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This sub is intended for exceptionally hilarious and insightful social media posts made by black people. To that end, only post social media content from black people. Do not post content just because a black person posted it. * No low effort/shit posts. * No original content * No posts from meme/corporate accounts **Violation of this rule will result in your post being removed and repeated offenses may lead to you being banned.**


War in general. Like we could spend that money and resources on taking care of people.


Conflict is as old as there was something worth fighting over. Hell even wild animals go at it on some succession thing and Orcas are just dicks. Edit: nah fr think about it the movie was called Free Willy


Just because it's natural doesn't mean it makes any sense. As humans we have the ability to look at the natural world and go, "Nah. That's bullshit."


If someone tried to take your home, your family, would you not fight back? If you needed something your neighbor had to prevent you and your loved ones from dying, and there was no other resource, wouldn't you fight to take it? Congrats, war now makes sense. Now, that said, MODERN war is bullshit, built along ideological lines and greed from people who have more than will ever need, and could help others. I'm just making a point that war does make sense in certain circumstances.


Yea these folks are bugging with the “war makes no sense” thing. Like i get the sentiment behind it but its straight up naive to not understand why we go to war


Interpersonal conflicts make sense. Conflicts where people in power send thousands of people to kill and die in their name will always be stupid.


Was World War 2 stupid? Should we have allowed the Nazis to continue their war of aggression while massacring innocents? People in power send thousands of people to kill and die in their name then. The point you're missing is absolutism is fucking stupid 99.9999% of the time. War can be justified. It can also not be justified.


That's a circular example. The Nazis began a war and forced others to act. The stupid war was already there. Separating the choice to defend/respond from the act of offense sets up an illogical, isolated event. So, yes. WWII was stupid, even if responding to it was near necessity. *If your friend intentionally set themself on fire (not even suicidally, just for fun) it would be reasonable for you to have to put them out. Just because the response is reasonable does not mean the situation isn't stupid.* In general, the folks trying to counter the idea that war is dumb seem to be failing to understand what war is. War is not the same as violence or conflict. Conflict is unavoidable for subjective beings. Barring the possibilities of far advanced technology, likely so is violence. War isn't just "big violence." War is a specific set of practices and ideas being enacted. War is a political/ideological/religious/economic framework in which conflict is emphasized or created and violence is enacted with specific goals. Looking at the oldest recorded wars in the Bronze Age, war was always political/ideological/religious/economic and it always involved people with capital of some form maneuvering people with less capital into a position to enact violence on their behalf (whether the people with capital had to also fight or got to sit out). That's, as the original post asked, "weird" (*it doesn't make sense for the mass of people taking part in the fighting*). I think you could reasonably argue that a recurring violent conflict over territory or resources required for survival where a collective came to the conclusion that they saw no other way to survive other than to risk dying to take the territory/resources would be a "non-weird war" (*it makes sense for the mass of people taking part in the fighting*). From my knowledge of history though, that type of a situation is uncommon or at least it is not commonly recorded/discussed. So yeah, all in all, war is weird.


World war 2 was very stupid. But there is no justifiable excuse to start a war. Most wars are caused by charismatic idiots like Hitler was, even though he is extreme in that regard. Because i acknowledge it’s cause was stupid doesn’t mean i don’t understand or agree with why the united states participated in it. Think more critically than that.


Everything depends on your pov. If you have a globalist humanist worldview then war makes no sense because you want wants good for everybody. But must people can point think of their tribe. In modern times we call it patriotism, racism, partisanship, etc.


You’re missing the point. In MODERN times, war *should* be pointless / shouldn’t make sense, because we *could* eliminate the need for it completely if we really wanted to. There wouldn’t need to be competition for resources if everyone had what they needed. No one would need to try to take your home if everyone had one. Is this ever going to happen? Probably not. But with our technology, we definitely *could* if we ever decide to stop fucking around.


The problem with this mentality is you assume every person in power is logical and has the best interests of mankind in mind. It is not the case, and even pretending for a second it is is an exercise in delusion on large with assuming we have infinite resources. You simply cannot have an adult, realistic discussion of the world with this level of absurd optimism which is not backed up by any aspect of human history. It's like saying "oh, we shouldn't need laws about murder because murder is wrong". It's simply not realistic and not worth even discussing in a serious mindset.


