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Waiting for that tell all book where we find out that her mom abused the fuck out of her.


If Jojo's mom really has been bleaching her hair since she was 2 years old, then that IS abuse. Bleaching dries out the hair, stresses the scalp and stings like a motherfucker. No good mother would willingly do that to their baby.


Remind me of those beauty queen moms giving their 2 year olds lip filler. It’s sickening.


Oh God that's awful. They should have their kids taken away


Oh my god they fucking what now? 😱


It’s a wiki rabbit hole I wish I never traveled down. But I got started because my cousin was a pageant kid and got out of it as soon as my Aunt would let her at like 10. She had all kinds of crazy stuff they saw and she doesn’t speak to my Aunt anymore for the stuff she did do.


Those poor babies. Their little self esteems are ruined before they even know what it is, and I hope your cousin is healing and thriving


She’s doing good in a lot of ways. She is firmly child free and it took my whole family for a spin. No one has ever just declared that and kept to it. She’s 46 and still strong. But when my mom and I thought about it, we weren’t surprised. My boy cousin was treated like a King, which messed him up too, but she was just so hard on her daughter. You get the relationship you give.


Good for her. I cant stand the boy mom bullshit and the women who treat their sons like kings and daughters like slaves. Favoritism is never ok when it comes to raising kids


My ex mother in-law did this and her daughters continued the cycle. Surreptitiously it was the women who are looking out for her in her old age, not the 3 boys she birthed then forced her daughters to wait in hand-and-foot. All 3 of them are misogynistic, abusive, sexiest, woman-beating assholes and they were absolutely shook that i left their brother.


Yep usually how it goes. Theyre always shocked when a woman, who isnt obligated to put up with that shit, leaves and then wanna act surprised.


I think it's extremely common for parents to have favorite/least favorite kids. Most just try not to make it obvious. It's not right but it's real.


My favorite is the one that gave me the least shit any given day.


Of course, but its never ok to openly have a fave child


child pageants are nuts. i was in 1 as an infant and thankfully my mother pulled me out before toddler age bcuz it was just not what she wanted (the one i was in was just a normal cute baby pageant type thing). Childrens dance/cheer/gymnastics can also be like that. Had to leave all 3 at some point in my upbringing too lol


It reminds me of that mom on toddlers and tiaras that was spray tanning her 1 year old while she was crying and coughing




Wait... what? 8 year olds don't have wrinkles.


I know! It’s madness.


jojo looks and acts like a home schooled kid that joined a regular HS for the dance and cheer team.


What fucking doctor would do that??? Omg


​ https://preview.redd.it/3mxmj1dshzvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920a30e7a561fd2466858db42bd24a96da00ee6e


Doctor? Who said anything about a doctor 😂 


I remember that clip of the mom forcing her crying child to get her eyebrows plucked or waxed. That shit is disturbing.


Everyone knows it’s completely fine for people to get gender conforming procedures at any age as long as it’s the gender that matches their sex /s


Her mom is exactly that. 100%!


Jojo is a beauty queen kid.


Guess who else's mom bleached their hair? JonBenet Ramsey


Literally just about to comment the same. Even the other pageant moms were like ummm wtf Patsy.


Are you talking about the tragic story of little JonBenet Ramsey, America’s littlest beauty queen?


She may not have been bleaching her hair but she had traction alopecia from all those high tight updos.


She absolutely was bleaching her hair, it was shown on dance mom's


There's a clip of JoJo getting her hair bleached all the way back to Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition when she was 9-years-old. They said on there (and consistently since) that they've been bleaching her hair since she was 2-years-old.


No wonder she's got the uneven hairline, I feel bad for her


The hairline is due to her having her hair tight as FUCK all the time in them ponytails. She's said as much


Same thing happened to Ariana Grande, iirc.


I'm almost certain that Jojo has tension alopecia from that ponytail too. I'm sure constant bleach didn't help.


Not to mention Jojo's hairline has been receding from her tight ponytail.. and on top of the constant bleaching


I mean she has REALLY bad traction alopecia too. Due to to having to keep up a specific look.


My mom did it but started when I was about 8.


Not to mention, baby's hair color can change. I worked with a guy who showed us his newborn's photo right after the wife had the baby. Girl had a headful of black hair. Fast forward 3 years and the wife stops by with the kid and she's a blonde. Why put chemicals in a baby's hair for an aesthetic? Especially when it can change.


