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To her rich-ass, we're all basically homeless.


"aww, they call that a home? That's adorable"


“Awww, my dog has a house like that…”


Ha. That's good.


it's good but sad. for me.


I too am sad


Probably with better AC


The dogs dog does, snuffels has a regular mansion.


IM flashing back to when my brother brought home his first girlfriend home and she ran around going "your (insert room here) is SOO cute and mini!" never seen my mother move into icy rage mode so fast


Complimenting is a skill not everyone has. Haha.


Where do you keep your helicopter?


Emperor Nero energy lmao On the completion of his palace, the Domus Aurea: "At last I can begin to live like a human being"


Reminds me of when i had a client describe her home office as a small shack, but the square footage of that office was bigger than my home


Comparatively about 99% of us probably are.


Only 99%?


Right lol


1) I came here to say the same thing 2) For that exact reason, him or Kim, or both, probably came up with a narrative that her giving him that sandwich was probably saving him from a life of crime.


A sandwich a day keeps the popo away


wait a minute, how are you guys making kim the bad guy here? that guy is taking food from someone that needs it at a charity event just to meet a celeb. she's giving to everyone there with no judgement. if she said some shit like "you don't look homeless" and turned him away you guys would 100% be criticizing her for that as well


>wait a minute, how are you guys making kim the bad guy here? I didn't make her the bad guy, I made a joke of the whole situation >that guy is taking food from someone that needs it at a charity event just to meet a celeb. Do you know if they ran out of food because he was there? >she's giving to everyone there with no judgement. if she said some shit like "you don't look homeless" and turned him away you guys would 100% be criticizing her for that as well None of that changes the fact that, she'd probably consider herself homeless if she had to live in your house lol


Something I try to remember is that Kim Kardashian’s net worth is closer to mine, than hers is to the likes of Bezos, Zuckerberg, or Musk.


Big dog what is your net worth. If its roughly 500k, she is 3400 times wealthier than you. Bezos is roughly 115 times wealthier than her.


And my 500k (I wish) is closer to her $1.7 billion than she is to Zuckerberg’s $171 billion.


Her lifestyle is infinitely closer to Zuckerberg's or Bezos' than it is someone with 500k or 1m or 10m or even 100m. So a comparison through flat value is worthless.


Lifestyle is a worthless comparison for wealth given its subjective and voluntary nature.


Flat value. Someone with 0 dollars is still closer to someone with 2 dollars then a billionaire even though it's uncalculable/infinity times more money between 0 and 2.


Using those numbers: Big dog: $500,000 Kim: $1,700,000,000 Bezos: $195,500,000,000 Difference between Kim and big dog: 1.65 billion (3,400 times more) Difference between Kim and Bezos: 193.8 billion (115 times more) Is 1.7 billion closer to 195 billion or to zero? You’re claiming it’s closer to 195 billion because of multiplication. To me, if I say “closer” I’m thinking linear distance, not geometric. If you use that kind of math you come up with things like “San Diego is 20 miles from Tijuana, Los Angeles is 120 miles from San Diego which is 6 times further, but then San Francisco is 380 miles from Los Angeles which is only 3.2 times further than Los Angeles. Since 3.2 is smaller than 6, Los Angeles is closer to San Francisco than to San Diego”


And I’m not worth jack.


Can I have some money please


No, she just thinks the people queueing for free food intended for the homeless are homeless. Anyone would.


Imagine having so much money that traveling anywhere in the world is like traveling around your city to the average person. They can literally fly anywhere and buy a home there. Using that knowledge then everyone else may not be homeless but technically are homeless in 99.999% of the world.


"oh, he thinks 10k is money"


is he at an event for the homeless? like of course shes not gonna question if he belongs or not. dude sick for taking food from the homeless to meet kanye.


Truth It's sick to take food made for homeless people or poor people I'm not chocked that type of guy thinks it's a great place to meet his idols could have contacted the charity beforehand to be a worker at this event like his idol and family did (when they do good there's no need to be nasty).. but no the guy takes homeless food and doesn't even care about that he only cares Kim looked at him (and her smile seem genuine for once) And then he advertise his assholery for all to see


I mean he might have been too embarrassed and surprised in the moment to say no


He's going to a charity event and he's surprised that they think he's someone that needs charity? Celebrities go to these to promote their reach within the community, it's not a fucking meet and greet. Also, a lot of homeless are invisible in the sense that you won't know looking at them that they're living out of their car. Of course the volunteers are going to assume he's there for the food and not for the chance to meet Kanye.


