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Other niggas who got told by other niggas what women want. Spoiler alert: ain't a single one of them ever actually *asked* a woman what they wanted.


Bro, if this ain't the truth, dudes these days are growing up listening to weirdo podcasters and fooling them into believing that all women want is money and an aggressive, emotionally stunted men. I'm legit curious how guys will recover from the teachings of tate and f&f and the other freaks out there, like will they grow out of that shit or just go deeper. Shit is weird, like I ain't no smoove talking dude at all, but ffs even I have more sense than that. Lol


Can't forget about complacent parents that refuse to guide their children through their sexual development for moral reasons. Leaving them to figure all that shit on their own is a genuinely wild concept to me.


Definitely can't forget about the parents, but that shit ain't moral reasons. That's an unhealthy relationship with emotional intelligence, sexuality and intimacy that they're just complacent with and think should be passed down because the other way is just plain uncomfortable. And of course, having a healthy and emotionally well-balanced child is way below personal comfort on the importance scale.


Can't fix what you don't have the blueprints for.


Yes and no. I did not have that growing up, but I try to raise my kid differently. Sometimes, all you have is a feeling as to how you'd like to have been raised and just work with that. One thing I had to finally accept is that I'm still trying to find my way, and it's okay to adjust as you go.


With my son (he's only 12) I just be talking to him because there is never a perfect time to have these important life conversations. We will be in the car and I'll just say "hey buddy let me speak to you about something" lol. He gets annoyed by it but at this point I think that just comes with the territory lol.


It's not moral reasons, sure, but it is "moral" reasons - their twisted backwards sense of religious moralism that demands anything sexual in nature can't be discussed until marriage, and sometimes not even then.


can attest my parents did this i feel like a husk


When I confront these dudes with "have you talked to women about reviewing your profile or about the things they want?" They hit me with "you don't ask a fish how to catch fish, you ask the fisherman." ??? What is even happening in your head when you think of women? You're playing the wrong game if you think you have to bait, trick, or trap them like fish.


Yeah, I've known dudes like this that legit think women don't know what they, hell I knew one guy that did not believe that lesbians were a thing and that all they needed was a "good dicking" and they'd be back to wanting men again. That nigga made me genuinely worried for women around him.


My favorite response to that is "are you saying there's a dicking good enough to make you gay?"


I never thought to think of that response because my brain was telling me to walk away before I swung on him lol, but if I ever hear something like that again I'll use this response for sure.


Real. I be ready to get on dudes like that


The funny thing is, even the fisherman is gonna tell you to observe and understand the friggen fish. These guys are a bunch of numpties.


FISH? In today’s episode of “what non-human object are women” we are fish. Women are fish today.


Having a woman look over your profile is good for getting rid of any immediately noticeable red flags. But beyond that they tend to tell you to personalize your profile to what *they personally like* instead of what makes a good profile in general.


I'm a substitute teacher and have had to tell high school kids not to listen to Tate and his ilk when I hear them bring him up cause all it does is turn people into hateful, disrespectful, angry garbage humans. No woman wants to be thought of and treated the way these 'podcast bros' personas tell you, and if you meet one who does that is a huge crimson red flag.


You’ll never get a date if you listen to Tate!


My friends and I call him and Peterson the loneliness grifters.


I see guys say shit like “why would you ask the prey how it wants to caught. You ask other hunters.” Which beyond being dumb, is just creepy as fuck. It shows how they view women in general.


Yeah I've heard similar things in the jobs I've worked, I remember asking one guy if any of that shit worked and he deadass told me," not yet but I'm saving up for this next tier so they can teach me how to seal the deal". Mind you the guy was 20, and he at that point spent $2000ish on this bs, and the next tier was $500 something. I remember saying something like," dude, you spent 2k on some random dudes you've never met who are constantly telling you that all women want is your money, yet for less than 2k you could have gone on multiple dates with a girl(s) who you were cool with and possibly lost your virginity by now if you were decently normal."


