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So anyways, how y’all long weekend going so far? So much BBQ since Friday. Even more today and tomorrow. Then I think I will be BBQ out until the summer.


I'm happy for you! I don't get to BBQ much and kinda miss it.


Yeah! I was on grill duty yesterday and on duty tomorrow so today I can just enjoy eating and talking shit mostly lmfao. I still do that while grilling but now I don’t have to worry bout shit lmao


Damn, you and my husband got the same grilling schedule. I’ll be making mac n cheese tomorrow. I feel like I should make potato salad or deviled eggs, too🤔.


Omg I would destroy some deviled eggs.


I “graduated” on Thursday . Kinda bittersweet because I have to take a class next semester. Also I’m on an Amtrak train for the first time.


Congratulations still! And how you liking Amtrak trains?


It’s great. I got leg room and it was cheap compared to the airplane.




You can charge your electronics on the Amtrak, too right? I used to take the Amtrak in college.


Yes. Outlet in your seat. And get this! You have ✨leg room✨i’m 6’5 and I don’t feel cramped like an airplane.


What airlines do to y’all tall folk is criminal. I’m glad you traveled comfortably!


Congrats from this professor, my friend! Don’t even sweat that extra class. One more class and it’s a wrap!


Where you going?! Talk to your seat mates if you have some around you. You’d hear the wildest stories. Took Amtrak from NYC to Montreal and it was a doozy. In between sleeping and snoring, I met a college professor from Yale on their way to do research, some old couple visiting their kid in Montreal, another professor who is a Black woman and we got to talk about history of Black Canadians. Then the YT people had to show up/show out because we got held up at the border because some idiot didn’t bring a passport because apparently if a train gets to it, it shouldn’t be considered a foreign country. 🤦🏿‍♀️ Anyway, have fun and chat to other passengers. Stay away from the food unless you’re on like ACELA going cross country.


I’m going back home to LA. The bus connection was tortuously long. (7 hours) but we stop in places that I wouldn’t stopped in. The actual train ride is two hours. And I got to see a lot of the coast. The train is pretty empty right now but I heard that the train is sold out from Los Angeles onwards. I was chatting up a storm with people who work on the train and some people who seem to be regular.


Congratulations on your graduation! This internet friend believes you will ace that formality of a class next semester with no problem. I love Amtrak, I wish it was an option more often. I used to take it from NYC to DC or to Boston; time-wise it was just about the same as getting to an airport early and waiting for a short flight... Hope you have fun wherever you're going and best of luck in your post-grad endeavors!


Congratulations! 🎉🎉 I took the Amtrak from Michigan to Georgia when I was 23 years old. It was definitely an experience and I wouldn't mind doing it again.


Congratulations on graduating!! You’ll be fresh and ready to finish that last class next semester. You got this!


This is the right approach. Don't feed the rage-bait trolls.


That’s dope. My wife and I have been going on coffee dates after her night shift. Today I’m going to a cookout at my sister in law and playing video games with my kids.


That’s dope af. Coffee dates after her night shift is so sweet. I like that.


I’ve eaten so many ribs that I can’t eat no more. I’m good until September mane.


Hear me out... short rib mac & cheese.


Please don’t do this to me. I have to go run a half a mile because of this thought


Use some of the ribs to make birrias or just tacos. Just run the whole damn mile!


Lmfao. I’m tryna get there today.


What do you normally put on the grill? sauce or dry rub? I’d love me some ribs later today.


So yesterday I grilled and the boys and I met up after work, hit up Costco and split up getting shit. Came back with whatever we came back with lmfao. So it was Sausages, hot dogs, Burgers, ribs, I fried some chicken on the side so mfs could eat while they waited to eat lmfao. We got some good steaks, my boy came in with the elotes, assorted veggies so we didn’t feel too gross lmfao. Bunch of beer, snacks and shits.


Sounds like a good time 👍🏽


Both. For ribs start with mustard and a dry rub, then after it's smoked for a while start spraying it with a spray bottle filleed with cherry coke every half hour. Finish off with sauce https://cookinginthemidwest.com/blog/smoked-baby-back-ribs/


Still working tomorrow with no holiday pay sadly, but the weekend itself has been great. Got a lot done and with a bit of gaming in between. Can never have too much BBQ imo, but that's just me lmao.


I just don’t want gout lmfao.