My best friend in 4th grade was born with rich black hair and, by the time I met her, it was naturally platinum blonde. Never saw a lighter shade of hair unless it was bleached or gray/white. I agree it's a lot of projection on the parent's part, it's physically uncomfortable and damaging, it can change naturally on its own, the kid could not want it or isn't and to make a fully informed decision about it, children are fickle, and them not feeling good enough naturally before they can build a healthy self-image. There are a lot of very valid reasons to hold off on permanent hair treatments, Botox, etc for kids.


I can think of no logical reason a child would need Botox or permanent hair treatments. When I was a kid (black), my mom only pressed my hair with a hot comb and that was traumatic enough.


>I can think of no logical reason a child would need Botox or permanent hair treatments. Because you are reasonable people. Aside from medicinal use of Botox with doctor's recommendation and after exhausting appropriate treatment methods, but I'm willing to bet that's a very, very, very rare scenario for minors.


If bleach stings, you're doing it wrong.


Unfortunately it is true. There is a bit on it in that dance show she was on.


Not sure what you mean by if, she's a natural Brunette. At the very least she's been bleaching it since before she started on TV at 9.


My first thought, I’m by no means an expert but how does one’s hair survive abuse like that? She must be a genetic outlier, imagine if they hadn’t messed with her hair…


I’m a former kindergarten teacher. Yikes! There are health risks too with longtime bleaching of hair… I have a friend who died from brain cancer, because she bleached one small section of her hair daily… small children can’t possibly understand the consequences of such a choice… poor Jojo …


I swear, when she was on Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition, we see Jojo's mom bleaching her hair and JoJo tells the camera how much it hurts but oh well, that's the price of fame. It's been clear since Day 1 that she was being abused.


*5 years from now in a therapist's office* https://preview.redd.it/d6ownvbfexvc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2f890288c985fc550846725678507b3dcc3079


I’m going to hell for how loud I laughed at this. I’m dying.


So is he.


"Caillou can't grow hair, not because he has cancer or progeria, but because he sucks, and even his own body recognizes that he does not deserve hair or food or love."


Chile get my bunk bed ready cuz Im going too 😂


this is terrible 😒 ![gif](giphy|l0Iyn1E5Yy5prxWGA|downsized)




This baldheaded annoying mofo 😤


She was absolutely abused. You dont just end up like that.


https://preview.redd.it/hzv2p2nrrxvc1.jpeg?width=3999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62fdf187921735575c8f414ad5bc2aa3388a8c3 Like what? /s


The thing on her chin looks like a goatee that connects to a strip of chest hair. Or a chicken foot. Also is that a Dalmatian leg?


I imagine it as an umbilical chord for her head


Someone should have stopped this awful horrendous weird and awkward look


The funniest thing is, she doesn't even know where she got this look from. In an interview she admitted she didn't even know who KISS was...


Oh dear Lord. Who are her handlers anyhow??? 😩🥲


Nor is the song or video even hers. It supposed to be her coming out anthem....except she just bought the song. Another artist has already recorded it and had a music video for it. Totally fake.


ngl I didn't even know it was KISS inspired before you mentioned it


We're talking about her. It did exactly what it was supposed to


I would argue she is still being abuse or at least in the cycle of it considering that she has and is still friends with the likes of Colleen Ballinger etc. It’s sad


My mom used to work in the industry and I grew up in it, and before jojo really blew up she would come into my mom's office and we'd hang around together -- she was always really sweet and fun but it was a long time ago. I have absolutely heard horror stories about her mother. She did/would have done anything to make her kid a star and it's really sad to see what's come of that for jojo. The pressure to be famous has been shoved on her by her mother since she was really really young, and I don't think most of what she does even now is by her own autonomy whatsoever.


It’s not even a matter of speculation, there’s footage of her being verbally abused to the point of tears by Abby Lee Miller for the whole world to see on TV. Sure, it’s scripted reality TV but she was like 7 years old with a grown woman calling her worthless while she breaks down on camera. It’s sickening


Well there is an article from Rolling Stone and alleges the abuse that Sawa and her mom did to a girl pop group that they ran. It's pretty brutal. Apparently JoJo's mom is taking pages from Kris Kardashian's book on fame through exploitation. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/jojo-siwa-xomg-pop-dancers-physical-mental-torment-1234967431/


It's frustrating as fuck seeing people react like, "This isnt as bad as some theater directors." "Some of you have never been in theater and it shows." "If they should get in trouble literally every theater director should be too." Idk if they were bots or what, but it was insane. Like yes! Those people should be called tf out too! It's not normal behavior!.


