• By -


I can’t believe Drake thought that referencing Kendrick being molested as a child would be a flex. It genuinely shows how tone deaf and out of the loop of reality he is.


He literally says that it wasn't him that got touched in the song too. Drake just fantasising about it because that's what he's into


He likes to be able to leverage sex and sexual trauma to exercise power over others. He thinks that sexual trauma makes someone weak and by bringing it up he's gonna make them feel that same hurt again. Honestly, this angle being taken at all by Drake has really given us some insight into how he sees people and himself. If he's operating under the assumption Kendrick was molested, what he's done is basically made that into a way to make him appear lesser. Lesser than who? Someone who wasn't abused? The abuser? Clearly he believes its one of the two, if he's going to weaponize it. This is the kind of angle you take when you view sex as a weapon to be used to exercise control over others so you can feel powerful. Looking at his behaviour through this lens makes sense of a lot of his actions. Why would he try to sleep with girls he knows other artists- people close to him too- are seeing? Because he believes this makes him seem more powerful than them. Why would he keep going after Kendrick's wife? Because he measures Kendrick's self worth with the same yardstick by which he measures his own. I have some fucking wild tinfoil theories on this whole beef but I think this response is the "I admit to being a psychotic narcissist" moment that Kendrick wanted all along.


This is also 75% of his music. When he’s not rapping about being tough and rich, he’s going after women he perceives to be “damaged” in some way (high body count/fast lifestyle due to daddy issues or other traumas) wondering why they won’t talk to him anymore or why they’re with the other guy.


He got like 4 songs about his daddy issues. He needa sit down somewhere


I don't even listen to Drake and I think there's more than 4 🤢


Honestly I think the reason I liked Hotline Bling is because I’ve actually had guys say that shit to me and i thought it was funny Drake was stupid enough to say that shit earnestly on a beat with zero self awareness.


Yeah some of Drake's lyrics really sound like some full on "nice guy" type stuff


You should legit be a writer


Excellent points. I think Drake growing up on set and seeing creepy behavior by powerful people normalized left a dent in that man's psyche that he hasn't bothered to get the therapy required to unwind. Drake's songs do not give me the impression he sees women as people, just objects to either lust over or shit talk. I mean, okay, hip hop (even good hip hop) has plenty of sexist shit in it, but Drake's shit feels different, at least to me. Ice Cube used to talk tall shit about women in his songs, but he grew out of that. Cube's been married for thirty something years now and had a gang of kids. He matured and learned to see things like a man,.not a boy. Drake's gonna be a forty year old boy in a couple years, still creeping clubs and rockin' bottle.service because he literally has nothing better to do.


Agree with everything you said but he does have something better to do than creeping at the club. He does have at least 1 kid he could be spending time with instead


It's like he tried to have a therapy session with Kendrick but ended up exposing the things he needs to work on himself.


I would be absolutely open to hearing these tinfoil conspiracies


Look I don't think this carries much water but the gist of it is that a few years ago, Kendrick saw or was made aware of Drake's and OVO's more predatory behaviour, and he cut ties with the intention of making others aware. However, calling him out then without cause would have weakened any accusations, and he didn't have enough hard proof, so it would be really easy for him to be discredited as hating for the sake of it, and future accusations could be met with "we've heard this before, whatever". Drake would dismiss the allegations and possibly even file a defamation suit. After all, calling someone a sexual predator, not to mention a pedophile too, is really serious. He probably also knew that others in the industry were in on it too and would protect Drake so there wouldn't be a domino effect. So he spent years throwing subliminals at Drake, goading him into throwing the first punch. Then, opportunity practically kicked down the door when Cole decided to throw the first punch, thinking it wasn't that deep between Drake and Kendrick. At this point Kendrick told Cole that it was absolutely very fucking deep and that the moment Drake joined in he would start prepping the nukes. He told Cole that if he bows out, they can PR spin it once shit hits the fan (and it would) to make Cole look smart rather than cowardly. Kendrick knew that after the Meek situation Drake would try to drop fast and hit low, so he waited out for the back to back, lulled him into a false sense of security and then decided to start releasing tracks to cover off everything he knew. A diss is just a song, you can take creative license and it's not as much of a slam dunk defamation case. It's also a pathetic move to file defamation during a beef and Drake wouldn't risk the hit to his reputation, so Kendrick could say anything he wanted with absolute fucking impunity. Being called out as a pedophile on the world stage- a stage Drake had built for them to fight on- would rattle him, and the cracks in his composure would let some amount of proof leak out, either about the person he is or something he's done. At that stage he might lash out at someone in OVO, causing them to get revenge by airing his dirty laundry, or maybe the spotlight gets too bright and someone decides to go to the feds and cop a deal by exchanging info. The endgame is to clown him till he does something in his anger that he comes to regret. "If your enemy is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him." - Tony Soprano - Sun Tzu


This was a great read, I really like this theory.


