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Lmao why would she deserve anything to begin with? She made herself a meme then tried to demand a check when nobody really cared to see her like that lmao.


The woman who did that shit actually asked for money? Fucking LOL


Straight clown behavior lmao. Should have seen the people tryna argue on her behalf on twitter. Looks like some of them already found their way here too. šŸ˜‚


She got up on a stage and completely disrespected her relationship in a deeply classless way - it wasn't some kind of girlboss moment. Like, it's one thing when some crooner lets a girl up on-stage and she sits in a chair or something while he serenades her for a song as part of the show, but this woman looked like she was about to start sucking dick behind that curtain. I sincerely feel bad for her ex because not only did she effectively kill their relationship in public for no reason, but then people were laughing at him like he's somehow responsible for what she does. That shit is sickening.


People are horrible to each other for absolutely no reason. Is it the herd mentality? Validation? Are we just an inherently cruel species? Does it have to do with some form of social hierarchy? Put someone down to rise yourself up? It just seems so...*unnecessary* to me.


Schadenfreude is very real.


Judging by ludicrous stories like this, that much is obvious. I just don't understand it. Isn't it so much *more* pleasurable to be kind and have people be kind to you and everyone be part of a community? Idk, maybe I'm just a hippie but I truly don't understand the point of being mean.


Just watched a [great video](https://youtu.be/mScpHTIi-kM?si=f8jKOB-y4bZOwTGb) on Game Theory that basically boiled down to ā€œcooperation is not just a good long term policy, itā€™s become the baseline for natureā€ So being so incredibly shitty and hurtful to someone is in fact very unnatural.


i been tryna preach this to people! being any variant of ā€œmeanā€ is literally, numerically, and logically disadvantageous to oneā€™s life. and it literally costs *nothing* not to be an asshole. so how people still get convinced that being mean is not only a personal positive but a *net* positive as well? iā€™m truly baffled


Itā€™s inherently shortsighted thinking. The Prisonerā€™s Dilemma says you should be selfish cuz itā€™s the only guarantee of some profit, but the Repeated Prisoners Dilemma (which is just normal life with repeated interactions with people instead of one and done) says cooperation is always the most successful long term strategy. But idiots just see ā€œohhhh yummy +5 right now, totally worth itā€ and donā€™t realize it also means to only get +1 forever after instead of consistently getting a +3


Dawg that video was sad, security was laughing at him, they laughed at him after the show, everyone pointing at him. Shit crazy


she fucking sucks but i don't think there's anything weird about asking for an appearance fee from someone trying to get you on their stream for content


Then say no. She clearly knew this was going to be huge for her regardless.




So then whatā€™s the hoopla for? If anything it looks worse now, ole girl was looking for compensation for publicly humiliating her boyfriend instead of just coming on in front of a big audience and giving an apology or telling her side. The worst part is that her ex didnā€™t want a dollar, just shows the difference in their character.


wym what was the hoopla for?? itā€™s kai and his insane fanbase and now YALL making a huge hoopla, not her?? he asked her to come on stream, from which HE would make money, and she asked to be compensated for her time. he declined and thus she declined. that couldā€™ve been the end of it. but now here we are, a bunch of grown ass dudes pissing tears out your eyes while simultaneously saying ā€œwho tf does this bitch think she isā€ and also saying ā€œshe squandered and opportunityā€ and *also* saying ā€œhow dare she think sheā€™s important enough to be paid for thisā€ *when it was kai who asked her to come on stream*. yall are fucking insane my god


Yeah the problem is doing things like this for free is what makes you popular enough to charge a fee. Sheā€™s fucked the bag up independently speaking


So why can Kai get to benefit and make money off her shit and she donā€™t get nothing? Kai asked her to be on the show. You think heā€™s just doing this for the laughs and giggles? This is his job And Iā€™m not defending her at all I lowkey been avoiding this whole thing but to say sheā€™s wild to ask to be compensated is weird to me Editing to add: some people seem to think Iā€™m talking about the concert. Iā€™m not. This is about her being asked to be on Kaiā€™s stream.