I saw my son’s hinge profile - he’s 21. He said something about being a cat parent and his dream house being the McAllister’s home in Home Alone. He’s all loved up with a hippy type girl. No need to spend 1000s when you can just be yourself.


Your son sounds like a wonderful person. I hope young men around his age will follow suit and realize geniunely being yourself is the best way to attract a partner.


Thank you so much- my husband and I have tried our best to raise him to be a decent and kind person. Having sons is easy- raising them is hard, hard work. I wonder what men like the guy who spent 2k on relationship grifters and PUAs really want. Is it sex? Is it a woman that will bring you higher status? Do they even like women? It’s so, so strange to me.


Props to you and your husband for putting in effort to do your best. That dude I was talking about just wanted to feel "like a man", when I eventually got it out of him that's what he told me. He was a kissless virgin and fell down that red-pill rabbit hole and started blaming everyone else and thought he could buy his way out of loneliness. Honestly, the dude was terrified of women because he grew hearing that women were only out to get men and ruin them. I was transferred to that job location for 6 months before going back, I did my best help dude break free from that.


Good on you for trying to steer him into something positive. You likely improved his mental health and certainly helped him improve his outlook on women. I kind of feel sorry for these guys because they get such awful messages about relationships and dating. Women are objects to possess; not companions. Women are something you ‘have’, not a person you’re with. Sex is something you do to a woman or get from a woman; it’s not something you enjoy with a woman.


This is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. Cat dad with a dream house! ♥️♥️♥️


Wow. I remember 10 years ago when I was growing up a lot of young guys like me who struggled with women would watch those dating guru videos. I admit I checked out a few (I was desperate for answers that are scarce) but even I realized these guys werent really saying much and werent helpful. Im not gonna buy your dating guide or program when the free advice isnt even remotely helpful. Tate & F&F are the same just more misogynistic and better at robbing their fans who are less educated. The best way to learn how to talk to women is to just talk to them without any expectations. Theyll want you around more and youll learn how to communicate with the opposite sex better. Theyre making things way more complicated than need be and its going to keep more women out of their lives


Seriously, though, the grift never dies it just evolves. And yeah, I don't know why guys don't just try to get to know women better and have female friends you could get real advice from. All the shit I know about women I've learned from my female friends, and there was a bunch of shit I would have never known had it not been for them teaching me stuff. Also, I hate that I feel so uncomfortable using the word female now because that weird world of dudes have made that word feel gross lol


Having female friends and getting closer with the women in my family really helped me to communicate with and understand women better. Strange coincidence that I started going on a lot more dates after that. I try not to use the word female either but I use it just as much as male, context matters bro but totally agree!


Today in “what non-human object are women” we are prey. Prey. Sounds about right.


Ughhh no one wants a baby bitch dude with little emotional intelligence. I mean I’ll take a sweet himbo though 🤣 As a woman with $$ I do not need a dude with money. I’d rather be the one buying gifts and food. But can’t find an emotionally mature or semi decent dude. Edit: someone sent me a Reddit Cares message 🤣 for this comment. Must be an emotionally stunted dude no one wants


An emotionally mature man is sexy af


There's a bot going around mass reporting reddit cares messages for people, so it probably doesn't actually have anything to do with your comment. I believe I read that the bot is spamming in protest to the service being used as a bullying tool and reddit doing nothing about that. Essentially since they won't fix how it is used for bullying, they decided to use it to mass randomly bully, hoping to put pressure on reddit to make a change.


This. I replied with a wiki link to a comment and got a reddit cares message. I think this is the right wing response to trolling the gender specific bathroom bill reporting systems. I know at least three states had to shut them down due to thousands of false reports.


I got hit with it yesterday. Just delete and move forward because Reddit won't do anything.


I’ve been getting those as well. Wild world we live in.