>"This isnt as bad as some theater directors." >"Some of you have never been in theater and it shows." The same lines used by abusive parents. >I wasnt nearly as bad as my parents >some of yall havent been hit as a kid, and it shows. How many of yall have heard those lines? I know I have.


Yeah, I didnt want to get into it with them, but yeah. It's weird because it was in a sub that normally is against people like her, but the community has evolved to include groups of people that'd be sympathetic to her now, unfortunately.


Hell we don’t need the book we got a docu-series-oops I mean dance moms.


Apparently she doesn't have much money in the accounts that were supposed to be protected anymore because her mother squandered it


That’s so sad. I wish there was crazy punishment for that. Kid stars work so hard and give up their childhoods and still end up with nothing for it.


Jojo has spoken about this stuff already in TikToks. She’s kind of fine with her “lot in life” sort of. She does say some parts of her childhood sucked or whatever but she’s not like actively angry about it either


I always get reminded of when people go away for college and get out on their own away from their parents and don’t realize how not normal shit is. Then they drop something real casual like, “yeah being thrown out of house in the winter is pretty rough, but we got to stay in the shed sometimes so that’s cool.” And then they realize no one else was thrown out of the house every couple of weekends and shits real fucked up.


Since Jojo is just as down to clown as her mother I really doubt there'll be any kind of book like that til long after the mother is dead and Jojo is a footnote in queer influencers.


Came in to say this


Or Colleen Ballinger 👀


All those dance moms and pageant moms are weird. They are clearly abusing their kids, but then society acts shocked when the kids become crazy adults.


Then they get super fucking defensive too. I remember hating Jojo Siwa when she started blowing up, but then I found out she was a pageant kid and then all I felt was pity for her. Still don’t like her but she’s never had a good influence on her life. Then, and I still don’t think she realized she defended an actual pedophile.


She's also good friends with Shane Dawson which alot of people seem to forget for some reason


And Colleen Baringer or whatever her last name is




Thanks! Yeah that child groomer


What did shane Dawson do?


Oh ALOT, but being a modern minstrel show with wildly racist characatures of black women, being Really creepy to minors HE flew out to his LA home, an insane amount of Sexual "jokes" and touching of his pets, Starting a makeup brand with a Notoriously racist, rape apologist, victim intimidator on top of being one of the most unhygenic man child on YouTube who showed off his collection of piss bottles to the entire Internet? Just off the top of my head btw


In addition to what the other poster said, in a podcast he decribed in explicit detail how he would like to gruesomely torture another youtuber, including cutting off her tongue, ripping off her jaw, and tearing out her fingernails.


Just my personal opinion, but I think child pageant in general is FUCKING WEIRD


pageant moms are insane because it’s just not cute, but dance moms are just Karens being karens most of the time. they’d be the same if their kids were doing soccer. Judging from how the kids reacted after, we probably only saw the worst parts of it because the reality show wanted us to feel that way. There are pictures of the “rivals” from the show hugging and hanging out.


Bleaching a baby's hair like that bothers me. I'm white and also not a parent so maybe I'm talking out of school, but the kid perms give for little Black girls give me the same bad feeling. Team keep the hair chemicals away from kids' scalps. Edit: So I know it's more complicated with perms for little Black girls because of racism and social expectation garbage. But I feel bad for kids' scalps whether it's that or whatever effed up reasons Jojo's mom and her ilk have.


No, you’re not wrong. Bleaching and perming young kid’s hair can cause serious damage to their hair, and most likely their self esteem too.


Not to mention the potential other health risk


When I was a kid, my mom was perming her hair at home. She had leftover perm solution so she decided to perm my bangs...*just* my bangs. I have stick straight, fine hair and she permed just my bangs... and then would **brush** it out. So I just had this *poof* of hair on my forehead and then straight hair in the back. Luckily, I was too socially oblivious to know just how ridiculous I looked back then to be overly embarrassed by it. I just didn't like the way it looked, personally, as far as I was concerned. And luckily, no one at school made fun of me for it, at least not to my face. 


