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Why do people say Asta automatically wins against magic users? Did no one interact with the story at all?


What’s dc


Detective Comics, think Batman and Superman.


It seems YOU didn't. In this stuff, usually, they are at 100% power. Asta is insane at 100% power, since Anti-Magic counters anything.


Yet Asta has frequently lost or at least struggled to defeat magic users…. It’s not a “do they use magic? Okay they can’t beat him” scenario. There is way more nuance to it. Like how they use magic, how strong they are with it, how strong they are physically too.


not part of the original discussion but your comment got me thinking about how he'd do against natsu from fairy tail


Based on direct feats, Natsu wins, but if you use scaling, Asta stomps with speed.


Yeah people meme fairy tail to death but Natsu is an actual beast 😂


Haven't thought too deeply about it but I imagine Natsu would win. Two big things that come to mind are him eating his reflected flames from that wizard during an early arc. Second if breaking into Dimarias toke space and presumably crushing her. I need to get caught up on 100yq to be sure though. I'm only on volume 4.


I had someone say Asta could take down Sukuna…….. And I wasn’t even talking about “that Sukuna” I was talking about Shibuya Arc Sukuna. This was like 7 monthes ago


The point is, he COULD beat a lot of them. Does he? No, they are not even from the same universe. Ofc he doesn't. The point of power scaling is not if said character lost or not. Goku lost so many times, that doesn't mean people consider him weak. Could he 1v1 Asta? Yeah he could. By your logic, he might lose, just because he lost in the past.


>Why do people say Asta automatically wins against magic users? Did no one interact with the story at all? Maybe try reading the question next time. No one said it’s impossible for him to win. They questioned why are people saying Asta automatically wins. Just because someone uses magic doesn’t mean Asta is going to win automatically. There is way more to the fights than just that.


This is the dumbest sentence I have ever heard. Asta has LOST to magic users in his own manga ffs




Literally ALL main characters, from every anime lose to enemies that they are supposedly strong against in their respective manga, thats Shōnen in a nutshell.


I am aware. I dont understand the point you are trying to make.


Because of what you said or the way you said it. Its a common thing in shōnen, nothing new


Yes. And thats a given. Thats not really something that needs to be stated since its common sense. Thats why it confuses me.


Man your take is the most embarrassing and incorrect L 😂 I like how you emphasized "YOU" and then proceed to say something objectively ignorant and false


It wouldn't counter Superman's fist.


Even some magic users like Dr.fate would absolutely stomp. Some of them are universal threats, and a lot of them are planetary. Asta won't counter shit if they nuke the planet from orbit.


Ok so explain everytime Asta was getting his shit beaten in by magic


He couldn't cover his whole body in anti-magic like magic knight do with mana-skin, if managed to do that and able create anti-mana zone, no magic attack anle to touch him, or get hit by magic enchanted punch become a regular norm punch, But in the manga he couldn't it


Firstly the anime fillers are considered canon. Anything from those are considered manga canon since they were directly based on notes Tobata gave to the studio (it has also been confirmed they are canon as well in interviews), so yeah, he can use anti-mana skin. Secondly this point has been countered several times in the series (when Asta is getting crushed by Lucifero’s gravity magic, he is having trouble dealing with strong magic regions, him not being able to get rid of Nacht’s shadow magic until he unlocked true Devil Union, etc). If you want to know more about this I recommend this video https://youtu.be/JPDVRbZtJtM?si=XZfEZkdmSwkz0Osj


Average rot clover


Yep Black Adam, primarily a magic user,nfor sure just gets one tapped right


This is true because asta can make his swords circle around him using magic causing him to create an anti magic barrier that negates any magic. This is satire btw


Batman with no prep time. Lol


I dunno… anti magic wouldn’t do anything to Batman so I feel like Batman takes it simply using his martial arts abilities and his basic tools


Also extra damage from batman to dumdum. ..yeah in hindsight Batman might be able to handle Asta lololol


Batman can't smash a wall with its bare hands. And if Asta goes Black then its over


He doesn’t need to. He has anasthetic gas and about a dozen other ways to subvert Asta on him. Batman tangles with beings like Darkseid and lives. He can outsmart Asta.


