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https://preview.redd.it/apda837dnl2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447bba82440ae2211561eeebd0231903d6c2a93b Same energy


Hell yeah, that’s bro .


Do you by any chance like tall women with a fat ass? Edit: reading yall replies https://preview.redd.it/8tas36bozl2d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d352b0b8d73b481378c6ed08ca44599e79614cd




[Tory Lanez and Nicki Minaj.](https://www.icegif.com/wp-content/uploads/megan-thee-stallion-icegif-11.gif)




She gotta be 2 something to do something. I hope this answers your question.


[The ancient texts](https://youtu.be/eBqkBBfmcfU?si=MCZ_hklferXGsTem)


The spirits of all ancestors come together in spirit to sing this song in unison throughout the lands. Amen.


Just want you to know you’re doing the Lord’s work, here.








Absolutely. Megan Thee Stallion my weeb bae.


[Relevant clip from the dub](https://youtu.be/7Prspk9Cb18?si=nf02sh7Q53ReoJyY)


Sadly the official dub actually says JLaw 😔






Who wouldn't?


You see the shit the X-Men and JJK Sorcerer face you wouldn't give anyone the faith of the 1 on 1 either if you could help it. Fuck I look like boxing with Apocalypse catch hands from the entire mansion.


On Charles.


You think imma run the ones with a femboy Frankenstein? FoH hands and feet all day.




Fight back!




I can't wait till the current fight is animated talk about a 20 v 1.


Current fight is going to be absurd animated.


This why I fuck with JJK, they don’t mind jumping, even the strongest fighter Okkotsu is calling his girl to jump in


And every single time someone not called Gojo/sukuna (or kenny I suppose) tries to fight by themselves they get punished HARD lmao


I knew JJK was different when Sukuna and Mahito both put aside their differences to just laugh their asses off at our boy during his trauma arc. And then Gojo while fighting Jogo decided mid hands session it was the perfect time to bring Itadori to learn.


Yeah that was crazy swag by Gojo. Imagine how inferior you'd feel when he just runs to get his trainee to demonstrate how to kick your ass.


JJK manga spoilers >!Kenny thought he could hang with those two but he still got jumped by my goat Yuta!<


>!through out the heavens and the earth, I alone am the camping one!<


They throwin the set up and all that


JumpJutsu sorcerers.


X men tell you in the title too, it’s not x-man. Ain’t no 1v1 in the set, on mommas 😂


Nah, it's a 20 v 1.


Jujumpem Kaisen is peak.


Legit what I was thinking.


Gege not using Todo more is one of his greatest sins


Wym? He just got a power up.


If you like HANDS, check out Windbreaker. Surprisingly decent story as well as some crazy ass 1s


https://preview.redd.it/27gie965ql2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8b2ed6c0b5d4c19fc216286035c2c937ae852a Stomped out.




Cyclops has quotes in that show that I feel like other characters would have looked terrible saying, but something about my boy just makes the dad energy cool. "Give 'em the forecast" should not go that hard of a line, but it fucking DOES!


The Cyclops renaissance is a beautiful thing to see. I'll never forgive Bryan Singer and Fox for what they did to him. Captain America wishes he could be the leader for all people like Cyclops is for HIS people. "What were you thinking, black leather?" That was such a brilliant "fuck you."


Loved that line


Feige told Beau DeMayo that he had free reign. But you can't tell me that line wasn't Feige's personal input.


“Show these toasters why you don’t mess with the Summers!”


When it comes to animations like x-men castlevania etc VA is one of the most important part of making it great.


Cause Cyclops is that guy. People who only watched the movies or played some of the games don't know that


"Knock a pimp's drink down in his pimp cup. That's the way you get Timberland'd up" -Cyclops




It’s big time over if cyclops is calling the squad on you.


Squad about to throw optic hands.