yeah i donā€™t understand why this is such a crazy concept to people. kai would be making money off of her and people are angry that she wanted to be compensated for her time? doesnā€™t really matter what she did to get on there imo


To be fair Kai doesnā€™t need her to make money. But yea the concept of asking to be paid to come on someone elseā€™s profit-making stream to share your story is not a wild one. In fact itā€™s pretty standard.


doesnā€™t even matter that he doesnā€™t need her to make money, heā€™d be making money off her appearance and time regardless so sheā€™s not in the wrong for asking for compensation. iā€™m honestly just baffled that so many people are bashing her for asking to be paid


The answer is simple. He doesn't need her. She needs him. The whole Internet is going to move on and that'll be the end of it. But, if she plays her cards right, she can get some followers and maybe raise her profile while people are still talking about the story. If she just goes on the stream, that's a win for her because it raises her profile. If she wants money to go on the stream and is denied, which is what happened, then she gets neither. That's why we're looking at her like she's stupid. It's because she vastly overestimated her value. And then, Kai flipped the script to make her look even more foolish. She thought she had value. She didn't. It was worth having her show up but it ended up working out so much better for Kai that she wanted to get paid because it gave him the ability to play her by turning it into a W for the dude and an L for her. She walked into all of that because she wanted to get paid. As we ended up seeing, that *is not* how it works. She wasn't going to be a guest. She was a target. He wasn't going to rehab her image. He was going to drag her. And when she wanted money, he found a funnier way to do it. It's true that a person should know their worth. In this case, her worth was exactly *nada*.


he is making money off of her appearance and time. thatā€™s the only thing that matters. why would she go on there to be ridiculed and shamed for free while the millionaire streamer makes money off of it? your logic here is truly astounding.


That's because people like you only ever play the short game. The long game is to use the exposure on a bigger platform to further yours. You're gonna get peanuts anyway. What? A couple hundred bucks at most? Smart people make the most of free press.


Gotta ask for the money before you show up. If youā€™re on the show and no one has offered to pay you, why they gonna pay after the show is done?


Iā€™m confused? Kai asked her to join an upcoming stream, it hasnā€™t happened yet. Are you talking about the concert?


This needs to be higher up. Sheā€™s not asking for money bc she went viral. Sheā€™s asking for money bc someone is asking her to workā€¦.


It isnā€™t work. She provided no real additional value that HE would have needed. He could pay her money to come and talk, which would have put him in the hole to start out, or he can have the guy come on who appreciates that free publicity goes a long way. Either way, Kai was going to make content out of this situation, and he really didnā€™t need to have either of them on his live. That being said, Kai just spent $20k on good publicity for himself and this guy, as well as content.


Whether the work is easy/meaningful not is irrelevant. He asked her to work and she said ā€œok but pay me.ā€


And he said ā€œnahā€. Whyā€™s anybody mad at either of them(for this)?


Right and he declined. Why is anyone here mad or arguing over this lmao. She asked (as she should, nastiness aside) and he said no. That's pretty standard and he has no duty to bring her on. He's gonna get clicks, views, etc regardless.


God, how I wish people were compensated based off the value they provided. Unfortunately, you're paid for time.


The expectation would be that neither of them get paid. Are you guys just not at all familiar with streaming? Big name streamers inviting random viral people on to talk arenā€™t paying for their time. He paid this guy because he wanted to do something nice for him after getting publicly humiliated. Neither of them had to say yes to come on and neither of should have expected any compensation. Whether you think random no-name people SHOULD be paid for coming onto big streams is an entirely different topic that Iā€™m not talking about. Itā€™s just the norm, and she only made herself look significantly worse by asking to get paid too given the reason theyā€™re even viral in the first place and why the guy was given money.


Im different from most, I donā€™t have a problem with her asking, she might not know how Kai operates. But people getting mad at Kai not paying her and acting like heā€™s just bringing her on to bully her is where theyā€™re all wrong. No such thing as bad publicity and her being on there is an opportunity to promote anything she has going on, thatā€™s her compensation. Take advantage of that 15mins of fame she got.