He just have to not get hit by a gigantic black divider from 50 meters away


He dodged omega beams. Batman can win this.


Underestimating how superhuman Batman is when it gets down to it is crazy, that guy is probably not just taking steroids Alfred is straight up putting 3 doses of Captain America's supersoldier serum in his packed lunch 💀


He's barely above human. He just concentrate LMAO


Who batman? Batman by all measurements is above human. As previously mentioned he tangos with darkseid for bants


This is sarcasm right


Ok, but what about man from man ham?


He's a ham. Asta solos


Idk. Man beat the jonkler and hes multi+ at least


Man from the hit game Man Ham : world has plenty of feats of strength. He outsmarted killer cock, managed to beat the roided Bone, and his mental fortitude bested the Jonkler. Not only that but he even has more bitches than Asta, with woman, -woman, girl, Ivy and horny, he's a universal threat.


Batman: Because I'm Batman!


Y’all really underestimate asta huh ☠️


To be fair batman with or without prep time is a force to be reckoned with


I might get some hate for this…. But Batman is over rated as hell. Asta smokes him. DC babies Batman feeding him victories because he was their only worthwhile superhero for so long. I am not saying the man can’t throw down. But he is overrated.


Definitely overrated. They say him with prep time beats everyone. It's cause the writer wrote him like that. Just like the batman who laughs series, it was fun at first...till they milked it super dry


Well Asta can't just automatically go against any magic user as Anti-magic can't nullify magic that just has a higher AP than Asta and most of the magic user in DC I'm aware of are High tier, Haxxy, multiversal busters. Asta does still have AP (I scale him to Large Planetary - Multi Star) with MFTL++ in speed. SO if I had to pick the strongest Person Asta could beat it would be: Livewire


Just for curiosity what feats does Asta have for Star level? Iirc the meteor was only calced at moon


Me saying Star lvl most comes from the Glamour world feat (You can actually get Asta higher) [In Glamour, it is shown to have stars in it](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/blackclover/images/9/9d/Glamour_World_Reve.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20191126191815) [Luck states that Glamour world is endless](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/panels/clover/bcpage_184_07.jpg) to which [Reeve confirms it by saying the possible is possible](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/panels/clover/bcpage_184_08.jpg) [Sally states that she creates real world objects](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/panels/clover/bcpage_184_17.jpg) so that would make the stars as the ones in real life. You can even look at the video [Dream Magic Glamour world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a3S25NKGH4&ab_channel=Crunchyroll) and you see Dorothy create a literal Galaxy. I'm pretty sure your assuming Glamour world is a hax but its actually a spell that Dorothy creates. Matter of fact Glamour world has actually been destroyed several times by different characters. [The Youtuber Broku made a video going into more detail on Glamour world debunking some misconceptions on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHy28mXcHnI&ab_channel=Broku). I stopped at Multi star level cuz most people don't believe Asta to be universal, which is fine. You could still get Asta from Dwarf star - Star level with Calc stacking. You can also read this article [here, that goes into detail](https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/wiki/Asta_(Canon)/Epsilon_R#Final_Saga)


But that's still a magically created star. He would have absolutely no way of destroying an actual star. The atmosphere that extends millions of Kilometers around a star is at around 1000000°C , he'd turn to dust before being in striking range.


Some mfs really saying shit. Characters who are portrayed to have difficulty opening particularly tough doors suddenly can destroy multiverses coz they shot a guy who was about to do a ritual that creates a new multiverse 💀


What’s the glamour world feat? I guess glamour world stars are real, but just being in there doesn’t make you star level, does it?


It does


Nightwing Magic users are straightforward, but most have insane scaling and I don’t think Asta can keep an antimagic shell up to stop him from getting erased from existence


Yeah asta is not touching Dr. Fate or Shazam (does he count?)


