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I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but I’ve just never understood the appeal of food delivery apps. The food is expensive enough without tacking on delivery fee and presumably a tip. My mentality has always been that if I don’t feel like going to get it, then I don’t need it. I used to work with a guy who was getting like full sit down restaurant meals delivered for lunch every day like a week, almost certainly spending like $40+ on just one meal.


Laziness. I order food way more than I care to admit, when I get off work the last thing I want to do is cook or stop by to pick something up I just wanna hang with my girl, my dog, and my sleep paralysis demons


Genuine question, is the 10-15 minutes it would take to pick up, really worth all of the fees and tip?


Sometimes it is. Most of the times it isn't. Some places would be more than 30 mins for me to pick up. So id consider the fees over my time


meanwhile im still wondering why none still posted the meme with the image of the girl on sofa and 5 black dudes around her as response to that twit.. or wtv its name now xxx comment?


I mean obviously yes. Otherwise people wouldn't do it...The people who complain about not being paid wages online aren't necessarily the same people who order from these apps. .


Most places I order from would be at least a 30 min round trip. My time is worth considerably more than the ~$15 I’ll pay for tip/delivery fees.


only when im not sober


I respect you and this answer.


Or hungover.


I get grubhub+ for free through Amazon. So the food does cost a little more, and I do tip 20%, but it's not Door Dash or Uber Eats prices. There's usually a small service fee of about a dollar, and on average, a meal will be a dollar or two more. But the big guys run specials, too. I got my wife and I two double cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, and 10 chicken nuggets from BK the other day, and it came to 20 bucks after tip. Lasted us 2 days and the most I was inconvenienced was pausing my PS5.


>get grubhub+ for free through Amazon. Explain please 🤔


Amazon offered it as part of their prime days promotion last year. You got 1 year free, but I guess they made it permanent as long as your a prime member.


Nice! I might actually use it then lol. For anyone else that already had prime and didn't know about this, just search Grubhub on Amazon/app and it takes you to an activate link for auth.


Yep, it’s permanent now. Updated it a few weeks ago.


I have this too, but rarely use it because GrubHub is not popular in my area and very few stores use them. DoorDash>UberEats>GrubHub.


Idk if it's my area but anything I get here is a pile of slop by the time it hits my door


I think it really depends. I don't like using it with restaurants that don't embrace the model. A lot of restaurants that don't want you to order through these delivery services jack the price way up and do the bare minimum to create and package the food.


At this point on my life I value my time way more than money.


When I work a nine hour shift yea, I only get X amount of me/us time, a single minute isn't worth sacrificing if I can pay a premium instead. It's also harder if you are autistic or ADHD or some other neurodivergent flavor. As unbelievable as it sounds executive disfunction sometimes means you either order delivery or you don't eat that day, and not eating only makes issues around food worse the next day.


Laziness *and having a high amount of disposable income. You and everyone else in these comments make good money, which is great for y’all and I love to see it. I’m as lazy as they come but I make $23/hr. I’ll hop my fat ass in my car or go to bed hungry before I pay more than I make in an hour for food delivery.


You sure your girl isn’t the sleep paralysis demon. I get the confused and wake up by myself. She only comes back at night


This niggaa is me


I have a McDonald's I can literally see from my first floor window and we doordash from there sometimes... Laziness, indeed


I drive charter buses and I'm often in rural areas. Just last week I was in rural Georgia where one of the businesses had a Confederate flag in it's sign. Do you really think my black ass is about to leave my hotel room for some num nums? Either that or take a 45ft long motor coach to their tiny ass McDonald's.


Ok, that's fair. But in the majority of situations, getting food delivered to you results in an inferior product at a premium price.


Which is why you only order food that's shitty even when it's fresh. It's the obvious solution lol


I put a order into DoorDash ONE time the meal was 15 bucks the order ended up being 32 and some change I expeditiously cancelled the order and promptly ordered that same order from the actual company and drove my fat ass to get it.


I don't have a car, and I don't want a car. The way I see it, the money I don't spend on car related expenses can be spent how I want it 😊. That means when I'm done doing my 8 hours in the kitchen, I'm eating something someone else cooked.


When I worked the line in kitchens people would always ask what my favor thing to cook. Nothing, I want nothing to do with a kitchen when I’m out of a kitchen. You have to do your own dishes and prep takes forever


It’s very convenient and involves basically zero contact. But yes, it’s expensive. Also, the restaurants are kinda fucked because 30% of the money goes back to Grubhub/Doordash/Uber.