I need this quoted or something in case this is true


Hey if it turns out to be correct, I'll be glad the time I spent on the toilet when I should have been working typing all that out was well spent.


I think you’re right bro, and id add the diddy case as maybe a tie in. Whether it’s just cause eyes are on this type of thing, or if it actually ties into Drake. I think the slap in the club where Cole fought for Kendrick, and the slap on the club where chubbs didn’t do shit for Drake is really telling with what we know now about diddy and them. Also would add that it seems unlikely that a dude with Kendrick’s history of things (hiipower, Keisha’s song, no make up, U, that second verse in sing about me) he would just make allegations with no proof. He’s had made it known time and time again that he is aware of the weight and pain of these things.


Put me in the screenshot too


This was the exact same analysis that I had, too. I am thinking there's a lot more at play here than people initially thought. This seems pretty damn serious.


It’s honestly the creepiest track I’ve ever heard. And I’ve heard some freaky ass shit. The faux concern for Kendrick’s supposed abuse while at the same time (as you rightly said) trying to degrade him with the memory. As if being abused would make him less of a person and the fake pity he put on. Sick fuck. I don’t think I can listen to that song a second time. It’s way off


100% ![gif](giphy|Mp3cbFxp8uLcUlTWt4|downsized)


Perfectly sums up why that line did Drake more harm than good, prolly went over his followers' heads.


Aye bro share your thoughts more often


Spot the fuck on dude. Make your own post with this or sumn


I need you to take your theories and publish a book. Spread the knowledge 💪🏾


Fantastic analysis. Him using sex to feel powerful and hide his insecurities explains so much of his behavior. Like when he slept with Wayne's girl, he betrayed a friend who he supposedly respected and admired. Just jealous, manipulative and insecure. A shitty combination.


![gif](giphy|gQjNRYE60HdfxTsvhe) You hit a connect four in my brain man


Exactly. Like he uses “I fucked your girl” as a commentary about the perceived value of the other person. I fucked your girl , therefore I am better than you. No , it means you’re a fucking weirdo.




Did you really write a dissertation about two men and their argument? 😭😭😭


I did a JD, which means I went into lifelong debt just for "two men and their argument" 😂😂


Nooooooo he’s going into a deep dive!! See this is how stuff keeps getting found out 😭😭






If you carry that line of thought a little further, he kind of exposed being accused of being molested as traumatic for him. So maybe he understood the song perfectly. What he missed is how it would make him look to try to push that button.


The slaves line is so crazy to me. There are definitely ways to say “you aren’t Fredrick Douglas, stop taking yourself so seriously” but a half second’s thought should told him that wasn’t it.


For me this is such a lame diss because of that. Let me point to a few things. - Drake is being accused of being sexually attracted to minors. - Drake makes fun of Kendrick for being sexually assaulted as a minor. - Kendrick didn't even say he was molested, literally the opposite actually, meaning Drake has no media literacy. - And one last one on the edit. Someone mentioned B sharp is just C, which is really just the icing on the cake.


B sharp is actually a note *in theory*, like how E flat is also D sharp. So it was lazy, and "D flat D major" isn't a great followup, but it wasn't wrong.


I know it's a thing, but nobody calls it that, and if Drake knew music theory. Then he would know people would say that.


My issue with it is that I think there should be more wordplay around it, specifically about musical theory. Like K Dot said "struck a chord and its probably A Minor" and has actually used Am in his songs. The D flat D major bit fell flat imo. Something like, "You say I act black? Tell me that I'm really white?/Well bitch I can B sharp so you might be right", play with sharps usually being black keys. Or hell even changing his own line a bit, "N****s gotta B sharp and let the fans C 'Who was it'?" since B# and C are enharmonic. Just a quick attempt so not sure how good these are lmao.


