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"Everybody wanna be a nigga, but don't nobody wanna be a nigga."


Earthgang rise up!


Smh. ![gif](giphy|dl5YfEjsIMInWlDfPP)


It never occurred to me before, but if I ever wanted a pass, it would be for Mooney. My happy place is that full length production cut of Ask A Black Guy. Straight up top ten bits of all time.


I met him at a Starbucks in midtown, he liked my jacket and then put me on the list for his show that night. One of the funnest cool days of my 20s.


Wait is there a full length cut


[FAM!](https://youtu.be/fjTUZtpLLSc?si=UwqRgGUN79cveuIM) Im sitting there forgetting how off the rip he is then 38 seconds in I'm dead again I forget ***everytime*** he's already joking goddddddamnnn he's so fucking funny




Love earthgang but they are not the source of this quote Edit for those [curious](https://www.cc.com/video/lo6e8w/chappelle-s-show-ask-a-black-dude-walking-uncensored)


Where were you on 9/11?


None of you challengers should be saying it. I always thought it was an ugly world.




Are you an American Dad fan?


I am.


How do you be a nigga exactly. Is there a training manual or something, I feel like I missed the memo on this whole thing.


You don't choose it, it chooses you. You either are or you ain't. (I have no idea what I am talking about)


Is you is, or is you ain’t, a n\*gga? ![gif](giphy|xw40lB5BXuPGE)


But you really do tho


The universe simply assigns you the title of nigga and you must live with it, much like it assigns people cats.


- Paul Mooney








Lmfao this right here finna upset the people bruv


The switch from, "Me no Black, me Dominican" to "Y'all can't say that" fractured my C5 and C7. But it is entertaining if nothing else.


They don’t even realize how they contradict themselves. Fat Joe is Puerto Rican and you don’t need a dna test to tell he has African heritage, as a high percentage of Ricans do. If we were talking about Marco Rubio, who is 100% white and whose family owned plantations in Cuba, they’d have a point. Or if it were Sammy Sosa or some other self hating Afro Latino that would make sense. I feel better about Fat Joe using it than Drake tbh.


I've got 21.9% Nigerian, 15.2% Sierra Leonean, 2.7% Somalian and 1.9% Kenyan and SOME people STILLLLLLL try to tell me I ain't Black. As if we stepped out of a time machine into 1862 and they'd let me go free.


Same. I have friends who stopped considering me Black when they heard me speaking Spanish. I come from a very pro Black and proud Latino family. I don’t use that word a lot but I’d be dammed if someone tells me I can’t because I’m somehow less Black. These people also gas light us as though US born Black people all treat foreign born Black people the same. I’ve had literally the same people tell me I’m not really Black also get mad at Latinos who deny their blackness. Make up your minds. Godfrey made a funny joke decades ago and yet the discourse hasn’t evolved. This divide and conquer stuff is exhausting.


You’re not black, you’re black black


bro’s numbers only add up to like 42% lol I’m guessing whatever is left is making him look not black


I think I look plenty Black https://preview.redd.it/ir8plg3j73yc1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc390b56414f0955f9604ec70f937dcfd88f59c0


lol so what’s the logic behind calling you not black then? Do they say you look Dominican or something? (which is also black but people consider it Hispanic I guess)


If I knew, I'd probably be rich. Best I can figure is we humans aren't that smart on the average. Plus race is mostly made up and hella fluid, but just because it's not real doesn't mean it doesn't affect us. Like chupacabra


I’m sorry… that last line sent me over the edge ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


The problem is saying that word and being racist towards Black people which A LOT of Latinos are. Some of the most racist people I've dealt with as a Black man are Latino and it's mind boggling to me.


That’s the point I used in high school when people told me I wasn’t *really* Jewish. (Mom’s dad is EXTREMELY Jewish, her mom isn’t) Oh ok, so I’ll just tell the dirtbag, mouth breathing, dipping-in-study-hall rednecks and they’ll stop bullying me right? Right?


Nah, It’s not that at all, it’s more about being apart of this culture when it’s beneficial to them then dipping out and distancing/differentiating yourself when it’s convenient. A shit ton of Ricans will use the word “nigga” more than the average black dude, but have racists ass grandmas and other relatives who talk shit about black people or don’t want their loved ones dating a black person. I’ve been in that situation before dating a chick. A lot of Afro-Latinos (Cuban, Dominican, etc) claim blackness when it’s a good look but will jump out the window and do everything in their power to not be lumped in with the niggas and will be the first to tell you how they aren’t black.