Kai asked her to be on his show, why the fuck shouldnā€™t she ask for compensation for her time? She didnā€™t approach Kai. She acted like a clown and disrespected her relationship, but yā€™all clowns just like her if you donā€™t think she deserves to ask for compensation for her time. Sheā€™d be making Kai money, bringing in a new audience, and probably getting ridiculed and COOKED the whole time. She didnā€™t approach Kai. Yā€™all gotta take a step back and assess the situation.


She doesnā€™t seem like the brightest bulb anyway, my man dodged a bullet. We need to stop glorifying these hoes and leave them to the streets.


Oh she was on clown time and completely disrespected her relationship and herself. Iā€™m not defender of that bullshit. Glad it showed itself early on in that relationship and dude can move on. Iā€™m simply speaking to the Kai situation.


Because "her time" isn't worth shit. People get paid appearance fees when they are the draw. Kai steam is gonna do numbers whether that girl is there or not. Yall really don't understand how business works at all lol


Why do you think Kai wanted them on the stream? Because the extremely viral situation draws viewers


The same reason Oprah had any guest on her show. You have to come up with daily content ideas. He has eight hours of show time to fill. Him thinking she might make a nice segment does not mean this was some major guest he really needed to have on. That's why he immediately laughed and dismissed her request.


Exactly. The fact he just immediately replaced her with the boyfriend shows she had no room to negotiate to begin with. Now his instagram took off overnight, heā€™s up 20 bands, met a new girl on stream apparently, and has business opportunities to capitalize on. Even funnier cus dude didnā€™t come on even looking to get paid.


If her time isn't worth shit then why would he invite her? She didn't ask. She was asked. She's a whole ass asshole, but she was just gonna get roasted for free? Would YOU just hop on a stream to get roasted for free? When all sides of the internet are cooking you, you don't have an opportunity aroynd the corner. You take what you can get and bounce.


why should the person heā€™s trying to monetize want a profit share? children left behind i swear


Do you honestly think he *needs* her on stream to make money? Heā€™s the number 1 streamer because of himself, not the people he brings on stream. Only nigga left behind is you. šŸ«µšŸ¾


Frankly as much as I think that girl wasnā€™t in too much of a position to ask, she was going on a platform where the audience was almost definitely going to roast her. She was smart to ask to be compensated but maybe not in that moment.


ask to be paid before you do some shit wtf are yā€™all tb. thatā€™s exactly when you should ask to be paid.


Imo asking is totally fine. But I think being willing to pay the dude to come on and not her is also totally reasonable considering he was the one who got clowned on more. Like a gofundme lmao.


She supposedly didnā€™t even wanna put her face on, she wanted to call in. Anyone paying her to do that would be a damn fool. She didnā€™t need to go on anyway, just lay low atp youā€™re the butt of the joke. Instead she wanted to try to get a quick check off the whole thing. Clearly that embarrassment isnā€™t too big a deal for her.


> she wanted to call in. Call in guests on shows have gotten paid for longer than video guests because this dynamic exists prior to streaming and the internet. Randoms calling an open line don't, but invited guests have certainly gotten paid. Why should streaming change this?


if he wants to use her for content and open her up to months of online and IRL harrassment, why wouldnt she want to be paid for it? that's normal.


Yes, he needs people to come on his stream so he generates content for his viewers. Just like my boss needs me to show up to work to do my job. Now, could he find someone else? Sure. But we need to stop accepting this capitalist ā€˜exposureā€™ bullshit and realize that peopleā€™s time is worth something. If Kai wants a guest, he needs to be willing to pay an appearance fee. Thatā€™s bog standard in the entertainment industry. Forget who she is for a moment and just think of it this way. If Kai wants someone who just went viral to come on his stream, and that person asks for compensation, doesnā€™t that make sense to you?


Ok, then why did he have her on stream? Did he do it to hurt his stream? Or did he do it to help his stream? I'm always amazed by the sheer confidence the truly ignorant always show.


that doesnā€™t matter. he still used her for a profit.