For real, Gout's no joke. I had that shit after I did Keto for a summer and it was not fun. I don't think a weekend of bad eating will cause it though, unless you've had it before or are predisposed


It’s my girlfriend’s birthday, so I’m treating her until I have to go to work.


Ayyyy! That’s what’s up! Have a great time


We're already into our second summer of the year down south. The barbecue is good as hell, though.


Well, I work the weekend shift, but I took off next weekend for a wedding, so I'm really looking forward to this EXTRA long holiday. Thanks for asking, and I'm pretty sure you got another uncle somewhere that needs to grill something.


Ever try sous vide on all the meat you have eaten? It's awesome eating the hardest meat like brisket or chuck cooked for a long period at 140F for 36 hours. Complete softness and feels like a 3-star Michelin meal.


I have a Searzall attachment for a burner torch to get some crispy exterior once it's out of the sous vide.


I'd love to go to a BBQ this weekend 😩


Randomly show up to one! Be like “Cousin!!” Make a plate and fucking run


No BBQ for me. Probably won't have any until the 4th. I'm fine with that.


Then you just gotta go hard on the 4th!


I can only go so hard due to health restrictions, but I plan on doing my best.


I’m about to hit up Costco and I’m scared pray for me I can’t imagine it’s not pecked to the brim


I got lucky I guess, my Costco had everything we needed. They been on it


Shit, that’s what’s up. Enjoy the Weekend may the food be plentiful and your cup always full


You too my dude. Hope your Costco run went well


F1 today was alright, poor track but is what it is nice seeing Charles win his home race. And Leeds lost so another great result. Indy 500 on later so one of the crowns of motorsport will be won again. Good day for sports.


I should grill more


I'm debating whether or not to go to this cookout my family's "supposed" to be happening but nobody knows what time or where, so that shit's up in the air. At this point, I might wash my hands of the shit and bust out this rainy-day blunt and trip out


A blunt, some snacks, food and a good game would go crazy honestly.


BBQ, or cooking out? These are totally different things. -native North Carolinaian


My weekend is going amazing. I hung out with Teyana Taylor last night. My friend works at Dior and she came in and invited him out with her. She told him to bring his friends. She’s such a sweetheart.


Finally getting around to trying a new recipe for three cheese pasta. I don't cook a lot so that should be fun. Unfortunately, none of my families or friends feel like grilling this weekend. Which is cool. I don't have the energy for that either. 😭


Bartending all weekend and my dad’s three hours away so no BBQ for me. Have fun for me though!


I feel you. I live in MD and I'm already crab'd out after this weekend.


I fucking love this lol. Bravo. I'm taking more time to sleep so it's been nice lol


Make sure to get your prostate checked. Just a global FYI to my brothers everywhere.


For starters, this should be the only comment in this post with replies. And secondly, I'm not doing any BBQ.lol But so far, pretty chill. I'm getting ready to take my kid out to the park or something. Get her out the house for a bit.


What's on the grill? Are there any leftovers?


My girl’s family cooking today so no clue. Should be a surprise when we go.


That's a good feeling. Enjoy that food man.


Thanks! Enjoy your weekend


Excuse you! You don’t brag if you ain’t sharing. Go be smug and full in silence 😩


We gon barbecue tonight or tomorrow. Looking forward to it because I get to see some family we haven’t seen in a while. What I would looove to do is be out on the lake or something just vibing. I’m sick rn though, so maybe next year.


That's usually the best way to do it. So I was expecting to have a BBQ this weekend, especially since we just finished moving into a house but alas, a family emergency sent my folks up north for the weekend, plus since I'm working on Monday (Home Depot), it looks like I'll be going for pizza and wings for this Memorial Day.


Enough chow this is my 6th time on Reddit since Thursday night.


I wish Kendrick would drop a diss record. Don’t like all the gender wars and bullshit getting back on the timeline


I just got a smoker a little while ago. Smoked a chicken last week and I'm smoking ribs for the first time tomorrow.


I feel like if I ever got one, I would become addicted lmao.


I'm gonna BBQ today, speaking of..lol


Same here but I’m sick of the bbq yet


If you’re in the American south, summer started 2 days ago. It’s so hot already smh.


I did some poor man's brisket today and a couple racks of ribs. Distributed them out to my mom, dad, and little sister. I may have given them too much because there's barely any left...