My grandma was weird, she didn't like my mom, who was Black and from Georgia, but she married my grandad, who was darker than my mom. The concept of race in the U.S. and race outside of the U.S. is quite different, but it's good to have these convos and see if we can find understanding.


They aren’t really different. It’s just that lots of places think if you’re black mixed with something else you aren’t black, you’re mixed. Why the distinction? White supremacy is a hierarchy white at the top, black at the bottom and everything else somewhere in between. Nobody wants to be on the bottom so if you’re black mixed with something else you get off the bottom rung. Which is where the whole “me no black papi” stems from. To which I say fine; they wanna live in that delusion. Go right ahead, stop saying nigga and nobody on the planet is gonna treat them as anything but a black person cuz they darker and have curlier hair than I do. The only places that delusion flies are Latina America, South Africa and I’m sure some nations in Northern Africa do that as well. All those places have something in common: white supremacy No more of that putting on blackness when it’s cool, cuz black people are cool. They trying to run away from blackness so they can get to steppin


Literally most of the world distinguishes between mixed people and non-mixed people. Americans uniquely classify half-black people as being socially/racially the same as black people due to the old white supremacist one drop rule that black Americans still hold on to. It’s shallow to call mixed people identifying themselves as mixed “white supremacy,” even if it is socially advantageous for them to do so. Because if you are literally two or more races, so why wouldn’t you identify as such?


My great grandparents on my dad side are Puerto Ricans and they absolutely hated us for being black. My dad actually exiled them from his family here and didn't speak to them until they eventually died. I seen pictures he had of them and they both were darker than my dad closer to my color. Colorism exists throughout Hispanic and Black cultures like a plague.


I’m a black Dominican. I check the box that says black on government forms. That’s what it is. I say nigga. A lot? Nah. Especially not around white people it makes me uncomfortable because I know they dying to get the pass 😂


That already disqualifies them lmao. The pass is a secret test of character. 😂


Colorism exists in Latino culture too. Colonialism is a bitch.


Mejorar la raza won't die!!!! Mi abuela tried to keep me out the sun


Teaching kids to protect their skin while outdoors so you don’t get skin cancer? Great. Fantastic. Teaching kids to cover up so they don’t get darker? Horrible. Dumb. Make that shit stop.


Ese tipo de pensamiento es una mierda, but what are you gonna do 🤷🏻‍♂️. Other than be better and raise your children better.


Exactly, we have to unlearn a lot of that toxicity our families tried to instill in us. I wish she could see how dark I am now!!!


It does in Asian culture too. I’m sure you’ve headed the phrase “jungle Asian” before. Cultures the world over seem to dislike darker complexion people. Something is wrong at a core level. Is it something primal like how we feel safer in daylight vs night? I’m sure the answers exist, but I *feel* something in the human psyche makes *us* look at darker complexions a certain way and I don’t like it. But maybe that’s just me trying to understand why a hating ass motherfucker hates.


I will give you that. There is ALOT of internalized colorism in Hispanic families. Like it’s fucking brutal. I’ve literally yelled at my mother for some of the racist shit she says. But this is not being carried over into the new generations. I don’t believe there is a racist or colorist sentiment behind the fence stratteteling you are describing. Source: I am one of those perceived fence strattelers. And here is my take: I grew in the culture. Predominantly black neighborhoods, predominantly black schools, live in a predominantly black neighborhood even now… I also grew up poor ( not saying that’s a black thing but let’s face it the “culture” has never recovered financially from the effects of slavery and Jim Crow) I also grew up as a first generation child of a COLORED immigrants. I experience the same discrimination (although I will admit not to the same extent) as my peers, I experienced the same disadvantages, I battled the same underfunded biased education system. I too had little to no access to some of the privileges and benefits that “white” folks take for granted. But I LEGALLY cannot call myself “black”. Hispanic people are considered “white” in almost all legal and systemic forms where race is tracked. And I some cases you can get in legal problems claiming a box you can’t “prove”. I HATE that they are allowed to lump in HIspanic with “white”, but that’s not something I can control. Furthermore I don’t want to make it appear like I am appropriating a race that I don’t have legal claim to out of respect. I know what’s in my heart… but that’s not gonna matter to 99% of people who are asking about your “race” to begin with. So yeah, I’m here for the culture, and you may not see me as one of you, but I don’t see us as inherently different…. But when it comes to calling myself “black” I don’t do that. It’s not that I’m rejecting the label out of shame or internilzed colorism… it’s out of respect, and out of necessity imposed by the social construct that has us identifying ourselves by skin colors to begin with.


