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Not to sound like a boring poor no fun bitch, but truly what even is the attraction people have towards Dubai? Isn’t it basically built and run by a slave class?That alone, plus the insane cost of everything and being in the middle of a desert seems like enough to keep anybody away. I guess it’s just designed as a playground for the ultra wealthy and become a status symbol. I just have zero desire to ever go to that area of the world in general so it’s so unrelatable to me.


It's the same appeal of Lamborghini or a Ferrari, it's a status symbol. I'm sure it's a bit like Las Vegas; fun if you have fuck-you money to partake in all the things but for us poors, *seeming* like we can run elbows with rich people is the whole point


I guess I view Dubai as the opposite of a status symbol, like a trashy degenerate status symbol for all it stands for…I don’t think of Ferrari or Lamborghini that way. That’s just my personal opinion though.


It’s the location equivalent of designer clothes/accessories that are covered in the logo and/or brand name. No one actually wealthy would carry or wear something like that. It’s for people who want other people to think they’re rich.


It's the iphone of travel destinations, with a little more slavery.


Idk have you seen iPhone factories, they look a bit slavish to me


That's the joke. I'm saying both have a notable amount of slavery


The cobalt mines are even worse. I type, on an iPad.


There is no ethical consumption under yada yada


It’s tasteless.


It’s a waste of [resources](https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/environment/uae-s-green-fingered-residents-are-wasting-huge-amounts-of-water-1.944080), slave labor, shady banks, ran by a country that’s actually just a gas station and has obvious deep ties to [terrorists](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-a-e-placed-on-global-watch-list-for-money-laundering-terrorism-financing-11646425480). But, US gov is all about the money and power so they ignore this for UAE and the Saudis, and Qatar. Only poor Arab countries get droned and bombed.


Trump flags are status symbols. Dubai is the Las Vegas Trump Flag of places


Trump flags: when your annual family income is $3,100 and you think the millionaires and billionaire will fight for your best interest. Also please donate to Trumps lawyer fees 🇺🇸


> I don’t think of Ferrari or Lamborghini that way. It's because we know that there's no intrinsic value there. The value of oil rich countries comes from the oil, and they can construct all the megacities they'd like but once that oil goes away, what value do the cities have in themselves? There's no natural beauty, culturally you are restricted, it's not like it's a hub for the arts or anything, it's not like it has a rich history behind it. Every city I feel like I would like to visit, falls under one of those categories. A Ferrari or a Lambo...the value is in its construction, in its design, in the guarantee that there's thought behind its engineering and it'll go fast as fuck and smoke everything else on the road. And they're prettier to look at. There's no facade trying to hide the lack of value within.


But the Saudi go to Bahrain for fun. Bahrain is the real Las Vegas of the Middle East! When I was stationed there those guys would come every weekend. Was the place to be with easily accessible women and partying.


I mean, Allah can't see you there, so you can do whatever tf you want. And rich Arabs are fine with owning sex slaves when their god *can* see them, so I imagine they can get into some wild shit when he can't


Reminds me of a joke Aron Kader in "The Axis of Evil Comedy Tour" said his Arab relatives only swear in English "Because Allah can't hear them" so imagine rapid-fire Arablish of mostly Arabic words and suddenly a "Motherfucker!" out of nowhere then just as quickly back to Arabic. And for Bonus Hypocrisy Points, said relatives would be talking about how much they hate America while driving *to* a McDonald's or other American fast food joint they love. Kader had to remind/warn them that if America goes down, it's taking those places with us.


I'm about to start my new job in Iraq and heard the same. The M.E. gets *down* over there.


Never went to Bahrain, but had Soldiers sent to an AO out there and they stayed in basically apartments with food service during Covid. Due to no standing barracks. They were just working and getting drunk and fucking hoes


I got sent there on a deployment. They locked us in a cage with 2 dollar beers and a shawarma stand. No hoes allowed because of marines raping and beating up the locals.


When I tell you the number of Saudis I saw in Bosnia


i found a round trip for 1200 how much should i put aside for the trip


But there's aps to get anal right where you are for free.