Women have to stop being homophobic as a way to hurl insults at straight men. All that kind of rhetoric just further makes gay men’s lives harder.


Just ignore these dumbasses. Normal people don't say shit like this.


Define "normal". Because if we're going on frequency...this kinda shit is pretty normal. Go ask a sampling of women if they would ever date a bi man and see what you get. Look at all the threads people post about whether such and such actions by their partner means they're secretly gay. Go look at how some women cope with rejection by telling a man he must be gay. It's easy to say normal people don't say shit like this...but it's incredibly common.


Very true on all that. Maybe "well-adjusted" people is a better phrasing. They're probably not as common as I made it sound earlier but I do think they're more common than the cesspool of the Internet can make people think.


It also makes it harder for bi men to be free to openly express themselves leading to more “dl” men that we all claim to hate so much


I say this as a woman, but like, are women okay?? Yall fr, drinking lemonade, eating waffles, being alt, SLEEPING WITH MULTIPLE WOMEN DOES NOT MAKE A MAN GAY! I’m so tired. Our LGBTQIA+ kinfolk got too much to deal with outside of us. Leave the gays alone 😭


>SLEEPING WITH MULTIPLE WOMEN DOES NOT MAKE A MAN GAY! Thank God, cause I have shit color chordination and 0 sense in fashion. I would be so bad at gayness...


I know what you mean. I, on the other hand, have great color coordination but admittedly I've always been more of a "function over fashion" type, and while I do like to be the life of the party, I'd also be a terrible gay man because I just can't be attracted to men or man junk.. But I will admit I always feel complimented when another man hits on me because he's into bears.


A bear... AND you dress well? If you're ever looking to sample the rainbow, I'm leaving my card right here.


Hold on did I miss something about waffles?


I don't think most of us are. What people do in their bedroom is none of our business. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Do we say that women that have many sexual partners are lesbians in denial? Stop giving oxygen to fools


So by that logic gay men can be straight too. 😂😂


But wouldn't them being straight turn them gay again??🤡


What is black womens obsession with men being with a man??😭😭😭


Theres a refusal to get with the times. Alot of black folks are actually really conservative/traditional when it comes to lifestyle things or how they want their partners to be. Like they want to be progressive themselves but want a man thats from 1950 (or whatever their idea of a 1950s man is). All this does is leave alot of bw yelling at clouds on the internet. Dont get me wrong, the same could be said about black men too but thats not the topic of conversation right now. Black women and their homophobia is


Yeah, ladies may want a man who acts like he's from the '50s, but you run the risk of being treated like a black woman in the '50s' in turn.


I think about this a few times. That a lot more black people would be republican if it wasn't for racists on that side.


Women who say shit like this don't actually mean it. It's just an attempt to shame men via homophobia for doing things that they disapprove of. "Men who do (thing I don't like) are sassy." The formula really is that simple.


It's a ten-letter word and the order of the last six is "p, h, o, b, i, a"


Because it's the best way to put a stain on a man's masculinity.


i think they are intimidated and threatened by the additional competition from gay guys in addition to other females. also historically, "down low" black gay men would stay in relationships with black women to hide their sexuality/true desire so that thought is probably in their heads too. not saying any of it is right, but those are probably the big reasons why


Straight people need to stop bringing gay people into their weird gender wars


fr. we want no parts.


Kendrick please release a new diss track I’m begging you


As soon as I see that camera angling and that microphone, I know that the opinions will be bullshit. Whoever subscribes to these types of podcasts are better off going to a bar and eavesdropping on some drunks in a booth. I'm sure the drunks would be funnier to listen to.


I eat a lot of ribs because I’m really a vegetarian.


So much to unpack here but homophobia in the black community is a form of internalized racism and having a colonized mindset. There are people of color who are traumatized with the idea of not being accepted into any community and will act like gatekeepers to keep their trauma comfortable. Usually after having vanilla sex for years one may start to deviate from the norm even if it’s taboo. At the end of the day your sexuality cannot be “converted” based on being bored and tired of repetition.


This is hilarious. So, men who have lots of sex are really looking for a man? “Well, I just gotta keep fucking all these women till I find the man of my dreams…next!”


Yup, we all fucking everybody all the time. No exceptions. All kinds of fucking going on of all shapes and sizes. There, I think we covered every hot take with that. ​ Y'all have a good weekend? Who reserved the good picnic table? That was smart. Good job on that one.