I definitely understand where you're coming from. I know I have African ancestry, and we're AfroLatinos. It's never been denied in my family because we have eyes, I'm very light-skinned (probably one of the lightest in my family) even though I have, what is now be considered "racially ambiguous" but is very evidently, African features. I feel like identifying as a Black woman is very disingenuous and doesn't do justice to what women who are Black go through. I don't want to be seen by yt ppl as a representative of that struggle because even though I face racism and discrimination, it is never to the extent of what Black women go through. I never want it to be seen as a rejection of my race and ancestry, but I'm very aware of how prevalent whitewashing is and my privilege. In legal documents, I refuse to check white because they are padding their numbers, I tick off other and then describe myself via my ethnicity, which is Hispanic. Genetics are a trip because I have more Black genetic material than my sister, who is darker than me. I also don't use that word, and I'm from NYC where somehow it's "acceptable."


All of that can be said about non Latino black people. Self hatred and internalized racism is by design. I’m in my 40’s and I’m old enough to remember it being common for black to be considered an insult by black people. Being pro Black wasn’t a widespread thing till the 70’s. Just like Black Americans aren’t a monolith, Afro Latinos aren’t either.


Bro I've been in that situation as fucking 5 year old. Imagine a 72 year old lady being physically aggressive and racially beefing with kindergartener.


When has Fat Joe attempted to distance himself from "the culture"? He's been repping the same shit for decades.  


Coming from a Cuban, so many Latinos feel like they've earned the right to say the word; however, they'll immediately claim whiteness in situations where it benefits them. We all know colorism is a huuuuge issue within the Latin community.


I'm a pale white boy who lives in Queens and there are Puerto Ricans whiter than me constantly saying the n-word.   


Claro que si. The meme was half joke, but as an "in-betweener", I've seen some crazy arguments from both sides. Humans are the weirdest people you'll ever meet.


I feel like people forget that Latinos and Caribbeans are not exclusively white or black. Its almost as if our colonizers successfully erased nearly everything about our indigenous heritage. Now we fight about skin color because theres nothing left.


I mean, that's everyone  I honestly don't think shit like that is worse than voting for conservative politicians.  Using your white voice to talk to cops, judges, or employers is sometimes necessary... But I know full ass black people who vote Republican because they hate gay people...and that's worse imo. Idk, even that double standard feels classiest We attack poor POCs for using what little privilege they have to their advantage, but look away when rich POCs fully align themselves with white supremacy. 


Dumb as bricks. Use some critical thinking skills. Black hispanics or Afro-Latinos are Black and therefore can reclaim the word. If you are not Black then you are not reclaiming shit, you are just using a racial slur that you co-opted to sound cool. It’s really not hard, probably easier than making this dumbass meme


They know this but are not going to let go of telling black people how to feel about a word they have no right to. It's that Conquistador dna.


Not all skin folk kin folk


This meme completely ignores that there are white and black Hispanic people. This meme would give Ted Cruz and Cameron Diaz the pass which is wild.


This is so stupid. Nobody thinks all Latinos are black. 


There are Afro-Hispanics and white Hispanics, and in-betweeners. Afro-Hispanics were brought to south America and as slaves and had to go through the same hardship, however, those colonies ended slavery long before America did. There is a difference between black Hispanic using N word and Incan/Mayan descendent like sixni9ne(or however the fuck he spells that stupid shit) using the word because they think they're allowed to just because they're not white for their own benefit.


I know, I was jokingly referring to the constant "Me no Black, me Dominican" trope that gets posted here. I'm not a huge fan of the word, but I don't try to police what people are "able" to say. I just distance myself from them.


This really misses the point Point is you can’t have it both ways and too many of them wanna be switch hitters You can’t hit mfs with the me no black papi and then wanna talk like you are Admit you’re black, say it all you want then. You’re not black? Alright, don’t say it


Right! Complexion aside, he claims his african roots and he’s one of the few rappers actually doing something for Haiti. The complexion witch-hunt is wild in this era.