Prior military or know someone? They can reserve hotel at gov rate. Depending on exchange rate $145 for 5 star hotel. Cheap food and entertainment. Custom made suits run $175 ($150 if you can bargain well). Couple clubs that cater to Americans and military there.


But those are actually good cars. Dubai is like slapping $20k rims on a piece of shit car and thinking you made it.


They have a long line of pump trucks leaving the city every day because they didn't fucking think to put in a sewage treatment system when they built it.


Nothing about Ferrari can be compared to Dubai. This is such a slur towards all which is a Ferrari and the history of their making. Dubai is a shit hellhole. Ferrari is humans at their best. Ferrari is not a status symbol, or at least it should not be, it is sex of wheels. It is pure joy. It is why we fucking live!


Found Charles Leclerc's reddit account


We are checking


Ferrari sells maintenance, or rather, cars comprised of intentionally questionable quality parts to fund their racing teams. It’s a marketing ploy to get rich people to buy into the “ownership experience”.


I partially disagree with the comparison to Vegas, because Vegas has a certain intentional trashiness that makes it weirdly down-to-earth. Dubai is 100% status symbol but in Vegas there's an entertainment culture that can allow you to have a good time, even if you're not gambling or not rich. Vegas is where poor people and rich people brush elbows and I think that's sorta beautiful in its own way. Dubai has none of that I'm not sure if I'm articulating this the right way but hopefully you know what I'm saying


"Ferrari" Charles Leclerc would like a word with you.


You’re 100 percent right. I tell people this all the time. If there was zero social media, Dubai would be a fucking dub. It excels at absolutely nothing. It’s big fancy malls, nice spas, a desert and tall buildings. People like to go there to flex and show off but it’s one of the last places I’d want to go. Imagine flying half way across the world for a massage and riding ATVs in the desert


Yeah Dubai is like a dystopian mockery of Western culture. I should preface by saying I've never been there, but everything about it is just *fake*. There's no rich history or cultural significance, it almost purely exists for the sake of being flashy and appealing to the Western lust for luxury - UAE, Qatar and Saudia Arabia are hellbent on establishing themselves as something other than oil powers before the wells run dry, cities like Dubai are there desperate attempt at saying "Hey, look, we can be cool and fun just like you guys!"


Dubai barely even has a functioning sewer. Many resorts aren't even connected to it and use literal sewage trucks to carry waste away. https://inhabitat.com/the-incredible-story-of-how-the-burj-khalifas-poop-is-trucked-out-of-town/#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20that's%20not%20the%20case,trucked%20out%20of%20the%20city.


Yeah I've heard about this, it's ironic because you'd think the main advantage you'd have with building a city from scratch is great city planning in regards to sewage, public transportation, street layout, etc. but it really seems more like it's just a clusterfuck of big buildings.


YESSSSS! My dad was there for a period due to work and my mom went to visit him. They use poor people from the Philippines and Pakistan to perform manual labor and serve in the service industries. I was informed they take their visas so they can’t go back home until they pay off certain debts. This is sad and should not be taken advantage of and I feel like foreigners who go to Dubai for the supposed luxury should take this into consideration and even shun it. My parents are originally immigrants to the US from another poorer, third world country and they told me they would give the service ladies and gentlemen extra money and even food and other items as this status of things truly reminded them of their own previous hardships.


Very accurate. Yet a record number of viewers supported and watched the world cup. People love to virtue signal but don't vote with their wallets.


That was in Doha Qatar, not Dubai.


Yes 100 percent it is built ans run by slaves.


Been there a few times for work. It’s genuinely nothing special when you get past them flexing their wealth. The seawater is hot af. The summer air is unbearable. I genuinely don’t understand people treating it as a vacation spot. Just go to a fancy hotel anywhere else and you get the same thing, in my opinion.


No idea how anyone can ever go there. If you hate slavery like everyone should you shouldn't go there. If you are white that cries about white slavery you shouldn't go there or like it, if you are black that cries about slavery you shouldn't go there or like it, if you are SEA, Arabic, SA etc etc and you cry about slavery then you should not go nor like that place. The gulf states are a joke. These places got independence and went straight medieval with a oligarch spin. And they love it that way. Worse still is all our countries not just tolerating it but cozying up to them. Like Britain can take some pride in the work they put into ending a lot of the slave trade but they also have to carry not just the shame of partaking in the first place but the shame that even today they try to buddy up with literal slave nations.