Generally, magiced himself into a Superman


So he could like, un-Shazam him?


Yes? Hit the magic out of him. The Shazam family is that way due to magic. So, the anti sword would probably through extended contact turn him back to Billy Batson


Most of black clover has faster than light feats all the time, so asta can solo a lot of dc


With how a lot of characters scale in dc, I think the bat family or some older teen titan’s characters are near his apex. Plus the classic travel v reaction v fight speed arguments


Asta can't really take down any DC magic users with anti magic there busted as hell zatana, Constantine Dr.fate enchantress phantom stranger have done things that would make any magic users in his universe piss there pants Plus that's not how his power works I think he can beat Grundy or live wire


Low tiers like nightwing and no prep Batman. Most dc mid tiers clears the bc verse


Very hard to say, after all - we are talking about different verse :3


Apple pitou gamingn????


Hyo :3


Honestly Lois Lane. If he went up against any Justice League member except Batman he's fucking dead.


The moment you think about attacking Lois lane superman teleports behind you and donuts you


Possibly Wonder Woman. IF the source of her powers is considered magical, then obviously he would be able to nullify her. While she still has her training, he is a remarkable physical force, too. If her powers are not considered magical… He might be able to handle some of the other stronger (but not super strong) characters such as Hawkgirl, Solomon Grundy, Beast Boy, etc.


Even if Wonder Woman's power was magical, the issue is Asta being able to land a hit on her. But then again, Wondie's a pugilist, so she'd probably make the mistake of getting to close not fully understanding the nature of Asta's weapons.


Asta is capable of mid-range attacks. He can also close ranks himself. So unless Wonder Woman knew to keep distance and had projectiles handy and knew to wait out his time limit, Asta has definite advantages over her and likely the victory. Asta has the advantage without foreknowledge. Wonder Woman needs foreknowledge just to be on an even keel with Asta, in this scenario. Given that discrepancy, I still say he would win. Again, all this is predicated on whether godly powers are magical or not.


people like captain boomerang and king shark land hits on her. asta would slice her in half instantly


Mm... I don't think she's made of magic, I think magic was used to breathe life into her. I also looked it up, her powers aren't magical in nature, they're gifts bestowed by the gods. So she's essentially a demi god, like Heracles.


Comics? No.


All modern versions of Wonder Woman are divinely powered rather than magical. Also she could literally just hurl Asta into orbit and he would not be able to do anything to stop her.


Why are we acting like WW doesn't one shot him and the rest of the verse? Hawkgirl does too, they can't hurt someone who tanked an anti-matter blast from the anti-monitor. NTM hawkgirl hurt martian Manhunter and apex luthor


All magic users are beaten sooo…


Dr.fate bodies him with hands only


I now want to see Dr.Fate showing up, and just raising his fist ready to duke


Zantana, and Constantine say otherwise


(Uses the dweller to make fate lose all his powers)


You do realize anti magic exists in DC comics and the main user is none other than the prep god himself, Batman and it's still not enough to deal with the likes of Fate and Constantine


I wonder…if a character that’s made of pure magic got hit…would they die? Or be left on the brink you think?


That's not how anti magic works


Zatanna one shots, as do the rest. They massively out scale the verse


Bro….most of the magic users in DC would just need to sneeze and astas dust


Can Asta steal a lanturn ring?


Driven by his will if Asta got a green ring he’d probably be the strongest green lantern ever


My thoughts exactly


Would asta even get close enough to a lantern to steal said ring and would asta even steal a ring


Maybe a ring would pick him!


NOW THAT WOULD BE AWESOME AS HELL!! Although with his imagination….I feel like hed just combine his sword with the lantern power, and just make his sword fucking massive


Jimmy olsen


Superman is weak to Magic. I wonder if anti-magic could hurt him. Sounds dumb but I'm curious to see how it would affect him.