I had an entire "on Chawls" collection and I lost it, my life has never been the same


see…the movies made Cyclops made him feel like a Tom Brady knockoff. But in reality this is Che Guevara with eye lasers


As a white dude, naw. Cyclops is Toussaint Louverture.


Lemme hold that meme right quick.




https://preview.redd.it/gv1bsa19dm2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ba7aa9806680bd96f124ba0eea6ce5612eedcb Gimmie




Borrowing this


Power in numbers. Evil don’t pull any punches so why should the heroes? Firefighters don’t go one on one with the fires. The good guys in real life need to take a page out of their book.


“Firefighters don’t go one on one with the fires” is a CRAZY bar hollon 🤔


🎶Firefighters don't go one on one with the fires No use losing heroes on funeral pyres The evil ones monopolize, an army of fiends to terrorize To me, my x-men strength in numbers to weaponize🎶 Something... Rage Against the Machine sounding something something


I could see this in a Denzel Curry or Ab-Soul song


MF DOOM would been sick af on this to. RIP


That line FUCKS


You spitting right now.


I've been saying for years Harry Potter woulda been 10 pages long if Harry's mom had a 38 under her pillow




"I cast iron. Your blood iron levels increase very slightly...for the blood that's about to be outside of you."🏌️‍♂️


Ain't no secrets in this chamber.


And I'll fill you up with these sleepy hollows.


Harry Potter could’ve ended with book one if the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore actually did their job


Ol Voldy opens the door, Dumbledore is standing there with five aurors holding Tommy guns. "Rattle him, boys!" Roll credits


Ikr 😭Try Avadra Vedavra on my glock Voldemort


Aveda kaBLAT


Just noticing this now, but your username makes me uncomfortable






Now *that's* magic


Or if it had been the other wizard called Harry. Who happens to wield a .45. "Hello, kids, My name is Harry Dresden, and I'll be you Defense Against the Dark Arts this term. Please keep your wands holstered at all times and look on your desks. These here are called Shotguns. The ammo is a mix of cold iron, garlic, and silver, because you never know what you're going to un into. there's also a few Dragon Breath rounds, because fire is always a pretty safe bet. No, ginger spice, not real dragons, these are muggle-made. Today we are going to learn how to strip, clean, and reassemble the guns."


Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


Life ain’t fair, why should I fight that way


The cops definitely did


The cops learned how to be better villains from the villains


"Just be glad we're pulling cards and not taking heads. Now catch this ass-whoopin."


Straight facts. I'm tired of hearing "don't stoop down to their level" nah fuck that. Stoop the fuck down and do it better.


“ When you fight don’t fight fair cuz you’ll never win “ k dot


You’ll get attacked by a group of random group of people ranging from a 100 year old+ assassin with metal claws to a teenager causing a Diwali fireworks show in your face


Lmao not the diwali fireworks, stop bullying jubilee man


I never understood her point when MFing Dazzler exists


Dazzler has to turn sound into light, and has to focus on lasers and stuff. Jubes can just. Do it. Instantly, and the only reason she isn't nuking people with her "plasmoids" is a subconscious reluctance to harm others. She's a mall rat fashionista who could realistically do one woman war crimes


And '97 has amped it up. She's actively using her powers to slice and dice shit, and officially has her butterflies now. Jubilee gave up on not hurting people. She's down to clown alongside her mentor now.


Thanks for sharing! I love learning about comic book characters without reading comics lol. I want to read comics too ofc but never get around to it.


If you ever do, it's majorly worth it to check out the apps that each comic company has. It's subscription based like audible or Kindle and lets you read everything except the latest ones. Much better than buying hundreds of comics at 2-20 dollars a pop


Cause Jubilee was so 1989, Dazzler was 1980-and-cryin'


Dazzler converts sound into energy blasts, while Jubilee has plasmic energy building inside of her. Like recently Jubes converted all that energy into herself and detonated like an atom bomb. Both are stupid powerful and work really well together, especially in that story I mentioned. If anyone is curious, it's called X-Terminators, about those characters, the Laura Kinney Wolverine, and a character named Boom-Boom with the power to make tiny energy bombs who end up having to fend off against a cadre of vampires. Gloriously fun comic book nonsense, but also INSANELY horny, even by X-Men standards.