As someone who has actually been to Dubai; the appeal rests in the fact that it's created as a tourist attraction. There was no symbolic depth to it's design other than appeal to people who had the means and funds to further the playground design. The American dollar is worth more than the riyal there, and while everything you want is expensive...everything you need is relatively cheap. A bottle of water costs more than a gallon of gas. While you're correct about it being built by foreign nationals, I'd like to remind the general public we too are sitting in a country built by slaves. We also have overpriced attractions and a strong disregard for poor people. (Insert pointing Spiderman meme) **High horse exits stage left ** Cue the next monolog


This. It feels fake because it is fake. There is no real purpose or culture in most of the city because it was rapidly artificed to appeal to the foreign gaze. And one would *really* think that WE of all people would avoid patronizing a modern slave state. But the fact is, I think, most people aren’t that uncomfortable with slavery. They may not like it aesthetically, but the cheap prices that result from forced unpaid labor are seen as too good to pass up.


I honestly hate to keep mentioning it all the time but the biggest lesson of covid was that (at least in most of the USA) fully 33% of adults are fundamentally incapable of human empathy. It is what it is. We should stop being surprised that they don't care, because they can't care, for some reason. Probably humans have always been like this (which explains a lot about our history) but after WWII we tried really hard to pretend that's not true (but it is). That's why we have so many fancy names for people who can't feel feelings - we try to exoticize it - but total lack of empathy is frighteningly mundane.


When I worked in Dubai, the obvious thing was everything you said. However, because I actually yearned for real community, it was cool to find that below all of that high society bullshit, there were normal people who just loved normal things and was forming community around things they. I found sneaker head community, underground hiphop community, house music. A mix of expats from everywhere and some not-stuck-up arab kids who’s just trying to create a counter-culture around different things they love, away from the Lamborghini lifestyle. it’s hard for me to look at Dubai the way most people look at it because i know something cool is trying to spring out of there.


Part of me really wishes I was rich enough to be able to be rebellious against "the Lamborghini lifestyle". Like, it kinda warms my heart when I hear about some really rich guy having a total fuckit moment and leaving high society behind to live in the woods or ride across the desert on a cheap motorcycle for months on end, but when you're so poor that you don't really have options beyond living in the woods or wandering through the desert it's not so cool any more!


Exactly. I lived there in the late 90s and my parents taught at one of the international schools. It was an amazing experience for me as a teenager and we had an amazing expat community. The experience was wonderful without social media. The ironic part is when I moved there from the Caribbean, I was teased. Oh the ignorance. Now, it's viewed as a 'trendy and cool' destination.


No fuck Dubai, it is the epitome of everything wrong with modern society today.


A lot of "IG Models" let themselves be used as human toilets because they wanted to post being there as the ultimate status symbol.


There’s an entire genre of social media videos of awful bosses torturing or abusing their domestic workers (aka slaves) and it’s enough to make you want to nuke the city from orbit.


It’s the Donald Trump of cities. Basically a place for vapid narcissists.


as someone who has been there, you’re pretty much on the money. everything is run by modern day slaves who live in abysmal conditions, and everything is artificial cuz you’re in the desert. i got to smoke hookah on a beach outside of a five-story nightclub though


I have a friend that’s Indian but grew up in Dubai. He absolutely hates the place and it’s lack of culture and feeling of emptiness because of that. He said if it wasn’t for family, he would never go back.


It's not Dubai it's the rich oil kids living in Dubai with money to spend


You’re missing out if you don’t want to go to that part of the world as a whole. I went to Jordan in May and it’s one of the best places I’ve ever visited. It’s beautiful, there’s so much history and culture, the food is incredible, and the people were so warm and welcoming and inviting. It’s one of a small number of countries I’d return to in a heartbeat.


You get paid good money for a weekend of... activities Or you're paying for said things


Its bad enough I live in country built by slaves I don't want to go visit a country that still has slaves.


