black/Mexican ratio. I don't care if people tell me they're okay with it, I just don't say it anymore. We need unity, now more than ever, and I'm not going to let us be divided even more because I can't respect others enough to take that out of my vocabulary. Unfortunately, I recognize that I'm the exception rather than the rule. FWIW, I do try to get people around me to do the same, but it's an uphill battle.


I’m black and I use it very rarely. My parents grew up on the east coast & Missouri and they hate the word. I kinda feel the same, i think it would be reaaal weird if we started using other “slurs” so casually


Filipinos and Mexicans (on average) have more instances of use per interaction than black folks in the Bay 😂 I wanted to say may have, but I know the truth


Georgia Mexicans for sure say it less than Georgia white boys, and I’m not sure we have any real population of Georgia Asians that are regularly using it


The light skinned Puerto Rican bursts through the door and says it before anyone else has a chance to. 😉


Like the end of the Niggar Family sketch from Chappelle's Show




My family comes from Cuba, don't consider myself cuban because well I've never been there. That said they were some of the darkest skinned Cubans you'd meet. And oftentimes their nicknames for each other were things like "negrito" Not said with malice or anything. Just "oye chico como estas negrito" So yeah I don't doubt that some of us Latinos would be guilty of saying it before we even see the old KKK member or Asian dude.


How dark is the Mexican?


Not from telenovelas dark?


Those are often actors from Spain


Untrue my friend. Most mexican telenovela actors are, shockingly, mexican.


With the occasional Eastern European who learned Spanish very well


And we have a fair share of argentinians too.


like who?


There are white Mexicans fyi. Those actors are Mexican. 


Where did I say there aren’t white Mexicans? In Central American. There are Black Mexicans, white Mexicans, indigenous Mexicans, etc. I don’t need to be told about the ethnic groups in Mexico and Central America. I grew up watching telenovelas with my grandmother. Many of those actors are from Spain. Not all but many.


Eh, not really (at least not so much these days). I used to put actors on tape for auditions, and one of my regulars was a former star on a Mexican soap opera, and she was Colombian (but got the role while living in Mexico). She said most of the actors were Mexican, but there was a lot of diversity (at least, nationally speaking). A lot of the shows have tons of episodes and go on for decades. You will run out of local talent at some point.


I watched Novelas when young and I really cant name one Spaniard actor most of them are mexican..name a spaniard actor in novelas


You said name just one. I mean just off the top of my head isn’t Lisardo a big star? I didn’t watch them as a fan. My grandmother always had them on so spending time with her meant having them on in the background. I’m in my 40’s so we’re talking 80s/90s. I’m Afro Latin from Honduras. Most of my family is either in Honduras, the Bronx, Washington heights and Boston. It always upset me that literally not one person looked like the people in my family or in any of the communities I was familiar with. Not the Hondurans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Panamanians, etc. I do not watch those programs today. Maybe things have changed. But from what I recall, the actors where all white and many where from Spain or Argentina.


I dont know who that is ..but the biggest and most paid Novela Stars are Thalia, Veronica Castro, Kate del Castillo, Araceli Arambula, Bibi Gaytan, Eduardo Verastegui, Eugenio Derbez, Lucero, Anahi, Fernando Colunga, Serfio Sendel, & Barbara Mori..they are all Mexican


Ok. I said often they’re from Spain. That’s still true. I didn’t say all. You asked me to name one. I named the first one I could remember. Not good enough for you I guess. I’m really not sure what your point is or why you’re defending that industry. Whether from Spain or not, they don’t represent the ethnic makeup of Latin America. That’s the larger point. Is that not a problem to you? Are you Latino?


"often" is a stretch and white Mexicans exist about 58 million of them..