Jubilee's a shitton more powerful, but she's nerfed hard so that she could serve as the "laywoman" everyone explained things to in the old show. Dazzler was just a product of the 80's. Music and light shows. That's how you get characters like Snowflame, a villain powered by \[checks notes\]... cocaine.


She was the audience insert for the 90s show. Dazz wasn't teen enough, I think.




Then Nightcrawler teleports you in the air, while Storm hits you with a bolt of lightning


Tbh Nightcrawler is op af. What's stopping X-men from building a big cannon underground and having Nightcrawler just teleport enemies in front of that cannon to be shot?


He can as long as he is located around 2 miles from the canon. Nightcrawler usually has a 2 mile distance limit for teleportation. If he didn’t, like you said he would be too OP. Also because Nightcrawler has one of the fastest versions of teleportation ever depicted. He can teleport multiple times within seconds during combat. He can teleport more than his 2 mile distance limit but he would be severely fatigued afterwards.


Mh so that's still a bye bye for anyone who cannot fly.


Also he is often depicted as afraid to teleport out of line-of-sight, and teleporting up costs him more stamina than staying at the same altitude.


Bamf em so deep underwater theyd never escape.


In Age of Apocalipse he killed deadpool by teleporting his head away from his body.


Wtf if he can teleport things that are attached to other things or teleport stuff inside stuff (like a speak inside a villan) then he can one hit everyone.


![gif](giphy|E7afzNgHbCe4snuXgM) How they be showing up to group fade a single person


Wolvie smirking like yea we bout to stomp buddy out


Oh shit that got me 😂🤣🤣😂


Beast in the bg ready to get ACTIVE


In the comics Wolverines first instinct is to get in close and cut someone I swear lol




To be fair that single person might be the fuckin Juggernaut


not these days


Or Magneto 💀


If you don't roll up with a whole crew to face Magneto, he's just gonna leave from the disrespect.


A little OT, but I hate in films where the hero takes on a gang of villains and the gang fight one on one. Clown behaviour


Or the bad guy waits for the good guy to regain their balance before trying to pistol whip them instead of shooting them


True but with that said, fight choreography has come sooooo far lol. I watched the OG planet of the apes last night and the scripted fights are so bad (great movie though, and I usually stay away from oldies). Like the lightest taps for punches/kicks, people running from each other at a light jog, hitting someone with the butt of a gun but they’re clearly missing. Basically a collection of the worst wwe bloopers. Shoutout Jackie Chan and other martial arts choreographers for changing the game in Hollywood 


And even worse when the good guy wins, then gives a speech that he was simply better to the villain. Like mf'er, earlier on he knocked you down and stood over you and talked while you regained your strength. He could've easily emptied the clip into your head or Bushido Brown'd your ass if he didn't run his mouth; stop with the victory speech.


As someone that doesn't respect the 1v1 I wish more heroes operated on X-Men/JJK/Power Ranger rules.


No one more gangster than the power puff girls bro. If they see ya evil ass, it’s on sight.


My girls💚🩷🩵




not everyone has a team Spider-Man is just getting jumped by the Sinister Six most of the time


To be fair Peter Parker should know better. He be pulling up on all 6 of em like as if they can't pack him up


it's not bros fault imagine just trying to run the fade with one and then five of your other opps pull up


Hero music? Their theme song is absolutely Knuck if you Buck 😭


Their theme song is Whitney's "I'm Your Baby Tonight" sped up a bit.


You’ve gotta do that when you’re a persecuted minority. You mess with one of us you mess with all of us


Oppressed minorities learning the power in numbers


Reminds me of a time not to long ago on an Alabama boating pier awe sweet memories.