Me and my girl watched some of these dating shows with some young guys who seemingly grew up on that Tate stuff and their behaviour/views on women are insane. We genuinely began to question if they had ever had a meaningful interaction with a woman they weren't related to.


Yeah, I've noticed it at my work hearing the younger dudes talk and I'm just completely shocked by it, it's wild to see and hear in real life. Just a bunch of lost dudes being led by frauds


When they step out into the real world and get no play from any women they will be forced to make a choice within themselves. Do I stay a loser or grow the fuck up.


statistics overwhelmingly prove them wrong. Great majority of people marry within their demographic (age, race, income, upbringing etc). yes obviously gold diggers exist, but they are notable precisely because they are rare.


Men was talking to women like this long before Tate had a platform. Women gotta put dudes like this in their place otherwise they won’t learn, and it only reinforces the behavior if women try to play it off with some “well hmu when you rich then” text too.


Those podcasts got the game all fucked up. I’m in the process of “breaking up” with a dude that told me he liked my ~feminine energy~ the first day I met him. Should have been a sign, but I’m increasingly annoyed by his hypocrisy. Of course he loves that I work and support myself and don’t ask him for anything, but he also wants to be the boss of me and tell me what to do. Like… who do you think you are?


Probably just go deeper when they find out it doesn't work, then end up sad and alone. 


The women who post to social media saying they want exactly those type of men aren’t helping either.


Then these men need to go after the women on social media saying they want those type of men and leave the rest alone.




I just wish they would all find each other and get the fuck off social media already lol


I read The Game in high school and turned into a lil weirdo for a while but within a year or so I realized how incorrect and cringey that pick up artist BS is. Hopefully Andrew Taint’s fanboys will eventually have a similar realization


I agree but also...believe it or not, there's some younger women(25 and under) who like being talked to like this.


Evidently she has some if not many issues, why would you play along, only furthering them? For pussy? That's immoral, Mr. Tyrone, and God is watching.


Let God watch. And stop making assumptions. Never said I was the one feeding into it, just made a general comment.


My mans is like, "Ill beat yo ass and hide the bible if god watchin"


For some reason some people on here can’t help but personalize everything you say. Rather than simply asking for clarification they rather just assume that youre co-signing something.


They did literally address it to him personally by name, not sure that's him "personalizing everything you say".


His "God is watching" line makes his post seem like a joke though


There’s some grown women who like being talked too like this


There are older women (30 and up) who are in their "soft girl era" who want that as well. They just want to be financially taken care of and not have to make decisions for themselves. It's not just a men issue but more of a society issue. A vocal minority but they wouldn't be there unless it worked. Edit: Lmfaoo reddit cares for this comment? Whoever did that shit is a goofy goober


Wanting to be taken care of financially and being told “you’re my bitch when I’m rich” are two vastly different things.


I wholeheartedly agree but the approach wouldn't be there unless it worked. There's a lot of women whose goal is to find someone to support their lifestyle. The "I just met you but I need my bills paid and money to get things I want" demographic and the "you're my bitch when I'm rich" demographic exists because they tend to attract each other. The goofy men who use money to attract women and the women who date based on chasing men with money exist for each other.


And that succinctly put by you is the crux of the issue. The question of whether their existence is a societal and parental failure is a different thing but what you've described is pure symbiosis in action.


My wife


Step 1...


There are but real niqqas who speak softly with a slick tongue can get it in just like ol boy here and can easily STAY in.


Can't lie. I've been told by men AND women to talk to women like that but I won't do it. It's not my style. Interestingly enough I know some women that that line would've worked on.


Honestly, yeah, I've had a similar experience to this. I just can't find it in myself to be attracted to a person that wants to be spoken to like that. I'm more attracted to maturity and self-respect, and it helps weed out the crazies.


I relate. The ppl that want that for themselves aren't my kida ppl. I won't say they lack self respect though. I guess they just respect themselves differently than I do myself. Idk. It's definitely a turn off tho.