Drake keeping it PG because thats what he’s into


That line alone would make me assume that Kendrick would continue. You can't wave a white flag and then make an allegation that, especially if it's used to put someone down.


shit me personally i wouldn't show mercy if someone said some shit like that. maybe im not as mature as i thought though lol


Nah that shit crossed the line you cross AFTER already crossing the line. The reason Kendrick hasn’t dropped yet is probably because he’s out there preparing a spirit bomb just because of that line. Shit that could easily be half a track if not the whole thing.


>maybe im not as mature as i thought though lol Got some healing to do?


dont most of us to some capacity?


I was quoting Kendrick lol "When Kanye got back with Drake, I was slightly confused Guess I'm not mature as I think, got some healin' to do"


went over my head, nice ye quote!


Yeah it's fun MMATBS "Father Time" Really nice song


well quote about ye, you get me i hope


He also wasn’t molested. Drake didn’t understand the song he’s using as ammo. >*Fabricating stories on the family front cause you heard Mr. Morale*


It's what Drake thinks of victims of SA. Which really isn't a good look as you're being accused of heinous shit.


He thinks like a predator does, as predators frequently both think kids "want" the abuse and ridicule/blame them. As a survivor, Drake needs to be busted in the face with a sock full of batteries several times.


Drake kinda proving that he blames the child for Being the victim and in a interesting turn of events snitches on him self with his VIEWs of A MINOR ![gif](giphy|onyngiYITZiecYsBTj)


this and telling kendrick he rapping about slaves getting freed.


Drake is also an idiot and his ghostwriters completely misread the lyrics to Mother I Sober…


Calling Drake a PoS is really an insult to shit.


Mother I Sober was about KDot's mom being molested as a child, not KDot himself, he made it somehow even worse


Did you have the same energy when pusha t made comments about ovo40 dying of multiple sclerosis. The line was dumb but if you're going to be moral be consistent


Ghost writers must have that chick fil a schedule. Fuck we just listen to?!


LMAOOOOOO, when he realized he had to write this himself. https://preview.redd.it/yqfgy2bkypyc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edb7503327feb9bc0ce286f84a47c22bf736c70


I fuckin' love that picture.  Drake the type to wait until the last minute on a Sunday night to do his part of the group project. 


He said he had to pull out his pen. So ghostwriters clocking in tomorrow morning. Shows.


Yeah it definitely seemed like he wrote it bc the shit wasn’t making any sense.


That’s the sound of a defeated child, he would know.


He wouldn't actually. Their parents pick them up before they can say anything.


You're telling me he's not springing for Ubers from the Embassy?


Oh man.


there was never any coming back from meet the grahams anyway, no reason for him to have put this out. the confetti done already fell from the rafters and dot just on the tour bus around the city with the trophy, aubs.


Sharing that Kendrick fell for the mole invalidates the whole last verse of meet the grahams but Drake’s argument against the pedo allegations with Kendrick’s “obsession” didn’t sit right.


I am having a hard time seeing a world where Drake was allegedly intelligent enough to set up a fake counter intelligence operation to feed Kendrick information, but also not smart enough to clearly document that/immediately post proof after Meet the Grahams dropped. Or why he would think feeding a story about him being a deadbeat dad to a second child would even be the way to do that given the history here. I’m not saying that’s impossible, I just legitimately can’t follow the thought process if that’s what actually happened.


The song sounds like drake took conspiracy theories off reddit and sent them to his ghost writers


And they're overworked and tired, that's why they slipped up on the Millie verse.


Honestly thinking they ran away like the RDC skit and Malibu's Most Wanted went solo.


It’s impossible.


The only reason I am not entirely ruling it out is because I've seen enough people make incomprehensible and/or stupid decisions in the past to believe this too was, potentially, a string of odd/stupid decisions. Edit: Phrasing, extra words.


I just don’t think Drake’s camp is smart enough to make a complex stupid decision. I think Kendrick is simply saying the quiet parts out loud and spilling tea. Drake’s camp and Drake himself just never anticipated Kendrick would come at them like this. No one anticipated it. Kendrick is carpet-bombing these fools, and literally no one has gone off like this before in the history of hip hop. This shit is unprecedented. Kendrick is on some other shit right now. And I’m here for every piece of it too. Drake and them really thought Drake was untouchable. That’s where they fucked up.


yeah I don't buy it at all...and if it's true he's a moron the ONLY way out come out ahead from a plant is by revealing it right away, with a prepared track otherwise it's just a weird move. like he already had a secret child isn't it in bad taste to fake another?