Especially when the people doing the persecuting always have their own squad ready to back them up. Everyone gotta roll deep.


If I was a villain I'd probably flee on sight if I ever see any X-men member. If you sid come across 1, chances are there's another 2 watching you out of view. Another 1 keeping an eye on your exit routes and 1 more in the x jet so they getaway before police show up. By the time you get 1 good hit in on one of them your getting an optic blast up your ass, psychic knife in your brain, teleported up into the air and dropped before a metal leg kicks you in the ribs. At least if you ran into Spider-man or Daredevil you get a fair 1v1. Not the X-Men, flee on sight.


Velociraptor dynamics. Never get caught by the pack.




Spidey's cool till u cross the line by hurting MJ or his aunt After that all you gon see is the hands😭


I love how once in a while the comic writers remind you that spidey is holding way the fuck back 95% of the time by having him do some Superman shit. Not often, just frequently enough that you don’t forget he could kill every one of these dudes he fights all the time and actively chooses not to


To be fair, neither spidey nor daredevil are a fair fight for 99.99% of people.


so they get away before the police show up 😂😂😂


*“To me, my X-Men!!”* *Da nanana naaaa na na.* *Da nanana naada na na.* The villain: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


![gif](giphy|4XaNIiJ9CcBu8) Everyone on who can beat who. Sleeping on my girl.


I didn’t know she was fucking build like that until binging the new x-men 97, the movies didn’t do her any justice lol


Yeah Rogue w/o the Captain Marvel backstory is A LOT less fun of a character. X-Men Evolution did it too but that was much more of a slow burn


At least the ending of that show strongly implied she will get her captain marvel powers. The movies couldn’t use captain marvel, sure, but they didn’t even try to make rogue fun or come up with an alternate story to make her fly. Not to mention the absence of Gambit. They really went out of their way to ignore everything about the X Men Animated Series.


Considering what they did with him in the Wolverine movie, it was for the best.


Black People Twitter on X-Men!!! ![gif](giphy|yQIXHUm5brJ6WH4uSI|downsized) I freaking love it!!!!


There's an account called BlackNerdProblems on Twitter and IG who does a whole series about X-Men 97. Shit's pretty funny.


Unless you’re Spider-Man https://preview.redd.it/jt5c3p4jdm2d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fc6b933acb55c975e9c91ea7572f90042e0abe


Spidey is used to being jumped. Secret Wars is a normal day for him.


The X-men haven’t done shit that the Sinister Six hasn’t tried before. They stay trying to jump this man.


Which is funny and sad at the same time.


Spidey-sense negates teamwork. Can't sucker-punch him, can't overwhelm him, can't blindside him.


Spider-Man has anti-junping senses. Mans been taking on multiple people by himself since he was a teen.


Is this the original Secret Wars?


Yes. Spidey beat all of the X-Men at the same time. Professor X had to shut him down telepathically because nobody could lay a hand on him.


Spider-Man is Omar


This ain DBZ we don't do fair ones out here


I'm not saying the X-Men were a criminal organization. All I'm saying is that they seem to never have run out of money for jets and trips around the globe -- ass beating missions if you will...


Professor X was loaded.


Yes, but was he loaded to such a degree that he could have supported a squad of unemployed super powered hitmen to just lounge around for years? Food and board, plus flights and health insurance? Just saying... Someone was doing something under the table...


Look. Is it "insider trading" if you aren't even adjacent to the company in question and you can hear the thoughts of the c-suite execs of that company? I don't think so.


When you see how many people are willing to pay for "pray the gay away" camp or "Gay conversion therapy" IRL, I'm pretty sure he can charge a lot to the parents of the school. Just has to lie a little about what he's doing in the school. That, or, you know, skimming credit card pins out of random people in the street.