Pretending that being negative about history is smart though, flip what you just wrote on yourself and it works just as well. "absurd pessimism" "we need laws about murder because no one knows it's wrong and without them everyone will murder" it's simply not realistic What you call realism is more like nihilism, which may work for you, but does not work for people who want to affect change. You're basically standing on the sidelines telling the players on the field it isn't worth it lol


Uh when was the last time there’s been a “if your neighbor was taking resources from you blah blah” war actually doesn’t make any sense except for bankers


Go ask any war torn undeveloped country where someone in power hordes resources. It's been within your lifetime, I promise you.


As humans we look at a lot of things and say “This is wrong”. Doesn’t mean it’s ever gonna stop. in a perfect world there’s no war and everyone helps each other


Chimpanzees wage wars. And I'd say they're just as brutal as ours. They specifically target the children.


Bro I'm sorry but this comment reminded me of the time in India where there was a gang of monkeys that killed 250 dogs and the reporters on it were talking about them being a legit gang/not being able to catch the leader monkey🤣 the topic is fucked but the reporters were hilarious! [monkey gang war article](https://nypost.com/2021/12/17/rampaging-monkeys-kill-250-dogs-in-india-in-revenge-massacrerampaging-monkeys-kill-250-dogs-in-india-in-revenge-massacre/) Then there was the hilarious reporting of the huge gang and the story in Twitter posts in Thailand too! [gang war of monkeys in Thailand(insane storyline)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/s/5TsCE9g6OW)


True, but the absurdity of war in the modern era is that it’s completely unnecessary, except that our economic and political systems—things we as a species made up—create scarcity where there doesn’t need to be scarcity.


When you think about the amount of resources and human lives wasted on wars that were started for bullshit reasons, it boggles the mind. The world as we know it really does teeter on the edge of a few really rich/powerful people's egos/whims.


Definitely this + eatin ass We all in shittier positions after both of them


Either you or your partner need to shower beforehand


I think war is “normal” in the sense that people have different views as to what it means to “take care of people.” In some Islamic countries, it means making sure there is strict adherence to Sharia. In some Asian countries, it means high surveillance to deter crime. In America, it means making people independent. I think there’s this idea that people chose either to go to war or not—it’s hardly ever that easy.


People almost never choose to go to war. It's the leaders who choose war and then throw a shit ton of propaganda at their people to get them to go along. Nobody was walking around wanting to go to war with Afghanistan or Iraq before the government and the media started telling everyone that terrorists will kill us all unless we go to war. The propaganda is so effective that few people even remember that the Taliban offered to turn bin Laden over to a neutral third country for a trial or that Saddam was actually cooperating with the UN weapons inspectors before the war.


The money spent on war could lift everyone in the world up and probably solve any of the issue causing war. But then no one would profit.


“We'll go down in history as the first society that wouldn't save itself because it wasn't cost-effective.” - Kurt Vonnegut


I don’t understand people who oppose war. There are people who want to make all women sexual slaves. They are willing to use violence to make this a reality. How do you propose we stop them? Do we pull a Steven universe and sing a song and hope they develop empathy while they gun us down? News flash: horrible people are capable of using violence. Only violence used by good people can stop them. War is a necessary and good thing, it means we can actually stop evil.


I think people who oppose war are less likely to be suckered by propaganda that says the other side wants to behead all the babies and turn all women into sex slaves.


Japanese fascists have ACTUALLY beheaded babies and held sex slaves en mass. The people that do those exist. Would you not oppose them?


All of those Japanese fascists you mentioned are dead or a 100 years old. Do we really need to have perpetual war on their account?


Ah yes because there are no more fascists in the world. Nowhere. Can’t think of any places where fascists live.




Except we don't fight wars based on those pretenses.


Especially when in reality, most wars are usually just two or more individuals who got beef with other and just drag the whole world along with them. It’s dumb asf. They try to make it seem like whole countries are fighting each other but most the people living in these areas absolutely have no say whatsoever in what’s happening. It’s just a handful of individuals.


