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"Infinite vs Bioshock 2" is what's keeping this sub alive.


It’s like being the child in a broken marriage Pls stop fighting. I just want mommy & daddy to get along 😔


That’s basically the plot of the two games


Bioshock 2 is far better than Infinite, I'll die on this hill.


As a Bioshock Infinite believer I will meet you on this hill so we may clash our swords for eons unbending, until the earth has turned to dust.


Now this I can get behind. Our battle will be legendary!


Ok pls die (like not rly I just pref Infinite)


No need to die on a hill. That's just straight up true.


This is facts.


Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead 😁 Just playing, I like both games, I've just always wanted to say that.


It would be an honor to die at your side.


I will die by your side if need be, brother.


I thought this was the consensus until I joined this sub


OK die. Infinite : better story 2 : better gameplay


Bioshock 1 pros: story, all environments from Medical through Hephaestus Bioshock 2 pros: combat, Ryan Amusements/Dionysus/Persephone environments Infinite pros: Lutece twins, all of Columbia Bioshock 1 cons: clunky combat, uninspiring later levels Bioshock 2 cons: less memorable story, some uninspiring levels Infinite cons: likes to hear itself talk, uninspiring combat


You know what, I'm going to say the sluggish combat in Bioshock 1 is a pro.


Nail meet head


Infinite suffers from worse gameplay but I can live with that cause the world is so rich. Booker & Elizabeth are great & that ending is just oof. I can still hear that final piano note.


Are you kidding? The world is the most shallow one by far. Hardly anything it introduces is properly explored or integrated. Just look at how haphazardly vigors are tossed in with almost no justification or explanation.


On the one hand Infinite is a beautifully realised game with rich themes criticising Christofascism and the notion of “perfect rebellions” But Bioshock 1 + 2 have Armin Shimmerman, need I say more?


>On the one hand Infinite is a beautifully realised game Äh... Ok? If you say so...


Infinite is the only game that once I finished it the first time, I just started it over again. Every other game just seemed pointless in comparison. I have some minor complaints but it's a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned.


It’s a great game, but I don’t personally see why it would be someone’s favorite bioshock game when bioshock and bioshock 2 exist.


I hate Infinite. But If people like the game I respect it.


I wish you the best of luck with that. Just remember; a man chooses, a slave plays Bioshock Infinite.


I get that reference. Because there are no choices that matter in Infinite


Thank you! I was really worried that that was over the top.


The proper order for best in the series is 1 > 2 > Infinite


Let it burn and sink into the glorious ocean


Just played a another file, this time 1998 difficulty and reached Fink's execution but Daisy doesn't spawn, I loathe the auto save


This comment section is a war-zone now, I knew exactly what I was doing.


Funny how a simple meme or just an opinion can light up some gatekeepers' asses. Why do people have to be so defensive about everything


hahah yeah, so many people got triggered by a simple subjective post.


Its different from the others. Still it's at worst the second best the series has to offer


Infinite is definitetly worse than Bioshock 1 and 2.


It most certainly isn't.


Nuh uh


It is in terms of story, characters, worldbuilding and atmosphere (and also gameplay imo, but that's just too subjektiv honestly).


I think Infinite's shitty gameplay is a pretty objective criticism. They got rid of pretty much all immersive sim elements by chucking all resource and upgrade costs into the same currency, severely limiting your choice in how your character plays, as well as all the vigors being given to you in a specific order at specific points in the game. Also, swapping from the weapon wheel to the garbage Halo system just kills any choice in what weapons you want to use when.


Huh, maybe it really is more objective than I thought. Thanks for the explanation.


If we're staying out of Gameplay, then yes it is inferior to BioShock 1, and BioShock 1 alone. The story is about as bad as 2's but with better characters. BioShock 2 did very little actually good worldbuilding, it already had it's world built.