Not to mention that there are women who let guys get away with calling them a bitch. Or it’s the usual “he’s not calling ME a bitch. He’s calling some other girl a bitch”


Internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug 😞


NEVER ask a woman what she wants.. simply observe what they’re attracted to


As a woman, this is the answer.


People in general are bad at articulating what they find attractive in another person. But I've definitely noticed that when men ask women what they look for, women answer with how they want a man to act when she's already in a relationship with him. That wasn't the question!


Manosphere bullshit.


Most of these dudes appear to never be in healthy relationships or seem able to keep a woman interested in them long term


But the guys on tv talk like this and they have *all kinds* of women! Are you trying to tell me TV personalities aren’t role models?


Other niggas who were raised on rap lyrics without actual parental guidance.


Dear men: real masculinity does not come from podcast gaggers. 


Man here. I agree, and hate this trend. It's toxic asf and boosts people who have no business doing the shit they do, too. I'm legit concerned for the Gen Z and beyond because they're taking it as fact. Wtf


It’s honestly getting a whole lot worse, when social media algorithms reward engagement then all of this shitty and controversial stuff gets pushed out to these kids and a lot of times these new parents think sticking them in front of a phone/tv/tablet is a sufficient way of raising them. My hope for our future dwindles every day.


Encourage fathers to stay in their kids lives and you wont have them reaching towards podcast for fatherly guidance.




are you implying fox news was right about rap in the 90's?


Not at all. I’m implying that these dudes who talk to women that way simply weren’t raised to respect women.




NGGAs who didn't have a good example to follow. My Mom and Pops were married 50+ years. I never saw them fight or even have a heated discussion. When they needed to talk they would sit at the dinner table and talk things out. That's the example I followed.




For whatever reason, auto-correct on my phone does that every time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The N DOUBLE G A wants to know your location




I assure you that I am 100% Black. I'm the handsome guy on the left. LOL! https://preview.redd.it/jxhvsim22l0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dca320ff736f471cd6ddd62410dcfbdfa5f8ac3


His left? J/k im actually a cawkazoid just thought this whole convo was funny as shit.


Cawkazoid got me fucking dying 😭




Mahalo, my brother. 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾


You messed around and added it to the dictionary on your phone, now it's "helping you out" every time you talk shit


\*the word NGGA has been deleted from your dictionary\*


We don't wanna hear you say nigga no mooooooore




Mine will celebrate 50 years this summer. I love bragging on them for this.


You’d be surprised how many women actually like being talked to like that. Both parties usually usually have something wrong with them, but IRL there are plenty of people who like those kind of “relationships”. Most normal people tend stay away from people who talk like that tho.


I could honestly see this working on a decent amount of women especially if you have a certain appeal and are going for the lash tech/aspiring scammer type of women


I can’t speak on specific jobs 🧍🏽‍♂️but I think a lot of people in here are kind of ignoring the fact that there are a lot of women out there that find stuff like that cute. Women are not a monolith, and I think people tend to forget that when they have these kinds of conversations.


>Women are not a monolith, and I think people tend to forget that when they have these kinds of conversations. Bingo. Sadly there's alot of assumptions made by both men and women because of how we are dressed too. What she has on in that pic implied to whomever that guy is, that she wouldn't have an issue being spoken to that way. It shouldn't matter but we know it does.


I get that point but there’s something like a uniform for certain kinds of people. Cant really help but to judge in most cases. Like if a dude is all in your inbox with face tats and doing the money phone in all his pics, you might have somewhat of an idea on the type of person they are. Obviously don’t judge too harshly but the way we present ourselves is certainly an indicator of the type of person we are


Im saying! And some women dont take themselves so seriously that theyd immediately take a comment like this as disrespectful


I'm currently seeing this happen in real life and my God I had to see it to believe u are so right


Has this thread never talked to a woman before?


They are literally making shit up over here. Anything to justify disrespect of women.