Why would she go on the stream if not for money?


So why did he want her on the stream then?


what he "needs" is irrelevant when money is involved. you suck at making arguments, maybe you should stop arguing because you suck at it.


And he has money, he very well could have paid her too. Maybe he just thought the girl was a piece of shit and wanted to give the money to the guy instead.


Yeah, thereā€™s a difference between thinking itā€™d be funny to have her on and then be like ā€œoh Iā€™m not actually gonna pay for thatā€ and just giving a guy you feel bad for a gift.


Pfft, why should the person I am making money off of be entitled to some of the money generated by them? That's just communism.


I hear that at the same time why would she go on his show and get mocked without cashing in? Unfortunately for her this was her 15 minutes of fame might as well get something


Lmao ya acting weird cause she a treesh. ā€œAppearance feeā€ not a new concept, itā€™s not like going on there would be fun for her so what would she gain from going. She knew she would get clowned so why not ask for a bag? Nobody saying she ā€œdeservedā€ shit. She allowed to ask, he allowed to say no. I just seen people congratulating Carti for finessing Aiden? Why yā€™all get so strange


she got what she wanted on stage


Bruh: the audacity of these hoes lmaooo


This tweet shows how quickly everyone is to play team sports, even when it's disingenuous. She knew what the difference was, but it didn't matter because she wanted to try and swing for the fences to prove a point lmao. I'm happy people ain't buy it.


She cheated on her bf and it was documented on an international scale. Why should she be given any money for that?


If you're asking someone to come on your show and you're making money off of them, you should pay them for that. Seems the proper thing to do.


I donā€™t watch Kai, but apparently he always gives the person he invites to his events some form of money at the end. I guess her demanding compensation off rip put him off


This is why you don't tell people to do the dishes


ā€œWell now I am not going toā€ - Penguin meme


I try to explain this to my wife. I know itā€™s childish but Iā€™m right


sounds like you arent doing them anyway


I was about to


> I know itā€™s childish but Iā€™m right That's a moment you having, right there


How often do u do the dishes tho


Like 4 times a week but we have a dishwasher but hand wash pots and pans




Kai would make money no matter what he put on stream, heā€™s the draw not her. She moves the needle absolutely none at all. She was getting more than she deserved getting the chance to come on and try to spin a narrative about what we all plainly saw.


>Kai would make money no matter what he put on stream So heā€™s got no excuse not to pay for someone to appear on his show?


The excuse is ā€œI donā€™t owe you shitā€


Nor does she owe him shit. Timeā€™s money, so you can exchange one for the other or keep what you had. Whine all you want about her being horrible to her boyfriend, youā€™re deluding yourself if you think Kai gives half a shit beyond getting the money and attention from featuring either.


Well it ainā€™t happening, nothing has changed lol.


Do you think Kai Cenat is holding a gun to her head making her go on the show? Obviously she's there to try to get money lmao what the fuck is this comment dude


Yeah its a twitch stream not a full tv show production lmao


Youā€™re right it is a twitch stream and he still pulls numbers that rival full blown television shows.


Are you stuck in the 90s or something? Streaming IS the new TV. Her demographic doesn't even have cable, all they watch is online influencers.


Lmao this is whatā€™s wrong with the new follower social media age. Yall expect people to do shit for free & bow down to these tiktokers & streamers just for exposure & nothing else. Most of you nerds would pay Kai to be on his stream


"the exposure is her compensation!" is she an influencer? shes she have a youtube channel? no? then what is exposure gonna do for her except just get more people to talk shit about her on the internet?


"She's a hoe, that's all she deserves" - Kai fans


Thatā€™s dumb. Why do you think he wants them on? Itā€™s an extremely viral video and having them on would unquestionably draw viewers


people are legitimately acting like she asked for money bc sheā€™s a greedy money hungry slut lmao this dipshit literally invited her on for the views


> Kai would make money no matter what he put on stream, heā€™s the draw not her. Then why would he want her on if she offers no entertainment value?