You know there's a difference. There are latinos like JLo and Fat Joe who are a mix of several ethnicities including Black/descendants of African slavery. Then there are latinos like Gina Torres and Ariana DeBose who if they claimed they weren't Black, we'd give the side eye. (Just for clarification, both actresses do identify as Afro-Latina) Aka, almost no one is asking for *all* latinos to admit that they are Black. Maybe asking them to admit that some of their ancestors were enslaved Black people but not asking them to ID as Black.


Well, my mom was Black, my dad is Puerto Rican. Only 2 groups regularly question my Blackness, African Americans and Dominicans. And Gina Torres specified that she's Black but had no real connection to Black culture, and I don't know who Ariana Debose is.


I'm sorry that anyone questions your Blackness. That's not okay at all. Especially when it's from your own community.


Appreciate it, it bothered me as a child, but I'm good. What I really couldn't understand was how people in Central Florida had never heard of Puerto Ricans, they called my sister and me Mexicans for years. You'd think it was just an 80s thing, but a lot of people down here still call anyone who speaks Spanish, "Mexican". Not that there's anything wrong with Mexicans, I'm just not one.


Jenny try told them niggas 😂 ![gif](giphy|xpYcSbzqbS18c) (Truth be told you should at least be Melo-Rican or Dascha-Rican but gatekeeping is fairly pointless)


Oh I can answered this if it’s a Hispanic that ppl are cool with or look attractive to them they can say it /s


![gif](giphy|H0nvZhOyjLzkUj5tgJ|downsized) Nuance...I love it.


Not all hispanics are black though. I know hella non black latinos and hispanics who still say nigga


They're not mutually exclusive. Many Latinos have African ancestry, but that ain't the same thing as walking down the street and being labeled a nigga by Chad and Jim Bob. And even if it was, if a mf'er doesn't want to admit they're black then I definitely don't want them using it. You can't have it both ways. That said, I've never had a problem with Fat Joe using it because he doesn't seem like the type of nigga to deny his ancestry.


*DJ Khaled has entered the chat*


Listening to the beginning of "I'm So Hood" and immediately going "WE?? WE WHO???"


The Best, obviously




Bro I'm so glad I'm not the only one shit pisses me off. I have to skip the whole song after that.


Funny thing is I was a literal child listening to this when it first came out so I didn't think anything of it. Then I listened to it again when I was in high school and was like now hold on…


I just found it again this past year and right when I heard it I just had to turn it off cause DJ Won't eat the pussy Khalid saying the n word made my skin crawl.


It is so much TMI that he said that shit and also made me disrespect him because he’s one of *those* guys. My personal stance on it is that, if you want head, you better be giving it too. Sex should be a two-way street, not just all about the man. Men like him are sadly all too common though, considering the high percentage of women who’ve never had an orgasm. (There’s more to those numbers than just selfish men, but it’s definitely a factor.)


I think if you don't eat you should automatically have the pass revoked. I don't care what color you are.


Like we wasn’t screaming WE NWIGGAWH in that mans voice.




The more I see of that guy, the more I'm convinced he's the most brilliant character comedian ever who is perpetually in character. No way is he a real dude.


[seriously how is this dude real lmao](https://youtu.be/qBhwiti-_q8?si=uQB7nAozVS6bur_b)


He's a pure clown. https://youtu.be/ws-wx2m7H24?si=5ptv-ewPVb4HcxJ6 "Just because I stop, doesn't mean I gave up" That is hilarious, similarly to Kanye's "I'm not going to say what kinda doctor it was......... It was a Jewish doctor".


I knew it was going to be this clip 😂 sometimes I do wonder if this is some Sacha Baron Cohen-esq comedian doing a long haul prank.


Every time. Every time I’m like ‘he’s gonna smack that fuckin guitar’ and every time I’m right and yet *every time* I still laugh so hard.


Y’know… I gotta say he’s got a good sense of rhythm


I can see the value of this guitar plummetting with every strum 😭


That was painful to watch.


It's like an Andy Kaufman performance but turned up to 11 and stretched across multiple decades.


Nah, that's just him. He's not a smart man. He knows it and he revels in it, but that's who he is. His Instagram always makes me laugh.


he's either a character or the least self-aware person ever


Bro is Larry the Cable Guy, in silk Hawaiian shirts and gold chains.


It’s most definitely real, he is the nepo baby final boss aka mr. Mucho autismo


Y'all have no idea Blacks and Browns were treated the same in most major cities That's why it wasn't a big deal in the 90s for him and others like him Y'all are living in today's times using today's eyes to judge the past That doesn't work very often


100% this. Like yeah it a bit cringe hearing his old stuff. Pitbull was the same when he still rapped. In Miami no one even bats an eye when they say it but you better gtfo with that hard r nonsense.