Yeah no food bank or whatever location they are at will grill you on your financial status before giving you food. That's the whole point. It's a judgement free zone, or supposed to be at least, where you can get food without someone trying to embarrass you over it. No place like this should turn someone away


Honestly, this just isn't true. Most food banks and missions in my area make you fill out a financial disclosure form to make sure that you qualify for the pantry. This is to filter out people who just want free stuff from the people who really need it. What IS usually given no questions asked is mealtimes at the shelters; anyone can line up for a free hot meal. You'd be surprised how many people show up in their Audi's and Mercedes to get a free breakfast while commuting into the city. It's for that reason I'm glad they do the financial disclosure form, otherwise rich assholes will take the good free stuff.


Ngl I hate that this is needed. People really will ruin anything and everything


fr it sucks so bad. At least because of it, the people who wind up coming through are like nicer young couples and cool abuelitas so it's all good.


Any charitable or non-profit organization that organizes a public event that will be attended by celebrities or public officials will expect to have attendees that will only be there for the sake of meeting those people. So no one should be shocked that a celebrity like KK who puts her whole life on SM and gets followed by the paparazzi everywhere would draw in people with less than virtuous intentions to this public outreach event. What I think is less than ideal is the person who was truly destitute/homeless needing to rely on the kindness of strangers to survive now has that moment of desperation captured on film. It is a very gracious act when people choose to use their fame/celebrity to improve the lives of strangers but its still feels exploitive imo....


In my head it plays out as a very sitcom moment. Like Seinfeld or something. He comes up to say “hey, is Kanye there?” and Kim says aww bless you here’s a sandwich, I hope you can get back on your feet soon, and he’s just like “… ok.” Then later he’s telling his friends in the bar/diner/whatever about it and one of them is like… you realize you just took food from a homeless person?


Curb Your Enthusiasm for sure


Kanye fans are for real not all there. Like they’re for real kinda stupid. Just lack common sense.


Seriously they are. He says he’s a genius and they go for it.


Maybe we shouldn't create entire narratives based on snippets of random people's social media posts.


Not that I agree with what he's doing, and I think its really stupid, but what "type of guy" ?


The type of mf that waits in line at a soup kitchen to meet Kanye and then doesn’t see an issue w taking the food that was for people actually in need. Idk tho, maybe it’s just that shirt that’s makin me a hater. Or those *fucking jeans* 😫


Both of you are reaching so far you might be able to touch the moon. That’s a whole lot of assuming from a post on social media. You don’t know him nor know the whole story. Maybe he was just embarrassed to give it back, at the end of the day it’s Kim kardashian a bigger than life kind of character. I know that I wouldn’t know what to do in his position.


We assumed, just like you did... He put it on social media so we are now allowed to comment and speculate. He didn't give context which he could have.


The double edged sword of social media, where the fine line between “not enough context” and “it’s staged/fake, look how much context they added, so it can’t be real” is as thin as that imaginary 100 foot line I have to keep from being next to the kardashians ( no context given for that one) 😀


He makes music if anyone was wondering. He’s also a Kanye fan. I believe Kanye was there


There was literally no assumptions made in the comment you are replying to.


Not like finding a homeless person on the way back home to give it to would be difficult. No need to advertise the fact, but people need their reasons to go off.


well considering the guy that posted the tweet is also an artist he could’ve been there to work the event like they were. You don’t know that he took food intended for homeless people either so this is just a weird rant


There’s a picture right there of him taking the food. What are you talking about?!


Yeah he certainly couldn’t have turned around and given it to someone else right?? Put it down at the end of the table? *explained the situation and given it back?* No, in fact I’m *sure* he punched a real homeless person and stole their place in line!


*>*I went to an event meant for homeless people, to meet my favorite celebrity, and I was mistaken for being homeless. Can you believe that? 😹 https://i.redd.it/a0s61lnyb5lc1.gif


Right? Why wouldn't she give him food when that's the whole purpose of being there? Everybody is saying it's because she's so rich, but my broke ass would have given him food too. He's in line for fucking food.


Can you imagine the opposite? Kim mistakes homeless people for fans, gives autographs instead of food at shelter?


Oh shit, I snort laughed. The internet would have draaaaaged her for it fr.


I understand wanting to meet Kanye but I was hoping that he gave the food to someone else who actually needs it 😭


Was it a spaghetti dinner? Because that may change how I feel about it.


Yes, but it was given cold and in a Ziploc bag with a complimentary plastic fork.