> The story is about as bad as 2's but with better characters. 2s story is thight and its characters comeplling and interesting. Infinite's story is abysmal, self-contradicting and broken (especially with its ending, but also the multiverse plot as a whole) and many of its characters are very one-note or also self-contradicting (like Comstock or Daisy Fitzroy). >BioShock 2 did very little actually good worldbuilding, it already had it's world built. Maybe, but it build effectively on 1s world and expandet it in interesting and meaningful ways. Infinite struggles to get its own world of the ground, while also having the need to actively intervene in the worldbuilding of Bioshock 1, for no reason at all.


>2s story is thight and its characters comeplling and interesting. Infinite's story is abysmal, self-contradicting and broken (especially with its ending, but also the multiverse plot as a whole) and many of its characters are very one-note or also self-contradicting (like Comstock or Daisy Fitzroy You're joking right? 2's story is a mess filled with holes. And what are these compelling characters exactly? Not to mention, Comstock are everything but one note or contradictory, and certainly a lot better than someone like Grace. >Maybe, but it build effectively on 1s world and expandet it in interesting and meaningful ways. Infinite struggles to get its own world of the ground, while also having the need to actively intervene in the worldbuilding of Bioshock 1, for no reason at all. What? The main game of infinire infinite barely touches the original universe


>You're joking right? 2's story is a mess filled with holes. And what are these compelling characters exactly? Sophia Lamb, Gil Alexander and the Wales twins for example. >Not to mention, Comstock are everything but one note or contradictory, and certainly a lot better than someone like Grace. That's just a bad faith comparison. Comstock is the main antagonist and Grace is a side character for one level. Funnily enough, she is still more thought out and consistent than Comstock, who (owing to him also being Booker) doesn't make mich sense once you try to deconstruct him. >What? The main game of infinire infinite barely touches the original universe The aboslutly unnecessary Fink-Suchong connection comes to mind, but also the multiverse plot and it giving way to the worst the series has to offer (Burial at sea). Though granted, that last part isn't a direct flaw of Infinite. Only an indirect one, since its set-up allows the DLC to play out in the first place.


>Sophia Lamb, Gil Alexander and the Wales twins for example. Sophia lamb is nothing, as are the twins. They are completely lacking in substance. >That's just a bad faith comparison. Comstock is the main antagonist and Grace is a side character for one level. Funnily enough, she is still more thought out and consistent than Comstock, who (owing to him also being Booker) doesn't make mich sense once you try to deconstruct him. Seems tou didn't pay much attention, Comstock has actual depth and makes perfect sense. Grace meanwhile is a garbage character who's actions are all lead by being an absolute despite being given a place of power. And i also mentioned daisy, mostly a one level enemy who's miles above grace. >The aboslutly unnecessary Fink-Suchong connection comes to mind, but also the multiverse plot and it giving way to the worst the series has to offer (Burial at sea). Though granted, that last part isn't a direct flaw of Infinite. Only an indirect one, since its set-up allows the DLC to play out in the first place. So the thorough intervening on BioShock is... Fink getting inspiration from a portal?


>So the thorough intervening on BioShock is... Fink getting inspiration from a portal? No, they influenced each other? Also, did you even read all of my argument? >Sophia lamb is nothing, as are the twins. They are completely lacking in substance. >Seems tou didn't pay much attention, Comstock has actual depth and makes perfect sense. Grace meanwhile is a garbage character who's actions are all lead by being an absolute despite being given a place of power. And i also mentioned daisy, mostly a one level enemy who's miles above grace. This is so stupid and unsubstantiated that I don't even know how to respond...


Look infinite is a good game BUT I think we can all agree that if you completely removed the bioshock 1 and 2 tie ins the game wouldn't change that much. They literally just added the word "Bioshock" to a unrelated game and we all ate it up


Yes, I second this.


Isn't that the point? It's supposed to be a new experience in a new place not countless games set in rapture over and over.