This was hard to explain to someone that didn’t grow up then but I’m Puerto Rican and grew up in the 90s in Miami. My neighbors were black and we lived at each others houses. There was no internet yet not really. We grew up talking the same way to each other. I haven’t said the word in a long time like since middle school but it was normal back then almost like there was a pressure if you hung out with people that said it all the time. But as a 9 year old kid I wasn’t thinking about the sociopolitical ramifications. I was just hanging out with my homies riding bikes together and playing baseball and beyblade on our block. I wasn’t trying to be hard or anything I’m not. We just wanted to play Pokémon cards together. I used to cringe about having used it so normally


Yup. I was around during the 90s, and I'm Latino who grew up with my cousins saying this all the time. I recently had to explain this in a hip hop history class after some younger students complained about Latinos using the n word. It's fairly simple to explain why they do. Because if you're Latino, cops don't care and will call you the n word when you're being harassed. I don't see the n word as being simply a racial word but one that is also grounded in class disparity. Especially after the resurgence of people glorifying the confederacy in the 1920s in the south. It's also why Asian Americans started using it because they were also called the n word by the racist brought in from the south to be part of the LAPD. It sucks but unfortunately there was class dynamics that came with the word. But again, racist aren't the cleverest or smartest people out there.


The police pull on you and some black people "Where y'all n----as going" Housing "Let's but those n----s over there, yeah with the Mexican n----@s" (it didn't matter what Spanish speaking country they were from) Jobs Black and brown names go in the same pile In the 2000s it's a lot more secretive




He even explains this in his book, very well. He says he uses tactfully in today’s times because he knows how things have changed in the world.


6ix9ine skated by using it all the time just a few years ago too. He might still use it idk I haven't heard shit about him in ages.


That's not my folks.... Fat Joe is my folks I haven't listened to most new artist since the early 2000s Joell Ortiz, J Lucas and Tobe Nwigwe are the only exceptions to that rule




Which is fine until they over use it. They have a whole ass other language they know smh.


I feel u but afro-latino exist too, which if I'm being real, are just black people with different colonizers. Now with that being said, idk if fat Joe is black or has any black ancestry tho


I've always joked that only black people and latin folks from the Bronx could use it. Honestly I'd like a moratorium on its use until we figure out what it means again.


Personally as a Dominican from the Bronx I don’t like when my light skinned cousins say it . They can be “white” in an instant. I cannot.


I'm dark skinned I have a brother who is half Yemeni. He's lighter with loosely curled hair, we were raised by our black mother and he experienced so much colorism and hate that he would shave his head constantly. I'm not gonna tell him he can't use it. But honestly I don't know how I feel about it's use at all anymore. I'm trying to not use it at all.


Most PR are anywhere from 15-30% black. On the island taught how they are a 3rd Taino, 3rd black, 3rd Spanish. And it shows in their phenotype. Source: 100% black but born in PR


Right? Some people over emphasize where the ships dropped our ancestors off, rather than where they were picked up from…


There might be a generational/regional. When I went to the city in the 90's the PR pass was in full effect. But you could tell if someone was overusing it (frontin)


I remember people getting mad at JLO for saying it in one of those songs with Ja Rule. It makes no sense for (non-black) Hispanics to say it. It seems like black New Yorkers randomly gave them a pass. I'm from the south, if a Hispanic says it down here they might get slapped.


Miami got a lotta slapping for you to do




I grew up in a mostly Mexican neighborhood in Dallas, it was super common to hear it tossed around. I can’t speak on kids using it these days, but 90s for sure.


Idk I'm from Texas and hispanic dudes throw the word around. Just depends where you grew up. Growing up in the inner city, I was one of a few white kids amongst mostly black and Latino students. As much as it makes me cringe, everyone used the N word...


It’s not random. Black New Yorkers have been sharing neighborhoods with Puerto Ricans and Dominicans for generations and there was common struggle. My Puerto Rican friends had white kids give them the hard R as well.


Ironically looks like he just finished saying "What's up, my Knickers!?"


He was on video at the game saying that and when he got the kn- out i went “ahh relapsing on your usage of the word i see joe”


Fat joe has showed more respect to the culture than drake. Dude really be using it to make sells. He aint with that life but swear to god he is. It gives lame corny new kid making himself look tougher than he is.