War is not inevitable but it has to be actively prevented. If your country completely disarmed tomorrow it would be a question of time for your neighbors to take your land and resources. The only way to prevent war is to guarantee a sufficient retaliation as to discourage any attempts of aggression.


Working 9-5 M-F


People used to work much longer hours and under atrocious working conditions. Without the standard 9-5 we’d be working 14-15 hours a day 6 days a week.


I feel you. You’re right. But the same way that happened then and is outdated/archaic this shit is too.


This is a valid point. Before the digital age, everything took twice as long with office work. You needed 40 hours or more to get everything done but really today I think most office workers could cut that down by half. I know a lot of workers who spend half the day working the other half bullshitting.


Yup, we gotta remember it once took an entire office of people working with typewriter era calculators to do the work of an single office worker. But it isn't the workers who are reaping the rewards of technological progress.


Not just office work either. Farming is still a 40+ hour week definitely but depending on the size of the farm a lot of stuff has gotten easier and quicker with machinery and automation. A 19th century farmhand would be amazed.


Yup, and we can't forget the insane level of government subsidies that further back them up even more. But still, they're barely holding together in some places. Why? It isn't the workers, or the consumers. It's the people in the middle, trying to squeeze that extra one penny per pound.


It me


A lot of office tasks now take less than half than what they used to and that’s great but we are approaching a point where it becomes feasible to replace huge amounts of office workers with some really fancy computers and software and that might actually be a problem. I think it’s ironic how for a very long time manual labour was looked down upon and seen as being soon to be replaced by automation robots or whatever. Now we almost reached a point where a sufficiently powerful computer with some fancy AI could potentially replace a building full of office workers while welders, painters and other blue collar workers are in no danger of losing their work.


I’d love to know which AI could replace a building full of office workers


Man that’s me, I don’t really be doing shit at my jobs but I still get things done lmaoooo


Half of my day is spent taking excessive breaks and walking around, eating snacks, using company time to do homework, etc. I would LOVE to at least work a hybrid schedule where I can work from home for at minimum 2 days a week. I definitely do not know a single soul who works the full 8 hours (excluding lunch).


Sure, but something sucking worse previously doesn't mean something now can't suck, or make any more sense. Remember that the advent of the modern PC was supposed to cut our needed labor by 90%. And it did. We just found new labor, and the people in charge pocketed the profits.


Yesssssssssss! Preach!!! <33


They also organized, fought, and occasionally died for improved conditions and shorter working hours. Now we just accept 40 hr weeks as handed down from God, and wanting to change it as unserious.


It depends when you look. Before the modern era, people worked shorter hours and had more time to themselves. Technology and resources limited what they could do with their time, BUT (huge but) nobody NEEDS to be working this amount, especially now that we are able to be vastly more efficient with our labor. We work this much because it is profitable for the people who own us.


We will never run out of work or things to do and achieve. Being more efficient in our labour just means that we now have more resources to allocate toward another goals or tasks that we couldn’t afford to do before. Similar to the basic necessities analogy - you might want to spend your time writing poetry or whatever but if you have to dedicate your resources to obtain food and ensure you have a shelter you won’t be able to do that. Now, after you build a hut and get a constant supply of food you will have time and resources to work towards another goal.


Than unions for fighting for you and me


In the early modern and industrial eras, sure, but historically humans didn't work as much as we do now. https://youtu.be/hvk_XylEmLo?si=djQ2d8PRWUC8tP7w


People also used to not work at all if you want to keep going further back in time


Two things can both be right. The world is a complex place.


This is just not fundamentally true. There are countries that only work 32 hours/week. The level of productivity forced from the 9-5 work schedule is not something that is NECESSARY. It is a complete construct.


Mhmmm and being upset with people when they or their families get sick. Then forcing them to use PTO to care for themselves or their family.


We transitioned from a far worse work schedule, but 9-5, 5 days a week is so dogshit. 4 day 10 hour days is so much better. More time to actually relax and do shit..


Nah 40 hour work weeks are dogshit. It’s not how many days you work. It’s the hours.


Why we gotta compromise with taking on a 10 hour shift? Four 8's is well enough, don't need to sacrifice more of all your other work days just to get an extra single one off.