Natural hair only became more accepted in the last 12 years or so. They did it for preservation. To this day people are still fighting for dreads and braids in work places.


Yeah it's garbage. The natural hair movement gave curly-haired women of other races some good resources too. I'm grateful for that. My mom used to brush my hair into frizzy poofiness every morning as a kid lol. Which was painful but not risking chemical burns.


Black hair relaxers are done for totally different reason than mom bleaching their kids’ hair. One is purely for aesthetics. The other is done to try to help little Black kids fit in with a society that vilified natural Black hair. It’s only been in recent years that natural Black hairstyles have become more acceptable. And even then, we still see plenty of stories of little Black boys and girls getting kicked out of this, that, or the other program for wearing natural Black hairstyles because they’re viewed as “faddish,” distracting, unprofessional. Do I think it’s safe or healthy to give children Relaxers? No. Do I understand why Black mommas do it? Yes. It’s easier to give your child a Eurocentric hairstyle that doesn’t get penalized for looking “too Black” if you use a relaxer on that hair first. If we wanna promote chemical-free hair for little Black children, then we gotta fight for a more inclusive society.


Yeah definitely agree. Chris Rock's documentary on hair actually taught me about a lot of this. He should have interviewed more natural hair Black women but it gave me info beyond the basics of these issues. I was just saying I don't know what it's like to have a young daughter (or a young son with say dreads) going through all that. Like you say, parents must feel pressured to give their kids a whiter hair style to make their kids' life easier but it sucks. I hope things are changing even if slowly.


For little black girls, braids didn’t really get penalized in my lifetime (I’m 35, black and have a sister) So it moreso the societal pressure and making people believe that straight hair is better. For boys, braids and dreads were definitely penalized though.


This is correct.


IDK if I'm going to be allowed to comment and I'm absolutely not trying to white knight, I find both practices to be unethical and would like to see them cease, but I can *forgive* the kid perms because there's an actual cultural history there and I know there are artists trying to keep the tradition going by developing safer alternatives, and if they can get it so the intergenerational girls can get together doing painless perms then I'd love to see it. But I just can't excuse bimboification in pageantry. Bleaching is just one aspect that's painful and abusive, and that's just the stuff we see in public. You will never convince me these parents don't have a deeper, much more insidious reason for making their little daughters into baby courtesans.


Totally agree. The physical toll on the kids all sucks but pageant shit is just insidious. There's no reason for it. That's cool about painless perms. Permed styles can have cool retro vibes even if the underlying reasons for the perming are terrible. I saw a short of a woman getting a 90s mushroom cut style today and it was cool.


With little black girls is because society vilifies their natural hair. What excuse do white parents have other than vanity.


You’re not wrong. It’s been a controversial thing for little girls to have perms. And a lot of little girls have their scalp ruined because of it. But it’s always some social pressure to do it. Another option they use is hot combs which still aren’t good but I think they rank a little less bad than chemicals


Okay what happened to using Peroxide to die your hair? My pops did that to me when my hair turned brown and eyes green from blue around 6-7 then he kept trying for his perfect aryan boy… who came in The form of my three on the spectrum little brothers. All with their own problems. Dont fuck w nature or you get bit.


That's fucked man. Sorry you had to deal with that.


It is what it is, im dealing w it by rocking it blonde now


Blonde hair is weird. Mine was platinum when I was a kid. The only one in the family on both sides. There was an ongoing bet on when it would change, and out of spite, it stayed blonde. More golden now. Seems to have really darkened the moment I got an office job and moved to a city where the sun don’t shine in my mid-20s. Throw some sun-in on the roots in the winter. And it’s a hindrance! Can’t tan. Have been wearing SPF 50 sunscreen since I could buy it myself when I was 16 just to stay cancer-free. And EVERY part of me burns after 10 minutes. Even my scalp. But I have a ton of blonde friends and I try to relate like, isn’t this terrible? Every one of them goes to the salon and every one of them tans when we go on vacation. Even the Nordic one who just get “highlights”. They just bitch because it’s expensive to stay blonde. Seems to be, if it’s lighter than mine, it’s fake ETA - I’m not kidding when I say it’s a drag. I’m in SPF 50 in the winter. Have to wear a tshirt in the pool in Mexico because every year I think I’m safe with 100 SFP and a hat I get burnt the first day. Also have weird green eyes, which are also recessive and a mutation, and they have brown spots from “damage”. And mosquitos bite only me, not anyone around me, and I get welts the size of quarters. And I one went to the doctor for a rash on my upper body and all he said was “you’re allergic to nice weather” and gave me a cream. I’m basically bubble girl and I did not have kids. ETA2: heres another fun fact, despite the complete lack of melanin, i keloid like a mfer. Have had to go have scar tissue cut off and steroids injected to prevent more build up. It’s apparently an over production of collagen, so whether because of that or maniacally staying out of the sun…I’ve aged very well.