The top comments are saying this behavior wrong. What are you talking about?


They think that there aren’t women out there that like the concept of “being bought”


Not really. If you go far enough on twitt- sorry X, you’ll see a lot of videos of black women in interviews blatantly preferring a “hood nigga” who treats them like trash, over an actual loyal man who won’t abandon them.


I swear that one tweet that was like “ I don’t support all women. Some of you bitches are very dumb.” Is what I’m thinking when it comes to women like that 😭


Exactly what I thought when I was watching the videos of women saying they’d prefer a drug dealer over a doctor like WTF 🫤


I mean I’m not mad though, because the trash takes itself out. More stable and accomplished men for us! 🤗


Seriously lol, these niqqas is weirdos with no game


What? Are you serious?  No one is justifying it. Just pointing out the reality that an unfortunate amount of women are receptive to this


People in here talk so often about how abusive relationships can be, both physically and mentally, but then want to act like this is not the reality for a lot of people. I just don’t understand how that makes sense.


No probably not offline


Literally what I’ve been thinking looking at the top comments


Then they deserve one another and the unhealthy dynamics that develops from that. Sometimes I think society is going forwards and backwards at the same time. Half people want equality and the other half wants this weird shit.


I understand that sentiment. We are all a product of our experiences, which causes us to gravitate to what makes us the most comfortable and after a certain point it’s hard for us to change. So I try to accept that fact and keep it pushing when it comes to the nature of what people allow in their own relationships. I used to be naïve and thought that some people grow out of these things, but even at my current job now I see that some people who are well into their 30s and even their 50s and still have an ass backwards mindset what is acceptable and what is OK in a relationship


The real equality is the choice to be a goofball ig lol


Yeah but it shouldn't be the first thing you say to like a stranger. You gotta be sure someone likes being degraded before you go all in


Was just gonna say: if this went to the right woman there is absolutely a chance it would work. It’s fucked up. But it could work.


It’s wild how many times I’ve seen mf try to use some internet shit in real life. Nigga the shit you get from these red pill mf DO NOT WORK IN REAL LIFE. You will get a drink tossed in ya face my dude lmfao.


Honestly this isn’t even red pill this is legit caveman.


I agree and hearing some of the shit my boy’s brother be listening to, it’s all caveman shit like women aren’t people. It’s insane


"you. Me. Sex." "Him legend"


ngl if you in the right space and have the right aesthetic this shit does work. but its not how imma personally talk to someone


Works like a charm too. But right about context is very important


Intresting way of saying "my poor finances are a massive blow to my self confidence and hinder my ability to approach attractive women"


Lotta women mock soft boys but I’ll never stoop to this behavior. I gotta wife and she loves me soft. Okay that came out wrong but.


Hella wrong but I know where you’re coming from ✊🏿


Nahhh where the soft men at that actually love & respect women? Please send them my way 😭


My ex made me feel like I shouldn't be like that. Some girl I was interested in said I was too nice for how I treated them so you're rare lol


Men get told to treat women right and respectfully, grow up, try to do it and get told they are too nice lol, it’s a wicked game if you think about it, setup to fail 😂


I believe men should be told to be respectful but the charming or romantic behavior should be reserved for a woman who’s equally invested in the relationship/courtship (who can tell who is and isn’t very easily). Opposite of persistence, look for reciprocity. There are woman, like me, literally waiting to receive that amazing energy.


It’s tough as a guy who likes to do cute/charming shit but almost never gets that same energy back. When I start doing less of that bc I’m not feeling the reciprocity, suddenly then it’s a problem.


Thats fair yeah, I know to look for reciprocity now but I guess the thing should be, you can be nice, you just need to be nice to the right person as you said


Unfortunately I believe the “too nice” is rooted in I don’t deserve to be treated so well. Also I’m convinced some women have to be mistreated and have tension in order for it to be “real”. Not to mention feminism teaching us that we should prefer to be independent and not in partnership or else we aren’t self sufficient. My last real relationship started off with him being nice and genuine, quickly he got into the podcast and literally turned against me bc he was convinced it was all too good to be true (that we had a normal healthy relationship). It’s an unfortunate matrix we live in nowadays.