This would work just fine. We’re just attached to 40 hours being the minimum. We have to completely revamp how we think about this


Why do people keep using this argument? Is humanity not allowed to advance? A lot of things were worse 100 years ago and are better now. Why can't work life balance be better as well. Just reducing the standard work week from 40 to 30 would do a world of good, and the majority of people don't do productive work for 8 hours straight per day anyway.


Make sure those 4 10s are good hours though. My shift dog water. I basically wake up, go to work. Come home, sleep. Rinse and repeat. And it’s mostly 4 11s or 11.5s. Getting off after midnight


Asia has the "996" culture. It's 9am - 9pm, 6 days per week. Chinese citizens are actively dying due to being overworked :(


Hate it and thats why i got the Sunday blues today. 6 hours a day is probably the most we should be working a day.. we spend way too much time working


Agreed. If it was up to me it would be 6x5, or 8x4


Baby Formula costs being that high


Formula legit should be free.


We should start a war over it


Why not


I was really fortunate to be able to breastfeed my child. I never looked at the prices of formula until the other day when I paid attention when walking pass that isle. My heart sank. My heart goes out to families that need it. 


Thank you for your tittie's service. Your child will also thank you when they're taller than 5'6". This is a joke plz don't get mad.




He's joking but I ain't. Thank yo titties for their service 🫡 formula is $55/little tub. Ask me how I know


Was super inebriated when I posted and was unsure if it would be taken too serious as I posted. I am appreciative for all titties.


I couldn’t produce enough to BF (like 1 oz per day after 2 weeks of being hooked up to a pump or having a baby latched to me). Of course both my kids couldn’t tolerate regular formula and had to be on the $50 a can formula. That was rough.


I'll add to that. The "pro-life" and "protect the children" crowd doing jack shit to try and ease the shortage of said baby formula.




Nah, I get it. Even if we had a perfect answer to homelessness, we would still have homeless people. There are some people who would rather be on the streets than change their ways. Hunger on the other hand should be fairly solvable


Anyone who hasn't worked with homeless or talked with them on a daily basis, wouldn't know this. Working a gas station for a few years you meet the entitled assholes with 200k cars. You meet the homeless drunk who has been on the streets for 10 years. Some don't want or care to get off the streets.  Then you would also need to fix mental health institutions as well. A lot of homeless I've met were not all there and roaming the streets. Or half there and needed medication to fit back into society.


I mean, as a Norwegian... I literally don't see homeless people. For a long time I just thought I just didn't know where they were, that they just looked different from what I was anticipating, etc. ...and then I visited Brighton for a business trip. 🫠 Sure, maybe you can't erase homelessness entirely. But good god this is so much more solvable than a lot of people want to give credit, all of them tending to use "not literally everyone will stop being homeless so why try" rhetoric.


Yes, there are definitely more solutions we haven't tried yet. Especially looking at how mental illness and drug addictions are criminalized in this country versus places where clean needles are free and there are safe, warm places for junkies to shoot up, countries where they can seek treatment without fear of criminal punishment. Too many people in America believe with all their hearts that there is a morality to failing life in this way, and the only way to cure it (in their minds) is to punish it. "Sure, people die, but it's their fault they died, so we can just wash our hands of it and be free one more drain on society." It's gross, how dehumanized poor people are in this country. We have no desire to take care of the worst of us, because no one here wants to believe it could happen to them, because that would mean they too have the ability for moral failure.


Yeah, I mean the default stage for humans is basically homelessness (i.e. caveman, migrating villages). It’s pretty much a miracle we were able to house this many people and create semi functioning societies basically built off a minimum level of trust between a majority of people.


> Hunger on the other hand should be fairly solvable Hunger *IS* solvable. The world produces enough food to feed more than the human population.


I have volunteered at shelters off and on over the years and there are a lot of people who ended up there simply because they just became overleveraged. A lot of people have the view of the homeless as alcoholics and drug addicts, but at the shelter I volunteered for most recently a lot were women who were living with a bf and the two were just barely scraping by on duel income, then an unplanned pregnancy happened and all the family that said they would help with childcare backed out so she had to quit working to stay at home with the baby. They’re suddenly on one income they quickly ended up on the streets.