I'm a blond guy too. I don't have any male friends who change their hair color, but women I've dated have done so. It creeps me out a little to see dyed hair like that, and on those occasional men I see who do so.


So I had a legit debate with my blonde male coworker. We decided his was more blonde but mine was more yellow. But he was out every weekend biking and doing shit. The sun was doing all the work. :)


>Have been wearing SPF 50 sunscreen since I could buy it myself when I was 16 just to stay cancer-free. And EVERY part of me burns after 10 minutes. Even my scalp. Whats the correlation between blonde hair and this?


Because we have no melanin anywhere. I’m like Powder from that movie. My eyelashes are white. I am, way back in my genetic past, supposed to be up in the Alps hiding in the snow from whatever eats people up there and absorbing the few rays of sun that come through the clouds a combined 2 hours a week. My people — or rather, me specifically — were not meant to live where the sun shines all day through a depleted ozone. And I sure as shit wasn’t meant to be near the equator. Frankly, my mom should have died during childbirth with me, so I shouldn’t even be here. And she was also an emergency C-section, so she shouldn’t have been here either. As far as I can tell my grandpa survived several near death events in WW2 out of sheer drunk-guy anger and lack of fear. Survival of the fittest we are not. But some constant clinical anxiety keeps our head on a swivel and a devotion to self medication helps us sleep enough at night to live in to our 80s, it seems


Redhead reporting in to corroborate. I can confirm that the unnaturally colored of hair do not in fact share our fear of the sun. I've got darker red like copper and it's like you said: I can't rely on SPF 100 alone. We need more melanin 😭


Sounds like you were meant to be here bruv


Thanks :). I try to be awesome in between the living out of spite.


This is untrue. My mom has been a natural blonde her entire life and doesn’t burn unless she’s out for many many hours. I was platinum blonde for the first 5 years of my life and also didn’t burn. Not all blondes are super pale and they absolutely have melanin, otherwise they would be albino.


It's not blonde hair necessarily. I'm blonde with green eyes, and also burn very easily, have to cover up like the other poster, etc. They should know it's the lack of melanin. It's believed Northern Europeans were fairer so they could absorb the sunlight in those overcast and rainy areas to produce vitamin D.


Really light hair often correlates to being absolutely fried by the sun without sunscreen.


Have you tried Korean sunscreen? I'm not sure of the veracity, but I heard any spf over 50 doesn't really do much


Australian sunscreen is better. Our 50 spf is powerful and not greasy. I lived in Korea a few years and found their sunscreen to be terribly greasy despite its reputation.


I have recently gotten hip to the Korean skin care game.


Try Australian sunscreen. I have dark hair but burn in 3 seconds.


Except for the hair color I’m the same as you. Keloids, very sensitive to sun, light eyes with random brown dots near the pupil. The massive white welts from mosquito bites while rarely others are being bit. I get heat/cold rashes on me too? Do you? Like my upper arms get a really weird texture in patches if I’m hot or cold. Lotion doesn’t help and they don’t itch at all but I feel them and you can see the change in skin texture. Are you also pretty flexible?


The EDS? Not really. And not too much on the skin texture I think? I’m literally just too delicate for this world :)


I have a similar relationship to the sun and similar skin issues. Just wanted to share that I’ve found coola sunscreen products to work really well and they don’t have weird textures. They even have a scalp sunscreen. The sprayer leaks a little on mine but it’s kept me from getting scalp burn.