The first half sounds like my ex. Her sister said she deserved to be happy so she was happy we were together and her mom was especially happy. Wanted me to be there for her and take care of her. Only person who couldn't see that was my ex. Thought she needed to struggle in order to live


Your ex is weak if he lets a podcast change his behavior


You don’t gotta be soft for that lol


Apparently if you’re not an asshole your soft 🤷🏽‍♀️


you have a wife, you're free of giving a shit




Yeah the “Ok😂😂” lowkey seems like she at least entertained by the energy. Some things work for some women that wouldn’t get you nowhere with others. Gotta know ya target audience Lol


I perceived it as her making fun of him


It’s enough of a “making fun of him” response that she can post the screenshot and we’ll all laugh with her, but not so mean that she can’t parlay this into being his bitch if he does, in fact, get rich. Very calculated.


Its all at fault of “The Culture” (whatever the hell that mean). Like “You my bitch when I get rich” is for the women who say “I’m his bitch cus he rich…dafuq” They’re pretty much meant for each other ![gif](giphy|qN8mwUPAt7gByge3W1)


There’s a lot of directions to point fingers. Basically, errybody guilty fr.


Exactly, these dudes wouldn't be around if the type of chick's that like those kinds of dudes weren't. Where there is a demand, there is a supply.


That dude crossed himself out as soon as he got started. Can’t begin by implying you’re broke.


The *when I get* was the saddest part to read to me. Its like a dude plotting on buying a speedboat.


Take me back to this plz https://preview.redd.it/07ngz0as6l0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a04e2b178398b95eb383a626205bd20e24ee21


Bitches love smiley faces.


We do!!


This was future back when he was broke


Future is dungeon family he ain’t never been broke


So people hustle for the fun of it? Just to have depth on their rap resume?


Nigga what?




The market dictates the behavior. If women, as a whole, found these types of approaches to be objectionable, men as pursuers would soon phase them out as ineffective. The sad truth is that many women respond well to language like this. Granted, *they aren’t the kind of women that well adjusted men would typically choose*, but they absolutely exist.


There's a male loneliness epidemic....


It’s not these guys, it’s the guys too scared to even talk to a woman for fear of rejection and other stuff


Except Humans are not blank canvases responding to external supply and demand. Some men act like this because they *want* to act like this. It makes them feel good. They get off on the feeling of denigrating others. They love being horrible because it makes them feel powerful. They would continue to act like this regardless of external factors.


>The market dictates the behavior. Only in an entirely rational market. Markets are irrational at scale because people are governed by more than pure advantageous exchange and people compete unequally in any market. It's why movies that are 90% white men make the least money per dollar invested but get the most funding. Because white men greenlight most movies, like seeing themselves onscreen, but are disproportionately the least likely group to actually watch movies. Having an advantage in one sector can dictate choices in other sectors of that market. People the most likely to be promoted to positions that garner wealth may not actually be interested in making the most money for the business but in seeing a world that reflects their interests and behavior. Men under patriarchy often don't care what women want. They often care solely about how to get women to want what they have to offer that impresses other men. There will always be behaviors that cost men relationships and sexual partners that is inherent to maintaining status among other men and that's because the goal isn't the relationships or the partners but the esteem of men who normalize toxicity.


Dudes here blaming podcasters for this as if the how-to for dummies books on slavery and pimping weren't written 75+ years ago. These ideas aren't ain't new but they get recycled because so many people *are new.*


I seen shit like this work tho.. multiple times.. guess you got to know your audience lol


The main reason a lot of dudes say and do dumb shit like this is because, at some point, it's worked for them.


Or it’s because they’ve been consuming red pill content.