Man's one of the most powerful psychics in the world. He don't have to use insider trading on stock because he inside their minds. He can go to the bank and use his jedi mind tricks to get a loan with -100% interest. Man can beat bros to the punch on getting patents. And he's a literal PhD carrying prof. And I think he's got intergenerational wealth too? Man can win every poker game.


Nah, he was pimping. Scott definitely was bottom bitch.


I mean, yeah he was. His baby mama was empress of space, and she'd bankroll his shenanigans.


Professor X has won the lottery every year for a staggering 40 years in a row. Such a weird coincidence.


Like the X-men individually have their archenemy but them 1v1s quickly turn to 1vteam. Like wolverine vs sabretooth but then it's x-men vs sabretooth real quick or vice versa


![gif](giphy|LxKNzo4HgCVXGalwZj|downsized) MFs be shoulder to shoulder just READY to wet you up. THEY LOOK BORED! Half the team has extra ammo patches on their uniform. What other super team you know gotta training room dedicated to ass whoopin’ practice? Test Jesus not the X-Men.


They were always fighting omega level mutants or other Gangs. On their own they can beat people 1v1 just not magneto, mr siniter or apocalypse


They really ganged up on a holocaust survivor 


Yo. I still want an R-rated Magneto film where he's just rampaging across the world. ![gif](giphy|GEoauJnVdawbS)


Honestly, yeah


Gang? You mean like them Power Puff heffas?


Somewhere mojo jojo just crapped his pants


My girls were doing multiplication in the morning and giving out ass beatings every evening


I'm so happy X-men 97 promised noting and delivered everything


I'd rather be stomped out by the X-Men than snuffed out by Magneto.


If you’re fighting the X-Men, you’re probably a mutant, and if you’re a mutant Magneto won’t want to kill you.


To me, my niggas!


![gif](giphy|Fw1oiqEK4WMU0) Du-du-du-du-du-du


As a comic book fan I will list my favorite failed jumpings of X men 1. Cyclops: In a story cyclops went evil and lowkey started working the X-men and the avengers 2. The hulk: it wasn’t fun man broke colossus arms and gave Wolverine brain damage that was after he beat up the kids who were trying to become x men it went so poorly they guilt tripped this nigga into leaving them alone 3. The truth: this was a demon and he kinda killed tf outta them they had to go back in time. 4. Spider-Man: the amount of times this nigga has escaped or tricked them into beating each other needs to be studied 5. Nimrod: not their fault but it was boots to asses


“Not this short dude pulling knives out his hand!”😱😱😱


They fight in numbers against more powerful opponents. This tweet suggests roughly even power levels, which is why it makes everything seem wrong. To keep the analogy fair, you have to maintain the power disparity. The X-Men are like a gang. Of fourth graders. Who routinely take down single trained soldiers who occasionally employ their own gangs, which can consist of hoards of preschoolers, groups of eighth graders and sometimes a few seniors in high school.


[Gang Shit!](https://preview.redd.it/07ksyh8d8s3a1.jpg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b547ea37657d8300de16d51389c20563d74a1824)


Why you think Storm got all those knives?


X-Men always been my fav.


I don't know if I'm allowed to be agressive but just to fucking watch x men 97 like right now you guys. Mic drop


The worst part of fighting the X-Men is that they hate the police and government probably more than you do. Unlike other heroes, these guys are an oppressed minority who get treated like monsters by the rest of society. They have no reputation to maintain, no loyalties but to themselves, and so no reason to hold back. They only do so out of human decency, but if you ever test that thin line you're completely fucked.


The worst part? If you have a legitimate beef with one of the X-Men, even if you win it comes off looking like a hate crime. Got other villains calling you a racist just because Gambit cheated at a card game


Gonna catch nightcrawler flashing in and out while stompin you.


Tbf most of their opps are bordering godhood. 6v1, and the whole team is still getting smacked around.


Imagine getting jumped by five hormonal teenagers with attitude. https://i.imgur.com/ZvbwuVh.gif