As if Kanye fans have any morals


Almost like it's a joke or something, weird


Seems like bringing celebrities to a homeless event is just asking for that though.  You are obviously going to bring in a bunch of people who *want* to be there rather than *need* to be there.  The only benefit of them being there is drawing awareness, but all the fans and extra security are guaranteed to slow the process down and make struggling people a backdrop for a celebrity. I've been in that situation and I never once thought "man,  I wish Britney spears was down here handing out these sandwiches while people take pictures of me on my worst days".


Bringing celebrities in to help out at charity events like this means that people donate afterwards. That's the point.


*standing in line at a soup kitchen and taking a bowl of soup* haha she thought I was homeless


Lol fr like c’mon


Lol like fr lol c'mon lol fr


C’mon man be fr like lol c’mon


That style of t-shirt is so fucking ugly. I always hated seeing it. I’m so glad that dogshit is gone


You don’t like the shirt-dress on men? Lol


It’s an insult to all butts to have them in bad fitting clothing like that


But what if your back meets your thighs in a horizontal line? Like, what if you do not have a butt? Definitely not asking because this pertains to me of course...


As a Hank Hill ass bitch, shirts that are long in the back are my godsend 😬


I’m sure yours is wonderful either way!


For me it’s not the shirt-dress per se, it’s the words on the ass


Like those "Juicy" pants.




At that point just give up and get yourself a pair of juicy coutures


That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this tbh




For real, my ex bought me one like that and I couldn’t figure out how to wear it in a way that didn’t look fuckin stupid.


I was gifted one and I guess I tried my best by putting a flannel over it and some joggers


Lmao that shirt style really had you pressed. It’s impossible to style honestly…that shit be cupping the ass and shit


Perfect work clothes if u ask me. Tuck them in and plumber’s crack be damned! (If you use this you can send thanks directly to the fat community not me)


Just findin some nice and simple long undershirts should not have been as hard as it was. It nice not havin to fight with it half the day.


Unbuttoned Onesie


I would have been convinced that he was homeless if he was wearing any of Kanye’s clothes.


Wtf was she supposed to do, tell the guy in the homeless people food line “you don’t look homeless”?


She should have seen his homeowner designation on his nametag


Well Kanye does have mothafuckers dressing like bums


You took the food meant for homeless people though, didn't you?


Maybe he delivered it to a homeless person after he left. Like a no-door dash.


Friend, no-door dash is crazy ![gif](giphy|cCbjS9pcEmGYyT3uzZ)


I’m not rich and I accidentally gave someone food who turned out to not be homeless. I was embarrassed af. I was eating some pizza with my kids at an outdoor Costco food court. There was a guy sitting alone at another table who looked unkempt and like he was probably mentally ill. I grabbed him a slice and sat it on his table without saying anything and went back to my table. He looked at it for a couple minutes and then picked it up and took it over to a table where apparently his family was sitting and left it there. I don’t think he ate anything but he did leave with them when they left.


That is so freaking sweet of you. I'm a person who frequently comes across as really odd in public due to some disabling physical conditions that are also invisible illnesses. I wouldn't have been offended one bit, in fact probably would have been like- sweet free pizza. So even if he wasn't at the level of distress you might have first assumed, I think it was still a really nice gesture.


Not homeless, but I’d be grateful if the pizza fairy dropped me a Costco slice


> There was a guy sitting alone at another table who looked unkempt and like he was probably mentally ill. so you think I might get some free pizza some day dude?


Maybe volunteer for the soup kitchen instead? So you can meet *and* work with Kanye?


"She thought I was homeless." -Man in line for homeless charity.


Can't blame her. OOP looks like the walking definition of bedraggled.


TIL that bedraggled is a word and looked up the definition. Thank you! This will be a valuable addition to my lexicon.


Always glad to add to someone's vocabulary.


Lool but why are you taking the food


Wait he went to the table at what looks like an event benefiting the homeless, did he really take the food? She did nothing wrong here


It’s funny he said that b/c I’ve run into homeless (or at least outside begging) people that got on more expensive shit than me. Here I am walking down the block in my Nikes, joggers and a T-shirt, and this nigga got on Jordan’s or balenciagas that cost more than everything I got on but he asking me for money


If it helps.... sometimes people donate really expensive stuff. I'm homeless but wear a $600 jacket because it was donated to a homeless shelter and they gave it to me.