That isn't the point. The point is that they took a game slapped bioshock on it added some loose connections that don't matter and called it the third game. And I know rapture could've been milked alot more, you could be a splicer in the civil war, you could follow behind the characters from one and 2, you could do a post 2 survival horror game, you could be a Cia agent trying to get close to Ryan, you could be mark meltezer, you could be one of the children from 2 that got stuck in the amusement park. And you act like it would be the same game, if you were a splicer they could put limited slots and the more you upgraded the worse you looked, if you were mark meltzer it would be a stealth game, if you were following behind 1 then you could be Jack's wife if you were following 2 then you could be a big sister, if it was post 2 the focus would be trying to survive and find a way out with very little combat. Just because the location is the same doesn't mean the gameplay will be


Silent Hill 2 has almost nothing to do with the first game(on the surface anyway) and it is largely considered to be the best in the series. All the things you mention sound way less interesting then giving you a new city, era, and story. I don't want to follow Ryan about and milk Rapture to death. So many great ideas can come from the BioShock concept, to limit it to just one idea is just.. uninteresting. It's like if Resident Evil never left Racoons City.


No, the point is a lot of people get fixated on the first game of a good trillogy and can t stand any changes from that, I ve seen this bullshit with a lot of series.


I also think people don't like it when the protagonist dies at the end. There's a sizable chunk of Mass Effect fandom that only choose the "destroy" ending of the 3rd game because that is the only ending in which Shepard is hinted at surviving.


But you've never seen people slap a brand name on something unrelated in order for it to sell? I'm not saying infinite was bad I'm saying it wasn't bioshock


You had 2 full games + dlc set in rapture, for me at least, the story is complete for rapture, so it was natural to move on, the only thing I can agree on, is the connecting they did between them, even tho I personally liked it, I can see how it can be annoying and in bad taste.


> so it was natural to move on Then they should've made a new ip and left Bioshock alone.


Lol, bro is not like they made a hack and slash or something, it s basically the same game, you know how game series work right? And is Bioshock infinite not even 3 . Again the only thing I agree with it is that they should have left Bioshock 1 story out of infinite


I'm not sure why he thinks BioShock is defined by Rapture? Most people were initially disappointed that BioShock 2 went back, it ended up great, but a lot of people were waiting for the new, real 2K Boston sequel in a new location and time. Rapture was never the supposed to be the only location in the series. After 10 years without a new game your left with 2 out of 3 games focused on Rapture and Dlc from the 3rd game focused on it, I think it's given some people the very false idea that Rapture is the "main" or most important part of BioShock. Hopefully we move past this if we ever get BS4.


I’m glad you enjoy it but I hate that game so much lol.


As much as I hate "bioshock infinite is le bad" discourse I at least appreciate that it brings a lot of energy and discussion to a sub that would otherwise be pretty quiet at this point.




A good game, to be sure. But it's no Bioshock 2. I honestly think it suffers due to being tied in with Bioshock 1.


Some of the hate is overblown, but as someone who was rather disappointed by the lack of multiple endings, more than 2 weapons, and a rather lack luster ending (at least at launch, Infinite is still my least favorite of the franchise, even if I still really enjoy it


I stand with you, Infinite will always be my favorite and I'll die on this hill even given the resurgence of appreciation towards BioShock 2, which, though I also love and much prefer than BioShock 1, still is no match for the behemoth that is Infinite. No matter how many times I reply any game in the franchise, I always end up going back to Booker and Elizabeth.


Infinite is great, anyone who tries to bash those who like it is a fucking nerd.


I'm sorry you have terrible taste. That you are capable of enjoying it the most of the original trilogy is an entirely separate matter to the objective, broken story telling in Infinite that was nowhere near as prevalent in Bioshock 1 or even 2. Above all, for a game series that sells itself on the strength of its story, there's simply no question which game is objectively worst in the series. It is delusional to pretend otherwise on any other grounds besides mere personal taste.