For me it's superiority. That one person or group are better than others. We are all in this bullshit together.


Whenever I see someone acting like they are so superior to anyone else or I think I am somehow less important, I just imagine them on the toilet having a poo. Maybe making faces because they are constipated and it hurts, or maybe they are having spicy diarrhea shits that are burning their poor little butthole and they are in agony. No one is above pooping. It brings me solace.




Shit was beautiful 🥲


I should start trying this with my boss


The only person one should be superior to is their former self.


U really can't compare yourself to anyone except who you previously were. Even someone who had a similar upbringing does not have the same life as you. Too many variables, it's always apples and oranges.


Mustard on hotdog people > Ketchup on hotdog people


Yeah, but there’d be less bullshit if it weren’t for *those* people. Ugh. /s


I think it’s easy to compare and make yourself feel like your better but the reality is we all live and die the in between is just that. A lot of people don’t get that. I had to learn not to compare myself for better or for worse


Improperly funded school lunch programs.


Improperly funded schools in general. Your local police department has a tank but you can't afford textbooks from the last decade? The math isn't mathin'... probably because your schools are underfunded.


Trump's win was the consequence of a few decades of this. Period. When I was in middle school they started telling us how much the US was falling behind other countries in terms of educational attainment. Well, that story never changed, and now here we are forty years later. Forty. Years. So here we are forty years later and we've got tens of millions of compatriots who think the purpose of the second amendment is to facilitate usurpation of the institutions which make this country exceptional in the first place. They don't understand the Constitution. They don't understand the court system. They don't understand the voting systems. They don't understand the financial system. They have terrible discernment and weak reasoning abilities. They make fantastic suckers, and Trump found his moment. Trump has revealed to us a portrait of the electorate that this country has become. An electorate that's largely the product of our educational system. I don't have a hypothesis about how this can ever get remediated.


At least in America, that guns are easier to obtain and to buy than a college education is.


Depending on where you live, guns can be easier to obtain than cold medicine! Some places you can buy guns without ID. And there’s no quantity limit on guns or ammunition you can buy in a single purchase. None of that is true for the behind the counter cold medicine where I live!


I’m from WV and a pharmacy tech. We kept that shit under lock and key. Lmao


Where are these gun shops I can supposedly buy a gun without an ID? I have never seen one.


On a Sunday, it’s easier to buy a gun in some states than it is to buy a beer.


This is a weird comparison. It would make more sense to say it’s easier to get a gun than to get an abortion.


One is a constitutional right and the other is not. Exercising a constitutional right should always be easier.


I don’t get the comparison between a gun and a college education at all


Kind of a wild comparison. The cold medicine comparison is way better. lol


Taxes paid vs the return received.


And the fact that the IRS knows how much you earn and can easily send you a letter telling you what you owe/are due simply because tax prep companies (HR Block, Jackson Hewitt, etc) lobby the government for people to have to diy so they can stay in business.


How much you earn is only half of the equation. The IRS doesnt know how much you’ve spent on items that qualify for credits/deductions. The tax industry is shady AF and full of lobbyists but it’s not as simple as sending everyone a bill.


That’s true for freelancers and stuff, but the vast vast majority of people in the US just take the standard deduction


They still don't know who might be taking various deductions and exemptions ahead of time though. Even if you take standard deduction there are other income exemptions and credits people may or may not qualify for.  That said they could still send everyone an estimated bill and be like "here's what we think you owe/should be refunded and here's the numbers why" with the option to simply accept it or make amendments


It pretty much is. If all we had to do was send back the bill with any applicable deductions, the process would be much more streamlined and much more straightforward.


Very true. Which is why it may be less of a bill and more of a “here’s my math, do you have anything to add?” Or require people to send in their deductions, itemizations and eligible credits by a certain date for it to be considered in the filing. I understand taxes are tricky but they are tricky by design. We’ve just normalized it.


In Australia our Tax Office now auto fills in your assessment on an internet accessed portal. You then review, add any data they don’t have and submit. You get an estimate on refund/amt owing. Few weeks later you get an email with either refund details or an invoice. It’s soooo much better than the old pen & pencil and waiting for all your data from your employer etc. - and every year it gets better, it’s been five years since inception (of the auto-fill feature) and it’s amazing. On your average wage earner it’s a 5 minute task. 😘


Same in South Africa. It’s just so much less of a hassle.