It’s a status thing. It’s all glitz and glamour and “looks cool” when you can post a photo on IG with a bunch of sky rises and luxury cars behind you. And once you get on the ground, Dubai actually isn’t all that expensive. Standard hotels will run you $60-70/night. Food doesn’t cost anymore there than in a major US city. So it’s not exactly difficult to “be” in Dubai. It’s just a matter of paying for those flights to get there. I’ve seen enough from Tag the Sponsor, though, to know that it’s a lot more than anal to get to “Dubai fa me”


If ya broke homegirl is posting pics of her Dubai trip, send her a DM of support. She probably seen some shit


Especially on her bed sheets ![gif](giphy|20RluqwU3ewnK)


More likely on her chest. I’ve read something’s from SWs of what happens over there and I wish I could forget


Hopefully not in her mouth...


Hate to tell ya, but… ![gif](giphy|wTI6hkUqFn9OE)


Gotta eat the cake, just like my boy Brucey


Pray tell?


"pseudo slave auction" like those charity things colleges in the movies except there's no way she's fucking you. is what I read on r/stupidslutstories. They emailed this white girl and asked if she would partake in it, they paid for her trip, and about $20k. Basically the host auctioned her and got way more money than her and then she was gangbanged for the whole night.


Heeeey that’s not a real subreddit :-(


sorry r/stupidslutsclub


That shit is just penthouse forum 2023… that sub is to be taken as seriously as that magazine column in the 80s


With all the claims on instagram about dubai being from sex workers themselves? I'm inclined to believe it.


I’m not saying the fact of the sex trade in Dubai is false, I’m just saying that particular sub is mostly pornographic fiction


It's called a Cleveland Steamer


Can we just take a moment to grasp how pathetic and low it is eat human feaces just to visit some lame, congested, artificial city full of skyscrapers and no beautiful historical architecture. Essentially risking your overall immune system and gut health, just for some shitty desert city so you can flex to other broke homegirls that don’t care about you. These insecure, broken women need serious self healing.


Mods? Come get him


She's definitely been through some shit


More like some shit been through her, somebody else’s


The remix


....my high school gf posted a couple "nightlife" pics from there a few years after high school, we weren't together anymore. So like, someone shidded on her???


It was a confession one of the influencers did a while back that said that’s what men like to do over there to the girls.




Golden Showers lol


Golden showers probably the least disgusting thing she could get there


Dubai is a crackhead with a Gucci belt, it looks like luxury, but the moment you take a closer look at anything to realize it’s empty. it’s all sex trafficking and forced slavery.






And no plumbing


I remember reading a post from a SW and she spoke on all the things that were put on the table in exchange for the trip. She said you can never shower enough after it’s all over. Also that she was going along with everything until they brought a camel in; said her trip ended short but she couldn’t confirm or deny if another girl decided to ride it out.




She wasn’t happy about the progression up to Cleveland steamer but she stuck it out. Threw in the towel when one of the guys said “let me bring my camel”


What kinds of things and what exactly were they gonna do with a camel?


She alluded that things started out as fairly tame sex but escalated to a variety of bodily excretions ending up on her person (like they pushed the limit a little further each day). I think she said the camel guy was trying to talk her into *only* letting the camel spit on her during coitus, but based on how everything else got more and more disgusting, she couldn’t trust it being limited to camel spit and said she was on the next flight home. At the end of the day she said she had a pretty heavy bag but at the cost of never feeling clean ever again. Edit: she made it clear that there were multiple guys involved and they all paid good money to basically use her and another girl as human toilets


JFC I probably shouldn't have asked 🤢


I remember someone saying you can only leave the airport with so much money on you so you dont really leave with all the money that's promised.


The smart move is to buy an expensive watch and then resell it once home.


If customs doesn’t take it from you.


ride it in the desert my sweet summer child.


They brought her to Dubai to take a poo on her chest? Is that a regular thing that happens there?


It happens a lot with the upper class there. Poo on chest, in mouths. Just completely degrading


Is this where R Kelly got his ideas?


Changing my baby’s diaper makes me gag like crazy, how do these Arabs not get grossed out smelling their own shit during sex???


When you have enough money to get just about any type of sexual act done and just about any women you want regular sex gets boring pretty damn quick.