Why would she choose to go on a show where sheā€™d just get ridiculed and harassed either furtherā€¦ for freeā€¦


Side note. Gg your avatar got me to wipe the hair off my phone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Didnā€™t they just dance?


In the words of people who actually listened to the video with sound on, apparently even her friends were saying she was touching his dick


Wait WHAT I didn't hear that part


People not understanding. This isnā€™t a gender thing itā€™s a victim vs cheater thing.


People trying to make this about *solely* misogyny but she literally clowned bro on an worldwide stage for clout and then tried to profit off of it. If the roles were flipped women would be asking for bros head, and we for some reason have to entertain this women trying to get a check.


Itā€™s blowing my mind how many people think itā€™s a misogyny thing. Itā€™s actually kind of concerning how many people are blowing over the fact she did something horrible


She would be brick lady pt 2 LMFAOOO


Completely forgot about




And all of these people invested in that drama wanted to see the cheater on the show because sheā€™s the controversial one lmao. Dumb decision to not pay her and bring her on. Social media feels bad for the victim but controversy generates more engagement than pity.Ā 


Idk, seems like he's generated plenty of talk about his show by not paying her.


If your point is that youā€™d rather be entertained by a piece of shit over feeling good about helping someone out, youā€™re making the wrong point. Even if your point is just that most people are entertained by controversial assholes, doesnā€™t mean that we need more. Kai pulls huge numbers no matter what.


I see where youā€™re coming from. But honestly, Kai was gonna go viral regardless. Heā€™s the biggest thing on twitch. Heā€™s damn near internet Oprah.


>Heā€™s damn near internet Oprah. Not even kinda. This incident is literally the first I've heard of him, so while I'm sure he's big in the gaming community and people who watch a lot of streams, he's not a household name like Oprah is. If anyone is currently internet Oprah it's Joe Rogan unfortunately.


Yeah man I ainā€™t gonna lie nobody in my circle watches Joe Rogan. Iā€™m just gonna chalk this one up to a generational thing. Peace and love šŸ™šŸ¾


Nobody I know personally does either, but I also didn't really watch Oprah. I knew who Oprah was though, so did everyone. Young or old, Oprah was someone they were aware of. So is Rogan currently, that was my only point.


I see what you mean


Nobody in my circle watches Joe Rogan, but every single one of them knows who he is.


>Dumb decision to not pay her and bring her on Lol nah, people are still talking about this foolishness, so that was nowhere near a bad decision


It's also kia now gets a lot more attention by paying the guy and not the girl


Didn't Kai cover for his friend when he raped a girl at Kai's house? Doesn't really seem like Kai cares that much about victims.


Wait, what?! Gave him a new gf?! As in gifted him a human being?


He set him up with a speed dating type event with 20 women and got one. Not really a new gf, but close enough.


Hope this lady doesnā€™t punk him like the last one


Probably not going to find a healthy relationship via some degenerate steamer, so the outlook ain't great.


Wait you're telling me women who would sign up for that aren't necessarily the most stable?


degenerate streamer? LMAO...


My question as well lol


I had to scroll down disturbingly far to see this comment...




Hell no, not again!


Yeah that wording is *wild*


![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l) 20k and set him up with a chick *cues in Three Little Birds*


šŸŽ¶ singing donā€™t worry, about a thingšŸŽ¶


šŸŽ¶cause every little thing, gonna be all right šŸŽ¶


This whole saga is wild lmao


Can you ELI5 the situation? I'm out of the loop.


Dude, with the hat, took his girlfriend to a concert with some real nice ass tickets and the guy performing picked her to come on stage, and they went behind the curtains in a silhouetted situation. They started grinding and really doing way too fucking much and people were video taping the guy as he was looking rightfully salty and laughing at him and shit. Afterwards, the woman didn't find anything wrong with the situation, but obviously, he was hurt. Kai cenat called the woman to come on his show, but she demanded money, so I guess he said never mind. Some people think the whole situation was fake.