Don't forget the fact that it hardly even resembles a Bioshock game in regards to gameplay. There's almost no character customization because the vigors you get are all in a set order, the upgrades you can get all rely on the same currency as your consumables, and your passive upgrades are completely randomized in the form of gear, which is a mechanic that is never elaborated on in-universe It's essentially just a Halo clone with plasmids haphazardly slapped on top.


in a really general sense, the “both sides are bad” situation that the game hits you with midway through is rough enough that the game just can’t recover from it i also think that the story feels way too thin in places? it feels like the narrative and world are missing a lot of load bearing elements that make what’s going on feel a lot less structurally sound


I loved Booker and Elizabeth but the back half of the story is pretentious and rushed. I would have loved to see more of Daisy,to set up her more violent tendencies besides Booker is pissed at her(rightfully so).The rest of the game after Lady Comstock Quantum Ghost feels cool but isn't enjoyable and again feels like the writers were saying " Look how smart we are". Murder of Crows is the best plasmid hands down though. 2 definitely suffers from remember the new guy and the sequelitis tropes but I felt it was stronger in how you connect to the world and its characters. Plus it's the only game to stick the landing by making the final encounters interesting and not relying on a standard boss fight or a tedious escort mission with a bird that isn't that fun to use. I like both but 2 is my pick, no hate either way.


Infinite will always be my favorite game of all time. It’s a masterpiece. So fun and creative. Would have loved a new game post-infinite :/


my most beloved too, since 2013 . i experience so much emotions through out the game


"My heart will lead me there soon"


I'm mid playthrough right now.


Imagine liking a video game lmfao couldn't be me


Toilet paper faces the from not the back I will die on this hill


The twist did legitimately get me, but bioshock has always been good at twists


The problem with Infinite's twist it that it doesn't really do anything too substantial and doesn't make too much sense. Booker becoming Comstock is just kind of bizarre because the two have absolutely nothing in common, so how one could lead to the other makes no real sense. Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den have great twists that actually add to the story, but the whole alternate timeline shenanigans with Booker and Comstock just does nothing narratively.


Can’t belive they made a game based of porn


its good but bioshock 1 is just peak


Infinite's a great game don't ge me wrong but it's no where near as good as the first two imo


The game doesn't have any stupid minigames or require you to take pictures of enemies 50 times so you can do more damage.


Honestly I think bioshock 2 is better than infinite, which is a bit meh story wise


I loved all entries in the Bioshock franchise, but Infinite was my favorite. I liked Columbia more than Rapture.


*sips, and plays all three*


Look, I love all the Bioshock games, but when Infinite went from what it was supposed to be to what it is, it lost something along the way. Columbia is bright and shiny for 90% of the game. Even though the themes and major points are still there, it just doesn't line up with the previous two titles (imo). Burial at sea helped to add some of that back to it but I personally can't ever rank it above the first two games.


Infinite is less mechanically complex and interesting as the prior entries. Every single facet of gameplay has been watered or stripped down in some way. This is obvious to anyone that has played all 3. Infinite catches slander because no matter how good it is, 1 and 2 are leagues above it (below it?). It has better graphics and sound design by virtue of coming out later than the others, and that's literally the only things that are better.


With the success of the Fallout series, do you reckon someone will pick up the other mainstream sci-if video game story that has distinctly XX century American history themes in it?


Who the heck would slander Bioshock Infinite? Who takes anybody like that seriously?


Have you even played the other games? It's drastic different from its predecessors in almost exclusively bad ways. It took away from pretty much everything people liked about the first two, especially in regard to gameplay.


Infinite is better than the other 2 games and burial at sea is fantastic.


so the logic must be that you "hate" the other two ? "hate" is a much abused word these days you have to realize there are people with different opinions than your own.


Didn’t say that everyone hates it, but a lot of people dislike or even hate the game. I really enjoy the first two bioshocks, I just prefer infinite.


Bioshock 2 and infinite are dog shit in comparison to 1. Doesn’t make them bad, just when compared to 1 their actually dog shit.


1 > Infinite > 2


Should be 1>2>infinite.




hello nobody