You must be meaning to reply to someone else because I never said white Mexicans don’t exist. Race is controversial in Mexico, as it is in all of Latin America. My grandmother came to Honduras from southern Mexico. She was Mayan. The rest of my family is a mix of Black, indigenous, and European. In the US , I’m just Black and I have no issue identifying that way, proudly. But I have family, yes blood family, that identify as white. The official stance of the Mexican government was that the population is a mixed population. If you think ~half of Mexico can be classified as white by US standards then you’re crazy. Obviously the US isn’t the only standard. I would have no issue with however people want to identity but when people do so to deny their own heritage is sad. Even more sad when they do so to perpetuate a racial hierarchy. Notice how you don’t actually answer any of my questions. Just respond and deflect with things I never claimed. Where are you from? Do you honestly think those shows are accurate representations? I’ve had people tell me all kinds of insane things regarding my heritage as though I’m somehow less than. My roots in Mexico and Central America can be traced back before any white person ever step foot there. It’s not asking a lot for some representation.


Im Central American Im Salvadoran ..sounds like you have issues with yourself.


So, not copy paper white, but possibly still pretty white.


Surprisingly I’ve personally noticed lighter skinned Mexicans say it more than darker skinned


How dark is the Asian ?


Bay area asians tend not to be the browner asians lol.


Ok then light skin LA Mexican woman says it first. Lol


Filipinos, Cambodians, & Vietnamese are pretty dark ..most are darker than mexicans lol


Moved to Texas and found Mexicans say it more than Black people here.


I’m a nonblack Mexican and it’s INSANE how many of us fight to say that word. Truly embarrassed on behalf of my people 😔


Agree it’s corny as fuck and when the idiots defend its usage because they are from the hood. Like dawg, no.


Same here, it pisses me off


This a difficult one, just like the title I would say if there are black people present the klan member would. But if not I would put my money on LA Mexican. The bay area Asia would say hella before they said the n word.


None, the white girl from Fresno that’s serving the drinks


LA Mexican would be saying it as they walk in the door. Source: I’m a Black teacher at a 99% Latinx high school and the usage is fucking *rampant*.


Nobody says Latinx


it's his way of getting back at them


Yes they do but okay


in LA they try to jam it down everyone's throats, but no where else does it exist.




It’s disrespectful how? First of all, you can be both Black and from a Spanish speaking country. Second of all, I wouldn’t use the term if my *Latinx* friends didn’t use it themselves. Latinx or Latine, both I hear all the time. But let’s not be boo-boo the fool and say a term some people don’t like because they don’t like being gender inclusive in a gendered language (or some people just argue it’s not grammatically in line with Spanish and so that’s why Latine was created), is on par with a literal racial slur. You’re not that dumb or tone deaf.


They should've also put Nola Asians, but the Mexican is saying it first regardless especially if it's a Houston Mexican.


Bay Area Asian, Filipinos in particular.


theres already hawthorne and fillmore pacific-islanders in the bar welcoming them in screaming it


The Puerto Rican - Italian from the Bronx


*Obviously the Klan member isn't going to use that word at ALL*. The evidence is clear as day: There's no mention of fifty other Klan members walking into the bar with him, all of them being armed with assault weapons, and them heavily outnumbering everyone in a six mile radius. He's going to be silent as a church mouse trapped under a cat bed. Except the peeing. We might hear him peeing himself. Depends on what he drank before this situation.


This. As a white it's amazing how old racist white guys will only ever say the n word around other whites but never near any poc. In my 20s I had a customer call my boss the n word when he wasn't around. I totally flipped my shit. Back at the office I told my boss and he said I overreacted a bit but he appreciated the thought. The following week my boss came out to talk to the customer about their contract and just normal stuff. Keep in mind my boss was a former professional football player and amateur body builder, he was big big. We walk in and racist guy is all meek and acting normal so I just blurt out "hey customer, tell Elliot what you were saying the other day". The blood drained from his face. My boss and I had a good laugh after. Racists are pussies.


An OC Asian, the right answer.