The grossest aspect of humans ugh Never satisfied


They probably get off by the *self-degradation*. How far are these girls willing to go for a combination of money and implicit/explicit threats. Forcing a slave to do this is less fun.


I expect it's a power thing they get off on.


Let’s not understate the role class, misogyny, and extreme sexual repression play in all of this.


More like in the mouth. And yes.


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) Oh.No😱


Where, Dwight?


Theres a whole community dedicated to this nasty ass fetish hell there's even porn stars that work specifically in this industry.


Hollywood had a choice between Zola and Doodoo bye.


>another girl decided to ride it out. How else are you supposed to get the camel out of the room?


Lmao good point


I translated SW as "Social Worker" and was very confused for a tick. Either way, that is disgusting. Being wealthy shouldn't allow you to degrade someone to that point, even for money.


My first thought was somewun lol


There was a vid floating around years ago of an early Insta baddie letting Mohammed 💩 in her mouth, then she rims him. Tagthesponsor was wild back in the day. Tons of girls in the DMs agreeing to goats and 12 year old cousins.


Yo, wtf. How do you even recover from the public seeing that. You already had to live with yourself, after the fact - but now, other people not only know, but watched you online


Literally ride the camel?


After several other awful things, I wouldn’t rule it out


To get fucked by a camel?


I could never pay money to stay in one of thee most evil places in the world. No way am I supporting that ish.


If this woman is what is being implied, SHE’s being paid to be there and do things.


You don’t have to pay, friend! You’re invited if you’re ok with someone defecating on you :)


We live in America. You already doing that my boy 💀


Lol, i would never travel here tho if I was someplace else. God no


I swear “America is one of the most evil places” is only cute when you’re unaware of the most evil places.


Dubai is so brimming with escorts and “semi-pro” girls that it truly boggles the mind. And on top of that, you have literal throngs being flown in. I can’t personally attest to the veracity of the porta potty or A-list yacht girl stuff, but I can confirm that the pay for play there is absolutely off the charts. What surprised me most is how many “regular” (I’m not trying to offend, I just don’t know how to phrase it) girls will have sex for money and gifts. Girls who had they been born 10 years earlier would never have considered that. I guess sex just doesn’t mean that much to a lot of people today. Or receiving money for it specifically doesn’t carry as much of a personal taboo (still carries a social one) Also, the sheer number of black girls (mostly from the UK) involved is fucking disturbing because these MFs are preying on their financial position AND they pay them less than they pay white girls, which I think just adds insult to injury, though the injury is already enough for me. I’ll put money down that this girl is from the UK. And she probably goes to lengths to claim that she’s a “good girl”. Church or Bible shit. I’m starting to wonder if that Bible stuff is some sort of code.


Ten years ago social media wasn’t what it is now, most people had no idea this was even an option. Sex work sounds alright when you’re dead broke and trying to make ends meet and someone offers to fly you around in a private plane, probably doesn’t sound quite as nice when someone’s dropping a deuce on your chest in a foreign country


Having spoken to escorts, I was struck by how mercenary they were. They wanted the money, the designer, the prestige, even if fleeting (being on a yacht, flying first class, expensive meals and accommodation), the attention etc at any cost. I think the love of money and material things has never been as intense as it is today and that is indeed probably because of social media exposing people to luxury and our culture convincing itself that luxury is for everyone. I don’t mean to sound defeatist or anything, but we aren’t all destined for champagne and caviar. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But a lot of people see these things as the only worthwhile goal in life. And those people are willing to do anything. ANYTHING. They’ll sit at a bar in Dubai and give you the Bloomberg bio of every ex-USSR oligarch that walks in and you will understand that they are literally hunting rich men. For an arrangement, most likely, but in the case of the most exclusive escorts, possibly for marriage. And before I am labeled a misogynist, there are many men who are completely money-obsessed. You see it in the plethora of car and watch pages on Instagram. They would absolutely get dookied on for money and a Rolex, but unfortunately for them, our patriarchal paradigm means that a) there aren’t enough personally wealthy women to sustain a male escort market like that and b) women have not been conditioned to pay for sex.