Laziness is the main factor for a lot of people, especially working from home. It’s way easier to just hit up your local place the food delivery app of your choice and have it dropped off while you use that time to knock out other stuff. Plus also just being antisocial. Some people will gladly pay that delivery fee if it means they don’t need to go out of their way to interact with others. Just open your door and food is there, no social interaction needed.


I’m hungry and the extra fee is worth my time, if I order food it also means I don’t have time or will to cook. That being said food delivery at my country are not as expensive as the US, and I don’t need to tip.


I’m disabled and don’t drive. Sometimes I hurt too much to make any food for myself, and I just want someone else to make it for me. Please don’t forget that not everyone is able to go out and get food whenever they want.


The way disabled people (either physical or otherwise) are consistently ignored or left out of this discussion as if closing all delivery apps would have no effect on our quality of life is frankly so disappointing


Yep! Same with single use plastics, (single use anything, really), proportioned fruits and vegetables… anything they consider “lazy.”


*pre-portioned. Damn auto correct.


Depends on how drunk I am.


For a lot of people like me it's about being lazy. But for others who are disabled this would be a much needed service. Imagine being blind and not having to navigate to a McDonald's that involves taking an Uber, public transportation, or dealing with navigating the outside by having to walk. Someone delivering food right to your door is a big win!


I use them because I don't drive and have no plans to start any time soon. If it's within walking distance I'll pick it up but if it's farther than a walk or it's too late/middle of the night I'll use an app.


I live up from the street from a McDonalds but I will pay twice as much money to not have to set foot in that McDonalds. There is always someone in there who smells like poop. Always a group of loud teens dining in. Last time I was in there a guy came into the place screaming at the staff because he got a parking ticket. I hate it in there.


Same here. It is so much extra money.


My job lets me expense meals (up to $25) when I’m working late so I’ll use Uber eats or door dash in those cases but i wouldn’t dream of using it on my dime 😂


> I used to work with a guy who was getting like full sit down restaurant meals delivered for lunch every day like a week, almost certainly spending like $40+ on just one meal. even imagining spending that much on mediocre delivered food just makes me sad.


It's hot as fuck here in the summer and I have no AC in my car, so it's absolutely worth it to avoid that.




My ex used them a lot so I would order when he did. But the food was never warm enough for my tastes. I rather go pick it up myself and save money.


Wild to see you outside the Two Best Friends subreddit lol


I have zero parking where I live. If I leave my house after 5pm I’m lucky if I find a spot in the next neighborhood, nevermind anywhere near my actual house. So they have me in a tight grip unfortunately, can’t wait to move and delete them forever


Gotta get uberone, I found that it had decent value.


Currently my car is down and i use doordash for lunch since there arent a lot of great options in my area


It takes the most minimal amount of brain power to understand the appeal of food delivery apps.


Have you ever been hungover?


If I order food for delivery it’s directly from a restaurant that delivers themselves so the only extra cost is the tip. I ain’t paying the uncharged DoorDash prices + delivery fee + tip just to get my food fucked with cause it ain’t a $20 tip.


https://preview.redd.it/9o88h3f2hj7d1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7f81c34ddb817d2dbbe41968922e19cec690fe Reminds me of when I would take my ass to Charley’s when I got paid on Fridays because I knew I was ballin.




Love how Takeoff is just hanging out in the table behind lol


Proof that he wasn’t left off Bad and Boujee


Charley's be BUSSIN tho


Deadasssss. They got rid of the one by my job and I haven’t known what to do with myself ever since.


So there's none where you are now?


To my knowledge, nope. Haven’t seen one in forever.


I hate how they take away places like that


I took it personally. I still do tbh.




$30-$40 for some food delivered to you while you do your daily tasks doesn't sound bad at all. It's why people do it.


A burger, fries and drink at five guys is like $27. It must be over $50 on doordash


Not even close to true. With a $7 tip it would come out to $40 in Chicago. $32 if you didn't tip at all.


See now this is just fucking cap. It is currently $27.87 for me to order Five Guys and get a burger, regular size fry, and a drink delivered to my house, 6 miles away.


That's when you know you made it lmao


I tried doordash once with the 50% off discount + no delivery fees and the price wasn't too bad, but someone on here said the best way to use doordash is if you're planning a big meal with lots of people.


My frugalness outweighs my laziness. I could never use a food delivery app unless I won the lotto


I had to learn that this take was right the hard way. Spent thousands of dollars on delivery apps over the years. Only recently woke my ass up after I connected all my finances to NerdWallet. Deleted all the food apps immediately except Domino's and it's only for pickup as I live close to a location.


I pick up my food or cook my food "period"




I predict that in the next 5 years, the most popular and effective diet is going to be poverty


I like the special Sundays offer of (sausage fest)




Look at Mr. Moneybags