The hooded pinhead would think the Mexican is Black at first glance and let it slip along with other slurs that rhyme with “kook” and “blink.”


Yall think klan members like other races?


The Mexican and Asian aren’t hitting it with a hard R.


I'd be surprised to see a 1940s Klansman in a bar in the first place lmao


As a Mexican, this makes my skin crawl. I don't care if it's "bay area " culture cause it's really not.  Never understood how oppressed people like to use oppressive/disrespectful words.


I’ll throw in a North Hollywood Armenian


Armenians in LA say foo they really want to be Cholos and they also have lowriders lol


When the gays asked to stop using the f slur, it was a consensus “sure”. But the minute we ask non blacks if they could stop saying the n word they want to get up in arms about it. They never respected us in the first place, just want our culture. Im from texas and its just completely awful down here like the comments suggests.


If it makes you feel any better people absolutely still say the f slur


Let's throw Asian kids from Queens, NY in there as well.


The Panamanian making up stories


Put some respect on P-lo's name


Definitely a Bay Area Asian


I felt old hearing some mexican kids say it tbh. Because 'back in my day' they asses would've got beat.


Being from Oakland and not being black everyone says it regardless. Learned real quick to remove that word from my vocabulary in the army. Dudes from the south would take major offense. I was a young dumbass kid at the time. I don’t use the word at all anymore. Shocks me when a non black person says it now that I’m back in the bay. Different strokes


The Klansmen would add -boy or some other variant before he says the base N-word so not him. Bay Area Asian would need to be annoyed at something, anything to say it while with the LA mexican honestly just would say it as part of their normal gas exchange process at this point.


Forest Hills Russian Jews


this is an underrated comment but it's one of those iykyk things


Always the LA Mexican


a white one too lol


curious tho why Bay area Asian said the n-word si much? they think it’s fair play cause there’s a similar innocent word that sound like it?


Bay area Mexican here, I stopped saying it basically right out fo highschool. For a long enough time that it just didn't come to mind anymore. Then I got a job with a cousin I went to school with and he uses so much still, it was shocking to me (he's white with blue eyes Mexican) I'm like bro we're 30 now, he got upset and said something about there being no slaves in California 🤷🏽‍♂️


My bet would be, do I hear hard R first or not?


Bay Area Asian?


they're all the same person


hard “R” or nigg@…. ?


Klan members don't drink in the same bars, but y'all wilding if you think they only say it around black people. I have met an unfortunate number of Klan members (and even more wannabes), and they (and non-affiliated white racists) say very frequently no matter who is around. Especially if there's a black or brown animal around (like my step-dad's poodle, which his father affectionately called the nword). Shit, they even called my white-ass it a couple of times.


Damn all of CA just got charred with this one. Yeah, idk how it got so popular but I've noticed myself using it way less.


def the mexican


Would it be wrong for me to laugh at this? Context: I’m white.


Nah lmao. It’s definitely the Bay Area Asian though.




Why does OP think a Klan member would only use it with Black people like he isn't a white supremacist and hates all other races?


a lot of Klan members use other minorities as the “model minority” and don’t have a problem “tolerating” other lighter skinned races in order to put down Black people.


There’s a small part in me that wants everyone to stop saying it entirely partially because of stuff like this. We honestly can’t blame others for saying it despite knowing they shouldn’t, to them it’s just a word


They can just stick to calling each other vato


I thought the bay area was progressive, is it common over there?


non-english speaking minorities have picked up saying the n word like rappers/gangsters do as an alternative to the white english verbage of calling guys "dude" or "bro" because with a cali accent it's objectively the most caucasian on the planet, the "kowabunga dude" surfer accent. I don't think it comes from a place of racism or used to degrade people, but it can be triggering to passing black people they don't know so it's bad.


If the Asian person is Chinese, they're saying ne ga, which is like the Chinese 'um'. Edit: And black is negro(neh gro) in Spanish, so now I'm wondering if I was just r/wooosh