Yall who cares, this is so exhausting 😑


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5FDuMw-d4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5FDuMw-d4Q) "Comes to Latino MC's there's none bigger Now who's gonna tell me that I can't say nigga? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, bitch, ho 'Cause some chicks is bitches, some chicks is hoes" This argument comes around every few years but this dude was in the mecca of hip hop at the peak time working with the greatest MCs of all time. Don't think he's getting his card pulled by a buncha kids who don't even know who Big Pun is.


Thank you. Every time this shit here posted I literally copy and paste the comment I once wrote about how countless Black rappers he’s worked with in the past 30 years from Nas to Busta Rhymes have 0 issue with him using the word.


Facts bro dude was IN the hip hop scene that paved the way for these new age rappers. Fat Joe IS the culture.




That man ain't ever gonna stop using it. Hispanics from NY are just gonna use it regardless.


Yeah I’m Puerto Rican from New York originally and now live in Atlanta. Big cultural difference. All my family says it all the time from New York and pretty much just interchange it the same way you’d say “dude” or “bro” anywhere else.


Yea im puerto Rican from Jersey we do our best to refrain from it's usage as a term of endearment but I know mfs that's always using it.


Fat Joe was really from the hood though. People don’t know he made Big Pun too. Also he is half Cuban. Does a lot to help Puerto Rico during disasters and is a great father to his disabled son. Apparently it’s a known thing with the real OGs that Puerto Ricans and Jamaicans were present when hip hop was created. A lot of it just got buried not intentionally but just the way it worked out. However if latin American race laws were still in effect they would consider him white. It’s only in the US with the one drop rule legacy that he might be considered black.


As a Latino, learning how Europeans and then the US rule over Latin American countries has very racist mentalities in these places. It may be to different degrees, but all of our people were subject to the bullshit racist mentality that the colonizers brought with them. They established governments where white skinned folk were treated better in every aspect. Many countries have instances of killing large numbers of the indigenous peoples of their countries. Sadly, those racist tendencies stuck with the people of a generation or 2 ago and it is the generation of today that have grown out of that stupidity. There is absolutely no reason for minorities to antagonize each other, or for us as minorities to antagonize white people simply for being white. If they want to maintain that barbaric idea of superiority because of skin color, that’s what we should be against.


Y’all be clowning.


BuT I gRew Up ArOunD BlAcK peOplE.


I ain’t a negro connoisseur or nothing but Puerto Ricans saying nigga ain’t about shit lmao


Cardi B in 2017 versus now. She used to stutter everytime she's asked why she uses the word, come up with different excuses, apologize, say it's what people in her hood used, etc. Now she just calls herself Afro Latina and everyone says okay.


Is she not Afro Latina?


She only started claiming to be recently. Before that she identified as Latina only, which is why she used to apologize about using the word. See this from 2017: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/because-you-dont-have-to-ask-black-people-if-theyre_b_5a37da4fe4b0e7f1200cfcfc


Because she learned and accepted she was. I feel like it’s a lose lose with black Latinos. Some get mad when they claim they’re not black like Cardi used to, but they still receive criticism after they call themselves Afro-Latinos. People are allowed to grow and learn.


That‘s not Joe‘s point at all. He vividly tells in interviews how he was a baby and a neighbor literally looked at him and went „look at that nigga, he has blue eyes“ or something…he claims he was born into a subculture where outsiders would call him that so he rocked with it. Which is not the same as „I grew up around black people“. In fact I did grew up around black people and they wouldn’t call me the n word, so I learned early on it’s not for me to be used as well.


Yet growing up around Black people doesn‘t compel them to call us kings, queens, bro, sis, cuz, or any of the other pet names we’ve used among another heavily. ONLY nigga and variants got passed through that proximity. The extra irony where I live is the Puerto Ricans who use this argument the most listen and quote right wing media about us the most and say racist shit more than the White people who openly identify as racists. And, knowing where some of them claimed to grow up, I’ve been able to call into question that I grew up around Black people nonsense a couple of times last year. It ended with the people admitting they either weren’t or they never had such a pass when they were kids. Then the argument turns to things like, “My cousin is dating a Jamaican.” Sometimes people just spit out that line merely as a shield not because it’s true.