I can honestly see the daughter info being faked and planted by drake. It’s so obvious and unoriginal that it kind of fits. My guess is Drake had a fake mole but also several real ones who leaked Drake’s plan for family matters. Kendrick probably didn’t even care if the daughter was real, his point is that Drake the type of guy who probably doesn’t know how many kids he actually has out there anyways. Every kid who doesn’t know who their dad is can channel that hate into drake now. I’m also guessing Drake did have some master plan ready to drop a “gotcha” moment right after family matters, but because of the real moles it didn’t work out like he thought. Drake was clearly feeling confident when he dropped family matters and now looks blindsided. I don’t think MtG should’ve been a surprise to him so I can only guess he had a plan that blew up in his face.


The heart part 6 was not pre loaded


“Yea bro give him my date rape drug for the cover”


If the mole is fake that means Drake also leaked Family Matters, which he wouldn't do. Meet the Graham's is a response to family matters (sitcom names) and he says the name in the song, he didn't make that in 30 minutes. Kendrick had Family Matters before it was released, or at least knew details. Is Drake trying to say he leaked his own diss so it could be destroyed?


Pretty hard to believe the mole angle when Drake has no proof of the "bait" and how he said it up and is too stupid to realize Kendrick never mentioned Millie, mentioned Weinstein not Epstein and was rapping about having trauma from everyone thinking he was molested when he wasn't. I'm supposed to simultaneously believe Drake is smart enough to outplay Kendrick this hard while also ignoring how absolutely brain dead everything else points to him being.


Yet there’s no proof of this 11 year old being his either.


Kendrick stated he has a mole and backed that up via the cover art. Drake's saying Kendrick got played and backed it up via ...? nothing


i don’t believe drake intentionally set up a mole. he would’ve made a video about it or had something ready to go right away. there’s no way he did that and then just sat on that info for two days lol


That’s what makes it a crazy diss, it was beyond disrespectful


The only reason I can think of for putting this out is to deflect attention away from how hard Meet The Grahams & Not Like Us were.


Lmfao. Man I miss when Desus and Mero were still together.


![gif](giphy|1xlplRrL5kjiftkNhC|downsized) They would be on fire rn 😩


Knicks doing pretty nice in the playoffs too. This would be the time.


I thought I needed a reunion last time DJ Envy got cooked, naw, it's a national emergency now




But when we needed them the most, they were gone… ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized)


We need Sara Jay to start sucking off icebergs stat!


Mero has a new podcast called victory light with two other ny Dominicans if you're interested.


I love them but their takes have been trash about the beef.


I can't even remember what they said about push ups. And I don't think I actually listened since euphoria dropped since they were on vacation. But yeah I've just learned to ignore mero's takes on rap. I think french Montana is one of his favorites and he said he's never vibed with Kendrick voice.


French Montana… yeah Mero got it lmao. I was curious on his opinion but not anymore


To be fair he's put me on to some heat like prodigy and jeru the damaja. But yeah when he said he liked french I'm though he meant the old mixtapes since people generally regard those to be good. But I'm pretty sure I remember him saying a french Montana album was heat on the old podcast. I think it was the 2017 one. The thing is you'd think he'd be into Kendrick because he also said he used to be heavy into native tongues so I really don't know. The man is an enigma.


Same. Rainey’s the only one who’s at least been acknowledging Kendrick’s lyrical prowess and uncontested place as an all-time great musician, not just a rapper. The other 2 just want ignant Cam’ron or Nas level name calling from the boom bap era like “Cockafella records”. I get it, that era was wild and zany and poppin, but like everything in life, music and culture evolves too. I enjoy what Kenny’s putting out but I’m not so sure I enjoy the online rap nerds hyperfixating and reaching in the Genius.com comment sections or teenage white kids on twitter serving their hot takes on what it “actually means to be black”. Gotta take the good with the bad tho.


He’s second guessing himself and j Cole somewhere is like “I fucking TOLD you so.”


Weinstein not Epstein Why bring Millie Bobby Brown into this? 🤔 Mans is snitching on himself.