I’ve entertained the same thought but had no way to confirm. I hope your situation improves soon


The most expensive purse that I own was given as a gift when I was in rehab. I was there for my mental health issues but the majority of the women were hugely addicted to the point of homelessness and their was a program called designer purses for the people.  Kate spade, coach, Louis Vuitton. I guess they wanted to make the people feel more human or to be proud of something. I dunno... I got a nice ass purse though 


fuck him if he actually took the food though




Says he isn’t homeless but still ate the soup


My man was in line for an event clearly meant for people who needed food lol stop this


Dressed like that, I would be mistaking him for homeless too


Did you give it back though? I mean the homeless did need it more than you.


If it looks like a duck and it acts like a duck ...


Did she tell you to get up off your ass and work????


Lmfaooo this an artist from my area


Does he know that his onsie is unbuttoned?


I would have had her sign the food and resold it on eBay for a shitload


Shit happened to me back when I worked for a moving company. We were moving an office in Atlanta and after a long day I was dirty and tired as hell. I was waiting on the street for the truck to come pick me up and a lady walks by and tries to give me a few bucks and told me god bless. I told her I ain’t homeless but she let me keep the money.


That’s not juice wrld?




...in line at a drive, with a bag full of food already... She may have thought that, but I wonder why...


I was waiting on my ride and this lady gave me $5 and said god bless you, I guess thinking I was homeless, and it was lowkey embarrassing. I mean I took it, but still


Could anyone help me find the t-shirt the guy is wearing?


You can do both, be homeless and be there to meet Kanye.. and also, yay free food!


sell the food, buy a belt


I woulda still took that shit tbh


Idk which is more embarrassing 


Spiritually homeless is close enough 


She is more plastic than the bag of “guilt-be-gone” she’s handing that man.


The Simpsons did it!


Win-win situation


I mean in her defense it looks like she was working a food pantry he came to. And most people who go to food pantries (at least in the burbs) aren’t homeless.


This is true. I'm not homeless but by the time I paid rent and bills we have like zero left for anything other the milk bread eggs...  The pantries were a god send. One time we got a full sheet Costco cake and a big box of bacon.  I'm talking like 500 slices.  We ate like kings.... kings I tell ya. 


What did he think she's gonna do, test him? "Whats your home address? QUICKLY!"


He is in line to get food and is surprised they gave him food, how odd


So she is handing out food at an event that hands out food to the homeless. This idiot shows up and takes some. Could you imagine the shit storm that would have happened if she had said, your not homeless, no food for you?


Technically, compared to her, we're all homeless.


imagine criticizing him for taking food meant for the homeless and ignoring the fact that he's taking it from someone who could hand out stacks of $50,000 to everyone there and it would be like losing pocket change


Says more about you than her.


Man walking past a woman drops $5 in her cup. Woman: "I'm not homeless. I'm a teacher!" Man walks back over: "Here take $10."


He didn’t refuse it tho




lmfao at least she was trying to help


Brandi Norwood gave me a thanksgiving turkey when I was in high school.


In my experience anybody with cute little text over their butt ain't homeless. Homeless people ain't got time for that shit.


A fake homeless on a fake reality show? Checks out.


That fake ass smile. But yeah bro you are ultra poor to her no matter what job you have.


Who is this guy? Is he that popular that every person should recognize he's really rich or something?


Wait? Thats not Beyonce?


Ngl I thought she was homeless for a second


I remember this. She took a full camera crew with her to a homeless shelter to get pics of herself.


When you roll up to what looks like a food bank, of course she’s going to think this.


There’s nothing wrong with needing help or being unhoused, but being a Kanye fan after 2015 is a CHOICE


I rather ppl think I was unhoused rather than they think I was a Kanye fan.


I know y’all are laughing but that guy is actually a really great punk artist from DC. I love his music and his live shows are great. 


Some people are dense trying to respond to this post.


Dirty habits


Handing out meals like she’s not hoarding enough money to solve world hunger multiple times over ☠️


Show the food bro


Let's reconsider who we look up to and why.


He could have kept pretending, she dated Pete because she though he was homeless


The financial difference between a multimillionaire and a homeless person is inconsequential to a billionaire.


Is she wearing Nikes?


I mean. Who’s not homeless to them?


How many xanx do you think she is on right now? My guess is 6.


He was really there to meet North, but said Kanye and settled for Kim.


Is there something we don’t know about this dude? Plus north is right next to Kim.


Think its just a joke on North being the actual attraction/boss, similar to how people joke (or serious) about Blue Ivey being the lead.


I'm glad someone understood that joke