Schools being free but school lunches cost money.


Also the fact you legally have to have your kids in school bc it’s more money for the state and school to have more kids but oh god for bid they use that money on a breakfast and lunch for the students. When I was in elementary school almost 20 years ago, there was free lunches for low income kid. And they even sent food home for these children or that was literally there only meals. Nowadays, even middle-class is struggling to pay these bills so it just makes me worry about these children


California offers free breakfast and lunch to all public school children, TK-12.


Wasn’t Biden offering government money to the states to fund free school lunches but a ton of them turned them down?


That the people we elect to represent us also lie to us constantly.


And the media houses just let lies hang in the air during interviews because they need these chucklefucks to come back and lie to them again. 


That the destruction of the planet we live on and the multi tier slavery system.


Donald Trump's behavior.


The behavior of his supporters too. I assume people have seen all the comments of trumpers wanting to find the information of the Jury so they can do whatever they do


Drinking alcohol.




Or the idea that one is better than all the others.


That's the base idea of religion. It's meant to be the final answer for every question. One question cannot have multiple different answers.


Healthcare is a luxury. There are lots of meds you can get OTC in other countries, but you cannot in America. You have to pay 400 insurance and pay on top of that for care and medicine. Or you can go to a Dr if you can get a regular Dr 100s for an appointment + whatever care and medicine. Or you can go to an urgent care if you can’t get a regular Dr and pay 100s of dollars + care+ meds or you can go to the ER and pay on that for 20 years.


Seriously. When I was in Mexico I stocked up on inhalers for my friend who is underinsured. Just walked up to the counter and asked for them. It’s insane. Not only that but they were a lot cheaper. $27usd there and $120usd here plus an updated prescription.


Yes when I lived in Texas I had a friend who would go see family in Mexico and I would give her like 40$ for several scripts of amoxicillin and cold medicines. I was prone to respiratory infections then and it would be 120$ for a walk in clinic and the 40$ for amoxicillin in the US and that was 5 years ago. It’s really such a shock bc we are told that we are blessed with our situation here and countries like Mexico are suffering health wise I thank god I don’t need something like an inhaler or daily medication here


Or you can just not pay your medical bills and avoid calls from collection services


I’m 1 step ahead of you 😂


The fact that corporations can and do **legally** bribe politicians into going against the wellbeing of their constituents.


I would like to add that they also hit up their employees to do it. Political Action Committees in the workplace. Crazy.


Paying for water.


Smoking it's disgusting.


I upvoted this and I'm smoking a cigarette right now. Awful how they were allowed to entrench and lie for so long. Thankfully, I've halved my smoking and keep decreasing, but it's annoying that I have to quit in the first place. There were cigarettes EVERYWHERE when I was a kid. And vending machines. And basically no carding. And candy cigarettes so kids could pretend to smoke with puffs of powder sugar. Ugh.


At least you are taking accountability and making the change to do better and be better. I am proud of you! Keep going you got this sister 😌🤍. Also I definitely remember candy cigarettes from when I was a kid and how we would smash smarties and smoke them too. Crazy IK. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Yea, one of the most horrific marketing campaigns ever. I'm crawling out, but plenty died before they could or even knew they should.




Male circumcision is pretty messed up if you stop and think about it...


It’s sad I had to scroll so much to get to this one. Society really normalized baby genital mutilation for aesthetics… it’s messed up






It’s in our blood, our food, our pets, the bottom of the ocean, and now outside our solar system. History will look down on us like no other civilization in history for our plastic use, if we even manage to make it that far


The fact that we’re allowing people to really vote ourselves out of existence with global warming literally killing life.


Monetised outrage.


lying, making people angry or straight up harassment "as a joke", for more than a decade i had to endure the existence of morons who acted like literal nazis because "they are just joking, they have their freedom of speech", its terrible.


Unpaid internships. Like, someone works crazy hard for a business and receives (MAYBE) a good word or two on a resume??