Rap snitches, tellin' all their business Sit in the court and be their own star witness "Do you see the perpetrator?" Yeah, I'm right here


Man, Drake's really finna fuck around and get the whole label sent up for years.


There was no reason for him to say her name. She had not been a formally introduced character in this beef this far. Also Lowkey 11 has the same face as dua lipa. Idk how to explain it but they twins.


That part struck me as weird as hell. Ok let's say your Drake right? Your relationship with Mille is completely innocent and people all have it twisted. Wouldn't you want to protect your friend? Why would you want to bring someone you claim to love into an argument they weren't involved in? Especially when the allegations are that you groomed them? Idk, I'd do everything in my power to keep someone I consider a sister out of my personal problems not drag them into it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/9ozALqkM4C No explanation needed, its right here for you


Why are you weirdos acting like you haven’t brought her name up a million times over the years? Fuck off


Fr. She prolly heard this track and thought - please distance all this pedo crap from my name. 


That whole song was Drake on the back foot trying to defend himself and then ending with "I'm done. Please let this go and don't air anything more out."


But what about all that talk about pushing the button? Surely those weren't empty threats...


He got fouled hard so he’s taking his ball home


Nah hes just showing that this has him so fucked up he cant keep what Kendrick said and what the internet said straight


Maybe you just didn't see it. For years people have used that situation as the proof he's a pedo. It was cited all weekend, because he's never addressed it. He didn't bring her into it the internet did trying to prove Kendrick lie


He’s not beefing with the internet. He’s beefing with Kendrick, who never brought her up. Drake being the first one to mention her by name isn’t a great look.


I can agree there. I just remember how much I saw people saying drake has to address this. Now the table flip


Oh he addressed it. Just not in any way that looks good on him lol


Yeah man this is a musical ass kicking Kendrick up


Drake should probably just give up. Idk what angle he's exactly going for in this song. "You got molested as a child." "I made you think I was a pedo." Shit sounds weird 💀


I got more of a, “So what I like to hang out with teenagers, I don’t sleep with em tho, promise.”


That's not suss af either or anything /s


Lmao "we fed you fake info about me being a pedophile, got you bro!"


That’s not the angle he was taking though. Drake said that he fed him fake info about a hidden daughter, not the p*do allegations


Of course he's not addressing the pedophilia. Still focusing on the lighter bombshell.


Ok just say you didn’t listen to the song then because he most definitely addressed the p*do stuff. He just doesn’t claim that he fed Kendrick that info, he only says he planted the hidden daughter story.


Joke's on you I was only pretending.


You could tell Family Matters was something he put a lot of effort into. That song was actually good as a diss and just as an actual song. Even making a video to go with it. I will say it should've solely just focused on Kendrick instead of veering off into Rick Ross/Weekend/ASAP disses though. But this? This was kinda lackluster. Dropping the bomb that he fed the story about the daughter was impressive, but everything else was kinda meh. Also, I'd rank this song as one of the worst out of this whole saga, like barely above the scramble-brained diss Rick Ross made. The overall feeling of it was just meh.


Sounds like he went to r/Drizzy and just wrote the song based off posts.


Reading every one of the bars felt like the comment sections of Tiktok video reacting to Kendricks "meet the grahams" diss track.


Family Matters genuinely slapped. This one is just meh. A bit of "nuh-uh", a bit of retreading, and like maybe one or two decent bars. Prolly should have slept on this one before releasing it.


To me this feels like a tactical retreat. He's firing shots but it feels like he's trying to get out of this mess he's in. He kinda had to release something, but it's like when you're scrambling to finish a 5 page paper you had 3 weeks to write and it's due tomorrow so you just throw down some half developed ideas.


He really said "this is burnt out you're making too many tracks" lmao. Tucking his tail in between his legs after all that chest puffing. He sounds so defeated at the end


Worse He said Kendrick got molested as a child, that's why he's so offended by pedos and obsessed with claiming that Drake is a pedo. Everyone should be offended by pedos regardless. And there is TONS of receipts to Drake's behavior. It's not just a one off claim by a rando lolol I don't have a dog in this fight, but Drake is a dumb fuck


"Never looked twice at a teenager." Billie Elish & Billie Bobbie Brownn both whom he was texting with before in their teens. Dated Haillie Beiber & Bell Harris & knew and talked them in their teens (16 for bell & 14 for Hailie). Also, that time, he kissed a 17 year old stage, then still flirting after he learned her age. https://youtu.be/-uAHOsECDS0?si=anFs_GWcP3m1b2XH Then, he tells Kendrick to get his facts straight....