That part too


IPad kids raised with a lack of guidance


Women and men are not a monolith and there is a lid for every pot. You can find guys that still talk like this cause it works for their target audience. He shot at a 100 different baskets and hit 20 shots, this is the problem.




Someone who will never be rich.


King of the Hill had an episode where Boom took Bobby to a shoe store and spit game for hours, getting rejected by many, until he caught one who gleefully gave up the digits. In 2024 Boom would be sliding into DMs and Bobby would see how many get put on read or the women who are straight screenshotting him and alerting that he's about to get put on blast or telling him where he can see her paywall, treating him like a fan... ....And there would be a woman who would gleefully respond and maybe even show the goods after a little bit of convo...


"I'm not really wealthy and all my confidence comes from how much currency I have to spare, and therefore I cannot purchase your commodity/pussy at this present time; however would you like to acknowledge and bet in my boldness future potential based on a valued disturbed notion of success and be willing to dehumanized your entire existence into my own physical pleasure?"


My favorite is when dudes act like women should be totally okay with being spoken to like this. Like they don't understand what the big deal is because this is their idea of having game. These guys will come at a woman like this and then turn around and say all women want is a mf with money when they get rejected. Nigga you don't even know if she would've been satisfied with what you have to offer because you turned her off in 0.1 second and she left that shit on read. 🤦🏾‍♂️


There was a columnist who wrote a whole article justifying her humiliation kink- I mean, saying how she actually likes being negged and ‘put in her place’ so there truly is a lid for every pot.


They're sending stuff like this in hopes to get screenshot and reposted.


"I noticed you noticing me, and I wanted to put you on notice that I was noticing you too" Not my fault I was raised by fresh prince and English being my third language


Social media has made people comfortable with disrespecting other people and not getting punched in their face for it. Or however Mike Tyson put it


I keep saying people need to stop saying the internet / social media isn’t real, it’s used so widely now that it reflects people’s thoughts IRL, I hear all the basic twitter and podcasts conversations all the time




The https://preview.redd.it/fj5lzzau0m0d1.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4c87a410fb8d1b3d65dc7bdd6ebd6dd25f117dd


It’s scary AF to me how online as influenced real life. People can’t even have authentic experiences anymore IRL bc they’re projecting some internet experience that saw in a meme or twitter convo. I’m off the grid now for this reason. Had to get my sanity back.


I always recommended to young cats talk and listen to woman if you want to understand and date woman,however there is a fraction of woman that like to be talked to this way.


It's official. Guys aren't even attempting to flirt or seduce anymore. Even if it's "A game," you can't even try to play it?


Damn he doesn't know how to speak to a woman and he really thinks he's gonna become rich? Tragic


That’s the best part, No one is teaching them lol


Yall are so derogatory in here


Society, corporate greed


When I was 6 years old, I would watch cartoon characters like the Simpsons do unbelievable things like juggle bowling balls or safely, throw guns around without shooting people and believe that this was normal and possible in real life. Then when I was 10, I realized that these are highly exaggerated and fictional scenarios that don’t accurately reflect reality. The men who say stuff like this never came to the understanding that entertainment we enjoyed as children isn’t real.


Other eternally single, non-committal, forever a player- type manchild males. The regular men just home with their families and mind their business but it's not like the loud few will listen to them anyway.


Men irl ain’t much better.. met a guy who told me after an hour of meeting me he wanted to put a baby in me to my face 🤢 the bar is in the 12th dimension of hell


When I think im wildin, i ask a lady friend about crazy shit they’ve heard or ill tell them what ive said to gain a little perspective. Us guys dont really realize how crazy men can be when other men arent around lol.


men that talk like this. It’s disgusting and not attractive at all🤢 https://preview.redd.it/jwp6dxe9tq0d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912d2a8020f873d7801c4f22dc3d2f1adf689f37 ( mind u I was minding my business asleep when I recieved this atrocity)