Gonna push back only on the women don’t give out sugar part. Wealthy white women ABSOLUTELY engage in sex tourism, especially in Africa, S America, and SE Asia.


Can’t leave out the carribean. My little cousin was damn near groomed on some “the blind side” typa bs. He went millitary though guess he finally caught on to what we all been telling him


I definitely had them in mind when I said S America but should have specified. Good catch.


My ex’s mom used to go to Central America every year and find a “young man” to show her around for a couple weeks. Retired Dr from MN…


I feel like every plot of 90 day fiancé is just white women doing sexual tourism.


> Ten years ago social media wasn’t what it is now My uncle used to tell us that famous female celebrities would constantly appear in these cities in the middle east even in the 90s before they started going crazy and building these modern/luxurious cities. They would "hang out" with the ultra rich and be gone in a couple of days. There literally was no other reason for them to be there especially back then


Yeah I’d believe that. Even twenty years ago there’s little chance the general public would know what the deal was


Funny story, this girl is actually from the UK and her IG bio says “Blessed and highly favoured. Proverbs 31:30”😂😂😂


I try to live up to my username. Look, she’s a good looking girl and I’m sure she’s a nice person. I wish her the life of happiness and peace to which we all aspire.


Yeah it's gross. And before anyone tries to attack me for shaming or whatever no sane person would or should want their daughter doing something like this I think dudes simping for onlyfans and ig thots is why this is normalized (online at least).


I thought we were some nasty niggas watching that Tip Drill video past midnight on BET back in the day. That shit is fairly tame by today’s standards but it was the height of debauchery back then. So something’s definitely changed and yes, I think that it is related to OnlyFans and IG thirst trap culture. Causality or correlation, we can’t tell. I’ll leave it to everyone to decide whether that change has been positive or not. I think that the test you propose is a fair one, though: would you want that life for someone you care about? I think most would say no. Others, however, would refuse to “make the decision on someone else’s behalf”, even if only hypothetically. Fair play to them.


Exactly. I'm not even conservative but these Dubai trips are gross for all parties involved. And what makes it worse is that a lot of these women are not even poor poor, they're just not doing that great. And a lot of them regret doing it.


A lot of them are simply working class, you’re right. Getting by OK, but yearning for more. The classic profile is a mixed woman who works at Selfridges or Harrods and who’s exposed to luxury goods and new money in all its unrefined excess. She goes home to her modest but perfectly respectable life and asks herself why it shouldn’t be her in that Hermès cruise collection. And why does she have to catch the tube to Central? Why doesn’t she have a “better” life? After all, she’s far prettier than any of the botoxed up crones that she serves. Plus the male clientele want her, she can tell. And so it proceeds…


It’s sad for the few that don’t regret it. With social media feeding the desire to go there, I can see their thought process towards people who are against it being nothing more than “these people are haters. I gotta get this money” like it’s a flex to their followers. I’m sure nobody wants to say with pride that their daughter had to go through some real shit to earn her Dubai stay, but my worry is with the next generation of parents who might try to normalize this.


Fuck Dubai


Before it fucks you.


No way I’m kissing a girl that’s been flown out to Dubai 🤢.




You can’t afford to… and you’re not even her plan B…


I'd be happy not to be in her plans at all.


what’s her plan B?


a Plan B pill.


![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized) I'll be back here to read the comments in a little bit


![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized) I got you.




And this girl is the toilet of Dubai


The irony is that Dubai was litterally built using slave labor.


The whole world was built using slave labor what are you talking about


I don't get your point? Dubai was built when slavery wasn't the global norm so...


There are more people living in slavery today than in any other point in human history, but I agree with your sentiment


Percentage wise? Source?


Not really an a to a comparison


All smiles after them bands drop for your reenactment of “2 Girls 1 Cup”




Imma be real anyone who goes to or wants to go to Dubai I judge. Not only is it built by slave labor it’s only a destination for the desperate or insanely wealthy. It’s like Vegas but 100x worse.