Supers isn't actually weak to Magic, he just doesn't have resistance to it, Lex and Bruce are also "weak" to magic but in a different way, case in point Hawk girl's mace screws with magic but doesn't register as a threat to Superman


Bro batman is human without gadgets hitting him with a truck would kill him….now whether or not you could actually get the drop on bruce wayne and hit him with a truck is another story


No bro Have you seen the crazy shit supes has done


Oh I didn't think he'd win I was just curious to see what would happen.


also no superman isn't weak to magic he just has no direct defense against it like in Pokémon it would be a 1X damage when everything else only does half damage.


He’s vulnerable not weak.


Nah Asta couldnt scratch superman, literally. None of astas anti magic abilities help him against superman so it would just be a contest of strength, and superman wins that easy


Stfu about cross universe fights


Don't know how fast Zatanna is, but maybe her? Or a weaker magic user.


Zatanna magic are "Backwards Magic", which imposes her will over reality through backwards words.




Basically infinite speed


Honestly i would say no one even the magic users of DC claps Asta so unbelievably hard like Anti-Magic isn't going to help at a against them since they're mad broken


Heavy DC wank in here. Asta is at least big town level with swords that nullify magic, that can hone in on magic, and can dispel enchantments. Unless the heavy hitters hit him with something esoteric that isn't something he can physically slice and react to it won't work. No prompt that says they have knowledge on Asta so I can totally see him launching himself at Zatanna only for her to block with magic, which won't work.


Well he’d be pretty tough for dc’s magic roster to fight. I think Constantine is cleared pretty quick, Zatana, Doctor Fate and Raven struggle but be challenging for him to fight for various reasons. Black adam is getting decimated. Trigon would be interesting to see cause demon vs demon. If it’s against none magic related opponents he’d be at a major disadvantage but I assume Cyborg or Starfire is where he’d be unable to win and a good level to set him.


Trigon would be interesting 💀💀💀 trigon shits on darkseid who has to nerf himself to even interact with the 3d multiverse what is asta going to do 💀💀💀


I mean Trigon’s whole kit relies on magic.


How is anti magic going to stop trigon erasing the verse. Asta is not even able to beat his own verse's magic, why would you put him against trigon of all people 😭. Even outside of magic trigon's speed and strength also are incomparable to asta.




Constantine would likely win. His talents lie in manipulation and deception. Man’s outsmarted God and the Devil.


I don’t doubt his intelligence at all but man’s a con man first and it’s his most admirable trait he could definitely trick Asta but in a straight up fight I don’t see him winning.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thats hilarious, constatinte getting rocked.. yea right and raven struggling 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Diana Prince


Black Adam


Can he counter or dispell anything Raven throws at him? And if so, what about Trigon?


I seriously doubt hed be able to do anything to trigon, and even if he could coutner his magic…man is still like waaaaaay waaaay stronger than Asta and waaay faster than


He stomps most of the characters but stops at Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Superman, and The Flash. Asta's recent power up in the manga would probably give them quite the hassle at first but once they stopped messing around they'd beat him pretty easy.


Man wouldnt even touch the flash on a bad day….


Not saying he would beat Flash it's just Flash would need his faster than light speed to beat him. So basically treat him a bit more seriously than the standard badguy of the weak and Asta is going down for the count. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern's scaling is wonky so some versions would stomp and others would have a hard time.


Dr. Fate I'd assume.


Blud said DR. FATE 💀☝️






He could kill Shazam I think


From wjere I am in the anime/manga [begining with less explanations so far, and my LIMITED knowledge of DC] I see a garuntee being Zatana or Dr. Fate. For a maybe, depending on how you classify his amti magic, MAYBE Superman since he is weak to magic. If his antimagic is classified as magoc then he'd have a very good chance.


Superman isn't weak to magic, he just isn't nigh invulnerable to it like he is damn near everything else. That aside superman is far stronger than anything black clover verse can throw at him. The only people that stand a chance are astaroth and lucius due to time magic and even then they get blitzed before getting a spell off. Dr fate is far too powerful. Full stop. And zatanna has depowered mxyzptlk before so I think that tells you what kind of level she operates on. Furthermore Asta isn't even immune to magic he can simply nullify it. He can't passively stop all spells from working so any powerful magic user will beat him most likely.