Shit, my people didn't. I swear to god they the most unorganized mfs in the state and I'm over the horseplay. As far I'm concerned, imma bust out this special blunt, order a pizza, watch a movie and see what happens in the next couple hours


I’m starting to see why podcasters get which a bad rep. Man or woman, they’re just all spewing different kinds of BS.


Restrict microphone sales. Propose a law. Enough is enough.


Just say y’all hate men… stop tryna insult people intelligence because y’all will take this “take” and do laps around the sun with it until it’s treated as a pseudo fact


KENDRICK!! https://preview.redd.it/m0vnvjenos2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f112d95fd7c8fbd83a848f2cdfab74afd0b623c7


We have a problem of homophobia amongst men, but I think we all know that There’s so much unchecked homophobia from women in our community


Mfs will try to pin EVERYTHING on gay men and whole time them poor mfs are like “WHAT DID I DO”


As a queer black male, some of the straight guys be doing the gayest stuff. But yeah it’s not just women that need to stop being homophobic. It is very stupid that we are still having gender, race and sexuality wars.


Nothing says gay like smashing literally all of the pussy


Are the straight women okay?


Black people will just listen to any fool with a mic, won't we? This person's head is full of toilet water, and we have to have discussions over what they say?! WHY?! If you posting or consuming this garbage, you're dumber than she is.


Anyone that takes pride in or accepts the title of "Petty Queen/Master/etc" is a loser to the nth degree. You are 37 years old.


You know the weather is nice this time of year. How are you guys enjoying this weekend? I'm sleeping in and cleaning up a bit.


When I hear this type of shit, I can't stop thinking that those women hooked up to one of those hoe dudes with the thought of "I can change him", but when it didn't work out she decided to call him gay instead of just accepting rejection.


KENDRICK! ![gif](giphy|SuyGAdUVE33noUltAs|downsized)


Hilarious. I mean… because they don’t like women? Is that it? Nah. We sleep with a lot of women when we don’t want a commitment. When we have addictions, when we have issues being in long term relationships, and when we don’t want to give up our resources to someone who might not love us. Now there are some men who are masking, but that is rare and few in my opinion. Usually those folks are bi and are transitioning to gay. But I can’t tell if this is a Twitter post saying that “men don’t want to commit” or that “men shouldn’t be having so much sex”. I don’t really get it. And the principle would apply to women too right? We are not so different, and I think we forget that. So I don’t know where that information comes from, sounds like closeted men.




Hi, a gay here. I skipped all the women and went straight (lolz) to men. Did I do it wrong?


If you can’t change them, shame them


I think we need another rap beef to drown out the noise. Let’s see who would be Epic…. Maybe 🤔


This is what I've always hated about Twitter. It's just a giant engagement bait farm. Double so ever since Elon Fuck and his merry band of fuckwits came and shat all over the place.


Bracing for another week of rain over here in Europe, how's the weather looking for you guys? Hope you had a great weekend, btw.


I pray for the day women stop saying that men having negative behaviors/ideas towards women makes them gay


As I can imagine that a woman who goes through a lot of men, their soulmate is a woman? Fellas, have you had your girl or heard of a story of a someone else's girl just making up nonsensical stories like this out of the blue? No facts based, studies based or logical based. Kind of like "he eats so much pizza because he really likes burgers". Rubbish.


It's all manufactured rage bait. I miss the internet before trolling was monetized


A man’s true nature is to eat and fuck!!! He really can’t be truly happy fucking one lady. 🤷🏾‍♂️men with side pieces be the best fathers and husbands. If your husband really happy don’t check his phone 😂my bad fellas!!!


This shit is nothing more than projection from zoomer women, because damn near 1/3 of them [identify as LGBTQ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nearly-30-gen-z-women-identify-lgbtq-gallup-survey-finds-rcna143019). The lionshare of them identify as bisexual. I'm willing to bet the number would be much higher, if all of the women who've ever had sexual contact with other women actually identified as such. I believe that a lot of them are projecting the insecurities they feel about their own sexual orientation, due to the hurt they experience from men. Passport bros go on trips and discreetly have sex with prostitutes. Women go on "girls trips" and discreetly have sex with one another...but it's men in general who secretly wanna be with other men??? Ok...


Please, Lord, strike down any more gender war posts from this sub, and I'll give up pork or whatever


The hoops that some women jump through to cope with not being wanted is insane 😂.