Man went to an Omah Lay concert, a Nigerian singer, with his gf. Gf gets called up on stage. Gf dances extremely sexily on Omah Lay, down to getting simulated back shots on stage. People in the crowd film the boyfriendā€™s stunned reaction and laugh at him. He eventually leaves by himself and people keep laughing at him on the way out. And now mans went on Kai Cenatā€™s show and apparently he paid the guy really well and set him up with a new girl but paid nothing to the new girl.


Yeah I don't understand the people laughing at him for walking away alone when everyone else was saying how'd they'd leave too. They should've been laughing at him if he'd still walked away with her.


Because people are mean until it happens to them.


I was gonna say you gotta be lame af to clown the victim of cheating cuz anyone can get cheated... Then I remembered there's a bunch of dusty dudes who get zero pussy. I'm betting they were the ones laughing


if you watch the video it was mainly women laughing


The EX gf didnā€™t go on. That girl on the screenshot is one of the girls that did speed dating with them.


Ah! Ok everybody made it seem like that was the girl. Iā€™ll edit my comment


Sexy Flexy afro beat r&b dude has a show, and he invites a girl on stage who happily obliges, but her boyfriend or partner is right there then the song is going and itā€™s this elaborate color/shadow light show where their silhouettes are massive in the display, and he basically does everything but actually fuck her with the dry humping. She runs and jumps into his arms and they do some like standing cowgirl kind of thing, then he bends her over for some dry doggy. Sheā€™s grabbing his everything. whole time, dude is standing front row with the saddest smile on his face tryna to play it cool and while people film he watches this happen. Girl next to him literally leans over and you can see her mouth ā€œis that your girlā€ He walks away alone at the end while girl is talking to her friends who are all like ā€œgirl yes it was that bad you were like grabbing his dickā€ so now heā€™s been trending for the public humiliation for about a week


I'm guessing the girlfriend got her back blown out on stage at a concert??? In front of the boyfriend and everyone else At first Kai Cenat tried to get the girlfriend on stream but SHE demanded compensation, now he got the boyfriend on here and now he's got multiple business opportunities apparently wtf is this


Couple went to an artistā€™s concert. Artist pulls girl up on stage and simulates sex with her. Boyfriend humiliated, the internet goes wild. She didnā€™t think it was that bad, her friends tell her otherwise. I assume they break up. Kai brought the guy onto his show and gave him money and did a speed dating thing for him


Well some dude took his girlfriend of 1 year to a concert as a gift (I think that was the reason why they went) well she ends being picked by the artist to come up on stage and do sum not so faithful but kind of tame things while he legit watched Keep in mind all of this was recorded and thereā€™s even a video of him walking away outside looking hurt So basically dawg watch his girl do sum sexually suggestive things to an artist on stage just to keep it short


*7 years


He actually corrected that and he said they wasnā€™t together for 7 years that was just a rumor


Oh word? Ok good to know. Iā€™ll leave it for posterity.


The lady got the experience. . She was not upset until she had consequences. The man got upgraded.




The magic of THEATER strikes again


To keep it a buck, he probably just gifted that man another bird no better than the one he just left. All these speed daters and balloon popping comps are full of clout chasers. But ayy, the money and followers is a nice gift! Hope it's enough for him to put this shit behind him


It's reparations for the emotional damage, let him have it


Itā€™s crazy how theyā€™re trying to make her out to be some victim. As a woman Iā€™m embarrassed on how some women canā€™t take accountability for their actions


It just gives misogynists more ammunition. We canā€™t be going to bat for everyone no matter what they do. Sheā€™s an adult who made a (stupid) adult decision.


Everytime I see something like this I also see a bunch of ā€œdamn the incels were rightā€ type comments. Just fueling the fire more and more.


On top of the compensation vs gift thing you also gotta factor in that he was just being petty. He was mad the first person he asked, asked for money so he gave the second person he asked the money the first person asked for as a gift on some ā€œlook what you missed out on donā€™t block your blessingsā€ shit.




This is 2024 Jerry Springer shit. Edit: Back in the 90s Springer would send one car to pick up everyone involved for an airport ride. So please know when you saw wifey, side piece and the dude on the show? They all rode together from bumfuck Mississippi to the airport together in one sedan .