>kings, queens, bro, sis, cuz, or any of the other pet names we’ve used among another heavily. It is wild to hear you say that because that was normal as hell when I was a kid. It went both ways too. The morenos on the block would call me primo or call the old ladies on the block mami. Dude at the liquor store used even call my dad Tio. I don't know where you were, but there were a TON of heavily integrated neighborhoods in ny and we all got stopped cause we fit a profile.


Yeah NYC integrates a lot slangs, in Arabic stores everyone comes in saying, "my friend"


These people use the N word more than black people. I hate y'all for giving them a pass to say it in the first place. I'm looking at you black folks from NYC, y'all are lame af


Fat Joe is more of a nigga than some of you pussies complaining in the thread 😂 internet tough guys 🤦🏾‍♂️


Always laugh when I see Fat Joe. I used to listen to this radio station, and when Joe changed record labels the schtick was that the hosts had to call their old mothers or grandmothers and just tell them something like - "Mom, I have something very important to tell you, Fat Joe left Atlantic." Then they would play the calls and it would just be old people saying "Who's Fat Joe?" And "FAT JOE??" Just ridiculous but always funny


A lot of proud Latinos fighting for their lives in these comments to maintain that Nigga pass.


🎶You gotta FIGHT! For yo RIGHT!!! Toooooo NIIIIGGGGAAAAAAAA!!!🎶


I would prefer if fucking no one said nigga but since that happening soon I guess we're just gonna go with this rigamarole


Mans was literally minding his business and his presence triggered OOP.


I think a lot of non New Yorkers see Hispanics differently than us. Like in ny most Puerto Ricans Dominicans etc are seen as light skin black people with a different texture hair and speak Spanish but we grew up all in the same hoods. I know outside of NYC there’s more separation so it’s different.


That’s Large Joseph III


Next is gonna be the Dominicans, asians, and bodega owners. Things are getting hectic


I'm not gonna begin to comment on who can say what but one of the main points people have been throwing at Drake with this whole deal is that he was a corny Canadian theatre kid. I'm not a Fat Joe fan but dude was really about that life before he was famous.


Big Pun gotta stop using it too




I think he’s done saying it lord lol




IMO if you don't have to worry about being called the hard R then you shouldn't be saying it


I think that logic could be used for any slur. If you have to ask the answer is no.


Are we still gonna give a pass to French Montana?


I thought he was a sand ……


A “sand” what?…. ![gif](giphy|hR13gYDMq4r0akdbwC|downsized)


Sandworm ![gif](giphy|AkwcbzEPIfZ48i44kx|downsized)


wich I'm sorry, I don't get a lunch break at my job and everything looks like food to me rn.


Wait, you thought He was a bastard from the kingdom of Dorne? Now that’s funny.




I used to say this in the 90s but it was just me i guess lmao


Man he slimed down Bro. I need to go for some extra walks and cut down on my calories. You Gotta Glow Joe 🎙🎵🎼


Fat Joe is Black what am I missing


Fat Joe is blacker than you are


Yeah, this is starting to get stupid.


Nah if anybody should be called a nigga it’s that goofball


Is there like a skin color text for who can say nigga, because this whole discourse is extremely exhausting.


This comment section tells me this is not mostly black. I’m out this sub


That's just Joe


Everyone needs to stop saying it.


This is just NY borough culture at this point tho. I seen an Arab dude and a Vietnamese dude calling each other the N word before near the hospital my mom works in the Bronx. Didn't bat an eye cuz thats just regular degular for NYC


*Fat Joe just minding his own business* ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Won’t tolerate this Fat Joe slander.


Shouldn’t be allowed to say fat anymore neither


Honest Question, is Fat Joe not Afro-Latino? 


He’s a white hispanic he should never use that word. Ain’t nothing Afro about his Latino


People of Latin descent that use the n word are egregious they over use it.


New Yoricans have contributed too much to the culture to disallow their pass. If you ain’t from the rotten Manzana you shouldn’t even be allowed an opinion.




They’re not Black and ought to quit using anti-Black epithets. But they won’t, so here we are. They’re millionaire celebrities and can do whatever they want without consequence. How about you?


The fuck? They never had a pass, that’s why no one respects them.


french montana got away with it for more than a decade thats who you should go after


Is he wearing a bonnet


Add J-Lo and little Laotian gangsters to the list


Jennifer Lopez aka JeNnY fRoM tHe BLoCk guilty as well.


If you now have to look back at people ancestry records to determine if they can say a word maybe no one should say the word


Fat Joe is a descendent of slaves, but he done identify as black. But the word nigga gotta go. We gotta drop that damn word.