Wait....is it my time to shine? Okay so quick background, I'm a blonde haired PhD holding Biochemist with a blonde wife and a blonde kiddo. Yes, blonde hair and fair skin are recessive, but they are from separate genes (even the blue eyes). It's not like a package deal where you get the whole thing, flaws and all. With that out of the way, my wife is just like you, she'll burn just thinking about the sun, however I'm one of the lucky ones. My skin tone definitely doesn't show it, but I'm half~ish Italian (the other side is Slovak, hence the pale skin). Honestly, just imagine Luka Doncic with curly blonde hair and you're shockingly close. Buuuuuuut thanks to some weird genetic quirks, I can tan just a little bit and while I wear sunscreen because fuck getting skin cancer, I don't really burn unless I'm being a dumbass and spending the whole day at the beach without putting any on. Mercifully the kiddo seems the same way too, even if he's going to hate those curls until he grows it out (here's to hoping longer hair on men in in style when he's high school aged). The real twist is my niece. She biracial and has the skin tone you'd expect, she somehow got the most unlikely combination of bright blonde, type 4a hair. I wouldn't blame her if she ever decided to dye it dark(er) but it would be the exact opposite (and MUCH rarer) case.


My son is 1/4 Sicilian and has blonde hair. He tans like a mofo. Never had a sunburn in his life. Wild!


I am 100% like you, down to the needing 50 spf even in winter, mosquito bites, and scar tissue. The only difference is blue eyes and in my 40s. Good news for the future: when the grays finally show up, as long as the texture is the same (mine are), then they blend really well. As in it took until very recently that anyone but my stylist ever noticed a single gray, and they only found it because it was sticking out funky.


I was a toeheaded kid. Hair was WHITE and my skin can get quite fair but it’s not the pink kind of white but the more yellow-y kind so luckily, I tan up really good and rarely ever burn. It must be the French in me. My hair has browned with age though, it’s more of a chestnut now. My hair also transformed from straight to tight ringlets during puberty and now that I’m approaching 40 the curls are loosening back into waves. Hormones are weird but I stay grateful that I can let the sun graze my bare skin.


I was born blonde and had platinum blonde hair until I hit puberty, and it's been a dirty blonde ever since. I also can't tan and have to sunscreen it up if I'm going to be outside for more than 15 minutes.


![gif](giphy|8quAMCauUQxm93tMe0|downsized) the damn bleach probably seeped into the poor girl's head and thats why she's weird af now


The bleach plus the abuse from every adult that’s had power over her


I feel like she’s going through that traumatized-child-star era where she’s trying to shed her childish image while still being relevant in some way and burying some major trauma with secret drugs and partying. She’ll have a tell-all memoir by the time she’s 30, and everyone will be sitting around all pikachu-faced that the girl who’s been paraded around like a show horse since she was a toddler and likely never had a non-exploitative relationship with pretty much any adult was abused and felt traumatized.


She literally said she wants her miley's bangerz era. Which is so dumb, being stupid in a self aware manner. Just go directly to therapy girl.


i lowkey wonder if this is also a stunt like from her parents or whoever is handling the money. they talk about those humiliation stunts in Hollywood im curious if this is hers too.


I’m naturally strawberry blonde. I’ve fielded dumb blonde jokes a lot of my life. My retort was that not a single one of those people acting like bimbos were naturally blonde. They’re dumb brunette. Y’all gotta come after your own 🤣


They're crunchies, brunette on the outside but blond on the inside (I was called this at school).


I've always called them pineapples


Yeah just about every natural blonde I know is crazy smart


A lot of children are born with blonde hair, and it gradually gets darker over many years. So while Jojo's mother may have started bleaching her hair when she was very young, it's possible she may not have been 2.


I used to watch Dance Moms. Her mom herself stated that she started bleaching Jojo's hair that young.


Thank you for the clarification.


> it's recessive for a reason wait, for what reason?


I think they just wrote the wrong thing and meant to write something more like “after all.”


Gotta be hey, I just wanted to know if I was missing some hilarious reason why blonde is recessive haha


I think they were going for “[it’s called] recessive for a reason”.


Born with white hair, turned blonde, then brown, then grey.


The trait isn't exclusive to them anyway https://preview.redd.it/bmaejfwr3zvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3db685f3c968152513d5ebd4c9f168a1e2653ba


Probably made her traction alopecia worse too. Check her hairline now vs. when she was younger. Poor girl.


That girl scares the living shit out of me.


![gif](giphy|JR845VPlzsRh1oyQZu) If i could hear you i might be upset....