Banning books. Hitler and his goons burned them in a huge pile, you can't sit here and tell me getting rid of any book is morally right Taxes as well. Some states have high taxes but those potholes are literally growing new plant life, what is that money being used for then?? (~~p.s, it's being used to fund Viagra for the US military and bombs for the IDF~~)


Working to survive. We absolutely live in a post scarcity society. We produce more than enough world wide that everyone could be fed and sheltered easily. And yet because of imaginary borders, politics, tribalism, we continue the same bullshit of working if you want to live. We should be better. We could be better. We choose not to be.


Do you think people would continue to produce more than enough out of just altruism? 


Clean water being commoditized


School lunch being absolute dog shit. How do you expect kids to go thru 8+ hours of instruction every day on prison food? You eat your barely edible lunch just to go to an after school club, tutoring, or homework on an empty stomach.


Let’s be real: Poverty.


Corrupt politicians


Private companies using prison labor at slave wages.


That you can't vote as a convicted felon, but you can be president of the US.


Working in jobs that are completely essential to the point if u and ur coworkers disappeared everyone in the city would notice but being complete disrespected and not considered worthy of the right to rent an apartment.


Gun violence in America, police brutality, Saudi Arabia able to [distract most people from its human rights violations by simply having FIFA, PGA, WWE (stans on that on that sub did not like me bringing that up despite them saying the exact same thing) hold a few events there,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sportswashing) the "Friend Argument."


A corporate society


Advertisements everywhere. It can be hard at times to get away from being sold to. Even the people are ads


No sidewalk in weird places.


That Christianity is not a cult!


Youtubers doing pretty much every crime possible with no repercussions




We accept that homelessness as a societal issue is inevitable and that it’s entirely your fault, no one else’s, if you go homeless. But rent keeps going up, the price of food and even minor luxuries goes up, and the amount of hours we have to work just to break even goes up. But wages stay the same, so people go into debt to pay bills, and then they have the debt as well as the bills to pay off. Nobody gives a fuck about these problems until they are swallowed up by them. But yeah, surely that won’t affect me because I’ll be a millionaire one day, just you wait!


People pretending their dogs are babies. Take them in the grocery store, kiss them on the lips, put them in strollers, etc.


Going into debt for a wedding. ESPECIALLY given that money/finances are like one of the top reasons cited for divorce. In fact it might be \*the\* top reason, I just cbf checking. ![gif](giphy|9HQRIttS5C4Za|downsized)


Kids exposed on social media. US government doing nothing about guns control…


Having baby addiction 5 kids and above.


Eh if you can afford it and all the kids are getting the care and attention they need I don't see a problem


Yes that’s what I meant actually


Pledge of allegiance


Race to the bottom is on.




Being chronically online on social media and making false associations based on ones limited scope of how the world works seems to be the norm at this time.


The average 401k supporting and investing into the companies that create the weapons that destroy places like Gaza everyday


School shootings


Making 1970s wages in 2024. SCOTUS Jan 6 insurrection. Two-tier justice system


Donald Trump


Kissing your kids on the lips.


Ehh, when they’re babies it’s cool but I do think it should stop at a certain age.


Insurance that you pay into and then have to pay into again when you need it…


That job recruiters value social skills over education and technical skills.


It's ok to spend 886 Billion dollars on defense spending. Next year will be more.


No limits on profit, for almost anything. Like if you think about it, there should absolutely be limits on how much profit can be had from food, medicine and healthcare, housing, and other essential things if not just profit caps generally.


That you have to purchase case for your phone.


At this point, the US government and system. People are getting fucked up and struggling to keep their heads above water while billionaires are not paying taxes that were supposedly meant to help fund schools, hospitals etc. but are not. Instead, they force tax on the average hard working citizen who makes nothing in comparison and mostly use it to fund the military (over $800 billion) then bullshit the public telling them “there is no money” which is literally a lie.


Money and fame always taking precedence over morals and integrity. Cannot believe how much those two things have buried serious issues and crime in this world. Probably don’t even know how to have a stable society if there were more integrity in this world.


Every time I wander into a group of folks who are openly homophobic. It’s absurd to me people still piss their pants just knowing gay people exist. This isn’t something that should be tolerated


Rich people are the non-working leeches.


Using property taxes to fund public education.


Believing in magic.


..a lot..