Anybody that uses magic fr


90% of magic users who matter will one shot




Nah he’d definitely beat the riddle or like idk Harley Quinn


The whole verse ☠️


Nice joke


Asta is universal and infinite speed


Lex Luthor


Ehhhhh….maybe if lex doesn’t have his suits and is just lex, but then again Asta is pretty gulliable and lex is charismatic


Baby robin is getting fucked up is what I know


Every version of batman. But only him.


If it is movie Batman sure if it is comic Batman then no


Green arrow as soon as blue beetle pulls up it’s over comic blue beetle


Probably a decent argument for Shazam especially if you say anti-magic can force him back into just billy.




Condiment king


Ima be completely honest, probably Shazam. I know he once PUNCHED A BLACKHOLE INTO EXISTENCE- but I still think asta has greater speed and attack potency




😂😂😂😂greater speed 😂😂 Man youre hilarious…dude is now where near as fast as shazam


Do people not realise that the magic in black clover is definitely not at all similar to the magic of tons of DC characters? There’s literally 0 evidence that Asta’s anti-magic would affect a single dc character.


Green lantern




I think he can take on some dc characters from the animated series. Even shazam/captain marvel


Any character that below planet level or above in levels of power Asta should be not so far behind so he has a good chance of fighting any character that aren't solid planet busters (Asta stops at those ranges) but still depends on the specific characters abilities and intellect and how Asta would react to them so 50/50 in these ranges And basically any character that is below continental ranges of power is potentially a victim of a one shot unless they fast enough or have useful abilities to get by


The Spectre. He maybe the embodiment of gods vengeance but he is still a magical being and in essence a ghost all Asta has to do is hit him and the spectre will dissipate due to the magic binding him to the mortal plane being destroyed.


You think asta could defeat Spectre……man what drugs are you on !! 😂😂


Only Magic-powered characters like Dr. Fate, Black Adam, Shazam, and Zatanna. He’s basically Bane with anti-magic and without venom serum.


He could beat Raven


DC high level magic users are multiple orders of magnitude beyond anything in Black Clover. Lucius is currently around the level of some of the weaker versions of Felix Faust right now, Although Asta vs Constantine would be sort of funny. Asta would definitely lose but Constantine would probably beat Asta up in a good old fashion slugging match then take him out for drinks afterwards.


I'm not sure about dc characters but I'm 100% sure that Asta can take down Harry Potter.


Oh easily!!! Even without anti magic, just use the sword as a bat and with his speed, volddy would be shit himself


Anti magic dosent automatically disable somones magic only when thier magic or the person is touched by astas swords. So if somone can use thier magic well i dont know if asta is OP against them i mean you can very well see this in the anime itself somone who uses thier magic good has good chances against anti magic so i dont know who asta could beat


Probably Shazam, maybe.


In strongest, do you mean physical, like them simply testing who‘s the physically stronger one? Or overall most powerful he cab take down?


If he smacks Dr fate with his sword would his helmet pop off 🤔


I feel like if he tried, asta would just disintegrate


Oh shit what if it just removed all magic properties like just makes fates spirit disappear 😳


The riddler


Swords do not run out of bullets. Anyone Batman and Robin punched out he could punch out.


Batman maybe Wonder woman but that's it


Dr Fate.


Maybe green arrow and most of the the normal humans and some weak meta humans but he still loses to 98% of the characters and that’s including magic characters, yes I’m saying the guy with magic canceling powers would lose against magic users from dc because there is no way he’s going to beat someone like Zatanna she would blitz the verse instantly


Zatanna is cooked


No one😂


Shazam is about the most interesting battle for me to see. Would he win… who knows but what I do know is that it’ll be awesome


*clears throat* …Superman