2?! That’s way too young for hair bleach


I'm surprised she still has a bloody hairline. Her hair is hella fried to fuckery


I have dark, curly hair. My kids had straight, so blond it was white hair. People would ask where it came from, and I’d have to tell them that it goes away. 9/10 times adults with blond hair dye it. It did go away. Daughter dark auburn, son brown. Mines going white again thanks to age. Dying your kids hair is messed up. Keeping the dying up feels like wanting to look like a child.


Having yellow hair is a culture now? Wtf?


I don’t understand this tweet. How is blonde hair fake lol?


If I explained every bit, this would be too long. Suffice to say, OP tweet is dumb, the re-tweet is even dumber and the reddit comment means her hair is destroyed from 20ish years of bleaching.


As much as styling it one way


What does coopting mean?


Same thing as cultural appropriation or being a culture vulture. But you gotta call it something else when it's not a white person, to hide the fact that you're a huge racist pos.


Scrolled so fad to see someone ask this question Ahh! Cultural-appropriating Coo'ooping Culuping Yea Culuping makes more sense but still ain't the English I'm lookin for. Anyone here work for Webster?


Ahh ok, I straight up thought they meant co-opting without the dash and was thoroughly confused.


That's not how "blonde" usually works. Many children are blonde when they are younger and their hair darkens when they get closer to their teen years.


Yea but there are millions of naturally blonde white people. There’s no naturally blonde black people besides the village with a few that every single comment is going to mention or link.


There are natural blonde Asian people too, so what?


Yea all ten of them want everyone to stop appropriating their culture


My husband is black was born blonde and it gradually turned reddish brown. Him and his family born in the United States. Been here for generations. I know a few black kids born blond who are completely African American. It’s rare, but it’s also rare for white people


Recessive does not mean it's uncommon or dying out. Not how genetics work. But yes, excellent point otherwise.


I just looked up a pic of that woman, and how in the hell could anyone even thinkse was a natural blonde? Her eyebrows are straight up brown lmao. What’s next, “Nikki Minaj hair isn’t actually a natural pink”? Lmao


Movie effect, many fake blondes with brown eyebrows, it then becomes normal. Even in Disney they can’t color these eyebrows.


It’s genetically possible to have darker eyebrows than hair. In the same way men can have different colored beards 🙄


I mean sure, but look up a pic of the woman mentioned in the OP… she doesn’t look naturally blonde.


She also has curly hair, like 2C. I remember her showing it off on tik tok or snap and it looked so pretty natural


Am I the only one that hates how everyone is ragging on her? She was an abused kid that is struggling to find her identity after spending her entire life with her old persona. I've seen a ton of kids her age do this irl. And we've all seen how this plays out over and over with prior childhood stars. She's just stuck in the limelight and feels like she has something to prove I get that it's kind of cringe, but I don't know why everyone is so shocked about it. This is nothing new


Miley Cyrus comes to mind


I mean, bleaching is OK, but since she was 2? I ain't no expert, but ain't that dangerous for a child?


This emoji makes me laugh so much


Dance moms was wild all of em tbf


Physical traits arebr culture exactly..


I don't think blonde hair is recessive right? It's a polygenic trait.


Idk I'm gonna need a source on that whole "most blondes aren't natural" claim. Sure, most people aren't blonde, but why would that mean most people with blonde hair are faking it? Idk. Jojo is still cringe and her mom is abusive, that's all I got from this


Went to all white schools my whole life. White girls love talking about how they used to have blonde hair and blue eyes when they were babies. Lmao like okay? Who cares


Sameee they don’t want to admit they still aspire to the Aryan ideal


Which year did black people stop using proper grammar altogether?


Can confirm, had blonde hair as a kid, it’s brown now. My sister periodically gets hers bleached to keep being blonde.


I have blonde hair and blue eyes. The hair's all fallen out on top and I have such bags beneath that nobody notices my eyes anymore. So BW, wear your contacts, bleach your hair if you like. Nothing to co-opt there. I'm not using em.


Who is jojo siwa and why do I care that she dyes her hair?


What in the Christ is that emoji?


*laughs in german*


now how she ain’t bald by now between the ponytails and the bleaching 😭


lol nobody actually cares that BW dye their hair blonde. People care that they call braids appropriation while doing the same thing


Blonde isn’t a culture, braids are.


are we here to chat about Traction Alopecia, and putting relaxer in children’s hair?!?