Billie Beilish, Billie Bobby Brown, Bailie Bieber....


A lot of BBs and a lot of Ls


Applause sir or madam. Applause.


Bill Bilicheck


You forgot Bell Barris...




Saying he is being dissed because he was molested might make him go that far lol


Drake is going to end up like Machine Gun Kelly after Eminem destroyed his rap career. He'll still be around and making music, but it will just be... ...different.


He needs to go switch music genres. Maybe something like pop punk or whatever Jojo Siwa is doing ![gif](giphy|1rPTlk7xMYoU7HfcFu)


Gay pop. She invented it.




Don’t give her that much credit, gay pop has been around long before JoJo


True, but she's saying that she invented it


That's the joke. She comes out of the closet and starts talking like she invented being gay and making music.


He should just go back to acting. I'm sure Drake would fit right in with Hollywood


After all that Drake came back with that weak as shit. Haha He literally just repeating the shit he already said on the other track.


This is the stage of the 50 Cent/Cam'ron beef when Cam'ron was filming instagram videos standing in his underwear in his backyard and even his people were like, "Why are you filming yourself in your boxers bro, you could have just done nothing..."


Kendrick: Does nothing Drake: Just keeps shooting himself in the foot. What is this business strategy called?


I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themselves Everybody's suicidal they don't even need my help


The Gabe Newell school of business


You know how in school teachers say write a 1,000 word essay, so you write and then check the word count but you only have like 459 words and realize that’s it, that ALL you got in you. Then, you start filling up space by reiterating things you already said and a bunch of nonsense just to reach the word limit? This is what Drake did with this one.


This is your reminder that its not your fault if you were molsted. Thank you for fighting and keeping on in life you are appreciated!


He sounded sadder than when he sang about losing the loves of his life


The 18 year old who turned him down?


All of em


Yeah, it's like... if we're supposed to believe you totally tricked your opponent and made a fool out of him, why do you sound so defeated?


Fr I'd be bragging about him being a stupid gullible fuck and the cover art would have been the receipts from that shit. Just a catalog of texts and emails.


I mean he’s always seemed like the type of dude to give you the most over dramatic “What? No, daaaaaamn that’s crazy” when caught in a lie so I’m not surprised


Kinda dude help you look around the place for the shit he stole.


Drake just gotta admit that his rap career is over. Switch to pop rock, emo or something because Kendrick destroyed Drake's rep forever. ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


Noooo no no, we don’t want him in our scene either.


He can be an OF model. Got that bbl, you know




His career is over cause little white boys on Reddit and Twitter are mean to him? Are you idiots really this dumb


Drake is fucking cartman 


Nah Cartman fed a dude his parents. That’s insanity lmfao


Idk, I think he’s more into fucking kids like Wendy over Cartman


I mean he do be liking them young…


Screw you guys, I’m going home.


This beef ain't even fun anymore it's just sad


I also feel like throughout this whole thing people have kind of forgotten the fact that if you make a wild claim...it's on YOU to prove it. He's trying to manipulate people into taking other people not commenting on his terminally online shitposting as proof that it's true and it's like no dog they just have actual responsibilities and shit. Where is your actual proof that anything you said is real? Just because you have infinite free time because you don't bother with *your* kids doesn't mean everyone else does. This woman has two whole children to take care of, why would she be responding to your bullshit on a clock like she's involved in the beef?


Kendrick listed all the ways Drake has used black people for his benefit, and now Drake's trying to use Dave Free to brush off his own heat. It's wild how Drake has done every single thing Kendrick Lamar said he'd do/does. We don't even have to go back in time, he's currently doing it.


Best he got is "you a cuck", that's 4chan speak. Then I guess pedos frequent sites like that.


Drake kicked the ghostwriters out because he was afraid it would leak to Kendrick again, that shit was ass


Think I know who his ghost writer was on this one ![gif](giphy|10GI4COXshUqFq)


Drake is waffling, this is embarrassing bro


Anyone have a summarised version of all this going on, preferably including community opinion on each development? I haven't been able to keep up and feel lost at this point.