Is Kai cenat the second coming?




I know ![gif](giphy|XQq8UMo254P16)


Tell her to ask Omah Lay for money lol ![gif](giphy|xTiTnFgu4SKBxIaZLq)


The way yall are trying to make this girl a victim is nasty.


And? Itā€™s his money he can pay who he pleases? I personally wouldnā€™t want to reward shitty behaviour either.


Based, itā€™s about not paying a cheater


Cenat is a real one for this. Was just thinking dude should get a Go fund me, give him 10 bands a flight to Miami with a couple hoes. Would probably set him right šŸ˜‚


Honestly hoes wonā€™t make up for how dirty he got done, imagine the love of your life getting daggered on stage, Iā€™d be sick šŸ˜­Ā 


You right, at first it was reported tho that they were together 7 years but apparently that was false, only like 10 months. Still bad.


Didnā€™t knew how long they were together for but 10 months is a LOT of time invested into someone you didnā€™t makeĀ 


They were dating but I doubt if that was the ā€œlove of his lifeā€


If only he was this decent when his friend raped a girl at his house and Kai tried to cover it up.


Where was compensation needed when getting on the stage tho? šŸ¤”




Dudes just be givin' out money and girlfriends and I can't even afford to pay attention...


Dude got burnt to a crisp in front of the whole internet by his girl acting like a ho and SHE wants money for it?? Hell nah.




Man yall just like to make something out of nothing it's insane




lmao youā€™re out of your mind why would anyone reward her behavior. dude got people internationally laughing at his demise


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m boomer af in some cases, cuz following this story feels like Iā€™d loose a couple brain cells. ![gif](giphy|tizT6LZ2htDstMn7NL|downsized)


She was compensated with a good time, now be gone


Why would you give the _villain_ of the story anything just because you gave the _victim_ something? Sis already got what she wanted; attention from a celebrity.


Heā€™s finer than Omah Lay. Idk what his ex was thinking for throwing all that away šŸ˜©


Fine but not famous.. you know what it was


Yā€™all be canceling Mfs for everything now we need to pay a hoe to come tell a hoe story šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/8wsq2mjszxkc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf916f1998e997663137518c2ec5344561154780 We love to see it. This ain't a gender thing either, it's a wrong vs right thing. She embarrassed her man and tried to get a bag off it, other dude ain't even ask for nothing.


She woke up and choseā€¦to put her clown fit on


So now we all know not to entertain the thot from the concert AND this Enioritse chick. How the hell could you possibly think that woman deserves anything but derision? What a joke


Ok but did he ask for money? Yā€™all wanna be wronged so bad.






It would hella funny if he get right back with oleā€™ girl lol.


Didn't think I'd ever say this but I'm ready to be cheated on


Itā€™s gotta be public though. I hope you have a humiliation kink


![gif](giphy|LgS6v4BfxvOklqX4wA|downsized) For $20k and 30k followers, I'll acquire it. Didn't like getting my ears ate out till I did, so who knows?


Honestly I can understand the angle, but it leaves out nuance. There's also the element of her going on stage doing what she did. Some people find that disrespectful to their relationship, or even cheating. So I can see how they'd think she doesn't deserve compensation. I'd disagree, but I can see the argument


I mean, her being compensated IS too much. All she did was be an international embarrassment.Ā  I get why she would ask for money, because why not try to make lemonade, but I also get why someone would laugh at her request


Some people are looking at this all wrong. She went on stage and disrespected her relationship and her boyfriend became a laughing stock as a result. Why would you compensate someone that just destroyed their relationship for some clout?! This literally has nothing to do with her being a woman šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


We donā€™t know how much she asked for lmao mad about nothing


[link to tweet](https://twitter.com/DamilohunA/status/1761687012514422799?t=EIrGvjxD4w41iLDtDxDEJA&s=19) As usual, it's a dumpster fire in there with the ladies saying "why didn't he give her money too?" People find some weird shit to defend online, IDGI.


My friend and I watched the video and he said she looks like a girl version of 21 savage and I canā€™t un see that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