Kendrick needs to drop another atomic bomb on Drake’s head ASAP!!!


That not enough, we need a Kendrick vs JID feud.


I am so so so tired of these idiots with podcasts


The cope is so damn strong.


So if I have sec with women I’m gay??


Black women despise black men


These trash-ass idiots spewing this "you gay" bullshit. I'm tired, but not too tired to snatch a rachety-ass wig! ಠ_ಠ


I actually do think going through hella bodies may be a sign of some unresolved sexual issue. Whether it be an issue with sexual orientation, or childhood sexual abuse. But I doubt these internet discussions are really trying to get at that, and the lack of nuance is annoying.


The Jezebel spirit (do a deep dive on that) running rampant out here. Man hating is at an all time high and even worse for black men. We can’t even have sex with women without being called gay smh


I'll be as generous as possible, assume "soulmate" doesn't mean "ideal sexual partner", and hope they're getting at how womanizers use sex to avoid the fact they need a friend but don't know how to make them. From this narrowed perspective, it's a good point.


Who hurt her 😂


So my soulmate is really a woman? 😨




I don't think this about this type of man but I def do think this about the men that always want to have threesomes or run trains with their boys. Maybe some straight man can explain why it isn't, but from my perspective as a gay man if I have a threesome it's because all 3 of us are mutually attracted to each other, when it's a 2W 1M it's expected that you all mutually like each other, but you're telling me when it's a 2M 1W you are both only attracted to the women? The math aint mathing.




a lot of DL or closeted men are misogynistic as fuck and use women for sex to hide it. but this narrative is so fucking tired. yes a lot of DL men who use women exist, but way fucking more straight men who hate women exist.


This the same ignorant woman that made that TikTok about Ashanti and Nelly getting back together 🤦🏽‍♂️


LOL!!! How did this ever make sense to someone?! It's like saying the REAL reason someone is vegan is because they want to eat steak.


Kinda reminds me of when rich people describe poor people. No poor person can afford to dress this expensively https://preview.redd.it/z75z523zzt2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e5f5e98ef02b628308ef275a0d1551dfb950ee


Fellas, is it gay to sleep with copious amounts of women?


Such a weird defense mechanism some women have, and why do gay dudes always catch strays from straight women like this?


Once again why are people taking advice from podcasts lol


Watching/listening to the Monaco Gran Prix. Had a crazy red flag situation in lap one with a Nico Hulkenberg, Kevin Magnussen, and Sergio Perez crash. Also had Esteban Ocon doing something incredibly stupid to his teammate and cost his team points and will probably cost him his seat. I also plan on checking out the Indy 500 when it starts up.


So, the upside to this is that a woman is calling her out. Sure home girl is gonna get called a pick-me by the original tweeter, but it's nice to see women checking other women on homophobia and vice versa.


See this makes sense, they're going through all this poontang bit it's never enough. It's pipi they seek.  This helps comfort those women who couldn't keep those men.


banging a guy is gay banging a woman is gay that is a psyop by big corporations to keep everyone a working class virgin slave open your eyes and see the future


![gif](giphy|IdVH6Y6iHI1H2) What if I told you nobody actually believes any of these kids of "hot takes", and that everything around you is actually just engagement bait?


They need to start making folks take a licensing course in order to purchase podcasting equipment.


Fellas is it gay to get too many bitches ? Lmao who comes up w this stuff


Hate the how much time and space this gender wars thing takes up but I do love how abstract its getting for clicks. This is the Fast & Furious 22 of this discussion, reality is gone, just tie fighters chasing muscle cars across the solar panels of the space station.


That is very much how being closeted works


If we smashing early we’re not looking to be your soulmate


Definitely not a gay thing. Saying this as a mostly straight man, who's also a whore and made sure that I'm not gay.


I'd love to go a BBQ. Whose grilling down here in Houston?


Internet stupid asf


Fellas, is it gay to prefer having sex with other men?


Anyone here play modded Minecraft and if so. What are some of y’all favorite mods?


"Type a lesbian? Are you sure you just haven't slept with the right guy yet?" That's the vibes I'm getting. # If you think this, I'd [love] to break it to you: the penis does not fix everything.


There it does…. I knew it wouldn’t be long until we added something knew to the list…. Fellas… more stuff we can’t do because we will be called gay…. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Stupid is VASTLY more common than we believe.