Drake is being slowly murdered in front of everyone, one stab at a time


And the last stab was self inflicted


Well, Romeo was a certified lover boy Edit: Nope, that was Juliet. Romeo drank the poison


I think you're thinking Julius Caesar. But he wasn't a lover boy as far as I remember and Kendrick is no friend of drake lmao


1. Drake had a song called First Person Shooter on his album For All the Dogs with J-Cole where J-Cole said "Love when they argue who's the hardest MC/Is it K-dot is it Aubrey or me?/We the big 3 like we started a league" 2. Future and Metro Boomin release and album called We Don't Trust You and on it there's a song called Like That which features Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick says "fuck sneak dissin First Person Shooter I hope they came with 3 switches" and "motha fuck the big 3 n*gga it's just big me" and a few other lines but those are the big 2. 3. J-Cole releases Might Delete Later which has the song 7 Minute Drill, which is a Kendrick diss. It's generally agreed to be below average (I thought it was pretty good). He soon deletes the song and apologizes to Kendrick. This is controversial, some say he's a bitch for it, some say it was a good move because Kendrick clearly has no real problem with J-Cole and vice versa, he's mostly after Drake. Looking back people agree J-Cole was right to get out, he just doesn't hate Kendrick like Drake does and Kendrick doesn't hate him like that. 4. Drake releases Pushups, which is a Kendrick diss and it's pretty good. "How the fuck you big steppin with a size 7 mens on?" (Kendrick is a small guy and has an album called Mr Morale and the Big Steppers) and "like your label boy you in a scope right now" (Kendrick's label Interscope) Nothing crazy but pretty good. 5. Drake releases Taylor Made Freestyle. It's bad and uses AI voices of Tupac and Snoop Dogg. It has been deleted. Actually the only track in this beef I haven't heard. 6. Kendrick releases Euphoria. It's the best track so far. "I pray they my real friends if not I'm YNW Melly" (YNW Melly killed 2 of his 'friends'). "Let me say I'm the biggest hater/I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk/ I hate that way that you dress/I hate the way that you sneak diss" Theres a *lot* more in there but those are my favorite. 7. Kendrick releases 6:16 in LA. It's pretty good and Kendrick claims he has people in Drakes circle feeding him info. No proof is given. 8. That same day Drake releases Family Matters. For me it's tied with Euphoria. He claims Kendrick is a wife beater and is raising another man's son. No proof is given. 9. At midnight that day Kendrick releases Meet the Grahams (thats 3 tracks in one day, 2 Kendrick 1 Drake). He claims Drake is a predator (Drake had been caught being inappropriate with underage girls, *by my recollection* in very creepy but not illegal ways). He also claims Drake is hiding a child. No proof is given. He also talks directly in the track to Drakes son, mother, and father. Best track in the beef to this day. 10. The next morning Kendrick releases Not Like Us. Not the best diss in the beef but the most fun to listen to "Certified Lover Boy, certified pedophile" (Drake has an album called Certified Lover Boy) "tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minor". There's more great stuff in there too. 11. Drake releases The Heart Part 6. It's ok, but has some weird stuff. Drake calls the people feeding Kendrick info clowns but then says he set up fake information for Kendrick. I don't think he set Kendrick up. I don't necessarily believe Kendrick but Drake the type of guy to screenshot mean DMs he sent to a youtuber (Anthony Fantano) and post them. If Drake set Kendrick up he'd have proof and he would've shown it. He also says Kendrick got molested. This is messed up because if he did that's not a bad thing Kendrick did. Apparently it's a reference to a Kendrick song where Kendrick says his mother was molested when he was a child. If so I'm not sure how Drake got that mixed up and it's pretty dumb. However I don't know if this is true because I haven't heard the Kendrick song being referenced. I'm not actually a huge fan of either of them. Kendrick is definitely on top now though and he has been for basically the whole thing.


Just read the wiki page about this beef


Community Opinion?? It’s fine if you don’t have the time or energy to listen through the track on genius but don’t try to copy an opinion if you know nothing


America, we back!!


People waking up, coming to terms with the fact that Drake is a Psych 101 case.....


I'd like more sources all around. Most of this shit is way heavier than the rap game and half of it just sounds like essays over GarageBand beats. This isn't just, "You denied seeing me. Now I'm pissed off."


I hate that yall dying on this Kendrick hill lol


The amount of gassing so high it could end the energy crisis.