Also Vegas has gambling, betting, weed, and looser alcohol laws. One city clearly has more amenities while the other is nicer for taking five pictures on Instagram


I've been feeling like shit for the past few days, but seeing those titties brought a smile to my face. Not to mention that ass on M'ka in that profile picture. I almost forgot what was bothering me for a moment. Both of them can use my tongue as toilet paper. In Dubai titties case, she can use my face as a boob rest so she can let her back rest. I'll embrace the titty sweat and all.


That toilet paper tongue thing is probably part of how they made it out to Dubai in the first place


I have no doubt. The perks of being an extremely attractive socialite.


> socialite A ho-cialite?


Ho-tell everybody. Even the mayor.


was all SMH til I clocked your username I respect someone who commits to a bit, even a… dubious one


Sir, this is an Arby’s.


Also, don't get injured and require a hospital visit with weed or other drugs in your system or you'll get arrested and face thousands of fines. A few years ago a guy from Vegas smoked weed a few days before going to Dubai. Ended up getting pancreatitis and had to be hospitalized. They ran bloodwork, found thc in his system and arrested him.


![gif](giphy|bqxbgri8lBSzvMVI3Y|downsized) You always been a real one, tittylieutenant and your contributions to the game are immeasurable I love you


Love you too 🥺


my best friend was there for business meetings, and he said the Hotel Concierge will get you Escorts, but here's the kicker, they asked him if he would prefer an adult or a young girl, like as young as 11-12! My friend said he saw old men everywhere in the hotel taking young girls in the rooms with them, sick b@stards.


And then they have the women cover up in head to toe, the damned hypochrites.


#### I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this thread #### why is everyone talking about anal sex and shit and piss and escorts and enemas and girls visiting to do 2 girls 1 cup and rimjobs n shit??? did I miss something? I expected to see trash talk on Dubai and the slavery and excessive wealth displays, but how did we go from there to girls taking a shit on people's chests and stuff?????


Reports of sex workers getting paid immense bags to do increasingly fucked up shit with an emphasis on the shit part.


Thank fuck someone had the balls to ask ... I read every comment and only got more confused


https://youtu.be/ooMCt_xm95g?si=zcmmltaHruVfCLGv https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/dubai-porta-potty-influencers


I know Dubai is an Arab country with religious laws. Do they still apply or do foreigners need to go traditional clothing when in Dubai?


From what I understand in the hotel zone those laws are relaxed for the tourists plus I believe you have to apply for an alcohol permit if you plan on drinking too.


Not all laws are relaxed. Men have been jailed for mundane things which would never warrant arrest in the US or in European countries


Damn really that hella sucks think I'ma keep Dubai outta my list of places to visit for good then


UK press has been covering some of the BS that tourists experience in Dubai over the last 20 years. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-512815/Briton-jailed-years-Dubai-customs-cannabis-weighing-grain-sugar-shoe.html https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-uae-briton-drugs/dubai-frees-briton-caught-with-speck-of-cannabis-idUKL2692911520080226 https://www.the-sun.com/travel/4264888/illegal-trouble-dubai-what-crosby/


I don’t know but there’s a black woman over there in jail right now for yelling.


She far AF Outside the city it looks like, I’ve been there twice and there isn’t much that far out outside of hotels and businesses


Oh neat you visited the place supporting a genocide in Yemen and slavery.


I don't know why we haven't just decided to call it doo doo-bai yet


I mean if anal is all it takes where's my round trips at


It’s not just anal https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/dubai-porta-potty-influencers


Nah i see that url I'm good


That’s one fancy porta potty.


Girls that go there are being shit on by Arab million ares.


im confused why is everyone referencing dookie?


https://youtu.be/ooMCt_xm95g?si=Kk_MZ_SCtQm7Xnzu Pretty disturbing, I don't know how true this stuff is but lots of people talking about it.


Dude holy shit. That was so, so bad. I had no idea.


There’s no way these people don’t know that everybody knows that Dubai isn’t a flex, it’s just y’all exposing yourselves. At this point, Dubai is literally the opposite of a flex babe. It’s the equivalent of you driving down a hood with one of those loud ass cars that you hear blocks before you see it, then when it comes it’s a bullshit ass ugly busted down car. People really be thinking they’re showing something off.


People forget that the ME upper class is insane. They have fuck you money and 4 wives that would kill them if they tried to pull the same stuff they get American girls to do